1 Strain dependent elastic modulus of graphene Supplementary Information Authors: Guillermo López-Polín†, Miriam Jaafar†, Francisco Guinea, Rafael Roldán, Cristina Gómez-Navarro* and Julio Gómez-Herrero *Correspondence to: cristina.gomez@uam.es Index. SI1. Substrate fabrication. SI2. Raman spectroscopy. SI3. AFM tip characteristics. SI4. Leak rate of pressurized graphene blisters. SI5. Finite element numerical simulations. SI6. Additional data: statistics on membranes. SI7. Suppression of anharmonicities in strained graphene and its effect on the elastic modulus: A continuum elastic theory analysis. 2 SI1. Substrate fabrication. The substrates were fabricated from 6 inch silicon wafers (As-doped, resistivity 1 – 3.5 mΩ·cm). A 300 nm thick silicon oxide was grown by dry oxidation. The back of the wafer was coated with a 0.8 μm thick layer of AlSi(1%)Cu(0,5%). The silicon oxide was patterned using projection optical lithography and reactive ion etching (RIE). Figure S 1 shows a SEM image of one part of the chip after all the processes and a zoom in one of the holes to appreciate the verticality of the walls. SI2. Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectra were performed using a WITEC/ALPHA 300AR Raman confocal microscope in ambient conditions. The laser wavelength and power were 532nm and 0.7mW respectively. Graphene monolayers were first identified by optical microscopy and then corroborated by Raman spectroscopy as described in ref [1] (fig. S3) Figure S 2: Example of a graphene structure displaying mono- bi- and tri- layer regions. 3 SI3. AFM tip characteristics. In order to have a constant and well defined contact geometry we use commercial tips from NanoScience Instruments with hemispherical geometry and low wear coating of Tungsten carbide with nominal final tip radius of 60 nm (fig. S2). Cantilever spring constants range between 25 and 35 N/m. Each cantilever was individually calibrated using Sader’s method [2]. Figure S 3: (Scale bar 200 nm). SEM image of the AFM tip used for the measurements. SI4. Leak rate of pressurized graphene blisters. As described in the main text strain is induced in graphene membranes by applying a pressure difference (ΔP) across them. When subjected to these conditions graphene membranes deflect in a spherical cup geometry as dictated by ΔP. The pressure inside and outside the graphene blisters tends to equal with time, relaxing the strain of the membrane. This is mainly due to small leakage between the graphene flake and the substrate [3]. Here we present representative graphs of the dependence of the strain induced by pressure with time. In our samples, the characteristic relaxation time of the membrane is in the order of few hundreds of minutes. This is long enough to induce a steady strain during a set of measurements (~2 minutes) but it is also fast enough to change the strain by waiting for relaxation instead of changing the chamber pressure. 4 0,6 0 0 (nm) · Drum 1 · Drum 2 -20 -30 -40 a) (a) -50 Strain (%) 0,5 -10 0,4 · Drum 1 · Drum 2 0,3 0,2 b) (b) 0,1 0,0 -60 0 200 400 600 800 Time (min) 0 200 400 600 800 Time(min) Figure S 4: Leak rate. a) Evolution of the maximum deflection (δ0) with time for two different representative drumheads with initial ΔP=4 atm. b) Corresponding geometrical strain vs. time for the same two drumheads. SI5. Finite element numerical simulations. As described in the main manuscript there is not any analytical equation to obtain the elastic modulus of a pressurized membrane by nano-indentation experiments. Curves acquired at non zero ΔP do not follow the Schwerin expression (eq.1 in main text) and required a deeper analysis for a correct interpretation. A plausible possibility is to consider the transversal deformation caused by ΔP as an initial indentation. Then, we can reformulate the Schwerin equation as: F ( ) 0 0 E2 D 0 3 2 a If we expand this equation we obtain a full polynomial cubic function as described in eq. 3 in the main manuscript. Interestingly, the coefficient in 3 still remains as E2D/a2 as described by Lin et al.[4] According to this expression we could tentatively fit our experimental curves obtained on pressurized membranes to a full polynomial cubic function where the elastic modulus of the membrane would be given by the third order coefficient. In order to check this assumption we performed finite element numerical simulations to model indentations on membranes under pressure. To this end we used Comsol Multiphysics 4.3, modeling a conventional circular clamped membrane (in this context conventional means without entropic anharmonic effects) under hydrostatic pressure, with radius a. The elastic modulus of the membrane was pre-fixed to 340 N/m as an input of the simulations. The topographic profiles obtained from the numerical simulations agreed with the profiles obtained by imaging drumheads under pressure previous to indentations. As illustrated in Figure S5, the in plane strains yielded by numerical simulation also fitted those estimated according to equation 2 in the main text. 5 a) 0 20 40 0.27 60 80 0.26 100 0.25 120 140 0.24 160 R COMSOL 1st principal strain (%) a) R R-0 a 0 S b) b) (nm) 0.28 -5000 -800 -600 -400 -200 -1000 200 400 600 800 0 Radius (nm) X(nm) 500 1000 1400 400 E2D (N/m) E2d (N/m) E2D E2d (N/m) (N/m) Figure S 5: Strain in pressurized membranes. Panel a) is a sketch of the membrane geometry under d) numerical simulations across the center of ΔP. Panel bc) is the in plane strain calculated by finite1200 element 380 membrane with 1.5 μm diameter and a ΔP=3 atm. Following the scheme shown in figure a) a circular 1000 δ= 0 in good agreement COMSOL yields a strain of 0.25% with figure b). δ= δ 0 360 δ=0 800 The indentation force exerted by the tip is modeled by inducing a high pressure Pic within an inner circle with radius ain (a/ain=20) at the center of the drumhead, 600 as sketched in figure S6. ain was calculated 340 [5]. The force exerted by the indenter is calculated as the pressure multiplied by the surface following area of the inner circle. This model is more realistic400 than a point load and it is easier to converge for finite 320 element calculations. The topographic profiles200 of a representative pressurized membrane under 4 3 2 1 0 4 S6. 3 in figure 1 forces 2are shown 0 different indentation Pressure [atm] Pressure [atm] a) b) ain calculated E2D 1200 a c) F=c1d+c3d3 1000 800 0 600 F=c0+c1d+c2d2+c3d3 400 200 0 1 2 P(atm) 3 4 Figure S 6: Finite element modeling of a membrane under pressure. a) Cartoon of a circular membrane. The red inner area illustrates the region where the force is exerted by the AFM tip. b) Topographic profiles obtained in Comsol Multiphysics across the center of a pressurized membranes under different indentation forces. The upper profile corresponds to the deformation of the membrane just by hydrostatic pressure with a pressure difference of 4 atm. c) E2D obtained from the coefficient C3 in F()= c0+c1+c22+c33(green) and F()= c1+c33 (red) for ΔP from 0 to 4 atm. The predefined E2D for the finite elements calculation is 340 N/m. 6 In order to test our suggested analysis, the F () curves generated by the finite element analysis were fitted both to equation 1 and to a full 3rd order polynomial (eq. 3 in main text). For both cases the elastic modulus is calculated from the third order coefficient as c3= E2D/a2. The values obtained from such fittings for membranes under different pressures are displayed in figure S6c. Here we can appreciate that while the coefficient of the complete third order polynomial yields the correct (pre-fixed in simulations) value of E2D even in the case of high pressure difference, fitting to a Schwering type equation is only applicable in the case of zero pressure difference. Based in these simulations, in what follows we will obtain E2D from c3= E2D/a2 using a complete third order polynomial fitting, in agreement with ref. [4]. In order to check the robustness of the results obtained by finite element simulations and with the aim of comparing with our experimental data, the simulated indentation curves where also fitted to a complete third order polynomial function up to different loading forces. Results are displayed in Figure S7 panel a. In this plot we observe that the numerically simulated indentation curves yield robust values of elastic modulus above ~500 nN, where the curves converge to the pre-fixed EM of 340 N/m. In figure S7b we represent three experimental curves under the same analysis. Here we appreciate that the curves acquired at lower ΔP agree with those obtained from numerical simulation, further supporting the applicability of eq.3 in the main text to analyze our experimental results. In contrast, the experimental curve acquired at ΔP=3.5 atm shows a marked different behavior; instead of converging to the ~300 N/m value, it presents a growing and eventual saturation tendency at a value of ~700 N/m. This result indicates a change in the elastic constant of the membrane for the situation where ΔP=3.5 atm. 1200 a) P= 0 atm P= 1 atm P= 2 atm P= 3 atm P= 4 atm E2D (N/m) 1000 800 600 400 200 1400 1200 b) P= 0 atm P~ 1.5 atm P~ 3.5 atm 1000 E2D (N/m) 1400 800 600 400 200 0 0 0 300 600 900 1200 Indentation force (nN) 1500 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 Indentation force (nN) Figure S 7: Elastic modulus as a function of pressure difference across the membrane. a) Elastic modulus estimated from c3 when simulated curves are fitted up to different indentation forces. This fitting provides robust values for forces higher than 500 nN. The over estimation observed at low forces is reflect that considering the transversal deformation caused by ΔP as an initial indentation fails for low indentations. b) Same analysis than in panel a), now performed on experiential curves. 7 SI6. Additional data: statistics on membranes. Similar results than those displayed in figure 3 in the main text were obtained in more than 10 graphene drumheads. Some of them are shown in figure S8. a) b) Figure S 8: Elastic modulus as a function of total prestrain for several graphene drumheads. 8 SI7. Suppression of anharmonicities in strained graphene and its effect on the elastic modulus: a continuum elastic theory analysis In this Section we use the statistical mechanics of flexible membranes, beyond the harmonic regime, to study the effect of an external strain in the sample. Our main focus here is to model the effects of tension on the elastic (Young) modulus of 2D membranes, giving a theoretical analysis that can explain qualitatively the experimental observations shown in the main text. The flat phase of a 2D membrane as graphene at sufficiently long scales, much larger than the interatomic separation, is well described by a free energy that is a sum of a bending and a stretching part [6] Z h i 2 1 F[u, h] = d2 r κ ∇2 h + 2µε2αβ + λε2αα (1) 2 where κ is the bending rigidity, λ and µ are the first Lam´e constant and the shear modulus, respectively [7], and εαβ is the internal strain tensor expanded to the lowest order in the in-plane displacements u(r) and the out-of-plane displacements h(r), 1 εαβ ≈ (∂α uβ + ∂β uα + ∂α h∂β h). 2 (2) The most commonly used harmonic approximation neglects the interaction between the bending and stretching modes, and therefore the u(r) and h(r) fields are decoupled. If an external strain is applied to the membrane, its effect can be modeled by the inclusion of a new term in the free ext energy (1), that couple to the internal strain tensor, ταβ εαβ , where ταβ = λδαβ uext αβ + 2µuαβ is expressed in terms of the external strain tensor uext αβ . We start by considering the harmonic correlation function for the out-of-plane (flexural) modes, G0 (q) = h|h(q)|2 i0 , where the subscript 0 indicates that we neglect anharmonic couplings between in-plane and out-of-plane modes. In the presence of an isotropic expansion, the external strain tensor takes the form uext ¯δαβ , where u¯ = δS/2S accounts for the uniform αβ = u dilation of the membrane, S is its surface, and δS is the change in area due to the application of strain. It is straightforward to show that G0 (q) can be expressed as [8]: G0 (q) = q 2 [κq 2 kB T + 2(λ + µ)¯ u] (3) where kB is the Boltzman constant and T is the temperature. It is illustrative to notice that a purely harmonic theory predicts, in the absence of strain, a divergence in the mean-square amplitude displacements hh2 i ∝ L2 , where L is the size of the sample and P of the out-of-plane 2 2 hh i = q h|h(q)| i. This is the well known result that harmonic theory of membranes predicts not a flat but a crumpled membrane. In particular, the harmonic theory predicts that graphene should not be stable. This contradiction is solved by including the anharmonic coupling between bending and stretching modes in the calculation. Anharmonic effects have been considered from different approaches. Among them, the self-consistent screening approxima- 9 tion (SCSA) is especially useful because it is relatively simple, and their results agree well with more sophisticated methods, like atomistic Monte Carlo simulations [9, 10]. The exact correlation function obtained from the SCSA is well approximated as an interpolation between the high-q and the low-q limits, by considering the effective self-energy Σa (q) that accounts for the anharmonic interaction between bending and stretching modes: Geff (q) = κq 4 kB T + 2(λ + µ)¯ uq 2 + kB T Σa (q) where [10] Σa (q) = A(T )q 4 q0 q (4) η (5) where ηpis a characteristic exponent, which within the SCSA takes the value η ≈ 0.82 [9], 0 /κ, in terms of the bending rigidity κ and the non-interacting Young modulus q0 = 2π E2D 0 = E2D 4µ(µ + λ) 2µ + λ (6) which we assume to take the value measured by the present experiments when the graphene 0 ∼ 700N/m ∼ 44 eV˚ A−2 , as observed by the plateau in Fig. membrane is highly stretched, E2D 3a) of the main text. On the other hand, A(T ) is a numerical factor whose value is estimated to be of the order of A(T ) ≈ 5.9 T [K]η/2−1 , where T [K] is the temperature expressed in Kelvins. As it is well understood [6], anharmonicities modify the elastic constants of the theory and make them scale dependent, for example κR (q) ∼ q −η , and λR (q), µR (q) ∼ q 2+ηu , where the anomalous exponents η and ηu are related by ηu = 2 − 2η [9]. As a consequence, the Young modulus is scale dependent as well, and one can define an effective Young modulus (considering anharmonicities) as [11] 0 E2D E2D (k) = (7) 0 1 + E2D b(k) where the interaction between the h(r) and u(r) fields is considered using a Feynman-diagram technique, leading to Z 1 d2 q ˆ b(k) = |k × q|4 Geff (q)Geff (k − q). (8) 2 2 (2π) It is useful to take into account that Z ˆ×q Γ 1+ ˆ |4 d2 k m |k 3 Γ 1 − n+m 2 I(m, n) = k = n+m 2 4−n ˆ| (2π) |k − q 16π Γ 2 + 2 Γ 2 − m Γ 2 m Γ 2 1 + n2 2 − n2 (9) Based on the above description, we have calculated the Young modulus at room temperature 10 as a function of wave-vector for different values of strain and the Young modulus as a function of strain for different wave-vectors, and the results are shown in Fig. 9. The figures have been obtained numerically from Eq. (7) and (8). Depending on the characteristic wavelength of the considered mode, we can distinguish three different regimes, which are indicated in Fig. 9 by Roman characters I-III: • I. Long wavelengths: Strain dominated regime. We can define a long wavelength region for very small wave-vectors for which k qs , where qs is defined from the solution of [8] η q0 κ + kB T A(T ) qs2 = 2u(λ + µ). (10) qs In this regime, the Young modulus is dominated by the strain term and can be approximated by 0 E2D u E2D (k) ≈ (11) 2 . kB T 3 0 2 1 + E2D 64π 2(λ+µ)¯u qs • II. Intermediate wavelengths: Anharmonic regime. This regime can be defined for qs k qc , where qc is a characteristic wave-vector that determines the onset of anharmonic effects, which can be estimated perturbatively from the Ginzburg criterium [8] r 0 3kB T E2D . (12) qc = 16πκ2 In this regime the Young modulus can be approximated by anh E2D (k) ≈ 1 k 2−2η = A2 (T )q02η 1 , b(k) I 2 η (13) where Iη = I(η, η) can be determined from Eq. (9). • III. Short wavelengths: Harmonic regime. Finally, for qc k we are in the harmonic dominated region, for which the Young modulus is not affected by interactions between bending and stretching modes, and it is well approximated by har 0 (k) ≈ E2D . (14) E2D The different regimes described in the previous section can be easily identified in Fig. 9(a), in which we observe that for a given value of applied strain u, the Young modulus presents three different behaviors. First we have one region, for small wave-vectors, in which E2D is almost independent on the wave-vector, taking an approximate value given by Eq. (11). This long wavelength region, as expected [8], is dominated by the effect of strain. Then, there is a 11 ��� ��� III �∼�� % �% ��� �� -� % II �� -� % ��� (�) �� -� % I ������ ����� �� -� % ���� -� �[Å ] ��� �� ��� � � � [�/�] � � � [�/�] � = � × �� -� Å-� ��� ��� � × �� -� Å-� ��� � × �� -� Å-� ��� � × �� -� Å-� ��� � × �� -� Å-� � × �� -� Å-� � × �� -� Å-� (�) ������ ����� ���� � × �� -� Å-� ��� �� �[%] Figure S 9: (a) Young modulus as a function of wave-vector E2D (q) for different values of applied strain. (b) Young modulus as a function of applied strain, for different wave-vectors. The dashed 0 . The dashed vertical line indicates the crossover wave-vector q black horizontal line is the bare E2D c below which anharmonic effects are relevant, as given by (12). transition to the anharmonic region of the spectrum, in which the Young modulus is highly dependent on the wave-vector k, following a power law E2D ∼ k 2−2η as given by Eq. (13). Finally, for even larger wave-vectors, we enter the region where the anharmonic effects are not important (regardless the value of applied strain), and the Young modulus is well reproduced 0 by its harmonic value E2D (shown by the dashed black line in the figure). The effect of strain for a given wave-vector is more clearly seen in Fig. 9(b) in which we represent the strain dependence of E2D for different wave-vectors. First we observe that, for a given wave-vector, the Young modulus has a plateau at low values of strain. This is due to the fact that the strain is still too weak that cannot suppress the anharmonic effects at that wavelength. If we keep increasing the strain, we reach a threshold for which anharmonic effects are being suppressed, and the Young modulus is affected by the external strain. This growing 0 of E2D with u happens until we reach the non-interacting value of the Young modulus E2D , which is fully 2D. Notice that this behavior compare qualitatively well with the experimental results shown in Fig. 2 of the main text. In order to compare more quantitatively to experiments, in Fig. 10 we use three wavevectors associated to the expected characteristic wavelengths which are relevant in graphene (between l ∼ 10nm − 1µm). Again, we observe for those wave-lengths the same qualitative behavior as compared to Fig. 2 of the experiments. Notice that, in agreement with previous experiments [12], our theoretical results quantitatively agree better for a wavelength of the order of l ∼ 100 nm. Indeed, the Young modulus for shorter wavelengths like l ∼ 10 nm is almost in the harmonic regime, so that only a small difference is observed between the anharmonic and harmonic regimes. On the other hand, for long wavelengths like l ∼ 1µm, the transition between anharmonic and harmonic regimes, driven by the strain, is rather abrupt with a factor ×3 difference between the anharmonic and harmonic regimes. However, according to the present theory the strain at which the anharmonicities are suppressed for l ∼ 1µm is 12 ��� ��� � � � [�/�] � � � [�/�] ��� ��� ��� ��� ������ ����� ��� � ~ �� �� (�) ��� ��� ���� ��� �� ��� ��� � ~ ��� �� (�) ������ ����� �[%] ��� ��� ���� ��� �� ��� �[%] � � � [�/�] ��� ��� ��� ��� � ~ � μ� (�) ������ ����� ���� ��� �� ��� �[%] Figure S 10: Young modulus as a function of applied strain, for three wave-lengths l. We show the 0 and the dotted black line results for l ∼ 10nm, l ∼ 100nm and l ∼ 1µm. The dashed black line is E2D anh is E2D (k) from Eq. (13). too small, compared to the experimental results. Therefore, we the present results based on a continuum theory of elastic membranes qualitatively capture the effects observed in the experiments. A more quantitative theoretical description will require of more sophisticated numerical methods, as atomistic Monte Carlo simulations. 13 REFERENCES [1] Sader, J. E., Chon, J. W. M. & Mulvaney, P. Calibration of rectangular atomic force microscope cantilevers. Review of Scientific Instruments 70, 3967-3969, (1999). [2] Ferrari, A. C. et al. Raman spectrum of graphene and graphene layers. Physical Review Letters 97, 187401, (2006). [3] Lin, Q.-Y.; Jing, G.; Zhou, Y.-B.; Wang, Y.-F.; Meng, J.; Bie, Y.-Q.; Yu, D.-P.; Liao, Z.-M. Acs Nano, 7 (2), 1171-1177, (2013). [4] Koenig, S. P., Wang, L. D., Pellegrino, J. & Bunch, J. S. Selective molecular sieving through porous graphene. Nature Nanotechnology 7, 728-732, (2012). [5] Begley, M.R. & Mackin, T.J. 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