SUNSHINE DAY! FRIDAY April 24 th 2015 10:00a m-1:00pm Free Event for Children with Special Needs! ACTI VITIES, ENTERTAI NMENT, VI P ACCESS & SNACKS PROVIDED The National Orange Show strives to contribute to kids with special needs. Each year at our Annual Fair we have Sunshine Day which allows free entrance and VIP access for all special needs children. The children can enjoy games and giveaways (while supplies last) and will have tons of fun with all the fair activities! All children are required adult supervision. Reg ister By: April 3 rd, 2015 (SPACE LIMITED) 909-888-6788 National Ora nge Show 689 South “ E” Street Sa n Bernardi n o, CA 92408 w w w.n osevents .c om February 19, 2015 Dear Friend: On behalf of the National Orange Show, I would like to invite you to join us as our special Sunshine Day guests at the 100th National Orange Show Fair on Friday, April 24th, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This year we will serve lunch for all participants, as in the past; admission, parking, and all other entertainment is yours to enjoy absolutely free. For those who would like to purchase the various souvenirs and food items, our concession stands will be open for regular business. In order to make this special day a success, we will need your cooperation with the following: -You are responsible for your group’s transportation. Free parking will be available. -It is necessary that you provide a sufficient number of counselors to ensure that your group will be assisted in any manner they may require. -Please return the enclosed registration form no later than April 3th, 2015. A confirmation will soon follow. Be sure to fill out the form completely. You can also make your reservation by calling 909-888-6788 Ext. 415. Please leave your organization’s name, address, city, zip code, phone number, contact name, and the number of guests who plan to attend (chaperons are included in this count). Please remember that you must provied all requested information in order for us to return your confirmation. We look forward to seeing you at the 100th National Orange Show Fair, Sunshine Day, scheduled April 24th, 2015. Sincerly, National Orange Show National Orange Show • 689 South “E” Street • San Bernardino, CA 92408 • 909-888-6788 • The 100th National Orange Show Fair presents: SUNSHINE DAY 2015 April 24th 2015 10:00am – 1:00pm Registration Form PLEASE COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH CLASS THAT WILL BE ATTENDING. Name of School/District:______________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name:_____________________________________________________________________________ Classroom Number:____________ Number of Students:____________ Number of Chaperones:_____________ School Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ City/State: __________________________________________________________ Zip Code: ______________ Phone #:_______________________________________ Best time to be reached: ________________________ Please return this form to the National Orange Show by Friday, April 3th, 2015. Return address: National Orange Show Attn: Sunshine Day 689 South “E” Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 Fax: (909) 889-7666 If you have any questions contact: Alma Lecona • (909) 888-6788 Ext. 415 • Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing you! National Orange Show • 689 South “E” Street • San Bernardino, CA 92408 • 909-888-6788 •
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