MALAYSIAN TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME (MTCP) GENERAL INFORMATION ON MANAGING DIVERSITY IN A GLOBALISING WORLD: THE WAY FORWARD 19 - 28 APRIL 2015 ORGANISED BY CONTENTS TITLE 1 BACKGROUND 1 OBJECTIVES 2 PROGRAMME DURATION 2 PARTICIPANTS 2 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 3 PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION 3 FLIGHT TICKET AND TRANSPORTATION 4 ACCOMMODATION AND ALLOWANCE 4 DIETARY REQUIREMENTS 4 VISA AND VACCINATION FOR YELLOW FEVER 4 MEDICAL AND DENTAL TREATMENTS 5 INSURANCE 5 SOUVENIRS AND GIFTS 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF AWARD 6 APPLICATION AND INQUIRIES 7 FACILITIES 8 General Information on Programme Sponsors and Organisers MALAYSIAN TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME 9 UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA 11 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC POLICY AND MANAGEMENT 13 i Appendices APPENDIX 1: TENTATIVE PROGRAMME SCHEDULE 16 APPENDIX 2: MALAYSIA: GENERAL INFORMATION MALAYSIA’S CUSTOM, HEALTH AND QUARANTINE REGULATIONS 22 APPENDIX 3: APPLICATION FORM 28 APPENDIX 4: REGULATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS 35 ii Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 TITLE This training programme is entitled, “Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward”. BACKGROUND The definition of diversity in the modern world today does not only encompass race and ethnicity but gender, political ideologies and socio-economic background as well. Diversity has indeed contributed to the growth and development of societies worldwide. However, due to mismanagement of resources by governments, societies can easily fall into instability. Subsequently, other Arab nations began to erupt in protests and demonstrations, a movement which is more popularly known as the “Arab Spring”. The dissemination of information was made possible by social media and networking platforms. They have been the catalyst and inspiration in the grassroots movement for change. As the youth population constitutes the agents of change and hope, demographics too is playing a critical role in inducing democratisation of the political order. The “Managing Diversity in a Globalising World” training programme is part of the Malaysian Government’s continuous efforts to help enhance the knowledge and skills of public officials from developing countries in the areas of capacity building under the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP). The programme is implemented by the International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA), University of Malaya. This training programme offers the nation-building and developmental experiences of Malaysia – a country characterised by distinct ethnic, religious and cultural differences – as informative and instructive lessons to the participating countries. Given that Malaysia is able to develop while avoiding serious conflict or disintegration as a multicultural society, it can therefore offer its successful nation-building experience as a model to post-conflict countries which are committed to fulfilling the goals and agenda of national reconciliation and reconstruction. In effect, many of Malaysia’s policies and accompanying programmes have contributed to enduring peace and stability. Specifically, the aim of the training programme is to enable participants to critically evaluate the changing role of the State and the transformation of society caused by and in response to, the phenomena of evolving political demography and pressures of democratisation. 1 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 OBJECTIVES At the end of the programme, participants would be able to: enhance the understanding of multiculturalism via lessons from the experiences of other plural societies, particularly Malaysia, amongst participants from Southeast Asia and other regions; impart relevant knowledge and skills to participants, particularly in the areas of human security and peace-building in a multicultural environment; instill the principles of constitutionalism, institution building, and good governance in the context of multiculturalism amongst the participants as representative of their respective countries; enable the development of viable public policies and political mechanisms in managing potential areas of conflict in order to attain the goals of peace, security and nation building; develop greater understanding and closer relations between Malaysia and participating countries; and provide a platform for participants to establish professional networks with Malaysian public officials and other organisations. PROGRAMME DURATION The duration of the programme is ten days. It will be held at one of the hotels (to be confirmed later) in Petaling Jaya, Selangor from 19 – 28 April 2015. The tentative schedule is as attached in Appendix 1. TARGETED PARTICIPANTS The total number of candidates will be limited to twenty-four (24) comprising of public officials (middle and senior levels) from government ministries and other agencies from ASEAN member states. However, applicants from other countries/regions are also encouraged to apply. 2 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants must fulfil the following requirements: a civil servant from ASEAN member states who have practical experience of more than five (5) years in the public sector. However, participants from other countries/regions would also be considered. aged between 30 – 45 years; possess a good command of written and spoken English. A phone and when possible, a face-to-face interview with short-listed candidates will be conducted by the Embassy of Malaysia before a final decision is made; be in good health (applicants must submit his/her medical certificate together with the application form); had never participated in previous MTCP or TCTP training programmes organised by INPUMA or other Malaysian implementing agencies; and must not currently serve in the military service. PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION This programme will be fully conducted in English and shall include lectures, seminars and hands-on training for government officials from, but not limited to ASEAN member states to understand how Malaysia develops viable public policies to manage diversity with a particular focus on human security and peace-building in a multicultural environment. Field visits are an important component of the programme whereby participants will visit various public and private organisations (such as peace institute) as well as historical landmarks in Malaysia that relate to the programme’s objectives. Upon completion of this programme, participants would be able to apply the knowledge and experience gained in building peace and stability in their respective countries. Certificates will be awarded upon successful completion of the programme. 3 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 SEMINAR PRESENTATION Participants will be assigned to a group of four (4) to five (5) members with a specific topic which is relevant to their work experience in their respective organisations. As part of this training programme, each group will present their cases. Several senior Malaysian academicians/practitioners will be invited to evaluate the groups’ action plan presentations. Participants are required to bring research materials that may be helpful in preparing for their seminar presentation and these presentations must incorporate lessons learned throughout the duration of their training programme in Malaysia. FLIGHT TICKET AND TRANSPORTATION Participants will be provided with a round trip air ticket (economy class) from their respective countries. Respective country means the applicant’s country of origin. The implementing agency will not entertain any changes in travelling arrangement. Should any changes be made by the applicant, the cost will be borne by the applicant in full. Transportation for official visits within Malaysia, including airport transfers in Malaysia, will be provided. ACCOMMODATION AND ALLOWANCE All participants will be provided with hotel accommodation, arranged by the programme organiser. Accommodation will be on a twin-sharing basis. Per-diem or daily allowance will only be given on the days where dinner or lunch is not served. DIETARY REQUIREMENTS Once you are selected to the programme, please indicate to the organiser if you have any special dietary requirements. 4 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 VISA AND VACCINATION FOR YELLOW FEVER Wherever applicable, participants are advised to arrange for single entry visa on their own from the nearest Malaysian mission. The expense to obtain this visa should be borne by the participants. Successful participants are required to submit a coloured photocopy of the first page of their valid passport and a coloured passport size photo to the programme organiser for immigration processing. Participants from yellow fever endemic countries have to take a mandatory vaccination for yellow fever at least 10 days prior to their departure to Malaysia. Participants are required to be certified healthy and free from HIV and other chronic diseases by a government medical officer to participate in the programme. Participants must bring proof of such vaccination (such as the yellow book) to be produced at the immigration upon entering Malaysia. Apart from that, participants arriving in Malaysia are prohibited from bringing in plants, pests, soil, fertilisers, dry flowers and growth media. MEDICAL AND DENTAL TREATMENTS In case of an emergency, participants are eligible to be admitted to government hospitals or clinics. Medical treatments are provided at government hospitals or clinics only and the expenses will be borne by the Government of Malaysia. INSURANCE All successful participants are covered under the Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy arranged by the organiser. The insurance does not cover any pre-existing conditions or any outpatient medical treatment. Participants are personally liable for all medical expenses beyond what is covered by the Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy. As the coverage is limited, participants are advised to make their own arrangements to obtain adequate medical insurance coverage for their stay in Malaysia. SOUVENIRS AND GIFTS Participants are encouraged to bring souvenirs and gifts from his or her own country to be presented to the selected ministries and organisations which he or she will be visiting during the programme. 5 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF AWARD All applicants are required to abide by the following conditions of the award throughout the programme: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. Tuition fees will be borne by the Malaysian Government under the MTCP. This scholarship cannot be held concurrently with any other scholarship award. Requests for change of programme will not be entertained. Participants shall follow the programme course approved and MUST fully participate in all activities related to the programme. Participants are NOT allowed to bring along their spouses or other family members for the duration of the course. Participants are NOT allowed to leave Malaysia during the training course. Participants shall conduct themselves in a manner compatible with their responsibilities as MTCP scholarship holders and abide by the laws, rules and regulations of the land (Malaysia) and institutions at all times. During lectures, male participants are required to dress in long-sleeved shirts with ties, tailored long pants and blazer, or uniform, and ladies should be appropriately dressed in office attire. For formal occasions, lounge suit, national costume or batik is required. Participants are NOT allowed to participate in any political and/or commercial activities in any capacity whatsoever. Participants shall NOT take up paid employment during the tenure of their scholarship or serve as staff of their official representatives in Malaysia. Participants will be required to return to their own countries upon completion of the course or at the end of the tenure of the scholarship, whichever is earlier. The award may be terminated at any time due to unsatisfactory conduct, breach of the conditions of the award, failure to make satisfactory progress or as deemed necessary by the Malaysian training institution with the approval of the MTCP Secretariat. Participants who are found to be medically unfit during the course of the programme will be required to return to their country immediately. 6 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 APPLICATION AND INQUIRIES A government ministry applying for the course on behalf of its nominee(s) shall forward three (3) original copies of the completed and endorsed Application Form for each applicant to the Government of Malaysia through diplomatic channels. Application procedure and enquiries are as follows: All applications must be made via the standard application form, which is attached to this book and is also obtainable from the Embassy of Malaysia in their respective countries. All application forms must be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the relevant ministry or agency responsible for the overall coordination of international technical assistance (Focal Agency) in their respective countries. INCOMPLETE AND/OR UNENDORSED FORMS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Application forms which have been endorsed and approved should be submitted ONLY through the diplomatic channel via Embassy of Malaysia in the respective countries no later than Wednesday, 4 March 2015. IMPORTANT All applicants must provide a valid e-mail address written legibly in the application form. Confirmation of the course and other notifications will be made using e-mail. For any inquiries regarding this course, please contact INPUMA through the following channels: International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA) Level 3, Research Management and Innovation Complex University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur Telephone Facsimile E-mail : +603 7967 7970 / 7974 / 7976 : +603 7967 7971 : Dr Sharifah Mariam Alhabshi, Associate Professor – Ms Sofiya Wan Mohd Nor, Programme Officer – Mr. Shahrul Azmi Tokimin, Programme Officer – Mr. Mohd Hairolnezam Kahmis, Senior Assistant Registrar 7 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 Or visit the homepage at: Preferred mode of communication is through e-mail. INPUMA will notify successful applicants no later than Thursday, 12 March 2015. FACILITIES INPUMA, University of Malaya will provide the facilities for the programme. 8 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 MALAYSIAN TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME (MTCP) The history of the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) dates as far back as the First Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) for the Asia Pacific Region in Sydney in February 1978, where the idea was first mooted. The MTCP was officially launched on September 7, 1980 at the Commonwealth Heads of State Meeting in New Delhi, India, to signify Malaysia’s commitment to South‐South Cooperation, in particular Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC). In line with the spirit of the South‐South Cooperation, MTCP is considered as a bilateral technical cooperation programme with an objective to share development experiences with other developing countries. This “prosper‐thy‐neighbour” philosophy is the underlying basis for the MTCP. The programme was first formulated based on the belief that the development of a country depends on the quality of its human resources. The programme provides various forms of technical cooperation in areas where Malaysia has the experience and expertise. The MTCP emphasises on the development of human resources through the provision of training in various areas which are essential for a country’s development such as public administration, agriculture, poverty alleviation, investment promotion, ICT, banking and English language. Beginning of 2010, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Malaysia is responsible for the administration and coordination of MTCP activities. Since its inception, the MTCP has expanded in terms of its scope and coverage with emphasis on the exchange of development experience. More than 2,000 participants from 139 member countries come to Malaysia annually under MTCP. Currently, the MTCP has a membership of more than 28,000 alumni worldwide. The 73 MTCP training institutions offer more than 100 short‐term specialised courses, many of which are centres of excellence for training, with the aim of building human capital in other developing countries. The objectives of MTCP are: to share Malaysia’s development experiences with other countries; to strengthen bilateral relations between Malaysia and other developing countries; to promote South‐South Cooperation; and to promote technical cooperation among developing countries. 9 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) The MTCP also collaborates with international organisations such as the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Colombo Plan, the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (CFTC), the Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA) and the Australian Government Overseas Aid Program (AUSAID) through Third Country Training Programme (TCTP). These TCTPs are organised through partnerships with several MTCP training institutions. For further inquiries regarding MTCP/TCTP, please contact: The Secretary General MTCP Secretariat Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wisma Putra No. 1, Jalan Wisma Putra Precinct 2 62602 Putrajaya Telephone Facsimile E-mail : +603 8887 4774 : +603 8889 2936 : Website: 10 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA The University of Malaya is the oldest tertiary institution in Malaysia. It is located on a spacious 750-acre campus in the southwest region of Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. The University of Malaya grew out of a tradition of service to society. Its predecessors were the King Edward VII College of Medicine, established in 1905, and the Raffles College, established in 1929. The two colleges which were established to meet the urgent demands in medicine and education respectively, merged on 8 October 1949. As a combined entity, the two colleges could perform an even greater service to help lay the foundations of a new nation by producing a generation of skilled and educated men and women. Hence the University was established to serve the higher education needs of the then Federation of Malaya. The University motto, “Ilmu Puncha Kemajuan” (Knowledge is the Key to Progress) reflects the philosophy of the University in its constant endeavour to seek knowledge in all fields, to produce successful graduates, and to strengthen the foundations for a prosperous nation. University of Malaya senate on 29 August 2013 has approved the merger of the faculties or the so-called restructuring into six new entities; Academy of Islamic and Malay Studies, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business, Law and Economics, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Sciences and Natural, Pure and Physical Sciences. The university offers numerous degree programmes offered to local and international students. There are matriculation, certificate, diploma and postgraduate programmes offered by the academies, centres, faculties and institutes in the university. Today over 28,000 students are registered in various courses. Bolstered by 2,043 faculty members, comprising of 284 professors, 346 associate professors, 988 lecturers, and 3,315 administrative and support staff, the university provides academic expertise of the highest quality. The University of Malaya has established several institutes such as the International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA), the Institute of Research Management and Consultancy (IPPP), the Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS), the Asia-Europe Institute (AEI), and the Institute of China Studies (ICS) to help meet its vision to be the leading research university in the region. 11 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 For more information on the University of Malaya, please contact: International and Corporate Office (ICR) University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur Telephone Facsimile E-mail Relations : +603 7967 3273 : +603 7956 0027 : Or visit the homepage at: 12 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC POLICY AND MANAGEMENT (INPUMA) The International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA), University of Malaya, has established itself as one of the leading resource centres for public policy and human resource management in the region. This has been achieved through carefully crafted strategies and by consistently benchmarking itself against the best global practices in public policy. This, along with a clear recognition of current national and international developments in the political, economic and social spheres, constantly shape INPUMA’s outlook and perspective. As an example, in the wake of the recent turmoil in North Africa and the Middle East, INPUMA seeks to analyse, debate and monitor its implications or public policies at both the international and national levels. Over the years, INPUMA has succeeded in contributing to the intellectual discourse on public policy issues in Malaysia through forums, conferences and public lectures. These events revolve around topical and important public policy issues such as good governance in higher education, the impact of ICT in bridging the urban-rural (or generational) divide, sustainable development, promotion of Malaysia as a halal hub, as well as development issues close to the heart of the civil society. They are designed to provide platforms to policy makers, leaders and the mass media to exchange and articulate ideas pertaining to policy issues. INPUMA, invariably, acts as an intellectual laboratory which tests out the best possible inputs for public policymaking. In accordance with its multi-disciplinary focus, INPUMA seeks to collaborate with the public and private sectors in research programmes with the humanities and social sciences. A broader understanding of public policy and management is gained through this cross-fertilisation and this has helped to place INPUMA in a coveted position as one of the distinguished public policy institutions in Southeast Asia. 13 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 INPUMA’s range of programmes and research includes the following: A. Academic Programme: The Master of Public Policy (MPP) provides rigorous oncampus training. The MPP is offered at a post-graduate level and is geared to the needs of practising or prospective managers who wish to acquire or enhance the skills necessary for effective and responsible public sector management and policy analysis. The programme will equip candidates with knowledge in the fields of public policy processes and affairs in local and global contexts, and with theoretical and methodological skills in public policy issues. B. International Cooperation Programmes: These are human capital development programmes that are conducted under the auspices of the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) which includes the Third Country Training Programme (TCTP). They are directed at providing training in areas such as capacity building, multicultural management and conflict resolution to public officials from other developing countries. Participants are also exposed to Malaysia’s unique developmental experiences and issues. Over the years, INPUMA has succeeded in cultivating and fostering close ties with participating governments such as the Republic of the Sudan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, as well as nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), principally the Asia Foundation (TAF), the Commonwealth Secretariat (COMSEC) and the International Law InstituteAfrican Centre for Legal Excellence (ILI-ACLE). In addition, existing ties with international bodies such as the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) continue to strengthen. C. Research, Consultancy and Publications: INPUMA’s latest cutting-edge research projects cover a wide range of policy issues with a particular focus on foreign policy and international relations, the spatial economics and geography of halal hubs, the socioeconomics impact of urban reconfiguration, sustainable development and environmental input evaluation. D. Short-term Training Courses: Most of INPUMA’s training courses are tailormade and especially designed for international public officials from various government agencies. 14 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 E. Conferences, Seminars and Public Lectures: These events target critical issues that affect national development. The focus areas are leadership and management, policy-making and governance. For further information about INPUMA, please contact: The International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA) Level 3, Research Management and Innovation Complex, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur Telephone Facsimile E-mail : +603 7967 7970 / 7974/ 7976 : +603 7967 7971 : Or visit the homepage at: 15 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 Appendix 1 PROGRAMME *Subject to change TIME FACILITATOR DAY 1 : 19 April 2015 (Sunday) 2000 – 2130 Arrival and Check-in INPUMA Welcome Dinner INPUMA DAY 2 : 20 April 2015 (Monday) 0830 - 1000 Registration and Programme Briefing 1000 – 1030 Tea Break 1030 – 1230 An Introduction to Introduction Assoc. Prof Dr Khadijah Md Khalid / Assoc. Prof Dr Shakila Yacob Multicultural Malaysia: A General Assoc. Prof Dr Khadijah Md Khalid / Assoc. Prof Dr Shakila Yacob This session represents one of the basic features of the programme since it serves as an introduction to the host country (Malaysia) from a general perspective. Participants will learn about the historical background, political system and socio-economic development of the nation before delving into in-depth details. Participants will gain a broad understanding of Malaysia as a prelude to the various perspectives that make up the country. 1245 – 1345 Lunch 1400 – 1545 Panel Session: Federal-State Relations in Malaysia: Balancing Inclusion and Diversity The session focuses on the importance of federal-state relations in understanding Malaysian development since its independence. The relatively cordial relations between the federal government and that of the thirteen states in Malaysia have undoubtedly contributed to the political stability and impressive economic performance of the country. Moderator Assoc. Prof. Dr Shakila Yacob Panelists 1. 2. 3. 1545 - 1600 1615 Tan Sri Dr Sulaiman Mahbob Assoc. Prof Dr Madeline Berma Dr Amir Raslan Tea Break Depart for City Centre/ Kuala Lumpur INPUMA 16 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 DAY 3 : 21 April 2015 (Tuesday) 0830 – 1030 Multiculturalism and Nation Building: The Constitution This session discusses the important role of leadership in managing the politics of a heterogeneous society like Malaysia. Leadership is integral towards the development of a cohesive, unified and strong nation which transcends racial, religious and linguistic identities. 1030 – 1045 Tea Break 1045 – 1245 Multiculturalism in a Globalising World: Issues and Challenges Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi Assoc. Prof Dr Jatswan Singh Sidhu Multiculturalism provides nations with the opportunity to embrace diversity through national unity. However, if left unchecked it may threaten to destabilise a country. This session looks at how multiculturalism affects the socioeconomic development of a nation in the globalising world. 1245 – 1345 Lunch 1400 – 1545 Managing Diversity in Malaysia: A Case Study in Developing an Early Warning System of Ethnic Relations Mr Anis Yusal Yusoff Contrary to popular belief, the failure to manage ethnic sensitivity does not cause ethic conflict, but rather it is the disregard to ensure justice, equality and inclusiveness of all citizens – irrespective of race, religion and socio-economic status that causes ethnic tension. 1545 – 1600 Tea Break 1600 – 1745 Panel Session: Can Diversity be Managed? This session explores the single greatest challenge faced by the world today which is to find a meaningful way in which diverse communities will be able to co-exist peacefully and harmoniously in the globalising world. Moderator Mr Abdullah Azmi Abd Khalid Panelists 1. 2. 1745 – 1800 Tea Break 3. Prof Dr Karim D.Crow Mr Herizal Hazri Prof Dr James UH Chin DAY 4 : 22 April 2015 (Wednesday) 0830 – 1030 Managing Multiculturalism: An Overview & Comparative Perspective (Case Studies from Selected Multicultural Societies) Assoc. Prof Dr Jatswan Singh As a result of the political, economic and demographic challenges of the globalising world, there is a need to address the incorporation of new minority groups from international population flows. This lecture will study selected multicultural societies in effectively managing multiculturalism. 17 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 1030 – 1045 Tea Break 1045 – 1245 Peace-building Strategies: Sharing Best Practices Assoc. Prof Dr Jatswan Singh Peacebuilding strategies aim to connect people and groups that are ‘on the ground’ with policymakers and powerbrokers to establish and sustain not only conflict resolution, but to build societies, institutions, policies and relationships that work over the long run at all levels of society. 1245 – 1345 Lunch 1400 – 1600 Workshop: Sharing Best Practices, the Way Forward Assoc. Prof Dr Jatswan Singh This workshop aims to equip participants with the best practices on addressing issues such as: 1. Transforming the Situation 2. Dealing with Hardliners 3. Role of Civil Society 4. Peace and Development 5. Lessons Learned from Local Traditions and Wisdoms 1615 - 1630 Tea Break 1630 – 1830 Panel Session: Gender Inequality and Social Cohesion in a Globalising World INPUMA This session aims to shed light on the bottlenecks of economic and political participation with a focus on gender that may undermine social cohesion at the local and global levels in an increasingly converging world. INPUMA 2000 - 2200 Group Discussion (Preparation for Seminar Presentation) Day 5 : 23 April 2015 (Thursday) 0830 – 1000 Breakfast & Checkout 1015 Depart for Penang 1300 Lunch 1500 – 1615 Visit and Briefing by Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC) 1700 – 1845 Tour of Penang Second Bridge 1900 INPUMA PSDC INPUMA Check-in Royale Bintang Penang 18 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 Day 6 : 24 April 2015 (Friday) 0830 Depart for the City Centre INPUMA 0900 – 1100 Briefing by Dr Anwar Fazal Taiping Peace Initiative 1100 – 1300 Visit and Briefing by Women’s Development Research Centre (KANITA), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) 1300 – 1430 Lunch and Friday Prayer 1500 KANITA, USM INPUMA Depart for Royale Bintang Penang 1800-- 2000 Dinner Royale Bintang Penang 2030 – 2130 Group Discussion (Preparation for Seminar Presentation) INPUMA Day 7 : 25 April 2015 (Saturday) 0830 Breakfast Royale Bintang Penang 1100 Checkout and depart for Kuala Lumpur (Stopover in Ipoh) INPUMA 1700 Check-in Royale Chulan Damansara INPUMA Day 8 : 26 April 2015 (Sunday) 0845 - 1100 Panel Session: Managing “The Young and the Restless” in a Globalising World The bulging youth population is an issue that needs to be tackled by countries to avoid social instability and unrest. This panel session will discuss how to effectively manage “the young and the restless”. 1100 – 1115 Tea Break 1115 – 1315 Addressing Socio-Economic Disparity: The Malaysian Experience Moderator Mr Herizal Hazri 1. 2. 3. Panelists Mr Danial Rahman Mr Eddin Khoo Tengku Zuhri Tengku Abd Aziz Tan Sri Dr Sulaiman Mahbob This lecture examines the Malaysian scenario of inter-ethnic and urban-rural disparity. The National Economic Disparity is studied as a means to create the conditions for national unity by reducing inter-ethnic resentment due to socioeconomic disparities. 19 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 1315 – 1430 Lunch 1500 – 1630 Special Lecture By Tan Sri Dato’ Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, Group Managing Director of Boustead Holdings Sdn Bhd Tan Sri Dato’ Lodin Wok Kamaruddin “The Role of Private Sector in Malaysian Socio-Economic Development: The Case of Boustead Holdings Berhad” The presentation discusses the traditional objectives and directions of conventional funds in Malaysia. The speaker will share his experience in Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera, LTAT (Armed Forces Fund), where a different and robust approach is taken in managing its fund including diversifying investment portfolio and active management participation in investee companies. With the success and positive returns achieved through this strategy, LTAT was able to undertake Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR") programmes which benefited its members. 1700 – 2000 Group Discussion (Preparation for Seminar Presentation) INPUMA Day 9 : 27 April 2015 (Monday) 0830 - 1030 Seminar Presentation (Groups 1 & 2) 1030 – 1045 Tea Break 1045 – 1245 Seminar Presentation (Groups 3 & 4) 1245 – 1345 Lunch & Rest 1345 – 1600 Seminar Presentation (Groups 5 & 6) 1600 – 1615 Tea Break 1615 – 1730 Overall Programme Evaluation 2000 – 2200 “Farewell Dinner” Chairperson: Assoc. Prof Dr Shakila Yacob Commentators: 1. Assoc. Prof Dr Jatswan Singh 2. Mr Herizal Hazri 3. Assoc. Prof Dr Khadijah Md Khalid Day 10 : 28 April 2015 (Tuesday) 0830 Check-out from hotel and “Farewell Malaysia” INPUMA 20 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 Appendix 2 MALAYSIA: GENERAL INFORMATION Geographical Location Situated between 2º and 7º to the North of the Equator line, Peninsular Malaysia is separated from Sabah and Sarawak by the South China Sea. In the northern part of Peninsular Malaysia lies Thailand, and in the south, neighbouring Singapore. Sabah and Sarawak are bounded by Indonesia while Sarawak also shares a border with Brunei. Population 30 million 2014 Capital City Kuala Lumpur People Malays comprise 67.4% of the population, while the Chinese and Indians respectively comprise 24.6% and 7.3% of the rest of the population. The remaining 0.70% is made up of other ethnic groups. Language Malay Language (Bahasa Melayu) is the national language in use, but English is widely spoken. The ethnic groups also converse in various languages and dialects. Religion Islam is the official religion of the country, but other religions are widely practised. Government Malaysia follows the bicameral legislative system, adopting a democratic constitutional monarchy system. The head of the country is the King or the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, a position which is changed every five years by the Conference of Rulers. The head of government is the Prime Minister. 21 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 Weather The country experiences tropical weather year-round. Temperatures are from 21ºC (70ºF) to 32ºC (90ºF). Higher elevations are much colder with temperatures between 15°C (59° F) to 25°C (77°F). Annual rainfall varies from 2,000 mm to 2,500 mm. Economic Profile Manufacturing constitutes the largest single component of Malaysia's economy. Tourism and primary commodities such as petroleum, palm oil, natural rubber and timber are major contributors to the economy. Currency The monetary unit of the country is Ringgit Malaysia (MYR) and is written as RM. The exchange rate is valued at USD 1 = RM 3.48 subject to change. Foreign currencies can be exchanged at banks and money changers. Time Eight hours ahead of GMT and 16 hours ahead of U.S Standard Time. Electricity Voltage is 220 – 240 Volt AC at 50 cycles per second. Standard 3-pin square plugs and sockets are used. Measurement and Weight Malaysia follows the metric system for weight and measurement. Telephone Local calls can be made from public phones using coins or prepaid cards. International calls can also be made using card phones or at any telecommunication stores. Entry Requirements Persons seeking entry into Malaysia must be in the possession of a valid passport (and visa whenever applicable) or other internationally recognized travel documents endorsed for travel in Malaysia. Such passports or other travel documents must be valid for at least six months beyond the period of stay allowed in Malaysia. 22 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 Health Regulations CHOLERA: No cholera vaccination is required for travellers entering Malaysia. YELLOW FEVER: Vaccination is required for arrival from infected areas and from Yellow Fever Endemic Zones except for children under one year old. If a person is unable to produce a valid certificate of vaccination against Yellow Fever, he/she can be quarantined until his/her certificate becomes valid. Clothes Light, cool and casual. Some establishments require long‐sleeved shirt with tie or local batik shirt for the evening. For more formal occasions, suit, jacket and tie, or national costume are best. Drugs/Littering Illegal trafficking of illicit drugs carries a death penalty. Littering carries a fine of up to RM500.00. MALAYSIA CUSTOMS, HEALTH AND QUARANTINE REGULATIONS 1. Customs Regulations Customs Duty Exemption 1988, Clause 19 allows Malaysian citizens and visitors to import goods, provided they abide by these conditions: Wine, liquor/liquor malt All not more than 1 litre Tobacco 200 cigarettes / 50 cigars / 225 gm Clothes/Apparel Not more than 3 pieces Shoes Not more than 1 pair Cosmetics or electronic, personal care items/toiletries or using batteries Not more than 1 unit 23 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 Duty food item Not more than RM75 Souvenirs/Gifts Not more than RM400 (except goods from Langkawi and Labuan, worth not more than RM500) The above goods can be imported and exempted from customs duty if these conditions are followed: i. The goods are imported together or in the visitors baggage; ii. Goods are for personal and regular usage; and iii. Visitors can convince the Customs Officer that they are not Malaysian citizens and are only planning to stay in Malaysia for less than 72 hours. For Malaysian citizens, they must have left the country for not less than 72 hours (for Labuan Federal Territory - 24 hours and Langkawi - 48 hours). iv. Visitors who carry goods exceeding the stated duty free limit must pay full tax fees for the excess with a ratio of 30% from the worth of goods. 2. Vaccination Requirements A Yellow Fever vaccination certificate is required from all visitors coming from/through Yellow Fever endemic countries. They are required to bring along their Yellow Fever vaccination certificates, which must be valid. A vaccination certificate against Yellow Fever disease will be valid if the vaccination is taken at least 10 days prior to the date of arrival in Malaysia and the validity of the vaccination is for a period of 10 years. This requirement also applies to those who had visited Yellow Fever endemic countries within one week prior to arrival in Malaysia. In accordance with Article 68 of the International Health Regulations of the World Health Organisation, a person without a valid Yellow Fever vaccination certificate shall be quarantined upon arrival in Malaysia. 24 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 3. Quarantine Regulations REQUIREMENT PRIOR TO DEPARTURE FROM COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Visitors intending to bring plants, planting material (e.g. seeds, cutting), and plant produce (e.g. fruits, vegetables), rooting media (e.g. peat moss) or any micro-organism must obtain an import permit from the Department of Agriculture Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. The consignment must fulfil the requirements in the import permit and certified by a valid phytosanitary certificate issued by the plant protection organisation in the country of origin. The consignment must be accompanied by both documents mentioned above. All equipments or personal belongings must be cleared and free from soil. 25 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 Appendix 3 Please affix passport sized photograph APPLICATION FORM For Official Use Only Reference Number : _______________ Received : _______________ Checked : _______________ SHORT TERM COURSE IN MALAYSIA – THE MALAYSIAN TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME (MTCP) Please type or write clearly in capital letters. Do not leave any space blank. Use “NIL” or “N/A” where applicable. TITLE OF COURSE MANAGING DIVERSITY IN A GLOBALISING WORLD: THE WAY FORWARD NAME OF IMPLEMENTING AGENCY INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC POLICY AND MANAGEMENT (INPUMA), UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA 1. DATE OF COMMENCEMENT 19 – 28 APRIL 2015 PERSONAL DATA Family Name (Surname) First Name (Given Name) Date of Birth Day Month Nationality (Citizenship) Middle Name (Other Name) Gender City of Birth Country of Birth Passport Number Year Male / Female # Marital Status Single / Married # Religion # Delete accordingly 2. COMMUNICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Office Address Home / Postal Address Office Telephone Country Area Number Facsimile / Fax Country Area Number Home Telephone Country Area Number e-Mail Person to be contacted in case of emergency Name : ______________________________________ e-Mail : ______________________________________ Telephone : ______________________________________ Mobile Phone : ______________________________________ Address : ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: This application form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for Technical Assistance in your country. FORMS WHICH ARE INCOMPLETE AND/OR NOT ENDORSED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 26 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 3. EDUCATION (list in order of time, starting with last institution attended) Name of Institution and Place of Study 4. Major Field of Study Year of Study (from – to) Degree EMPLOYMENT RECORD A. Present or most recent post B. Previous post Employer Employer Years of service (from – to) Years of service (from – to) Title of your post / position Title of your post / position Present salary per month (US Dollars) Salary per month (US Dollars) Name of supervisor and title Name of supervisor and title Type of organisation Type of organisation Government / Semi-Government / Private / NGO # Government / Semi-Government / Private / NGO # Main functions of organisation Main functions of organisation Total number of employees Total number of employees # Delete accordingly Description of your work including your responsibility Please continue on supplementary pages if necessary NOTE: This application form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for Technical Assistance in your country. FORMS WHICH ARE INCOMPLETE AND/OR NOT ENDORSED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 27 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 5. REASONS FOR APPLYING THIS COURSE Please state briefly the reasons for applying to this course and how you hope to benefit from the programme Please continue on supplementary pages if necessary Have you participated in any training programme in Malaysia before? Name of programme YES / NO # Name of organiser Have you participated in any MTCP training programme in Malaysia before? Name of course Year YES / NO # Name of training institute Have you participated in any JICA programme including TCTP training, before? Name of course Year YES / NO # Name of training institute Year # Delete accordingly 6. ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY (kindly provide a copy of certificate as proof of proficiency) Excellent Good Fair Basic Remarks Listening Speaking Writing Reading Mother tongue : _________________________________________________________________________ Language test administered by : _________________________________________________________________________ Title : _________________________________________________________________________ Address : _________________________________________________________________________ Telephone : _________________________________________________________________________ e-Mail : _________________________________________________________________________ Date and signature : _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: This application form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for Technical Assistance in your country. FORMS WHICH ARE INCOMPLETE AND/OR NOT ENDORSED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 28 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 7. MEDICAL REPORT (to be completed by an authorised physician) Name of applicant Age Sex Height Weight (cm) Blood group A B AB O (kg) Other _________ Blood pressure Is the person examined at present in good health? Is the person free from infectious disease tuberculosis, trachoma, skin disease, etc.)? List any abnormalities indicated in the chest x-ray. Is the person examined physically and mentally able to carry out intensive training away from home? (AIDS, Does the person examined have any condition or defect (including teeth) which might require treatment during the course? Pregnancy test (for women). I certify that the applicant is medically fit to undertake a course in Malaysia. Name of physician : _________________________________________________________________________ Address of clinic : _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Telephone : _________________________________________________________________________ e-Mail : _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of physician : _________________________________________________________________________ Date : _________________________________________________________________________ Seal of clinic : NOTE: This application form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for Technical Assistance in your country. FORMS WHICH ARE INCOMPLETE AND/OR NOT ENDORSED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 29 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 8. APPLICANT’S DECLARATION I, ______________________________________________________ Name of applicant of ____________________________________________________ Representing country Declare that, a) All information provided is true, complete and accurate to the best of my belief and knowledge, and that I have not wilfully suppressed any material facts; b) I am medically fit and free from any medical problems which may impair my ability to attend and complete the training in Malaysia; c) I will be personally liable for ALL medical expenses due to pre-existing conditions/illnesses incurred during my stay in Malaysia, and also other than those covered under the Group Personal Accident Insurance and Group Hospital and Surgical Insurance policy. (All successful participants are covered under Group Personal Accident and Group Hospital and Surgical Insurance. The Group Personal Accident and Group Hospital and Surgical Insurance does NOT cover any pre-existing conditions/illnesses or any outpatient medical/dental treatment. Participants are personally liable and/or responsible to pay for their own medical expenses beyond than what is covered by the insurance policy. As the coverage is limited, participants are advised to make their own arrangements to obtain adequate medical insurance coverage for their stay in Malaysia); and d) For pregnant female applicants only: I am __________ months pregnant and am / am not certified by a qualified doctor to be medically fit and in good health to travel and attend the training in Malaysia. Upon successful selection for the training award, I undertake to: a) Carry out instructions and abide by such terms and conditions as may be stipulated by the nominating and host governments in respect of this training course; b) Abide by the rules and regulations of the training institution in which I undertake to study in or be trained under; c) Submit/present any report which may be required; d) Refrain from engaging in political activities and any form of employment for profit or gain; e) Return to my home country upon completion of the training; and f) Discontinue the course should I be found guilty of misconduct or be medically unfit. I fully understand that if I fail to company with the terms and conditions of the training award, and/or any of the above declarations are found to be untrue, the award will be terminated with immediate effect and I will be liable to depart from Malaysia at my own expense. _______________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________________________ Signature of applicant NOTE: This application form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for Technical Assistance in your country. FORMS WHICH ARE INCOMPLETE AND/OR NOT ENDORSED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 30 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 9. LETTER OF INDEMNITY To the Government of Malaysia, I _________________________________________ , Passport Number: _______________________ having an address at ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ , hereby declare that I shall be personally liable for and shall indemnify the Government of Malaysia and the International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA), University of Malaya against all liabilities, claims, losses, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, costs or expenses, in part/total, whatsoever arising under the laws of Malaysia or common law which may be made or taken against the Government of Malaysia and/or the International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA), University of Malaya or incurred or become payable by the Government of Malaysia and/or the International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA), University of Malaya in respect of any medical illness, personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise), or the death of any person, by reason of my carelessness, negligence, omission or default, in the course of my training with the International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA), University of Malaya, which is appointed by the Government of Malaysia. Dated this ______ day of _____________ month of the year 2015. Signature of applicant : ______________________________________________________ Name of applicant : ______________________________________________________ Date : ______________________________________________________ In the presence of Signature of witness : ______________________________________________________ Name of witness : ______________________________________________________ Designation of witness : ______________________________________________________ I/C or passport number : ______________________________________________________ NOTE: This application form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for Technical Assistance in your country. FORMS WHICH ARE INCOMPLETE AND/OR NOT ENDORSED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 31 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 10. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE NOMINATING GOVERNMENT Reasons for applicant’s selection _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The post which the applicant will be required to fill upon satisfactory completion of training _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Relevance of the course to applicant’s job _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: This application form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for Technical Assistance in your country. FORMS WHICH ARE INCOMPLETE AND/OR NOT ENDORSED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 32 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 11. OFFICIAL DECLARATION (to be completed by the nominating government) On behalf of the Government of ___________________________________ , Country I ___________________________________ Name of official Certify that: a) I have examined the educational, professional or other certificates quoted by the applicant in this form and I am satisfied that they are authentic and relate to the applicant; b) The applicant is medically fit and free from infectious disease and that, having regard to his/her physical and mental history, there is no reason to suppose that the applicant is other than fit to undertake the journey to Malaysia and to remain in Malaysia for the duration of training; c) Should the nominee seek medical consultation/treatment for his/her pre-existing conditions/illnesses during his period of stay in Malaysia, he would be personally liable for all medical expenses incurred, other than those covered under the Group Personal Accident Insurance; and d) The applicant has attained a level of proficiency in both spoken and written English to enable him/her to follow the course of study/training for which he/she is being nominated. I nominate (Dr / Mr / Mrs / Ms)* _________________________________ holding Passport No. : ____________________ for the training course. _______________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________ Signature and official stamp _______________________________________________________ Designation _______________________________________________________ e-Mail address _______________________________________________________ Name of organisation ________________ Country code ________________ Area Code ________________ Office Telephone Endorsement by the nominating country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for Technical Assistance: _______________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________ Signature and official stamp _______________________________________________________ Designation _______________________________________________________ e-Mail address _______________________________________________________ Name of organisation ________________ Country code ________________ Area Code ________________ Office Telephone NOTE: This application form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for Technical Assistance in your country. FORMS WHICH ARE INCOMPLETE AND/OR NOT ENDORSED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 33 Managing Diversity in a Globalising World: The Way Forward 19 - 28 April 2015 Appendix 4 REGULATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS Participants are respectfully required: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. to attend/participate actively in all sessions including study visits; to observe the programme schedule by punctual attendance; to refrain from bringing any member of their family to the programme; to follow the travel schedule designated by the implementing agency with regard to departure from Malaysia; to carry out such instructions and abide by such conditions as may be stipulated by the Malaysian government with respect to the course; to observe the rules and regulations of the implementing agency or establishment with which participants are visiting or attached to; to refrain from engaging in political activities or any form of employment for profit and gain; to discontinue the course, should participants fall seriously ill and be considered unable to continue the programme; to refrain from committing any illegal or immoral acts. Should participants be found in contravention of this requirement, they will be barred from attending the programme and will be asked to leave with immediate effect; to observe the rules and regulations of the respective accommodation and not to make any change in accommodation designated by the implementing agency; to abide by the instructions of the organising committee and their interpretation of the rules; and to remain in Malaysia and complete the whole duration of the programme without any leave of absence. 34
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