Intuition Journals Intuition Journal of Agricultural Research Vol 1(1) pp. 001-009 April, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Intuition Journals Research Paper Effects of NPK Fertilizer and Irrigation intervals on Tuber Composition of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Sudan savannah of Nigeria A Muhammad1*, EB Amans2, BA Babaji2, NC Kuchinda2 and BA Gambo3 1 Department of Crop Science, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Nigeria 2 3 Department of Agronomy, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria Department of Crop Production, University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria Accepted 6th March, 2015 Field trials were conducted during the 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 dry seasons at the Teaching and Research Farm of Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, located at Jega in the Sudan savanna zone of Nigeria. The aim was to study the effects of irrigation interval and NPK fertilizer rates on tuber dry matter, carbohydrates and crude protein (CP) of three varieties of potato (Solanum tuberosum L). Treatments consisted of three irrigation intervals (3, 6 and 9 days), four rates of NPK [20:10:10] fertilizer (0, 300, 600 and 900kgNPK/ha) and three varieties of potato (Bertita, Diamant and Nicola). Factorial combinations of irrigation intervals and fertilizer rates were allocated to the main-plots, while varieties were assigned to the sub-plots in a split plot design, replicated three times. The size of each sub-plot was 4.5 x 3m (13.5m). Results revealed that the CP was not affected by irrigation interval. But with fertilizer, 600kg NPK/ha gave the highest CP, above which there was no further response. Diamant and Bertita had significantly higher tuber dry matter content than Nicola. Higher tuber carbohydrate content was recorded by Nicola and Bertita than Diamant; while crude protein was higher in Bertita than both Nicola and Diamant. From the result of this study, variety Bertita proved to be superior in terms of tuber crude protein; and was comparable to Diamant in terms of tuber dry matter; and Nicola in terms of tuber carbohydrates. The use of 600kgNPK/ha was optimum for good tuber quality. Keywords: Potato variety, NPK fertilizer, tuber composition, Sudan savanna. Introduction Irish Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) originated in the high plains of the Andes Cordillera where it is largely cultivated for food. The Spanish, who conquered Peru, discovered the crop and introduced it to Spain and the west of Europe in the mid16th century (Fergeria et al., 1991; Rolot, 2001). In Africa, it was not until the end of the 19th century that potato was imported from Europe by missionaries and the colonial administration (Rolot, 2001). Corresponding Author: Potato is one of the word's prime sources of human nutrition. The protein/carbohydrate ratio is higher than for most cereals and even higher than those of the other tuber and root crops (Okonkwo et al., 1995). In terms of composition, potato tuber contains 70 – 82% water, 17 – 29% dry matter, 11 – 23% carbohydrate, 0.8 – 3% protein, 0.1% fat and 1.1% minerals. Production per hectare of important vitamins, such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C is higher in potato than in other major crops, such as rice, maize and wheat (Rolot, 2001; Muhammad et al Int. J. Agri Res. Okonkwo et al., 1995; Beukema and Zaag, 1990; Harris, 1992). According to Okonkwo et al. (1995), daily consumption of 1 kg of potato tuber provides all the essential amino acids needed by the body, except cystine and methionine. Apart from more conventional ways of using potato as food stuff, industrial processes have become increasingly prominent in industrialized countries, and have considerably widened the range of possible uses of the crop. In the food sector, potatoes are processed into deep-frogmen chips and mashed potato. By-products such as potato starch, glucose and dextrose are used in the brewing industry, confectionery and in the distillation of alcohol. In the non-food sector, by- products such as potato starch, starch proper and dextrin are used in processes for the manufacture of cardboard, glues, textiles and paints, and in the laundry business as ironing sprays (Harris, 1992; Rolot, 2001). High tuber dry matter content is particularly to be desired in potatoes for processing. However, according to IPI (1993), N and K application reduced tuber dry matter, content, with the effect being less in K than N. But P was reported to slightly increase tuber dry matter content. Protein content usually expressed as a percentage of dry matter is favorably influenced by increase in N and K, but reduced by the increasing application of P (Singh, 2004). To achieve high tuber quality, it is recommended to fertilize using NPK fertilizer with less N than P and K (Vos, 1999). Depending on the mineral fertilizer forms, rates and nutrient ratios; the contents of dry matter, starch, protein and other substances may either increase or decrease. Excessive nitrogen fertilization reduces starch, dry matter and sugar contents in tubers and potatoes deteriorate more rapidly during storage (Shock et al., 1999). This results from the fact that nitrogen promotes growth of potato vines, and when lasting drought occurs, the vines that have grown so large are most dramatically affected and the growing season is extended. The tubers, if harvested under such conditions, may not have been able to mature completely and reach maximum dry matter content. The starch also accumulates less rapidly, and part of it is used for respiration (Eiasu et al., 2007). Dry matter content is affected by various factors, among which the most significant are tuber maturity, character growth, plant nutrient and water uptake (Harris, 1992). This study was carried out to determine some tuber quality attributes of selected potato varieties, in response to irrigation intervals and NPK fertilizer rates. 2.0 Materials and Methods The experiments were conducted during 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 dry seasons at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Kebbi State University of Science and Technology at Jega (lat. 120 11' N; long. 40 16' E) in the Sudan savanna ecological zone of Nigeria. The climate of the area is semi-arid with an average rainfall of about 550mm - 650mm per annum. The relative humidity ranges from 21 - 47% and 51 - 79% during the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. The temperature ranges between 14 - 30oC during the dry season and 27 – 41oC during the rainy season (Anonymous, 2012). The treatments consisted of three irrigation intervals (3, 6, and 9 days), four rates of NPK (20: 10: 10) fertilizer (0, 300, 600 and 900kg/ha) and three potato varieties (Nicola, Bertita, and Diamant). The treatments were laid out in a split - plot design with three replications. Irrigation intervals and fertilizer rates were combined and allocated to the main plots while variety was assigned to the subplots. The planting material (seed tubers) for the three varieties was sourced from the | 002 Potato Program Unit of the National Root Crop Research Institute (NRCRI) sub-station Vom, Jos, Plateau State. The seed tubers were pre-sprouted for six weeks before planting. The seed tubers were dressed with fungicide (Muncozeb powder) a day prior to planting. Planting was done manually with whole or cut tubers of approximately 30g weight per hill at intra-row spacing of 30cm and a depth of 8 – 10cm. Plots of 3.0 x 4.5m (13.5m2) were marked out, leaving a 1m space between main plots. Each subplot was made into six ridges, 75cm apart. Water channels were constructed for effective supply of water to each furrow during irrigation. The net plot area consisted of the two middle rows (3.0 x 1.5m) (4.5m2). The source of water was a tube well. Water pump machine was used to draw water from the source to the field through the constructed water channels. Irrigation was scheduled according to the treatments, at 3, 6 and 9 days interval. The whole field, irrespective of the irrigation treatment, was watered 3 days before and after planting. The irrigation treatment was imposed after the crop has fully emerged [within 3 weeks after planting (WAP)]. Compound fertilizer (NPK 20: 10: 10) was used at the variable treatment rates of 0, 300, 600 and 900kg NPK/ha. These rates were applied according to the treatments in two split doses; the first and second doses were applied at planting and at 4WAP, respectively. The fertilizer was applied at about 10cm away from plant stand and 5cm deep and covered. Weeds were controlled manually using hand-hoe at 4 and 7 WAP. Karate (lambdacyhalothrin) was sprayed at 4mlL-1 of water against insect pests. The crop was harvested on 16th February, 2010; 12th February, 2011; and 11th February, 2012; for the 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 trials, respectively. A light irrigation was given to all plots a day for harvesting irrespective of the irrigation treatment to facilitate easy lifting of tubers. Harvested tubers were sampled from each net plot, sliced to very small pieces and oven-dried at 700C to a constant weight in a paper bag. The tuber dry matter (DM) was estimated as: DM= (Wd / Wf) x100, where Wd and Wf are tuber dry and fresh weights, respectively. The oven-dried tuber samples from each net plot were grounded, sieved and analyzed for N contents in the laboratory using one gram each of the samples by Micro Kjeldhal procedure. The crude protein content of tubers was estimated by multiplying the total nitrogen (N) content of the tuber by 6.25 as described by Yusuf et al. (1999) Tuber carbohydrate content was estimated as Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE) and was calculated as: NFE = 100 – (crude protein + moisture + crude fiber). Data generated were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) in accordance with Gomez and Gomez (1984). The treatment means were separated using the Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) (Duncan, 1955). 3.0 Results 3.1 Percent Tuber Dry Matter Content The proportion/percentage dry matter content (DM) as influenced by irrigation interval, fertilizer rate and variety in the three dry seasons and the combined is presented in Table 1. Except in 2009/10, irrigation intervals of 3 days consistently increased tuber dry matter contents in all the seasons and the combined data. In 2009/10, 3 and 6 days intervals gave, the more tuber dry matter than 9 days intervals. In 2009/10, application of 900kg NPK/ha produced significantly higher DM than only 300kgNPK/ha, which was in turn higher than the untreated control. In 2010/11, 2011/12 and the combined data, Muhammad et al Int. J. Agri Res. | 003 fertilizer rates of 600 and 900kgNPK/ha gave higher DM than 300kgNPK/ha and the lowest was in the untreated control. Varieties Bertita and Diamant produced statistically similar DM, with Bertita being significantly higher than Nicola in 2009/10 dry season. In 2010/11 dry season, variety Diamant gave significantly higher DM than Bertita, which in turn was superior to Nicola. Both Bertita and Diamant were at par in terms of DM and each produced significantly higher percent tuber dry matter than Nicola in 2011/2 and the combined seasons. Interactions of irrigation intervals, NPK rates and variety of percent tuber dry matter were not significant in all trials and the combined data. significant effect of irrigation interval on tuber nitrogen content in all the seasons and in the combined data. Application of 600 and 900kgNPK/ha gave more tuber nitrogen content than 300 and 0kg NPK/ha in 2010/11, 2010/11 and the combined data. But in 2011/12 season, tuber nitrogen content was not affected by NPK rates. Varieties Bertita and Diamant produced statistically the same tuber nitrogen content in 2009/10 and 2010/11 and each was superior to Nicola. In 2011/12 and the combined data, Bertita was superior to Nicola, and Diamant was at par with both Bertita and Nicola. Interactions of irrigation intervals, NPK rates and variety of tuber nitrogen content were not significant in all trials and the combined data. 3.2 Percent Tuber Carbohydrate Content 3.4 Percent Tuber Crude Protein Content Irrigation interval and fertilizer rates did not have any significant effect on percent tuber carbohydrate content throughout the seasons and in the combined data as shown in Table 2. In 2009/10 and 2010/11, Nicola had the highest tuber carbohydrate content followed by Diamant, and the lowest was in Bertita. In 2011/12 the combined data, Nicola and Bertita were at par, each of which had significantly higher percent carbohydrate content than Bertita. Interactions of irrigation intervals, NPK rates and variety of percent tuber carbohydrate content were not significant in all trials and the combined data. The effects of irrigation interval, fertilizer rate and variety of tuber crude protein (CP) content are presented in Table 4. Irrigation interval did not show any significant effect on tuber crude protein content in all the three dry seasons, and the combined mean. Fertilization at 600 and 900kgNPK/ha produced similar and significantly higher percent tuber crude protein than the two other rates in 2009/10, 2010/11 and the combined means, except in 2010/11 when 0 and 399kgNPK/ha was at par with 600kgNPK/ha. Variety Bertita consistently gave higher percent tuber crude protein than Diamant and Nicola in the three trials and the combined data. In the combined data, Diamant in turn gave more protein content than Nicola. Interactions of irrigation intervals, NPK rates and variety of tuber crude protein content were not significant in all trials and the combined data. carbohydrate content in varieties Nicola and Bertita over Diamant, and crude protein in Bertita over Nicola and Diamant further indicated the genetic variation among the three varieties tested in this study (Babaji et al., 2008; Manrique and Barthlomew, 1991). 3.3 Percent Tuber Nitrogen Content Tuber nitrogen content as influenced by irrigation interval, fertilizer rate and variety is presented in Table 3. There was no 4.0 Discussion The tuber content of N, P, K, crude protein and carbohydrate was generally not affected by irrigation interval. This is in line with Pereira and Shock (2006) who opined that although water is the main medium through which soil nutrients are made available to plants, the mobilization of the individual nutrient to other plant parts like tubers depends on the amount of nutrients present, the crop’s physiological demand for the nutrients and genotype. The tuber contents of N and CP were maximized with the application of 600kgNPK/ha above which there was no further significant positive response. The high content of the applied fertilizer, particularly the 600 and 900kgNPK/ha rates, in addition to the inherent high soil fertility might have resulted in ample uptake and translocation of N, which is a factor in protein synthesis; to the plant system and its subsequent mobilization to other plant parts, including the tubers. According to Adhikari and Sharma (2004), N and K application reduced tuber dry matter, content, with the effect being less in K than N, but P was reported to slightly increase tuber dry matter content. Protein content usually expressed as a percentage of dry matter was enhanced by increase in N and K but reduced by increasing P application (Shukla and Singh, 1976; Ezzat et al., 2011). The significantly high tuber 5.0 Conclusion From the result of this study, it could be concluded that application of 600kgNPK/ha is optimal for good potato tuber quality. Also variety Bertita proved to be superior in terms of crude protein and relatively comparable in terms of dry matter and carbohydrate contents, to the other two varieties. 6.0 Acknowledgements The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, for providing the enabling environment for the successful conduct of this research. We also acknowledge the effort of the Coordinator of the Potato Program Unit of the National Root Crop Research Institute (NRCRI) sub-station Vom, Jos, Plateau State, in person of Dr. Amadi Charles who provided the potato varieties used in this study. Muhammad et al Int. J. Agri Res. | 004 Table 1: Effect of irrigation interval and NPK rates on tuber dry matter of three potato varieties in 2009-12 dry seasons and the combined data at Jega Treatments Dry Seasons 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Combined Bertita 23.75a 22.20b 22.92a 22.96a Diamant 22.48ab 23.40a 23.38a 23.09a Nicola 21.82b 20.47c 21.95b 21.41b SE± 0.510 0.37 0.33 0.24 3 24.40a 23.81a 23.84a 24.01a 6 23.36a 22.20b 22.85b 22.45b 9 21.19b 19.06c 20.56c 22.33c SE± 0.523 0.379 0.384 0.271 0 20.13c 20.56c 18.45c 19.71c 300 22.89b 21.15b 22.44b 22.16b 600 23.23ab 22.82a 23.83a 23.29a 900 23.47a 22.96a 24.09a 23.51a SE± 0.603 0.438 0.443 0.313 IxF NS NS NS NS IxV NS NS NS NS FxV NS NS NS NS IxFxV NS NS NS NS Variety Irrigation interval (days) NPK rates (kg ha-1) Interactions Means followed by the same letter(s) within a treatment group are not significantly different using DMRT at 5%. Ns= not significant. Muhammad et al Int. J. Agri Res. | 005 Table 2: Effect of irrigation interval and NPK rates on tuber carbohydrate content (%) of three potato varieties in 2009-12 dry seasons and the combined years at Jega Treatments Dry Seasons 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Combined Bertita 71.59c 74.14c 72.28b 72.67b Diamant 83.04b 82.29b 83.42a 83.42a Nicola 83.66a 83.57a 83.64a 83.62a SE± 0.260 0.270 0.270 0.130 3 80.81 80.61 80.69 80.70 6 79.96 79.95 80.25 80.05 9 80.54 80.43 80.40 80.46 SE± 0.536 0.509 0.532 0.213 0 80.91 80.72 80.73 80.79 300 80.63 80.43 80.72 80.59 600 79.61 79.96 79.54 79.99 900 80.58 80.63 80.81 80.67 SE± 0.618 0.588 0.614 0.246 IxF NS NS NS NS IxV NS NS NS NS FxV NS NS NS NS IxFxV NS NS NS NS Variety Irrigation interval (days) NPK rates (kg ha-1) Interactions Means followed by the same letter(s) within a column in each treatment are not significantly different at 5% using DMRT. NS= not significant. Muhammad et al Int. J. Agri Res. | 006 Table 3: Effect of irrigation interval and NPK rates on tuber nitrogen content (%) of three potato varieties in 2009/12 dry seasons and the combined years at Jega Treatments Dry Seasons 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Combined Bertita 1.48a 1.47a 1.47a 1.47a Diamant 1.38a 1.36a 1.35ab 1.36ab Nicola 1.27b 1.30b 1.32b 1.30b SE± 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.02 3 1.30 1.34 1.32 1.32 6 1.36 1.40 1.42 1.39 9 1.31 1.37 1.39 1.36 SE± 0.075 0.083 0.081 0.032 0 1.25b 1.33b 1.37 1.32b 300 1.27b 1.33b 1.36 1.32b 600 1.44a 1.43a 1.47 1.45a 900 1.45a 1.45a 1.46 1.45a SE± 0.087 0.096 0.094 0.037 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS FxV NS NS NS NS IxFxV NS NS NS NS Variety Irrigation interval (days) NPK rates (kg ha-1) Interactions IxF IxV Means followed by the same letter(s) within a column in each treatment are not significantly different at 5% using DMRT. NS= not significant. Muhammad et al Int. J. Agri Res. | 007 Table 4: Effect of irrigation interval and NPK rates on tuber crude protein (%) of three potato varieties in 2009-12 dry seasons and the combined data at Jega Treatments Dry Seasons 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Combined Bertita 9.25a 9.19a 9.19a 9.19a Diamant 8.63ab 8.50ab 8.44b 8.50b Nicola 7.94b 8.13b 8.25b 8.13c SE± 0.24 0.28 0.26 0.12 3 8.12 8.37 8.25 8.12 6 8.49 8.75 8.87 8.53 9 8.18 8.56 8.68 8.37 SE± 0.472 0.520 0.508 0.212 0 7.81b 8.31b 8.56 8.23b 300 7.92b 8.31b 8.49 8.24b 600 8.99a 8.96ab 9.20 9.05a 900 9.10a 9.10a 9.13 9.10a SE± 0.545 0.600 0.586 0.245 IxF NS NS NS NS IxV NS NS NS NS FxV NS NS NS NS IxFxV NS NS NS NS Variety Irrigation interval (days) Fertilizer NPK (20:10:10) kg/ha Interactions Means followed by the same letter(s) within a column in each treatment are not significantly different at 5% using DMRT. NS= not significant. Muhammad et al Int. J. Agri Res. | 008 Appendix I: Physical and chemical properties of the soil of the experimental site in 200912 dry seasons 2009 2010 2011 Sand (g kg-1) 800 624 687 Silt (g kg-1) 157 254 250 Clay (g kg-1) 43 122 103 Soil Textural Class Sandy loam Sandy loam Sandy loam pH (Water) 5.6 5.9 6.1 pH (CaCl2) 5.5 5.7 5.6 Organic carbon (%) 0.4 0.8 1.0 N (g kg-1) 0.32 0.37 0.52 P (mg kg-1) 1.38 1.21 1.29 K (Cmol kg-1) 0.54 0.99 0.97 Na (Cmol kg-1) 0.39 0.44 0.52 Ca (Cmol kg-1) 0.45 0.33 0.30 Mg (Cmol kg-1) 0.50 0.70 0.85 CEC (C mol kg-1) 1.88 2.46 2.64 Physical properties Chemical properties Muhammad et al Int. J. Agri Res. | 009 Appendix II: Mean monthly temperatures, relative humidity and solar radiation at the experimental site during the period of the experiments (2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012) Month Temperature (OC) 2009 201 Relative Humidity Solar Radiation (%) (kcalcm-2) 2011 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012 0 January - 23.8 25.8 23.4 - 27 25 24 - 14.5 15.7 14.8 February - 26.0 27.3 25.8 - 23 22 20 - 18.3 17.4 17.6 March - 30.8 30.7 31.7 - 22 22 20 - 18.3 17.5 17.2 April - 35.0 35.6 34.9 - 33 38 30 - 18.0 17.7 17.5 May - 33.2 33.9 34.2 - 39 35 38 - 18.7 18.6 18.3 June - 28.2 30.4 31.4 - 52 55 60 - 17.3 17.5 17.6 July - 27.2 26.8 - - 70 68 - - 15.2 15.4 - August - 27.2 26.7 - - 79 80 - - 14.7 14.9 - September - 26.8 25.2 - - 78 81 - - 17.2 17.5 - October 29.2 26.7 28.6 - 47 62 69 - 17.8 16.4 16.8 - November 29.4 28.4 29.6 - 29 30 27 - 17.3 17.6 17.8 - December 26.9 25.3 25.8 - 27 26 25 - 16.7 16.5 16.9 - REFERENCES Adhikari, R. C. And M. D. Sharma (2004). 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