JULY 3 - 4 - 5, 2015 RIVERSIDE PARK, YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN, USA SPECTATORS WELCOME! Admission is FREE! (charity donations requested) WELCOME to CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 the largest and longest running ALL CAMARO event in the USA! This is our 24th YEAR!!! This flyer will give you the information you need, to become one of our Camaro family and attend one of the premier automotive events of the year! 2015 EVENT HIGHLIGHTS and FEATURES * FREE entry for DRIVERS CLASS Camaros! * Friday tours of SLP & the Henry Ford Museum! * Friday Night Meet-Greet at Depot Town * DRIVE TO Judging * Goodie Bag for first 550 participants! * Dash Plaque for first 550 participants! * Camaro Parts Swap & Sell Area * NEAR-FREE entry for JUDGED Camaros! * Camaro SURVIVORSTheme * Meet great Camaros, people & friends!! * 85+ Awards in 33+ classes! * ALL participants eligible for Door prizes! * Saturday Night cruise to Lingenfelter * Mike Oginsky/Team RFC Sunday service THE EVENT- CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 WELCOME to the 24th annual CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 the longest running, largest ALL CAMARO event in the USA! Our plans are set and we're waiting for you to register and become part of our Camaro family! Check out the highlights listed above! VISIT our website for tons more information!! We are open to ALL Camaros, stock to highly modified, trailered or driven. WE WANT YOU and YOUR Camaro to attend CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 for a great weekend at the BIGGEST, GREATEST, LONGEST RUNNING and FRIENDLIEST annual all Camaro event in the USA! This flyer is packed with information on the entire weekend event. For further information or questions, call Barry Hensel at 734-649-3056 (5pm-10pm only) or Randy Martin at 734-368-8726 or send email to barry76Lt@wowway.com or bicycledoctor@continentalbikeshop.com Or visit our website at www.camarosuperfest.com NEAR-FREE and FREE ENTRY!! CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 is celebrating our 24th year! What better way to do this, than to say THANK-YOU to all of our participants by having this year again be NEAR-FREE or FREE on entry fees! We are saying to every Camaro owner, "We want you to attend!" Once at the event, you CAN up-grade to the Judging Classes for the difference in fees! If you've never been to an ALL CAMARO event, we hope that this will encourage you to attend and enter your Camaro in CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015! YES, your Camaro IS good enough to be in our event!! Please enter NOW!! Huron St US-23 Huron St CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 is a three day Camaro EVENT, designed for YOU, the Camaro Owner!! Our 2015 schedule isCross St Thursday, July 26pm-9pm- Registration at HQ hotel Riverside Friday, July 37am-9am- Registration at HQ hotel Park 9:00am- leave for SLP/Henry Ford Michigan Ave 6pm-9pm- Meet-Greet at Depot Town Saturday, July 4- 8am-4pm- Show Hours at Riverside Park Exit 183 9am-11:30/1pm-4pm Show Judging 5:30pm-10pm Cruise to Lingenfelter Motorsports Collection HQ hotel Sunday, July 58am-4pm- Show Hours at Riverside Park 9am-12noon Show Judging 10am RFC Service by Mike Oginsky 2pm- The Awards!! I-275 EVENT SCHEDULE - THE HQ HOTEL For CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 our Headquarters Hotel, for the 10th year in a row, is the finest in the area. Our HQ Hotel isThe Marriott at Eagle Crest 1275 S Huron St. Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 734-487-2000 To make your reservation, call between 9am-5pm and to get our price, tell them that you are attending CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015. Room price is only $110 for up to 4 people to a room and this rate is good until June 15, 2015! WARNING- once our CSF room block is sold out, if any rooms are available, they will be at a higher rate! The hotel is VERY busy on our weekend! Check - www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/dtwys-ann-arbor-marriott-ypsilanti-at-eagle-crest SPECIAL FRIDAY ACTIVITY – SLP TOUR, LUNCH and the HENRY FORD MUSEUM! On Friday at CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 we'll be traveling to the HQ of SLP Parts, in nearby Livonia, MI. As part of the vast Roush Industries, SLP Parts is making all of the great aftermarket high performance items you want or need for your Camaro, past and present! After the tour, lunch will be provided!! We have room for 200 people. After Lunch, we’ll travel to Dearborn and the Henry Ford Museum. This is just like the movie... “Trains, Planes and Automobiles”!! See some of the greatest automobiles, see airplanes and trains too... all indoors!! Plus there is machinery, furniture, history, fads and even sports! LOTS to see! To attend this activity, just fill out the box on the application page. You MUST register for CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015, in order to attend this activity. We hope you will be able to attend this activity, as part of CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015! JUDGING CLASSES CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 is proud to maintain the highest of standards by giving out the best and most awards for an all Camaro event. NO OTHER EVENT gives out the type of awards or has as many classes as we do!! Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd & 3rd in these classes- orig-unrestored- 67-69, 70-81, 82-92, 93-97, 98-02; stock-restored, street & modified- 67-69, 70-73, 74-77, 78-81, 82-92, 93-97, 98-02, 2010-14 Special Production– 67-69, 70-81, 82-02, 2010-14 Pace Car- 67-69, 82-02, 2010-14 Pro Street, Show Car, ProTouring and Competition – 67-2015 Special Awards one each - Longest Distance Driven and Trailered, Club Participation, Participants Choice AND, our TRIBUTE Awards, which this year will help us celebrate CAMARO SURVIVORS! Here’s our special classes to pay tribute to these Camaros – 67-69; 70-81; 82-92; in stock, street and modified! PLUS our BEST Awards - two awards, one each for an original/restored Camaro and the other for a modified Camaro in these categories- Best Paint, Best Engine, Best Interior. Plus one Judges Choice! Please remember, Judging at CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 is always optional (additional entry fee) and is based on cleanliness and detailing. We are NOT a concours event! CAMARO SUPERFEST JUDGING TEAM... Michigan Firebird Club! For the 6th year, the Michigan Firebird Club will be our judges. These great, dedicated individuals have done a great job for us in the past and have renewed their commitment to be fair and judge all Camaros properly. We'll have five judging lanes, so more Camaros should be able to get through quicker, but not in any less judging detail and skill! CSF has always had paid, independent judges like the Michigan Firebird Club, as it insures that you get the best judging possible. Please remember, while they are paid... they are also volunteers, giving up their weekend to be here with us and enjoy the show too! THANK-YOU Michigan Firebird Club for your dedication at CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015! SPECIAL FRIDAY NIGHT ACTIVITY-MEET-GREET-DINNER Depot Town On Friday evening at CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 we'll be hosting a MEET-GREET-DINNER. This will be at nearby Depot Town! Depot Town is an older, quaint part of Ypsilanti and is right next to Riverside Park, where CAMARO SUPERFEST is held. We will have the whole “town” to ourselves with the street blocked off for us to use as parking! There are several good eating establishments in town and they are looking forward to welcoming you! We feel this will be a great way to unwind, after that great day at SLP and the Henry Ford Museum. We hope you will be able to attend this activity, as part of CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015! SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT ACTIVITY – CRUISE to LINGENFELTER! We've scheduled another cruise on Saturday evening at CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015! Our end spot will be the great LINGENFELTER MOTORSPORTS COLLECTION in nearby Brighton. Just a 45-60 minute drive to see some of the world’s greatest cars, including many historical Camaros, Corvettes and exotics. We’ll have snacks and refreshments when you arrive! We’ll also have some activities to participate in and prizes to win! A great way to end DAY TWO of CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015! SWAP, SELL and VENDOR AREA CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 is committed to giving you the best swap and vendor area! We have lots of room for your vendor spot and we have the lowest vendor prices in the USA! We will again have overnight security on both Friday and Saturday evenings. Your vendor spaces will be secure!! If you have Camaro and Chevrolet parts, models, die-cast cars, tools, hats, t-shirts, or literature; can you afford NOT to attend the longest running Camaro event in the USA? That’s us, CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015! CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 CHARITY CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 will again be helping others by taking on a charity. EMCC, Camaro Superfest with sponsor Lou LaRiche Chevrolet are pleased to announce that ANGELA HOSPICE will be our 2015 charity. Providing great and compassionate end of life care is their mission and our donations will help Angela Hospice complete that mission for more people. This was chosen by our sponsor, Scott LaRiche, as the recent passing of his mother was helped by Angela Hospice. This is also a tie-in to our past Treasurer Russ Sarns, who passed of cancer and was also helped by Angela Hospice. Through some 50/50 raffles, silent auctions, Saturday Cruise and out-right donations at the spectator gate, we hope to raise over $10,000 for our charity. YOU can help by simply attending CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 and getting involved in the many fund-raising activities we have planned for the weekend. PLEASE NOTE – our event goals are two-fold. ONE, to have the best ALL Camaro event for you, the participants, where you can meet friends, make new friends, relax and enjoy our passion for a great car, the Camaro. TWO, to raise money for charities!! While many of our activities are FREE, we are asking that if you can or want to, there is a suggested donation to our charity for some of these activities. These donation go directly to our charity!! Thess donation amounts are a SUGGESTION only. THANK-YOU! SPONSORED AWARDS CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 will again be offering our SPONSORED AWARDS this year! These will be awards that are sponsored by businesses, clubs or even individuals. These are extra awards and not included in the class awards! The sponsor will pick the winner for their award and help give out the award at the end of the event! Please go to our website for complete details, then call, write or email us if you want to give out a Sponsored Award for CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015! CAMARO SUPERFEST WEBSITE! VISIT OFTEN FOR MORE NEWS! Our website has MUCH MORE information than is in this flyer PLUS many updates, as our event plans can change during the course of a couple of months. You can also register your Camaro online through the website using your credit card! We also have pictures from last years event there, judging classification rules and links to many great associated sites. You can also view our registration totals and see who is coming from where and how many of each year Camaro has already registered! Please visit us often at www.camarosuperfest.com NOTES OF INTEREST There is a STRICT policy at CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 AND Riverside Park-Ypsilanti of NO ALCOHOLIC beverages!!! PLEASE, do not put our event in jeopardy by trying to bring in any alcohol beverages. CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 has the right to search trunks, trailers and coolers and expel any violators. AGAIN this year, Mike Oginsky from Team RFC (Racers/Rodders for Christ) will return with a Sunday morning service, right in the park at 10am! CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 welcomes Mike back! AGAIN this year, the site of CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 is Riverside Park, Ypsilanti, which is only 1.5 miles from our HQ hotel! Pack up the Camaro and the family for a great Camaro time at the best, friendliest and longest running ALL Camaro show in the USA, CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015!! SORRY, but Ypsilanti and Riverside Park has a NO DOG policy during events like Camaro Superfest! Please leave your beloved pet at home with friends. Thanks! CAMARO SUPERFEST SPONSORS CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 has been blessed with many supporters over our 23 year history. Please make sure you THANK them for their support of our event which made it a Near-Free and Free event!! We are still open for sponsorships!!! If your business is interested, please contact us right away! DIAMOND SponsorsLou LaRiche Chevrolet GOLD CamaroZ28.com Canton Waste Recycling SILVER – MotorCity Hi-Performance Cuda Automotive CamaroNews.com Ace Diversified Services Lingenfelter Collection Street Legal Performance BRONZE – Eckler's Camaro Cold Air Inductions Cruis’News Magazine National Parts Depot Livernois Motorsports The Bicycle Doctor THANKS!! TO OUR 2015 SPONSORS!!!! Way to go!! EMCC and Camaro Superfest 2014 EXCEEDED our goal! $10,000 donated to the MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Society of Michigan CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Please PRINT the information below and mail with proper fees to: CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 43642 Lotus Drive Canton, MI 48188 A confirmation letter with your official entry number and event outline, will be mailed or emailed to you in late May 2015. All entries MUST be postmarked by June 20, 2015. NAME___________________________________________SPOUSE'S NAME___________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________ CITY___________________________ STATE_____________ COUNTRY__________ ZIP_________ TELEPHONE (______)-______________________ MEMBER OF______________________________ NAMES OF CHILDREN ATTENDING ____________________________________________________ YEAR OF CAMARO______________ MODEL____________________________________________ EXTERIOR COLOR_____________ INTERIOR COLOR______________ ENGINE________________ EMAIL __________________________________________________ ENTRY FEES FOR CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 Your entry fee includes weekend passes for one Camaro, two adults, and any children under 15 years of age. Please make checks and/or money orders payable in US FUNDS to: EASTERN MICHIGAN CAMARO CLUB CAMARO DRIVERS CLASS ENTRY FEE- FREE!! NUMBER CAMARO JUDGED CLASS ENTRY FEE- $15 CAMARO SWAP OR SELL ENTRY FEE- $30 per 20x20 space Friday Tour to SLP – FREE!! First 200 people only (suggested charity donation - $5 per Camaro) Friday Tour to the Henry Ford Museum – $18 per person adult $15 per child (12 and under) Saturday night Cruise to Lingenfelter – FREE!! (suggested charity donation - $5 per Camaro) SUPERFEST 2015 EVENT SHIRTSizes S-M-L-XL = $15 XXL-XXXL= $20 Buy your event t-shirt at this special discount price, available only with your Pre-Registered Entry Form! Event t-shirt prices at the event will be $3.00 more each DRIVERS ENTRY JUDGED ENTRY SWAP FRIDAY SLP FRIDAY H-Ford Adlt FRIDAY H-Ford kid SAT CRUISE EVENT T-SHIRT SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE XX-LARGE XXX-LARGE GRAND TOTAL TOTAL $00.00 $ $ $00.00 $ $ $00.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Participant's car MUST be insured by participant. Neither the Eastern Michigan Camaro Club, Lou LaRiche Chevrolet, National Parts Depot, CWR, Bicycle Doctor, Cruis’News, Rick’s Camaro Parts, Lingenfelter Performance, City of Ypsilanti their agents, employees, or representatives shall be held responsible for ANY loss or damage to the participants car, person, or property. The participant shall and hereby waives any and all rights he may have against them for any such loss or damage. Participant shall follow all event rules set up by the Event Management and said Management will have final authority concerning any event decisions. Participant must be 18 years old or older. If under 18, parent or Legal Guardian must sign and accept responsibility for participant's actions. _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Participant Legal Guardian CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 43642 Lotus Dr Canton, MI 48188 CAMARO SUPERFEST 2015 is hosted by the EASTERN MICHIGAN CAMARO CLUB which is sponsored by Lou LaRiche Chevrolet, Plymouth, Michigan. THANKS for your support! www.camarosuperfest.com JULY 3-4-5, 2015 RIVERSIDE PARK, YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN, USA
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