William Julius Wilson, PhD - Inside MC Online

The Educational and Social Sciences unit of Montgomery College
and the Montgomery College Takoma Park/Silver Spring
Office of the Vice President and Provost
The Truly Disadvantaged Revisited:
Critical Reflections on the Recent Research
on Concentrated Urban Poverty
a talk by
William Julius Wilson, PhD
Lewis P. and Linda L. Geyser University Professor at Harvard University
and current scholar-in-residence at the Library of Congress,
serving as the Kluge Chair in American Law and Governance
Tuesday, April 14, 6:30 p.m.
Cultural Arts Center Theater 1 (CU 146), Montgomery College Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Free parking available in Lot W1 and the student spaces of the West Campus Garage. Paid overflow parking
is available in the public garage on the west side of Georgia Avenue off King Street. For more information
and reservations: montgomerycollege.edu/cac.
To reserve space for classes or to request disability accommodations contact Professor M. Bess Vincent,
bess.vincent@montgomerycollege.edu, by April 7.