Community Education Table of Contents / Kids College Workshops Listing

Community Education Table of Contents / Kids College Workshops Listing
Community Education
Table of Contents Summer 2014
Kids College
Workshop Listing ......................................... 1-2
Calendar Start Dates.........................................2
Online Academics ............................................2
All-Day Summer Camps....................................3
Academic Skills & Creative Learning.............. 4-5
Arts & Crafts................................................ 5-6
Cooking........................................................ 6-7
Dance & Movement..........................................7
Foreign & Sign Language..................................8
Music........................................................... 8-9
Online Learning.......................................... 9-10
Science & Engineering.............................. 10-11
Sports, Fitness, & Games................................12
Theatre, Acting, & Performing.................... 12-13
Workshops & Programs for Adults
Workshop Listing & Calendar .................... 14-15
Arts & Crafts ..................................................16
Bead Weaving & Jewelry Making.....................16
Business: Professional Growth & Skills....... 16-17
Business: Professional Development
Achievement Program..................................17
Business: Real Estate......................................17
Business: Starting & Managing Your Own
Business ............................................. 17-18
Career Training: Health Career Programs... 18-20
Career Training: Miscellaneous.................. 20-21
Career Training: Notary Public.........................21
Computer Education.................................. 21-22
Film & Foreign Language.................................22
Floral Design Certificate............................ 22-23
Food & Cooking........................................ 23-24
GED Test Preparation......................................24
Health, Fitness, & Stress Management....... 24-25
Home & Garden..............................................25
Math & Science..............................................25
Online Learning........................................ 26-28
Painting & Drawing.........................................28
Personal Interests & Hobbies..................... 28-29
Sports...................................................... 29-30
Typing Certificate............................................30
Travel Opportunities.................................. 30-31
Small Business Development Center
Stockton Institute for Continued
Learning (SICL)...........................................33
Delta Center for the Arts..................................13
Medical Emergency Consent Form...................13
Registration Information/Forms........................34
Summer Day Camp Registration Form..............35
Summer Day Camp Medical Emergency
Consent Form..............................................36
General Information
Parking....................................Inside Back Cover
Non-Discrimination Policy..........Inside Back Cover
Disclaimer................................Inside Back Cover
Kids College Workshop Listing
(Ages 8-12)......................................................3
Adventures in Drawing
African-Caribbean Dancing & Drums
Basketball & Volleyball
Checkmate! Beginning Chess
Colors on Canvas
Geek Squad
Introduction to Piano
Jammin' with Strawberries
Magic: Cards, Coins, & More!
Pickles: Relish, Sweet, Sour, Spicy!
Stained Glass Creations
Talk to the Hands!
The Joy of Singing
Online Credit Recovery (High School)...............2
Online SAT/ACT Test Prep. (Teens)..................2
Online ReadyMATH (Teens).............................2
Manipulative Math (Ages 6-9).........................4
Pre-Algebra/Geometry (Ages 10-13)...............4
Natural A’s (Ages 10 & up)..............................4
Reading Readiness (Ages 4-6)........................4
Early Reading (Ages 6-8)................................4
Pre-Algebra/Algebra I (Ages 11 & up)..............4
What’s Next in Math? (Ages 10-12).................4
Language Arts (Ages 9-11).............................4
Writing Reports (Ages 12 & up).......................4
Mystery of Math (Ages 8-12)..........................4
Reading Comprehension (Ages 8-12)..............5
Creative Writing (Ages 10-14).........................5
Art in Computer Game Design (Ages 9 & up)...5
Sculpture: The Clay Way! (Ages 8-12)..............5
* Stained Glass Creations (Ages 12 & up)...........5
* Summer Bead Rings.......................................5
Colors on Canvas (Ages 8-12)........................5
Kiln-Fused Art Glass (Ages 8-12)....................5
Drawing Methods (Ages 8-12)........................6
Computer Game Program (Ages 12 & up)........6
* Incorporating the Computer Into
Schoolwork (Ages 12 & up)..........................6
* Bread-Baking Camp (Ages 9-14).....................6
* Wacky Chocolate Cake (Ages 9-12)................6
Cooking with World Class (Ages 8-& up)..........6
* Now THAT'S Italian! (Ages 9-14).....................6
* Cool & Fresh Fruit Smoothies (Ages 8 & up).....7
* Fruit Salad: Colorful & Delicious!
(Ages 8 & up)..............................................7
* Kids Custom Cupcake Camp
(Ages 7-9) and (Ages 10-12).......................7
African-Caribbean Dancing (Ages 7-10)..........7
Hip-Hop (Ages 8-13)......................................7
Talk to the Hands! (Ages 8-12)........................7
* Spanish: South of the Border (Ages 7-11)........8
Suzuki Violin (Ages 3 & up).............................8
Lodi Community Band (High School)................8
* Guitarra y Canciones en Español
(Ages 10-17)..............................................8
Introduction to Voice (Ages 10 & up)................8
Introduction to Guitar (Ages 8 & up).................8
* Ukulele: Come & Strum! (Ages 8-13)...............8
Beginning Piano (Ages 8 & up)........................9
Drums and Rhythm (Ages 8 & up)...................9
Basic Guitar (Ages 8 & up)..............................9
Online Learning Courses (Teens).....................9
Online Credit Recovery (High School)...............9
Online Driver's Education (Teens)....................9
Life and Earth Science (Ages 5-7)...................9
Water Wizards (Ages 8-12)...........................10
* Saltwater Fuel Cell Motorcycles
(Ages 12 & up)..........................................10
Beginning Programmable Robotics
(Ages 10 & up)..........................................10
* Cool Science Experiments: Slimy Stuff!
(Ages 6-12)..............................................10
* Cool Science Experiments: Magical
Solutions (Ages 6-12)................................10
Community Education
Kids College Workshop Listing / Workshop Start Dates - Summer 2014
Kids College Workshop Listing
Electronic Science Lab (8-12).......................10
Electron Microscopes (Ages 12 & up)............10
Astronomical Wonders (Ages 9-12)...............10
CSI Chemistry (Ages 8-12)...........................11
Introduction to Revit (Ages 10-13).................11
Introduction to AutoCAD (Ages 10-13)...........11
* Electronics: Build a Racing Robot!
(Ages 12 & up)..........................................11
* Cool Science Experiments: Blow-Ups
(Ages 6-12)..............................................11
Beginning Tennis (Ages 8-14).......................11
Beginning Chess (Ages 8-12).......................11
Beginning Ice Skating (Ages 7-17)................11
Track & Field (Ages 11-17)...........................12
A Need for Speed (Ages 7-10)......................12
* Be a Star Theatre: Beauty & the Beast
(Ages 9-17)..............................................12
Improvisational Acting (Ages 9-14)................12
* Performing for Radio & TV (Ages 10 & up).....12
Kids College Workshop
Start Dates
16 Suzuki Violin (Ages 3 & up)
9 Lodi Community Band (High School)
13 Beginning Tennis - Section 1 (Ages 8-14)
16 Manipulative Math: Facts & Fun (Ages 6-9)
Pre-Algebra/Geometry: Concrete
Foundations (Ages 10-13)
* Bread-Baking Camp (Ages 9-14)
African-Caribbean Dancing & Drums
(Ages 7-10)
Talk to the Hands! (Ages 8-12)
Introduction to Voice (Ages 10 & up)
Life & Earth Science Camp - Section 1
(Ages 5-7)
Beginning Chess Camp (Ages 8-12)
17 Computer Game Programming - Section 1 (Ages 12 & up)
Introduction to Guitar (Ages 8 & up)
Keep Cool: Beginning Ice Skating
(Ages 7-17)
18 * Wacky Chocolate Cake (Ages 9-12)
* Guitarra y Canciones en Español
(Ages 10-17)
* Ukulele: Come & Strum! (Ages 8-13)
18 Beginning Tennis - Section 2 (Ages 8-14)
19 Natural A's (Ages 10 & up)
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
Kids College Workshop Start Dates
21 Cooking with World Class (Ages 8 & up)
Water Wizards (Ages 8-12)
* Saltwater Fuel Cell Motorcycles
(Ages 12 & up)
23 Reading Readiness (Ages 4-6)
Early Reading (Ages 6-8)
Pre-Algebra/Algebra I Skills (Ages 11 & up)
What's Next in Math? (Ages 10-12)
Language Arts: Reading & Writing Strategies
(Ages 9-11)
Writing Reports: Trauma or Triumph?
(Ages 12 & up)
Mystery of Math (Ages 8-12)
Reading Comprehension (Ages 8-12)
Art in Computer Game Design (Ages 9 & up)
Sculpture: The Clay Way! (Ages 8-12)
Drawing Methods (Ages 8-12)
* Now THAT'S Italian! (Ages 9-14)
Beginning Piano (Ages 8 & up)
24 Beginning Programmable Robotics Camp Section 1 (Ages 10 & up)
28 * Cool Science Experiments: Slimy Stuff!
(Ages 6-12)
30 * Incorporating the Computer into
Schoolwork (Ages 12 & up)
* Cool & Fresh Fruit Smoothies (Ages 8 & up)
1 * Fruit Salad: Colorful & Delicious
(Ages 8 & up)
Beginning Programmable Robotics Camp - Section 2 (Ages 10 & up)
7 Creative Writing (Ages 10-14)
* Stained Glass Creations (Ages 12 & up)
* Spanish: South of the Border (Ages 7-11)
Track & Field (Ages 11-17)
8 * Kids Custom Cupcake Camp - Section 1 (Ages 7-9)
* Kids Custom Cupcake Camp - Section 2 (Ages 10-12)
Drums & Rhythm (Ages 8 & up)
Basic Guitar (Ages 8 & up)
12 * Cool Science Experiments: Magical Solutions
(Ages 6-12)
14 Colors on Canvas (Ages 8-12)
Kiln-Fused Art Glass (Ages 8-12)
Hip-Hop (Ages 8-13)
Life & Earth Science Camp - Section 2
(Ages 5-7)
Electronics Science Lab (Ages 8-12)
A Need for Speed (Ages 7-10)
* Be-a-Star Theatre: "Beauty & the Beast" (Ages 9-17)
14 Improvisational Acting (Ages 9-14)
* Performing for Radio & Television
(Ages 10 & up)
15 Computer Game Programming - Section 2 (Ages 12 & up)
Electron Microscopes (Ages 12 & up)
19 Astronomical Wonders (Ages 9-12)
CSI Chemistry (Ages 8-12)
21 Life & Earth Science Camp - Section 3
(Ages 5-7)
Introduction to Revit (Ages 10-13)
Introduction to AutoCAD (Ages 10-13)
26 * Electronics: Build a Racing Robot
(Ages 12 & up)
* Cool Science Experiments: Blow-Ups!
(Ages 6-12)
Online Summer School Credit
Recovery Program
High School
High school students in need of making up
credits or retaking a course to improve their GPA
can get back on track to earn their high school
diploma with this accredited online program.
Nine different courses will be offered in the
areas of math, science, and language arts.
Online SAT/ACT Test Preparation
This 6-week online course will prepare students
for both the SAT and ACT test questions in the
areas of reading, writing, English, and science.
Summer 2014 start dates are May 21, June
18, July 16, and August 20.
Online Ready MATH
This intensive online math course assesses
student’s knowledge gaps and then targets
instruction and practice to specifically address
individual needs, allowing you to master
everything from basic arithmetic to intermediate
For more information, look under the
“Online Learning” section in this schedule
on page 9, or go
for more details about the online learning
courses listed above and many more, as
well as online registration.
All-Day Summer Camps
"Talk to the Hands!" is a sign language
class. "Geek Squad" is a computer
San Joaquin
Delta College
Week # 1: June 16 - 19
8:30 - 10:00
10:15 - 11:45
12:00 - 12:45*
1:00 - 2:30*
3:00 - 4:30
Adventures in Drawing
Magic: Cards, Coins, & More!
Checkmate! Beginning Chess
Talk to the Hands!
African-Caribbean Dancing & Drums*
The Joy of Singing
Colors on Canvas
Week #2: June 23 - 26
8:30 - 10:00
10:15 - 11:45
12:00 - 12:45*
1:00 - 2:30*
3:00 - 4:30
Adventures in Drawing
Jammin’ with Strawberries The Joy of Singing
Geek Squad
Talk to the Hands!
Basketball / Volleyball*
Colors on Canvas
Week #3: June 30 - July 3
8:30 - 10:00
10:15 - 11:45
12:00 - 12:45*
1:00 - 2:30*
3:00 - 4:30
Geek Squad
Talk to the Hands!
Colors on Canvas
Adventures in Drawing
Pickles: Relish, Sweet, Sour, Spicy!
Basketball / Volleyball*
The Joy of Singing
Week #4: July 7 - 10
8:30 - 10:00
10:15 - 11:45
12:00 - 12:45*
1:00 - 2:30*
3:00 - 4:30
Introduction to Piano
Talk to the Hands!
Colors on Canvas
Adventures in Drawing
Stained Glass Creations
Basketball / Volleyball*
The Joy of Singing
Ages 8 to 12 only (must be in this age group at some point during the four-week period)
*Both tracks are together for these activities.
$200 per week; $10 discount if you
register for a second week when
you register for a first week (first
week $200; second week $190).
REGISTER. See Camp Registration
Form at back of schedule.
Choose EITHER Track A or Track B each
week; no switching classes between
Weekly fee includes lunch,* snack,
T-shirt, and all materials for classes
(no additional fees).
*Soy milk also available. PLEASE
Note: Please order T-shirt one size
larger than your child normally wears.
(T-shirt will be worn over child's regular
clothing and will be left at school each
Aides accompany students throughout
the day; students are escorted
everywhere they go and are never
left alone.
Parents must check student in between
7:30 and 8:15 a.m. and pick student
up between 4:45 and 5:30 p.m. in the
Locke Lounge.
Electronics-free zone! Device is turned
in when student is checked in; student
can ONLY have the device during the
wait time for pick-up at the end of
the day.
If you have any questions, please
call (209) 954-5015.
Register online at;
registration begins April 28 at 8:00 a.m.
Kids College
Academic Skills & Creative Learning
Manipulative Math: Facts & Fun
Ages 6 - 9
This fast-paced, hands-on math course will build
on basic skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division using math manipulatives. It will supply
a concrete and long lasting foundation in these skills
through fun-filled activities using base ten clocks,
Cuisenaire rods, tangrams, and pattern blocks.
Anne Cecchetti has over 30 years of experience
educating students, including positions as
classroom teacher, curriculum coordinator, and
site administrator.
June 16 - 19
9:00-11:00 a.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Locke 421
Code: 67731
Fee: $65
Pre-Algebra/Geometry: Concrete
Ages 10 - 13
Pre-Algebra and Geometry concepts will be
introduced, reinforced, and illustrated through the
use of base ten blocks, fraction tiles, tangrams,
geo-solids, geo-boards, and hands-on real world
activities. Students solve algebraic equations and
expressions and receive a strong foundation in
geometric formulas.
Anne Cecchetti has over 30 years of experience
educating students, including positions as
classroom teacher, curriculum coordinator, and
site administrator.
June 16 - 19
11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Locke 421
Code: 35911
Fee: $65
Natural A’s
Ages 10 and up
Any student can significantly enhance grades,
self-confidence, and improve their chances for
scholarships and college admissions by performing
academic skills in alignment with the brain’s natural
patterns. This workshop makes note taking, reading,
studying, memorizing, and test taking amazingly
efficient. Also, discover simple methods for
understanding math and other subjects, optimizing
focus and concentration, and preventing test anxiety.
Parents may also register for this workshop.
(Note: The class fee includes a 149-page workbook.)
Curtis Adney, M.S., J.D., graduated at the top of
his college class with a 4.0 G.P.A. and conducts
numerous academic success seminars across the
June 19
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Thurs (1 class)
Lock 118
Code: 58977
Fee: $75
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
Reading Readiness
Ages 4 - 6
Young students will enjoy this preparation for
reading. They will learn the letters and the sounds
they represent in an energetic, fun setting. This
workshop is based on the phonics approach to
reading with stories, group activities, flash cards,
hands-on opportunities, and individually guided
practice time.
Carole Matthews has taught Reading and Language
Arts at the preschool, elementary, and high school
June 23 - July 15
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Mon & Tues (8 classes)
Holt 132
Code: 26425
Fee: $68
Early Reading
Ages 6 - 8
Does your student already know the alphabet and
the letter sounds? If so, this workshop is perfect
for taking the next steps toward developing strong
reading and vocabulary skills. Instruction will include
group reading, flash cards, and hands-on activities.
Emphasis will be on building vocabulary, blending
the letter combinations together, and developing
good comprehension skills.
Carole Matthews has taught Reading and Language
Arts at the preschool, elementary, and high school
June 23 - July 15
Mon & Tues (8 classes)
Holt 132
Code: 64632
Fee: $68
Pre-Algebra/Algebra I Skills
Ages 11 and up
This workshop will improve your student’s
understanding of algebraic concepts. It will focus
on the skills and habits needed for successful PreAlgebra or Algebra I students. A review of prime
factorization, decimals, percentages, fractions,
proportions, equations, factoring, and ratios will
be provided.
Workshop Requirements: Students must bring
a notebook and pencil for note-taking.
Carole Matthews has over 20 years of experience
in education.
June 23 - July 15
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Mon & Tues (8 classes)
Holt 132
Code: 90711
Fee: $68
What’s Next in Math?
Ages 10-12
All math courses build upon skills learned in earlier
years, so learning upper elementary math skills is
crucial. This workshop will build on the basic math
skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
place value, fractions, geometry, and measurement.
Next, this class will cover many more advanced
math skills and their applications, including: prime
numbers, multiples, factors, equations, fractions
and mixed numbers, decimals, area, perimeter,
volume, metric and standard measurement, ratio,
percentages, probability, and graphs.
Carole Matthews has over 20 years of experience
in education.
June 23 - July 15
1:00-2:00 p.m.
Mon & Tues (8 classes)
Holt 132
Code: 35454
Fee: $68
Language Arts: Reading & Writing
Ages 9-11
This workshop will focus on teaching students how
to improve their skills in the components of language
arts, including word analysis, reading processes, and
comprehension in both literatary and informational
texts. They will also increase their writing skills in
composition, mechanics, and the writing process.
Carole Matthews has taught English and Language
Arts on both the elementary and high school levels
and has over 20 years of experience in education.
June 23 - July 15
2:15-3:15 p.m.
Mon & Tues (8 classes)
Holt 132
Code: 68463
Fee: $68
Writing Reports: Trauma or
Ages 12 and up
When the teacher says, “We’re going to start a new
writing project,” do you begin to panic? You CAN
learn to be a good writer. This workshop will teach
how to write great sentences to a complete research
paper. Topics will include writing paragraphs,
specific types of compositions, and book reports.
In addition, students will receive instruction in
writing techniques, using reference materials, and
documenting their sources.
Workshop Requirements: Students must bring a
spiral notebook and pencil to each class.
Carole Matthews has taught English and Language
Arts at both the elementary and high school levels
and has over 20 years of experience in education.
June 23 - July 15
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Mon & Tues (8 classes)
Holt 132
Code: 82415
Fee: $68
Mystery of Math
Ages 8 - 12
This 10-hour workshop will help unlock the mysteries
of mathematics and will focus on the basic skills
that students need in order to be successful in this
area. Learn why math mistakes are made, how
to avoid them, and habits that make math easy.
Fractions, decimals, variables, negative numbers,
Academic Skills & Creative Learning / Arts & Crafts
ratios, estimation, rounding, converting, and logical
reasoning are emphasized.
Workshop Requirement: Materials fee of $4
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class.
Will Hecht has over 20 years of experience in
logistics management as well as statistical analysis.
June 23, 25, 26, 30, & July 2 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Mon/Weds/Thurs (5 classes) Shima 126
Code: 88069
Fee: $78
Reading Comprehension
Ages 8 - 12
Get your child excited about the wonderful world
of reading! This non-tutorial based program will
introduce students to the enjoyment of reading,
improve comprehension, and is designed to
encourage strong reading skills. Activities will
include vocabulary building, group activities, and
individual practice.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $4
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class.
Mandatory Testing prior to the start of the
workshop on Thursday, June 19, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
in Shima 126.
Will Hecht has over 20 years of experience as a
teacher in local schools and the U.S. Army.
June 23, 25, 26, 30, & July 2 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Mon/Weds/Thurs (5 classes) Shima 126
Code: 46764
Fee: $65
Creative Writing
Ages 10-14
Let your creative juices flow! In this interactive
workshop, students will be introduced to creative
writing strategies, including plot development and
story mapping. They will then apply these strategies
and write their own original short stories from a
variety of fiction topics.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $3
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class.
Danny Nuss has taught creative writing workshops
for five years and has worked in higher education
for the past 10 years.
July 7 - 10
11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Locke 313
Code: 11565
Fee: $49
(See Also "Incorporating the Computer into
Schoolwork" on page 6.)
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Art in Computer Game Design
Ages 9 and up
Students will study and practice basic art techniques
as they apply to the creation of a Computer Game
Design Book. Key elements include art techniques
that illustrate buildings, interiors, landscape,
characters, and props. Students will describe the
purpose of their game, levels of difficulty, scoring,
conflicts, rewards, etc. A flow chart will show how
the game develops and changes over time.
(Note: Students will use art supplies, not computers,
to create their illustrated Computer Game Design
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $5
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class.
Steve Moore has directed five broadcast cable
movies and has worked with youth for over 10 years
in media and publishing projects.
June 23 - 26
10:30 a.m.-12:00 noon
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Shima 133
Fee: $49
Sculpture: The Clay Way!
Ages 8 - 12
Through hands-on projects, students will creatively
explore coil, slab, and pinch methods of clay
sculpture. Their learning with be enhanced with new
vocabulary and clay sculpture history. Students will
take home their clay creations. Class size is limited
to 10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $10
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class. Students should
wear an old shirt or apron and bring a notebook
and pencil to class.
Steve Moore is an artist who has more than 30 years
of experience teaching art from kindergarten to the
university level.
June 23 - 26
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Shima 133
Code: 24521
Fee: $65
Stained Glass Creations
Ages 12 and up
In this hands-on workshop, students will explore the
basic techniques and safety practices of working
with stained glass and will make one or more stained
glass creations to take home (choice of several
projects). These works of art will make great gifts,
or you can enjoy them yourself! Class size is limited
to 10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $12
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of class. All glass and other supplies
will be provided, and students will use the teacher’s
tools. Students should wear sturdy, closed-toe
Barbara Sitnik has taught the craft of making stained
glass for over 25 years.
July 7 – 10
12:30-2:00 p.m.
Mon – Thurs (4 classes) Shima 133
Code: 58826
Fee: $49
Summer Bead Rings
Ages 10 and up
In this workshop, students will learn how to bead
three different ring designs. These rings are beautiful,
colorful, and comfortable and can be worn for any
occasion. Students will also learn how to give his
or her ring as a gift in a creative hand-made card.
Don’t miss this chance to learn a new hobby! Class
size is limited to 10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $8
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at the
beginning of class. Teacher will supply all materials.
Ever since she was eight years old, Delia J. Davila
has learned arts and crafts during her summer trips
to Mexico. When she is not studying, she enjoys
beading for relaxation and for gift-giving. She loves
to teach others and hopes to inspire creativity.
July 12 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Sat (1 class)
Locke 105
(Locke Lounge)
Code: 64643
Fee: $29
Colors on Canvas Camp
Ages 8 - 12
In this beginning class, students will learn the stepby-step process of painting with acrylics. They will
be exposed to the elements of painting, will gain
a greater understanding of art, and will learn how
to apply colors on canvas. Class size is limited to
10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $15
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class; all supplies will be
provided. Students should dress for a mess or bring
an apron or smock.
Kelley Williamson has been painting for more than
20 years and has shown her art in several art shows.
She loves teaching and sharing her knowledge of
painting with her students.
July 14 - 17
1:00-2:30 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Shima 133
Code: 72031
Fee: $49
Kiln-Fused Art Glass
Ages 8 - 12
Come and experience a fun way to learn about the
art and science of glass-fusing! In this workshop,
students will make glass to turn into a finger ring
Kids College
Arts & Crafts / Computers / Cooking
and also experiment with fusing a glass pendant
piece using a "glass channel" technique. Tips and
techniques for fusing will be shared during this
"hands-on" workshop, and each student will have
TWO finished jewelry pieces to take home. Class
size is limited to 10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $10
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class; includes handouts,
glass, all jewelry components and cords (with gift
boxes, if desired), and use of tools.
Susan Winton is an artist and member of Tidewater
Art Gallery Co-Op who enjoys sharing the excitement
of glass art with students.
July 14 & 16
4:00-6:00 p.m.
Mon & Weds (2 classes) Shima 133
Code: 26802
Fee: $34
Drawing Methods
Ages 8 - 12
This beginning drawing workshop will focus on the
different elements of drawing. Students will explore
shading, perspective, and contour as they learn
to draw faces and bodies, show hand and facial
gestures, and draw landscapes.
Workshop Requirements: Students must bring a
sketch pad or 8½ X 11” plain white paper, several #2
lead pencils, a 2” pink eraser, and a straight-edged
ruler; colored pencils are optional.
Gilbert Olivas is an artist whose art and sculpture has
been displayed in galleries. He has taught drawing to
children at local schools and events for many years.
June 23 - 26
10:00-11:30 a.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Shima 127
Code: 80327
Fee: $49
Computer Game Programming
Ages 12 and up
This is THE workshop students have most requested!
Students will design, develop, and write a PC
game using Microsoft Small Basic on a Windowsbased computer. An introduction to computer
programming will be taught with an emphasis on
creating a PC game.
Workshop Requirement: Students must bring a
memory device such as a Flash Drive to save their
Lisa Perez is a full-time professor of Computer
Science at San Joaquin Delta College
Section 1:
June 17, 18, & 19
1:00-3:30 p.m.
Tues/Weds/Thurs (3 classes) Shima 109
Code: 54253
Fee: $61
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
Section 2:
July 15, 16, & 17
1:00-3:30 p.m.
Tues/Weds/Thurs (3 classes) Shima 109
Code: 28540
Fee: $61
Incorporating the Computer
into Schoolwork
Ages 12 and up
School projects are the perfect time to use Word,
Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher. Researching,
organizing, formatting, and presenting happen all
year long, so get a jump on next year by learning
how to use each program to make your life easier.
A Word research paper can become a PowerPoint
presentation with Excel charts. A PowerPoint
presentation can supply notes to the speaker and
handouts to the audience, all created by a Word
outline. Create a Publisher Newsletter that will WOW
any athletic or academic team. Bring a few photos
on a flash drive and be ready to roll!
Class size is limited to 12 students.
Workshop Requirement: Students must bring a
memory device such as a Flash Drive to save their
Cherie Harth is a teacher for the San Joaquin County
Office of Education ROC/P Program and has been
working with computers since 1981.
June 30, July 1, 2, & 3
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Shima 109
Code: 64008
Fee: $65
Bread-Baking Camp
Ages 9 - 14
French Bread, Summer Strawberry Bread Pudding,
and more!
Fresh French bread is the perfect picnic bread,
and the leftover bread makes a wonderful summer
strawberry bread pudding for dessert! Prepare
yourself for a workout with kneading, rising, shaping,
and baking your own breads. Discover the science
of yeast and its properties while you taste your
creations. Baking is an adventure into science
and the world of food, and it's both tasty and fun!
Students will take home samples of their creations.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $20
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class. Students must wear
sturdy, closed-toe shoes and a hat or hair tie; they
should also bring an apron and a container to the
goodies home.
Instructor Valerie Novak shares her knowledge and
passion for culinary arts and ways to enjoy food
when faced with dietary restrictions in a variety of
settings for all age groups. A culinary graduate of
San Joaquin Delta College, Chef Novak is currently
pursuing her master’s program in counseling.
June 16 - 19
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Shima 301
Code: 29637
Fee: $65
Wacky Chocolate Cake
Ages 9 - 12
Have you ever wondered about the skills needed
to create a dessert from scratch? Come and learn
to bake a Wacky Chocolate Cake and frosting from
scratch (no mixes or canned products) while learning
the fundamentals of baking and measuring! Mary
Shaw will focus on the ways in which baking and
math can be fun. Successful recipes depend on the
proper measurement of three elements: ingredients,
time, and temperature. If kids understand how to
measure each of these elements, their recipes will
turn out well.
Students will take their frosted Wacky Chocolate
Cakes home to enjoy and share with their families.
Class size is limited to 8 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $6
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of class. Each student must bring
an 8" x 8" OR 9" x 9" sturdy cake pan and two
Mary Shaw has enjoyed working with children in the
local schools and the community for more than 20
years and has been teaching workshops at Delta
College for more than nine years.
June 18
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Weds (1 class)
Shim 301
Code: 91642
Fee: $24
Cooking with World Class
Ages 8 and up
Get ready to have some fun as you prepare and taste
yummy foods and desserts from around the globe!
Students will learn math, science, and health skills
as they create their cultural masterpieces. Recipes
will contain dishes that can be recreated at home
for the family. Class size is limited to 10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $17
(cash, exact change) is due to the teacher at the
beginning of the first class. Students must wear
closed-toe shoes, wear a hat or hair tie, and bring
an apron or dress for a mess. If your child has any
food allergies or restrictions, please call 209-9545015 no later than seven days prior to the start of
the workshop.
Nancy Sham has been educating children of all
ages for over 30 years and has even owned her
own pizza business.
June 21 & 28
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Sat (2 classes)
Shim 301
Code: 46505
Fee: $65
Cooking / Dance & Movement
Now THAT'S Italian!
Ages 9 - 14
Add pizzazz to your summer snacks with homemade
Italian pizza pies and pastries you can make ahead
to freeze, then later pop in your toaster oven for a
tasty, healthy meal. In this four-day culinary camp
we will learn to team together and explore creative,
scientific, nutritious, and tasty ways in which you
can customize your snacks. In addition to traditional
marinara sauce, pepperoni, and cheese, we will
work with whole wheat, flax seeds, fresh herbs,
and seasonal vegetables. We'll make pizza, calzone,
stromboli, panzerotti, and homemade marinara
Workshops Requirements: Materials fee of $20
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class. Students must wear
sturdy, closed-toe shoes and a hat or hair tie; they
should also bring an apron.
Instructor Valerie Novak shares her knowledge and
passion for culinary arts and ways to enjoy food
when faced with dietary restrictions in a variety of
settings for all age groups. A culinary graduate of
San Joaquin Delta College, Chef Novak is currently
pursuing her master’s program in counseling.
June 23 - 26
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Shima 301
Code: 32714
Fee: $65
Cool & Fresh Fruit
Ages 8 and up
This fun, hands-on class will provide a wonderful
learning experience for kids as they learn to make
smoothies with fresh fruit. They are surprisingly
delicious and easy to make and serve any time.
Your favorite fruits are good sources of nutrition
and are the basis for an unbelievable smoothie with
European and Middle Eastern influences. Come taste
the cool freshness!
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $5
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of class. Students must wear sturdy,
closed-toe shoes and a hat or hair tie; they should
also bring an apron. Teacher will provide all materials
and recipes.
Fifi Aoun learned how to cook French Cuisine at
the YWCA School in Lebanon. She specializes in
French desserts. She has been cooking for many
years and cooks each year for the Rotary and Lions
Club, providing dinners for 250+ people. She enjoys
sharing her culinary knowledge with children and
June 30 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Mon (1 class) Shima 301
Code: 71896 Fee: $29
Fruit Salad: Colorful &
Ages 8 and up
Come learn the technique for cleaning and cutting
fresh fruit to make a simple, delicious, colorful fruit
salad that can be served with any meal or as a
refreshing snack on a hot summer day. This fruit
salad combines a variety of fresh fruits with a healthy
sweetener and is topped with sliced nuts. It provides
a healthy, delicious, low-calorie meal or snack that
boosts natural energy. Everyone will love it!
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $5
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of class. Students must wear sturdy,
closed-toe shoes and a hat or hair tie; they should
also bring an apron. Teacher will provide all materials
and recipes.
Fifi Aoun learned how to cook French Cuisine at
the YWCA School in Lebanon. She specializes in
French desserts. She has been cooking for many
years and cooks each year for the Rotary and Lions
Club, providing dinners for 250+ people. She enjoys
sharing her culinary knowledge with children and
July 1
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Tues (1 class)
Shima 301
Code: 40558
Fee: $29
Kids Custom Cupcake Camp
Ages 7 – 9 and 10 – 12
Have a blast learning basic frosting techniques,
kitchen safety, and cupcake decorating! Students
will learn how to make and pipe with buttercream
frosting. The teacher will demonstrate basic
techniques and assist while students practice on
their own cupcakes using sprinkles and glitter
to bring their cupcakes to life. Class will provide
instructions, cupcakes, and lots of fun! Class size
is limited to 8 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $3
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher
at the beginning of the first class. Students must
wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes and a hat or hair
tie; they should also bring an apron or dress for
a mess. The teacher will provide all cupcakes and
frosting ingredients, as well as decorating equipment
and materials. Students will decorate at least six
cupcakes to bring home. Bring a container to
transport the cupcakes.
Kelly Johnson is trained in the Wilton Method and
has been decorating cakes for family and friends
since 1991. She loves helping kids have fun learning
to decorate cupcakes!
Section 1 (ages 7 - 9):
July 8 & 9
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Tues/Weds (2 classes)
Shima 301
Code: 26923
Fee: $35
Section 2 (ages 10 - 12):
July 8 & 9
Tues/Weds (2 classes)
Code: 29663
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Shima 301
Fee: $39
African-Caribbean Dancing &
Ages 7 - 10
Come and feel the beat! This workshop involves
students in basic African drumming and folkloric
songs used for celebrations. The Djembe drums will
be used to experience percussive rhythms, musical
patterns, simple drum language, as well as basic
technique. Families are invited to a small celebration
during the final period of the last workshop. Class
size is limited to 10 students.
Workshops Requirements: Loose-fitting clothing
is recommended for comfortable movement.
Khemya MitRahina has a Bachelor's degree in Dance
Ethnology Performance/Choreography with a minor
in Non-Western Cultural World Music, a Master's
degree in Arts and Consciousness Studies, and is
the Executive Director of the non-profit youth group,
Pan-Afrakan Dance.
June 16 - 19
3:00-4:30 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Locke 105
(Locke Lounge)
Code: 28663
Fee: $49
Ages 8 - 13
Come and learn the basic skills of hip-hop dance
such as popping, waving, and isolations. Make new
friends and dance in groups as you learn about
musicality and choreography. Have fun learning
hip-hop dancing!
Parents are invited to the last 15 minutes of class
on July 17 to a mini-performance that will showcase
what the students have learned in class.
Workshop Requirements: Students should wear
loose, comfortable clothing for easy movement, bring
a bottle of water, and wear soft-soled shoes (no
tennis shoes, street shoes, or black-soled shoes).
Note: Shoe soles must be clean and free of any dirt
and debris. Students should carry their dance shoes
and change into them immediately upon entering
the classroom. If students do not bring appropriate
and clean shoes, they will dance in bare feet. For
further information, call 209-954-5015.
Lashanda Roberts and Joshua Garcia are Delta
College dance students. Lashanda has eight years of
experience and Joshua has six years of experience
in hip-hop dancing. They both enjoy teaching young
students all the moves!
July 14 - 17
3:00-4:30 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Budd 402
Code: 30094
Fee: $49
Kids College
Foreign & Sign Language / Music
Talk to the Hands!
Ages 8 - 12
Come learn the “secret code” of sign language
and let your hands do the talking! This workshop
will introduce students to the basics of American
Sign Language (ASL) through games, songs, and
other engaging activities. Sign language helps build
vocabulary skills and is easy to learn.
Kimber Dailey has been an ASL interpreter for over
15 years and works as an independent contractor
in the Central Valley.
June 16 - 19
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Mon-Thurs (4 classes)
Shima 127
Code: 56466
Fee: $35
Spanish: South of the Border
Ages 7 - 11
In this beginning workshop, students
will have fun learning some basic Spanish vocabulary
and phrases, counting, and the alphabet. They will
explore the various cultures south of the border and
develop an understanding of the differences.
Humberto Beas grew up in a Spanish-speaking
home, has a Bachelor's degree in Spanish,
studied abroad in Chile, and taught Spanish at the
International School in Nevada.
July 7 - 10
3:00-4:30 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Locke 118
Code: 14959
Fee: $49
Suzuki Violin
Ages 3 and up
Students will learn the Suzuki method, developed by
Dr. Shinich Suzuki. In this ongoing string instrument
workshop, which requires parent participation and
involvement, students can develop their musical
abilities, concentration, motor skills, memory
powers, and self-confidence.
Attention: Beginning students will meet the first
hour; intermediate and advanced students will
meet the second hour. This workshop is ongoing,
so registration is open-ended. There are a limited
number of violins available for a $2.50 maintenance
fee per section. Every student must have a violin.
Workshop Requirements: Parents of pre-fourth
grade students who want to enroll their children
in Beginning Suzuki must first take the workshop
(8 classes) themselves, as the Suzuki method
requires the parent to help his/her child during
home practice sessions. Before a pre-fourth grade
student can register, the parent must have attended
the workshop, must have completed the required
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
reading, and must be able to play simple songs at the
required level. Parents of pre-fourth grade students
must attend each class with their child. The first
two-hour class of each section is mandatory for new,
beginning students. New students must purchase a
recording of Suzuki Vol. 1 for Violin, available at local
music stores. New violins brought to class MUST
be tuned and adjusted in advance so as not to take
away the teacher's attention from other students.
(Note: Other requirements will be covered in class).
Rita Wilcox and Barbara Martinez have taught Suzuki
Violin at Delta College for more than 30 years.
May 16, 23, & 30 (3 Fri) 4:00-6:00 p.m.
June 5, 12, 19, 26, July 3 Holt 213
Thurs (8 classes)
Code: 88639
Fee: $40
Lodi Community Band
High School
This workshop is dedicated to the rehearsal and
performance of band literature with emphasis on
sight-reading and public performance. Students will
have an opportunity to be a part of a large concert
band and play a variety of music from classical to
pop. There will be two performances at Hutchins
Street Square in Lodi, one on July 3 at 5:00 p.m.
and one on August 17 at 5:00 p.m.
Workshop Requirements: Musicians must
have at least two years of experience as a band
performer and must demonstrate their ability
through an audition before full acceptance into the
band. Students must participate in their school
band, if one exists at their site. All rehearsals and
performances required, unless excused through
conductor permission.
Art Holton is the Director of Bands at Delta College
and has over 40 years of experience teaching from
junior high to college students.
June 9 - Aug 4
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Mondays TBD
Code: 43416
Fee: $60
Guitarra y Canciones
en Español
Ages 10 - 17
This guitar workshop will be taught in English and
will focus on playing and singing traditional Spanish
songs (canciones rancheras), such as “Cielito Lindo,”
Las Mañanitas,” and “El Rancho Grande.” Any
student who meets all of the workshop requirements
is welcome to register.
Workshop Requirements: Students MUST know
the basic guitar chords, bring a six-string acoustic
guitar (preferably with nylon strings) or requinto,
tablet of paper, and pen to each class. Also, students
must purchase the guitar textbook in English or
Spanish at the Delta College Bookstore. Note: All
guitars must be tuned in advance of each class.
Mike Torres is a professional musician and has more
than 30 years or experience teaching guitar.
June 18 - July 23
3:00-4:00 p.m.
Weds (6 classes)
Holt 113
Code: 37761
Fee: $49
Introduction to Voice
Ages 10 and up
Have you ever had an interest in exploring your
vocal potential? This enriching 10-hour workshop
will teach some fundamental techniques for singing.
It will cover proper posture for supporting your
voice, correct breathing, and other anatomical
support systems, as well as some vocal exercises
for strengthening the singing muscles. Class size is
limited to 10 students. (Note: Parents and families
are invited to a recital on July 24 that will be held
in Holt 213…check with the teacher for details)
Workshop Requirements: Students should wear
loose, comfortable clothing and bring water.
Jonathan Michelsen studied music at Delta College
and has been teaching music appreciation, guitar,
bass, piano, and percussion for the One Charter
Performing Arts schools for over three years. He
won “Best Adult Voice with an Original Song” at The
Apollo Night in 2013.
June 16 – July 16
1:00-2:30 p.m.
Mon & Wed (10 classes) Holt 213
Code: 28923
Fee: $115
Introduction to Guitar
Ages 8 and up
This beginning guitar workshop will expose students
to the joy of learning a new musical instrument.
Students will learn basic guitar fundamentals,
including tuning of the instrument and basic chords.
Come and enjoy the fun as you learn a wonderful
new instrument!
Workshop Requirements: Purchase the Mel Bay
Modern Guitar Book-Grade 1. Students must bring
the textbook and a 6-string acoustic guitar to each
Music / Online Learning
class. Supplies are available at The Music Box on
Pacific Avenue.
Jonathan Michelsen studied music at Delta College
and has been teaching music appreciation, guitar,
bass, piano, and percussion for the One Charter
Performing Arts schools for over three years.
June 17 – July 3
1:30-2:30 p.m.
Tues & Thurs (6 classes) Holt 213
Code: 91546
Fee: $49
Ukulele: Come & Strum!
Ages 8 - 13
This is a great opportunity for students to learn
a musical instrument for the first time. Ukulele is
easy for small hands to learn and inexpensive to
purchase. This workshop will focus on learning
many songs using only two chords with various
strumming techniques.
Workshop Requirements: Students must bring
their own ukulele to each class. (Note: soprano,
concert, and tenor ukuleles are welcome and should
be tuned to C tuning.)
Carla Marquardt has over 30 years of experience
teaching ukulele and piano to young students and
adults in both private and group lessons.
June 18 - July 23
2:00-3:00 p.m.
Wed (6 classes)
Locke 118
Code: 33839
Fee: $49
Beginning Piano
Ages 8 and up
Would you like to learn to play the piano? Join this
fun piano workshop and obtain the basic skills
needed to read music and play the piano! Through
music, students can learn important life skills, such
as increasing attention span and acquiring greater
discipline. No prior knowledge of music is necessary.
Class size is limited to 10 students
Workshop Requirements: Purchase Alfred’s
Basic Piano Library All-in-One Course (Book 1),
available at the Delta College Bookstore. Students
must bring the piano book, a tablet, and a pen to
each class session, as well as have access to a piano
or keyboard at home for daily practice.
Gay Goaslind is a former concert pianist and
continues to entertain at eight different retirement
homes. She has been teaching piano for over 30
June 23 - July 23
4:15-5:45 p.m.
Mon & Wed (10 classes) Holt 109
Code: 87638
Fee: $115
Drums and Rhythm
Ages 8 and up
Have you ever wanted to learn what it takes to play
the drums? In this six-hour workshop, students will
learn to read and play drum notation, as well as the
six most important rudiments of drumming. Students
will develop rhythm and time and learn to create
their very own beat.
Workshop Requirements: Purchase and bring
to each class: 1 pair of drumsticks (5A or 2B),
1 practice pad, and Rubank Elementary Method:
Drums Book by Paul Yonder. Supplies are available
at The Music Box on Pacific Avenue.
Shad Harris is a semi-retired musician who has
toured internationally and has taught for over 30
July 8 - 24
2:30-3:30 p.m.
Tues & Thurs (6 classes) Danner 107
(Mustang Room)
Code: 61193
Fee: $49
Basic Guitar
Ages 8 and up
This beginning guitar workshop will expose students
to the joy of learning a new musical instrument.
Students will learn three magic chords that they can
apply to play more than 100 songs. Come and enjoy
the fun as you develop a new talent!
Workshop Requirements: Purchase the Mel Bay
Modern Guitar Book, Grade 1. Students must bring
the textbook and a 6-string acoustic guitar to each
class. Supplies are available at The Music Box on
Pacific Avenue.
Shad Harris is a semi-retired musician who has
toured internationally and has taught for over 30
July 8 - 24
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Tues & Thurs (6 classes) Danner 107
(Mustang Room)
Code: 72960
Fee: $49
(See also "African-Caribbean Dancing &
Drums on page 7.)
Online Learning Courses
Learn from home this summer! Are you looking
for a way to brush up on your academic skills? Do
you want to pursue a new interest? Kids College
has partnered with ed2go® to offer a variety of
not-for-credit online learning courses to enhance
your skills and provide new learning opportunities.
The following is just a sample of available classes:
• Academics: Math, Languages, Grammar,
Science, SAT & GED Test Prep
• Computers: Programming, Networking, Web
Technology, Graphic/Multimedia Design
• Arts: Digital Photography, Creative Writing,
Guitar, Drawing
• Career: Job Search, Start a Pet-Sitting
Business, Resume Writing
• Personal Enrichment: Dealing with Difficult
People, Communication, Leadership
All courses run for six weeks with a two-week
grace period at the end. Each course is composed
of 12 lessons, representing 24 hours of instruction.
Requirements: Students must have at least an
8th grade reading level, an e-mail address, and
Internet access (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,
Google Chrome, or Safari web browser).
Summer 2014 start dates are May 21, June 18, July
16, and August 20. (Note: New classes begin each
month all year long.) Fees: Most six-week online
courses are $95. For details about the online
courses and how to register, visit the website:
Online High School Credit Recovery
At a time when many districts have cut summer
school or eliminated other options, there is now
an affordable, flexible, and accessible alternative
to summer school. High school students in need of
making up credits or retaking a course to improve
their GPA can get back on track to earn their high
school diploma with this accredited online program.
Kids College has partnered with ed2go® to offer the
online Summer School Credit Recovery Program.
Both semesters 1 and 2 are offered for each of
the courses. MATHMATICS: Algebra I, Geometry,
Algebra II; SCIENCE: Biology, Chemistry; LANGUAGE
ARTS: English I, II, III, IV. These courses are selfpaced and meet all state standards. Support is
available from qualified certified instructors to
answer questions by phone or e-mail.
Summer registration is open enrollment
(your four-week class begins as soon as you
register). Students must complete the Credit
Transfer Pre-Approval and gain approval from
their guidance counselor prior to registration.
Length of course: approximately 4 weeks
(per semester course). Course Fee: $299 per
semester course. For details about the online
Summer School Credit Recovery Program and other
online courses and how to register, visit the website:
Kids College
Online Learning / Science & Engineering
Online Driver’s Education
Are you ready to get your driver’s license? Why
spend time in class when you can do it online during
your spare time? Kids College offers a 30-hour
online driver's education classes in association
with This California DMVcertified driver’s education interactive course blends
reading, flash animation, and video with study
questions. Students can take the quizzes and the
online driver's education test as many times as it
takes to successfully complete the course. Practice
permit tests are available upon successfully passing
the course. For details and registration, visit the
Course fee: $29.50. Do you have questions? Call
866-836-8952 (Remember to mention Kids College
and Code #4272).
Life and Earth Science Camp
Ages 5 - 7
Join the fun in this fast-paced exploration of the
wonders of science! In this 16-hour workshop,
young students will learn about the human body and
the five senses, the planets in our solar system, plant
life, and insects, animals, and their environment.
Learning will take place through hands-on interactive
games, craft projects, and storytelling. Class size
limited to 10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $9
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class. Students should
bring a snack and beverage and “dress for a mess”.
Will Hecht has over 20 years of experience as a
teacher in local schools and the U.S. Army.
Section 1:
June 16 - 19
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Shima 133
Code: 23191
Fee: $121
Section 2:
July 14 - 17
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Shima 133
Code: 41181
Fee: $121
Section 3:
July 21 - 24
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Shima 133
Code: 68419
Fee: $121
(Note: Sections vary somewhat due to the large
number of repeat students)
Water Wizards
Ages 8 - 12
Does water have skin? Can it power a wheel? Did
you know that water is the universal medium for
all biological activity? Come and discover answers
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
to these questions and explore the magic of H2O!
Class size is limited to 10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $3
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of class.
Larry Stevens is an engineer and a teacher who
loves science and explaining some of its mysteries.
June 21
9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Sat (1 class)
Shima 127
Code: 27108
Fee: $29
Saltwater Fuel Cell
Ages 12 and up
In this hands-on workshop, students will learn the
basics of saltwater fuel cells and technology to build
a model motorcycle. Students will use soldering irons
to assemble a kit that they can take home. Come
and unravel the mysteries of fuel cells and other
renewable energy.
Class size is limited to 10 students.
Workshop requirements: Students must bring a
sack lunch and beverage; there will be a half-hour
lunch break. Cost of kit is included in the registration
fee, and tools for student use are available in class.
Anthony Mora is an electrical contractor who works
with solar energy, fuel cells, and backup generators.
June 21
10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Budd 106
Code: 91576
Fee: $48
Beginning Programmable
Robotics Camp
Ages 10 and up
In this hands-on workshop, students will explore
the exciting world of robotics. Using LEGO®
MINDSTORMS® integrated robot kits, they will
learn how robotics work, the important role they
currently play in our everyday lives, and possibilities
for the future. Students will learn safety procedures
and techniques while working with basic tools
and equipment (i.e., Bluetooth technology and
digital multimeters). This workshop will also cover
future career possibilities in the area of Robotics
Automation. Class size limited to 10 students.
Sergio Calderon is a Delta College Electronics and
Cisco Network Professor.
Section 1:
June 24, 25, 26
10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Tue-Weds-Thurs (3 classes) Budd 221-G
Code: 88563
Fee: $65
Section 2:
July 1, 2, 3
10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Tue-Weds-Thurs (3 classes) Budd 221-G
Code: 28109
Fee: $65
(Note: Section 1 & 2 are the exact same workshop)
Cool Science Experiments:
Slimy Stuff
Ages 6 - 12
In this hands-on class, young scientists will explore
science through a variety of experiments. They will
engage in fun activities to create slimy stuff. Come
enjoy the fun!
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $5
(cash only, exact change) is due to the instructor
at the beginning of class. Students should "dress
for a mess."
Tina Bruno has a degree in chemistry and natural
science, is an after-school tutor, and enjoys providing
students with science activities.
June 28
9:30-11:30 a.m.
Sat (1 class)
Shima 133
Code: 54279
Fee: $21
Cool Science Experiments:
Magical Solutions
Ages 6 - 12
In this hands-on class, young scientists will explore
science through a variety of experiments. They will
engage in fun activities to create several magical
solutions. Come enjoy the fun!
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $5
(cash only, exact change) is due to the instructor
at the beginning of class. Students should "dress
for a mess."
Tina Bruno has a degree in chemistry and natural
science, is an after-school tutor, and enjoys providing
students with science activities.
July 12
9:30-11:30 a.m.
Sat (1 class)
Shima 133
Code: 11429
Fee: $21
For detailed workshop description,
information about the teachers,
and online registration, visit the web:
Science & Engineering
Electronic Science Lab
Ages 8 - 12
This workshop is design to explore the principles
of electronics, electricity and computers. Students
will have the opportunity with hands-on projects
using a lab kit as they learn about digital electronics,
semiconductors, component circuits, and computer
basics. Class size is limited to 10 students. (Note:
registration fee includes all supplies)
Jose Cazares earned a certificate in Electronics
Technology and Computer Networking, works as a
Computer & Network Technician, and has served as
a judge for Skills USA.
July 14 - 17
9:30-11:00 a.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Budd 221G
Code: 94310
Fee: $55
Electron Microscopes
Ages 12 and up
Visualize a foot-long hotdog magnified one million
times. That hot dog would stretch all the way from
San Francisco to New York! This hands-on workshop
will provide students with the rare opportunity to
explore electron microscopes. These microscopes
have the ability to magnify things a million times and
more. They are essential in training college students
to work in very high-tech areas of research and
development, both in the biological and materials
fields. The Electron Microscopy Department is truly
a unique part of San Joaquin Delta College. It is one
of only two such programs offered in community
colleges throughout our nation. Class size is limited
to 10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $10
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of the first class. Students must bring
a portable storage device such as a flash drive to
download any images they may want to take home.
Frank Villalovoz has been an Electron Microscopy
instructor at Delta College for more than 30 years.
Section 1:
July 15 & 16
10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Tues & Weds (2 classes) CMAS 102
Code: 93406
Fee: $39
Section 2:
July 15 & 16
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Tues & Weds (2 classes) CMAS 102
Code: 77625
Fee: $39
Astronomical Wonders
Ages 9 - 12
Where do the stars go during the day? Why do the
stars and planets stay in orbit? Students will learn
the answers to these questions, explore the effects
of forces in space, and learn more about their
universe. In this fun, hands-on workshop, they will
build their own planetarium. Class size is limited to
10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $3
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at
the beginning of class. Students must bring a small
flashlight, shoebox, and a pair of scissors to class.
Larry Stevens is an engineer and a teacher who loves
astronomy and explaining some of its mysteries
through the use of everyday products.
July 19
9:00 a.m-12:30 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Shima 127
Code: 21819
Fee: $32
CSI Chemistry
Ages 8 - 12
Back by popular demand: Mrs. Snodgrass’s prizewinning pet has been “dog-napped!” Students will
become forensic lab assistants and use chemistry to
solve the crime. In this hands-on workshop, students
will learn the chemical principles behind investigative
techniques and apply them to other problems.
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $3
(cash only, exact change) is due to the teacher at the
beginning of class. Students must bring a notebook
and pencil to class and must wear closed-toe,
closed-heel shoes.
Tina Bruno has a degree in chemistry and natural
science, is an after-school tutor, and enjoys providing
students with science activities.
July 19
9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Sat (1 class)
Shima 133
Code: 55656
Fee: $29
Introduction to Revit
Ages 10 - 13
Are you interested in becoming an architect or
designer? This workshop will introduce students
to basics of Revit (design software). Using the
computer, they will have the opportunity to design
their own homes. Class size is limited to 10
Workshop Requirement: Students must bring
a USB storage device to class each day to save
their work.
Mark Rice has been a teacher for the past 22 years
and has taught AutoCAD and Revit for the past six
years at a local high school.
July 21 - 24
10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Holt 251
Code: 53187
Fee: $65
Introduction to AutoCAD
Ages 10 - 13
Are you interested in becoming an architect or
engineer? This workshop will introduce students to
the basics of CAD (Computer Aided Drafting). They
will have the opportunity to do two-dimensional
and three-dimensional drawing using the computer.
Class size is limited to 10 students.
Workshop Requirement: Students must bring
a USB storage device to class each day to save
their work.
Mark Rice has been a teacher for the past 22 years
and has taught AutoCAD and Revit for the past 6
years at a local high school.
July 21 - 24
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Mon - Thus (4 classes)
Holt 251
Code: 68871
Fee: $65
Electronics: Build a
Racing Robot
Ages 12 and up
In this hands-on workshop, students will learn
about the basics of electronics and soldering skills
and will manually assemble an electronics kit. They
will build a racing robot that they will take home.
The importance of basic knowledge for careers in
Electronics, Robotics, and Electrical Engineering will
be covered. Class is limited to 10 students.
Workshop Requirements: Students must bring a
sack lunch and beverage; there will be a half-hour
lunch break. Cost of kit is included in the registration
fee, and tools for student use are available in class.
Gerald Soria completed the Electronic Technology
program at Delta College and is now a commercial
electrician. He loves to share his knowledge and
experience with others.
July 26
9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Budd 106
Code: 90520
Fee: $54
Cool Science Experiments:
Ages 6 - 12
In this hands-on class, young scientists will explore
science through a variety of experiments. They will
engage in fun activities to blow up things (safely).
Come enjoy the fun!
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $5
(cash only, exact change) is due to the instructor
at the beginning of class. Students should "dress
for a mess."
Tina Bruno has a degree in chemistry and natural
science, is an after-school tutor, and enjoys providing
students with science activities.
July 26
9:30-11:30 a.m.
Sat (1 class)
Shima 133
Code: 43437
Fee: $21
Have any questions?
Need more information? Please:
√ Visit the website:
√ E-mail:
√ Stop by the Community Education Office
in Locke 107 at Delta College
Kids College
Sports, Fitness, & Games / Theatre, Acting, & Performing
Beginning Tennis
Ages 8 - 14
While learning an active new hobby, students will
have fun through teamwork and competition. This
workshop will cover the basic techniques of hitting
ground strokes (forehand and backhand), volley,
serve, scoring, and playing the game of tennis. Drills
will be orchestrated to help the students control
the placement of the ball. Class size is limited to
8 students.
Workshop Requirements: Students must bring a
tennis racquet, water, and head covering.
Cy Clays has been an active tennis player for more
than 30 years and has taught tennis at a local tennis
club for over 10 years.
Section 1:
June 13 - July 18
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Fri (5 classes)
Tennis Courts
Code: 70614
Fee: $79
Section 2:
June 18 - July 16
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Wed (5 classes)
Tennis Courts
Code: 58395
Fee: $79
Beginning Chess Camp
Ages 8 – 12
Chess is the game of champions! Did you know
that chess can help your child grow mentally and
develop analytical and decision-making skills?
This beginning chess class will cover the basic
techniques and strategies of the game. Class size
is limited to 10 students.
Aarian Imada has over 10 years of experience in
playing chess, as well as five years of experience
in competing in mini-tournaments.
June 16 – 19
10:15-11:45 a.m.
Mon – Thurs (4 classes) Locke 105
(Locke Lounge)
Code: 23149
Fee: $49
Keep Cool: Beginning Ice Skating
Ages 7 - 17
Get out of the summer heat and come learn to ice
skate with a pro! In this 10-hour workshop, students
will learn about the basics of ice skating, including
moving forward, backward, and stopping. Get active
and learn a new sport! Class size is limited to 10
Workshop Requirements: Students should dress
in warm layers of clothing, as this workshop is held
at the ice rink. Skate rental and ice time fees for all
10 classes cost $50; this fee is due to Oak Park
Ice Skating Arena at the beginning of the first class.
Coach Kellie Williamson, a professional ice skater
for 25 years, learned her skating skills in Canada
and the Bay Area.
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
June 17 - July 17
1:00-2:00 p.m.
Tues & Thurs (10 classes) Oak Park Ice Rink*
Code: 57668
Fee: $77
*3535 Alvarado, Stockton
Track & Field
Ages 11-17
This youth track and field program is designed to
promote exercise and good health habits in young
aspiring student athletes. The program will consist
of dietary needs as they pertain to eating and
maintaining good health, exercise, and techniques
specific to track and field training. Goals will be
specific to the athlete’s individual needs to insure
long-term health. Class size is limited to 12 students.
Michael Speer holds a B.A. Degree in Physical
Education, is the current head track and field coach,
and is the assistant football coach at San Joaquin
Delta College.
July 7 - 10
1:00-2:15 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Track Field
Code: 21194
Fee: $41
A Need for Speed
Ages 7-10
This is an active workshop designed to promote
exercise and good health habits in young aspiring
student athletes. It will cover the importance of
proper eating to maintain a fit body as well as the
benefits and techniques specific to track and field
training. Class size is limited to 10 students.
Michael Speer holds a B.A. Degree in Physical
Education, is the current head track and field coach,
and is the assistant football coach at San Joaquin
Delta College.
July 14 - 17
1:00-2:15 p.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Track Field
Code: 10708
Fee: $41
Be-a-Star Theatre:
“Beauty and the Beast”
Ages 9 - 17
Reach for your chance to be a star! In this workshop,
students will enjoy learning about theatre production,
acting, what goes on behind the scenes, and being
a part of a cast. In this classic tale, as punishment
for rebuffing a powerful witch, a selfish prince is
turned into a true Beast until someone will love him
for himself. Beauty is held captive in the Beast’s
castle, but eventually, she is allowed to visit her
home. In the end, her love restores Beast to his true
form, and they live happily ever after!
Class size is limited to 20 students. (Note: Students
do not have to audition for a role in this program; all
students will have a speaking part. Registration fee
includes play royalty, scripts, and printed materials.)
Workshop Requirements: Materials fee of $10
is due to the teacher at the beginning of the first
class for costumes, props, and supplies. 100%
attendance is required for all eight classes PLUS
the mandatory dress rehearsal and the mandatory
public performance.
Val Acoba has taught drama for over 35 years, as
well as directed and/or choreographed over 75 local
*July 14 - 24
10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Mon - Thurs (8 classes) Studio &
Tillie Lewis Theatres
July 25 & 26
12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m.
Code: 70528
Fee: $149
*Additional Mandatory Rehearsal and
Performance Schedule: All students must attend
both the mandatory dress rehearsal, held on Friday,
July 25, 12:00 - 3:00 p.m., and the mandatory
public performance, held on Saturday, July 26,
12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m.
Public Performance: Saturday, July 26, at 1:00
p.m. in the San Joaquin Delta College Tillie Lewis
Theatre in Stockton. Tickets will be available at the
Delta College Box Office (starting July 15), located
in Locke 104 (phone: 209-954-5110). Ticket Fees Adults: $5.00; Children (12 and under): $2.00. (Note:
The Delta College Box Offices charges an additional
$1 service fee per ticket.) The performance is open
to the public, so families, friends, and the community
are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Improvisational Acting
Ages 9 - 14
This creative workshop will explore improvisation
acting, performance given extempore, without
planning or preparation. Students will learn to act
in a free-flowing, unscripted environment. They will
play hilarious improv games and learn to express
their own unique styles of acting.
Joel Kester earned his Associate’s Degree in Theater
from Delta College and is an experienced improv
July 14 - 17
9:00-10:30 a.m.
Mon - Thurs (4 classes) Danner 107
(Mustang Room)
Code: 17094
Fee: $49
Performing for Radio &
Ages 10 and up
Have you ever dreamed of hearing your voice on
the radio? How about seeing yourself on television?
Now is your chance to shine! Students in this class
will star in commercials, interviews, newscasts,
and speeches for radio and television. No prior
knowledge of radio and television is necessary. Class
size is limited to 10 students.
Workshops Requirements: Students must bring
a 4 – 8GB flash drive to save their productions to
take home.
Lowell Tuckerman hosts a weekend sports-talk radio
show in San Jose. He graduated from Delta College
and has a Bachelor’s degree in Radio & Television
from San Francisco State University.
July 14 - 17
10:00-11:30 a.m.
Mon - Thu (4 classes)
Shim 127
Code: 20193
Fee: $49
(Comedy/Improv/Cabaret) - $10 cover
charge at the door - coffee house/club style.
June 19, 20, 21 @ 7:30 pm
June 22 @ 2:00 pm
Alfred H. Muller Studio Theatre
Psycho Night at the
Paradise Lounge
$10 & $12
July 3 & 5 @ 8:00 pm
July 4 @ 6:00 pm, July 6 @ 2:00 pm
Alfred H. Muller Studio Theatre
Not Recommended for children under 13
Seussical the Musical
$13 & $15
July 17, 18, 19 @ 7:30 pm
July 20 @ 2:00 pm
Tillie Lewis Theatre (Reserved Seating)
Information & Tickets
(209) 954-5110
Tuesday - Friday, 11a.m. to 6p.m.
Saturday, 11a.m. to 3p.m.
A $1 Facility Fee will be charged to all ticket
Medical Emergency/
Parent Consent Liability Release Waiver
I grant approval for my child to participate in the Kids College programs and hold harmless and
indemnify San Joaquin Delta College, the Board of Trustees and their officers, employees, and
volunteers from ay liability for any type of personal injury or property damage that may result
from my child’s participation in this program. I understand that San Joaquin Delta College does
not provide medical insurance for participants and I assume all responsibility for health/medical
expenses that may be incurred as a result of my child’s participation in this program. Consent
is hereby given to the Kids College instructors and/or supervisors to give or seek medical aid
as required in case of emergency.
I hereby assign all rights and release from liability San Joaquin Delta College and Kids College for
the recording, print production, exhibition, video/audio production, broadcasting, cable-casting
internet/access/internet web-casting, and distribution of my child’s visual image and/or voice
for promotional/not profit use.
STUDENT/CAMPUS CONDUCT: In order to maintain an environment conducive to
learning, Kids College students must meet program standards of good conduct and
behavior while on the San Joaquin Delta College campus and at every class meeting.
This means courteous attention, good manners, and careful handling of the equipment
being used. Students must follow the instructions given them by the instructor or a
staff member. Failure to follow this code of conduct may result in dismissal from the
workshop with no refund from the Kids College program. Parents are responsible for the
cost of repairing or replacing any equipment that their child may damage or break either
intentionally or through reckless behavior.
_______________________________________________ _________________
Name of Student (Please Print)
Date of Birth
Known allergies or other necessary medical information: _________________________
• Emergency contact telephone numbers for Parent/Legal Guardian:
• Alternate emergency contact during Kids College workshops (Must be over 18 years of age):
Phone (Home/Work)
Phone (Cell)__________________________
I understand all the conditions and execute this waiver freely and without reservation.
Parent/Legal Guardian (Print Name)
Parent/Legal Guardian (Signature)
Today’s Date_____________________
Please complete and submit this form to your child’s instructor
on the first day of EACH Kids College WORKSHOP
San Joaquin Delta College is concerned about your child’s safety. Kids College students
SHOULD ALWAYS be escorted to and picked up from the assigned classroom
location each session. Children should never be left unattended. Please wait with
your child until the instructor arrives, and pick up your child promptly at the end of each
workshop. Delta College is NOT responsible for students prior to or after class. Please
help keep your children safe by following these procedures. Thank you.
Kids College
Workshops & Programs for Adults – Summer 2014
Adult Workshop Listing
Arts & Crafts
Knitting for Beginners...................................16
Stained Glass Creations................................16
Knitting: Beyond the Basics...........................16
Bead Weaving & Jewelry Making
* Club 55 Bracelet..........................................16
Kiln-Fused Glass Jewelry..............................16
Business: Professional Growth & Skills
Finding Your Excellence................................16
Achieving Success with Difficult People.........16
Building Teams that Work.............................16
Effective Business Writing.............................16
Effective Selling...........................................17
Grammar Refresher......................................17
Individual Excellence....................................17
Interpersonal Communication.......................17
Keys to Effective Communication..................17
Mastering Public Speaking...........................17
Resume Writing Workshop............................17
12 Steps to a Successful Job Search............17
Business: Professional Development
Achievement Program.............................17
Business: Real Estate
Managing Rental Property............................17
California Real Estate Test Preparation...........17
Business: Starting & Managing Your Own Business
How to Make Your Home-Based Business
Successful & Profitable..............................17
A to Z Grantwriting.......................................17
Creating a Successful Business Plan.............18
Designing Effective Web Sites.......................18
Fundamentals of Supervision &
Managing Customer Service.........................18
Marketing Your Business on the Internet........18
Starting a Nonprofit......................................18
Wow, What a Great Event!............................18
Career Training: Health Career Training Programs
FREE Information Sessions ..........................18
Clinical Medical Assistant.............................18
Registered Pharmacy Technician...................18
Phlebotomy Technician Info...........................18
Online Health Career Education through
Career Step:
FREE Information Sessions...........................19
Professional Medical Coding & Billing............19
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
Medical Transcription Editor..........................19
Medical Administrative Assistant with EHR.....19
Medical Administrative Assistant...................19
Medical Billing.............................................19
Pharmacy Technician....................................20
Career Training: Miscellaneous
Bartending the Easy Way (Online)..................20
Turn Your Ideas into Cash (Online).................20
You’re on the Air: How to REALLY
Make It in Voice-Overs...............................20
What Were You Born to Do?..........................20
Become a Spanish Language
Medical Interpreter....................................20
Selling on eBay............................................21
Career Training: Notary Public
Notary Public...............................................21
Notary Public – Renewal Only ......................21
Notary Public – Test-Only Option...................21
Computer Education
Beginning QuickBooks 2013.........................21
Overcoming Computer Phobia.......................21
Introduction to MS Word 2010......................21
Introduction to MS PowerPoint 2010.............22
Introduction to MS Excel 2010......................22
Intermediate QuickBooks 2013.....................22
Selling on eBay............................................22
Payroll Using QuickBooks 2013....................22
Film & Foreign Language
My Favorite Films.........................................22
Foreign Language:
Beginning Conversational French..................22
Conversational Japanese..............................22
Instant Italian...............................................22
Spanish for Law Enforcement.......................22
Spanish for Medical Professionals.................22
Speed Spanish.............................................22
Speed Spanish II..........................................22
Speed Spanish III.........................................22
Floral Design
Fundamentals of Floral Design......................23
Bouquets & More on a Budget......................23
Beginning Floral Design................................23
Food & Cooking
* Indian Cooking: Desserts I...........................23
How to Make Authentic Falafel &
Authentic Sauce........................................23
* Indian Cooking: Desserts II...........................23
* Kunafa, a Middle Eastern Dessert..................23
Enchiladas: Chicken/Cheese & Vegetarian.....24
* Authentic Lebanese Salads: Fatouch
& Yogurt Salad..........................................24
* Authentic Lebanese Salads: Taboulet
& Beet Salad.............................................24
GED Test Preparation
GED Test Preparation (English)......................24
GED Test Preparation (Spanish).....................24
Health, Fitness, & Stress Management
Tai Chi Chuan..............................................25
* Family Swim Night.......................................25
Home & Garden
Bouquets & More on a Budget......................25
Basic Electrical............................................25
Start Your Own Edible Garden.......................25
Growing Plants for Fun & Profit.....................25
Math & Science
Fast-Track Math...........................................25
Lodi Community Band..................................26
Blues Band 101...........................................26
Beginning Guitar I........................................26
Beginning Piano I.........................................26
Music Reading for Total Beginners................26
Instant Piano for Busy People........................26
Healthy Harmonica.......................................26
Beginning Blues Harmonica..........................26
Online Learning
Turn Your Ideas into Cash.............................26
Bartending the Easy Way..............................27
Finding Your Excellence................................27
Traffic School Online....................................27
Online Learning through ed2go®..................27
Online Career Training Programs...................28
Online Health Career Education:....................28
Professional Medical Coding & Billing.........28
Medical Transcription Editor.......................28
Medical Administrative Assistant with EHR..28
Medical Administrative Assistant................28
Medical Billing..........................................28
Pharmacy Technician.................................28
Painting & Drawing
Colored Pencil Drawing................................28
Let's Oil Paint!.............................................28
How to Draw Murals.....................................28
Workshops & Programs for Adults – Summer 2014
Adult Workshop Listing
Personal Interests & Hobbies
You’re on the Air: How to REALLY
Make It in Voice-Overs...............................28
What Were You Born to Do?..........................29
Genealogy: Who Do You Think You Are?.........29
Selling on eBay............................................29
Developing a Photographer’s Eye..................29
Beginning Digital SLR Photography...............29
Editing Your Digital Photos............................29
Beginning & Intermediate Tennis...................29
Adult Swimming Lessons..............................29
* Family Swim Night.......................................30
Typing Certification
Typing Test & Certification.............................30
Travel Opportunities
Educational Tours.........................................30
* New Workshop
Finding Your Excellence (Online Seminar)
Turn Your Ideas into Cash (Online Seminar)
Bartending the Easy Way (Online Seminar)
Traffic School Online
ed2go® Courses – Your choice of over 300!
ed2go® Online Career Training Programs
Online Health Career Education through
Career Step
27 Clinical Medical Assistant
4 Typing Test & Certification - June
9 Lodi Community Band
13 Beginning & Intermediate Tennis
16 * Indian Cooking: Desserts I
Blues Band 101
Adult Swimming Lessons
17 Fundamentals of Floral Design
Fast-Track Math – Section 1
Developing a Photographer’s Eye
18 Beginning QuickBooks 2013
My Favorite Films
Tai Chi Chuan
Colored Pencil Drawing
19 You’re on the Air: How to REALLY Make It
in Voice-Overs
* Family Fun Night (at the Pool)
What Were You Born to Do?
Beginning Guitar I
21 Knitting for Beginners
* Club 55 Bracelet
21 Notary Public
Notary Public – Renewal Only
Notary Public – Test-Only Option
Overcoming Computer Phobia
Introduction to MS Word 2010
Introduction to MS PowerPoint 2010
Introduction to MS Excel 2010
Genealogy: Who Do You Think YOU Are?
25 How to Make Authentic Falafel &
Tahini Sauce
Beginning Piano I
26 Let’s Oil Paint!
28 Bouquets & More on a Budget
17 Become a Spanish Language Medical
19 Knitting: Beyond the Basics
Managing Rental Property
Selling on eBay
22 Beginning Floral Design
* Authentic Lebanese Salads: Taboulet &
Beet Salad
26 California Real Estate Test Preparation
29 Editing Your Digital Photos
30 Payroll Using QuickBooks 2013
31 Healthy Harmonica
Beginning Blues Harmonica
2 Typing Test & Certification - July
3 How to Draw Murals
7 * Indian Cooking: Desserts II
8 How to Make Your Home-Based Business
Successful & Profitable
Beginning Digital SLR Photography
9 Intermediate QuickBooks 2013
* Kunafa, a Middle Eastern Dessert
12 Stained Glass Creations
Enchiladas: Chicken/Cheese & Vegetarian
GED Test Preparation (taught in SPANISH)
Music Reading for Total Beginners
Instant Piano for Busy People
14 Kiln-Fused Glass Jewelry
GED Test Preparation (taught in ENGLISH)
15 * Authentic Lebanese Salads: Fatouch & Yogurt Salad
Fast-Track Math – Section 2
17 You’re on the Air: How to REALLY Make It
in Voice-Overs
2 Basic Electrical
6 Typing Test & Certification - August
16 Pharmacy Technician
* New Workshop
Detailed descriptions for
all workshops
are available on the website:
We hate to cancel workshops!
Please register at least three days
before the workshop start date.
Workshops & Programs for Adults
Arts & Crafts / Bead Weaving & Jewelry Making / Business: Professional Growth
Knitting for Beginners
Learn how to knit by making a beautiful long scarf!
You will learn the basics: how to cast on, knit, purl,
rib, and bind off. These skills will enable you to make
anything you can imagine, starting with the beautiful
long scarf you will create in this fun workshop!
Register early! Class size is limited to 10 people!
Required Materials: Bring size 13 bamboo or
9” plastic needles and two skeins of bulky yarn.
(Teacher suggests Lion brand Wool-ease in bright
Molly McGrew's mother taught her to knit when
she was young. Molly started knitting as a hobby
about five years ago and loves to teach this skill to
new knitters!
June 21 & 28
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Sat (2 classes)
Locke 105
(Locke Lounge)
Code: 58499
Fee: $35
Stained Glass Creations
Create a stained glass wind chime, picture frame, or
candleholder out of stained glass scraps (provided;
choice of many colors). For the wind chimes, bring a
gnarly piece of wood (size depends on how big you
want to make your chimes) or grape vine, which is
also nice for hanging your wind chimes. You'll enjoy
these wind chimes every time the wind blows! You
can also create mosaic designs on a glass votive
candleholder or a picture frame (please bring the
picture you want to frame).
Materials fee of $6 (cash only, exact change) is due
to instructor at first class. Includes stained glass
scraps and use of instructor’s tools.
Barbara Sitnik has taught the craft of making stained
glass for over 25 years.
July 12 & 19
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Sat (2 classes)
Shima 133
Code: 34610
Fee: $39
Knitting: Beyond the Basics
Increase your repertoire of knitting knowledge to
complete more complicated projects by learning
how to increase, decrease, follow a knitting pattern,
and do some decorative stitches. You can make your
choice of a beautiful wash cloth, potholder, OR one
of the ruffled scarves that are so popular right now!
Register early! Class size is limited to 10 people!
Required Materials: Bring size 8 needles (bamboo or
plastic—not aluminum) and cotton worsted-weight
yarn (teacher recommends Sugar'n Cream brand
yarn for this project) OR size 9 needles (bamboo
or plastic—not aluminum) and Red Heart Boutique
Sashay yarn to make a ruffled scarf. Also bring your
yarn from the beginning class to use when you
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
practice increasing and decreasing.
Molly McGrew's mother taught her to knit when
she was young. Molly started knitting as a hobby
about five years ago and loves to teach this skill to
new knitters!
July 19
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Sat (1 class)
Locke 105
(Locke Lounge)
Code: 56858
Fee: $30
Kiln-Fused Glass Jewelry
Come and learn about the art and science of glassfusing! You will learn to fuse glass to produce your
choice of two pieces. Choose a pendant, a ring, a 2”
x 3” tile, or an ornament. You will learn two different
methods of making a pendant, including a "glass
channel" technique. Tips and techniques for fusing
will be shared during this hands-on class, and each
student will leave with two jewelry pieces.
Materials fee of $15 (cash only, exact change) is due
to the instructor at the beginning of the first class and
includes handouts, glass, all jewelry components,
cords (with gift boxes, if desired), and the use of
instructor's tools.
Note: The second jewelry piece will be picked up at
the office a week after class ends.
Susan Winton is an artist and member of Art
Expressions of San Joaquin and the Lodi Community
Art Center who enjoys sharing the excitement of
glass art with students.
July 14 & 16
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Mon & Weds (2 classes) Shima 133
Code: 42089
Fee: $35
Club 55 Bracelet
Using chain mail techniques and a
pattern by Lauren Andersen, make this beautiful
bracelet of interlocking jump rings that form an
intriguing pattern to adorn your wrist.
Kit is required to complete project. Materials fee of
$20 is due to the instructor at class.
A limited number of additional kits will be available
for purchase at class.
Returning students: Please bring a beading mat
and two pairs of pliers (flat nose and round nose
work best).
Christina Snedden has been making chain mail
jewelry for more than five years and loves inspiring
people to work with chain mail.
July 26
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Shima 133
Code: 55857
Fee: $25
Finding Your Excellence
You will never find success without the
life skills to be your best. Before you do anything
else, you must explore how YOU are contributing
to your own lack of success. If you feel that you
are not living up to your greatest ability, then take
this opportunity to explore your passions and your
potential. Make life changes, tap into your courage,
and find your excellence!
Required E-mail address and Internet access.
Optional materials fee of $20 (plus tax for a total
of $21.75). Materials can be purchased online at Details will be sent to
you via e-mail.
Lessons are sent to student via e-mail each day for
14 days. Accessible 24/7. Students work at their
own pace until all lessons are complete.
Kellie Nicholson has worked as a bartender and
manager of many bars and restaurants throughout
her 30-year career. She has also dabbled in acting,
real estate, and public relations. She now owns
two greeting card businesses and is a motivational
speaker. Kellie Nicholson has taken her experiences
in business and created a series of workshops to
help others find their excellence.
Code: 63772
Fee: $50
All of the courses listed below
are online. You can register
online at
Each course is six weeks long.
Each course is $95. Start Dates:
May 21, June 18, July 16, or
August 20
Achieving Success with
Difficult People
Learn how to have more successful relationships
with difficult bosses, co-workers, students,
neighbors, or relatives.
Building Teams That Work
Learn the secrets of dynamic team building.
Effective Business Writing
Improve your career prospects by
learning how to develop powerful written
documents that draw readers in and keep them
motivated to continue to the end.
Business: Professional Growth & Skills / Real Estate / Starting & Managing
Effective Selling
Learn the secret to converting a
potential customer into a long-term asset.
Find out how to lay the groundwork for repeat
business and your future success.
Grammar Refresher
Revive your lost or forgotten
knowledge of English grammar and gain
confidence in your ability to produce
grammatically correct writing.
Individual Excellence
Master twelve career-enhancing
skills including goal setting, time management,
personal organization, and creativity.
Become aware of the conscious and
unconscious codes of meaning we send when
communicating with others.
Keys to Effective
Lost for words? Don't be! Learn
to build rapport, trust, warmth, and respect
through conversation.
Mastering Public Speaking
Learn the secrets of effective
public speaking and small group
communication. You'll learn how
to plan and deliver your presentations skillfully
and how to manage one of the most common
public speaking barriers—fear. These skills will
also help you in job interviews!
Resume Writing Workshop
Discover the secret to transforming
your tired, boring resume into a powerful tool
that will get you interviews.
Using Social Media in
Learn how to use the five most popular social
media platforms—Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Pinterest, and Google+—to grow and promote
your business.
12 Steps to a
Successful Job Search
World-renowned author and career advisor
shows you how to get the job you want quickly
and easily and in any economy.
Professional Development
Achievement Program
In partnership with the San Joaquin Delta
College Small Business Development Center,
upon completion of five of the workshops
listed below, Workshops & Programs for Adults
will present participants with a Professional
Development Certificate of Achievement.
These workshops are designed to help you
develop and grow professionally. They are
tailored especially for managers, business
owners, and employees to help improve
management techniques and business
operations and to facilitate better interpersonal
communication. A Certificate of Achievement
will be awarded upon successful completion
of five of the workshops.
Option 1: Choose four workshops from
the Professional Growth & Skills section
AND one from the Stress Management
Techniques section OR one from the
Computer Education section.
Option 2: You may also choose to customize
the Professional Development Certificate of
Achievement by choosing from the many online
courses offered through ed2go® (go to: www. Note: You must formalize
your plan before you enroll in any of the online
courses by calling Claudia at (209) 954-5013.
For more information, please call Claudia
at (209) 954-5013.
Note: When you have completed your five
workshops, contact Claudia to receive your
California Real Estate Test
Here’s a class designed for those of you who are
preparing to take the California Real Estate Exam.
The teacher will share valuable tips on taking the
exam, answer your questions about test concerns,
and give you information about preparation prior to
the actual test.
Rudy Willey is an adjunct Business Education
instructor at San Joaquin Delta College.
July 26 & August 2 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sat (2 classes)
Shima 126
Code: 60733
Fee: $69
(one-hour lunch break)
How to Make Your Home-Based
Business Successful & Profitable
This seminar will provide ideas on how to make your
home-based business look like a larger business.
It will also offer suggestions on how to set up
operations so you can operate effectively from your
home and develop your business into a profitable
Nate McBride earned a Bachelor's degree in
Marketing and a Master's degree in Business
Administration with an emphasis in Finance from
Utah State University. He has worked for over 20
years for Small Business Development Centers in
Utah and California as a business consultant and
July 8
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tues (1 class)
Locke 118
Code: 78693
Fee: $29
Managing Rental Property
Does the myriad of responsibilities, i.e., finding
GOOD tenants, determining a marketable rent,
insurance, rental agreements, safety/security,
security deposits, evictions, record-keeping, etc.,
etc., etc., seem to be overwhelming? If so, this twoday seminar is designed just for you. Owners and
resident managers of both single and multiple-family
dwellings will find this class invaluable.
Alice Hannan is the retired Executive Director of
the San Joaquin Rental Property Management
Association and is certified to teach classes offered
by the California Apartment Association.
July 19 & 26 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sat (2 classes)
Shima 143
Code: 67572
Fee: $69
(one-hour lunch break)
All of the courses listed below
are online. You can register
online at
Each course is six weeks long.
Each course is $95. Start Dates:
May 21, June 18, July 16, or
August 20
A to Z Grantwriting
Learn how to research and develop
relationships with potential funding sources,
organize grantwriting campaigns, and prepare
Workshops & Programs for Adults
Starting & Managing Your Own Business / Career Training: Health Career Training
Creating a Successful
Business Plan
Turn your business ideas into a solid plan for
financing and long-term success.
Designing Effective Web Sites
Learn powerful graphic design
techniques and build Web sites that
are both attractive and wickedly
Career Training: Health
Career Training Programs
Delta College has partnered with The Learning Oasis
to bring you several health career training programs
through Workshops & Programs for Adults. You can
become a Clinical Medical Assistant or a Registered
Pharmacy Technician. All classes are held on the
Delta College campus in Stockton. See program
details below.
Fundamentals of Supervision &
Learn the people skills required to
motivate and delegate, and learn
tools for solving problems and resolving
Gain the respect and admiration
of others, exert more control over your destiny,
and enjoy success in your professional and
personal life.
Managing Customer Service
Become indispensable to any
organization by understanding
how to identify and meet customer
Marketing Your Business
on the Internet
Develop an Internet marketing plan for your
business that incorporates SEO (search engine
optimization), advertising, e-mail, social media,
and more.
Small Business
Marketing on a Shoestring
Discover small business marketing strategies
that can help you attract attention, woo your
target audience, grow your customer base, and
expand your profits—all for little or no money.
Starting a Nonprofit
Industry veteran shows you how
to take a nonprofit business from vision to
Wow, What a Great Event!
Looking for a fun new career
coordinating special events? Learn proven
techniques from a master event planner.
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
Because this is a not-for-credit, vocational training
program, Delta's usual financial aid (based on your
FAFSA) does not apply. There IS a payment plan
available through our educational partner, The
Learning Oasis.
AT DELTA COLLEGE, please attend one of the FREE
Information Sessions that are held each week on the
following days and at the times shown:
Morning: Thursdays, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.;
meet in Locke 107
Afternoon: Wednesdays, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.;
meet in Locke 107
Evening: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.;
meet in Locke 107
No charge for parking May 30 – June 6 and August
4 – 18. On any other dates, please:
Be sure to buy a daily parking permit for $2 (quarters
or dollar bills) from the bright yellow dispensers in
most parking lots; parking citations are $33! There is
no charge for parking on Saturdays, but if you will be
attending a class during the week for several weeks,
you may want to purchase a parking permit for the
summer at the Delta College Bookstore for $20.
Clinical Medical Assistant
As a Clinical Medical Assistant, you will be trained
to help physicians carry out procedures, care for
patients, perform basic lab tests, and administer
medications. The Clinical Medical Assistant works
in a physician's office or in a clinical setting. The
program consists of 134 hours of classroom
instruction and a 160-hour off-site Clinical Medical
Assistant externship. Externships are coordinated
by The Learning Oasis.
May 27 – Sept. 4
6:00 – 9:30 p.m.
Tues/Thurs (15 weeks)
SCMA 109*
Code: 32353
Fee: $1,999
*SCMA is the Science & Math building.
(Includes uniform, CPR certification, and certification
exam through the National Healthcareer Assn. Book
sold separately; please see link on website: www. ; click on Clinical Medical
Registered Pharmacy Technician
A career as a pharmacy technician gives you the
chance to be a part of one of the fastest growing
fields in healthcare. The dynamic pharmacy
environment requires that professionals understand
clinical, administrative, and reimbursement issues
that the pharmacy organization faces on a daily
basis. Pharmacy technicians work in pharmacies
under the direction of a pharmacist. Their main
responsibility is filling prescriptions according to
doctors' orders for patients. This program includes
182 hours of classroom instruction. Participants will
also practice skills during a 120-hour externship
in a local pharmacy. Upon successful completion
of classroom and practical instruction, the student
will be eligible for registration as a Pharmacy
Technician through the Board of Pharmacy of the
State of California and will be prepared to take the
Pharmacy Technician Certifying Board (PTCB) exam.
Externships are coordinated by The Learning Oasis.
Aug. 16 – Jan. 31
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Sat (21 weeks)
SCMA 109*
Code: 18192
Fee: $1,999
*SCMA is the Science & Math building.
(no class on Aug. 30, Oct. 29, Dec. 27, & Jan. 3)
(Includes lab coat, CPR certification, and PTCB
certification exam. Please purchase the textbook:
The 21st Century Pharmacy Technician with Navigate
Course Manager, ISBN-13: 9781449628222 or
ISBN-10: 1449628222, available online or at retail
For more information on either of these programs,
please call The Learning Oasis at 1-888-766-1770
or Community Education at 209-954-5013; you may
also visit the Community Education Office in Locke
107 on the Stockton campus.
Phlebotomy Technician
Delta College is in the process of being certified by the
State of California as a teaching site for phlebotomy.
We hope to have this process completed so that we
are able to offer classes in the fall of 2014. Please
check the website ( ; click
on Phlebotomy Technician) for the most up-to-date
information, or call Claudia at 209-954-5013.
Career Training: Health Career Training Programs
Professional Medical
Coding and Billing
Delta College has partnered with Career Step to
bring you several new online health career training
programs through Workshops & Programs for Adults.
Career Step, a leading online education company,
has been offering quality vocational training for
nearly 20 years. Over 65,000 students have trained
through Career Step's online programs, which are
designed to quickly prepare students for rewarding
careers. Career Step students enjoy:
• Short training periods – Be career-ready in as
little as six months!
• Convenient online training – Enjoy 24/7
access to all program materials and study at
your own pace.
• Expert-created, real-world curriculum – Study
materials developed by industry experts and
designed to prepare you for the workplace.
• Job search assistance – Career Step offers
guidance on career opportunities after
COLLEGE, please attend one of the FREE Information
Sessions that are held each week on the following
days and at the times shown:
Morning: Thursdays, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.;
meet in Locke 107
Afternoon: Wednesdays, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.;
meet in Locke 107
Evening: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.;
meet in Locke 107
No charge for parking May 30 – June 6 and August
4 – 18. On any other dates, please:
Be sure to buy a daily parking permit for $2 (quarters
or dollar bills) from the bright yellow dispensers in
most parking lots; parking citations are $33! There is
no charge for parking on Saturdays, but if you will be
attending a class during the week for several weeks,
you may want to purchase a parking permit for the
summer at the Delta College Bookstore for $20.
Because this is a not-for-credit, vocational training
program, Delta's usual financial aid (based on your
FAFSA) does not apply. There IS a payment plan
available through our educational partner, Career
Step. For information on registration and the
payment plan, please call Career Step at 1-877225-7151.
Choose your new career!
Our AHIMA-approved, expert-designed curriculum
includes everything you need to prepare for a
successful new career and is trusted by some of
the largest healthcare institutions in the country,
including the leading provider of healthcare
services in the U.S. and one of the country's largest
managed healthcare companies. Choose the training
employers trust to:
• Prepare you to pass the CCA (offered by
AHIMA) or CPC (offered by AAPC) national
certification exams
• Help you gain hands-on experience on realworld records so you’re prepared for the
• Train you to begin working immediately upon
Fee: $2,995
Includes text companion, code books, access to
3M reference library, student support, and career
guidance. Also includes a voucher to take the CCA
or CPC national certification exam upon graduation
(a $300 value).
Medical Transcription Editor
The Medical Transcription Editor online
training program helps students develop the
knowledge. Our expert-designed curriculum
is approved by the Association for Healthcare
Documentation Integrity (AHDI), and it includes
real-world practical experience to ensure you gain
the skills you need to excel in the workforce. The
curriculum is specially designed to:
• Help you gain the skills of both a medical
transcriptionist and a specialized medical
transcription editor
• Simulate the real world by training you on
hundreds of authentic physician dictations
• Prepare you for the future of the industry as it
relies more on speech recognition technology
• Train you to begin working from home
immediately upon graduation
Fee: $2,995
Includes foot pedal, text companion, BenchMark
KB 15-month subscription, AHDI 15-month
membership, student support, and career guidance.
Also includes a voucher to take the RHDS national
certification exam upon graduation (a $230 value).
Medical Administrative
Assistant with EHR
Train affordably without sacrificing quality. This
program’s comprehensive curriculum was
developed by industry professionals with years
of experience and is approved by the National
Healthcare Association (NHA). The curriculum is
specifically designed to:
• Prepare you for the Certified Medical
Administrative Assistant (CMAA) and Certified
Electronic Health Record Specialist (CEHRS)
• Train you on the industry-standard ezEMRx
EHR software
• Help you gain the necessary knowledge and
skills to begin working immediately upon
Fee: $2,395
Includes reference guides, text companion, student
support, and career guidance. Also includes vouchers
to take the CMAA and CEHRS national certification
exams upon graduation (a $210 total value).
Medical Administrative Assistant
Train affordably without sacrificing
quality. This program's comprehensive
curriculum was developed by industry
professionals with years of experience and is
certified by the National Healthcareer Association
(NHA). The curriculum is specially designed to:
• Prepare you for the Certified Medical
Administrative Assistant (CMMA) exam
• Train you on the Microsoft Office suite
• Help you gain the necessary knowledge and
skills to begin working immediately upon
Fee: $1,995
Includes reference guides, text companion, student
support, and career guidance. Also includes a
voucher to take the CMAA national certification exam
upon graduation (a $105 value).
Medical Billing
Our comprehensive curriculum was
developed by industry experts and includes realworld practical experience to ensure that you gain
the skills you need to excel in the workforce. The
curriculum is specially designed to:
• Help you gain the knowledge and skills
needed to follow claims all the way through
to payment
• Prepare you to work with industry specific
forms, such as CMS-1500 and UB-04 forms
• Train you to begin working immediately upon
Workshops & Programs for Adults
Career Training: Health Career Training Programs / Miscellaneous
Fee: $1,995
Includes reference guides, text companion, student
support, and career guidance. Also includes oneyear AMBA membership upon graduation.
Pharmacy Technician
Our comprehensive curriculum was
developed in collaboration with practicing
pharmacists and certified pharmacy technicians
to make sure you gain the knowledge and skills
you need to succeed. The curriculum is specially
designed to:
• Prepare you for the Pharmacy Technician
Certification Board (PTCB) Exam
• Train you for careers in both retail and
institutional healthcare settings
• Help you gain the necessary knowledge and
skills to begin working immediately upon
Fee: $1,995
Includes reference book, text companion, student
support, and career guidance. Also includes a
voucher to take the PTCB national certification exam
upon graduation (a $129 value).
Start anytime! Access your class 24/7!
Learn at YOUR pace on YOUR schedule!
Bartending the Easy Way
More than just a bartending course, this
practical and effective method of instruction is
sweeping the industry and updating old ways of
thinking. “Bartending the Easy Way” will leave you
with a thorough understanding of how the bar
business works, the ethics of serving cocktails, and
a common sense approach to bartending.
Required: E-mail address and Internet access.
Materials fee of $50 ($60.35 with tax and shipping).
Materials can be purchased online at www. Details will be sent to you via
Self-paced with no time limit. Accessible 24/7.
Available to student until a total of 8 hours of
instruction have been completed.
Kellie Nicholson has been working in restaurants,
bars, and nightclubs for over 25 years. For the past
five years, she has been teaching her own bartending
and bar management classes at thirteen Southern
California colleges. She wisely developed this online
bartending course, which has increased student
access to Kellie's proven methods.
Code: 86080
Fee: $99
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
Turn Your Ideas Into Cash
Successful people not only know how to
sell their product, they also know how to make
the consumer happy about the purchase! When
you finish this workshop, you will be on the road
to success with a fully developed idea for your
own business and specific sales and marketing
Required: You must have an e-mail address and
Internet access.
Optional materials fee of $10 ($22.20 with tax and
shipping). Materials can be purchased online at Details will be sent to
you via e-mail.
Self-paced with no time limit. Accessible 24/7.
Available to student until a total of 8 hours of
instruction have been completed.
Kellie Nicholson has worked as a bartender and
manager of many bars and restaurants throughout
her 30-year career. She has also dabbled in acting,
real estate, and public relations. She now owns
two greeting card businesses, one of which raises
funds for charity. However, she claims that her most
rewarding venture is that of a motivational speaker,
giving her the opportunity to change lives, inspire
hope, and help others build their futures. Nicholson's
interactive seminars have taken self-help to a new
level. The exercises and quizzes she uses are
enlightening and effective. Kellie Nicholson has
taken her experiences in business and created a
series of workshops to help others find their fortune.
Code: 60276
Fee: $50
You’re on the Air: How to REALLY
Make It in Voice-Overs
Voice-overs are hot today! There are more
opportunities to use your voice on commercials,
films, and videos than ever before. If you have
thought about doing this in the past, or even if you
haven’t but you have a good speaking voice, this
could be the career for you! Full-time, part-time, or
just sometimes, you can be having the time of your
life, potentially making more money than you ever
imagined possible, and recording voice-overs for
paying clients right on your computer! Learn how
to get around the competition from a professional,
working, voice-over artist. We encourage you to join
us for an online, interactive class, which includes a
live Q&A session and a voice evaluation by one of
our voice-over professionals.
Faith Coons is a Voice Actor herself and also has a
strong background in career coaching and executive
coaching leadership development. Formally trained
in the Dale Carnegie course and receiving the
Birkman Method certification, Faith has an excellent
track record in working with people with different
personalities and backgrounds.
Section 1:
June 19
5:00 – 7:00 pm
Thurs (1 class)
Online Webinar*
Code: 15155
Fee: $25
Section 2:
July 17
5:00 – 7:00 pm
Thurs (1 class)
Online Webinar*
Code: 54914
Fee: $25
*Link for the webinar will be sent to you upon
What Were You Born to Do?
You were born to make a unique contribution to
humanity. Progressing toward this purpose brings
joy and abundance; straying from it causes stress
and emptiness. Elvis, Oprah, and Einstein were all
just “doin’ what comes naturally.” Expressing your
natural talent relentlessly will magnetically attract
all the desires of your heart. Come discover what
you were born to do!
Curtis Adney, J.D., M.S., is a life coach with a Juris
Doctor degree from Brigham Young University. He
serendipitously discovered his Natural Talent after
three unsatisfying careers and has since helped
many thousands discover theirs in his numerous
career success seminars conducted across the
western United States.
June 19
6:00 – 9:30 p.m.
Thurs (1 class)
Shima 126
Code: 83104
Fee: $79*
*includes $30 for a 150-page comprehensive
Become a Spanish Language
Medical Interpreter
The Health Care Language Assistance Act, SB853,
requires that health and dental insurers provide an
interpreter for limited English-speaking patients. This
regulation states that everyone who has insurance
will get an interpreter, which has created a very
high demand for interpreters trained in medical
Learn the medical terminology needed to interpret
for mental health practitioners, lab technicians,
heart specialists, cancer clinics, pediatricians,
dentists, surgeons, and many others, as well as
medical protocol and medical ethics. This is a great
opportunity; the job outlook is excellent!
Materials fee of $80 is due to instructor at first
class for the 215-page workbook and an album
of four CDs.
Instruction will be provided through Apex Interpreters
Guild, which was founded in 1991 and is composed
of several professional interpreters/instructors.
Apex is a long-time member of CHIA (California
Health Interpreting Association), the largest such
organization in the U.S., and NAJIT (National
Career Training: Miscellaneous / Notary Public / Computer Education
Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators).
Apex works with several colleges state-wide and
provides instructors and a very extensive and
complete offering of Spanish/English terminology
classes for interpreters in medical settings, legal
settings, administration, immigration, computer
science, and forensic pathology.
July 17 – Sept. 4
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Thurs (8 classes)
Locke 313
Code: 24915
Fee: $169
Selling on eBay
This workshop will take you step by step through
the whole process of selling items on eBay, from
finding the right category for your items, writing
descriptions, and taking photos to getting paid and
safely shipping the items to your customers.
NOTE: Knowledge of bidding and buying items on
eBay is preferred.
Leslie Tominaga has 10 years of experience as a
buyer and seller on eBay.
July 19
9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Shima 109
Code: 62191
Fee: $35
(half-hour lunch break)
Notary Public
You will be provided with the education and skills
to help you pass the State Notary Public exam and
become successful in a new business or career.
You'll receive the textbook, State of California
application packet, and handouts.
The California Notary Academy is an approved
vendor of notary education, and this notary course
is approved by the Secretary of State for Notary
Public education per mandated requirement effective
July 1, 2005.
*Optional Notary Exam: Notary Exam will be
administered by Cooperative Personnel Services
following the course. If you choose this option,
you must bring two #2 pencils, an official picture
I.D. (driver’s license, State I.D., or passport), a 2” x
2” color passport photo, and a check or money
order in the amount of $40 made payable to the
Secretary of State. The exam will last for 50 minutes
once the registration process has been completed
by the proctors.
Note: For the convenience of the students, the
California Notary Academy will be taking the 2" x
2" color passport photos onsite for $10.
Also, please be advised that the LiveScan
fingerprinting must also include a background
check by the FBI and Department of Justice. All
notaries must be fingerprinted to comply with this
June 21
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Locke 220B
Code: 31921
Fee: $99
Notary Public – Renewal Only
You will be provided with the education and skills
to help you pass the State Notary Public exam and
renew your notary public commission. You'll receive
the textbook, State of California application packet,
and handouts.
The California Notary Academy is an approved
vendor of notary education, and this notary renewal
course is approved by the Secretary of State for
Notary Public education per mandated requirement
effective July 1, 2005.
*Optional Notary Exam: Notary Exam will be
administered by Cooperative Personnel Services
following the course. If you choose this option,
you must bring two #2 pencils, an official picture
I.D. (driver’s license, State I.D., or passport), a 2” x
2” color passport photo, and a check or money
order in the amount of $40 made payable to the
Secretary of State. The exam will last for 50 minutes
once the registration process has been completed
by the proctors.
Note: For the convenience of the students, the
California Notary Academy will be taking the 2" x
2" color passport photos onsite for $10.
Also, please be advised that the LiveScan
fingerprinting must also include a background
check by the FBI and Department of Justice. All
renewing notaries must re-fingerprint to comply
with this requirement.
June 21
12:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Locke 220B
Code: 31921
Fee: $49
Notary Public - Test-Only Option
If you have already completed the training at another
location or online and just need to take the test, you
may register to take the exam. You must present a
certificate showing that you have completed the
required training. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER AND
Notary Exam will be administered by Cooperative
Personnel Services following the course. If you
choose this option, you must bring two #2 pencils,
an official picture I.D. (driver’s license, State I.D., or
passport), a 2” x 2” color passport photo, and a
check or money order in the amount of $40 made
payable to the Secretary of State. The exam will last
for 50 minutes once the registration process has
been completed by the proctors.
Note: For the convenience of the students, the
Academy for Notaries will be taking the 2" x 2" color
passport photos onsite for $10.
Also, please be advised that the LiveScan
fingerprinting must also include a background
check by the FBI and Department of Justice. All
new and renewing notaries must re-fingerprint to
comply with this requirement.
June 21
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Locke 220B
Code: 13046
Fee: $10
Students who desire more comprehensive
in-depth training in these areas may wish to
enroll in Delta College’s credit courses, many
of which lead to a number of business-related
certificates. For more information, visit the
website: Under
Academics, click on Business; then click
Overview of Programs to view the certificates
offered by the Business Division.
Beginning QuickBooks 2013
In this workshop, you will learn the tools of the trade
to manage your company or personal finances.
Includes handbook.
Note: The student must have some computer
Deane Savage is a semi-retired accountant and has
been teaching for over five years.
June 18, 25, & July 2
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Weds (3 classes)
Shima 240
Code: 97670
Fee: $52
Overcoming Computer Phobia
If you are an absolute beginner, then this is the class
for you! Learn terminology and basic facts, and get
a gentle, hands-on introduction to the computer. You
CAN overcome your computer phobia!
Cherie Harth has over 25 years of teaching
June 21 & 28
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Sat (2 classes)
Shima 237
Code: 39399
Fee: $40
Introduction to MS Word 2010
This seminar presents an introduction to word
processing using MS Word. It is designed to give you
entry-level skills when using this application. Topics
include: setting up the Word window; functions
of the Toolbars; how to use the View modes; and
saving and managing Word documents. You'll also
explore entering and editing text, basic formatting,
font attributes, and software functions. Includes
Paul Harth has been in banking for 30 years and
has acquired extensive knowledge in the use of all
Workshops & Programs for Adults
Computer Education / Film & Foreign Language / Floral Design Certificate
Microsoft products. He has been teaching for over
five years.
June 21 & 28
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Sat (2 classes)
Shima 240
Code: 28278
Fee: $60
Introduction to MS PowerPoint
This introduction to MS PowerPoint 2010 includes
basic set-up and organization of a presentation using
themes and design templates. We will cover using
clip-art, photos from both your local files and from
the web, video, music, animations, slide transitions,
and including information from other MS Office
programs. You will need no materials, although a
flash drive is recommended for saving exercises.
Cherie Harth has over 25 years of teaching
June 21 & 28
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Sat (2 classes)
Shima 237
Code: 55815
Fee: $60
Introduction to MS Excel 2010
This seminar presents an introduction to
spreadsheets using MS Excel for Windows. You’ll
select options from Toolbars and Menus and respond
to dialog boxes to create, edit, and print worksheets.
Use Excel for everyday calculations and make them
simple, fast, and easy to use. Includes handbook.
Paul Harth has been in banking for 30 years and
has acquired extensive knowledge in the use of all
Microsoft products. He has been teaching for over
five years.
June 21 & 28
1:00 – 4:00 P.M.
Sat (1 class)
Shima 240
Code: 23172
Fee: $60
Intermediate QuickBooks 2013
In this hands-on workshop, you will develop
advanced skills using budgets, cash flow, and other
planning and decision tools. You will learn how to
use cost-accounting features of QuickBooks and
how to enter your credit card charges and reconcile
credit card and bank statements. Includes handbook.
Note: The student must have some computer
Deane Savage is a semi-retired accountant and has
been teaching for over five years.
July 9, 16, & 23
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Weds (3 classes)
Shima 240
Code: 85634
Fee: $52
Selling on eBay
This workshop will take you step by step through
the whole process of selling items on eBay, from
finding the right category for your items, writing
descriptions, and taking photos to getting paid and
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
safely shipping the items to your customers.
Note: Knowledge of bidding and buying items on
eBay is preferred.
Leslie Tominaga has 10 years of experience as a
buyer and seller on eBay.
July 19
9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Shima 109
Code: 62191
Fee: $35
(half-hour lunch)
Payroll Using QuickBooks 2013
In this workshop you will learn do-it-yourself payroll
by using QuickBooks, or outsourcing payroll to
ADP, Paychecks, or similar companies. Includes
Note: The student must have some computer
Deane Savage is a semi-retired accountant and has
been teaching for over five years.
July 30
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Weds (1 classes)
Shima 240
Code: 68400
Fee: $25
My Favorite Films
Presenter Richard Patocchi has selected an eclectic
array of entertaining, stylish, provocative, mystifying,
thoughtful, infuriating, or just downright weird films,
classics in every genre and language, for your
viewing pleasure. Don’t miss out on the fun!
Richard Patocchi is an adjunct instructor of French
at Delta College.
June 18 – July 30
Weds (6 classes)
North Forum
Code: 65855
Fee: $30
(no class on 7/16)
Foreign Language:
All of the courses listed below
are online. You can register
online at
Each course is six weeks long.
Each course is $95. Start Dates:
May 21, June 18, July 16, or
August 20
Beginning Conversational
Discover how easy it can be to learn common
words and phrases for both leisure and
Conversational Japanese
Whether you want to learn conversational
Japanese for travel or just for fun, you’ll find
this course makes it easy and enjoyable for
beginners to master the essentials of the
Japanese language.
Instant Italian
Learn Italian from the comfort of your home in
this fun and enjoyable online course.
Spanish for Law Enforcement
Master the fundamentals of the Spanish
language by practicing basic conversational
skills and learning essential Spanish terminology
for law enforcement situations.
Spanish for Medical
Learn medical Spanish quickly and easily,
honing your basic conversational skills and
mastering key healthcare words and phrases.
Speed Spanish
Learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish words
together into sentences, and you’ll be speaking
Spanish in no time!
Speed Spanish II
This is a follow-up to our popular Speed
Spanish course. Several new recipes help you
continue to build fluency.
Speed Spanish III
Master your ability to speak, understand, and
read Spanish by taking the final installment in
our unique three-part Speed Spanish learning
You can obtain your Floral Design Certificate
through Community Education!
Required courses include Fundamentals
of Floral Design, Beginning Floral Design,
Intermediate Floral Design, and Advanced
Floral Design. Elective courses are also
offered, and students must complete at least
one elective. Elective courses are: Wedding
Flowers; Sympathy Flowers; and Retail Florist.
Several other floral design workshops may
also be offered, such as Creating Holiday
Wreaths and Create a Holiday Mantel Garland.
These will be noted on your certificate.
Floral Design Certificate / Food & Cooking
Fundamentals of Floral Design
The purpose of this course is to introduce students
to the fundamentals of theory, basic skills, and
techniques practiced in the floral industry. The
course will focus on applied art principles of floral
care (pre- and post-harvest), identification, handling,
and preparation practices of commonly used flowers
and tools. At the culmination of the class, the student
will have the ability to produce simple corsages and
Materials fee of $12 is due to the instructor at the
first class. You may also be asked to provide your
own container(s) and some flowers.
Melissa Spence completed a floral design program
through the FFA (Future Farmers of America)
program at her high school and is now taking
classes at Delta College. She does floral design as
a hobby and loves sharing her knowledge, tips, and
tricks for making beautiful and inexpensive floral
June 17 – July 15
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tues (5 classes)
Shima 127
Code: 29875
Fee: $75
Bouquets & More on a Budget
Come learn how to take a supermarket bouquet and
make it look like it came from a professional flower
shop! You’ll also learn inexpensive but creative
ideas for making centerpieces and many different
styles of floral arrangements. Learn where to find
inexpensive containers, what to use as “fillers” to
make your bouquets complete, and how to make
beautiful holiday arrangements—all in one class!
Required Materials: Bring your own bouquet and a
small vase or bowl-type container.
Materials fee of $5 is due to the instructor at the
beginning of the class.
Melissa Spence completed a floral design program
through the FFA (Future Farmers of America)
program at her high school and is now taking
classes at Delta College. She does floral design as
a hobby and loves sharing her knowledge, tips, and
tricks for making beautiful and inexpensive floral
June 28
9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Sat (1 class)
Shima 127
Code: 95893
Fee: $29
Beginning Floral Design
In this five-week workshop, you will learn the basics
of floral design. Each week, you will learn to make a
different shape or style of arrangement, and you’ll
take it home at the end of every class! At the first
class, you will arrange a bud vase, and a list of
supplies will be provided.
Prerequisite: Must have already taken Fundamentals
of Floral Design.
Materials fee: At the first class, a list of supplies will
be provided. Bring $24 on the first night ($12 for
the first week and $12 for the next week's flowers).
The cost of flowers and greenery is NOT included in
the registration fee; plan on approximately $12 per
week (pay to instructor each week). You may also
be asked to bring your own container(s).
Melissa Spence completed a floral design program
through the FFA (Future Farmers of America)
program at her high school and is now taking
classes at Delta College. She does floral design as
a hobby and loves sharing her knowledge, tips, and
tricks for making beautiful and inexpensive floral
July 22 – August 19
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tues (5 classes)
Shima 127
Code: 43826
Fee: $75
Indian Cooking: Desserts I
Halwa is a quick and easy Indian
dessert, easily the most popular dessert in India.
Dessert is served first in the Indian culture, and
halwa is loved by both adults and children. Cream
of wheat, a common ingredient in Indian food,
is combined with nuts, such as almonds and
pistachios, cardamom, sugar, and milk to make
this delicious sweet dessert that can be served
warm or cold.
Students will sample the dessert at the class and
take the leftovers home along with the recipe. Don’t
forget to bring a container to take your sample home.
Materials fee of $8 (cash only, exact change) is due
to the instructor at the beginning of class.
Hansa Daya's parents were both from India, but
she was born and grew up in South Africa, lived
in London, and then moved to the Bay Area and
Stockton. She enjoys sharing her knowledge of
Indian spices and cooking.
June 16
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Mon (1 class)
Shima 301
Code: 59846
How to Make Authentic Falafel &
Tahini Sauce
If you are vegetarian, vegan, health-conscious, or
just enjoy the foods of other cultures, you will enjoy
this workshop. Learn how to make authentic falafel
from scratch. It’s a combination of vegetables and
spices, and the main ingredient is fava beans. Falafel
is usually served in a pita pocket bread with Tahini
sauce or with green salad. It’s very popular in the
Middle East, especially Egypt and Israel, and also in
many big cities in the United States. It’s a popular
fast food in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. Ask a
friend to sign up for the class with you and enjoy
learning a new recipe together!
Students will enjoy having falafel sandwiches at the
end of class as a group and will take the recipes
Materials fee of $6 (cash only, exact change) is due
to instructor at class.
Mary Shaw has specialized in many Middle Eastern
authentic recipes for many years and has been
teaching workshops at Delta College for more than
five years.
June 25
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Weds (1 class)
Shima 301
Code: 65165
Fee: $25
Indian Cooking: Desserts II
Enjoy another common Indian dessert
that consists of chopped summer fruits with creamy
custard mixed with nuts! Made with custard powder
and fresh fruit, such as grapes, bananas, apples,
oranges, and whatever is in season, it’s great to
take to picnics and other events. It’s served cold
and tastes delicious on a hot summer day or night!
Students will sample the dessert at the class and
take the leftovers home along with the recipe. Don’t
forget to bring a container to take your sample home.
Materials fee of $8 (cash only, exact change) is due
to the instructor at the beginning of class.
Hansa Daya's parents were both from India, but
she was born and grew up in South Africa, lived
in London, and then moved to the Bay Area and
Stockton. She enjoys sharing her knowledge of
Indian spices and cooking.
July 7
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Mon (1 class)
Shima 301
Code: 44141
Kunafa, a Middle Eastern
Kunafa is a popular authentic Egyptian dessert, along
with Baklava. Countries all over the Middle East
have their own variations for this recipe. It’s made
of shredded phyllo pastry that looks like shredded
wheat, combined with either cream filling or a variety
of chopped nuts and sweetened with a simple syrup.
It’s wonderfully delicious and easy to make for any
event. Ask a friend to sign up for the class with you,
and have fun while learning a new recipe!
Materials fee of $6 (cash only, exact change) is due
to instructor at class.
Students will enjoy the Kunafa in class with coffee
or hot tea and will take home a small sample, along
with the recipe. Don’t forget to bring a container to
take your sample home.
Mary Shaw has specialized in many Middle Eastern
authentic recipes for many years and has been
teaching workshops at Delta College for more than
five years.
Workshops & Programs for Adults
Food & Cooking / GED Test Preparation / Health, Fitness, & Stress Management
July 9
Weds (1 class)
Code: 99907
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Shima 301
Fee: $25
Enchiladas: Chicken/Cheese &
Enchiladas are very versatile, so you can use
different ingredients; the taste changes, but they
are all delicious! Mrs. Davila will share her secret
family recipe for enchiladas. Come and learn to get
the proper ingredients needed to make red enchilada
sauce. She will teach you how to make both types
of enchiladas: chicken and cheese enchiladas and
vegetarian enchiladas stuffed with fresh Mexican
and American cheeses and vegetables. Come enjoy
the food while you learn how to prepare it!
Teacher is bilingual; Spanish speakers welcome!
Please register early! Class size is limited to 12
Materials fee of $15 (cash only, exact change) is
due to the instructor at the beginning of the class.
Instructor will bring all ingredients. Each student
will leave with at least six enchiladas.
Don’t forget to bring a container to transport your
enchiladas from class to home!
Delia Davila has a lot of experience with cooking
Mexican dishes. It's a tradition that she learned
in her Mexican family and has carried on since
July 12
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Sat (1 class)
Shima 301
Code: 34254
Fee: $25
Authentic Lebanese Salads:
Fatouch & Yogurt Salad
You will have the best time learning how to make
these famous Lebanese salads, and you will have
fun learning the little secrets about Lebanese kitchen
tools and spices direct from a Lebanese chef!
Fatouch is very healthy and nutritious; it’s also a
well-known cancer fighter. This salad combines
tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, green onions,
celery, green, orange, yellow, and red bell peppers,
broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots with a fresh
dressing made with salt, garlic, lemon juice, and
olive oil.
You’ll also learn to make a fresh, delicious yogurt
salad with cucumber, mint, garlic, and salt that is
cool and delicious when the weather is warm!
Students will enjoy a sample of both salads in class
and will take home a sample of fatouch. Don’t forget
to bring a container to take your sample home.
Materials fee of $8 (cash only, exact change) is due
to instructor at class.
Fifi Aoun learned how to cook French Cuisine at
the YWCA School in Lebanon. She specializes in
French desserts. She has been cooking for many
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
years and cooks each year for the Rotary and Lions
Club, providing dinners for 250+ people. She enjoys
sharing her culinary knowledge with children and
July 15
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tues (1 class)
Shima 301
Code: 11935
Fee: $25
Authentic Lebanese Salads:
Taboulet & Beet Salad
Here’s another chance to learn to make a fabulous
Lebanese salad from a Lebanese chef! You will learn
how to make taboulet, which everyone loves, and a
beet salad. Taboulet uses tomatoes, green onions,
mint, parsley, cracked wheat, and lettuce, along with
spices, lemon, and olive oil. This is a wonderfully
refreshing and delicious salad.
Beets help to control the red blood cells in your veins
and keep them in good shape. This tasty salad, made
of boiled beets, lemon, salt, garlic, and olive oil, is a
great way to stay healthy. It’s simple and delicious!
Students will enjoy a sample of both salads in class
and will take home a sample of taboulet. Don’t forget
to bring a container to take your sample home.
Materials fee of $9 (cash only, exact change) is due
to instructor at class.
Fifi Aoun learned how to cook French Cuisine at
the YWCA School in Lebanon. She specializes in
French desserts. She has been cooking for many
years and cooks each year for the Rotary and Lions
Club, providing dinners for 250+ people. She enjoys
sharing her culinary knowledge with children and
July 22
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tues (1 class)
Shima 301
Code: 45864
Fee: $25
GED Test Preparation
The tests of General Educational Development
(GED) provide an alternative option for obtaining
the equivalent to a high school diploma. The GED is
accepted by colleges, universities, and employers
because they recognize the GED test as a rigorous
examination equal to or exceeding high school
performance. This not-for-credit instructional GED
program prepares students to pass the 2014
GED® test modules: Reasoning through Language
Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematical
Reasoning. Students will be given a number of
diagnostic, practice, and simulated GED exams in
the classroom.
Requirements: Students must be 18 years of age
or older.
Please register by July 3.
Required Materials: Contemporary's Complete GED
McGraw-Hill*. Bring a pen or pencil, highlighter, and
paper to each class.
*Available online ONLY. (This textbook is now out of
print, but check,, etc. DO NOT
pay more than $30, as all copies are used, even if
it is advertised as "new." The 2014 edition of this
textbook will not be available until mid-May, and we
will continue to use the old version.)
Note: This workshop does not include the official
GED test. The GED test must be taken for a fee at
a GED test center.
Jorge Gutierrez holds a Master's degree in
Multicultural Education and Educational Management
and has taught at Delta College for over 16 years.
Section 1:
July 12 – Sept. 13
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sat (9 classes)
Shima 236
Code: 46113
Fee: $125
(no class on Aug. 30; one-hour lunch break)
Section 2:
July 14 – Aug. 20 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Mon/Tues/Weds (18 classes) Shima 236 Code: 40458 Fee: $125
Please see the “Sports” section for swimming
lessons and tennis.
Aquarobics are aerobic exercises performed in
water. The buoyant effect of water reduces the risk
of joint injuries, so it is ideally suited for people who
are overweight or have orthopedic or back problems.
When exercising in water, the heart rate is lower
than on land, yet an hour of aquarobics can burn
450 – 700 calories, which makes it great exercise!
Required materials: Please bring a “pool noodle.”
Wider noodles provide more stability and better
resistance. They may be available for sale at class
for under $10. There is a locker room available for
your use. Delta College does not provide locks or
towels; you must bring your own.
Brenda Marin is a certified group exercise and
aquarobics instructor at a local health club and has
taught at Delta College for more than eight years.
June 17 - July 22
6:45 – 7:45 p.m.
Tues (6 classes)
Fergusson Pool*
Code: 21649
Fee: $49
*Fergusson Pool at Delta College is located in the
Budd Center.
Health, Fitness, & Stress Management / Home & Garden / Math & Science
Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi Chuan is an ancient Chinese exercise to
achieve health and tranquility through soft, slow,
circular, dance-like movements that flow from one
posture to another and can be practiced at any age.
Be sure to wear comfortable clothes that allow you
to move.
Bing Hui learned Tai Chi Chuan here at Delta College
and has pursued the study of this ancient form of
meditation and exercise in China and at various
locations throughout the United States. He has been
teaching Tai Chi Chuan for seven years.
June 18 - August 6
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Weds (8 classes)
Locke 105
(Locke Lounge)
Code: 51381
Fee: $72
Family Swim Night
Bring the whole family and cool off in
the Delta College pool! You’ll have over an hour to
swim or just splash around in the evening. Leave
all of your electronic devices at home and enjoy a
fun way to spend family time together after a hot
summer day.
Required: Parent or adult must accompany anyone
under 18. Each child under five years of age must
be under the direct supervision of a parent or other
adult (one-to-one). No pool toys allowed. Lifeguard
will be on duty. There is a locker room available for
your use. Delta College does not provide locks or
towels, so be sure to bring your own.
Melissa Hand started lifeguarding at the age of 16.
She has taught swimming lessons at U.O.P., Dolphin
Scuba, and for the City of Stockton and has also
coached the Blue Dolphins swim team. She has
worked with special needs students, elderly people,
and with people who fear the water because they
have almost drowned. She has over 20 years of
experience teaching swimming lessons.
June 19 – August 7
6:45 – 8:00 p.m.
Thurs (8 classes)
Fergusson Pool*
Code: 12895
Fee: $40/first adult;
$5 for each additional family member
*Fergusson Pool at Delta College is located in the
Budd Center.
Have you always wanted to try woodworking but
didn’t have the tools and/or experience? Join
our basic to advanced group for ten weeks and
transform your dream into reality! Learn how to use
the table saw, planer, joiner, and other specialized
tools in Delta College’s millwork shop.
Please wear closed-toe shoes (no sandals allowed).
Required Materials: Bring your own safety glasses.
Materials fee: Cost of materials will depend on
your project.
Jack Dunn taught high school woodshop and
drafting for eight years and has been an adjunct
speech instructor at Delta College for over thirty
June 16 – July 9
5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Mon/Wed (8 classes)
Budd 104
Code: 52032
Fee: $105
Both of the courses listed below
are online. You can register
online at
Each course is six weeks long.
Each course is $95. Start Dates:
May 21, June 18, July 16, or
August 20
Bouquets & More on a Budget
Start Your Own Edible
Come learn how to take a supermarket bouquet and
make it look like it came from a professional flower
shop! You’ll also learn inexpensive but creative
ideas for making centerpieces and many different
styles of floral arrangements. Learn where to find
inexpensive containers, what to use as “fillers” to
make your bouquets complete, and how to make
beautiful holiday arrangements—all in one class!
Required Materials: Bring your own bouquet and a
small vase or bowl-type container.
Materials fee of $5 is due to the instructor at the
beginning of the class.
Melissa Spence completed a floral design program
through the FFA (Future Farmers of America)
program at her high school and is now taking
classes at Delta College. She does floral design as
a hobby and loves sharing her knowledge, tips, and
tricks for making beautiful and inexpensive floral
June 28
9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Sat (1 class)
Shima 127
Code: 95893
Fee: $29
Basic Electrical
Learn the basics of electricity, circuit breakers, and
fuses. Gain practical hands-on experience in how
to: repair cords and plugs; install wall switches,
smoke detectors, and outlets; and work safely with
Please wear closed-toe shoes (no sandals allowed).
Gerald Soria completed the Electronic Technology
program at Delta College and is now a commercial
electrician. He loves to share his knowledge and
experience with others.
August 2
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Budd 106
Code: 60511
Fee: $39
(one-hour lunch break)
Detailed descriptions for all workshops
are available on the website:
Please call (209) 954-5013.
Learn how to grow delicious, nutritious fruit and
vegetables in your own backyard.
Growing Plants for Fun
and Profit
An industry professional teaches you everything
you need to prosper in the backyard nursery
Fast-Track Math
This three-week math review is designed: for
high school students who have had little success
with classroom/textbook instruction or who want
to reinforce what they have learned in class; for
students hoping to enter college who want to assess
or reassess at a higher level to gain entry into Delta
College classes; and for anyone who wants to brush
up on math skills from basic math through algebra.
The workshop is held in a computer lab, and an
instructor is available to offer assistance during
class time.
The first session is MANDATORY; a diagnostic test
will be given that will determine what areas you need
to review, and the instructor will demonstrate how
to use the program.
You may work on the lessons at home or in the
computer lab (instructor will advise you of available
times), but you must come to the class in the
evenings in order to take the chapter tests.
Required: Students must bring their own headphones.
Betty Ramirez is a Delta College math instructor.
Section 1:
June 17 - July 3
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Tues/Thurs (6 classes)
SCMA 355*
Code: 11280
Fee: $50
Section 2:
July 15 - 31
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Tues/Thurs (6 classes)
SCMA 355*
Code: 37359
Fee: $50
*Science & Math Building
Workshops & Programs for Adults
Music / Online Learning
Lodi Community Band
Community Band with Chris Anderson as director
is offered as a Community Education workshop.
This workshop is designed for the rehearsal and
performance of concert band music with an
emphasis on sight reading and public performance.
Art Holton is the Director of Bands at Delta College.
June 9 – August 4
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Mon (9 classes)
Code: 47707
Fee: $60
NOTE: The Lodi Community Band will perform at
Hutchins Street Square in Lodi on July 3 and August
17; both performances are at 5:00 p.m. Free and
open to the public!
Blues Band 101
This course is perfect for students who want to
network with other musicians and improve their
overall confidence and playing ability and who want
to “woodshed” in a group setting while learning the
basics of the Blues.
Required: MUST be at least 18 years of age.
Shad Harris is a semi-retired musician who has
toured internationally and taught for over 30 years.
June 16 – August 4
6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Mon (8 classes)
Danner 107
(Mustang Room)
Code: 17614 Fee: $79
Beginning Guitar I
Learn to play in just five easy lessons! Musician Jim
Damiano will teach you how to play songs on the
guitar, along with a brief history of the instrument
and how to read guitar tablature and basic chord
charts, as well as different ways to tune the guitar.
Required: Please bring your own guitar (either
steel-string or nylon-string models). Your music text
is included in the low enrollment fee.
Jim Damiano has performed professionally with a
variety of musicians and songwriters since he was
13 years old and has been teaching students how
to play the guitar for over 25 years.
June 19 – July 17
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Thurs (5 classes) Danner 107
(Mustang Room)
Code: 95942
Fee: $65
Beginning Piano I
Come to this six-week workshop and learn the
basics, including how to read music. For older
adults, playing the piano is an exercise that will keep
your brain agile and your fingers flexible—and it’s
a great stress-reliever!
Required: Purchase Alfred's Basic Adult Piano
Course All-in-One (Level 1) with CD, available at Mr.
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
C's Music. Students should have access to a piano
or keyboard at home for daily practice.
Gay Goaslind is a former concert pianist and
continues to entertain at eight different rest homes.
She has been teaching piano for over 30 years.
June 25 – July 30
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Weds (6 classes) Holt 109
Code: 33755
Fee: $60
Music Reading for Total Beginners
You will quickly learn all the basic reading skills you
need for playing and reading music as well as the
fundamentals of the piano keyboard. Designed for
the complete beginner, this workshop is essential if
you have no musical background and wish to take
the “Instant Piano for Busy People” workshop later.
Materials fee of $15 is due to teacher at class.
Carol Faust has a Master's degree in Music from
San Jose State University and has been a certified
teacher of the highly acclaimed Instant Piano
workshop since 1994.
July 12
9:30am – 1:00 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Holt 109
Code: 39136
Fee: $28
Instant Piano for Busy People
You don’t need years of weekly lessons to learn
how to play the piano. In just a few hours, you can
learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years
of musical enjoyment.
Ability to read treble clef is recommended. Total
beginners should take “Music Reading for Total
Beginners” first.
Materials fee of $25 for “Popular Chord Style Piano”
(CD and book) is due to teacher at class.
Carol Faust has a Master's degree in Music from
San Jose State University and has been a certified
teacher of the highly acclaimed Instant Piano
workshop since 1994.
July 12
2:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Holt 109
Code: 35762
Fee: $28
Healthy Harmonica
Breathing is the foundation when playing harmonica.
How to take the simplest of pop, folk, and blues
melodies and infuse them with simple but powerful
techniques to make any song deeply expressive.
Required: You will need a “C” major diatonic
harmonica, which will be available in class for
about $12.
Materials fee of $15 for handouts is payable to
teacher at class.
Dave Broida is a gifted teacher/student/performer
with over 20 years' experience. He teaches at many
different community colleges throughout California.
July 31
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Thurs (1 class)
Locke 118
Code: 31657
Fee: $24
Beginning Blues Harmonica
Play and have fun as you are introduced to many of
the tricks and techniques that make the harmonica
cry, laugh, wail, and scream!
Required: You will need a “C-major” diatonic
harmonica, which will be available in class for
about $12.
Materials fee of $15 for CD and handouts is payable
to teacher at class.
Dave Broida is a gifted teacher/student/performer
with over 20 years' experience. He teaches at many
different community colleges throughout California.
July 31
7:45 - 9:15 p.m.
Thurs (1 class)
Locke 118
Code: 23086
Fee: $24
Turn Your Ideas into Cash
(Online Seminar)
Successful people not only know how to sell their
product, they also know how to make the consumer
happy about the purchase! When you finish this
workshop, you will be on the road to success with
a fully developed idea for your own business and
specific sales and marketing techniques.
Required: You must have an e-mail address and
Internet access.
Optional materials fee of $10 ($22.20 with tax and
shipping). Materials can be purchased online at Details will be sent to
you via e-mail.
Self-paced with no time limit. Accessible 24/7.
Available to student until a total of 8 hours of
instruction have been completed.
Kellie Nicholson has worked as a bartender and
manager of many bars and restaurants throughout
her 30-year career. She has also dabbled in acting,
real estate, and public relations. She now owns
two greeting card businesses, one of which raises
funds for charity. However, she claims that her most
rewarding venture is that of a motivational speaker,
giving her the opportunity to change lives, inspire
hope, and help others build their futures. Nicholson's
interactive seminars have taken self-help to a new
level. The exercises and quizzes she uses are
enlightening and effective. Kellie Nicholson has
taken her experiences in business and created a
series of workshops to help others find their fortune.
Code: 60276
Fee: $50
We hate to cancel workshops!
Please register at least three days
before the workshop start date.
Online Learning
Bartending the Easy Way
(Online Seminar)
More than just a bartending course, this practical
and effective method of instruction is sweeping
the industry and updating old ways of thinking.
“Bartending the Easy Way” will leave you with a
thorough understanding of how the bar business
works, the ethics of serving cocktails, and a common
sense approach to bartending.
Required: E-mail address and Internet access.
Materials fee of $50 ($60.35 with tax and shipping).
Materials can be purchased online at www. Details will be sent to you via
Self-paced with no time limit. Accessible 24/7.
Available to student until a total of 8 hours of
instruction have been completed.
Kellie Nicholson has been working in restaurants,
bars, and nightclubs for over 25 years. For the
past five years, she has been teaching her own
bartending and bar management classes at thirteen
Southern California colleges. She wisely developed
this online bartending course, which has increased
student access to Kellie's proven methods.
Code: 86080
Fee: $99
Finding Your Excellence
You will never find success without the
life skills to be your best. Before you do anything
else, you must explore how YOU are contributing
to your own lack of success. If you feel that you
are not living up to your greatest ability, then take
this opportunity to explore your passions and your
potential. Make life changes, tap into your courage,
and find your excellence!
Required: E-mail address and Internet access.
Optional materials fee of $20 (plus tax and shipping
for a total of $33.10). Materials can be purchased
online at Details
will be sent to you via e-mail.
Lessons are sent to student via e-mail each Friday
for 6 weeks. Accessible 24/7. Students work at their
own pace until all lessons are complete.
Kellie Nicholson is a life coach, author, and business
consultant. She also owns two greeting card
businesses, one of which raises funds for charity.
However, she claims that her most rewarding venture
is that of a motivational speaker, giving her the
opportunity to change lives, inspire hope, and help
others build their futures. Kellie Nicholson has taken
her experiences in business and created a series
of workshops to help others find their excellence.
Code: 63772
Fee: $50
ed2go®. Courses are project-oriented and include
lessons, quizzes, hand-on assignments, discussion
areas, supplementary links, and more. You can
complete any of these courses entirely from your
home or office at any time of the day or night. Unless
otherwise noted, each course is just $95!
Workshops & Programs for Adults, in association
with Traffic School Online, is offering California
DMV-approved traffic school online. It’s easy! Just
sign up and complete the 8-hour defensive driving
and traffic school course from the comfort of your
own home, office, or anywhere you can access the
Internet. The course is divided up into units, and
each unit has reading, video, graphics, and review
questions. Complete the course in one shot, or take
your time; it's up to you! At the end of the defensive
driving and traffic school course, you will answer
a series of multiple choice questions. Retakes are
unlimited. You can do it! When you pass, you will
receive an instant completion notice. Certificates
are processed by mail, fax, and email depending
on the court requirement. This is a secure, simple,
cost-effective, and convenient way for people to
dismiss tickets and reduce insurance costs. The
course offers up-to-date content and superior
student support.
If you have questions or need additional information,
please call Traffic School Online toll-free at (800)
Online registration and course participation are
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
No code needed
Fee: $29
Enroll Now!
Visit our Online Instruction Center today!
More than 300 online courses! Here
are just a few of our most popular
A to Z Grantwriting
Learn how to research and develop relationships
with potential funding sources, organize grantwriting
campaigns, and prepare proposals.
Beginning Writer’s Workshop
Get a taste of the writer’s life and improve your
writing skills in this introduction to writing creatively.
Computer Skills for the Workplace
Gain a working knowledge of the computer skills you
need to succeed in today’s job market.
Creating Web Pages
Learn the basics of HTML so you can design, create,
and post your very own site on the Web.
Going Green at Home
Step into a green lifestyle as you discover
simple, cost-effective ways to make your home
environmentally friendly.
Grammar Refresher
Gain confidence in your ability to produce clean,
grammatically correct documents and speeches.
Online Learning through ed2go®
Workshops & Programs for Adults at San Joaquin
Delta College has partnered with ed2go® to
provide not-for-credit online courses in a variety
of subjects. You register and complete the course
entirely online! All courses are six weeks long (with
a 10-day grace period at the end). Each course is
comprised of 12 lessons, representing 24 hours of
instruction. Instructors work for ed2go® and can
be reached via e-mail. A new section of each course
starts monthly. Even though these are not-for-credit
courses, upon successful completion, you will be
able to download a certificate of completion from
Keys to Effective Communication
Lost for words? Don’t be! Learn to build rapport,
trust, warmth, and respect through conversation.
Medical Terminology: A Word
Association Approach
Prepare for a career in the health services industry
by learning medical terminology in a memorable and
enjoyable fashion.
Project Management Fundamentals
Gain the skills you need to succeed in the fastgrowing field of project management.
Workshops & Programs for Adults
Online Learning / Painting & Drawing / Personal Interests & Hobbies
GRE Preparation – Part I
Discover powerful strategies for success in the
verbal and analytical sections of the GRE.
GRE Preparation – Part II
Learn a variety of useful techniques for tackling the
quantitative reasoning sections of the computerized
GRE® revised General Test.
Online Health Career Education
Speed Spanish
See information about the programs listed
below under “Career Training: Health Career
Training Programs.” You can be trained for
your new career in six months to one year!
Wireless Networking
Professional Medical Coding & Billing
Learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish words
together into sentences, and you’ll be speaking
Spanish in no time!
Industry expert shows you how wireless networking
works, as well as how to plan, deploy, and connect
to wireless networks.
Medical Transcription Editor
Start dates:
May 21, June 18, July 16, August 20
Medical Billing
Online Career Training Programs
Delta College has partnered with ed2go® (formerly
Gatlin Education Services), the world’s largest
provider of online workforce development programs,
to offer not-for-credit online programs to provide
the skills necessary to acquire professional-level
positions for many in-demand occupations. You
can start these not-for-credit online career training
programs anytime and work at a pace that suits
your individual style. You’ll get all the materials
and instructor assistance you need to have a
truly comprehensive learning experience. Upon
completing your program with a passing score, you’ll
receive a certificate of completion from Community
Education’s Workshops & Programs for Adults.
Programs are available in:
Healthcare & Fitness
Business & Professional
IT & Software Development
Management & Corporate
Media & Design
Hospitality & Service industry
Skilled Trades & Industrial Training
Sustainable Energy & Going Green
Click on “Career Training Programs”
at the bottom of the web page.
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
Medical Administrative Assistant with EHR
Medical Administrative Assistant
Pharmacy Technician
Colored Pencil Drawing
Learn to draw just about anything with colored
pencils using either your imagination or an actual
image! The class has a heavy emphasis on color,
lighting, and shadow, with a focus on mimicking
textures. Don’t miss this fun new class!
Required: Bring two images of something you would
like to reproduce in colored pencil or two ideas if
drawing from your imagination.
Required Materials: Set of at least 12 Prisma colored
pencils (or as many as you want), a soft white eraser,
and a tablet of good quality medium-weight paper in
your preferred size; a sharpener is optional.
Joe Soto has been drawing since kindergarten and
started oil painting lessons at the age of seven. He
holds degrees in Computer Animation and Graphic
Design from the Art Institute of Phoenix. He has been
a freelance artist for many years and has worked on
murals, sign-painting, and many other projects, all by
hand. He was the artist for “Auto Trader” magazine
and drew cars and company logos. He loves sharing
his knowledge of drawing.
June 18 – July 9
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Weds (4 classes)
Shima 133
Code: 60178
Fee: $50
Let’s Oil Paint!
Learn how to oil paint step by step, learning various
aspects of oil painting and using different colors on
canvas. Emphasis will be on elements of painting
and personal creativity. Learn to express yourself!
Let's oil paint!
Materials fee of $10 (cash only, exact change) is
due to instructor at beginning of class for canvases,
brushes, and paints, which she will provide.
Kelley Williamson is originally from San Jose and
has been painting in oils for more than 20 years.
She has been in several art shows and has taught
many workshops. Exploring the wonderful world of
oil painting has been a rewarding and enjoyable
journey that she loves to share with her students.
June 26 – July 24
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Thurs (5 classes)
Budd 103
Code: 21110
Cost: $70
How to Draw Murals
In this unique drawing class, students will increase
their knowledge of drawing methods. Students
will learn how to transform a collection of favorite
pictures, based on a theme, into a poster-sized
mural. (You can also use your imagination and draw
the images instead of bringing pictures). Colored
pencils and fine-tipped felt pens will be used to
create your drawings, which will cover the entire
surface area of the poster board with a variety of
patterns and textures.
Previous drawing experience highly recommended.
Materials fee of $10 (cash only, exact change) is
due to the instructor at the beginning of the first
class for all materials.
Jessica Joyner has been drawing all her life and
enjoys sharing her passion for art. Her artwork has
been featured in several local art shows.
July 3 – 31
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Thurs (5 classes)
Shima 133
Code: 44908
Fee: $70
You’re on the Air: How to REALLY
Make It in Voice-Overs
Voice-overs are hot today! There are more
opportunities to use your voice on commercials,
films, and videos than ever before. If you have
thought about doing this in the past, or even if you
haven’t but you have a good speaking voice, this
could be the career for you! Full-time, part-time, or
just sometimes, you can be having the time of your
life, potentially making more money than you ever
imagined possible, and recording voice-overs for
paying clients right on your computer! Learn how
to get around the competition from a professional,
working, voice-over artist. We encourage you to join
us for an online, interactive class, which includes a
live Q&A session and a voice evaluation by one of
our voice-over professionals.
Faith Coons is a Voice Actor herself and also has a
Personal Interests & Hobbies / Photography / Sports
strong background in career coaching and executive
coaching leadership development. Formally trained
in the Dale Carnegie course and receiving the
Birkman Method certification, Faith has an excellent
track record in working with people with different
personalities and backgrounds.
Section 1:
June 19
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Thurs (1 class)
Online Webinar*
Code: 15155
Fee: $25
Section 2:
July 17
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Thurs (1 class)
Online Webinar*
Code: 54914
Fee: $25
*Link for the webinar will be sent to you upon
What Were You Born to Do?
Selling on eBay
This workshop will take you step by step through
the whole process of selling items on eBay, from
finding the right category for your items, writing
descriptions, and taking photos to getting paid and
safely shipping the items to your customers.
NOTE: Knowledge of bidding and buying items on
eBay is preferred.
Leslie Tominaga has 10 years of experience as a
buyer and seller on eBay.
July 19
9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Sat (1 class)
Shima 109
Code: 62191
Fee: $35
(half-hour lunch break)
You were born to make a unique contribution to
humanity. Progressing toward this purpose brings
joy and abundance; straying from it causes stress
and emptiness. Elvis, Oprah, and Einstein were all
just “doin’ what comes naturally.” Expressing your
natural talent relentlessly will magnetically attract
all the desires of your heart. Come discover what
you were born to do!
Curtis Adney, J.D., M.S., is a life coach with a Juris
Doctor degree from Brigham Young University. He
serendipitously discovered his Natural Talent after
three unsatisfying careers and has since helped
many thousands discover theirs in his numerous
career success seminars conducted across the
western United States.
June 19
6:00 – 9:30 p.m.
Thurs (1 class)
Shima 126
Code: 83104
Fee: $79*
*includes $30 for a 150-page comprehensive
All of the photography workshops listed below
are taught by Sheldon Carpenter, who has a
Bachelor's degree from the Massachusetts
College of Art and a Master's degree in Fine
Arts from the University of Oregon. He worked
in graphic arts and photography for 18 years
and has taught at Delta College since 2002.
Genealogy: Who Do You Think You
Beginning Digital SLR Photography
In this seminar, you’ll be provided with all the
information necessary to research your family history
and trace your genealogy.
Required: Bring a pen, notebook, and memories!
Alexia Muir has been teaching people how to do
family history research since 1988.
June 21 – August 2
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Sat (6 classes)
South Forum
Code: 39640
Fee: $30
(no class on July 5)
Did you know...
We now offer all-day summer camps
through Kids College?
See page 3!
Developing a Photographer’s Eye
Whether you photograph flowers or
friends, in color or black and white,
your concerns are the same: taking good photographs
that are meaningful and artistic. This workshop will
bring out and train your "photographer's eye." ALL
camera owners, whether point-and-shoot, 35mm,
or digital, will benefit from this class.
June 17, 24, July 1
6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Tues (3 classes)
Shima 218
Code: 68345
Fee: $60
Getting a digital SLR is a big step for a lot of
photographers. In this class, we tame the buttons,
smooth the settings, and learn more than you
thought possible. We go over what different lenses
do, the basics of photography, tricks and tips of the
pros, best equipment, and so much more.
Bring your camera, accessories, and camera’s
July 8, 15, & 22
6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Tues (3 classes)
Shima 218
Code: 73726
Fee: $60
Like us on Facebook!
Community Education at Delta College OR
Kids College at San Joaquin Delta College
Editing Your Digital Photos
In this class, you’ll get a good idea of what digital
editing and imaging can do, from simple photo
clean-up and manipulation to a brief introduction
to 3-D images.
The low class fee includes a CD.
July 29, Aug. 5 - 19 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Tues (4 classes) Shima 218
Code: 11538 Fee: $80
Beginning & Intermediate Tennis
This is an introduction to basic tennis for new players
or those at beginner’s level. The main focus will be
on the basic strokes: forehand, backhand, volley,
and serve. Lessons will take a fun “games approach”
to learning to play tennis.
Required Materials: Tennis racquet, can of tennis
balls, tennis shoes, and water.
Cy Clays has been playing tennis for almost 30 years
and has been teaching tennis at a local tennis club
for 10 years.
June 13 – July 18
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Fri (5 classes)
Tennis Courts
Code: 71439
Fee: $54
(no class on July 4)
Adult Swimming Lessons
Ages 16 & older (no exceptions)
Just because you never learned to swim as a child
doesn’t mean that it’s too late. In this class for adults
only, learn to swim and enjoy the water. It’s going to
be a long, hot summer!
Class size limited to 15 students! Please register
There is a locker room for your use. Delta College
does not provide locks or towels, so please be sure to
bring your own. You may also come dressed to swim.
Melissa Hand started lifeguarding at the age of 16.
She has taught swimming lessons at U.O.P., Dolphin
Scuba, and for the City of Stockton and has also
coached the Blue Dolphins swim team. She has
worked with special needs students, elderly people,
and with people who fear the water because they
have almost drowned. She has over 20 years of
experience teaching swimming lessons.
Section 1:
June 16 – July 9
6:45 – 7:15 p.m.
Mon/Weds (8 classes)
Fergusson Pool*
Code: 57671
Fee: $70
Section 2:
June 16 – July 9
7:15 – 7:45 p.m.
Mon/Weds (8 classes)
Fergusson Pool*
Code: 43993
Fee: $70
*Fergusson Pool at Delta College is located in the
Budd Center.
Workshops & Programs for Adults
Sports / Travel Opportunities / Typing Test Preparation
Family Swim Night
Bring the whole family and cool off
in the Delta College pool! You’ll have over an hour
to swim or just splash around in the evening. Leave
all of your electronic devices at home and enjoy a
fun way to spend family time together after a hot
summer day.
Required: Parent or adult must accompany anyone
under 18. Each child under five years of age must
be under the direct supervision of a parent or other
adult (one-to-one). No pool toys allowed. Lifeguard
will be on duty. There is a locker room available for
your use. Delta College does not provide locks or
towels, so be sure to bring your own.
Melissa Hand started lifeguarding at the age of 16.
She has taught swimming lessons at U.O.P., Dolphin
Scuba, and for the City of Stockton and has also
coached the Blue Dolphins swim team. She has over
20 years of experience teaching swimming lessons.
June 19 – August 7
6:45 – 8:00 p.m.
Thurs (8 classes)
Fergusson Pool*
Code: 12895
Fee: $40/first adult;
$5 for each additional family member
*Fergusson Pool at Delta College is located in the
Budd Center.
Typing Test & Certification
You’ll have time to practice before taking the actual
typing tests. We administer three timed tests and
take your best score. Your typing certificate will be
provided at the end of the session (good for one
year; must achieve minimum 25 wpm).
Cherie Harth has over 25 years of teaching
Section 1:
June 4
Weds (1 class)
Code: 53900 Educational Tours:
Are you looking for an educational travel opportunity
that includes airfare, accommodations, most meals,
and escorted tours? All details are handled for you
in these special travel programs so that you can just
relax and enjoy your vacation!
We have some wonderful fall trips coming up! Make
your reservation now for a tour of our beautiful
Northern National Parks, or go on a two-week tour
where you’ll spend your time Exploring Britain and
Ireland. Visit Savannah, Charleston, St. Augustine,
and Jekyll Island on the Southern Charm tour.
Or head to the Far East! Visit China and cruise the
Yangtze River. Or go on the Tulip River Cruise in
springtime and visit Holland and Belgium. There’s
a big, wide world out there, so get out there and
enjoy it!
Please call Claudia at (209) 954-5013 to
request a brochure for any or all of these
fabulous trips!
Northern National Parks
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Shima 109
Fee: $10
Section 3:
August 6
Weds (1 class)
Code: 82895
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Shima 109
Fee: $10
Detailed descriptions for all workshops
are available on the website:
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
jewel of the Northern Rockies. Experience the Wild
West as it once was at Yellowstone National Park,
home to an incredible array of wildlife, including freeranging herds of buffalo. Check off one of life’s mustdos as you see thrilling Old Faithful erupt. Marvel at
Grand Teton National Park’s towering peaks, marked
with mountain glaciers. Soak in stunning views of Mt.
Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. There’s
no better way to see the Northern National Parks!
Double: $2,899 per person
Single: $3,599 per person
8 Days, Departs September 3, 2014
Exploring Britain & Ireland
Featuring England, Scotland, Ireland, & Wales
When it’s winter here, it’s summer in the southern
hemisphere, so visit Tropical Costa Rica in February!
Take a tour to our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.,
and see the cherry tree blossoms, many of our
national monuments, and the Smithsonian.
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Shima 109
Fee: $10
Section 2:
July 2
Weds (1 class)
Code: 25631
Highlights include:
• Choice of Wildlife Float Trip OR Whitewater
Rafting on Snake River
• Jackson Hole Rodeo
• Grand Tetons
• Yellowstone National Park
• Buffalo Bill Historical Center
• Crazy Horse Memorial
• Badlands National Park
• Mt. Rushmore
Visit Yellowstone, Grand Teton National Park, Mt.
Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial on this
great American Adventure. Spend two nights in the
cowboy town of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the crown
Highlights include:
• London
• Stonehenge
• Bath
• Cardiff
• Waterford Crystal
• Blarney Castle
• Killarney
• Ring of Kerry
• Farm Visit
• Dublin
• Wales
• Lake District
• Edinburgh
• York
• Stratford-upon-Avon
From the fashionable streets of London to the
magical Blarney Stone, this great adventure takes
you over rolling farmland and across the Irish Sea,
through England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Marvel at the mystery of Stonehenge. Celebrate
Irish humor, music, and dance in Dublin. Visit William
Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon. Visit
the English Lake District, Ireland’s Ring of Kerry, and
the valleys and mountains of North Wales. Tour the
regal city of Edinburgh. If you only visit this region of
the world once, make sure it’s on this tour where you
can explore throughout Britain and Ireland!
Double: $4,699 per person
Single: $5,499 per person
15 Days, Departs October 3, 2014
Travel Opportunities
Southern Charm
Featuring Savannah & Charleston
Highlights include:
• Historic Charleston
• Boone Hall Plantation
• Beaufort
• Savannah
• Factors Walk
• Jekyll Island
• St. Simons Island
• St. Augustine
Experience the history, charm, and singular
hospitality of the Low Country in Georgia and
South Carolina. Soak in two nights at the exclusive
Jekyll Island Club, once described as “the richest,
most exclusive club in the world.” Explore one
of America’s oldest plantations, Boone Hall. Visit
charming Beaufort. Explore the history of Savannah
and Antebellum Charleston. Visit the oldest city in
the United States, St. Augustine, Florida, and enjoy
an enchanting trolley tour through its vibrant Old
Spanish Quarter. You will definitely be “charmed”
by this part of the South!
Double: $2,279 per person
Single: $2,879 per person
8 Days, Departs November 2, 2014
Tropical Costa Rica
Highlights include:
• San Jose
• Coffee Plantation
• Guanacastle
• Monteverde Cloud Forest
• Hanging Bridges
• Arenal Volcano
• Lake Arenal Cruise
• Cooking Demonstration
• Cano Negro Refuge
• Zarcero
• National Theatre
Pack your cameras
and sense of adventure
because Costa Rica has
something for every
family member! Search
for wildlife during a
Tortuguero canal cruise
and jungle nature walk.
Don your chef hat to
learn how to create a
local dish, and taste a fresh pineapple during a
plantation tour. Embark on a white water rafting
adventure! Explore the rainforest canopy during your
choice of hanging bridge walk or zip line adventure.
Enjoy waterslide fun and a healing soak in Arenal’s
hot springs. From the tropical rainforest and mighty
volcanoes to eco-lodges and local villages, you are
sure to be amazed in Tropical Costa Rica!
Double: $2,349 per person (early booking by
August 21; $100 more after that)
Single: $2,849 per person (early booking by
August 21; $100 more after that)
9 Days, Departing February 21, 2015
Washington, D.C.
Highlights include:
• U.S. Capitol Building Tour
• World War II Memorial
• White House Visitor Center
• Mount Vernon
• Arlington National Cemetery
• Smithsonian Institution
• Baltimore
• Annapolis
• Washington National Cathedral
• Ford’s Theater
The epic story of American democracy comes to life
in our nation’s capital city. View the extraordinary
monuments throughout the National Mall that
commemorate the heroes who have shaped our
past, including the World War II Monument, the
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the Korean War
Memorial. Join a local guide at the U.S. Naval
Academy for a tour of this distinguished military
training ground. Visit Fort McHenry in Baltimore
where Francis Scott Key was inspired to pen the
“Star-Spangled Banner.” Uncover the gems of
the Smithsonian Institution as you explore some
of its world-renowned museum collections. Tour
Washington National Cathedral and admire the
architecture of this magnificent building that took
83 years to complete. On a guided tour, learn about
Ford's Theater, where President Abraham Lincoln
was assassinated. Indulge in local crab and dine
at a local Annapolis Restaurant. Join us for this
extraordinary exploration of America’s history and
culture in Washington, D.C.!
Double: $2,379 per person (early booking by
Oct. 8; $100 more after that)
Single: $2,979 per person (early booking by
Oct. 8; $100 more after that)
7 Days, Departs April 8, 2015
Cruising the Yangtze River
Highlights include:
• Shanghai
• Yuyuan Garden
• Acrobatics Show
• MagLey Train Ride
• Yangtze River Cruise
• Three Gorges Dam
• Xian City Wall
• Terracotta Warriors
• Wild Goose Pagoda
• Tiananmen Square
• Forbidden City
• Great Wall
• Summer Palace
• Temple of Heaven
• Hutong Rickshaw Tour
Experience China’s marvels, ancient and modern,
rural and cosmopolitan, on this fantastic 16-day tour
that features a relaxing 4-night cruise of the Yangtze
River. Float by the dramatic scenery of the Three
Gorges. Explore the booming city of Shanghai. Stand
before the 8,000 warriors in the life-size terra-cotta
army in Xian. Discover for yourself the mysterious
Forbidden City and the immense Tiananmen Square.
Walk a section of the Great Wall, tour the old, narrow
streets of Beijing by rickshaw, and share lunch with
a local family in their Hutong home. You won’t want
to miss this Yangtze River Cruise!
16 Days (Dates TBD)
March of 2015
Springtime Tulip River Cruise
Highlights include:
• Unpack ONCE for a relaxing river cruise on
the waterways of Holland and Belgium
• Visit the world-famous Kaukenhof Gardens
with its enormous, colorful tulip fields
• Explore the historic cities of Arnhem, Ghent,
and medieval Bruges
Savor springtime in Holland and Belgium with
a cruise that is sure to leave truly memorable
impressions! Winding waterways lead you to such
well-known Belgian cities as Ghent and Antwerp.
Breathe in the fresh scent of spring on the Tulip
River Cruise!
9 Days (Dates TBD)
April of 2015
Workshops & Programs for Adults
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
56 S. Lincoln Street, Stockton, CA 95203
Phone: (209) 954-5089 • Fax: (209) 939-0385
For more information about SBDC events:
Does Your Business Need
Whether you need help improving your marketing Financing?
Assistance for YOUR business!
to increase sales, developing a business plan to
chart your course or obtain financing, or improve
the financial management of your business, SBDC
consultants are ready to help you sustain and grow
your business.
The SBDC also helps prospective business owners
do their homework before start up to increase their
changes of success in their new venture.
The SBDC’s one-on-one management consulting
emphasizes education and guidance in finding
practical solutions to business problems. Consulting
is confidential and provided at no charge by a
staff of skilled professionals.
The SBDC is located in downtown Stockton (56 S.
Lincoln Street). Please visit our website at sbdc. or call the office at 209-954-5089
to schedule an appointment or for more information.
Web Design & Online Marketing
The SBDC can help you develop a website, improve
an existing website, effectively use email and social
media, and take advantage of online marketing and
advertising resources. Call 209-954-5089 for an
appointment for consulting at no cost to you.
Marketing to Increase Sales
The SBDC can help you develop and assess the
effectiveness of your current methods of advertising
and marketing, evaluate and improve your marketing
messages, better target your marketing efforts
to reach your desired customers, and more. Call
209-954-5089 for an appointment for consulting
at no cost to you.
Visit our website at
for a complete calendar of workshops
and to make your reservations.
Questions? Call the SBDC, 954-5089.
Contact the SBDC (209-954-5089) for assistance
in identifying potential sources and developing loan
applications or funding proposals for your new or
existing business. The SBDC staff can explain to you
and help evaluate the viability of seeking funds from
US Small Business Administration Loan Programs,
micro loans, local loan programs, angel investors
and more. Call 209-954-5089 for an appointment
to discuss your funding needs and potential sources.
Starting a Business?
Monthly start-up workshops are scheduled at
various locations including Stockton, Tracy, Lodi
and Manteca.
Learn about developing a business plan, meeting
government regulations and requirements, plus
financing sources and criteria. Following the
workshop, you can schedule to meet individually
with a consultant, at no cost to you, to work on your
specific business goals.
Visit our website to find out the best workshop for
you to attend and to register:
All Stockton workshops are at the SBDC
June 11 4:30-6:30pm
June 25 12 noon-2pm
July 9 4:30-6:30pm
July 23 12 noon-2pm
Aug. 13 4:30-6:30pm
Aug. 27 12 noon-2pm
June 5, July 3, Aug. 7 12 noon – 1pm
Manteca Chamber of Commerce
June 12, July 10, Aug. 14 12 noon – 1 pm
Tracy Chamber of Commerce
June 19, July 17, Aug. 21 12 noon - 1pm
Lodi Chamber of Commerce
Your Small Business Resource
2nd Annual Get Connected Small
Business Expo Event
Learn how to do business with federal, state and
local government agencies, as well as educational
institutions and utility companies. Learn about
small business and other certification programs
that can give you an advantage in submitting bids
and proposals. Talk to representatives who can
help you understand how to do business with their
organization. Also talk to organizations that can help
your business be more successful.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
8:00 am – 12:00 noon
San Joaquin County
Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center
2101 E. Earhart Ave., Stockton, CA 95206
To register:
For more information:
CalTrans District 10 Small Business Liaison
Business Incubator
(business address & temporary office use)
Do you need a professional business address and
periodic use of office space for a new, home-based,
or emerging business, or a satellite location? For a
small monthly fee, you can benefit from the SBDC
Incubator services. The Incubator also provides
ongoing coaching to help you develop your business.
For a free tour, to receive an application, or for more
information call the SBDC at 209-954-5089.
The SBDC means business
In 2013, SBDC clients reported:
$1.79 million received in capital obtained
$765,286 in increased sales
74 jobs created/retained
The SBDC is co-sponsored by CSU Chico Research Foundation/CED. It is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. SBA. All
opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the SBA. The SBDC program
is nondiscriminatory. Reasonable accommodations for the disabled will be made, if requested in advance.
Small Business Development Center — Summer 2014
Stockton Institute for Continued Learning
Welcome to SICL
and Lifelong Learning!
Please Complete and Print Clearly (* Required Information)
What is the Stockton Institute for Continued Learning (SICL)?
SICL is a member-motivated and member-governed not-for-profit organization.
Our mission is to provide educational experiences, personal enrichment, social
activities, and volunteer opportunities to the mature population in the San Joaquin
Delta Community College District.
* Name ______________________________________________
• Classes*. These vary each semester and may include music, art,
printmaking, book review, bridge, gardening, speech, creative writing,
digital photography, bird-watching, food and culture, quilting, stained
glass, computers, exercise, and money management. There are no tests,
no grades—you just need a desire to learn. Instructors are volunteers
who are retired professionals and/or Delta faculty.
• Tours*. We go to interesting educational locations at reasonable prices.
• Leadership opportunities*. Become a board member, help on a
committee, or volunteer at whatever SICL activity enriches your life.
• Brain gain and social activities*. In addition to the mental stimulation
and social aspects of classes and tours, there is a welcome reception/
registration and a luncheon each term for members and their guests.
* Home Phone __________________ Cell Phone ________________
Where and when does SICL meet?
SICL classes meet on the San Joaquin Delta College campus during the fall and
spring terms. The schedule of classes and tours is posted on the SICL bulletin
board on the outside north wall of Holt 123 and on the SICL web site:
How do I join SICL?
To become a member of SICL and be eligible to attend any of the classes,
tours, and programs offered by this Delta College Lifelong Learning Program,
you must complete a Membership Application and register. Registration-Fall
2014: Saturday, August 23, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 noon, at Delta College
in Upper Danner Hall. (Note: Parking is free on Saturdays.) Fall 2014 Term:
Most SICL classes will be held between September 2 and November 14.
Fees: Registration - $30, *Parking Permit - $15. Tours: A separate check is
required for each tour. Checks: Make payable to SJDC—SICL. Please bring
your check(s) and Membership Application to Registration. You will
receive a SICL Membership Card at Registration. (Note: Your card allows
you to attend Armchair Traveler for free.) If you are unable to attend the SICL
Registration Day on Saturday, August 23, you may register with Gloria Mendoza
in Holt 123; see contact information below.
*Delta College Parking Permits are required weekdays, Monday through
Friday. You may purchase a discounted parking permit for $15 for the entire
term when you join SICL. If you choose not to purchase a parking permit for
the term, then daily parking permits may be purchased for $2.00 (in quarters
or $1 bills) from the bright yellow dispensers in the parking lots. Members who
have disability placards or license plates are required to purchase a parking
permit and may park in any unused legal parking spaces. (Note: If you do not
have a valid parking permit displayed on your dashboard, you may receive a
$33 parking citation from the Delta College Campus Police.)
Have questions about SICL? Need more information?
• Visit the SICL web site:
• Contact Gloria Mendoza, SICL Office Assistant
-Phone: 209-910-4748 (Voice Mail - Leave a Message)
-Mail: SICL - Delta College, PO Box 7314, Stockton 95267
-In Person: Holt 123 (SICL Office at Delta College)
(Note: Limited office hours are posted on the SICL bulletin board located on the
north wall of Holt 123. Please contact Gloria in advance to verify.)
* Address _____________________________________________
* City __________________________ *Zip _________________
* E-mail Address ________________________________________
(To receive emails, last minute information or changes, and the SICL Newsletters)
*Cash: $_________ *Check #: _________ Total $_______________
q Registation – $30 q Parking Permit – $15
q Tours $______
Note: Some classes have additonal fees. See website for more information.
* Are you a new member? YES ____ NO ____
* In case of an emergency, contact:
Relationship ___________________________________________
Phone (Home and/or Cell) __________________________________
*Do you need a SICL name badge? Yes ____ No ____
*How do you want your name to appear? ______________________
*Do you want to receive the SICL Newsletter or other information by email?
Yes ____ No____
*As a member of SICL, I agree to allow my picture to be used in the promotion
of the Stockton Institute for Continued Learning Program.
Sign Your Name_________________________________________
Where did you learn about SICL? ___SICL Member
Publication (Name of Publication) ______________________________
___Delta College Flyer ___Delta College Electronic Marque ___Friend
SICL is a volunteer-operated organization. Please indicate which
COMMITTEE(S) you are interested in assisting: Membership ( )
Curriculum ( ) Historian ( )
Hospitality ( ) Tours ( )
What future classes would you like to see SICL offer? _____________
Would you like to teach a class? If so, what subject? ______________
What future tours would you enjoy? ___________________________
For more information, contact Sharon McDonnell, Membership
Chair, at 209-473-3187. (SICL is under the auspices of the San Joaquin Delta
College Foundation – Community Education)
Community Education
Online Registration is Now Available!
To register Online, log on to the website: (no processing fee)
On the left, click on the program you desire:
-For Kids College (for children & teens): On the left, click on “Classes & Registration;” on that page, under Class Schedule, click on the blue “Kids College” link. Under
Registration Information: Click on "Kids College Online Registration Instructions for step-by-step details.
-For Workshops & Programs for Adults (for adults & seniors): On the left, click on “Workshops & Registration;” on that page, click on the “Online Registration &
Schedule of Workshops” in the first box of the table.
OR, if you do not have Internet access, you have the following 4 options to register with a $3 processing fee:
1. Walk In: Take the completed registration form and payment, including the $3 processing fee, to Locke 107
at Delta College, up to the day of the workshop. Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
2. Mail In: Send the completed form and payment, including the $3 processing fee, to the address listed at bottom.
3. Call In: (209) 954-5045. Please have the desired workshop code(s) and credit card number available.
4. At the Workshop: Bring the completed form and payment, including the $3 processing fee, to the workshop. (Note: Advance Registration is strongly recommended!
Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis and enrollment is limited.)
Registration fees will automatically be refunded if the workshop is cancelled for any reason by the Community Education Department. Other refunds may be requested by calling
the Community Education Department* or by filling out a Community Education Refund Request form in Locke 107 at Delta College.
REFUND POLICY: All refunds will be granted ONLY if the student’s request is submitted at least one (1) week prior to the start date of the workshop. Refunds will be
charged a $10 processing fee (Effective January 2008).
Have questions or need additional Community Education information? Please call:
*Workshops & Programs for Adults – (209) 954-5013 or Kids College – (209) 954-5015
Disclaimer: Community Education reserves the right to change teachers, materials, facilities, times, and/or dates if necessary.
Please use a separate form for each person who is registering. The full registration fee, plus the mandatory
*$3 processing fee, MUST be submitted with this completed form in order to be registered in the workshop(s).
All sections of this registration form MUST be completed in full to avoid any delays in processing.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________
If Minor, Parent/Guardian's Name: _____________________________________________________________ Relationship: _____________________________
Phone: Home (_____)____________________________ Work (_____)______________________________ Cell (_____)_______________________________
(Please provide ALL available phone numbers in case you need to be reached regarding a scheduling change or in the event of an emergency.)
Gender: M____
F____ (Required) Birth date: _____/_____/_____ (Required) Ethnic Group:________________________________________________(Optional)
Code #:_____________ Class Title & Date________________________________________________________________________________ Fee:_______
Code #:_____________ Class Title & Date________________________________________________________________________________ Fee:_______
Code #:_____________ Class Title & Date________________________________________________________________________________ Fee:_______
Code #:_____________ Class Title & Date________________________________________________________________________________ Fee:_______
Code #:_____________ Class Title & Date________________________________________________________________________________ Fee:_______
Mandatory Processing Fee for ALL Registrations not processed Online MUST be included:
*Fee: + $3
Total: ___________
Payment information (check one):  CHECK or MONEY ORDER Made Payable to SJDC  CASH (do not mail)
Complete this form and bring it with the complete payment, including the $3 processing fee, to:
Delta College -Community Education Office-Locke 107, or mail to: Delta College,
5151 Pacific Avenue, Box 117, Stockton, CA 95207.
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
To register Online, go to the website:
Complete both sides of this form.
OR, if you do not have Internet access, you have the following 3 options to register:
1. Walk In: Take the completed registration form and payment to Locke 107 at Delta College. Open Monday
through Thursday, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 to 6:30 p.m., and Friday, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. (Summer hours).
2. Mail In: Send the completed form and payment to: Delta College, Community Education, 5151 Pacific Avenue, Box
117, Stockton, CA 95207
3. Call In: (209) 954-5015. Please have the desired camp code(s) and credit card number available.
(Note: Advance Registration is strongly recommended! Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and
enrollment is limited.)
REFUND POLICY: All refunds will be granted ONLY if the student’s request is submitted at least fourteen (14) days
before the first day of the week you wish to cancel. Refunds will be charged a $10 processing fee.
Have questions or need additional information? Please contact Community Education: (209) 954-5015
Disclaimer: Community Education reserves the right to change teachers, materials, facilities, times, and/or dates if necessary.
Please use a separate form for each person who is registering.
All sections of this registration form MUST be completed in full to avoid any delays in processing.
Name: ___________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________
If Minor, Parent/Guardian's Name: ______________________________________ Relationship:
Phone #’s - Home: (
Work: (
Cell: (
(Please provide ALL available phone numbers in case you need to be reached regarding a scheduling change or in the event of an emergency.)
Gender: M___ F___ (Required)
Ethnic Group:
Ages 8 to 12 only (must be in this age group at some point during the four-week period). $200 per week; includes
lunch,* snack, T-shirt, and all materials for classes (no additional fees). $10 discount if you register for a
second week when you register for the first week (first week $200; second week $190). For example: Week
#1, Track A = $200; Week #2, Track B = $190; Week #3, Track B = $200; Week #4, Track A = $190. *Soy milk
available. Full payment is due when you register.
14010 Track A Week #1, June 16 – 19
Fee: _______
14020 Track B Week #1, June 16 – 19
Fee: _______
14030 Track A Week #2, June 23 – 26
Fee: _______
14040 Track B Week #2, June 23 – 26
Fee: _______
14050 Track A Week #3, June 30 – July 3
Fee: _______
14060 Track B Week #3, June 30 – July 3
Fee: _______
14070 Track A Week #4, July 7 – 10
Fee: _______
14080 Track B Week #4, July 7 – 10
Fee: _______
What a deal! Register
for one week of camp
receive a discount for
the second week!
Total: ______
Choose EITHER Track A or Track B each week; no switching classes between tracks.
Payment information:
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014
Debit/Credit Card
San Joaquin Delta College
Community Education – Kids College Day Camp
Medical Emergency/Parent Consent Liability Release Waiver
I grant approval for my child to participate in the Kids College Day Camp programs and hold harmless and
indemnify San Joaquin Delta College, the Board of Trustees and their officers, employees, and volunteers from
any liability for any type of personal injury or property damage that may result from my child’s participation in
this program. I understand that San Joaquin Delta College does not provide medical insurance for participants,
and I assume all responsibility for health/medical expenses that may be incurred as a result of my child’s
participation in this program. Consent is hereby given to the Kids College instructors and/or supervisors to give
or seek medical aid as required in case of emergency.
I hereby assign all rights and release from liability San Joaquin Delta College and Kids College for the recording,
print production, exhibition, video/audio production, broadcasting, cable-casting, internet access, web-casting,
and distribution of my child’s visual image and/or voice for promotional/not-for-profit use. (Note: Students are
sometimes photographed during a workshop.)
STUDENT/CAMPUS CONDUCT: In order to maintain an environment conducive to learning, Kids College
students must meet program standards of good conduct and behavior while on the San Joaquin Delta
College campus and at every class meeting. This means courteous attention, good manners, and careful
handling of the equipment being used. Students must follow the instructions given them by the teacher or a
staff member. Failure to follow this code of conduct may result in dismissal from the workshop with no
refund from the Kids College Day Camp program. Parents are responsible for the cost of repairing or
replacing any equipment that their child may damage or break either intentionally or through reckless
Name of Student (Please Print)
Student’s Date of Birth
Known allergies/food allergies or other necessary medical information: __________________________
(Please administer all prescription/over-the-counter medications before bringing your child to camp.) Our facility
is not set up to dispense or administer medication.
T-Shirt Size________
camp site. (Required)
Note: Order T-Shirt size one size larger to fit over clothing; T-Shirt will be left at
Emergency contact telephone numbers for Parent/Legal Guardian:
Alternate emergency contact during Kids College Day Camp (Must be over 18 years of age):
Phone (Home/Work)
Phone (Cell)
I understand all the conditions and execute this waiver freely and without reservation.
Parent/Legal Guardian (Print Name)
Parent/Legal Guardian (Signature)
Today’s Date
Please complete and submit this form before the camp sessions begin.
San Joaquin Delta College Day Camp Program is concerned about your child's safety. Students MUST
ALWAYS be escorted to and picked up from Locke 105 (Locke Lounge.) Teacher aides are available and will
assist the children with changing classrooms, lunch hour, and within the classrooms. Children will never be
left unattended. Please pick up your child promptly at the end of each day camp session. Please help us keep
your children safe by following these procedures. Thank you!
Schedule of Workshops Summer 2014