SERVICIO DE ADMINISTRACIÓN Y ENAJENACIÓN DE BIENES (PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL SERVICE) INVITATION TO PUBLIC AUCTION LPEM Nº 01/15 FOR THE SALE OF PORTFOLIOS COMPRISED OF INDUSTRIAL UNITS OPERATING AS SUGAR MILLS The Property Management and Disposal Service (“SAE”), with address at Av. Insurgentes Sur No. 1931, Col. Guadalupe Inn, C.P. 01020, Delegación Álvaro Obregón, in Mexico City, Federal District, pursuant to the provisions of Articles 134 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States; 1º section VII and paragraphs three and four, subsequent to sections; 31, section II and paragraph three; 33, 36, 38 section I and last paragraph; 38 bis, 40, 43, 44 through 51 of the Federal Law for the Administration and Disposal of Property of the Public Sector (“LFAEBSP”); 33 bis 1 of the Federal Antitrust Law published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on December 24th of 1992, and 58 of its Regulations related with second transitory article, second paragraph, of the publication of the Federal Antitrust Law published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on May 23th of 2014; 38, sections I, II, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII and XIV, 40 bis through 50 of the Regulations of the Federal Law for the Administration and Disposal of Property of the Public Sector (“RLFAEBSP”) and numerals ONE, TWO, THREE, FIVE, SEVEN, ELEVEN, FOURTEEN, FIFTEEN TER and from SIXTY SIX through SEVENTY of the Policies, Rules and Guidelines of the Property Management and Disposal Service for the Sale of the Movable Property, Real Estate, Financial Assets and Business that Are Transferred, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on August 14, 2008, as well as its amendments published in said Official Gazette (“POBALINES”); hereby issues the invitation to public auction (“INVITATION TO PUBLIC AUCTION”) rules for the sale process of the Public Auction LPEM Nº 01/15 (“AUCTION”) for the sale of portfolios comprised of Industrial Units operating as sugar mills (“INDUSTRIAL UNITS”), that include movable and real estate property, such as machinery and equipment, transport equipment, land, buildings and structures, storage tanks, warehouses, workshops, laboratories and devices, power plants, real estate allocated for housing of workers and sugar warehouses, transferred to SAE by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (“SAGARPA”), and the Ministry of Public Administration (“SFP”), in the latter case through the Institute of Administration and Valuation of National Property (“INDAABIN”) and the rights and obligations described in the terms of sale of the AUCTION (“TERMS OF SALE”). Capitalized terms used herein and that are not otherwise defined, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the TERMS OF SALE. The nine INDUSTRIAL UNITS operating as sugar mills being sold in this AUCTION now represent increased costs to the State, as they do not allow these resources to be allocated to other goods or services that will meet greater collective needs that the public is interested in having the State resolve. Also, with the sale of the INDUSTRIAL UNITS its expected to generate a direct benefit to the society, given that it will enhance sustainable and sustained development in the agro-industrial and productive sectors and competitiveness in the sugarcane sector and the domestic sugar industry, to benefit consumers, manufacturers and workers related to this important productive sector through investments with a long-term view for modernization, innovation, renewal and transformation of these industrial plants. It should be noted that the effects and consequences of the sale of the INDUSTRIAL UNITS through a public auction are above any particular interest, since otherwise the attainment of the public purposes could not be guaranteed under the rules and principles laid down in Article 134 of the Constitution, since the interests of those who might be affected are subordinated to the public interest pursued by these procedures. Even the Mexican Judiciary Authority of the Federation has been unanimous in its determinations holding that auctions like this one are of public order and social interest those tendering procedures which are intended to acquisitions, leasing and sales of all kinds of goods, because this allows to administer with efficiency, effectiveness, economy, transparency and honesty, public resources, while the state gets the better conditions in terms of price, quality, funding and opportunity to meet the objectives to which it is bound. Therefore, to address the principles of effectiveness, efficiency and economy, with which the financial resources of the Federal Government must be managed, we hereby issue this INVITATION TO PUBLIC AUCTION. 1. PURPOSE OF THE AUCTION. PORTFOLIOS comprised of the INDUSTRIAL UNITS are as follows: PORTFOLIO 1 INDUSTRIAL UNITS Address Atencingo Domicilio Conocido s/n, carretera Izúcar de Matamoros, Atencingo, Chietla, Puebla, C.P. 74583 Impulsora de la Cuenca del Papaloapan, conocido como San Cristóbal El Potrero 2 San Miguelito Nicolás Bravo #5, Centro, Carlos A. Carrillo, Veracruz, C.P. 95330 Calle Principal s/n, Centro, Villa General Miguel Alemán, Atoyac, Veracruz, C.P. 94965 Km. 2 Carretera Córdoba – Amatlán, Buena Vista, Córdoba, Veracruz, C.P. 94680 Values Share in Domestic Sugar Market* Price before V.A.T.: $1,753,589,373.17 M.N. V.A.T.: $203,410,626.83 M.N. 8.3% BASE PURCHASE PRICE: $1,957,000,000.00 M.N. Price before V.A.T.: $1,730,535,601.26 M.N. V.A.T.: $221,464,398.74 M.N. BASE PURCHASE PRICE: $1,952,000,000.00 M.N. 4.1% SERVICIO DE ADMINISTRACIÓN Y ENAJENACIÓN DE BIENES (PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL SERVICE) INVITATION TO PUBLIC AUCTION LPEM Nº 01/15 FOR THE SALE OF PORTFOLIOS COMPRISED OF INDUSTRIAL UNITS OPERATING AS SUGAR MILLS PORTFOLIO INDUSTRIAL UNITS Address Casasano-La Abeja Avenida Benito Juárez #113, Casasano, Cuautla, Morelos, C.P. 62749 Emiliano Zapata Avenida Lázaro Cárdenas #51, Lázaro Cárdenas, Zacatepec de Hidalgo, Morelos, C.P. 62780 3 El Modelo 4 La Providencia Salvador Esquer #9, El Modelo, Ciudad Cardel, La Antigua, Veracruz, C.P. 91685 Calle 3 s/n, entre avenidas Libertadores e Igualdad, Centro, Providencia, Cuichapa, Veracruz, C.P. 94920 Share in Domestic Sugar Market* Values Price before V.A.T.: $1,063,111,647.75 M.N. V.A.T.: $136,888,352.25 M.N. 4.1% BASE PURCHASE PRICE: $1,200,000,000.00 M.N. Price before V.A.T.: $1,371,311,942.27 M.N. V.A.T.: $195,688,057.73 M.N. 3.4% BASE PURCHASE PRICE: $1,567,000,000.00 M.N. Price before V.A.T.: $1,304,364,703.24 M.N. 5 Plan de San Luis Domicilio Conocido s/n, Ejido La Hincada, Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosí, C.P. 79236 V.A.T.: $167,635,296.76 M.N. 2.3% BASE PURCHASE PRICE: $1,472,000,000.00 M.N. * Source: Calculation prepared by the SAE based on the closing information of the 2013/2014 harvest of the National Committee for the Sustainable Development of Sugarcane (CONADESUCA)/SAGARPA with date of the sugar mills (percentage of sugar produced by or the INDUSTRIAL UNITS that make up each PORTFOLIO with respect to the total sugar produced domestically). a) The description, condition, and location of the PROPERTY and characteristics, quantity and unit of measure of the MOVABLE PROPERTY and total surface area, meets and bounds of the REAL ESTATE are specified in the annexes to the TERMS OF SALE and the DATA ROOM, as well as the website b) The REAL ESTATE are offered "ad corpus" and, in general, with the physical, material and legal conditions they have in accordance with the provisions of Articles 2261 and 2290 of the Federal Civil Code. c) The MOVABLE PROPERTY shall be sold together with each INDUSTRIAL UNIT, in a seal-bid first price auction, in the state and with the physical, mechanical, legal and documentary conditions they have and in the place where they are. d) In addition to the sale of the PROPERTY, the purpose of the AUCTION also involves the transfer by FEESA and/or the VEHICLES, in favor of the SUCCESSFUL BIDDER, or the assumption by the SUCCESSFUL BIDDER, of certain RIGHTS and OBLIGATIONS related with the operation of the INDUSTRIAL UNITS and that are specified in the TERMS OF SALE and DATA ROOM. e) The status and the physical and legal conditions of the PROPERTY, the RIGHTS and OBLIGATIONS may be verified and valued by the BIDDERS and/or third parties designated by them, on visits to the DATA ROOM and the INDUSTRIAL UNITS. f) The INDUSTRIAL UNITS do not include actions, coupons and/or securities representing the capital of any company. 2. AUCTION SCHEDULE. Process Location Date Publication of INVITATION TO BID Newspapers: Official Gazette of the Federation, El Universal, Reforma, Excelsior, El Financiero y El March 26, 2015 Economista Website: Payment of TERMS OF SALE Refer to section 3 of this INVITATION TO BID Patricio Sanz No. 1609, Torre B, Piso 6, Col. Del Valle, Delegación Benito Juárez, C.P. 03100, México, D.F. Filing Office of the COFECE located at Av. Santa Fe Request of opinion of the BIDDERS to the 505, Piso 14, Col. Cruz Manca, Delegación Federal Antitrust Commission (COFECE) Cuajimalpa, C.P. 05349, México, D.F. Registration of BIDDERS From March 26 to April 17, 2015 From March 26 to April 22, 2015 April 23 and 24, 2015 Time Not Applicable Refer to section 3 of this INVITATION TO BID Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm From 8:00 am to 2:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm SERVICIO DE ADMINISTRACIÓN Y ENAJENACIÓN DE BIENES (PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL SERVICE) INVITATION TO PUBLIC AUCTION LPEM Nº 01/15 FOR THE SALE OF PORTFOLIOS COMPRISED OF INDUSTRIAL UNITS OPERATING AS SUGAR MILLS Process Location Date Patricio Sanz No. 1609, Torre B, Piso 6, Col. Del From March 26 to Valle, Delegación Benito Juárez, C.P. 03100, México, June 10, 2015 Physical and electronic visits to the DATA D.F. ROOM From March 26 to Website: June 10, 2015 From march 26 to June 5, 2015 Physical visits to the INDUSTRIAL UNITS Address of the INDUSTRIAL UNITS Clarifications Meeting Address of the SAE, at Av. Insurgentes Sur No. 1931, P.B., Auditorio, Col. Guadalupe Inn, Delegación May 29, 2015 Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01020, México, D. F. Submittal of BIDS Address of the SAE, at Av. Insurgentes Sur No. 1931, From April 22 to Col. Guadalupe Inn, Delegación Álvaro Obregón, C.P. June 11, 2015 01020, México, D. F. Will be informed to Clarifications Meeting. PARTICIPANTS in the June 12, 2015 Obtaining resolution of favorable opinion of the COFECE with respect to the requests filed by the BIDDERS General Office of Regulated Markets and Bids of the COFECE, located at Av. Santa Fe 505, Piso 24, Col. No later than June Cruz Manca, Delegación Cuajimalpa, C.P. 05349, 11, 2015 México, D.F. Opening of BIDS and AWARD Will be informed to Clarifications Meeting. PARTICIPANTS in the June 12, 2015 Time Physical: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Electronic: Access available 24 hours Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm 10:30 am From April 22 to June 11, 2015, prior appointment 2 BUSINESS DAYS in advance From 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Not Applicable 1:30 pm 3. PAYMENT OF TERMS OF SALE. These TERMS OF SALE shall be paid within the period between March 26 and April 17, 2015, by deposit or wire transfer of $25,000.00 (Twenty-five thousand Pesos 00/100 Mexican currency), including the Value Added Tax, to “Servicio de Administración y Enajenación de Bienes” (not accepting other denominations), to the bank account with Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, number 00102532069, CLABE 044180001025320695, Reference: INGENIOS (SWIFT MBCOMXMM). The deposit or transfer shall take place within the prescribed period, regardless of a later reconciliation by the SAE according to banking practice. No complaints by INTERESTED PARTIES whose deposit or transfer is not reconciled for lack of the required reference shall be accepted. The INTERESTED PARTY, by itself or through legal representative, shall send to or appear at Patricio Sanz No. 1609, Torre B, Piso 6, Col. Del Valle, Delegación Benito Juárez, C.P. 03100, México, D.F., during BUSINESS DAYS from March 26 to April 22, 2015, with the copy of bank deposit (slip) or the bank transfer stating the payment, the confidentiality agreement available in the website htpp:// signed by the legal representative with his official ID in the manner indicated in section 8 of the TERMS OF SALE. Once the payment and the confidentiality agreement are approved, SAE shall issue to the legal representative the proof of purchase of the TERMS OF SALE and the preliminary version of the TERMS OF SALE, physically or through the registered email. Once the past steps are completed, the INTERESTED PARTY will be able to continue for his registration as PARTICIPANT in the PUBLIC AUCTION. 4. 4.1 a) b) c) CONDITIONS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AUCTION. The following are eligible to participate in this AUCTION: Entities, domestic or foreign, organized and existing under the laws that govern them, as well as trusts and special purpose vehicles. Individuals, domestic or foreign, that have full capacity to do business as provided under Mexican law. State or municipal governments or their agencies or bodies, provided the legal framework that governs them expressly permit so. 4.2 Individuals or entities, domestic or foreign, and trusts that fall in any of the events provided in Article 32 of the LFAEBSP are not eligible to participate in this AUCTION, directly or indirectly, whatever their nature. 5. BIDDER REGISTRATION. To be registered as BIDDERS, the INTERESTED PARTIES by itself or through its legal representative, shall appear before the SAE in the place, days and times indicated in the schedule contained in this INVITATION TO BID and produce the documents described in the TERMS OF SALE and in 6. FAVORABLE OPINION OF COFECE. Between April 23 and 24, 2015, all BIDDERS, without exception, must seek the opinion of the COFECE, pursuant to the applicable antitrust legislation, in accordance with the instructions contained in Annex 6 to the TERMS OF SALE, which is published on the website of the COFECE at Failure to comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph by the BIDDER will lead to disqualification. The resolutions issued by the COFECE will be announced to the BIDDER or BIDDERS no latter than June 11, 2015. Also, no later than June 11, 2015, the COFECE shall forward to the SAE a list with the names of the BIDDERS who have obtained favorable opinion in order for their BIDS to be considered. SERVICIO DE ADMINISTRACIÓN Y ENAJENACIÓN DE BIENES (PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL SERVICE) INVITATION TO PUBLIC AUCTION LPEM Nº 01/15 FOR THE SALE OF PORTFOLIOS COMPRISED OF INDUSTRIAL UNITS OPERATING AS SUGAR MILLS BIDDERS whose names do not appear on the list referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be disqualified, reason why the envelopes with the BIDS which, if any, were submitted by such BIDDERS shall not be opened and will be returned upon issuing the AWARD circumstance to be noted in the minutes. BIDDERS are required, in terms of the LFCE, to comply with the conditions, if any, set by the COFECE. Otherwise they will be disqualified or their BIDS will be discarded, as applicable. If that decision involves a restriction to acquire a certain number of PORTFOLIOS or a limit on the share of domestic sugar market, the provisions of section 17, subsection d) of the TERMS OF SALE shall apply. 7. GUARANTY OF SERIOUS OFFER. As part of the BIDDER registration, the INTERESTED PARTIES shall create a GUARANTY OF SERIOUS OFFER in an amount of $5,000,000.00 (Five million pesos 00/100 Mexican currency) by deposit or wire transfer to “Servicio de Administración y Enajenación de Bienes”. 8. PERFORMANCE GUARANTY. The amount of the PERFORMANCE GUARANTY shall be $250,000,000.00 (Two Hundred Fifty Million Pesos 00/100 Mexican currency), for each BID made by cashier’s or certificate check issued by a credit institution legally authorized to operate in Mexico, to the order of “Servicio de Administración y Enajenación de Bienes” 9. EVALUATION CRITERIA OF BIDS. Each of the PORTFOLIOS will be awarded according to the following evaluation criteria of BIDS: a) the evaluation of the BIDS and the awarding of the PORTFOLIOS shall be conducted successively in the order in which the PORTFOLIOS are listed in the table contained in section 1 of this INVITATION TO BID; b) Having fulfilled all the requirements of the TERMS OF SALE, each PORTFOLIO shall be awarded to the BIDDER who submitted the highest BID, provided it is equal or greater than the BASE PURCHASE PRICE published for each PORTFOLIO in this INVITATION TO BID and these TERMS OF SALE; c) In case of a tie of the amounts of the BIDS for the same PORTFOLIO, the PORTFOLIO shall be awarded to the BIDDER who submitted first the BID, based on the day, hour and minutes it was registered in accordance with the TERMS OF SALE, and d) If a BIDDER has received a favorable opinion from the COFECE conditioned as stated in section 6, last paragraph, of this INVITATION TO BID, only the PORTFOLIOS the acquisition of which has not been restricted or those that do not involve exceeding the limit of PORTFOLIOS or the market share established in the respective favorable opinion, may be awarded. In any case, the BIDDER shall have the right to have its BIDS evaluated based on the order provided in subparagraph a) of this section and only the BIDS resulting winners and that contravene the provisions of the favorable opinion shall be rejected. For purposes of the foregoing, figures on market share contained in Annex 9 to the TERMS OF SALE will be considered. 10. FORM OF PAYMENT. The GUARANTY OF SERIOUS OFFER and the PERFORMANCE GUARANTY of the SUCCESSFUL BIDDER will be considered advances of the full purchase price and the SAE will be authorized to enforce on them as from the issue of the AWARD. The SUCCESSFUL BIDDER shall make the payment of the remaining amount to cover the full purchase price by July 24, 2015, by wire transfer to the bank account notified by the SAE, regardless of what the SAE may reconcile thereafter according to banking practice. From the BUSINESS DAY following that in which the SAE has reconciled and confirmed full payment of the purchase price, the public deed shall be signed. 11. GENERAL INFORMATION. Both the BASE PURCHASE PRICE and the amounts of the BIDS include the applicable Value Added Tax. Any INTERESTED PARTY, BIDDER and/or SUCCESSFUL BIDDER shall be subject to the provisions of the LFAEBSP, the RLFAEBSP, the LFCE, the Foreign Investment Law, the POBALINES and other laws, treaties, regulations, decrees, rules, resolutions and any other applicable provisions. Therefore, any INTERESTED PARTY, BIDDER and/or SUCCESSFUL BIDDER shall be responsible for the taking of actions, submitting requests, giving notices and obtaining the necessary authorizations and permits in accordance with the applicable rules relating to the acquisition and operation of the INDUSTRIAL UNITS. BIDDERS agree that for this AUCTION the SAE shall not apply section FIFTEENTH of the POBALINES concerning the possibility of receiving payment extemporaneously. BIDDERS agree that the SAE shall not use the power to make second awards in this AUCTION, in terms of the provisions of Article 51 of the LFAEBSP. None of the terms and conditions of this INVITATION TO BID, of the TERMS OF SALE and its annexes, documentation and information contained in the DATA ROOM (including the public deed formalizing the respective purchase contract), as well as the BIDS presented on a firm commitment basis, irrevocably and unconditionally by BIDDERS, may be negotiated. All communications between BIDDERS and the SAE and/or SPECIALIZED THIRD PARTIES shall be in Spanish. Mexico City, Federal District, on March 26, 2015 REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SAE ______________________________________ Eugenio Raúl Blumenkron Zertuche Executive Director of Sales of Financial Assets and Businesses _________________________________________ Francisco Javier Dorantes Plascencia Corporate Director of Sales and Marketing Disclaimer: This document is an English translation that has been prepared for information purposes only. Due to the complexities of language translation, translations are not always precise. The official and original version of this document was prepared in Spanish and in case of any divergence, discrepancy or difference between this English version and the Spanish version, the Spanish version shall prevail and be controlling. The Spanish version is the only official, valid and complete version and shall control and prevail for any and all purposes. We provide no assurance as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the English translation. Any person reading this English translation and relying on it should do so on his or her own responsibility and risk. We therefore recommend that you rely your participation in the sale process in the original Spanish version of the document.
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