2015 Election Guidelines - University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Election Guidelines – SP 2015
Table 1: SGA Official Election Dates for Spring 2015
Timeframe to Declare Candidacy
Confirmation of candidates’ eligibility
Monday, March 30 – Thursday, April 9,
2015 (applications due by 12:00 p.m.)
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Notification of candidate eligibility
Thursday, April 9, 2015 (via email)
Candidate Meeting (mandatory)
Friday, April 10, 2015
The Election Guidelines will be reviewed.
Eligible candidates may begin
campaigning immediately following the
Failure to attend meeting may result in
the candidate’s name not being placed on
the ballot.
Official Campaigning
Meet the Candidates Fair
12:00 p.m.
• Casa Bella Club House
• Student Union Sage Room
4:00 p.m.
• Casa Bella Club House
• Student Union Sage Room
Friday, April 10 – Friday, April 17, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
• 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Student Union
Commons (Edinburg)
Online Voting Begins
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
• 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Main Courtyard
Thursday, April 16, 2015 – 8:00 a.m.
Online Voting Ends
Friday, April 17, 2015 – 11:59 p.m.
Certification of Election Results
Monday, April 20, 2015
Official Announcement of Election Results
Monday, April 20, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015 – 2:00 p.m.
Mandatory Trainings
Member Orientation
Friday, May 1, 2015 – 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Student Leader Retreat
May 26-28, 2015
Every student involved in a campaign, whether as a candidate, supporter, or campaign worker, is
reminded that the Election Guidelines adhere to the UTRGV Student Government Association
Constitution. The candidate is responsible for having a working knowledge of all pertinent rules that
apply to campaigning.
a. “Campaigning” means any action in support of a candidate or a political party for elective student
body office, including, but not limited to the distribution of literature, posting materials and
solicitation of votes. “Campaigning” DOES NOT INCLUDE wearing campaign material, a campaign
shirt, a button, an emblem or similar paraphernalia, unless accompanied by the dissemination of
campaign literature or delivery of campaign speech to solicit support for a candidate or political
b. “Campaign material” means any print or electronic material used for the purpose of supporting a
candidate including, but not limited to, fliers, posters, signs, electronic mail and clothing.
c. “Candidate” means any person who has qualified to have his or her name placed on the ballot for
elective office in a Student Government election.
d. “Polling Location” means any area set up specifically for the purpose of collecting votes.
e. ”Unauthorized Polling Location” – any polling area not specifically sanctioned by the Elections
f. “Campaign worker” means any person who contributes time, effort, or service to the purpose of
supporting and furthering the candidacy where the candidate has personal knowledge of and
accepts the time, effort, and services rendered.
Candidate Eligibility – Students must meet the following requirements in order to hold an elected or
appointed position:
a. Undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least twelve (12) credit hours at the time of
application and during their term of office unless they are within eleven (11) credit hours of
graduation during the last semester of their current term.
b. Graduate students must be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours at the time of application and
during their term in office unless they are within three (3) credit hours during the last semester of
their current term.
c. All students must complete seventy-five percent (75%) of attempted course work per semester.
d. All students must meet the minimum grade point average (GPA) standards for their respective
position as outlined in the Constitution.
e. Executive Branch
i. The Executive Officers shall consist of three candidates the President, a Vice President for
Brownsville and a Vice President for Edinburg.
ii. Undergraduate and graduate students must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at time
of application or appointment.
iii. Undergraduates must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA per semester and graduate students
must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA per semester while holding office.
iv. At the time of assuming office, undergraduates must have completed at least two (2) fall or
spring semesters at the university and have completed or transferred a total of thirty (30)
or more credit hours.
At the time of assuming office, graduate students must have completed at least one (1) fall
or spring semester or two (2) consecutive summer sessions at the university.
Vice Presidents must be enrolled for at least six (6) credit hours at the location they desire
to represent at both the time of application or appointment and while holding office.
f. Legislative Branch
i. The Legislative Brach shall include:
a. Academic Senators: Four (4) undergraduate students per academic college shall be
elected by the undergraduate students enrolled in their respective academic
college. At least one (1) senator must be from a different location.
b. Graduate Senators: Four (4) graduate students representing the Graduate College
shall be elected by graduate students. Two (2) senators will represent each location.
c. Senators-At-Large: Eight (8) undergraduate or graduate students shall be elected by
students enrolled for at least six (6) credit hours at their respective location. Four
(4) senators will represent each location.
ii. Undergraduate candidates must be enrolled a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours at The
University of Texas at Brownsville or The University of Texas – Pan American and must have
a grade point average of 2.5 based on a 4.0 scale and not be on academic or disciplinary
iii. Graduate candidates must be enrolled a minimum of six (6) credit hours at The University
of Texas at Brownsville or The University of Texas Pan-American and must have a minimum
grade point average of 3.0 based on 4.0 scale and not be on academic or disciplinary
iv. Where applicable, candidates must apply for a senate seat in the school he/she is currently
enrolled in.
Candidate Order on the Ballot
a. The order of candidates’ names on the ballot will be listed by position and candidate last name in
alphabetical order. Executive ticket will be in will be alphabetical order by last name of the
Presidential candidate.
b. To appear on the ballot a candidate must meet all eligibility requirements, as per the Election
a. Campaigning shall adhere to HOP Policy, the Student Code of Conduct, and all applicable UT
System Rules.
b. Campaigning cannot occur during an official SGA event that is not related to elections or in the
SGA office.
c. Disruptive Activity
i. Each candidate is responsible for keeping noise at appropriate levels. Campaigning cannot
disrupt any academic or registered campus event with loud music or noise. Campaigning
may not interrupt the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or interfere with academic
Campus Computer Labs / Stations
a. No soliciting from candidates, or their supporters, may occur within 25 feet from any campus
computer lab or station.
b. In accordance with UT System policy, no candidate or campaign worker may verbally solicit for
votes or physically distribute campaign material or literature within any university building, except
as specifically arranged for the Student Government Association Elections Committee.
c. No candidate or campaign worker may publicly solicit students to submit their vote for any
candidate on an electronic device in the possession of a candidate or campaign worker.
a. The Student Government Association does not officially endorse any ticket or candidate. Any use
of the SGA logo or its likeness is prohibited on any candidate’s advertising or promotional
b. Sidewalk chalk is permitted but must not be used within 20 feet of doorways. Message is subject
to review by the Elections Committee.
c. All elections advertising must be approved by the Elections Committee prior to posting (requests
for approval must be submitted electronically). This approval is dependent on both content and
usage. This includes flyers, buttons, sheets, websites, campaign emails, and any other form of
advertising that will be seen by large numbers of students in a mass form of communication.
Printed materials must include: candidate name, position seeking, dates for online voting, and the
bottom must state who is endorsing the poster as well as contact information such as email or
phone number.
d. Postings can only be made on designated and approved areas for posting. Designated areas are
bulletin boards. Posting of materials may not be on doors, windows, or walls. Any sign found to be
unsafe as determined by the Advisors or Elections Committee will be removed.
e. No campaign posters or banners shall exceed the dimensions of 11 inches by 17 inches.
f. Do not stake items into the ground in any area of the university property.
g. A student who causes damage to university property may be liable for restitution.
h. Nothing should be posted on trees or lamp posts, per HOP Policies.
i. No campaign material is allowed on vehicles unless authorized by the owner of the vehicle. (glass
chalk only recommended to avoid damage to vehicle)
j. Campaign material may not be placed in a manner that will compromise safety.
i. Ladders extending higher than 8 ft. are prohibited.
ii. Roof access is prohibited.
iii. Any materials placed on the ground where people walk are prohibited if it obstructs the
flow of pedestrian traffic.
iv. Blocking exits and entrances is prohibited.
k. All materials and supplies used in the campaign must be at the expense of the candidates; No
university funding may be used. This includes but is not limited to copies, use of office supplies, or
any other form of expense from any office or department on campus.
l. There will be a five hundred dollars ($500.00 USD) spending limit on the amount of money that a
candidate or executive ticket can spend on campaigning and campaigning material. The manner in
which candidates will be asked to show how much they spend on their campaign and campaign
materials will be left at the discretion of the Elections Committee.
m. Sidewalks may be marked with SIDEWALK CHALK only. Sidewalks should not be marked with any
other type of chalk-like products. Please make sure to wash away all sidewalk chalk campaign
messages from sidewalks using water no later than Monday, April 20 by 5:00 p.m.
Violation and Enforcement of Rules
a. The Elections Committee is responsible for addressing campaigning violations and sanctioning
candidates depending on the nature and severity of the grievances. Consequences for violations
may include but are not limited to: directives to limit campaigning or not be allowed to campaign,
deduction of votes, removal of a candidate from the ballot, disqualification or restitution.
b. Election complaints must be submitted in writing electronically to all members of the Elections
Committee. Complaints may be filed from the first day of filing for candidacy until three (3) class
days after online voting has concluded.
c. The Elections Committee cannot address violations that are not within scope of the committee’s
authority and may defer to the Dean of Students.
Elections Committee
a. The Elections Committee shall consist of the Advisors of the Student Government Association, one
(1) student from Brownsville, and one (1) student from Edinburg.
b. The Elections Committee shall:
i. Develop and implement the Election Guidelines with approval by the Dean of Students.
ii. Coordinate the candidate application process, the election timeline, the ballot content and
the polling locations.
iii. Enforce campaigning rules and regulations.
c. Candidates should make contact information available to members of the Elections Committee in
the event that contact needs to be made.
d. The Elections Committee will remain objective to the candidates throughout the campaign and
must limit interactions with candidates only related to election matters. Committee members
cannot participate in campaigning for candidates.
e. All grievances will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
f. Any violations of the Student Code of Conduct or HOP policy will be referred to the Office of the
Dean of Students.
a. All currently enrolled students are eligible to vote.
b. Elections will be held online.
c. Partially completed ballots will be allowed.
d. Executive ticket and Senators shall be elected by a plurality of votes cast. As specified in the
constitution, at least one (1) academic senator must be from a different location.
Table 2: Student Voters for SGA Positions
SGA Position
Executive Ticket
(President and Vice Presidents)
Senator for College of Business and
Senator for College of Education
Senator for College of Engineering
Senator for College of Fine Arts
Senator for College of Health Affairs
Senator for College of Liberal Arts
Senator for College of Science
Graduate Senator
Senator at Large
Student Voter
All currently enrolled students.
Students enrolled in major that will fall under
College of Business and Entrepreneurship.
Students enrolled in major that will fall under
College of Education.
Students enrolled in major that will fall under
College of Engineering.
Students enrolled in major that will fall under
College of Fine Arts.
Students enrolled in major that will fall under
College of Health Affairs.
Students enrolled in major that will fall under
College of Liberal Arts.
Students enrolled in major that will fall under
College of Science.
All currently enrolled graduate students.
All currently enrolled students.
Polling Locations
a. The date, time and location of polling locations will be determined by the Elections Committee.
b. Poll workers are responsible for reporting violations of the Election Guidelines to the Elections
c. Poll workers cannot participate in campaigning for candidates and may not influence voting.
d. Candidates and campaign workers cannot serve as poll workers.
e. Polling locations cannot be left unattended.
a. All students who are interested in running for a position in the SGA are required to submit a
candidate application. The application is due by 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 9, 2015.
b. Candidates are required to attend a mandatory Candidate Meeting coordinated by the SGA
Advisors. Two meetings have been scheduled for Friday, April 10, 2015, one at 12:00 p.m. and the
other at 4:00 p.m. The locations for the Candidate Meetings are as follows: Casa Bella Club House
(Brownsville) and Student Union Sage Room (Edinburg). Candidates must attend one meeting at
either location. Failure to attend without good cause will result in the candidate not being placed
on the election ballot. A candidate who cannot attend either of the Candidate Meetings for good
cause must contact the Elections Committee prior to the application deadline to make alternative
c. Candidates must sign and return Election Agreement Form to indicate acceptance of the Election
Guidelines. Everyone participating as a candidate must submit a signed election agreement form
at time of the Election Guidelines advising meeting. Failure to do so will automatically disqualify
It is important to note that the actions of any of your supporters reflect directly upon the
candidate. The Election Guidelines, therefore, pertain directly to the conduct of both candidate
and the candidate’s supporters. The candidate is responsible for any infractions of the Election
Guidelines by his/her supporters.
Material should not be used to slander or libel other candidates. Only factual information should
be stated. Students are expected to run a clean and honest campaign. As SGA candidates, you
represent the student body and your behavior and conduct symbolize the character of our
All university policies must be followed, which include the Handbook of Operating Procedures,
SGA Constitution, Student Handbook and the UT System Regents Rules.
All campaign material must be removed by Monday, April 20 by 5:00 p.m.
All complaints related to either a candidate, candidate’s campaign, or the election process, must
be submitted in writing electronically to:
Pending: (Student Name), Elections Committee (Brownsville Student)
Pending: (Student Name), Elections Committee (Edinburg Student)
Jorge A. Munoz, SGA Advisor(Brownsville) – Jorge.Munoz10@utb.edu
David Marquez, SGA Advisor (Brownsville) – David.Marquez@utb.edu
Delma Olivarez, SGA Advisor (Edinburg) – olivarezdd@utpa.edu
Rebecca Gadson, SGA Advisor (Edinburg) – gadsonr@utpa.edu
For additional information, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students in Brownsville at
(956) 882-5141 or in Edinburg at (956) 665-2260.
Election Guidelines approved on March 26, 2015 by Dr. Mari Fuentes-Martin, Associate Vice President for
Student Life and Dean of Students.
I, ____________________________________, do affirm that I have been provided the Election Guidelines and
The University of Texas of the Rio Grande Valley Student Government Association Constitution. I also affirm that
I agree to and will be responsible for following the rules as outlined in the Election Guidelines. Further, I
understand that I am responsible for the actions of my campaign workers, and supporters, with whom I will
personally review the rules with and that I have fulfilled my duty by attending the candidate meeting.
I also understand that advisors will access academic and disciplinary records to ensure that I meet the eligibility
requirements to hold office for the position for which I am running.
Name __________________________________________ Student ID _____________
Candidate for
Signature __________________________________________
Date _____________
Advisor Signature ___________________________________
Date _____________