CUSTOMER UPRISING! 8 SIGNS YOU’RE HEADED FOR A CUSTOMER REBELLION To say that customers today wield tremendous power is an understatement. Customers today are armed with ever-rising levels of power and are prepared to retaliate against poor customer service. Fortunately, observing the preferences and behaviors of today’s always-connected, digital consumers yields very helpful insight. We’ve assembled 8 key trends that your organization needs to understand to prevent a customer uprising before it begins! Today’s customer experience leaders should be making every effort to understand these macro-trends in consumer behavior, so they can take the necessary steps to build a customer experience that maps to the clear and specific preferences that customers are demonstrating each and every time they initiate an interaction. 1 When consumers experience poor customer service, it’s the company that ultimately loses. More than half of US online consumers will abandon their online purchase if they cannot find a quick answer to their questions; 69% of online consumers move to another channel when online customer service fails. Source: Transform The Contact Center For Customer Service Excellence, Forrester Research Inc. %@!# ?!% 69% If customers aren’t getting the service that they need they will rebel! This rebellion takes the form of abandonment of online purchase transactions, or escalation to higher-cost support channels. In either scenario, organizations pay heavily for delivering a poor digital customer service. © 2015 IntelliResponse Systems Inc. Customer Uprising | 2 2 Consumers prefer digital self-service. 75% of consumers prefer to use online support if it is reliable and provides accurate and complete information. Source: Coleman Parkes Amdocs Survey 75% 3 Multiple studies show that consumers today prefer to go online and self-serve for answers rather than picking up the phone or sending an email. Customer experience leaders need to recognize that a simple search functionality on your website will not provide the self-service experience that customers want. The key to keeping your customers happy is with leading digital self-service technology (such as Virtual Agents) that provides fast, accurate and complete answers to customer questions online. Live chat will bring customers back to your website. 63% of online consumers said they were more likely to return to a website that offers live chat. Source: Making Proactive Chat Work, Forrester Research Inc. Consumers want their interaction with your organization to be digital, so be sure to give them acceptable options for digital support or risk driving them away. As this stat shows, a great way to provide this support is to provide your customers with easy ways to escalate customer service issues through live chat. You’ll not only improve the experience in the moment, you’ll also give customers the confidence to return to your site in the future. © 2015 IntelliResponse Systems Inc. Customer Uprising | 3 4 Make the live support experience superior with better agent KM tools. Customer service agents often use multiple disconnected applications when resolving a single customer issue. This lack of a standardized discovery process negatively affects agent consistency and productivity. More importantly, the longer call handling times that result have a detrimental impact on customer satisfaction. Source: Transform The Contact Center For Customer Service Excellence, Forrester Research Inc. ? ? 5 ? Don’t let your customers revolt due to inefficient, disorganized knowledge management and ill-equipped live agents. If a customer does need to escalate through the phone channel, have a standardized discovery process in place for agents so the call can be resolved quickly, and turn a potential for rebellion into a CSAT win. ? Mobile is the preferred path to finding answers and information. Mobile search will generate 27.8 billion more queries than desktop search by 2016 Source: BIA/Kelsey Report, 2012 Give your customers the speed and convenience of exceptional virtual agent technology right on their mobile phones. This means providing customers with a means to ask their question in natural language and delivering a single correct answer without cluttering the mobile screen with extraneous information. Your customers want to self-serve in all channels, but the mobile channel is arguably the most important. If you can’t offer your customers the mobile experience they expect be prepared for an uprising! © 2015 IntelliResponse Systems Inc. Customer Uprising | 4 6 Consumers do not want to exert effort when interacting with you. 62% of customers report having to contact companies more than once in order to resolve their issue. Source: The Effortless Experience, Matthew Dixon, Nick Toman and Rick DeLisi Generally, the more effort your customers invest to resolve an issue, the less likely they are to remain loyal to your business. One way you can test this for yourself is to visit your company website and try to find single accurate answers for ten common questions. Can customers ask questions in simple natural language? Or does getting the right answer depend on knowing what search words to use? Is a single, accurate answer always offered? Or do search results turn up multiple possible answers? Is the experience ‘complete’ in the sense that it results in a clear and undeniable resolution? Or is it likely your customers will have to call or email you in order to get what they need? Most organizations are surprised to discover just how much work a customer must exert in order to do business with them. 7 Companies will need to know what customers want ‘Next’ before they do! Immediate resolution will not be fast enough as customers will expect companies to proactively address their current and future needs. Source: Customers 2020 Report Today’s leading digital self-service solutions harness incoming customer questions across all digital channels and organize this data in real time to paint a very clear picture of the questions involved along a particular resolution path. When customers ask a question in your digital channel, they can be served with the next-most-likely question on their purchase path, without having to enter the question. What’s more, customers who ask a question that typically requires a more detailed conversation with a live agent can be immediately presented with the call center phone number and encouraged to call right away. This makes it easier to keep customers in your camp by way of next issue avoidance and full issue resolution. © 2015 IntelliResponse Systems Inc. Customer Uprising | 5 111 1 Key Takeaways for High-Growth Companies 5 REASONS WHY VIRTUAL ARE PERFECTCompanies FOR HIGH-GROWTH COMPANIES Key Takeaways forAGENTS High-Growth Key Takeaways for High-Growth Companies 5 REASONS WHY VIRTUAL AGENTS ARE PERFECT FOR HIGH-GROWTH COMPANIES 5 Getting REASONS VIRTUAL PERFECT sFOR HIGH-GROWTH Perspective onoARE Opportunity Cost : COMPANIES Virtual AWHY gents are the AGENTS fAGENTS uture f customer 5 REASONS WHY VIRTUAL ARE PERFECT ervice. FOR HIGH-GROWTH COMPANIES 8 2 222 3 3 33 4 4 4 4 5 5 55 Gartner Apredicts by 2020, the ocustomer willFAILED manage 85% relationship with an enterprise without Virtual gents that are the future f customer service. of the UNDERSTANDING REVENUE LEAKAGE FROM WEBSITE VISITS Virtual Agents re bythe fincreasingly uture oaf cquestion ustomer service. of steer Gartner predicts 2020, thenot customer will manage 85%agents thewill relationship withGet an enterprise without service interacting with that aawill human. So it’s of IF virtual take lead role in your customer Customers be called upon to thethe ship. ready! Virtual A gents a re t he f uture o f c ustomer s ervice. Gartner predicts that by 2020, the customer will manage 85% of the relationship with an enterprise without operation, it’s more aSo question ofatoquestion WHEN will deploy solution many customer you may with a human. it’ssay notthey oftocompany IFwork virtual agents will take the leadand, rolehow in your customer Ininteracting the chart below, we so show you how usewant a your metric you measure allthe thethe time (your monthly call volume) toservice Senior business leaders more with customers to shape Gartner predicts that by So 2020, the customer will manage 85% ofclosely relationship with aninenterprise without interacting with a human. it’s not a question of IF virtual agents will take the lead role your customer service operation, it’s more so a question of WHEN your company will deploy the solution and, how many customer you may lose along the way totocompetitors who do so before you. “follow the trail” back uncovering lost revenue opportunities that executives originate on your website. The customer business models and strategies. Nine out of 10 C-suite say they expect to have interacting with a human. So it’s not a question of IF virtual agents will take the lead role in your service operation, more a question who of WHEN company will deploy the solution and, how manyresearch. customer you may along it’s lose the way competitors do soyour before you.based calculations here usetoso widely-accepted industry averages on leading customer experience “extensive collaboration” with customers within the next five years. operation, it’s more so a question of WHEN your company will deploy the solution and, how many customer you may lose along the way to competitors who do so before you. Not having a solu*on in place yet may in fact be an advantage. For the moment. lose along theaCustomer-Activated to competitors who domso before you. Not Source: The IBM Study hadvantage aving way sofolu*on in yet ay in fC-Suite act be an aasdvantage. For the moment. not bogged One building outplace yourEnterprise, customer service strategy a high-growth company is that you’re Not h aving a s olu*on i n p lace y et m ay i n f act b e a n a dvantage. F or t he m oment. down by legacyDISSATISFIED contact centers, staffUSING and processes. YouCALL may have a window to you’re get a Virtual Agent One advantage ofinvestments building outinyour customer service strategy as a high-growth company is that not bogged CALCULATING CUSTOMERS VOLUME Not having aof sbuilding olu*on out in your pWEB lace yet may in fact be aMONTHLY n aadvantage. Fcompany or the m oment. not bogged One advantage customer service strategy as high-growth is that you’re down by legacy investments in contact centers, staff and processes. You may have a window to get a Virtual Agent solution deployed before key competitors, especially if your main competitors are large-scale enterprises who have One by advantage of building out yourbehaviors customer service strategy as a But high-growth company that not Agent bogged down legacy investments incompetitors, contact centers, staff processes. You may have aEven window getyou’re aofVirtual been slow to react to100,000 thekey changing of today’s consumer. don’t wait. theis to largest companies, solution deployed before especially ifand your main competitors are large-scale enterprises who have in Total Calls down by legacy investments in contact centers, staff and processes. You may have a window to get a Virtual solution before your main of competitors are large-scale enterprises who Agent havein the oldest industries, are competitors, addingbehaviors Virtualespecially Agents atif the center theirdon’t interaction channels. been slowdeployed toofreact to the key changing of today’s consumer. But wait. Even the largest of companies, solution deployed before key competitors, especially if your main competitors are large-scale enterprises who inbound calls come customers who to resolve their have Unresolved been slow to to the57% changing ofoftoday’s Butfrom don’t wait. Even thetried largest of companies, in the of react industries, are adding behaviors Virtual57% Agents at the consumer. center of their interaction channels. oldest been slow to react to the changing behaviors of today’s consumer. But don’t wait. Even the largest of companies, in issues online, but couldn’t. Such is the pervasiveness of online selfthe oldest of industries, are adding Virtual Agents at the center of their interaction channels. Agents offer many benefits over live agents. Virtual Failed at Site 57,000 the oldest of industries, are adding Virtual Agents at thetake center of their (Mattinteraction Dixon, Board)lowservice inefficiencies Virtual You’ve probably at abenefits dizzying pace. atoday. breather now. WithCorporate achannels. Virtual Executive Agent handling Agents been offer hiring many over You live can agents. Virtual Agents offer many enefits over live agents. You’ve probably been hiring atyou a bdizzying pace. You take astaff breather, With awith Virtual Agent low-only complexity questions online, can operate with acan skeleton contact fewer repshandling that handle Virtual A gents o ffer m any b enefits o ver l ive a gents. Most companies don’t look any further to see what this really means. You’ve probably been hiring at a dizzying pace. You can take a breather now. With a Virtual Agent handling lowhigher-value or complex customer is the future the contact What’s Agents complexity questions online, you caninteractions. operate withThis a skeleton staff of contact center,center. with fewer repsmore, that VIRTUAL handle only You’ve probably beenonline, hiringyou at a dizzying pace. You cancalls takestaff a breather now. a Virtualofreps Agent handling lowThese 57,000 theWith population web visitors who complexity questions operate with adesk skeleton contact center, that handle only higher-value ornever complex customer interactions. This is the ofrepresent the let contact center. What’sonmore, VIRTUAL Agents work 24 x7, get sick, andcan never leave their to future goonly to lunch, alone towith go fewer away vacation. questions online, you can operate withfind aisskeleton staff contact center, with What’s fewer reps that handle only couldn’t the answer wanted higher cost Agents higher-value or complex customer interactions. the future ofthey thelet contact center. more, VIRTUAL complexity work 24 x7, never get sick, and never leave theirThis desk to go to lunch, aloneAND to goescalated away on to vacation. higher-value complex interactions. istothe of the contact What’s more, VIRTUAL Agents channels. However, according Forrester this escalation work x7, never getwsick, and ynever theirThis desk gofuture to lunch, letttoraffic. alone tocenter. goResearch, away on vacation. irtual Aor gent ill customer help ou mleave one*ze customer service A V24 work 24 between x7, neverpositive getill sick, and never leave their desk to to lunch,of letyour alone gotoaway vacation. action iscustomer taken bygo only 75% sitetovisitors. A The Virtual Agent w help you m one*ze traffic. link customer service experience and aservice customer’s propensity buy on is clear. Virtual Agents let A V irtual A gent w ill h elp y ou m one*ze c ustomer s ervice t raffic. While the above stat describes the attitude of today’s business leader, the attitude is run Agents youlink capitalize the immediate ‘goodwill’ in the of the right answer.toOur their own The betweenonpositive customer service earned experience anddelivery a customer’s propensity buyclients is clear.have Virtual let A/ A V irtual A gent w ill h elp y ou m one*ze c ustomer s ervice t raffic. In other words, if 57,000 represents 75% of the total number of The link between positive customer service experience and a customer’s propensity to buy is clear. Virtual Agents let you capitalize on the immediate ‘goodwill’ earned in the delivery of the right answer. Our clients have run their own A/ B tests that conversion rates improve when you provide relevant offers that match the intent of a customers original very clearly informed by the macro-trend of today’s customers being eager to voice Most companies, unaware of the The link between positive customer service experience and a customer’s propensity to buy is clear. Virtual Agents let ‘disgruntled’ web visitors, then the TOTAL population of web visitors you capitalize on the immediate ‘goodwill’ earned in the delivery of the right answer. Our clients have run their own A/ The besttoVirtual Agents have thisyou intent-recognition intelligence built in. RELEVANT open the Bquestion. tests conversion rates improve when provide relevant offers that match the intent of a customers theirthat opinion the companies that serve them. Thematching best way to avoid an uprising in offersoriginal statistics, don’t ‘follow the trail’ you capitalize on the immediate ‘goodwill’ earned in the delivery ofis the rightmatch answer. Our clients have runfull their own A/ who did not find answers actually 76,000. And here’s how the B tests that conversion rates improve when you provide relevant offers that the intent of a customers original door to conversions. question. The best Virtual Agents have this intent-recognition matching intelligence built in. RELEVANT offers open the to get this a glimpse ofisthe staggering regard to provide your customers with a way for them to be heard. Today’s leading B tests that conversion rates improve when you provide relevant offers that match the intent of a customers original population responds: The best Virtualtechnologies Agents have this intent-recognition matching built in. RELEVANT offers open the door to conversions. digital lostquestion. revenue potential. self-service enable instant collection ofintelligence pure voice-of-the-customer Calls Not Deflected 16,425 question. The best Virtual Agents have this intent-recognition matching intelligence built offers open the door to conversions. Athat gents Give You Voice of the Customer Insight Like None Omaintain ther. in. RELEVANT Virtual insight can be analyzed for stakeholders in real-time. This helps harmony door to conversions. escalate to higher cost =10% 57,000 in FCR Virtual gents You Voice of t• he 75% Customer Insight Like Nchannels one Other. of the customer than with a There isAno easier,Give faster, or more cost-effective way toImprovement begin building your understanding with your customers because you• can use collected insights to take immediate corrective 17% defect to competitors = 12,920 Number of Calls Avoided 1,643 Virtual A gents G ive Y ou V oice o f t he C ustomer I nsight L ike N one O ther. Virtualis Agent. It’s faster, like employing 24x7 marketway research agent with the to talk toofmillions of customers every There no easier, or more acost-effective to begin building yourcapacity understanding the customer than with a action, and make strategic enhancements to your product service offerings. Virtual gents Give ou of • the Customer Ialtogether nsight Like Nunderstanding one Other. 11% abandon =and 8,360 There isAgent. noA easier, faster, or more cost-effective way to begin building the customer than with a year and report to Y you onVaoice every without leaving outthe ayour single word fromtoa of single conversation. Virtual It’s back like employing 24x7interaction market research agent with capacity to talk millions of customers every There isreport no easier, cost-effective way to begin your understanding of theconversation. customer thanevery with a Virtual Agent. It’sback likefaster, employing a 24x7 market research agentbuilding with capacity talk to millions of customers year and to youoronmore every interaction without leaving out the a single wordtofrom a single Virtual Agent. It’s like employing a 24x7 market research agent with the capacity to talk to millions of customers year and report back to you on every interaction without leaving out a single word from a single conversation. every year Calls and report back100,000 to you on every interaction without leaving out a Website single wordforfrom a single conversation. Customers Who Left Your a Competitor Total 12,920 Customers Who Left Your Website Unsatisfied 8,360 Get a Free, No Obligation Assessment of Your 21,280 Total Dissatisfied Customers Get aWebsite’s Free, No Obligation Assessment of Your Self-Service Performance! Get aWebsite’s Free, No Obligation Assessment of Your Self-Service Performance! Get a Get Free,a No Obligation Assessment ofofYour Free, No Obligation Analysis Based on the calculations in the chart above, for every 100,000Self-Service calls in your call center, you can assume Website’s Performance! Website’s Performance! Website’s Self-Service Performance there were 21,280 customers or prospects onYour your website thatSelf-Service willingly tried to engage in customer service 1-866-454-0084 with your company, but could not. And the majority of these consumers went immediately to a competitor. 1-866-454-0084 1-866-454-0084 Simply multiply your total annual call volume by 21% to get anofidea of how many web visitorsResearch, left your1-866-454-0084 website 1-866-454-0084 Compliments IntelliResponse and Forrester Inc. disappointed. What would be the revenue upside of deploying a virtual agent and in your digitalResearch, channels Inc. to not Compliments of IntelliResponse Forrester only satisfy the majority of these visitorsTowith instant accurate answers, but also convert a portion of them of IntelliResponse and Forrester Research, Inc. learnCompliments more about taking online self-service Compliments of IntelliResponse and Forrester Research, Inc. into online sales using highly relevant marketing to the nextoffers? level for your customers, visit © 2013 IntelliResponse Systems Inc. © 2013 IntelliResponse Systems Inc. © 2013 IntelliResponse Systems Inc. 2013 2014 IntelliResponseSystems SystemsInc. Inc. ©©2015 IntelliResponse To learn more about taking online self-service the next level for your customers, visit To learn more about taking online self-service Tothe learn taking online self-service to nextmore levelabout for your customers, visit to the next level for your customers, visit THE BUSINESS CASE FOR DIGITAL SELF SERVICE: TOP-LINE REVENUE | 4
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