Public Procurement of Innovation: New Opportunities for Catalan companies Joan Comas, Head of R+D business-ACCIÓ March 26th, 2015 ACCIÓ services & strategy What is ACCIÓ? it is an agency which helps Catalan businesses to be more competitive it is affiliated to the Government of Catalonia's Ministry for Business and Labour and DirectorateGeneral for Industry it supports work in the areas of innovation, international expansion, attracting investment, entrepreneurship, financing, consultancy and business management it is the key body for measures designed to make Catalan businesses more competitive 3 Support services and tools for business innovation This is of interest to... Catalan companies committed to innovating with a capacity to perform R&D or innovation projects. What we offer you? 1. Services Guidance and specialised advice to answer the innovation needs of your company. 2. Tools A series of programmes and tools to encourage and consolidate your company’s capacity to innovate and to carry out your innovation projects. 2. Support tools for companies We offer a series of programmes and tools to encourage and consolidate your capacity for innovation and to develop your innovation projects. Depending on your experience, we recommend: Desire to innovate Usual innovation Occasional innovation Introduction to innovation Introduction to innovation Communities RIS3CAT Expansiona’t programme Corporate entrepreneurship Consolidation of Innovation (IMP³rove) RD nuclei RDi tax breaks TECNIO EEN CPI i+i loan Technology vouchers RDi tax breaks Expansiona’t programme TECNIO i+i loan International innovation Internationational innovation programme TECNIO Horizon2020 EEN i+i loan Strategic collaboration ACCIÓ Because of our strategic agreements with institutions and participation in the major innovation networks, we can provide you with support and help you find the best solutions for your company. Agents TECNIO EEN CDTI ICF Horizon 2020 MINECO ENAC certifying institutions RIS3 AQuAS An industrial strategy for Catalonia 2020 Europe strategy Prioritization based on evidence: RIS3 enhance economic specialization and knowledge that are best suited to the innovation potential of each region, on the basis of assets and capabilities. RIS3CAT RIS3 Strategy of research and innovation for an smart specialization of Catalonia. Defines the strategic framework from which the Government develops R+D+i interventions and programs for 2014-2020. Innovation strategies for smart specialization of European regions: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Complete economical transformation agenda. Based on innovation, research and collaboration among quadruple helix agents Give coherence in research and innovation investment. Optimize the impact on economic and social development from European regions. Descriptions of Leading Sectors Food Energy and resources Industrial systems Design-based industries Industries based on sustainable mobility Health industries Cultural and experiencebased industries •Agri-food industry and other links in the value chain: primary industry, distribution, packaging, machinery for the food&drink industry, additives and raw materials, cuisine and restaurants. •Management of energy and natural resources, the water cycle and waste treatment and recycling (energy saving and efficiency, new, more efficient materials, CHP, automation, energy control and management, renewable energy, organic chemistry, nuclear fusion...). This also includes innovative materials and technological solutions that enable substantial energy savings to be made in such activities as the construction of buildings and the management of cities. •Activities focused on the management and development of efficient industrial systems (plant and machinery; robotics; data-processing, electronic and optical products, and electrical material and equipment), particularly related to process engineering and advanced manufacturing, in which ecodesign plays a key role. •Industries closely linked to design as a key cross-cutting factor: textiles, garment making,leather, footwear, jewellery, furniture, and perfume and cosmetics, amongst others. •Management systems for mobility, public transport and infrastructure; automobile industry and related activities; electrochemistry, nanomaterials, Internet, mobile telephony... •Fine chemicals, pharmaceutical preparations, medical technology industry, insurance industry and hospital system. •Creative and cultural industries and key services for Catalonia, such as tourism and sport. 9 Cross-Cutting Enablig Technologies ICT Nanotechnology Advanced materials Photonics •The technologies usedto digitally process, transmit and store information. •The study, design, creation and application of materials, equipment and functional systemsthrough control of matter at the nanometric scale, and the use of phenomena and propertiesthat are generated in this state. •The application of know-how and technology to produce new materials and matter thatgenerate new properties and reductions in production costs and environmental impact. •A multidisciplinary scientific field based on know-how and applications related to light,basically the generation, control, treatment and detection of photons in the visible and nonvisibleranges of the spectrum. Biotechnology •The use of living organisms, biological systems or their derivatives to create or modifyproducts or processes. Biotechnology is based on such knowledge areas as microbiology, biochemistry and genetics. Advanced •The application of innovative know-how and technologies to optimise production systems in order to obtain new products, reduce time and energy, water and material costs in processes, improve precision, quality and safety and reduce environmental impact. manufacturing PPI Quick Guide How is it done? Although there is no single Public Procurement for Innovation process, there are several steps always involved and repeated throughout the processes, depending on the specific need, the contracting public authority and the market. General process of Public Procurement for Innovation: Identifying needs and challenges Conversion into functional specifications Bidding process (technical specifications, competitive dialogue, etc.) Evaluation of Offers Source: Health Department and AQuAS Agency of the Government of Catalonia Contract management Monitoring and implementa tion Identifying needs and challenges Conversion into functional specifications Contract management • Identifies the challenges / needs, without naming possible solutions because it is exploratory research. • Sessions of Market Consultation aimed at companies and R&D agents with capabilities to provide potential solutions and PPI /PPC processes provided by public authorities. • Brokerage Events in sectors/ thematic areas: public meetings of buyers and suppliers. Bidding process (technical specifications, competitive dialogue, etc.) Monitoring and implementa tion Evaluation of Offers • Convert requirements into functional specifications as more specific. • Advertising and announcing the tender of each contract with a guide and a calendar. • Submission of bids by the companies, ensuring competitive process. • Evaluation Committee / procedure to evaluate offers and award the / s contract / s. • The contract is awarded. • It is monitored up to finalize. Public Procurement of Innovation - Companies Aim To advise and help you in Public Procurement of Innovation processes and in structuring and presenting your offers. Who is it aimed at? Companies with operations based in Catalonia. Features ACCIÓ provides support in the main phases of the Public Procurement of Innovation process: Identification of needs/challenges Conversion into functional specifications Offering processes (technical , competitive, etc.) Evaluation of offers Management of contracts Source: Department of Health and the Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality • Detection of opportunities: information on both local and international open PPI processes. • Market Consultation sessions with the participation of companies and R&D agents with the capacity to provide solutions to processes of Public Procurement of Innovative Technology and Pre-commercial Public Procurement. • Sectoral and theme-specific brokerage events where you can find public buyers and supplier companies. Advice services for your project: • Search for technology partners • Technical structuring of the project • Technological surveillance • Component of innovation • Search for financing, etc. Observations Public Procurement of Innovation is applicable to all areas and sectors. Follow-up and implementation In design Public Procurement of Innovation – PPI : Public authority Aim To guide and advice on Public Procurement of Innovation processes, both in the structuring of the project and identifying needs more beneficial for territory and potential bids according to sector and in the certification of innovative component of the final tender. Who is it aimed at? Units and purchasing departments of public institutions of Catalonia. • Certification of the innovative component in R&D carried out as a result of the tender (in the final phase of the execution of the contract). Features ACCIÓ provides support in the main phases of the Public Procurement of Innovation process: Identification of needs/challenges Conversion into functional specifications Offering processes (technical , competitive, etc.) Evaluation of offers Management of contracts Follow-up and implementation Font: Departament Salut, i Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya • Detection of opportunities: information about possible supplier companies. • Market Consultation sessions with the participation of companies and R&D agents with the capacity to provide solutions to processes of Public Procurement of Innovative Technology and Pre-commercial Public Procurement. • Sectoral and theme-specific brokerage events where you can find public buyers and supplier companies. • Guidance and advice on the technical requirements to ensure the innovative component in PPI tender offers in the design phase. • Certification innovative component of the tender. • Development of guidelines for the evaluation of innovative component of a tender. Observations Public Procurement of Innovation is applicable to all areas and sectors except in Health, where AQuAS is the agent. Benefits of PPI Opportunities for suppliers: Opportunities for the public authority: • • • • • Encourages business innovation, because they have a contract for invest in innovation, so it reduces the risk of the market. Facilitates the first customer for business development products that help its subsequent commercialization. Motivates to invest in novel products that improve their international competitiveness. Promotes the internationalization of innovation using the local public market as a launch customer or reference. • • • Improving the efficiency of the services and products offered by the public authority, incorporating innovative goods and services. Achieving cost savings, if not in the purchase price, in the total cost around the life cycle of the product or service. Public Procurement for Innovation is an instrument for promoting business innovation policies. Strengthen business by creating highly skilled jobs and prepare businesses for internationalization. Open Tenders Open Tenders Name of the project Coordinators and partners in Catalonia Market Demanded solution Status of PPI Type of PPI Calendar Notes C4E Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (Itàlia) Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas (Espanya) Cloud Computing services OPEN until 12/3/2015 PCP – FILE 2013-2016 € 4,00 M Technische Universität München (Alemanya) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Catalunya) PPC in urban robotics and healthcare OPEN until 14/3/2015 PCP / PPI - FILE 2013–2018 € 1,90 M Instituto de la Vid y el Vino de Castilla – La Mancha (Ivicam) (Espanya) Unidad de digestión anaerobia de la planta piloto de I+D OPEN until 31/3/2015 PCP - FILE € 2,5 M Tecnalia Research & Innovation (Espanya) Procurement of nearly zero energy buildings (Il·luminació natural) OPEN until 8/5/2015 PPI- FILE 2013-2016 http://www.cloudforeurope. eu/ ECHORD++ CLAMBER http://clamber.castillalamanc PAPIRUS Upcoming Tenders Upcoming Tenders Name of the project Coordinators and partners in Catalonia Market Demanded solution Status of PPI Type of PPI Calendar Notes NYMPHA MD CREATE NET (Itàlia) Consorci Sanitari Parc Taulí (Catalunya) New models of care for patients with mood disorders UPCOMING PCP - FILE 2014€ 1,60 M Halmstads Kommune (Suècia) Ajuntament de Viladecans (Catalunya) E-learning in the European classroom UPCOMING PCP- FILE IMAILE € 4,60 M TRANS-FORM STOP AND GO P4ITS PRO-LITE http://www.prolitepartnershi Birminghan (Regne Unit) Rotterdam (Països Baixos) Ajuntament de Barcelona (Catalunya) Network PPI process to accelerate progress towards sustainable zero carbon transport systems UPCOMING PCP - PPI Net - FILE 2012-2015 € 0,82 M North West Coast Academic Health Science Network (Regne Unit) Junta de Andalucia (Espanya) AQUAS (Catalunya) PPI in Sustainable Technologies for Older People – Get Organised European Specification Template UPCOMING PPI - FILE 2013–2016 € 17,20 M Ertico (Bèlgica) Ayuntamiento de Vigo (Espanya) CITAG Galicia (Espanya) OHL (Espanya) Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems UPCOMING PCP - PPI Net - FILE 2013-2016 Transport for London (Regne Unit) Ente Vasco de la Energía (Espanya) Lighting for underground networks, surface transport and buildings UPCOMING PPI – FILE 2013-2015 Closed Tenders Closed Tenders Name of the project Coordinators and partners in Catalonia Market Demanded solution Status of PPI Type of PPI Calendar Notes THALEA University Clinic Aachen (Alemània) Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (Catalunya) Fundació Parc Taulí (Catalunya) Intensive Care Units to improve the care for patients en critical condition by telemedinie and telemonitoring TANCAT PCP € 1,55 M Ajuntament de Barcelona (Catalunya) Energy efficiency for municipal buildings TANCAT PPI Ajuntament de Barcelona (Catalunya) Varis TANCAT PPI Riksarkivet National Archives (Suècia) Ajuntament de Girona (Catalunya) Futur standards for file formats and archiving TANCAT PCP 2014-2016 € 2,14 M Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat (Catalunya) Cotxes amb baixes emissions de carboni TANCAT CR Jüllich Research Centre (Alemania) BSC – Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Catalunya) Energy-efficient high perfomance computing TANCAT PCP € 9,00 M CLOSEYE ISDEFE Guardia Civil (Espanya) Evaluation of border Surveillance technologies in maritime Environment by pre-operational validation of innovative solutions TANCAT PCP 2011 € 9,00 M SPEA PROJECT a/spea BCN OPEN CHALLENGE PREFORMA GPP20 icitacions-baixes-en-carboni/ PRACE-3IP Would you like to contact us? 93 476 72 55 Business Servei d’Informació Information Services Empresarial 934 767 206 @accio_cat Alt Penedès, Garraf i Maresme Tel. 934 767 251 Lleida Tel. 973 243 355 Catalunya Central Tel. 936 930 209 Tarragona Tel. 977 251 717 Girona Tel. 872 975 991 Terres de l’Ebre Tel. 977 449 333
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