event flyer

Good Deeds Taste Even Better with Krispy Kreme Glazed Doughnuts!
April 6, 2015 from 7-10 am
Pre-order online: www.RileyKids.org/KrispyKreme
Pick up (and/or purchase): 1130 W. Michigan St.
(IUPUI Campus) Fesler Hall, Rm. 302
(directly behind the ROC garage and next to School of Nursing
Treat your colleagues or students to breakfast and it’s for a good cause!
Enjoy your morning and help HANDS in Autism®
support scholarships and programming for
individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
If you can't participate, but still would like to donate to our
cause, then please visit the link below.
Questions? Contact us! HANDS@iupui.edu │317.274.2675 │HANDSinAutism.iupui.edu