FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT 15 th International PEAT Congress 2016 Organized by MALAYSIAN PEAT SOCIETY In Partnership with INTERNATIONAL PEAT SOCIETY 15 - 19 August 2016 Pullman Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Organized by In Partnership with International Peat Society Supported by Sarawak Government International Union of Soil Sciences Malaysian Society of Soil Science 15TH INTERNATIONAL PEAT CONGRESS 2016 ‘Peatlands in Harmony – Agriculture, Industry & Nature’ The 15th Congress of the International Peat Society will be held in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia on 15th - 19th August 2016. This is the first time a Congress has been held in Southeast Asia and it presents a marvellous opportunity to showcase peatlands, science, industry and this region to the world. It will provide a platform to bring together East and West and North and South to convey a unique mixture of cultures and a vast experience of research on peatlands and peat. The theme of the congress is ‘Peatlands in Harmony– Agriculture, Industry & Nature'. Presentations will relate to an integrated global perspective for the responsible use of peatlands and the preservation of their unique dynamics and natural biodiversity. The Congress aims to allow the exchange of ideas, data and experiences between scientists and entrepreneurs on the topic of peat and peatlands. There will be three key congress symposiums. In addition, we will have a special session on soft soil engineering. CONGRESS PROGRAMME Tentative Programme 14th to 19th August, 2016 Sunday Aug 14 th IPS Scientific Advisory Board Executive Board Briefing for Session Chairs Ice Breaking Party Tuesday th th Aug 15 Posters and Commercial Exhibition Set-Up Registration Opens Monday Aug 16 Wednesday Aug 17 th Thursday Aug 18 th Registration E X C U R S I O N S Friday Aug 19th Opening Ceremony & Exhibition Scientific Sessions Scientific Sessions Annual Assembly, General Assembly & Closing Congress Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Scientific Sessions Scientific Sessions Scientific Sessions Annual Assembly, General Assembly & Closing Congress Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Scientific Sessions Scientific Sessions Scientific Sessions Coffee Coffee Coffee Scientific Sessions Scientific Sessions Scientific Sessions Poster Session Poster Session IPS National Committee Round Table IPS Business and Technical Meetings Gala Dinner Executive Board (BBQ) 1 CONGRESS SYMPOSIUM 1. BIODIVERSITY, CONSERVATION AND RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT OF PEATLANDS (a) Peatland biology and biogeochemistry (b) Restoration and conservation – techniques and regulatory considerations (c) Agricultural use of peatlands (d) Peatland conservation and management 3. PEATLANDS AND ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT, ASIAFLUX (a) Peatland, climate and carbon balance (b) Cultural and socio-economic aspects (c) Peatland forestry (d) Education, social awareness for peat and peatland 4. SPECIAL SESSION: SOFT SOIL ENGINEERING 2. PEATLAND BIOLOGY, TECHNOLOGY AND AGROBIOTECHNOLOGY (a) Balneological, medicinal and therapeutic use of peat (b) Biotechnology of peat (c) Utilisation and management of peat for economic purposes (d) Responsible peat production We welcome suggestions on session topics, keynote addresses as well as recommendation on keynote speakers for the various sessions. Please communicate your ideas and suggestions to the conference secretariat at SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEMBERS Peter Morin Nissom - Chair IPS Commissions and Scientific Advisory Board 1. Lars Lundin - Commission I Stratigraphy, inventory and conservation of peatlands 7. Sakari Sarkkola - Commission VII Ecology and management of forested peatlands 2. Gerald Schmilewski - Commission II Utilisation of peat and peatlands for horticulture, energy and other economic purposes 8. Michiel Gerding - Commission VIII Cultural Aspects of Peat and Peatland 3. Barbara Kalisz - Commission III Agricultural use of peatlands and peat 4. Jurgen Schoenherr - Commission IV Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of peat 5. Catherine Farrell - Commission V Restoration, rehabilitation and after-use of peatlands 6. Leena Larva - Commission VI Peat balneology, medicine and therapeutics 9. Jack Rieley - Commission IX Tropical Peatlands 10. David Wilson - Commission X Peatlands and Climate Change 11. Roxanne Andersen - Commission V, Vice Chair Restoration, rehabilitation and after-use of peatlands 12. Sylvain Jutras - Commission VII, Vice-Chair Ecology and management of forested peatlands 13. Maris Klavins - Commission IV, Vice Chair Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of peat 2 IMPORTANT DATES 2015 1 August Second Announcement 1 September Registration Open 30 November Abstract submission deadline 2016 31 January Notification of Paper Acceptance 28 February Deadline for paper submission 30 March Early bird Registration deadline 30 May End of registration at reduced cost Third announcement with Preliminary Programme 1 July Final Programme 15 - 19 August 15th International Peat Congress CONGRESS INFORMATION Congress General : Email : Dr. Lulie Melling 3
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