VOLUMIA VOLUMIA MONDIAL X ADORA General production advice ware potatoes * Big size tubers * Good yield * Uniform tuber size and shape * Very early AB - Slightly firm 82 Early 91 Good 85 Large Oval 9-11 Light yellow Yellow No berries 57 Dormancy period 75 Emergence 80 Metribuzin sensitivity 69 Foliage development 8 Internal bruising Little Potato disorder 77 Dry matter content/Starch UWW / Specific gravity Moderate short Normal Moderately sensitive Strong Little sensitive Little sensitive 18,5% / 12,7% 335 / 1,071 Spraing Foliage Blight Tuber Blight Alternaria Common scab Powdery scab PVYn Yntn tuber tolerance Susceptible Very susceptible Slightly susceptible Slightly susceptible Slightly susceptible Slightly susceptible Susceptible Slightly sensitive Plant populations / ha Cooking type Maturity Yield mature Tuber size Tuber shape Number of tubers Flesh after cooking Skin colour Berries Plant populations Planting distance on 75 / 90 cm rows Characteristics 75 cm 90 cm * Suitable for first cultivation (Primeur) Tuber number / 50 kg Fertilizer 44 37 71 57 59 64 62 94 - Adapt fertilisation to soil analysis. - Do not apply any top dressing. - Split application has no added value. Nitrogen can be given in one application. - Potassium and phosphate fertilisation as standard advice. PCN Resistance Type Ro1 Ro2/3 Pa2 Pa3 9 5 Value Wart disease Fysio F1 F2 F6 F18 Value 9 3 3 8 Italic: own analysis/no official analysis 14 Nov 2014 HZPC takes no responsibility for any harmful consequences that might eventually occur when using this information. VOLUMIA VOLUMIA MONDIAL X ADORA General production advice ware potatoes Pre-treatment and planting - Don't de-sprout to prevent Little Potato Disorder disease. - The variety has a slight susceptibility to little potato disorder, avoid planting in cold soil. - The best quality will be reached on fertile and light soil types. - Can be planted with small white buds but good pre-sprouting can advance the crop. Growing attention points - Emergence is normal. - Thanks to early maturing, Phytophthora is no problem. - Preventive spraying against Phytophthora is advised. Haulm killing and harvest - Tubers reach early big size, harvest can be done after 90-100 days. - Leave enough time between haulm killing and harvest as VOLUMIA doesn't have a quick skinset. - VOLUMIA is moderatly susceptible to mechanical damage, reduce drop heights. Storage - Take care of the wound healing period. - Dry quick and keep it dry to avoid Silver scurf. - VOLUMIA has a moderate resistance to Phoma and Fusarium. 14 Nov 2014 HZPC takes no responsibility for any harmful consequences that might eventually occur when using this information.
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