CHINA 2015 TWO SESSIONS: CONFIDENCE IN THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA (CPC) LEADERSHIP 16 March 2015 MACRO | ECONOMY | EQUITY MARKET Maintain Overweight (OW) as the reforms and policy measures outlined are positive for both equity and credit markets. A more pro-business environment: To cut red tapes, expedite on reforms in the investment and financing systems, and the fiscal and tax systems. A fair and competitive market while attract more foreign investment: To establish a market-based pricing system, accelerate on reforms on state-owned enterprises, opening up policies. Increase transparency and productivity: continue anti-corruption campaign. Cautious on idiosyncratic risk rather than systemic risk: Premier Li reassured market that China has the capacity to contain financial risks, but would allow bond defaults on individual and isolated cases. The sessions reflect policymakers’ determination in transforming China while maintaining stable growth – no hard landing! Brief Background The annual parliamentary sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature, and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) (dubbed as "two sessions") kicked off on March 4, 2015. It marks the final year of China's 12 th five-year plan and sets out the goals of the 13th five-year plan (will be published after the Fourth Plenum of the NPC next spring). It also chart its agenda for 2015 and outline foreign policies. Could have global implications – in global trades, commodities prices, fund flows. Executive Summary Official targets: 2015 GDP at around 7%, CPI at 3% and unemployment rate at 4.5% Gross domestic product (GDP) growth target for 2015 to be at around 7% (lower than the 7.4% actual growth in 2014), as the economy is transitioning to a “new normal” of slower growth but higher quality. Consumer inflation is set at 3% and unemployment rate at 4.5%. Both wage growth and employment are expected to remain strong. Aims to create more than 10 million urban jobs this year. Aims to increase its imports and exports by around 6%. Macro-economic policy stance unchanged – a proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy No big stimulus program and stick to the reform agenda. Fiscal policy will play a key role in supporting economic growth and withstanding downward pressures. More reforms and supportive measures down the road Set out wide range of reform areas, although no detailed timeline for implementation. Reforms include administration, investment and financing mechanism, financial, pricing, fiscal and tax systems, financial and capital market, and state-owned enterprises. Economic indicators (benign inflation and high interest rates) provide ample room to exercise macro-economic regulation, and China has a host of policy instruments to take on. Revised the Budget Law to better manage government revenues and spending, and strengthen supervision on power – to improve institutional mechanism for anticorruption. Environmental protection and foreign policies to spur investment – key growth drivers this year. Page | 1 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) MCI (P) 022/11/2014 Ref. No.: SG2015_0099 Soh Lin Sin (+65 6531 1516) CHINA Appendix A: Economy Drivers A “triple-double” Three objectives to focus this year: (i) maintaining a medium-high-level growth rate and moving toward a mediumhigh-level of development; (ii) maintaining policy continuity and keeping expectations stable while progressing structural reforms; and (iii) driving development through entrepreneurship and innovation, paired with increased public goods and services supplies. Twin engines to realize medium-high-level of growth and development: (i) Revitalize old engine: increasing supply of public goods and services To revitalize northeast China's old industrial base Through technological innovation, industrial upgrades, environmental protection or urbanization, which have great growth potential. Major infrastructure projects, such as renovation of rundown urban areas, railway projects and big water conservancy projects, would also attract diversified investment. Should speed up industrial restructuring, explore maritime industry and upgrade agriculture. (ii) New engine for growth: Innovation and entrepreneurship The government should cut red tapes, further simplify administrative procedures and decentralize power to create a pro-business environment. If China fails to achieve its balancing act, it may face a middle-income trap. Environmental Protection: Tougher Law But A Key Growth Driver China's fast industrialization has left widespread environmental problems. Strengthening environmental control has been listed as a priority as Chinese lawmakers and advisors meet. Government are shutting down polluting factories and companies. Some 30 factories have been shut down since last year. Whatever steps are taken to undo the damage, the effects on its people, and the cost to growth, will be felt in near to medium term. On the other hand, demand for investment in environmental protection would be huge in the years to come. Total investment demand for environmental protection in China could be around RMB 8tn to RMB 10tn over the next few years. Foreign Policies: Focus on world's trade liberalization and regional economic integration 1. The "Belt and Road" initiatives – the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road In synergy with booming free trade zones, have the potential to rejuvenate the entire region. The joint construction of high-speed rail, ports and pipelines will inject vigour into local economies, creating more jobs. It could also help to ease overcapacity issues. It provides opportunities for Chinese firms to actively participate in overseas infrastructure investment and to export machinery equipment. It could also promote the internationalization of the Chinese currency Renminbi. Page | 2 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) CHINA 2. A detailed roadmap of the initiatives this month. Priorities will be promoting connectivity, building overland economic corridors and pillars of maritime cooperation. Open to all free trade arrangements The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) involve parties that account for 60% of the world's GDP. Once the agreements of TPP and TTIP are reached, China will have major and far-reaching impacts on the world. At the same time, would continue to pursue and accelerate its own free trade zone strategies. Appendix B: Fiscal and Monetary Policies Macro-economic policy stance unchanged – a proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. No big stimulus program and stick to the reform agenda. Fiscal policy will play a key role in supporting economic growth and withstanding downward pressures. Increased its budget deficit to 2.3% of GDP in 2015 from last year's 2.1%. Earmarked RMB 477.6bn for central government spending and RMB 800bn in railway construction and 27 new water conservancy projects. Will raise its defence budget for 2015 by 10.1% - lowest expansion in China since 2010. China's defence budget rose 12.2% last year. Various measures to prop up government income, including raising consumption tax of refined oil or asking sovereign wealth funds to hand in profits. The Chinese central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan hinted on flexible policy to combat deflation risk and boost growth. The central bank will closely follow the consumer price index (CPI) and producer price index (PPI) as the gauge of inflation pressure. Appendix C: Reform Focus in 2015 1. On government administration Streamlining administration and delegating more powers to lower-level governments and society while improving regulations Could improve government efficiency, creating a supportive environment for enterprises and boost economic growth. Will delegate the power or cancel the requirement for government review for more items, cancel all non-administrative reviews and establish a system for exercising well-regulated management over the government review process. To further simplify the process for capital registration. Will further simplify the process for entrepreneurs to register or nullify their businesses, give companies more decision-making power to choose their business scopes. Will integrating the business license, the certificate of organization code and the certificate of taxation registration into one certificate to ease the registration procedure for companies. A negative list for market access will be drawn up, and provincial-level governments will make their lists of powers and responsibilities open to the public. However, will face challenge from some vested-interest groups who are still resisting delegating powers. Law revision tightens check on administrative power To prevent the executive branch from abusing administrative and churning out inappropriate rules or policies. A draft revision to China's Legislation Law bans ministries and local governments from issuing rules and policies that mitigate citizens' rights or increase their obligations without legal foundation. Page | 3 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) CHINA 2. On investment and financing systems 3. The central bank governor said that the possibility for China to fully liberalize the interest rates mechanism is "very high" this year. In another step towards liberalizing the interest rates mechanism, China's central bank last month decided to adjust the upper limit of the floating band of deposit rates to 1.3 times the benchmark from the previous 1.2 times. On pricing 5. The number of investment projects required for government reviews will be substantially reduced and some of project reviews will be conducted online. Will greatly relax market access for private investment and encourage the use of private capital to set up equity funds. Will deepen reform of railway investment and financing by making good use of railway development funds. A national unified credit code system and a platform for sharing and exchanging information on credit will be put in place. A system to blacklist market rules offenders and enhancing information sharing between market watchdogs, will be set to create a fair environment friendly to competition. Promote the establishment of private banks, building a deposit insurance system, further liberalizing interest rates and keeping the yuan's exchange rate at an appropriate and balanced level. Will launch the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect in due course. On interest rates 4. A few provisions are about enhancing the top legislature's power of examining whether all government regulatory documents are in line with the Constitution and law. It clarifies that the NPC departments may review government regulations and local laws without being requested. If a citizen or organization requests the review, the top legislature may present the feedback and publish the result. The bill, nevertheless, allows local governments to issue temporary rules only if in emergency. Such temporary rules will turn invalid in two years unless local legislatures pass laws to support them. Target the country's monopolized industries. To build a market-oriented pricing mechanism. Authorities will lift pricing controls over all goods and services that can viably compete in markets. The government will stop setting prices for most pharmaceuticals and delegate to lower-level governments the power to set prices for certain basic public services. It plans to improve the pricing of resource products and implement a system of tiered pricing for electricity, water, and natural gas used for household purposes. On taxation Fiscal reform will focus on increasing budget transparency. To replace business tax with value-added tax (VAT) across the board this year. Full statutory taxation. The revised law underlines the principle of statutory taxation by singling it out in a provision, and makes it clear that a tax can only be levied and tax rate be set with the endorsement of the law. The deadline has been set for the year 2020. Page | 4 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) CHINA 6. Reforms in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and assets 7. To create a market-based platform for state capital operations, and improve their performance. Introduce mixed ownership to SOEs (by establishing investment companies and operating companies of state capital) Will encourage and regulate equity investment made by private capital in SOE investment projects. Accelerate structural reform of the electricity, oil and natural gas industries. This year the Chinese government will focus on fully implementing the newly revised Environmental Protection Law. Other areas of reform include science, technology, education, culture, medical and health care, pensions, public institutions and housing provident fund. 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