to Review the 2015 Spring Election Guidelines

Spring 2015
Election Guidelines
The Associated Student Body calls for significant student participation in the
decision-making mechanisms of San Diego Christian. The vehicles for this
input are primarily the Student Government committee and the student
representatives on the Executive Committee.
Student Government at SDC
General Eligibility
Criteria for Candidates
Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) - 2.5
Completion of at least 12 unit credits prior to elections
A completed application along with the signatures of at least
25 students who endorse you as a candidate.
Associated Student Body (ASB)
ASB is composed of a varied amount of cabinet members with eight (8) Executive
members elected by the undergraduate student population of SDC. The elected
positions: President, Vice-President, Executive Administrator, Treasurer,
Communications Director, Activities Director, Intramurals Director, and Athletic
Liaison. Each Executive will oversee Cabinet members from the ASB
- Formal campaigning shall be defined as:
1- The appearance or presentation of a candidate or a candidate's
platform for the purpose of soliciting votes.
2- The display or distribution of campaign materials as defined below
for the purpose of soliciting votes.
1- Attend mandatory campaign meeting (TBD).
2- The public endorsement of any candidate shall be limited to
persons eligible to vote in ASB elections.
1. Eligibility is defined as:
a. Current enrolled, traditional SDC student
b. No institutional staff member or employee, nor
external entity, may endorse any candidate
i. If it is found that a candidate solicits votes
from such members, they may be
3- Members of the ASB executive board shall refrain from endorsing
any candidate for office.
Student Government at SDC
4- All methods to solicit votes through the distribution of rewards
are strictly prohibited.
5- All candidates shall conduct their campaigns in accordance with
the ASB Constitution, Student Life, Student Handbook and SDC
Operations Department.
6- If any infraction by a candidate or his/her supporters occurs, ASB
Advisor shall have the right to disqualify the candidate from
7- All candidates must remove all campaign material by 12am prior
to Election Day.
8- All candidates running for executive positions (except President
and Vice-President) shall run independently.
9- All candidates for President need to approved by the ASB Advisor,
SDC Vice President for Student Services, and the President of San
Diego Christian College.
10- All candidates must campaign with respect and integrity
11- No words may be vocalized or posted physically or electronically
to put down or attack candidates.
12- All campaign and campaign related material must be presented
from a pro-positon platform, meaning all candidates campaign
messaging and presentation must be solely derived from that
candidates beliefs and vision. No candidate may solicit votes by
referencing another candidate’s previous record or experience.
13- Social media videos may not have any other candidates in their
videos unless Vice-President and President. (*This includes “roast”
14- Campaigning at the resident apartment complexes are limited to
permissions from Resident Life staff
1- Campaign materials shall be limited to posters, signs, handbills,
name tags/badges, painted windows, mailings, digital signage, and
door hangers with the following restrictions (with approval from
ASB Advisor)
2- All posting must be displayed in SDC approved areas only
3- Posters shall not exceed 8.5 x 11 inches
4- Signs shall not exceed 6 x 4 feet
5- Handbills and door hangers shall not exceed 8.5 x 5.5 inches
6- Anything not listed as a campaign material shall and may be
approved by the ASB Advisor including all gimmicks and stunts
7- No adhesive backed material shall be allowed
8- No campaigning on chalk or dry-erase boards in classrooms.
9- The use of permanent attachments (e.g. glue, nails, paint, duct
tape, staples) is prohibited.
Student Government at SDC
 ASB election committee (with the approval of Advisor) reserves the right to
develop, create and notify candidates of any additional rules or regulations it
deems necessary to conduct a fair and smooth running student election.
1- Funding will not be provided by the college or ASB budgets.
2- Candidates may not spend more than 100 dollars on campaign.
This includes donations, resources, services, special productions, and
1- Chalking is not allowed on Campus grounds.
2- Posting is not allowed on elevated, unsafe areas e.g., bridges, roofs,
3- Campaigning is prohibited before campaign period begins in
accordance to ASB Advisor.
4- Campaigning while a class is in session is prohibited.
5- Water-based window paint may be used on cars if approved by
1- Any candidate found guilty of removing or defacing any other
campaign materials other than their own will be disqualified from
2- Any candidate found guilty of spending more than the amount of
100.00 dollars during campaign week will be disqualified.
3- At its discretion, ASB student election committee holds the right to
decrease/change the spending limit as a penalty if candidate has
not complied with rules of candidacy.
Candidates that wish to present an appeal/grievance to the SEC must
follow the following format.
 Appeals must be typewritten. No hand-written
appeals/grievances will be accepted.
 A detailed statement for cause of grievance or appeal must be
contained in the written document.
 Appeal must be submitted by Candidate running for office.
1- Name of person presenting the appeal/grievance
2- Date of the appeal/grievance
3- Signature of the person presenting appeal.
 Must be filed by the offended party
 Direct or implied
Student Government at SDC
 Appeals must be submitted in professional format to within 24 hours of alleged
TO: Student Election Committee
FROM: Joe Smith, Vice-President Candidate
DATE: April 8th, 2015
RE: Gluing of campaign materials on walls---Issue you want to address
I like to report an election rules violation made by (Candidate name), on
(Date of Event).
These postings violate Campaign Material section #8
RULE: The use of permanent attachments (e.g. glue, nails, paint, duct
tape, staples) is prohibited.
CLAIM: The candidate clearly has broken a rule and I ask that there will
be a penalty on the campaign in limiting the candidate’s further posting.
Joe Smith
ELECTIONS PROCEDURE-In accordance to Article VI of ASB
1- All Executive positions shall be elected by current Student Body.
2- Voting shall be done by a secret ballot on the Friday of campaign
Student Government at SDC
3- Candidates are elected based on a majority vote of the current,
eligible SDC student body.
4- In the event a candidate for President/ Vice President does not
receive a majority vote, a run-off election of the two (2) top
candidates shall be set at the next possible date.
5- Run-off elections will be decided by a majority vote of the current
SDC Student Body.
6- All approved appointees shall receive their stipend the following
year in office.
7- All ballots must be immediately collected after an election.
8- Any ballot with more than one vote for a particular office shall be
9- The Election committee shall total all votes and post the results in
the student Votes will be tallied by the ASB Advisor, Outgoing ASB
President, and one Staff member form Student Life.
10- No member of the election committee will be allowed to endorse
any candidate.
11- Immediately after votes are accounted the ASB Advisor shall
notify the Student Body via SDC email of the winners.
12- If there is no candidate running for a certain position, the newly
elected President holds the right to appoint a member of ASB into
the position (see ASB Constitution).