Folacin, cobalamin, and hematological status during pregnancy in rural Kenya: the influence parity, gestation, and Plasmodium falciparum malaria1 BJ Brabin, MSc, PhD, FRCP(C), H van den Berg, PhD, of and F Nzjmeyer To investigate folacin concentrations in malaria during pregnancy, women attending a rural antenatal clinic in Kenya were studied. Low serum folacin values had poor specificity for low red blood cell (RBC) folacin concentrations. Multigravidae had lower mean serum folacin (p <0.03) and RBC folacin (p <0.001) values than primigravidae. Primigravidae had higher mean RBC folacin values than nulliparae (p <0.05). Although anemia was frequent, no evidence of neutrophil hypessegmentation was seen in blood smears of individuals with low RBC folacin or indeterminate cobalamin values. The unexpectedly high RBC folacin concentrations are probably related to Pfalciparum infection: during followup a significant decrease in both RBC and serum folacin activity occurred after chioroquine was administered. This decrease may be unrelated to a gestational effect (RBC folacin p <0.01; serum folacin p <0.025). The pathogenesis of high RBC folacin activity is discussed in relation to reticulocytosis as well as to a biochemical mechanism within the RBC. Am I Clin Nuir 1986;43:803-8l5. ABSTRACF WORDS Folic acid, cobalamin, Introduction Previous studies have reported the incidence of megaloblastic anemia in pregnancy in several countries in Africa (1-5). All of these reports are from urban areas and concern hospital admissions or attendances. Few report serial changes during pregnancy of serum folacin or cobalamin values (6, 7). The literature provides little information on red blood cell (RBC) folacin and none on the influence of malaria on RBC folacin in pregnancy. The effect of parity on the pattern of hematological changes during pregnancy has been poorly defined. Recent studies of the anemia of Pfakiparum infection in children report that high RBC folacin values occur in malaria (8, 9). Interestingly, it is the red cell and not the serum folacin values that are raised in these children, and for those with chronic anemia the reported mean value is above the upper limit of the normal assay range (8). The aim of the present study was to define the hematological status of a rural pregnant population in relation to parity, gestation, and The American Journal of ClinicalNutrition43: MAY © 1986 American Society for Clinical Nutrition 1986, pregnancy, malaria, anemia, parity Pfakiparum infections. It had been hypothesized in a previous study that folacin deficiency, if considered as a common complication of malaria in pregnancy, would lead to maternal immunosuppression (10). Materials Location and methods and diet The study was undertaken in Western Province, Kenya, amongst women of the Abasamia tribe, at an antenatal clinic in a rural hospital at Nangina. The hospital is in the Busia District, an area holoendemic for malaria. The Abasamia are a subtribe of the Abaluyha who live close to the I From the Department of Tropical Hygiene (BJB), Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and Department of Clinical Biochemistry (HVDB, FN), Central Institutefor Nutrition Research (CIVO/TNO), Zeist, The Netherlands. 2Suppo by a project grant from the Medical Research Centre, a department of the Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi. 3Address reprint requests to: BJ Brabin, PhD, Institute of Medical Research, P0 Box 378, Madang, Papua, New Guinea. Received August 20, 1984. Accepted for publication June 25, 1985. pp 803-8 15. Printed in USA 803 Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 KEY BRABIN 804 Lake Victoria shoreline. The lake area has seen a flow of migration to Nairobi, for the agricUltUral potential of much of its land is marginal and Lake Victoria’s waters have been overfished. The women cultivate maize asthe primary subsistence food, and cassava is the secondary staple for the preharvest period. Meat, although available, is too cxpensive for most women to buy on a regular basis. Fish is less expensive and is brought daily to the local markets. Participants and follow-up Clinic procedure Each time the women attended the clinic, they were given antenatal care by the nursing staff of the hospital. Maternal parity and date of last menstrual period were known in nearly all cases. Gestational age, calculated from the last menstrual period, was checked against assessment of fundal height. At the monthly antenatal visit, 310 mg chloroquine (base) was administered for malaria prophylaxis. A weekly dose would be the usual and better procedure but, accordingto the hospital Public Health Team, such a schedule would be difficult in this rural area. Problems include attendances, regularity oftaking prophylaxis as instructed, cost, and distribution and supply of the medicine. Whereas this chloroquine schedule was established hospital policy and its effect was unknown, no change was requested specifically for our study. Women were observed to swallow their tablets. A 2-wk course of ferrous sulfate (200 mg daily) was offered to all women on their first visit. A therapeutic course ofiron was offered to women only after referral to the hospital doctor. After clinic attendance, the women visited the laboratory. The purpose and nature ofthe study was explained in the local language and permission was requested for their participation and for taking a blood sample by venipuncture. Participants were given a bottle containing a 10% formolsaline solution and were requested to return it containing a fresh stool sample at their next clinic visit Bleeding, laboratory procedure, and storage of samples Blood (5 ml) was collected by aseptic venipuncture at each clinic visit. Half of this sample was centrifuged and the plasma stored at -12#{176}Cwithin 2 h. The remaining 2.5 ml of blood was first used for preparing three thick and one thin smear for microscopy, and then placed in an EDTA anticoagulant bottle. Blood smears were stained by Giemsa’s stain and examined for malaria. Additional examination of peripheral blood films from pregnant women subsequently shown to have low RBC folacin or indeterminate serum cobalamin concentrations was carried out by an experienced technician at the Department of Hematology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam. Neutrophil hypersegmentation was defined using the segmentation index, which is a count ofthe number of lobes in 100 neutrophils. Normal subjects have 200-300 lobes with this count (segmentation index 200-300). Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration was measured by the cyanomethemoglobin method and the hematocrit (Hct) by the Hawksley microhematocrit (Belman Hawksley, Brackmills, Northampton, England). Stool samples were cxamined using a formol-saline ether sedimentation method. Within 2 h ofcollection, a whole blood hemolysate was prepared from the EDTA solution to a 1:20 dilution using a 0.2% ascorbic acid solution. The hemolysate was allowed to stand, protected from light, for 1 h at room temperature to permit the hydrolysis of polyglutamates by endogenous conjugase. The hemolysates were stored within 3 h of collection at -12#{176}Cfor 1-2 wk and then subsequently at -20#{176}C.Plasma and hemolysate samples were forwarded frozen to the Central Institute for Nutrition Research (CIVO/TNO), Zeist. Radioassay Serum and RBC folacin were measured by radioassay (Becton-Dickinson Simul TRAC, Becton-Dickinson Immunodiagnostics, Orangeburg, NY, vitamin B12 [57cjfolate [1251]radioassay kit) using a folacin-binding milk protein (11, 12). Endogenous folacin-binding proteins that have been observed in the sera of some pregnant women (13) were denatured by an initial boiling step(14). Serum vitamin B12 was measured as true rather than total cobalamin by using a nonintrmnsic factor blocking agent (15, 16). Statistical analysis A t test differences correction Friedman was used to assess the statistical significance of between mean assay values, x2 test with Yates for differences between proportions, and the test for nonparametric analysis of variance. Results Study sample Pregnant women, 1 19 primigravidae and 172 multigravidae, were studied at the time of their first antenatal visit; 19 pnmigravidae and 55 multigravidae made only a first visit. Blood samples for analysis were available from 78 primigravidae and 108 multigravidae at day 28, from 5 1 primigravidae and 37 multigravidae at day 56. In nearly all cases, women returned within a day oftheir scheduled followuptime. Stool samples were obtained from 89 primigravidae and 67 multigravidae. The large majority of women in this study were either asymptomatic or complained of only minor symptoms. Only one woman with severe ane- Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 The study period extended from late January to the end ofApril, 1981, and covered the last 7 wk ofthe dry, and first 6 wk of the wet season. The study protocol was approved by a research committee at the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam. Primigravidae and multigravidae with no history oftaking antimalarial drugs were studied at the time oftheir first antenatal visit (day 0) and in subsequent follow-up visits at day 7 (primigravidae only), day 28, and day 56. The exact location of each woman’s household was determined and mapped. An additional group of4l women were screened at their first postnatal attendances, which were within 2-4 wk after delivery. As controls, 15 nonpregnant women (14 nulliparous), were screened on a single occasion. These women were attending the hospital with minor complaints. ET AL MALARIA, FOLACIN, AND HEMATOLOGY Radioassay Table I gives the normal reference values for the radioassay. Values for healthy pregnant and nonpregnant Dutch controls are given for comparison (18). Nonpregnant RBC folacin values are those of the West Kenya nuffiparous control group. Samples were assayed in duplicate. To assess interassay variation, three control pool sera for cobalamin and folacin were employed on all assay runs. Red cell hemolysates were diluted (1:1) to approximate the mean range of the pool standards. The standard curve was calculated by spline function using a computer TABLE 1 Radioassay reference Anemia, folacin, and cobalamin status Correlations between serum and RBC folacin in primigravithe and multigravidae are shown in Figures 1 and 2 for all blood samples. Low serum folacin showed poor specificity for low RBC folacin concentrations in this population. High RBC folacin values were observed more frequently in primigravidae (14.9%) than in multigravidae (4.2%) (p < 0.0001). Only two samples from primigravidae compared with nine from multigravidae were found to have low RBC folacin values before delivery. The mean serum and RBC folacin concentrations for multigravidae were significantly lower than in pnmigravidae (serum folacin, p < 0.03; RBC folacin, p < 0.001). No difference in mean cobalamin concentrations was observed between parity groups. In the nonpregnant control group, the mean value for serum folacin was 9.0 nmol/l (range 4.4-22), for RBC folacin 655 nmol/l (range 336-1139), and for serum cobalamin 390 pmol/1 (range 220-750). Tables 3 and 4 show the mean values of hematological parameters at the first antenatal visit, grouped according to gestational age. The highest mean values ofall parameters occurred at <12 wk gestation for multigravidae. Mean Hb values for both primigravidae and multigravidae decreased at 16 wk, but this fall is not significant and a further decrease in mean Hb values did not occur later in gestation. Primigravidae had lower mean Hb values at all stages of gestation. The percentage of women values* Source Serum folacin nmol/1 Manufacturer’s * program for smoothing the curve (19). The precision of this radioassay is shown in Table 2. data 4.5-3l.7 RBC folacin True cobslamin pmol,4 nmol/I 283-1359 161-69lt Nonpregnant controls Mean ± SD 4.4-22.0 (9.0 ± 3.5) 336-1139 (655 ± 223) 220-750 (398 ± 108) Pregnant controlj Mean±SD 1.1-13.9 (4.8±2.2) 127-1457 (485±281) 187-664 (351± 108) Range of values. t Indeterminate cobalamin, 125-161 pmol/l; low cobalamin < 125 pmol/l. Gestation, 28 weeks. The cited range may indicate low folacin stores in a number of these women. Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 mia had obvious clinical malaria and she was admitted for treatment and blood transfusion. Mean ages (±SD) of primigravidae, multigravidae, nulliparous controls, and postnatal groups were, respectively: 17.7 ± 2 yr, 24 ± 5 yr; 20 ± 3.8 yr, and 22. 1 ± 6.7 yr. All women were from the Abasamia subtribe and lived in mud huts < 5 km from the hospital. Study samples and control groups consisted of women who were primarily subsistence cultivators. While economic conditions were generally poor, there was little evidence of severe malnutrition either in pregnant women or in children under 5 yr (17). There was no significant difference in the percentage of primigravithe or multigravidae with ova of hookworm (62.9% and 68.7%) or ascariasis (23.6% and 22.4%), although more primigravidae had trichunasis (24.7% and 13.4%, p > 0.1). Ova counts were not obtained. A small number were diagnosed with other intestinal infections: S Mansoni (six), E Histolytica (fourteen), G Lamblia (four) and B Coli (one). 805 IN PREGNANCY BRABIN 806 TABLE 2 Precision of radioassay ET AL for folacin and cobalamin Aay Mean Standard deviation Interassay CV Intraassay variability % Serum folacin (nmol/l) Pool 1 Pool 2 Poo13 Serum cobalamin Pool 1 Pool2 Poo13 * Coefficient 4.23 6.88 11.14 0.29 0.39 0.80 Variability duplicates % 6.95 (l6)t 5.67 (17) 7.20(16) ±2.60(9) 34.0 2.6 13.5 ±2.96 % ±1.4 (16) ±2.0 (16) ±1.0(15) - - (pmol/l) 31.0 399.0 527.0 10.0 24.0 71.0 (16) (17) (16) - (8) - ±1.0(15) ±1.6 (15) ±1.9(15) of variation. t Parentheses: number of assay procedures. above 300. Five of the postnatal smear preparations were not ideal and for these, the segmentation index was not determined. None of these five women was anemic. Folacin The women concentrations and parasitemia pattern of parasitemia in pregnant has been reported previously (20). In summary, peak parasitemia prevalence cccurred at 13-16 wk gestation, with primigravidae showing a higher peak prevalence at that time (85.7%) than multigravidae (51.7%). A progressive decrease in parasitemia prevalence was observed with advancing gestation such that prevalence figures were approximately halved by late gestation (primigravidae 42.9%; multigravidae 23.5%). The mean RBC folacin concentrations (±SD) on day 0 for primigravithe with parasitemia (1056 ± 400 nmol/l) was significantly higher than in primigravithe without parasitemia (879 ± 374 nmol/l), (p < 0.02, 1 17 degrees of freedom). The difference between mean values for multigravidae with parasitemia (879 ± 369 nmol/l) and without parasitemia (832 ± 342 nmol/1) was not significant. The mean parasite density for primigravidae attending on day 0 was significantly higher than that for multigravidae (primigravidae geometric mean, 2100 parasites per mm3; multigravidae 398 parasites per mm3; p < 0.001). No correlation was observed between folacin concentrations and parasite density in individuals. As all 15 nonpregnant controls had negative Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 with anemia (Hb < 1 1.0 g%) or with low folacin or indeterminate cobalamin values is shown in Table 5. An increase in the percentage of women with anemia occurred at 13-26 wk gestation but this difference is not significant. Only one woman had an Hb <6 g%. In primigravidae, 7.8% and 31.9% had Hb values in the range of 6-8 g% and 9-10 g%, respectively. The corresponding percentages for multigravidae were lower, 1.8% and 25.7%, but not significantly different. Low RBC folacin values occurred significantly more often in multigravidae during the third trimester (p < 0.01), although a similar percentage ofwomen from both parity groups had low values postnatally (about 15%). The percentage of folacin-deficient primigravidae increased only in the postnatal period, at which time there was a corresponding decrease in the percentage with anemia (p > 0. 1). The percentage of multigravidae with anemia also decreased postnatally (p = 0.06). In individuals, there was no correlation between their Hb and RBC folacin values. Nonanemic women had a higher, but not significantly different, percentage oflow RBC folacin (5.9%) and indeterminate cobalamin (6.7%) values than anemic women (2.0% and 2.9%). Seven women had low RBC and serum folacin values but only one of these was anemic (Hb 10.4 g%). Four of25 smears from women with low RBC folacin or indeterminate cobalamin values showed anisocytosis and two showed hypochromia with target cells. The range of values for the segmentation index was 248308 with one postnatal smear with a value FOLACIN, MALARIA, AND HEMATOLOGY 2000 IN PREGNANCY 807 I I PRIMIGRAVIDAE I - I 1800 . I I I I I II I II 1600 I I I #{149} I I I #{149} I 1 1400 I I II I. I I I. I I I I 1200 I #{149} I #{149} I I #{149} #{149} #{149} #{149} I #{149} I I #{149} #{149} I S. #{149} Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 II I I I #{149} #{149}#{149}#{149} #{149}I I 1000 #{149} II #{149} #{149} RED CELL FOLACIN N.MoI L #{149}. #{149} #{149} #{149} 800 #{149}. I #{149}III I #{149}I I S. II #{149}4#{149}#{149} I I #{149} #{149}I #{149}I I I #{149} I I$III I #{149} II#{149} I#{149}I #{149}II I II I I#{149} 1111 I I II 11111 I II I #{149} 600 t #{149}II I II III I $ I II #{149}#{149}#{149} II II II #{149} #{149}#{149}#{149}:#{149} .#{149} II#{149} I I #{149}I I I I#{149} I II. I I,#{149} II 400 I I I I I - 200 LI 1 2 3 44.55 6 SERUM + 7 FOLACIN Mid-point 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 N.MoI.L. mean valueB FIG 1. Correlation between serum and RBC folacin in primigravidae. High and low indicate distribution for nonpregnant adults. + indicates midpoint mean values. malaria smears, the mean value of their hematological parameters have been compared with those of pregnant women without parasitemia on day 0 (Table 6). Primigravidae 12 the limits of the normal have significantly higher mean RBC folacin and significantly lower Hb than controls (p <0.05), and multigravidae significantly lower mean Hb and Hct than controls (p <0.005). 808 Fr BRABIN AL 2000 I MULT IGRAVIDAE I 1800 I I I 1600 HIGHI?. #{149} I I 1359 I I #{149} I 1200 I Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 I II I I I I II I I 1000 #{149}I I #{149}1 REDCELL FOLACIN N.MoI.L. $ #{149} I #{149} II I#{149}.I I 1#{149}1 #{149} j.I % II :: I I II I 11 III I #{149} I #{149} #{149}. #{149} I I #{149}#{149} #{149}1.. III... a. #{149} III. #{149}. I#{149} I I I I #{149} II .;., 400 #{149} I#{149} #{149} #{149} I. I #{149} #{149} 1:1511:: . .1 : I 3 I I .I#{149}S.I#{149}#{149} 600 #{149} I. Ill I :.#{231}#{149}1 #{149} I 800 I I#{149} . #{149} #{149} I LOW 283 . 200 I LOWI i-4 r 1 2 3 44!55 6 SERUM + FIG 2. Correlation distribution Red between for nonpregnant cellfolacin serum adults. in follow-up Mid-point midpoint and age in pri- serum ‘ ‘ ‘ 9 10 11 mean mean 12 13 14 15 N.MoI.L. in multigravidae. periods Tables 7 and 8 show the mean RBC folacin values by gestational ‘ 8 FOLACIN and RBC folacin + indicates . 7 values High and low indicate the limits of the normal values. migravidae and multigravidae at day 0, day 28, and day 56. Classification is according to the gestational age when the patient was first seen and the vertical columns remain true to MALARIA, I I FOLACIN, I I AND HEMATOLOGY IN PREGNANCY I r- 00 +1 +I’ - - r e +1on’ 000 - , - #{226} Iiri on - ret a +i’TO , IFt a +1 00 a 0 - +1 +1 +1 +10 +1 00 O . re +1- - ----‘ m - ---.- 809 00 r- ret .ret - IF-I o 0 . - . - ret 41 r -H7 +I 0r-’ +l ---o-- +I +1. +I 41 +I ret , ret - +‘-r +I 41 +1 00 ‘ 00 - . ret - . ret - 00 - ret 6 C : IF) +1-IF-, 4-Irt -H’ Ho +1’r I -: o 41 +1 o 00 . 00 q00 I I © #{247} +I N +IZ’ H’ . N H r1 .1I H ret IFt +1 IF I I +I’7 +l IFt O ‘ +1 I - ret IF ret +1 I +I 1’ IF - +1 - 41Z : N +1 I 0 * +- +1 -r .U - ii +ITo +Ioo ri ‘,a fh0 +Ir 66 +1 (-I w IF-, eN 0 - +1 rn on r-i 66 IFi 0 - ‘.5 60 I0t I I 60 cn I 5. E V kbh I_c 6 V +1 6 oo EEEE”E * +-*+C.O3 I I c’i . 60 .; +1 ! EEEE” * +.-+4.cO Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 sr.. +1 BRABIN 810 TABLES Prevalence (%) of anemia, low folacin, and indeterminate Anemia Group 22.2 40.0 44.8 0.0 24.0 37.5 Postnatal 21.1 9.5 13.3 forfolacin by gestation PG MG 28.6 30.0 24.1 - 26.7 andcobalamin(manufacturer’sdata, PG MG 0.0 3.7 15.6 15.8 l4.3 0.0 Table 0.0 6.1 6.9 <1 1 g% (World 0.0 6.1 0.0 - - 0.0 - 1); forHb MG 125-i6Jpmol/I 0.0 1.5 0.0 - visit Indetenmnate cob.lamin <283 nmoi/l 25.0 31.2 31.2 - (wk) on first antenatal Low RDC folacin <4.Snmoi/I Pregnant 12 wk 13-26wk 27-40 wk Nulliparous a Cut-offpoints values folacin PG <Jig AL cobalamin Low serum MO POt ET - Oipnization). Health t PG indicates primigravidae and MG, multigravidae. t Postnatal samples available only for RBC folacin. § Refers to nonpregnant control group. tational stages is significant for multigravidae (RBC folacin, p < 0.01; serum folacin p < 0.001) (Friedman test; nonparametric analysis of variance) and for primigravidae (RBC folacin p < 0.01; serum folacin p < 0.025). These changes were not seen in the crosssectional study ofthis population attending at day 0 (Tables 3 and 4), nor were they observed in cross-sectional analysis ofthe mean values for women attending at day 28 or day 56. The decrease in mean folacin values observed in Tables 7 and 8 cannot conclusively be attrib- TABLE 6 Hematological parameters ofpregnant and nonpregnant Discussion Radioassay A good correlation is expected between microbiological and radioassay methods with large numbers of samples (14, 2 1). A highly significant correlation for cobalamin values can be obtained in samples from pregnant women measured by the two methods (22, 23), women Pregnan Parameter I < 0.05; 1p < 0.005. Significance MUItigraVidse 6.9 ± 3.0 (20)1 900 ± 417 (2l)t 323 ± 106(17) 11.7 ± 1.7 (21)t 37.6 ± 4.8 (21) of women. levels against parasitemia values seen on day 0. women Primigravidae Serum folacin (nmol/l) RBC folacin (nmol/l) Serum oobalamin (pmol/l) Hb(g%) Hct (%) Mean ± SD; parentheses: number t p without t 5.5 809 360 11.7 34.7 ± ± ± ± ± for nonpregnant 2.2 349 125 1.6 5.5 (58) (59) (56) (59)f (59) controls. Nonpregnant 6.6 655 454 13.1 39.9 ± ± ± ± ± women 2.6 (10) 223 (15) 336(10) 1.5 (15) 3.3 (15) Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 uted to gestational changes alone, since these changes were not observed in the crosssectional analysis. An important difference between women seen at different follow-up times, apart from gestational age, is the administration ofchloroquine at days 0 and 28. Serum cobalamin concentrations showed no significant decrease in mean values during the follow-up period. the same individuals. Measurements from women who made only a single clinic visit have not been included at day 0. In both parity groups, a progressive fall in mean values occurred between day 0 and day 28, and between day 28 and day 56 for most gestational stages. This decrease in mean serum and RBC folacin values at different ges- MALARIA, FOLACIN, AND HEMATOLOGY IN PREGNANCY 811 ri II II II N cu . ,. O o o -‘ N V - ; E . N IF- . N 0 ret oo - N . a’ ret N N V #{149}E -0-onm g g 0 00 - 00 o\ ‘!t-%r.4 ret +I2+12+I+1+I oo___. 0 L) 00 _ ret N N O N r __.,It.__. -_-_ +1+l2+l2+1 #{226} -___IF-, c _ _ 6 1f 0 0 se V 8 § Nret4 : _ . _oo e4 a ‘‘c #{149} : If a #{149} 8 ‘‘rt . ret N +i+I’ret . N N N ‘ ret +IN‘N+IN N ‘ N “-V ret :,,j: N _ N N - ao ret N N reon 0N cu . 2 C I #{149}0 E I . iiis’isiRi1 N a -oo - “3. - Z? ‘ ‘...-N 5 tu 5 6 - C 6 ..,a .6 cu cu .6 u, I * +i+i:+i+ig:+i:+i6 . It IF 0ret :: IF N If) 6 - .c J,,, :t . c . IF) .6 - . a N N O N If) N ,ri , .6 V .E .- VE *4. ‘ft . N 0 Vt , #{247}I+1Z N- +1+1 am +lN+I H NIFNIF)N c .o r r = 9 u g * 00 N .0 If) ! ,. .0 once c rl) ._-,-_______-_--._-___, .-.------, 0 - 6 IL. rI) N : I+I 5 N e 66 Ec. e +I n fi 6 V ) 0 c . 6 <. . n ‘0 3 F- I 3IF) I1 V N( 8 c 8 re; N r . :. .6 8 . . n 6 . 0. ret . . ‘a 0 .- +-4+ - 8 8 I), &) L) - c/) I Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 , . BRABIN 812 although lower values with the microbiological method have been reported using pregnancy sera (22). Both RBC and serum folacin, at all stages of pregnancy, show a broad variance and a low correlation between paired samples (Figs 1 and 2). Other studies in pregnancy utilizing radioassay have reported a similar weak correlation between for a healthy women (18). Gestational hematological pregnant serum and RBC population values these male workers, and it must be considered that their low mean Hb values are a result of both malaria and iron deficiency. Surprisingly, only one woman had severe anemia (Hb < 6 g%), which suggests that the combined effect of helminthic and plasmodial infection in a highly endemic rural area is to produce moderate but rarely severe anemia in pregnancy. Unexpectedly and parity values differences in anemia in primigravidae is high RBCfolacin values Relation to Pfakiparum infection. There is evidence in the present study (Figs 1 and 2) that RBC folacin concentrations may be cxceptionally high in pregnant women living under holoendemic conditions for malaria. The normal range of values for the nonpregnant control group (336-1 139 nmol/l) is comparable to that for other nonpregnant reference groups when the same radioassay procedure is used (Table 1). Serum folacin values were not higher than the accepted normal range. Quality control was satisfactory throughout the assay procedure (Table 2), and meticulous care was taken with the handling and storing ofhemolysate samples in the field. The significant decrease in folacin values in the longitudinal groups of primigravidae and multigravidae following chioroquine ingestion (Tables 7 and 8) provides further evidence that the raised values relate to malarial infection. However, proof that malaria produces raised RBC folacin concentrations remains to be established and, at present, the association cannot be considered cause and effect on the basis of the present study. One likely explanation of these changes in RBC concentrations would be an increase in the young red cell population in individuals who are actively hemolyzing. This is because reticulocytes have a much higher RBC folacin concentration than mature red cells (31-33). This would also explain the raised RBC values in women without parasitemia on day 0 (Table 6), because ongoing reticulocytosis may occur after the suppression of parasitemia (34). If this hypothesis is correct, then RBC folacin measurement would be a poor measure of nutritional folacin status and usable only if a method of correcting for the degree of reticulocytosis were developed. However, there are reasons for considering that raised RBC folacin values may also result Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 of to be higher in women from endemic malarial regions (20, 27, 28), and this has been significantly associated with their higher preyalence of malaria (29). Hemolysis would be expected to decrease after delivery when malana prevalence falls (20), and this may partly explain the lower percentage of women with postnatal anemia (Table 5). Despite the prevalence of parasitemia, the women in this study generally remained asymptomatic. In such a situation, a low-grade hemolytic anemia could be wrongly considered primarily nutritional or secondary to helminthic infection. The mean levels of Hb in the study groups are much lower than values reported for male road workers located in Kisumu on the Lake Victoria shoreline (30). Kisumu is a large town and also a holoendemic malarial area, but 70 km south of the present study location. Women in the present study had a higher percentage of infections with hookworm, ascariasis, and Pfakiparum than known AL of Dutch There is a decrease in mean Hb at 12-20 wk gestation and an earlier fall in mean Hct at 12- 16 wk gestation (Tables 3 and 4). These early differences in Hb and Hct are likely related to plasma volume changes (24), although no further fall in mean values occurs with advancing gestation, as others report (24, 25). A rise in the percentage of women with anemia in the second trimester has also been reported in a malaria-endemic area (26) and may relate to hemolysis as it follows the pregnancy period of peak malaria prevalence (13-16 wk gestation). Hemolysis would also explain why primigravidae, who have the higher prevalence of P fakiparum infection, also have lower mean Hb values throughout pregnancy. The prevalence ET MALARIA, FOLACIN, AND HEMATOLOGY 813 PREGNANCY were present in this series. What then could be the basis for any nutritional superiority of these rural Kenyans? First, there are difficulties with all earlier studies: none report RBC folacin values in relation to malaria infection, so there is no direct evidence that the megaloblastosis that occurs is due to folacin deficiency. There is evidence in children that dyserythropoietic changes in severe anemia due to Pfakiparum are not a consequence of cobalamin or folacin deficiency within marrow cells (9). Serum folacin values alone are inadequate to substantiate the relation of malaria to megaloblastosis in view of their low specificity for low RBC folacin concentrations. Second, recent studies in children indicate that RBC folacin values may be raised in association with malaria. Higher folacin values are reported in convulsing chilthen from Nigeria compared to a nonconvulsing group (47), and more ofthe group with seizures had malaria. In Gambia, children with malaria had high RBC folacin values measured by microbiological assay (8) as well as by the Becton-Dickinson Radioassay. In the present study, umbilical cord venous blood samples were available from a small number of infants of women screened in pregnancy who later delivered at the hospital. These did not demonstrate low cord plasma or RBC folacin activities and some samples showed high RBC folacin values, although this could not be related to Pfakiparum placental infection (48). Folacin metabolism in mature red cells is relatively inactive. However, if high intraerythrocytic folacin concentrations can be produced in immature cells through a biochemical pathway involving the malaria parasite, then mean RBC folacin values would take a number of months to return to normal after the suppression of parasitemia. As malana is a chronic infection in immune pregnant women living under holoendemic conditions, the occurrence of high intraerythrocytic folacin concentrations could influence nutritional when dense the placental status, particularly parasitemias villi. may in pregnancy be present in We are grateful to the Provincial Medical Officer in Kakamega, and the District Medical Officer in Busia, for permission to work in this area ofKenya. Thanks are due to Dr DJB Wijers and Dr TAC Hanegraafforlogistic sup- Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 from factors additional to reticulocytosis. In experimental animal systems, raised folacin values have been reported (35-37), and these changes have been correlated with the intraerythrocytic development of the parasite in vivo (38). Siddiqui and Trager (36) consider that these increased concentrations are produced from an altered metabolism ofthe host red cell itself, rather than from folacin synthesis by the parasite. Further evidence for their hypothesis is that folic acid reductase inhibitors are effective against the parasite only as long as it remains inside the erythrocyte (39). Inasmuch as immature red cells are preferentially invaded by malaria parasites (40), high concentrations of folacin may preferentially occur within these cells when infected. This would complicate any simple method developed to correct for the raised folacin values normally present in reticulocytes. A biochemical mechanism producing high RBC folacin concentrations may also explain the lack of effect of folic acid supplements on parasite density in pregnant women (41) and in children (42). Relation to megaloblastosis. In the study population, megaloblastic anemia is possibly present in only a small number of women. Evidence for this is based on the observation that neutrophil hypersegmentation was not observed in any blood smears from women with low levels of RBC folacin or indeterminate cobalamin, but it is not conclusive because marrow aspirates were not available for diagnosis, and it is established that megaloblastic erythropoiesis may be present in the absence of hypersegmented neutrophils and anemia (43). Nevertheless, the finding was unexpected and might be considered exceptional in view of the observations of Fleming et al (44, 45) who reported a high incidence of megaloblastic anemia in pregnancy in Nigeria that was greatly reduced with prophylactic pyrimethamine. 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