KAISER PERMANENTE ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines 4/9/2015 Date 11/15/2013 11/25/2013 1/10/2014 1/17/2014 Version 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1/20/2014 1.0 1/31/2014 2/6/2014 1/20/2015 3/18/15 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 KP Review Level KP ICD-10 ETP Team KP ICD-10 ETP Team KP ICD-10 ETP Team KP ICD-10 Realization Team Leads KP ICD-10 Steering Committee Work Group Initial External Provider Input KP ICD-10 ETP Team KP ICD-10 ETP Team KP ICD-10 ETP Team Comments Initial Peer Review Initial stakeholder input incorporated Document distributed and reviewed by all KP regions Revision to 835 ERA references Expanded upon CMS Level II position Included mock compliance dates, across regions Updated per compliance delay to 10/1/2015 Removed reference to OH, references to paper claims Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser Permanente ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines 4/9/15 1|Page Permanente 1.5 KP ICD-10 ETP Team Changed Mock Compliance dates for NCAL and SCAL to 5/14/15. Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines Table of Contents 1. Purpose of ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines...................................................................... 3 2. Background ........................................................................................................................................... 3 3. ICD-10 Testing and CMS Compliance.................................................................................................... 3 3.1. What do the CMS Guidelines mean for Kaiser Permanente? ....................................................... 4 4. External Testing Success Criteria .......................................................................................................... 4 5. Provider Testing Process and Timelines ............................................................................................... 5 5.1. Defect Resolution/Re-test Process ............................................................................................... 6 6. Test Plan................................................................................................................................................ 6 6.1. Mock Compliance Date and Data De-identification Strategy ....................................................... 6 6.2. Test Scenarios ............................................................................................................................... 7 2|Page Permanente Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines 1. Purpose of ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines The purpose of the ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines is to provide a consistent set of ICD-10 testing instructions for external providers and associated clearinghouses. It is designed to set expectations for testing scope, process and standards. The testing process is described, including logging and triaging issues in addition to establishing successful testing outcome criteria. The testing guidelines are intended for external providers and clearinghouses only and do not include third party administrators, rental networks, vendors and government agencies. The objective of testing with external providers is to demonstrate the ability to send and receive healthcare transactions, utilizing the ICD-10 code set. Specifically, KP is not to test ICD codes themselves, but rather the usage of codes based on the claim date of service and according to CMS guidelines. 2. Background In the January 16, 2009 Federal Register (74 FR 3328), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a final rule in which the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) adopted the ICD10-CM and ICD-10-PCS (hereafter referred to as “ICD-10”) code sets as the HIPAA standards to replace the previously adopted International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification, Volumes 1 and 2 (diagnoses), and 3 (procedures), including the Official ICD-9-CM Guidelines for Coding and Reporting. The compliance date set by the final rule was originally October 1, 2013. In the September 5, 2012 Federal Register (77 FR 172), HHS changed the compliance date for ICD-10 from October 1, 2013 to October 1, 2014. On April 1 2014, President Obama signed the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (H.R. 4302), which in addition to extending current Medicare physician pay rates, delayed the implementation compliance date to 10/1/2015. Kaiser Permanente intends to fully comply with the legal requirements put forth by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in the ICD-10 mandate and we strongly encourage our external institutional and professional providers to do the same. Beginning October 1, 2015, we will process claims submitted with ICD-9 codes only for dates of service (outpatient) or dates of discharge (inpatient) prior to October 1, 2015. We will continue to monitor CMS' position closely and will adjust our approach as necessary. 3. ICD-10 Testing and CMS Compliance Kaiser Permanente (KP) is committed to meeting the ICD-10 mandate put forth by CMS. While KP has taken the necessary steps to meet the ICD-10 requirements internally; external trading partner testing will allow KP and its partners to meet CMS compliance guidelines and to manage business risk associated with the ICD-10 cutover. CMS has provided a framework for industry-wide ICD-10 testing within the publication of documentation on the http://www.cms.gov website. CMS Level I is internal to Kaiser Permanente and will be completed prior to engaging external providers during test effort. KP intends to meet the objectives of CMS Level II by successfully testing ICD-10 with its external providers. 3|Page Permanente Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines Table 1: Excerpt from ICD-10 Implementation Guide for Payers CMS Level l (Internal Testing) compliance indicates that entities covered by HIPAA can create and receive compliant transactions. Transactions should maintain the integrity of content as they move through systems and processes Transformations, translations, or other changes in data can be tracked and audited CMS Level II (External Testing) compliance indicates that an entity covered by HIPAA has completed end-to-end testing with each of its external trading partners and is prepared to move into production mode with the new versions of the standards by the end of that period. Trading-partner testing portals need to be established1 Transaction specification changes should be defined and communicated2 Inbound and outbound transaction-related training may be required3 A certification process may be needed for inbound transactions4 Rejections and re-submissions related to invalid codes at the transaction level are handled5 Parallel test systems to test external transactions6 Source: http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coding/ICD10/downloads/ICD10Payers508.pdf (see page 45) 3.1. What do the CMS Guidelines mean for Kaiser Permanente? In order to satisfy CMS level I testing guidelines, KP has remediated its EDI gateway and claims processing system with the capability to receive inbound claims from external providers that contain ICD-10 codes. KP intends to satisfy CMS Level II testing guidelines by engaging a representative sample of external providers to submit test claims with ICD-10 codes. And specifically, this is Kaiser’s position on CMS’ six bullet points in Table 1 above: 1 KP is not using any 3rd party portals for ICD-10 testing; rather, KP is using existing clearinghouse testing processes. Refer to your clearinghouse for test file submission and receiving instructions. 2 Refer to section 6 of this document for test scenarios. 3 As training needs arise, KP and the external provider will collaborate together as necessary. 4 KP is using CMS acceptance and rejection criteria for ICD-10. KP is not requiring a certification process. 5 Refer to section 5.1 for testing transparency statement. 6 KP is utilizing a test environment and expects the provider to do so as well. At no time will any PHI be used during the testing process. 4. External Testing Success Criteria Based on CMS’ definitions of ICD-10 compliance and CMS Level II testing guidelines, KP has determined a specific scope list of healthcare transactions that will be tested as part of the external provider testing effort. Our specific scope list, once tested successfully, will define our testing success criteria. 4|Page Permanente Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines Specifically: 1. An external provider can send claims (837) using ICD-10 codes. 2. KP can receive claims (837) using ICD-10 codes, while applying the same claims acceptance policy as CMS. 3. KP can send an acknowledgement of acceptance or rejection (999 and/or 277) in response to an external provider’s claim that utilizes ICD-10 codes. 4. KP can send an electronic remittance advice (835) upon successful adjudication of an external provider’s test claim that utilized ICD-10 codes. a. NOTE: Claims pricing is based upon an external provider’s contract with KP. The pricing returned via ICD-10 inbound claims testing is not guaranteed to be identical to pricing received after the ICD-10 cutover as pricing mechanisms, such as DRGs, may change. 5. Provider Testing Process and Timelines KP’s testing period is predicated upon the completion of the remediation process on KP’s claim systems to send, receive and effectively process ICD-10 codes. KP anticipates that conducting ICD-10 testing with external providers is a 2-3 week process. The exact duration of testing will be confirmed during test planning meetings that will involve KP and the specific external provider. A high level depiction of our external provider testing process is as follows: Figure 1: ICD-10 External Provider Testing Timeline Milestone Planned Testing Break/Fix Period Week 1 M Tu W Week 2 Th F M Tu W Week 3 Th F M Tu W Th F Kick-off ETP Testing Planned ICD scheduled testing and defect management Verify Testing Connectivity Confirm Test Execution Schedule Confirm Test Scenarios Determine if Break/Fix period needed Confirm Retest Scenarios Confirm Testing Completion Break/Fix Period: Re-test mutually agreed upon scenarios, defect management Prepare/Configure Data in Test Environment Confirm Testing Completion Specific external provider testing processes will vary by the external provider’s associated clearinghouses. KP is committed to following the standard ICD-10 testing process, as defined by the clearinghouse and will not create a separate process. 5|Page Permanente Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines 5.1. Defect Resolution/Re-test Process In the event that defects are discovered by an external provider, the clearinghouse or KP, each entity must be informed of the defect. Additionally, the defects should be logged and both sides must agree on a decision to re-test in order to enter the break/fix period. However, prior to entering into break/fix period, the external provider and KP must determine and agree on which scenarios which will be re-tested. Moreover, both parties must agree on which cases should be re-tested from a regression test coverage perspective. 6. Test Plan As a payer, KP will provide specific testing scenarios to external providers. Upon discussion and agreement on the test scenarios, KP and the external provider, working in conjunction with the clearinghouse, will define the testing schedule. Upon confirmation of the test schedule, KP and the external provider will need to agree on the specific test data requirements necessary to coordinate testing between an external provider’s billing system and KP’s EDI and claims adjudication system, e.g. agreeing on an ICD-10 compliance simulation date. KP encourages planning sessions with testing project managers and IT SMEs (KP and provider) to discuss specific testing timelines, test scenarios, test data, de-identification of data strategy, mock compliance date alignment and additional provider requirements. 6.1. Mock Compliance Date and Data De-identification Strategy During the KP and the provider planning sessions, IT SMEs and PMs should be in attendance to work through and eventually confirm test timelines, test scenarios and test data. Moreover, the mock compliance date and data de-identification strategy is necessary to ensure that PHI is not used in test. Table 2: Mock Compliance Date(s), by Region Region Northern California (NCAL) Southern California (SCAL) Colorado (CO) Mid-Atlantic States (MAS) Northwest (NW) Georgia (GA) Hawaii (HI) 6|Page Permanente Mock Compliance Date 5/14/15 5/14/15 5/28/15 5/28/15 5/28/15 5/28/15 5/28/15 Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines 6.2. Test Scenarios As external providers prepare test claims for submission to Kaiser Permanente, KP will expect between 10 to 25 claims that are representative of the following test scenarios. The scenarios captured in the table below do not represent the final list of test scenarios. KP encourages discussions pertaining to additional test scenarios that meet additional provider requirements, beyond the list in table. Table 3: ICD-10 Test Scenario Guidelines # Test Scenario Guidelines Type Expected Outcome Notes ICD-10 Usage For Dates of Service Equal to or Later Than ICD-10 Compliance Simulation Date 1 ICD-10 codes after compliance date 837 I/P Accept Claim May include limited paper claims Acknowledgement of receipt and pricing returned (835) ICD-10 Usage For Dates of Service Prior to the ICD-10 Compliance Simulation Date 2 ICD-10 codes prior to compliance date 837 I/P Reject Claim May include limited paper claims Rejection only, no pricing returned ICD-9 Usage For Dates of Service Equal to or Later Than ICD-10 Compliance Simulation Date 3 ICD-9 codes after compliance date 837 I/P Reject Claim May include limited paper claims Rejection only, no pricing returned ICD-9 Usage For Dates of Service Prior to the ICD-10 Compliance Simulation Date 4 ICD-9 codes prior to compliance date 837 I/P Accept Claim 837 I/P Return to Provider May include limited paper claims Acknowledgement of receipt and pricing returned (835) ICD-9 and ICD-10 Code Combinations on the Same Claim 5 Claims that contain both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes KP or Clearinghouse to reject claim as unprocessable Claims that Span the ICD-10 Compliance Simulation Date 6 Refer to CMS guidelines in the table below – source (see Figure 2) Appropriate Usage of ICD Code Set Indicator 7 8 Diagnosis code indicator “BK” for ICD-9 or “ABK” for ICD-10 Procedure code indicator “BR” or “BQ” for ICD-9, or “BBR” or “BBQ” for ICD-10 Appropriate code set indicator usage is required for both testing and production operations Table 4: Institutional Providers (MM7492) # Bill Types Facility Types/Services Institutional Providers 1 11X Inpatient Hospitals (incl. TERFHA hospitals, Prospective Payment System (PPS) hospitals, Long Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) 2 12X 7|Page Permanente Inpatient Part B Hospital Services Claims Processing Requirement Use FROM or THROUGH Date If the hospital claim has a discharge and/or through date on or after 10/1/15, then the entire claim is billed using ICD-10. THROUGH Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines # Bill Types 3 13X Outpatient Hospital Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. 4 14X Non-patient Laboratory Services Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. 5 18X Swing Beds If the [Swing bed or SNF] claim has a discharge and/or through date on or after 10/1/15, then the entire claim is billed using ICD10. THROUGH 6 21X Skilled Nursing (Inpatient Part A) If the [Swing bed or SNF] claim has a discharge and/or through date on or after 10/1/15, then the entire claim is billed using ICD10. THROUGH 7 22X Skilled Nursing Facilities (Inpatient Part B) Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM 8 23X Skilled Nursing Facilities (Outpatient) Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM 9 32X Home Health (Inpatient Part B) Allow HHAs to use the payment group code derived from ICD-9 codes on claims which span 10/1/2015, but require those claims to be submitted using ICD-10 code. THROUGH 10 3X2 Home Health – Request for Anticipated Payment (RAPs)* * NOTE - RAPs can report either an ICD-9 code or an ICD-10 code based on the one (1) date reported. Since these dates will be equal to each other, there is no requirement needed. The corresponding final claim, however, will need to use an ICD-10 code if the HH episode spans beyond 10/1/2015. *See Note 11 34X Home Health – (Outpatient ) Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM 12 71X Rural Health Clinics Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM 13 72X End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM 14 73X Federally Qualified Health Clinics (prior to 4/1/10) N/A – Always ICD-9 code set. 15 74X Outpatient Therapy Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM 16 75X Comprehensive Outpatient Rehab facilities Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM 8|Page Permanente Facility Types/Services Claims Processing Requirement Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser Use FROM or THROUGH Date FROM FROM N/A ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines # Bill Types Facility Types/Services Claims Processing Requirement Use FROM or THROUGH Date FROM 17 76X Community Mental Health Clinics Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. 18 77X Federally Qualified Health Clinics (effective 4/4/10) Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM 19 81X Hospice- Hospital Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM 20 82X Hospice – Non hospital Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. FROM 21 83X Hospice – Hospital Based N/A 22 85X Critical Access Hospital Split Claims - Require providers split the claim so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim with Dates of Service (DOS) through 9/30/2015 and all ICD-10 codes placed on the other claim with DOS beginning 10/1/2015 and later. N/A FROM Table 5: Special Outpatient Claims Processing Circumstances (MM7492) Scenario Claims Processing Requirement Use FROM or THROUGH Date Special Outpatient Claims Processing Circumstances 3-day /1-day Payment Window Since all outpatient services (with a few exceptions) are required to be bundled on the inpatient bill if rendered within three (3) days of an inpatient stay; if the inpatient hospital discharge is on or after 10/1/2015, the claim must be billed with ICD-10 for those bundled outpatient services. THROUGH Table 6: Professional Claims (MM7492) Type of Claim Claims Processing Requirement Use FROM or THROUGH Date Professional Claims All anesthesia claims Anesthesia procedures that begin on 9/30/15 but end on 10/1/15 are to be billed with ICD-9 diagnosis codes and use 9/30/15 as both the FROM and THROUGH date. FROM Table 7: Supplier Claims (MM7492) Supplier Type Claims Processing Requirement Use FROM or THROUGH Date Supplier Claims DMEPOS Since all outpatient services (with a few exceptions) are required to be bundled on the inpatient bill if rendered within three (3) days of an inpatient stay; if the inpatient hospital discharge is on or after 10/1/2015, the claim must be billed with ICD-10 for those bundled outpatient services. FROM Tables 4, 5, 6 and 7 may be found on the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website: http://www.cms.gov/outreach-and-education/medicare-learning-networkmln/mlnmattersarticles/downloads/SE1408.pdf 9|Page Permanente Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser ICD-10 External Provider Testing Guidelines MM7492, however, did not include 33X as a bill type for the requirements provided. MM7704 adds the requirements for bill type 33X: http://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Medicare-Learning-NetworkMLN/MLNMattersArticles/downloads/MM7704.pdf 10 | P a g e Permanente Confidential and Proprietary to Kaiser
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