i J ,.". v . No .Rev-A(A)1- 18/2014-11 a ~. . . l M Dated: Shimla-2 the I . .. . 29.04.2015 The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to promote the followi ng Tehsildars as District Revenue Officers(Class.1Ga zetted) in the ..... ' pay band of Rs. 15,600-39.100+5400 Grade Pay on adhoc basts . With imtnediate ' ffeet in the public intere st'- Sr.No . Name of Tehslldars S/Sh . l ! Dr. Surender T-hakur, Tehsilc!ar under order of transfer from Teh sil Bilaspur to TehsilTissa. District Chamba . Shri A$ha Nand Thakur. Tehsildar Town and Country planning. Sh trnta . Shri G .M.Saklani Tehsildar Arki Distri ct Solan . Shri Arun Kumar Teh sildar Nurpur District Kanqra. SM Kundan Singh Lalta, Tehsildar Nalagarh, District Solan . Sanieev Kumar Tehsildar Ind ustries Deoartment, Shim ls ._- " 2. The above promotion is subject to ' final outcome of CWP/OA$ No.2365/GG'Sh. ANn Kumar Bhardwaj & othe rs ve rsus State Of HP, No.18012009 In OA 1514/2001-Sh. Vinay Mod i versus State of HP. 6812009-Sh. Vikas Sood versus State of HP & other s and CWP No. . 2181/2008- Bh ajna Nand Vs State of H.P.and others or any other decision/orders tak en/issue d by the State GOvernm ent from time to tim e. 3. .. , The above officer(s)will work as such at present place of posting till further orders : They are further directed to submrt their joining report to this Depaitment accordingly. . . By Order. (TARUN SHRIDHAR) A C.S.-cum -F.C. (Rev.) to the Government of Hima chal Pradesh . Endst. No. As ab ove. Daled Shimla-2. the . 29.04.201 5 . Copy forwarded for inform ation and necessary action to: • 1. All the Divisional Commissioners, Him achal Pradesh. 2. All the Deputy Comm issior ers, Him achal Pradesh. 3. The Settle ment Officer, Sh'm!a and Kang ra at D/Shala (HPJ. 4. The Direct or, ' Land Record s/Consolidation of Holdings HP Shimla-9 . 5. The Director, Reven ue Training Institute. Jogindernagar, District Maridi ,HP ~. The Sr. Techn ical Direclor-cum-SIO. NIC, 6" Floor . Armsdale, H.P. 8ectt. Shimla-2 for ho sting this noti fica tion in _ . »> .' the Website. - Concerned Officers. Per sonal file. .J ?:j.5> .l~ . NOTIFICATION - \; ...a0r:t.o\.~~ . Government of Himachal Pradesh Revenue Department. ••• •• It'...... ~ ':---7' (RO """ LAL) Deputy Secrela ry (Rev enue) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh, PH. NO. 0177-2622765
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