April 2015 Edition Inside this Edition: President’s Garage Officers/Volunteers President’s Garage - Barry Iverson Hello Club Members, March Minutes Breakfast Cruise Pete’s Red Camaro Invitation - Internet If my Body was a Car For Sale Sturgis Camaro Rally Upcoming Events: Next meeting April 21st Car D’ Lane June 19th - 20th Sturgis Camaro Rally June 25th to 28th 25th Camaro Show August 8th 32nd Ford Show August 22nd Airway Heights The Next Meeting April 21st - 7pm As I am writing this the sun is out, the Camaro has it’s new seats and warmers and the top has been down. Its time to get the babies out of the garage/storage and take a drive. The open road is calling and having the sun and wind in your face is the best thing ever. So get out there just pick a direction and see where the road takes you. I’m now a year older but no wiser. Who wants to grow up when we have the best cars made to drive fast and hard. I hope I never grow up, I just want to continue to have fun and enjoy everything around me, good cars, good food and good friends. We now have the sponsor sheets, so lets all get out and pound the pavement. Think outside the box and ask your barber or bartender or grocery store or tattoo artist if their business would like to sponsor a trophy set or a doorprize. It does not have to be just about car businesses. These sponsors help with the financing of our show which in turn help out our charities. So please get out their and help. Our next Breakfast Cruise is Saturday April 4th, make sure to call Gail and RSVP. I’m looking forward to this cruise and even if it is a bit chilly I know my top will be down and my bottom will be warm. Heated seats what a genius idea! @ Prospectors Bar & Grill 2611 N Division St Across from Wandermere Mall Go Zags!!! Barry Page 1 INWCC - Inland Northwest Camaro Club PO Box 4084 * Spokane WA 99220 WEB SITE : www.inwcamaroclub.com Meet the September 2014 to August 2016 Officers/Volunteers President: Barry Iverson (509) 999-9145 Bigred65tbird.iverson@comcast.net 2002 Z28 RS Camaro Convertible - White Storm Trooper Vice President: Mike Penberthy (509) 981-0686 mrpenberthy@comcast.net 1969 Camaro SS - Silver Treasurer: Rich Peterson (509) 443-6912 richandsallypete@msn.com 2012 45th Anniversary Camaro - Carbon Treasurer Advisor: Craig Fairhurst (509) 927-6295 lrcf68@msn.com 1968 Camaro - Corvette Bronze * 1970 Camaro Rally Sport * 2002 Camaro Z28 - Pewter Newsletter Editor / Board Assistant: Kayse Lyn Iverson (509) 999-9144 kayselyn.iverson@comcast.net If you would like to send in items for publication please do so by emailing them to me within 4 days after the meeting, goal is to get the newsletter out within 10 days after meeting. You are invited to send in stories about shows you attend, interesting articles and anything that may be of value to club members. Space is limited, so if your item is not time/date sensitive it may layover to a future issue. If you do not have email access, you can reach me at the above mentioned phone number to make arrangements. Activity Reminder Coordinator: Colleen Hagen (509) 467-1351 Larcollin@comcast.net Webmaster: Tori McCracken (509) 292-2746 eloikavic@gmail.com 2010 2LT RS Camaro - Imperial Blue Metallic Raised by Wolves If you haven't had a chance to visit our new website, it is up and running at www.inwcamaroclub.com - I would love to add more content to the Members Garage page so please e-mail me your pictures Membership Recruiter: Jacquie Witham (509) 844-8428 jwtd@msn.com 1973 Camaro LT - White If you have any changes to your phone or address (email and snail mail) please let me know Show Committee Chair: Ted Davis (509) 981-7480 jwtd@msn.com Show Committee Co-Chair: Larry Hagen (509) 467-1351 Larcollin@comcast.net Thank you, this year’s show was Outstanding!!! Cheers to another great Show!!! Page 2 INWCC Meeting (February 17th) CALL TO ORDER 7:00 – Barry presiding ROLL CALL Barry & Kayse Lyn Iverson, Peter & Judy Coffin, Mike Penberthy, Craig Fairhurst, Rich Peterson, Larry & Colleen Hagen, Gail & Al Gabbitas, Tom & Michelle Knapp, Ted Davis & Jacquie Witham, Tori McCracken, Dave More, Joe Bevacqua & Vicky INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Richie & Christina - 2014 White and Levi & Kayla - 1990 RS Purple We hope they enjoyed their visit with the club and will consider joining us. REPORTS SECRETARY/NEWSLETTER We do better in getting the notes out earlier. Needs stuff for newsletter, after all it is your newsletter! Goal for getting the newsletter out is 10 days so by the 2nd Friday after the meeting. Will be putting Paul’s newsletter in a envelope now because Valley Postmen keep destroying it. WEB REPORT Updated the site with the artwork of the show, 13,616 hits to the site. Facebook getting more hits and updating things there as well. Make sure everyone friends the site. Would like to get a listing of the sponsors so that they can be posted on the site. Jacquie to provide Tori with a list. TREASURERS REPORT Accounts in balance! Payment to the COE for advertisement has been sent. MEMBERSHIP Updates to the membership spreadsheet need to be made. We need a new Membership Spreadsheet and Phone List SHOW COMMITTEE – 25th Annual Camaro club show 2015 Checking on Trophies - $50 per set of 3 Artwork is set and it is outstanding! Sponsorship letters and show flyer were handed out. If you need more please contact Jacquie. Lets think out of the box, go to places that are not totally car related. How about your barber shop or nail salon, or favorite restaurant or bar. If you are going to a local show please take some flyers and hand them out while you look at the cars, if you need some ask Jacquie Looking into T-shirts possibly black with the artwork in silver - classy Michelle will create some fun games for kids For now we will not have a stand-alone show meeting until it gets to be closer maybe June. So, if you have anything show related please bring it up at the general meeting. Health Cards - Barry & Craig both have theirs and Jacquie will be getting hers renewed. She will also be getting the food permit for the Camaro Café. 50 Sponsorship Letters have been mailed to out of town sponsors. Cleaning party for the Bar-b-Que grill. Craig to make arrangements with Paul for fist weekend in June 2015 Charity Donation: Coats for Kids - Community Partners Foundation KXLY and the Women & Children’s Free Restaurant & Community Kitchen - 1620 N Monroe St OLD BUSINESS: Camaro Café Shows July 25 Mustang August 8 Camaro Show August 22 Ford Show Page 3 (Continued from page 3) NEW BUSINESS INW Thunderbirds have asked to rent the Camaro Sound System which include Ted for the Ford Show in Airway Heights Saturday August 22nd -Club said okay Moving meeting to different restaurant - the menu for Darcey’s in the Valley was passed around, seem reasonable and had good selections. The IE Mustang club meets there and have heard good things about it. Check it out http://darcysrestaurantandspirits.com/ This is a possible site, are there others you want to suggest. What are out next steps? Shakey’s Pizza is closed Dukes Spring Poker Run sometime in May - will get date at next INCCC meeting Build a Bike sometime in May - will get date at next INCCC meeting Camping Trip Anyone - May ?? Ted will follow-up Sunshine Girl - Michelle will send out cards for birthdays and such. If you know of a club member who needs cheering up or who is sick please let Michelle know Anyone up for a cruise to Bayview Marina? Ted will follow-up with owner Jacquie sent a thank note to Barrow’s for their excellent service/food at the last breakfast cruise, we doubled the attendance as to what we had told them. They did an outstanding job considering the situation. Breakfast Cruise - Gail / Colleen April 4th - Prospector’s (see below) http://www.prospectorsspokane.com/ May 9th Chipman & Taylor Classic Car Show - meet at the Grocery Outlet W 3rd Ave @ 7am to travel to the Harvester in Spangle http://www.harvesterrestaurant.com/ June 19th CDA Show - will have information coming ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned 8:25 It's time for our next Breakfast Cruise. Saturday April 4 , we will be meeting at Prospector's at 12611 North Highway 395 at 9:00 a.m.. Then after breakfast we will be going on a Cruise for about an hour. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Please call Gail Gabbitas at 509-842-0777 as soon as possible. Hope to see you all there - Colleen Hagen Our steaks and eggs are cooked to order. All omelets are made with 3 farm fresh eggs. All farm fresh egg and omelet selections include your choice of one side item and one bakery item. Side Dishes: Country-style hash browns, hand-cut home style hash browns, O'Brien hash browns Bakery Item: Toast with butter and jam, english muffin or Prospectors muffin. http://www.prospectorsspokane.com/ Page 4 PETE’S RED CAMARO CONVERTIBLE At a Camaro Club meeting in late 2010 one of the members was playing with his cell phone and after a short time said, “They are going to build a convertible!” I asked him who was building a convertible and he said that Chevrolet was going to build a Camaro convertible. Up to that time all the fifth generation Camaros were coupes. During the early 1960s I had the desire for a convertible but college and new family needs pushed this desire into the future. In the next three months I began asking Camaro Club members about their convertibles and heard about water leaks, excessive noise and various squeeks and rattles. This did not deter me from wanting a new convertible. In April of 2011 I began to visit local Chevrolet dealerships to ask for a Camaro sales brochure and ask about the ordering process. A nice Appleway Chevrolet salesman was frank with me and said his dealership couldn’t order me one because they didn’t have any convertible allotments left. Another Spokane dealership I visited was too busy to talk to me. So I tried to get more information about a new Camaro convertible from Consumer’s Reports having used them in the past to help me order automobiles. Unfortunately the convertible model was not listed in their literature. However they were a help in that they listed the coupe options and their code numbers. I made up a list of options I wanted on a 1ss bright red, manual transmission Camaro convertible with a gray interior and began to contact Spokane area dealers that might have an allotment. On a Friday morning I typed up a “build sheet” and gave it to a salesman at the dealership that had been too busy to talk to me. He was standing at the door smoking with a group of other salesmen. I knew Appleway was unable to help me so I then called the Chevrolet help number and inquired if there was a convertible with my specifications available anywhere in the United States. There was not! By the next day, Saturday I had heard nothing from the “too busy” Spokane dealer so I decided to expand my search for a convertible allotment and call northwest Chevrolet dealers to see if any of them could help me. First on my list was Dave Smith in Kellogg. I had tried to deal with them in the middle 1980s when I was living in Colorado and wanted to buy a four wheel drive pickup. They had an interesting advertisement in the Wall Street Journal indicating that they would sell and deliver a car or truck to you anywhere. I called them and talked to the sales manager and explained my problem. He didn’t know if Dave Smith had a Camaro convertible allotment but that he would check to see and get back to me within an hour. Less than an hour later he called back and said that they could order a convertible but I had better quickly send them the order requirements and the $1000 earnest fee before their allotment was gone. I did so and ordered the car over the phone. On the next day, Sunday, the Spokane dealer’s salesman who was busy smoking finally emailed two days after I had given him my build sheet and said he had been too busy to get back to me but that he had a convertible coming in. Of course it was not one I would have ordered. I politely returned his email and said that I had already ordered my convertible. I did not tell him where I had ordered my convertible. His return email was unbelievable! He told me I was a fool and that no one gave a salesman a build sheet like I had given him, that I was impolite for not waiting for his offer, and that I would have to wait over six months for delivery. I cannot now remember all that he wrote and I didn’t save his email for laughs. However, I still have his name on the dealerships business card for reference! Within six weeks (not six months!) Dave Smith called to set up a delivery date. On a nice day in May 2011 my brother -in-law and I drove to Kellogg and took delivery of a bright red Camaro convertible. The only problem I had with the order was that the salesman didn’t tell me that I had to order a boot as an option for the convertible top. Chevrolet didn’t ship one as part of a convertible order so I had to order one after I got the car. The convertible was my second red Camaro joining my 2000 SS coupe in the barn. There is nothing quite like driving a convertible, top down, on a nice day in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. My 2011 Camaro Convertible at the Cat Tales cruise. Page 5 Invitation To The Internet – Tori McCracken Some of our members are hesitant to explore the internet, so I wanted to share a few of the sites I visit and trust. If you want to connect with more Camaro Comrades on the internet check them out. Forums are a great source of information on specific topics whether it's cars, dogs, or recipe's. You JOIN a forum to be able to post your own opinions. Forums are moderated by administrators with your internet safety in mind. Forums for the 5th gen fanatics: Camaro5 is a great forum to join for those of us with the 5th generation Camaro. Lots of DIY information, lots of ideas and tech tips. Regional forums make it easy to connect with other Camaro-holics. www.camaro5.com Modern Camaro - another great forum you may prefer to C-5. www.moderncamaro.com For those interested in older/all generations: Team Camaro - Another site with a great forum you can join for sharing information, stories, or getting ideas on how to get something done. This forum has sub-forums for all the generations, including the upcoming 6th gen. www.camaros.net Online shopping can be intimidating for some, here are a couple of sites I have ordered from with great results. For Parts & Mods: GM Parts Direct: http://www.gmpartsdirect.com/ Phastek Performance: http://www.phastekperformance.com/ Everyone is on Facebook these days, so here are a few Facebook sites you may enjoy: Camaros Unlimited Group - a huge posse you can JOIN that has a lot to share. Their posts will appear on your wall! It is a great big friendly group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/CamarosUnlimited/ TranzCamZ Camaro & Firebird Club Group - Northern Idaho group you can JOIN to see their posts on your wall. https://www.facebook.com/groups/camarofirebirdclub/ Inland NW Camaro Club Group - Our own group on Facebook you can JOIN to share what you've been doing with the Camaro, this is a public group not limited to club members. Share it with your non-INWCC friends so they can join the conversations too! Once you JOIN you will see these posts on your wall. https://www.facebook.com/ groups/368807273247913/ INWCC page: This is the page our club's Facebook administrator posts events and information to. https:// www.facebook.com/pages/Inland-Northwest-Camaro-Club/365561200127469 You can respond to posts there but only an administrator can post. LIKE this page to have club events show up on your Facebook wall. A local website of interest to many is the Spokane Hot Rod Association website - http://spokanehotrod.com/index Inland Northwest Car Club Council INCCC - http://www.incarclubcouncil.org/ Of course you can also come visit your INWCC website at http://www.inwcamaroclub.com/ and share your club website with your friends. See you on the interwebs! Page 6 If My Body Was a Car! This is just too funny - scary how true it is!!! If my body was a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading it in for a newer model. I've got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish and my paint job is getting a little dull... But that's not the worst of it. My headlights are out of focus and it's especially hard to see things up close My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and skid and bump into things even in the best of weather. My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins. It takes me hours to reach my maximum speed. My fuel rate burns inefficiently. But here's the worst of it, Almost every time I sneeze, cough or sputter, either my radiator leaks or My Exhaust Backfires! INWCC to lead the Friday Night Cruise - June 19th It is their 25th Anniversary and our 25th Camaro Show A Classic Car Weekend - 1975 or Pre ‘75 Cars & Trucks June 19th & 20th 2015 More details to come at next meeting *****For Sale***** 1968 Z28 motor Call Bill Waymire (509) 954-3806 or email ldonoian@earthlink.net Northside Spokane 1978 Camaro - Work in progress, V-8 305, Automatic, 4BRL/Dual Exhaust, New brakes, New shocks. Runs good$2,500.00 with extra parts $3,500.00 Call Les at 509-389-6373 Wanted: I’m restoring 79 Z-28, looking for drivers side floor pan (full length), and trunk pan. Know any good body shops in the area that I can order these items from? Thanks Paul Welter (208) 773-8673 Inland Northwest Camaro Club Memberships - Single $15 - Family $20 Give Jacquie Witham (509) 844-8428 a call if you have someone who wants to join the best club in are area. They make great Christmas gifts, give one today! Please review the items and let me know if anything needs to be updated. Thank you for reviewing the items! Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Mark your calendars and call all of your friends, let them know that the best car show of the year will be August 8th at Mirabeau Meadows Spokane Valley See you there! __________________________________________________________________ INWCC - NEWS INWCC Monthly Newsletter ___________________________ Inland Northwest Camaro Club PO Box 4084 Spokane, WA 99220 To:
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