Directions: On a separate sheet of paper print the names of 25 fellow

John A. Ferguson High School
Senior Board Officer Application
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Academy: ___________________________________________________
Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________ Can we text? Yes / No
E-mail: _________________________________________________________________________________________
GPA: __________________
(Please attach a copy of your last report card.)
Check the position which you are applying for:
_____ President
_____ Secretary
_____ Publicist
_____ Vice President
_____ Treasurer
_____ Historian
_____ Head Representative
Directions: On a separate sheet of paper print the names of
25 fellow classmates that support your nomination for this
office. Please have them print their names and student I.D.
numbers NEATLY. All students nominating you MUST be
members of your class.
Parents/Students please retain a copy of this application for your records.
Office Use Only (date and initial):
Application Checked: ___________________________________
Speech Turned in: ______________________________________
Picture Turned in: ______________________________________
Parent Information and Permission Form
(Mother’s Last Name)
(Mother’s First Name)
(Mother’s MI)
Telephone #s: _______________________
(Father’s Last Name)
(Father’s First Name)
(Father’s MI)
Telephone #s: _______________________
I have read the application packet and understand its contents. I give consent for my son/daughter,
______________________________, to run for a position as officer of the John A. Ferguson Senior High Senior Board for
the 2015 - 2016 school year.
I also understand that:
1. Transportation will be my child’s responsibility.
2. If participation as an officer jeopardizes my son’s/daughter’s health, he/she may be removed from the position.
3. The position of an officer in John A. Ferguson Senior High is considered a part of the regular school program with
mandatory attendance and regular hours.
4. If my son/daughter fails to maintain the high standards established for this position, he/she may be removed from
5. It is my child’s responsibility to take all steps necessary to ensure that he/she can successfully fulfill the responsibilities
of his/her officer position.
(Parent Name)
(Parent Signature)
Teacher Recommendation
Please give a brief recommendation for ___________________________________________________, who wishes to
be a Senior Board Officer candidate.
Teacher Recommendation
Please give a brief recommendation for ___________________________________________________, who wishes to
be a Senior Board Officer candidate.
Please submit the essay to me at as an attached document. Please attach and also email a
picture of yourself for the internet voting.
REQUIRED: An original speech/essay prepared for the election of 250 words which will be taped and played over the
morning announcements. It should:
a. reflect your reasons for running for office on Senior Board,
b. state what you believe your responsibilities for this position are,
show any ideas you have for your position next year,
d. explain why we should vote for you over the others (how would you be perfect for your desired
position), and
e. answer the question, “What does school spirit mean to you?”
You may also include any thoughts or ideas.
I clearly understand the commitment that is required of the Senior Board Officer; moreover, I understand the rules and regulations
regarding campaigning and participation in the Senior Board. Also, I am aware of the dates and deadlines set forth by the Election
Committee of the Executive Board. I will abide by all the rules, understanding that failure to do so will result in my disqualification from
the election race or impeachment from the Senior Board.
Student Signature: _____________________________________________
My child may participate in the Senior Board elections. I am aware of the level of commitment asked of my child, and I am aware of the
rules and regulations regarding campaigning and participation in Senior Board.
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ____________________________________
What are the Senior Board positions and what do they entail?
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicist, Historian or Head
President: Shall be the liaison between administration and the senior student body. Will be
responsible for running Senior Board meetings and will preside over Senior Board with the
senior sponsor.
Vice-President: Will work closely with and fill-in for the president in lieu of the president’s
Secretary: Shall take, prepare, and present notes from all Senior Board meetings. Also
responsible for all correspondence. Will maintain an up-to-date copy of the Senior Board
Treasurer: Shall be responsible for preparing and presenting necessary financial budgets. Will
plan and run all sales. Shall write purchase orders and check requisitions.
Publicist: Shall be responsible for advertising and promoting all Senior Board events. Will be
in charge of commercials, posters, and any written publications. Will also be responsible for
the maintenance of the Senior webpage.
Historian: Shall be responsible for maintaining records of all the Senior Board activities thru
pictorial and written accounts.
Head Representative: Shall be responsible for holding meetings and planning activities for
student body representatives to participate in.
You must have a 2.0 weighted GPA.
You must not have a conduct grade lower than a “B.”
You must not have any outdoor suspensions within a year.
You must not have any indoor suspensions within the last semester.
You must have served for one full year, in the year prior to the election, as a member in good standing of the Class of
2016 board.
You must adhere to all school and Ferguson rules.
You must cooperate with and support all Board decisions mandated by a majority vote.
You must advertise and encourage peer participation in class activities.
You must attend and participate in all meetings unless absent from school, detained by teacher or prior arrangements.
You must respect fellow members.
You must participate in all fundraising and service projects such as dances, sales, elections, and school improvement
You must serve on at least two committees and help on as many as directed.
Candidate for office must be enrolled at John A. Ferguson High School prior to and during the campaign
periods and elections.
No campaigning is to be done once the class bell has rung.
No candidates are to be campaigning in individual classes even if they are invited to do so by the teacher. This
would not be fair to the other candidates.
The position of treasurer in all clubs/organization will be an appointed position. The treasurer is not an
elected post. Treasurer applications for Senior Board will be interviewed by the Senior Sponsor.
Candidates must attend announced election meeting during lunch. Election rules and deadlines will be
reviewed. Potential candidates must attend in order to be eligible.
Any candidate who contests the results of an election shall submit a request in writing within five school days
of the election.
Posters and Publicity:
All campaign materials must be handmade/homemade. Expenditures may not exceed $50.00.
Candidates may post a maximum of FIVE posters and ONE banner throughout the school.
All candidates are allowed one 24” by 30” poster with a 5” by 7” photograph of themselves to be
placed in the cafeteria, if you so desire.
Posters and banner must be approved and stamped by the Activities Director (Mrs. Rae-Schulze)
before they can be hung. They must be hung on the cork board strips found all over the school.
No posters may contain negative references to other candidates.
No candidate or agent of a candidate shall distribute any gifts to the student body. (ie. candy, food
items, etc.)
Any defacing, tearing or removing of other candidates’ posters will result in severe penalties, including
possible disqualifications.
All campaign material must be removed between 2:30 – 3:30 pm on the last election day (May 1st).
Failure to comply with these rules will result in immediate disqualification!
Application Phase
1. Students pick up an application from inside the Activities Office or the Activities website from April
13th through April 16th. Applications are due by Friday, April 17th. Please turn in the COMPLETED
application to the Activities Office DURING LUNCH ONLY.
2. The TYPED election speech is also due on April 17th. It will be available on the school website along
with a picture of the candidate in .jpg format; please email these to Mrs. Rae to
3. Twenty-five members of the candidate’s class and two teachers sign petition to endorse candidacy.
4. Candidates attend lunch election meeting, Monday, April 20th.
Campaign Phase
1. Follow ALL elections regulations. Candidates campaign through May 1st.
2. Candidate prepares a 250 word election speech to be emailed to the Activities Director.
3. The election speech will be on the information channel.
Voting Phase
1. Student body votes for eligible candidates by scantron ballot via the English or History classes from
April 28th – May 1st.
2. Votes are tallied and results are announced via the morning announcements (May 4th).