Issue 11 2015 Staff at SASH ‘motivated and proud’ Results from the recent NHS survey show that we are not only some of the most motivated staff in the country (top 20% of hospitals*) but we are proud to work here and recommend it as a place to work and to receive treatment. Michael Wilson, chief executive, said: “I am delighted that the results show just how positive our staff feel about being part of the Trust as there is good evidence of a strong link between a high level of staff engagement and the delivery of high quality care and a positive experience for our patients.” He added: “As well as showing us where we are getting it right, the results also give us a valuable insight into areas where we need to focus – which is increasing appraisal rates.” * Top 20% nationally for: Job satisfaction and motivation, effective team working, fairness and effectiveness of incident reporting procedures, job related training, learning and development, support from senior managers, using feedback from patients and service users to make informed decisions about the care they provide, staff recommending the Trust as a place to work or receive treatment. Further details will be published in the next issue of Staff News. Health and Wellbeing – Staff take time out for some well-deserved TLC Something for everyone – from blood pressure checks to testing out a range of electric bikes on offer – an enjoyable day was had by all who attended. Special congratulations to Luke Harrington, prize draw winner of the signed Chelsea shirt (photo bottom left). A big ‘thank you’ to Sally Knight (head of workforce development – above right)) who organised her last event as she is taking retirement at the end of this month – your friends and colleagues wish you all the best. We will miss you. Our recent staff Health and Wellbeing event was a resounding success with over 50 stands, events and taster sessions. Over 750 staff attended the event and were able to take time out to relax and enjoy some of the events and taster sessions that were running throughout the day. Yvonne Parker HR director said: “Our staff work tirelessly to provide quality care to our patients but to do this day in day out, it is important they look after themselves and we want to support them in whatever way we can. We really appreciate everything they do and from the messages of support, gratitude and thanks that we receive daily, we know that patients, their relatives and carers appreciate the amazing work they do too. This is one day when we can turn the spotlight on everyone who works here and offer a wide selection of support and advice on staying healthy.” Trust Headquarters East Surrey Hospital Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5RH Tel: 01737 768511 Web: Over £1,400 raised at SASH charity’s first quiz night Thanks to everyone who came to the first ever - and sold out - quiz night on 5 March. Thanks also to Sue Jenkins and Lynn Sanders for organising the event and our fabulous quiz master, Paul Simpson. Together, we raised over £1,400, which will be invested into enhancing our patients' care. Visit our Facebook page for event photos: Marathon man Tobias leads the way Thirty years dedicated service by nurse Cathy Saying a sad farewell to her colleagues and patients for the last time is Buckland ward manager, Cathy Jenner who is retiring after 30 years at East Surrey Hospital. Cathy started working at the hospital in 1985, before being promoted to ward manager over two decades ago. Her innovative thinking and passion for providing the best possible care for her patients led to her establishing nurse led urology clinics. Cathy said, “I have seen a lot of changes over the past three decades but the important things stay the same and that’s putting our patients first and making sure they receive the best care possible. I will really miss the fantastic team I work with and our patients, many of whom I have got to know very well over the years but I am looking forward to taking time out to spend more time with my family and two year old granddaughter.” Star of the Month Award SASH’s very own marathon man Tobias Tipper (above) from our CSS team has recently run the Surrey Half marathon to raise money for SASH Charity but he is not stopping there. He is aiming to raise £1000 for the charity by running the Edinburgh marathon on 31 May. Show your support by donating online at: If you’re planning a fun event or a fitness challenge to help raise funds for SASH Charity, get in touch at Congratulations to Dr Ben Upton, consultant emergency medicine – this month’s star of the month. Colleague Dr Munazah Akhtar Speciality Doctor (Emergency Medicine) said: “He is one of the few guys who works with ease and always maintains his cool in a stressful situation. He is meticulous and dignified and I think we are very lucky to have a consultant of his calibre working in our department; I have learnt a lot from observing him. He treats patients with such empathy and makes sure that everything possible is done for them. He goes beyond boundaries to deliver excellent care and I have been told this by patient’s whom he treated as well.” Message from Michael Wilson, Chief Executive The CQC visit is behind us and as you are no doubt aware we have become the first non-FT in the country to achieve a Good rating. We have a lot to be proud of but we can’t stop there and we now have our sights firmly on getting to Outstanding. Changing the way we assess achievement and contribution to SASH is one of the ways that we are creating focus to accelerate this journey. A new style achievement review, effective from 1 April 2015, is being introduced for all staff on Agenda for Change. It replaces our existing appraisal system and has been designed to help us feedback and reflect upon each person’s contribution to our success, which we also know will bring out the best potential in all of our staff. The achievement review process is the result of 12 months of planning involving staff in clinical and non-clinical roles at every level within the organisation. It signifies a change in how individual contribution is reviewed by looking at two key areas: What has been accomplished by each member of staff - performance against individual objectives The extent to which each person has contributed in a way that reflects our values and behaviours It builds on our SASH Plus: accelerating success culture change initiative, which is shaped by the organisation’s clinical strategy, workforce and organisational development strategy and recruitment and retention strategy – all integral parts of the five year integrated business plan to be clinically-led and managerially enabled. Understanding our strategic objectives and linking these to team and individual objectives We need to ensure that each and every one of you understands our vision and values which underpin the achievement review process and also how team objectives are aligned to help us achieve our organisational objectives: safe; effective, caring; responsive and well-led. You need to begin to reflect on what these objectives mean to you and the team you work in. However, agreeing and writing down team objectives is very different from putting these in practice and this is what we need to start doing. Your manager or team leader will arrange a meeting within the next couple of months where as a team you will begin to consider and set your own objectives. A conscious decision to choose the outcomes we desire Whilst some organisations may see Foundation Trust status as their end goal, we need to look beyond that: we need to also be strategically agile. We all need to develop that agility and view change as a constant and the norm. This is our path to success and viability and as authors of our own stories, I believe that each and every one of us can make a conscious decision to choose the outcome we each desire – whether this be in terms of departmental, team or personal development. So what do we need you to do? You are a vital part of helping us turn our vision into a reality. Familiarise yourself with the overall objectives of the organisation and our enhanced values and behaviours. Participate in team discussions around the Trust objectives and formulate ideas for local objectives for your own area/team With your line manager, develop and agree your own individual objectives linked to department and team objectives A managers’ toolkit has been developed to help communicate this change. For further information visit ‘Back to the floor’ for more of our executive team Project manager Lesley shadows director Ian When we promoted the opportunity for one member of staff to be CEO for the day last year, we received an enthusiastic response. As there could only be one winner we offered some runners-up the chance to shadow one of our executives for the day. Earlier this month, Lesley Copus who works in occupational health, was given the opportunity to work alongside director of information and facilities Ian Mackenzie. Top left: Fiona Allsop, chief nurse working with Emma Searle specialist speech and language therapist. Lesley said: “I learned so much including how important it is to have good processes in place as these can aid a smoother running department or project. I also now have an understanding of one of our directors’ roles and the importance of planning for the future to ensure that any building projects come in on time and on budget.” Lesley’s full reflection is available on the intranet. Visit: http://intranet.sash.nh Former agency worker convicted of fraud A former agency worker who worked at SASH in 2012/13 has been convicted of fraud against the Trust at Guildford Crown Court. During the period that Biomedical Scientist Mr Liban Diriye worked at SASH, he claimed payment for 64 days that he had never worked. The total fraud loss to the NHS and UK taxpayer was £20,037. He was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment, suspended for two years and 250 hours unpaid work. Time sheet fraud costs the NHS £5-7 billion per year. Please help reduce this figure by referring any suspicions of fraud, corruption or bribery to our Local Counter Fraud Specialist, Sarah Pratley, on 07769 640781 or Sue Jenkins director of strategy with our outpatients booking team. Top right: Jim Davey, director of service improvement, spent time with staff in the chemo unit (above) and also spent time working with staff in our mortuary and bereavement services. Our executive team are embracing the challenge of going ‘back to the floor’ to gain a more in-depth understanding of the roles of staff across the trust and some of the issues they may face - last month they were out in a variety of departments and wards. Fiona Allsop, chief nurse, spent time seeing the important work done by one of our speech and language therapists (SLT) Emma Searle, who said: “It was a great opportunity to highlight our role but also to demonstrate some of the day-to-day challenges we face. Fiona had the opportunity to see some swallow assessments and I took the opportunity to highlight the importance of all staff following the relevant guidelines and recommendations put in place by SLT.” If you would like a member of our executive team to spend time with your team, please contact Dates for your diary 26 March 10.00-12.30: public board meeting. Rooms 7&8, PGEC 27 March 11.00am-12.00 noon: All Staff meeting – Atrium, ESH 13 May 2.00-3.00pm Schwartz Round ‘Why I do the job I do’– Lecture Theatre, ESH (1.15pm for cake)
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