UMKC SGA ELECTION 2015 CANDIDATE FILING NOTICE AND INFORMATION PACKET Deadline: Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 at 5:00 pm. Submit to the Office of Student Involvement, Suite 320 of the Student Union UMKC STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION ELECTIONS APRIL 20TH – APRIL 24TH, 2015 1 March 31st, 2015 Email: Dear Student Government Candidate: Thank you for your interest in the Student Government Association of the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Enclosed you will find the materials you need in order to participate in the upcoming SGA election. These items are listed below. • • • • • • • SGA Filing Notice Duties of the Executive Board Officers Rules for Election Publicity SGA Election Code Conduct Standards for Students Candidate Campaign Spending Report Important Election Dates *Complete SGA Constitution and By-Laws can be found on RooGroups If any of these items are missing from your packet, please contact the Office of Student Involvement immediately. All candidates wishing to run in the election must attend a mandatory campaign meeting on April 9th, 2015 in the Student Union (Room TBA) at 6:00 pm. Official campaigning will begin after the candidate meeting. Candidates in the election will also have an opportunity to participate in an optional candidate debate. The debate has been tentatively scheduled for Friday, April 17th, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. in the Student Union (Room TBA) in the Student Union. Each candidate will answer questions from the SGA Executive Board, the audience, and other candidates. If you plan to run for the position of Comptroller, you must have prior experience as a member of the Student Activity Fee Committee (SAFC). If you have any questions or concerns about the election, please contact us using the contact information listed below. Again, thank you for your interest in the Student Government Association and best of luck in the election. Sincerely, Carlos Comini Election Director 816.517.8339 Angela Cottrell Director, Student Involvement 816.235.1407 2 SGA CANDIDATE FILING NOTICE MY NAME IS ___________________________________ . I AM RUNNING FOR THE OFFICE OF _____________ . IF I AM PART OF A PARTY, TICKET, OR SLATE, THE NAME OF THAT GROUP IS __________________ . MY DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: ( ) ___________ MY EVENING PHONE NUMBER: ( ) __________ _ __ MY E-MAIL ADDRESS: __________________________ PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS AND SIGN BELOW. 1. I have personally completed this form and understand all rules and requirements, including mandatory meetings, behavior, paperwork and deadlines. 2. I grant permission to the Office of Student Involvement to verify my student status, GPA and discipline records at UMKC for eligibility purposes. (NOTE: SGA candidates must be in good standing, have accumulated 12 hours of credit and maintained a minimum of 2.5 GPA at UMKC). 3. Further, I hereby attest and certify that I have never been convicted of, nor plead guilty to, any felony offense. Name: (please print) _______________________________ Your Signature: ___________________________________ Today’s Date: _________________________________ 3 STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION CANDIDATE FILING CHECKLIST I acknowledge I have completed the following before turning in my filing notice: PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING: I am a declared candidate for a Student Government Association executive position for the SGA election of April 2015. Deadline: Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. to the Office of Student Involvement (Suite 320 of the Student Union). ______I understand that each SGA candidate must be in good standing, have accumulated 12 hours of credit and maintained a minimum of 2.5 GPA at UMKC. ______I have received an information packet, which contains a copy of the SGA Constitution, the SGA Election Code, rules governing the publicity of the election, conduct standards for students and a copy of the Candidate Spending Report Form. ______I understand that if I wish to have my name withdrawn from the ballot, I must give the Office of Student Involvement written notification prior to the ballot going to the press. If I withdraw after the ballots are printed, signs at each polling place will indicate that I have withdrawn from the ballot. ______I understand that there is a mandatory candidate meeting on April 9, 2015 in the Student Union (Room TBA) at 6:00 pm. I understand that I must personally attend and that a representative of me or of my party, ticket, or slate is not acceptable. I understand that I cannot begin any form of campaigning until after the mandatory candidate meeting. ______I understand that the candidate debate is on Friday, April 17, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. in the Student Union (Room TBA) (Not Mandatory). ______I have included my 500-word candidate statement with this filling notice. (Please type) ______I have included 10 questions for the candidate debate with this notice. ______If I am running as part of a full-party ticket, we have turned in all of our filing notices together. ______If I have not finished any of the above, I acknowledge that my filing notice is not complete and will not be accepted. 4 STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION On a separate sheet(s) of paper, write a statement (containing no more than 500 words) as to why you have declared yourself as a candidate for the office for which you are running. Please enclose your typed statement with your filing packet. Your statement may be published in the University News and Roo Groups. IMPORTANT: Only the following items should be submitted to the Office of Student Involvement in the Student Union: - Candidate Filing Notice (page 3) Candidate Filing Checklist (page 4) Your Written Statement 10 questions for the candidate debate (The above items are due April 8th, 2015 by 5:00 pm) - Candidate Campaign Spending Form (page 17) Due: April 29th, 2015 at 5:00 pm 5 Duties of the Executive Board from Title II of the SGA Bylaws Section 11: Duties of the President A. The President is the chief executive officer of the organization and shall be the official representative of SGA. B. The President is responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring a course of action for SGA. C. The President shall be responsible for insuring that the organization’s actions are consistent with the rules and regulations of the University. D. The President shall determine an agenda for and preside over all Executive Board meetings. E. The President is responsible for enforcing Student Senate legislation, the SGA Constitution and its Bylaws. F. The President is responsible for preparing and submitting SGA legislation to the Student Senate. G. The President shall prepare and make available (annually) all operating budget recommendations to the Student Senate. H. The President has sole responsibility of appointing senators from the Student Senate to faculty, administrative, student and SGA standing or special committees when requested and as needed. I. The President shall be responsible for approving or vetoing Student Senate legislation. J. The President shall serve as a member of the Intercampus Student Council. Section 12: Duties of the Executive Vice President A. The Executive Vice President is responsible for performing the duties of the President if the President is unable to carry them out. B. The Executive Vice President shall be responsible for serving as Chair of the Student Senate and the Constitution Committee. C. The Executive Vice is responsible each Senator with copies of all legislation to be reviewed at least (3) days prior to the regularly scheduled Student Senate meeting. D. The Executive Vice President shall serve as a member of the Intercampus Student Council. 6 Section 13: Duties of the Administrative Vice President A. The Administrative Vice President shall represent the Executive Council at Student Senate meetings. B. The Administrative Vice President is responsible for notifying all Senators of regularly scheduled Senate meetings and of any special meetings at least one week in advance. C. The Administrative Vice President shall compile and distribute the attendance records of all Senators and SAFC members as outlined in Article III, Section 6b of the SGA Bylaws. D. The Administrative Vice President must maintain permanent records of all Student Senate and SAFC proceedings. E. The Administrative Vice President must preserve all Divisional and Secondary Councils, and student organization charters and/or constitutions on file for public records. F. The Administrative Vice President is responsible for chairing the Personnel Committee when called. Section 14: Duties of the Comptroller A. The Comptroller shall represent the Executive Council at Student Senate meetings. B. The Comptroller is responsible for chairing the Student Activity Fee Committee C. The Comptroller shall prepare and present to the Student Senate (at least once each semester) all allocation budget recommendations made by the Student Activity Fee Committee. D. The Comptroller shall prepare and maintain a detailed record of all funding requests and allocations of organizations that came before the SAFC for funds throughout the academic year. 1. Said documentation is to remain on file with the Office of Student Involvement and to be used as record for funding process for the incoming SAFC Chair. 7 RULES FOR ELECTION PUBLICITY BULLETIN BOARD POSTING A. General Bulletin Board Policy 1. The University reserves the right to determine the scope, manner, location, duration, and content of materials posted on University property. 2. All materials to be posted must receive necessary approvals prior to posting (see section B). Approval is restricted for most commercial sale ventures. 3. All non-University materials must be stamped with the proper approvals and stamped with the disclaimer from the Office of Student Involvement. The disclaimer states: “For information purposes only. No University endorsement intended Office of Student Involvement - UMKC.” 4. Material advertising events which conflict with University programs or policies may or may not be approved. The Office of Student Involvement shall make this determination. 5. Sponsorships should be shown on all materials. The name and phone number or email of a contact person must be listed on the materials. 6. Election materials for national, state or local elections may not be posted. 7. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring group to remove posted materials after the event is completed. 8. Unstamped/unauthorized material will be removed. 9. No fliers/posters promoting alcohol or other illegal substance use either stated or implied will be approved. 10. Images or language deemed profane, defaming, or inflammatory will not be approved. B. Sources for Approval 1. The Office of Student Involvement reviews all materials for posting in the University Center and on general campus-wide boards. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs (336 Administrative Center) may review all off-campus organization materials if deemed necessary by the Office of Student Involvement. 2. In academic buildings, specific boards are designated for academic unit use and may require additional approval. Please contact the Administrative Office in each building for specific guidelines. C. Posting Procedures 1. Materials must be posted only on appropriate boards or areas. 2. Materials must be posted using pushpins or tacks; no more than one like poster per board may be displayed. 3. Posted materials should not cover in any significant way any existing materials. 4. All oversized posters will be attached to hang at the bottom of the display board. 5. No fliers/posters promoting alcohol or other illegal substance use either stated or implied will be approved. 6. Hand-outs/fliers may not be placed on classroom seats, posted at random in classrooms or attached to cars in parking lots. (See also distribution of Literature Policies). DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE ON CAMPUS A.) Recognized student organizations may distribute literature on campus with prior authorization of the Office of Student Involvement with four stipulations: 1. All posters, handouts and flyers must clearly state sponsorship by a recognized student organization. 2. Posters/notices are to be posted in accordance with the Bulletin Board Policy. 3. Two copies of all mass handouts and/or flyers must be filed in the Office of Student Involvement. 4. Handouts or flyers may not be placed in classroom seats or posted at random in classrooms, or attached to cars or to University property not designated for that purpose. a. In the case of a petition, sponsorship may be an individual student. b. Distribution of SGA election material must be in accordance with policies of the SGA Election Board. c. The University reserves the right to define the time, the place and manner for the distribution of literature and the holding of activities and events. 8 Section 5: Election Code A. Candidate Qualifications a. Any person authorized by the SGA Constitution, and not otherwise disqualified by the provisions of this Code and University regulations, may run for Executive Council office and must be issued proper candidate filing forms for timely application. B. Divisional and Secondary Council Elections a. Divisional and Secondary Councils may not hold their elections on the same days as the Executive Council election. More than one Divisional or Secondary Council election may be held on any other school day during the school year, and the Election Board may administer said elections, if requested to do so by the Divisional or Secondary Councils. C. The Election Date a. The date of the Executive Council election shall be determined in accordance with the SGA Constitution by the Election Director and the Executive Council, with Student Senate approval, and shall be set in April. i. The date shall be set at the first (1st) regularly scheduled Senate meeting in January. ii. The election date of any and all University-wide referendum votes, constitutional votes or special elections shall be set by majority vote of the Student Senate members constituting a quorum. iii. Only the Student Senate may set the date of Executive Council elections, referendum elections, constitutional votes or other special University-wide elections iv. The Executive Council and the Election Board are absolutely bound by the dates set by the Student Senate for these types of votes or elections. D. Consequences for Failure to File the Proper Forms a. Any candidate failing to properly and truthfully file the forms and reports required by this Code may be removed from the ballot or if elected, restrained from taking office. The Superior Court, upon proper application, may order such sanctions. E. Slates or Party a. Candidates may join with others and run their campaign in concert as a slate or party. A consent form must be signed and filed with the Election Board and the Student Life Office by each candidate who wishes to run as a slate or party. The name of the slate or party may appear on the ballot at the candidate’s request. Campaign materials containing the name or alliance of the slate or party may be distributed by said candidates or other persons operating on behalf of said candidates only after the consent form has been signed and filed. F. Candidate Forum a. The Election Board shall sponsor a forum or debate with the prospective Executive Council candidates. b. The forum or debate shall be at least twenty-four (24) hours before the election. The event is not to exceed two (2) hours in length. The Election Board shall make all arrangements pertaining to the forum. The event is to be publicized two (2) weeks in advance. c. The Election Director shall be the moderator for the event unless he/she is unable to officiate and then he/she may appoint a replacement. 9 d. The first forty-five (45) minutes are devoted to open debate between the participating candidates. The moderator should divide time evenly between the candidates. e. At least thirty (30) minutes are to be devoted to questions from the audience. Answer time shall be limited to three (3) minutes for each candidate or slate. f. The last fifteen (15) minutes of the debate will be dedicated to closings, with the fifteen (15) minutes divided equally among the slates. G. Ballot Form a. Slate or party names may appear on the ballot. However, under no circumstances shall any slate or party’s name appear on the ballot unless a candidate has signed and filed the consent form under the slate or party’s name. No names, individual or otherwise, shall appear on the ballot, which were not timely filed. No surveys or additional questionnaires shall be commingled with an SGA election or election ballot. Only the following may appear on the Executive Council election ballot: i. Name and date of the election; ii. Name of the offices the candidates are seeking; iii. Names of filed candidates; iv. Names of candidate-related slates or parties; and v. Timely submitted referenda or initiatives. b. Spaces for write-in votes are to be appear on the election ballot. A candidate must have filed in order to be an official candidate, may be declared the winner of an election, unless and until such person: i. Is certified by the Student Life Office as meeting all eligibility requirements for the office to which he/she has been elected; ii. Accepts the office to which he/she has been elected, after being apprised of its duties and responsibilities; and iii. Has properly filed all of the required election- three (3) business days after the election. c. All ballots used for elections, initiatives, referendums, or recalls must state, “Only votes cast on the ballot (including write-ins) will count. Abstaining from voting on any part of the ballot will not count for or against a ballot item.” d. Appearing below is an example of the format for the SGA Executive Board election, as prescribed by this election code. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ELECTION BALLOT April and , 2015 Instructions: Voters please check the box to the left of the name of the candidates you wish to vote for. For SGA President and Executive Vice President (elected together as a slate) Candidate(s) Names Party/Coalition Check Box Ann Abe and Bob Belt None Dan Diluent and Ernest Ears ABC Party Frank White and James Smith XYZ Coalition Write-in Candidate(s) Box 10 For SGA Administrative Vice President: Vote for one Candidate(s) Names Party/Coalition Carl Jones None Sarah Johnston ABC Party Alex Brown XYZ Coalition Write-in Candidate(s) Box For SGA Comptroller: Vote for one Candidate(s) Names Trey Black Howard Hughes George Block Write-in Candidate(s) Box Party/Coalition None ABC Party XYZ Coalition Check Box Check Box H. Voting Instructions a. The Election Board shall post large signs at each polling station stating “Student Government Association Election” or clearly marked with the name of the Divisional or Secondary Council that is having the election. b. The polling station must have a brief description of each position or item that is being considered. Each polling station must also have information about how the ballot should be marked to reflect your vote. Ballots marked in such a way as to be inconclusive as to whom the person intended to vote to fill a particular office shall not be counted for that office. c. Eligible students are allowed only one (1) vote per election. d. The Election Board is responsible for developing and identifying those students who have voted, in order to prevent students from voting more than once in the same election. e. For the purpose of voting for Executive Council officers, members of the electorate shall be allowed to vote at any of the established polling places among the various divisions, regardless of college or school in which they are enrolled. This provision does not extend to include elections for Representatives from the various Divisional or Secondary Councils or governing bodies to the Student Senate, or the elections for Divisional or Secondary Councils or governing body representatives and/or officers. f. A plurality vote is sufficient to elect any Executive Council officer, Representative for Divisional and/or Secondary Councils or governing body officer, unless the Divisional Councils, Secondary Councils or governing body in question has altered this requirement in its own constitution. g. Personal computer polling stations are allowed. I. Poll Workers a. The Election Director with consultation of the Election Board will accept applications for poll workers. The selection of poll workers will be based on the ability to communicate with voters and the applicants’ general knowledge of the election process. b. The Election Board is responsible for employing a minimum of one auxiliary worker to staff every polling place at all times that said place is open for voting. c. The Election Director with consultation of the Election Board must verify that all students hired as poll workers can clearly communicate with voters. The poll workers are 11 J. K. L. M. required to go through a training process that informs them both of the process of the election and the appropriate information required to answer “frequently asked questions”. d. The Election Director should also publish a list of “appropriate behavior” for poll workers that would preclude the poll workers from talking on phones or listening to headphones while working their polling station. Other best practices should be added as necessary. Vote Counting a. The vote count for every ballot item should happen individually. Therefore, a majority vote item will need to receive the majority of the votes cast on that specific issue and a two-thirds (2/3) vote would need to receive two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast on that specific issue. b. Each ticket seeking elective office can select one individual not running for a position on the SGA Executive Council or serving on the SGA Election Board to serve as an observer during any and all vote counting and tabulation. c. All ballots, supporting documentation on the eligibility and authentication of voting, and all electronic records related to online voting shall be maintained for a period no less than twelve (12) months after the end of the period allowed to vote in the SGA Executive Council Election. Display and Distribution of Campaign Materials a. A person may display or distribute campaign materials in any manner or place permitted by the Student Office Rules for Election Publicity. Campaign materials violating said rules for Publicity or University regulations may be confiscated or destroyed only by the Election Director, and the Director of the Student Life Office. Use of Organization Endorsements a. A candidate, slate, or party may seek and obtain the endorsement of or be endorsed by any person, group, or organization. However, campaign materials may contain no mention of an endorsement not in fact given. b. Campaign materials may include the name of candidates, persons, groups, or organizations opposed to his/her election to office. c. Any candidate who posts or permits posting of false endorsements or false acknowledgments of opposition shall be grounds for sanctions by the Superior Court. d. Any individual, not a candidate, who posts false endorsements or false acknowledgments of opposition of a candidate, slate, or party shall be subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the University. Use of University Funds for Election Financing a. The fiscal authority for financing of all Executive Council elections lies solely with the Executive Council. The Election Board and only the Election Board shall be authorized to expend University funds in the execution of their duties under this Code. b. Any candidate, slate, or party, or persons operating on behalf of candidates are strictly prohibited from utilizing any University funds or equipment for the purpose of promoting the election of any candidate, slate, or party. Any person who is found to be in violation of this provision shall be subject to appropriate sanctions. This includes the use of any and all campus computer labs for publicity or campaigning. Campus computers may still be used for online voting. c. The Election Director should formulate an annual budget for conducting Executive Council elections and submit this proposal to the Executive Council. 12 N. The Divisional and Secondary Councils hold the same fiscal authority as the Executive Council and is responsible for financing its own elections. Candidate Resignation Before Election a. If a candidate for the office of President steps down before the election starts, but after the filing deadline, the candidate stepping down is stricken from the ballot along with the stipulation that no replacement candidate will appear on the ballot; it will remain blank. The candidate running for the position of Executive Vice President, if he/she wins the election, would then assume the role of President and appoint a new Executive Vice President to fill that vacancy. Said replacement shall be subject to approval by a threefourths (3/4) quorum vote of the Student Senate. b. If a candidate for the office of Executive Vice President steps down before the election starts, but after the filing deadline, the candidate stepping down is stricken from the ballot along with the stipulation that no replacement candidate will appear on the ballot; it will remain blank. The candidate running for the position of President, if he/she wins the election, would appoint the new Executive Vice President to fill that vacancy. Said replacement shall be subject to approval by a three-fourths (3/4) quorum vote of the Student Senate. c. If the candidate for the office of Administrative Vice President or the candidate for the office of Comptroller resigns before the election but after the filing deadline, and said candidate is running on a party or slate, the vacant spot cannot be filled. O. Candidate Stricken from the Ballot or Restrained from taking Office in the Executive Council Election a. If a candidate for the office of Administrative Vice President or Comptroller is stricken from the ballot or restrained from taking office, the Student Senate shall-by approval of a three-fourths (3/4) quorum vote-choose the successor. b. If the candidate for the office of Executive Vice President is stricken from the ballot or restrained from taking office, the President shall choose a replacement-said replacement shall be subject to approval by a three-fourths (3/4) quorum vote of the Student Senate. c. If the candidate for the office of President is stricken from the ballot or restrained from taking office, the person who ran with him/her as Executive Vice President shall then assume the office of President and choose a replacement for the vacancy in the office of Executive Vice President-said replacement shall be subject to approval by a three-fourths (3/4) quorum vote of the Student Senate. d. If both the candidate for the office of President and the candidate for the office of Executive Vice President are stricken from the ballot or restrained from taking office, there shall be a new election. P. Recall Election on Upheld Protest a. In a proper recall election, the candidates on the ballot must be the same candidates offered in the original election that has been protested. b. If an original candidate is not eligible to run at the time of the recall election, no substitute candidate shall be allowed except as outlined below in P (d) of this subsection. The remaining original candidates shall participate in the recall election or, if there are no other candidates, the remaining original candidates shall be declared the winner by default. c. The President and the Executive Vice President are elected as a ticket and subject to the provision(s) outline in Section 3 (F) of this article. If one of the other original candidates is not eligible to run at the time of the recall election, the candidacy of both the Presidential and Executive Vice Presidential candidates shall be invalidated. The 13 remaining original Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates shall participate in the recall election or, if no other candidates participated in the original election, the remaining candidates shall be declared the winners by default. d. A candidate who was part of an original ticket, may be excused from running and another candidate substituted only under drastic unforeseen conditions, such as extreme illness, death, extreme mental duress, extreme financial difficulties or other such circumstances. The Election Director will make the final decision. e. Protests must be submitted in writing to the Chief Justice of the Superior Court within five (5) business days of the released election results, with the final decision being reached within two (2) months of the submission. Q. Campaign Offenses Warranting Sanctions by the Superior Court a. Any candidate may be stricken from the ballot or, if elected, restrained from taking office if proven, by competent and admissible evidence presented to the Superior Court upon proper application, to have engaged in vote fraud, ballot box stuffing, vote buying or electioneering within twenty-five (25) feet of a polling place. b. Any candidate may be stricken from the ballot or, if elected, restrained from taking office if proven upon proper application to the Superior Court, that persons operating on behalf of said candidate with said candidate’s knowledge to have engaged in vote fraud, ballot box stuffing, vote buying, or electioneering within 25 twenty-five (25) feet of a polling place unless said candidate notifies or reasonably attempts to notify the Election Director immediately that h/she is aware of the violation and is not personally involved. c. A recall election may be ordered by the Superior Court if proven upon proper application to the Superior Court, that persons operating on behalf of any candidate, slate, or party without said candidate’s, slate’s, or party’s direction or knowledge to have engaged in vote fraud, ballot box stuffing, vote buying, or electioneering within 25 twenty-five (25) feet of a polling place AND which was found by a preponderance of the evidence to be the deciding factor in the election of said candidate, slate, or party. d. Any candidate using or directing persons operating on behalf of said candidate to use campaign materials found to be in violation of the Student Life Office Rules for Election Publicity or University Regulations shall be stricken from the ballot or, if elected, restrained from taking office upon proper application to the Superior Court. e. Any candidate using campaign materials which said candidate knows o be false or in reckless disregard for the truth shall be stricken from the ballot or, if elected, restrained from taking office upon proper application to the Superior Court. f. Any candidate with knowledge of persons operating on behalf of said candidates who are using campaign materials which are either false or in reckless disregard for the truth shall be stricken from the ballot or, if elected, restrained from taking office upon proper application to the Superior Court UNLESS, said candidate notifies or reasonably attempts to notify the Election Director immediately that he/she is aware of the violation and is not personally involved. R. Campaign Offenses Warranting Sanctions by the University a. Offenses listed in this Code, violations of the Student Organization Conduct Code of the University of Missouri-Kansas City, or violations of the Collected Rules and Regulations of the University of Missouri (specifically the Student Conduct section), as well as any civil or criminal violations, shall be grounds for collateral and appropriate disciplinary action by the University. Any individual found to be responsible for any damage to the 14 University or a recall election shall be held liable for the costs associated with these violations. S. Non-Exclusivity of Liability a. No part of this Code shall be interpreted to mean adherence to it will relinquish one from any civil or criminal liability or disciplinary action by the University of Missouri. The provisions of this Code are intended only to be minimum requirements for an orderly and free election, and failure to proscribe any act or course of conduct is not to be interpreted as a license to act in a manner contrary to the laws of the United States of America, laws of the State of Missouri, or University regulations. Neither this section, nor this Code creates additional offenses not elsewhere stipulated by this Code. Conduct Standards for Students Section 200.010 UM Collected Rules and Regulations, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, (816) 2351141. Conduct for which students are subject to sanctions falls into the following categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism or sabotage. The Board of Curators recognizes that academic honesty is essential for the intellectual life of the University. Faculty members have a special obligation to expect high standards of academic honesty in all student work. Students have a special obligation to adhere to such standards. In all cases of academic dishonesty, the instructor shall make an academic judgment about the student's grade on that work and in that course. The instructor shall report the alleged academic dishonesty to the Primary Administrative Officer. a) The term cheating includes, but is not limited to: i. use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests or examinations; ii. dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems or carrying out other assignments; iii. acquisition or possession without permission of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the University faculty or staff; or iv. knowingly providing any unauthorized assistance to another student on quizzes, tests or examinations. b) The term plagiarism includes, but is not limited to: i. use by paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without fully and properly crediting the author with footnotes, citations or bibliographical reference; ii. unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials; or iii. unacknowledged use of original work/material that has been produced through collaboration with others without release in writing from collaborators. c) The term sabotage includes, but is not limited to, the unauthorized interference with, modification of, or destruction of the work or intellectual property of another member of the University community. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records or identification, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, conduct proceedings or other University activities, including its public service functions on- or off-campus. Physical abuse or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person. Attempted or actual theft of, damage to, or possession without permission of property of the University or of a member of the University community or of a campus visitor. 15 6. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any University facilities or unauthorized entry to or use of University facilities. 7. Violation of University policies, rules or regulations or of campus regulations including, but not limited to, those governing residence in University-provided housing, or the use of University facilities, or the time, place and manner of public expression. 8. Manufacture, use, possession, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance without proper prescription or required license or as expressly permitted by law or University regulations, including operating a vehicle on University property, or on streets or roadways adjacent to and abutting a campus, under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance as prohibited by law of the state of Missouri. 9. Disruptive or disorderly conduct or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression. 10. Failure to comply with directions of University officials acting in the performance of their duties. 11. The illegal or unauthorized possession or use of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or hazardous chemicals. 12. Misuse in accordance with University policy of computing resources including, but not limited to: a) Actual or attempted theft or other abuse. b) Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose. c) Unauthorized transfer of a file. d) Unauthorized use of another individual's identification and password. e) Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or University official. f) Use of computing facilities to interfere with normal operation of the University computing system. g) Knowingly causing a computer virus to become installed in a computer system or file. For a complete copy of the University of Missouri "Student Conduct Code and Rules of Procedure in Student Disciplinary Matters," please see the current UMKC General Catalog, access the University Web site, or contact the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. 16 CANDIDATE CAMPAIGN SPENDING REPORT Due: April 29th, 2015 at 5:00 pm Candidate Name: ______________________________________________ Position: _____________________________________________________ Total Dollar Amount Spent By Candidate and Their Supporters: $ _______ List All Sources of Funds from Which Campaign Spending Came: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ 17 Important 2015 Election Dates - Candidacy Filing Deadline: • Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Submit filing materials to the Office of Student Involvement, Suite 320 of the Student Union. - Mandatory Candidate Meeting: • April 9, 2015 in the Student Union (Room TBA) at 6:00 pm - First Day of Campaigning: • Thursday, April 9, 2015 after the mandatory candidate meeting. (Campaigning before this time is strictly prohibited). - Candidate Debate: • Friday, April 17, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. in the Student Union (Room TBA) - Election Dates: • 8:00 a.m. on Monday, April 20, 2015 to 5:00 pm on Friday, April 24, 2015. - Candidate Campaign Spending Form: • 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. Submit form to the Office of Student Involvement, Suite 320 of the Student Union. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions. 18
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