Geological Survey ofFinland Bulletin 370 Holocene development and peat growth of the raised bog Pesänsuo in southwestern Finland by Liisa Ikonen Geologian tutkimuskeskus Espoo 1993 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 HOLOCENE DEVELOPMENT AND PE AT GROWTH OF THE RAISED BOG PESÄNSUO IN SOUTHWESTERN FINLAND by LIrSA IKONEN with 18 figures, 2 tables and 2 appendices by Tuovi Kankainen: Appendix I . Radiocarbon analyses of Pesänsuo, a raised bog in southwestern Finland Carl-Göran Sten: Appendix 2. Macrofossils of the raised bog Pesänsuo in southwestern Finland GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS ESPOO 1993 Ikonen, Liisa 1993. Holocene development and pe at growth of the raised bog Pesänsuo in southwestern Finland. Geological Survey 01 Finland, Bulletin 370, 58 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables and 2 appendices. The natural history of the Pesänsuo raised bog (60°46.2' N, 22° 56.7' E, 87 m a.s.l.) was studied using both biotic and abiotic palaeoecological methods including 211 radiocarbon dates. Peat formation commenced on a centrally domed clay bottom with primary mire formation at about 8300 14C-years BP (ca . 9200 cal BP), with a contribution made by subsequent forest fires. Pesänsuo developed initially as a swampy sedge fen with meso-eutrophie and meso-oligotrophic species and was replaced by true ta ll-sedge fen with more oligotrophic vegetation at about 8000 years BP (ca. 8900 cal BP). The edaphic impoverishment continued with increasing peat depth and a Sphagnumluscum bog phase was attained at 6400 yr BP (7300 cal BP) in the bog cen ter and 5600 yr BP (6400 cal BP) at the margin. Peat growth in the Carex peat section and at the end ofthe minerotrophic stage was approximatelyequal both in the bog centerand at the margin. In the Sphagnulll pe at section, a phase of divergent growth is evident. In the bog center between 7700 - 6050 years cal BP (6900 - 5300 BP) the average rate of peat increment is I mm yr . " slowing down to 0.50 111m yr ., during the interval 6050 - 5000 years cal BP (5300 - 4400 BP). Since 5000 years cal BP three phases (5000 - 4900, 4200 - 3800 and 2500 - 2400 years cal BP) with high rates (3.22, 1.12 - 2.08 and 2.27 - 2.50 mm yr ") and intervening low rates (average 0.50 mm yr ' ') are recognised. During the last two thousand years pe at growth has been slow (average 0.22 mm yr ' '). At the margin the rate of peat increment varies from 0.22 mm yr " to 0.95 mm yr " . The cumulative mass versus age curve for the bog center shows a slightly convex trend , while the depth versus mass trend is linear, both of which contradict the concave plot predicted for age against depth by Clymo's model of peat growth. The alternation of thin highly humified streaks and slightly humified peat in the peat strata resembles short-cycle Sphagnumluscul11 regeneration. The thicker highly hllmified layers correlate with slow pe at growth and the dry phase in the hydrology ofthe bog. The stratigraphical and hydrological changes observed were influenced more by the natural sllccession and local phenomena, such as fires than by climatic factors. Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus , AGl): bogs, raised bogs, peat, growth, stratigraphy, humification, paleohydrology , absolute age, Holocene, Pesänsuo, Mellilä, Finland Liisa Ikonen , Geological Survey ISBN 951-690-509-9 lSSN 0367-522X 01 Finland, SF-02150 Espoo, Fin./and CONTENTS Introduction ...... ......... ................. ........................ ............. ............. .... ... ......... ...................... 5 Ear li er studies .. .................................... .... ... .............. ............... ....... ... ... ............................. 6 Review of humification changes ................ .. ................. .. ..... ........ .. .......................... 6 Review of pe at g rowth .. ... ................ .. .... ... .. .......................... ... ... .. ..... ....... ... .. ... .. ... ..... 8 Study area ............................................ .... .. ... .... ....... ... ... ........................................ ... .. ........ 9 Geology .......... .................. ... .......... .......................... ...... ... ............................. ................. 11 Vegetation ....... ...... ............. .............. ...... .. ... ....... ....... .. .... ... .................. ........................... .. 15 Met hods ........ ........ .... .... ....................... .... .. ... .................. .................. ........ ... .. .. ............... 16 Field studies ......... ...... ......... .... .. ........... ........... .. ............... ................... ............ .. ...... ... 16 Laboratory procedures .............. ....... .. ...... .... .... ... ...... .. .... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... .. .. 17 Pollen diagrams and their zonation .................. ... ......................... .... ............. .. ....... 20 Results and interpretation ........................ .. .......... .. .. .... .. ...................... .... ...................... 24 Dating and interpretation of pollen stratigraphy .......................... .. ....... .............. 24 Diatom stratigraphy ... ...... .............. ... .............. ................ ........ .... ..... .... ...... ....... ...... .. 26 Peat stratigraphy ... .. .. .............. .. .. .... ... ........................ ................................................ 27 Changes in humification ..... ............................... .. ..................... .... ... .......... ...... ........ 30 Origin of black streak s ........... .. .......... ... ......... ....................... ..... ..... ................... 31 Mire type succession in the light of the macrofossil record ...... ... .... ................ 32 Rhizopod stratigraphy ............................ ... .. ...... .............. .. .. ..................................... 32 Hollow site .... ................................................... .. .... .. ...... ..... ... .. ...... ..... .. .. .............. 35 Dry/moist stages .. ....... ..... .. .. .... ...... .. ..... ........ ....... ..... ............... .............. .. ...... 35 Amphifrema and humific ation ..................... .......................... ... .. ...... .......... . 36 Fluctuation in Amphitrema and in the spruce curve ...... ....... .. ... ... .. ... ..... 36 Amphitrema and peat growth ........... ... ... ................. .... .. ..... ... ... .............. ...... 36 Hummock site ...... ............ ................. .............. .. .. ... ......... .. ... ..................... ............ 37 Peat growth .... ... .. .... ... ........................... .......... ........ ...... ....... .... .................. .............. .. . 38 Rate of peat increment .... ...... ..... ... ......................... .... .. ..... .................... ............ .. 38 Rate of apparent peat accumulation ......... ................... .... ............... ...... ... ... .. ... .41 Cumulative mass versus age ............. .. ...... .............. ... .. ... ............... ... ... .............. 42 Discussion ........... ... ............ ............ .. ......... ... .... .. ..... ...... ... ..... ............. ... ... ...... ................... 44 Palaeohydrology .... .. ... ..... ...... ........... ............ ............ .. .. .... ........ ..... .. ........................ .. 44 Changes at the center of the bog ... .. ......................................... ....... ......... .. .. .... 45 Formation of hummock/hollow patterns ............ ........... .. ...... .. .......... ......... .. .. .48 Younger changes in peat humifi cat ion ......... ... .... ....... ...................... ....... ....... .49 Changes at the bog margin ........... ................... .... .............. ................................ 50 Comparison of the bog center and the margin ......... ... ... ........ ... ...... ...... .. .. ..... 50 Conclusions ............. ...... ........................ ........ .... .. .. ..... ..... ... ..... .. ..... ..................... ............. 51 Acknowledgements ..................... .. .. .... ...... .. ... .......................... ... .......... .... .......... .... ...... .. 53 References .. .. ................. .... ............... .... ..................... ... .. ... .......... ....... .......... .. .......... ........ 53 Appendices : Appendix 1. Radiocarbon analyses of Pe sä nsuo , a rai sed bog in southwestern Finland by Tuovi Kankainen Appendix 2. Macrofo ss ils of the raised bo g Pesän suo in so uthwestern Finland by Carl-Göran Sten Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 5 INTRODUCTION A considerable proportion of the carbon in the terrestrial ecosystems of the Earth is fixed in peat, i.e. partially decayed remains of the plants on waterlogged soils. The role of peatlands in the global cycling of garbon dioxide and other atmospheric gases has recently become more significant in relation to the problem of the greenhouse effect. While peatlands sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by photosyntesis, they also emit large quantities both CO 2 and the other important greenhouse gas, methane. Undisturbed mires are considered to have a positive carbon balance . Human ac ti vities, artificial drainage and com bustion of pe at for fuel have affected this balance substantially by accelerating the oxidation of stored carbon and its release to the atmosphere as CO 2• It has been estimated that the predicted climatic warming could also affect greatly the effecti veness of peatlands as carbon sinks, especially in northern latitudes . Consequently, an understanding of the rate of carbon aeeumulation has become increasingly important in estimating of the amount of these reserves. Data on the peat accumulation rate especially on the true rate of peat accumulation - in the tropic peatlands are virtually nonexistent, and are also very scarse for the northern peatlands as weIl (Sjörs 1981 , Armentano & Menges 1986, Gorharn 1991 , Tolonen et al. 1992a). The aim of the present investigation is to reduce this gap in our knowledge by a de- tailed study of pe at accumulation in a small domed raised bog in southwestern Finland. The study on the Pesänsuo raised bog started with the mapping of the Quaternary deposits in the Loimaa map sheet area and with the national inventory of pe at resourees (Kukkonen 1978 , Sten & Svanbäck 1984, Tuittila et a1. 1988). The first profile was taken from an open peat face at the marginal slope of the bog. From this profile a preliminary pollen diagram and a few radiocarbon analyses were made . The radiocarbon analyses represent only those levels where ehanges in humification were observed in an open peat face. Two additional profiles were subsequently eored from the center of the bog in order to obtain a more detailed pollen diagram and for providing a continuous series of radiocarbon analyses. The objecti ves of this study are: (l) to delineate the changes in the natural hi story of the mire on the basis of stratigraphic data ; (2) to study the initiation of peat deposition; (3) to analyze the hydroseral development of the mire and the vegetation history of both the mire and surrounding uplands by means of pollen and rhizopod stratigraphy, and (4) to examine and to interpret peat humification and peat growth. The timing of these stratigraphical changes has been analyzed for two peat profiles in the bog center, based on a continuous series of radiocarbon analyses and also for one profile at the marginal slope using a few separate analyses. 6 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 EARLIER STUDIES Review of humification changes The interpretation of the stratigraphie changes observed in peat strata have been under continuous re-evaluation in a number of studies, especially regarding the problems of regeneration complexes and recurrence surfaces. In the classical concept of the "Grenzhorizont", the stratigraphic al shift from highly humified to slightly humified peat, the climatic change from tbe Subboreal to tbe Subatlantic was regarded as a primary factor (Weber 1911). The idea of climatic control in tbe cbanges of humification was modified by Granlund (1932) wbo, in his study of south Swedish bogs , assumed that the ultimate form of mires could be related to annual rainfall. The peat layers representing retarded growth and hi g h humification were thought to be due to an equilibrium between effective rainfall, runoff and th e heigbt of the bog cupo la. A recurrence surface represe nted rejuvenation of growth in a bog previ ously stagnating "at limiting hei ght" and the rejuvenation was initiated by the transition to a wetter climate. Granlund distinguished f ive s ucc ess iv e recurrence s urfaces and argued that they formed sync hronou sly in all tbe bogs studied and that the recurrence surface RY IU was equi vale nt to the c lassica l Grenzhorizont. Weber ' s and Granlund's hypothes is was widely accepted, though divergent interpretations were presented soon afterwards (e .g. von Post 1926, Conway 1948 , Kulczynski 1949, Godwin 1954, Olausson 1957). According to Conway ' s theory of "threshold c limates", the effect of the macroclimate on peat formation varies witb the size and hydrology of the indi vidua l mire, and hence the supposed climaticalIy dependent humification of the peat wi ll vary much in time between different mires. In hi s stud y of the Poles'ye bogs in Belarus and Ukra in e , Kulczynski ( 1949) , while firm ly supporting the o ld theory of bog regeneration, proposed a new concept for exp lain in g the for- mation of recurrence surfaces and rejuvenated peat growth. He interpreted tbe different types of peat sequences as resultin g not from climatic change but from regional rises in tbe water table caused by otber processes. Granlund' s opinion that bog heigbt was a causative factor in the formation of recurrence s urfaces was strongly opposed by Godwin (1954), according to whom all drai nage losses are of minor importance compared with the direct effects of precipitation and evaporation. Granlund's hypothesis of climatically controlled changes in humification was also criticized by Olausson (1957), who claimed that there is no indisputable connection betwee n the maximum hei ght of a rai sed bog, preci pitation and changes in humification . The changes in humification do not necessarily always indicate c han ges in precipitation and are not syncbronous. Subsequently, the examination of the exposed peat faces resulted in a variety of new interpretations (Walker & Walker 196 1). The stratigraphic studies o n Iri sh bogs showed no conv incin g cyc lic regeneration in which pool formation and hummock degeneration would have been discrete stages. The hummock s and the great majori ty of pools develop predominantly on mature surfaces. The principal system by which the bogs have regenerated involves periodic rejuvenation of the bog surface under conditions of increased wetness , followed by a progression towards mature vegetation under constant or drying conditio ns. The rejuvenation phases therefore represent a phenomenon simi lar to the estab lishment of recurrence surfaces, a lth o ug h "their stratigraphic evidence is not so di stinct" (Wa lker & Walker 1961 ). Even though the existence of a true regeneration complex was not demonstrated , " a shortcycle" regeneration complex in peat stratigra- Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 phy was , however, found, particulary as the bog surface approached the mature phase. This feature implies fluctuations in the relative im portance of Sphagnum, Calluna and Eriophorum vaginatum in a given place, and " whilst it is undeniably possible that this is a self-regulating system under constant water conditions, it seems more likely that the life-cycle of the dominant plants are of greater importance" (Walker & Walker 1961 p.184) . In the course of time the number of studies concerning recurrence surfaces increased greatIy; the studies generally confirmed the results of Walker and Walker (1961) and revealed that the number of recurrence surfaces was much more numerous than previously presumed. The concept that the age of recurrence surfaces was not synchronous, even in a single bog , was also considered (e.g. J. Lundqvist 1957; G. Lundq vis t 1962; Ni Isson 1964; Schneekloth 1963, 1965; Casparie 1969, 1972; Overbeck et al. 1957; Overbeck 1975; Aaby 1976 ; Aartolahti 1965; Tolonen 1971 , 1980, 1987 ; Tolonen et al. 1985). In Finland the earliest documentations of peat stratigraphical variations were made during the 1920 's - 1940 's (Auer 1924; Aario 1932, 1933, 1943 and Sauramo 1939). The first study in which a comparison with the recurrence surfaces found in Sweden was attempted was carried out by Brandt (1948) on the mires of Southern Ostrobothnia. According to Brandt, abrupt climate deterioration (e.g. strengthening of continentality) led to the formation of recurrence surfaces. Deteriorations of short duration affected the formation of regress ive mire types. In contrast, the amelioration of climate, wh ich was more prolonged, resulted in increasing dryness and progressive development in the mire. The peat layers then formed were much thicker than those formed during the colder ph ase. Altogether Brandt distinguished eight recurrence surfaces, seven of which were dated by using land uplift chronology. The climatic control on peat stratigraphieal changes was already questioned by Aario 7 (1932). Similar doubts were later expressed by Aartolahti (1965) , who in his study of the raised bogs from western Finland found a peat stratigraphy wi th alternati ng highly humified thin streaks and lightly humified peat layers in numerous raised bogs. The contribution of climate to the formation of recurrence surfaces and the question of hummock/hollow regeneration were discussed in further studies by Tolonen 1971, 1980, 1987 and Tolonen et al. 1985. In the study of the Isosuo raised bog at Klaukkala , in southern Finland, a thorough palaeobotanieal analysis of the plant eommunities on the formation of recurrence surfaees was carried out and theil' origin discussed (Tolonen 1971). Amongst the data compiled for the regeneration of northern European bogs Tolonen (1980) found only limited evidenee for a cyelic succession of hummocks and hollows, but instead he found frequent shart-term ehanges in the growth rate of hummocks and to lesser extent, in that of hollows. The same streak pattern observed in northern European bogs was also found in raised bogs in eastern North America (Tolonen et al. 1985) , the streaks reeording intervals varying from several decades to about one hundred years. According to the writers no climatic cycle of sueh frequency nor repeated peatland fires could aceount for these stratigraphie features . The climatic contral on peal stratigraphy was still strongly advocated by Barber (1981), whose "phasic theory " aetually invokes more wide-ranging climatic control, extending to even small-scaJe features in bog stratigraphy. The theory implies that the growth of a raised bog is controlled above all by climate. Threshold factors may alter the change in peat stratigraphy from region to region and, to a lesse r extent from bog to bog, but "the factors of hydralogy and drainage , life-cycle of plants , pool size etc. are all subordinate to the elimate" (Barber 1981 p . 206). The non-c1imatic faetors influencing the peat stratigraphy have been demonstrated in some of 8 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 the most recent studies. For example Foster and Glaser (1986) stressed the i mportance of local factors, which may produce features in the vegetation very similar to those due to c1imatic variations and thereby complicate the strati- graphie interpretation. These intrinsic factors include fire (cf. Pakarinen 1974 and Damman 1977) and changes in the water table resulting from mire development and pool formation. Review of peat growth Only a few data compilations exist concerning the height growth in deeper peat deposits for longer periods. The mean rates of vertical peat increment in them are based either on 14C_ dates or correlations of pollen zones to other dated profiles (e.g. Walker 1970, Tolonen 1973 and 1979, Aaby & Tauber 1975, Overbeck 1975, Zurek 1976). These estimates are generally gi yen as average growth rates over periods of several hundred years and therefore do not reveal any possible short-term f1uctuations. In only a few cases have peat sections been dated using shorter intervals, the most detailed ex ample of a 14C_age against depth profile being that for Draved Mose, where 55 14C ages have been obtai ned (Aaby & Tauber 1975). Walker's (1970) data compiled for rates of accumulation in a number of different types of organic sediments in the British Isles did not reveal any significant differences between sediment types and between various Holocene substages; a modal rate of 21 - 60 cm per 1000 year was reported. Tolonen's (1973) results from some Finnish peatlands showed more fluctuation in the rates of pe at increment: an average rate of 0.5 mm yr-I between 8000 - 6000 years BP, a slow rate, with a minimum less than 0.2 mm yc l between 6000 - 2000 years BP and a subsequent increase in the rate of peat increment, to an average of about I mm per year, in the period since 2000 years BP. According to Tolonen, the lower degree of compaction in surface peat may have been contributed to the increasing rates in the latter period. According to Aaby and Tauber (1975) the calculated figures for the average peat increment in a number of north European ombrotrophic mires were generally 10w between about 8000 - 3500 years BP, after which they rose steadily , reaching a maximum in the period after 2500 years BP. They also stated that the general tendency towards lower rates of peat increment for older peat layers may partly be explained by autocompaction, although within individual periods the calculated variations in the rates are nevertheless considerable. According to these authors , these variations can hardly be due to statistical errors alone, but presumably reflect real variations in the rates of peat increment. The variations show no clear geographical trend , so that varying rates in individual bogs within the same time interval may rather reflect local climatic, ecological and biological conditions. Zurek' s (1976) results for Eurasian peatlands showed the same tendency of growth as those of Tolonen (1973) and Aaby and Tauber (1975). A reduction in the rates of peat increment was observed simultaneously in different profiles and different peatlands between about 6500 - 5000 years BP and 4000 - 2500 years BP. On the other hand the humid and cool c1imate in the period since 2500 years BP contributed to increasing rates in the mires studied. Furthermore, alternating stagnation and rejuvenation stages were observed in raised bogs for the period since 5000 years BP. Geological Survey of Finland, Bullet in 370 9 STU DY AR EA The Pesänsuo raised bog is situated in the Mellilä district In southwestern Finland (60°46.2' N, 22°56.7' E), one kilometre south of the Mellilä railway station (Fig. I). The bog is nearly circular in shape (Fig. 2). The original area of the bog is estimated to have been more than 20 hectares , of which today about 18 hectares remain. The elevation of the bog is 87 m above sea level and that of surrounding terrain about 80 m a.s.l. The bog is borde red by open farmlands and the stream Niinijoki, which is a tributary of the Loimijoki river, runs north , north-east of the bog. According to the regional distribution of mire complex types in Finland the Pesänsuo bog lies in the zone of the concentric raised B PESÄNSUO, Mellilä Fig. I. A. Generallocation of the study area in southwestem Finland ; the Pesänsuo raised bog is marked by a 1arge dot · . Zones ofmire complex types: I. Plateau bogs, 2. Concentric bogs, 3. Eccentric and Sphagnum fuscum bogs, 4. Southem aapa mires (according to Ruuhijärvi 1982). B. Location of Pesänsuo bog showing the main transect A and the crosstransect A 300 with coring sites at intervals of 100m (black dots), drainage ditches (lines with arrows), peat cuning areas in 1970 (cross-hatched area), bog expanse (marked with dotted line) and the hollows on it. Coring sites A 300-a and b are situated at the intersection ofthe main and cross-transects. Sketched from air photo no 701 !7B/l5 by C-G. Steno 10 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 Fig. 2. Air photo (no 70 117BII 5) of Pesänsuo in Mellilä (1970). Publi shed with the permission of National Board of Survey. bogs (Ruuhijärvi 1982). The bog ex pan se in a longitudinal direction is an almost planar surface sloping gently to the southeast, with a gradient of 80 cm over a di stance of 300 meters (Fig. 3). This contrasts with the southwestnortheast direction , in which the gross form is rather convex (Fig. 4) . The marginal slope is exceptionally steep, with the gradient of the northeastern sIope of the cross-transect being 4.3 m/IOO m and that of the southwestern slope 5.9 m/100 m. The gradient of the southeastern slope along the main transect is 5.6 m/100 m and that of northwestern slope 7.8 mlI 00 m. The central part, namely the Sphagnum fuscum bog with hollows, comprises about 45 % of the whole bog area, of wh ich the proportion of kermi area is about 85 % and that of hollow area about 14 %; pools are totally lacking (Figs. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 I - 2). Kermi-formations are broad and both their heights and those of individual hummocks generally range from 20 cm to 30 cm, aithough they occasionally reach 40 cm. The hollows on the contrary are areally restricted and vary in length from 4 m to 19 m (mean 10.3 m), with widths ranging from 2.7 m to 6.5 m (mean 4.5 m). The hummocks and hollows show no clear alignment. However, in peripheral parts so me kermis show concentric arrangement (Fig. 2). The vegetation of the marginal slope is that of a true dwarf shrub pine bog . The lagg surrounding the bog has been c1eared for cuItivation. A thin-peated herb-rich forest, which is no longer in a natural state occupies a narrow strip around the bog. The mean annual temperature in the area is + 4.5 °C, the yearly precipititation 600 mm, the length of the growing season 170 days ( >5 °C), effective temperature sum during the growing II season 1200 degrees [ L(T m - 5°C)] and duration of snow cover about 125 days (Atlas of Finland, Climate 1987). In terms of forest vegetation, the area belon gs to southern boreal vegetation zone (Ahti et al. 1968). The original forest landscape has been substantially modified and the c1ay district is nowadays characterized by wide, open farmlands. The most common mire site types in the natural state in the Mellilä district are hummock-Ievel bogs/pine mires (52 % ), of which Sphagnum fuscum bogs consist 17 %, dwarf shrub pi ne bogs 15 % and Sphagnum fuscum bogs with hollows 8 % . The proportion of flark or intermediate-level bogs is 25 % , of which the most common are short sedge intermediate-Ievel bogs 10 % and f1ark-level bogs 7 %. The most common types of spruce mires (5 % ) are poor birch fens 3 % (Sten and Svanbäck 1984). GEOLOGY The Pre-Quaternary bedrock of the Mellilä area consists of strongly metamorphosed and granitic rock types . The outcrops in the immediate vicinity are mainly Proterozoic Svecofennian granitoids: quartz diorites and granodiorites (Salli 1953, Huhma 1957). Clay deposited at the bottom of the BaItic Sea covers the Mellilä area to a depth of about 14 m. Sand and gravel deposits are present within the SE-NW trending Koski-Mellilä esker. Till is only exposed in small areas in the vicinity of the bog (Kukkonen 1978). The Loimaa area was deglaciated at about 9800 years BP aga (Glückert 1976 p. 8 sensu Sauramo 1923). The oldest and topographically highest shore line in southwestern Finland belongs to the Yoldia phase of the Baltic Sea. In the study area the oldest Yoldia shore lies at about 124 m above sea level at Hevonlinnankukkula (Auro1a 1938). During the Yoldia phase the study area and also the whole LoimaaMellilä area were submerged. At about the same time as the Ancylus lake became isolated from the Baltic basin waters the highest lying till deposits eastward and south-eastward from the study area emerged. During the early Ancylus Lake phase the Koski-Mellilä esker and later the lower Iying clayarea (ca. 80 m a.s.l.) also emerged. The highest Ancylus Lake shoreline is situated at 97 - 98 m a.s.1. (Aurola 1938, G1ückert 1976). Pesänsuo was isolated from the Ancylus Lake about 8300 4 1 C years aga on the basis of the date 8290±60 yr BP (Su-285) obtained from the peat at the isolation level. The gyttja-clay layer just above the Ancylus c1ay gives too old an age , wh ich is evident from the conflicting dates for the total (8480±80 yr BP, Su-250) and humin (8780±80 yr BP, Su-287) fraction. The contamination of older allochtonous material in the gyttja-clay NW SE m 051. 88 most 88 87 87 86 86 N Cl "Ö0 OC> 85 85 81. 81. UJ 83 '< ö' ~ < \ \ 83 c: \ \ \ \ 82 " 9" \ \ 82 ::!1 .... ,. 81 " ?- ,, , 81 " ~ O:l BÖ S [ :;. most 88 mosL 88 Humificot ion '~'~ " ~~ .. .::;;;;;;; ~ 87 86 ... :. 81. ~ ~ 83 == 87 86 :: :: . .... . . . . . . . . ...... . ~ 85 ' 4& ~:z .. . .;:::".::;:;:.=~:: 85 ~-".,...:;..:;: =-~ 81. 83 :~ , ~( ~,~~ .~ ----i ...•. •.•........ o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 1.00 1.50 500 81 80 600m 550 C-G 82 St~n 1979 '" -.J 0 1' 1~~1 2 ' II~JI loB . <? <? 3.[1] ,·rn 5·1"'-' ~I 6·D 7·U 8· " "<" 9·0 /~ 15~+ :::' \::'::::::::' ::::':.1 1 ... . . + + + 16 . 1 ::'::' 110 1. 2 0 1 :E: 1 3 U M ..,'.... :.,'. : :-:-: : : .......... H 5-6 ;;:;:;;;:;;;;;;; H7-10 :;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;: 17· H 1- 3 L :::.d H, [ITJ B»» .......... ::::::::: :::: ::: BI:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: Hl 5 10 [9 Fig . 3. Cross·section of the main transect A. The upper profile show s the distribution of peat types . Das hed line marks the hypothetica l limit of peat cutti ng area. V indicates the pos ition of the bog surface at about 5700 yr BP in the center and at the marginal s lope of the bog. The lower profile shows humification of peat deposits. Symbo ls used in cross-sections and in the stratum co lumn of the diagrams, Figures 6 . 16 and 18: I. Sphagnum peal 2. Carex-Sphagnum peat 3. Carex peat 4. Sphagnum-Carex peal 5. Bryales peat 6. Eriophorum 7. Scheuchzeria 8. Dwarf shrub 9. Li gnid 10. Birch wood I I. Equiselum 12. Phragmiles 13. Men yanthes 14. Clay 15 . Gynja c lay 16. Sand 17. Degrec of humificati an accarding to v. Past's ( 1922) J 0 grade sca le. Profile s canstructed by C-G. Sten 1979. (1) ~ \0 -.J 0-, '-' ~ 2. t""':;' ;r; p;v p;(1)I>:>I>:>I>:>'-~'-< o o.... - • :l '-< r:- :l '" :l (1) :l (D ~ • . - ~ "'"' :l :l ,.....::r~(1) o I>:> ...., ö' _. ; . ,,; 0 ..., ....,...., ...-.- .- (J) 5. \O::r::' 0-,(1)(JQ "",CT::r (') I>:> (1) ...., '" :l • _. (1) I>:> :l ..., ....... ...., ()Q '" ..., o » ~ 0 '-< 3 §" :l :l '""+) '" 0 (J) ~ = .., _. g. (') CI> C I>:> :l 0.. :l p;- CI> ::r S. ~ :l (1) I>:> '-< (1) (1) 0.. ..., CI> :;. ;0 ~(1)(JQ3CT ~t:O ...... (1)~ _~::r;=.~ \0 C . (l) cn ("D W (') '0 (1) ooCTOri:l I>:> I>:> (') '0 0.. ::= (J) (1) .., (1) 0.. _ . '" (1) (1) :l '" '" '0 ~ oC: ~ () (0 r:- Cf} ..., I 0 ...-t) g ;;; CI) 0 I I>:> ::I , ~ 3 (1) '0 I>:> »~ .... 1>:>'0'-< ::r '-< '0 (1) (1) (1) 0.. ..., :l C '-< "'-'- 0.. (1) o 'Tl _ . ö: cr''"Q' x Ci _. I>:> C/)O\':-'Cir g ~ (1) Ci 0.. CI> \0 :;r. ,-, (1) 3 » r:-e; :l (') CI> '< e! - ::r ,. . ,. (1) C CI> (1) x (1) ~. < (1) o "o o OQ ('j' e:. C/J :; < " '< o...., "r1 :;' ;;;" POl c: [ :;' W -.J o I>:> (JQ (1) ...-.CI> (1) (1) w SW NE mo.s.1. mo.S.!. 87 1 87 ~86 86 le I I ) f-85 \ J,~ \) { \ 83 81 0(1) 0 /\ 85 8t. -I> Ö ()Q (i' I !:O- 8 t t. :; 83 '< CIl < (1) ~ ." 82 S' '" 81 " J"t:O S ; 80 " '"0-J mo.s.1. 87 86 ~ c::z:::-: 85 8t. 83 ~ 82 o , 50 , , A300 100 150 200 I , 250 , 300 , 350 -+80 t.50m C-G Stlln 1979 Fig. 4. Section through cross-transect A 300. The upper profile shows the distribution of peat types and [he lower one humification of peat types. Explanation of symbols in Figure 3. Geological Survey of Finl and , Bulletin 370 15 VEGETATION The bog is densely wooded ex ce pt for a small area on the bog expanse (Fig . 5). The predominant tree species is Pinus sylvestris although some stands and saplings of Betula pendula and B. pubescens subsp. pubescens grow on the bog. At the outermost margin so me stands of Populus and Salix are present as well as birch (Table I ) . The range in the height of pine stands Fig. 5. View from the bog expanse. Eriophorum vagina/um hollow in front and dwarf shrub covered peat ridge in background . Photo L. Ikonen 1992. in ] 975 was 3.5 - 13 m, while the predominant height was 5 - 6 m. The stands are quite young , since as late as the 1930' s the bog was sparsely wooded by low pines and the eastern part of the bog was almost treeless (Kivinen 1934). The field layer on the hummock levels contains abundant dwarf shrubs: including Ledum palustre, CaUuna vulgaris, Vaccinium uligino sum, Empetrum nigrum and Betula nana. Rubus chamaemorus is the most common of the herbs. At the bog margins Vaccinium vitis-idea , V. myrtillus, Melampyrum silvaticum and Trientalis europaea also occur. In the hollows Eriophorum vaginatum and Andromeda polifolia dominate (Table 2). Amongst mosses , Sphagnum capillifolium and Pleuro zium schreberi predominate on hummocks and Sphagnum balticum and S. tenellum in hollows. Other common moss species in clude Digranum undulatum, Sphagnum fuscum and S. angustifolium. Sphagnum rubellum, Hylocomium splendens and Polytrichum Slric tum are less common. The dominant lichens are Cladonia alpestris, Cl. rangiferina and Cl. silvatica col\. The other species found are Cladonia deformi s, Cl. grayi and Cl. sulphurina. On the whole, the species composition corres ponds to that listed by Eurola (1962) for ombrotrophic vegetation of bogs in southern Finland. In Eurola·s classification of mires (1962) Pesänsuo represent the Calluna -rich type of anormal raised bog. The trend towards dryness due to drainage and peat cutting is to be seen both in the great number of "forest mosses " particulary Pleurozium schreberi and partly in the quite den se Pinus cover on the bog. The marginal area of the Pesänsuo raised bog is nowadays (1992) surrounded by dense tree cover and on the bog ex pan se itself the height and density of pines has increased, along with a trend towards dryness (e .g. the expansion of lichen cover). This trend is a consequence of peat cutting, which has been continuous 16 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 Table I. Numbers of trees and saplings within a radius of 10m from the center of the sampIe quadrats. A 0 A SO 6 I 2 A 93 A 100 A ISO 13 J3 21 24 A 150+4 m A 200 A 250 A 304 A 350 4 9 7 9 32 29 4 7 8 Trees Pinus sylvestris Picea abies Populus tremula Sa/ix caprea Betula pubescens Betula pendula 11 Saplings Pinus sylvestris BelUla pubescens Betula pendula 16 2 throughout the whole period of field studies. Peat cutting on the northeastern part covers an area of about 2 hectares . METHODS Field studies The material for the study was collected during the years 1972 - 1975 and 1978 . The survey line network selected for cori ng consists of two transects (Fig. 1). The length of the main transect (A) is 520 m and that of the crosstransect (A 300) 400 m. The levelling of the bog was made at shorter intervals than usual in order to map the surface topography more accurately. The peat stratigraphy was studied using a Hiller sampIer and a small Russian pe at sampIer at intervals of 50 m in the center of the bog and of 20 m at the margin . Humification was estimated according to the 10 degree scale of von Post (1922). The basic fjeld work and the humification and peat stratigraphy determination s were carried out by C-G. Sten and his field assistants. Pollen- , macrofossil- and '4C-samples were taken by different methods from the points studied . At the marginal slope, at point A 0 excavation was commenced using an excavator and was completed by spade in order to ex pose a vertical open face. On that face six tin boxes (60xl0x5cm) were pressed from the surface to bottom. The boxes were then cut and wrapped in plastic. At point A 300-a sampIes were cored with a piston sampIer 8 cm in diameter and 60 cm long. The middlemost 40 cm of each core segment was used in investigation. At point A 300-b the sampIes were taken with aspade and a knife from an open pit 1,5 m deep . The sampling was undertaken by C-G. Steno SampIes for bulk den sity, ash , carbon , nitrogen and fiber content were cored at points A 300-a and 300-b with a large Russian peat sampier by K. Tolonen, C-G. Sten, E. Raikamo and Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 A 400 18 A 450 5 A 501+lm 21 A 300 -49 A 300 A 300 -100+0.5 rn-ISO 7 A 300 - 185 A 300 +50 6 10 5 A 300 +100 14 A 300 +150+lm 6 17 A 300 +200 Sum 7 160 I 2 2 2 I 14 12 21 16 26 30 2 4 2 4 38 32 5 18 2 7 7 300 5 61 I 11 3 L. Ikonen and analyzed using the methods outlined in Tolonen and Saarenmaa (1979) and Tolonen (1982) . The vegetation analysis was done by L. Ikonen and C-G. Sten from sampIe quadrats (I m 2) 29 2 at intervals of 50 m along the main and crosstransects staked out on the bog (n=21) . The calculation of tree numbers was done within a radius of 10m from the center of each sampie quadrat. Laboratory procedures Ash , carbon, nitrogen and fiber content and bulk density have been measured from core A 300-a. From peat monolith A 300-b only bulk density has been measured. All measurements were carried out by K. Tolonen . The ash content of peat was determined by drying the sampies at +60°C and igniting them at +550°C. Carbon contents were determined with a Urasdevice (Salonen 1979 , five replicates) and nitrogen by the Kjeldahl-method (two replicates). For calculations C/N the N- values have been corrected so as to correspond to organic material. The fiber content of the pe at was determined by the American wet-sieving method (Sneddon et al. 1971 ). Macrofossils have been studied by C-G. Sten from the core A 300-a and the peat monolith A o (see Appendix 2). The sampies for pollen analysis were taken from the same core and peat monoliths as those for radiocarbon dating in order to avo id the problems in correlation . The sediment profiles were taken along the main transect (A) at points A 0, A 300-a and A 300-b. Pollen sampIes of organic material were treated with KOH and those with mineral components with HF (Faegri and Iversen 1975). For each sampIe 500 arboreal pollen grains were counted in profi les A 300-a and A 300-b with a sampling interval of 5 cm and 100 - 200 pollen grains in profile A 0, with a sampling interval of 10 cm or occasionally also of 20 cm . The rhizopods were counted from the same preparation s from which the pollen analyses were performed. The diatoms were studied from the mineral 18 Geologieal Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 Table 2. Oeeurrenee of speeies in the sampIe quadrat s plaeed on the bog at intervals of 50 m along the main A 0 A 50 + + + A 93 A 100 A 150 + + + + + + + + + and eros , A 150+4 m A 200 A 250 A 304 A 350 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Dwarf shrubs and herbs Belula nana Ledum paluslre Calluna vulgaris Vaeeinium vilis -idaea uliginosum m y rlillus axyeoeeos microearpum Andromeda polifo lia Empetrum nigrum Eriophorum vaginatum Rubu s ehamaemorus Melampyrum silvatieum Rumex aeelosella Trientalis europaea + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Mosses Mylia anomala Dieranum undulatum Hylo eomium splendes Pleuro z ium sehreberi Polytriehum slrie/um Sphagnum anguslifolium S. ballieum S. fuseum S. eapillifolium S. tenellum + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Lichens Cladonia alpestris C. deformis C. grayi C. rangiferina C. silvatica coll. C. sulphurina + + + + soils in profile A 0 with a sampling interval of 10 cm. In diatom preparations the sampies were bleached in diluted HP2 for 24 hours and then subjected to repeated suspension and decantation. For each sampIe 100 - 200 diatom frustules were i ndentified . The diatom sampIes were analysed by Tuulikki GrÖnlund. Radiocarbon measurements were made at the radiocarbon laboratory of the Geological Sur- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + vey of Finland by the late Aulis Heikkinen during the years 1972 - 1976 and the calibration was made by T. Kankainen (see Appendix 1). The measurements are made from the total organic material, humic acid and humin fractions in A 0 and from two humin and one humic acid fraction in A 300-b. In A 300-a the measurements were made only from the humin frac tion. I Geological Survey of Finland , Bulletin 370 19 ;- t ransect s. A 400 + + + + + + A A A 300 450 501+1 m -49 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + A 300 A 300 - 100+0.5 rn-ISO + + + + + + + + + + + + + A 300 A 300 -185 +50 + + + + A 300 A 300 +100 +150+1 m + + + A 300 +200 + + + + + + + + + + + + Number of occurrences 8 18 15 10 15 3 7 2 10 15 13 7 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I 1 J 3 10 + + + + + + + + + 3 13 1 17 I + The ages used in this study are generally conventional radiocarbon ages (1 4C-ages yr BP) obtained from the dated levels or ages read from the curve of the moving averages of the five subsequent dates. Where calibrated dates have been used they are marked as cal BP. In calculating the rates of vertical peat increment and of apparent peat accumulation the ages used are the moving averages of the five + + + 4 2 + + 14 6 subsequent calibrated dates from the hbmi n fraction in A 300-a and 300-b. In A 300-b, where two analyses were made from the humin ffaction, the mean of these dates was used. In A 0, for which only a few analyses were made, the ages used in the calculation of veftical pe at increment are from the original, calibrated dates from the humin fraction. 20 Geol ogical Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 Pollen diagrams and their zonation The construction of pollen diagrams follows the recommendations of the IOCP Project 158 B Handbook (Berglund & Ralska-lasiewiczowa 1986) . Calculations are based on the total poIlen sum in terriphytic spermatophytes. Within the groups of Pterido- , Limno-, Telma-Amphi- and Bryophytes the percentages of particular taxa were calculated on the basis of the total pollen sum + the pollen sum of the species in que stion. The terriphytic spermatophytes, which occur only sporadically are indicated in the column of Varia. In the biostratigraphie zonation of Pesänsuo four local pollen-assemblage zones (Pes I-Pes 4) have been distinguished: four in profile A 0, three in A 300-a and one in A 300-b (Figs . 6 - 8). Description of the zones is based on the pollen diagram A 0 for the two lowest assem- PESÄNSUO. A 0 53 .6m O . S .I. w ., u ~ Q. '" z 5 i;~ .,z g!d I ~ o ~ ou. ~::l:x:~ 3100:120 3870!60 4370 !50 48OO!70 5H)()!70 5660! 80 6830: 90 250 74BO!80 8010!80 300 , ,, 8290!60 % 10 Sum: JO ~p 50 70 90 EZJ ~. [2] %. Fig. 6. Pollen diagram from Pesänsuo bog, point A O. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 zone is characterised by the dominance of pi ne pollen, birch value s being under 30 %. The presence of Ephedra di stachya and Potamogeton and the maximum abundances of Hippophae pollen are restricted to this zone. The continuous Corylus-curve starts in the upper part of the zone . The upper limit is defined by the distinct decline of pine pollen and the increase of birch and alder. Pes 3. Birch-pine-alder-zone (A 300-a, 160 607.5 cm, 3550 - 8200 yr BP). The lower limit blage zones and on A 300-a diagram for the two uppermost zones. Pes 1. Birch-zone (A 0, 375 - 410 cm). A birch maximum of up to 79 % of total pollen is the dominant feature of this zone, while pi ne pollen values are correspondingly below 20 %. The amount of NAP is rather small. The zone ends with an abrupt decline in Betula pollen abundances and a concomitant increase in the abundance of Pinus pollen. Pes 2. Pine-zone (A _O, 312 - 375 cm). The g '" '" '" ~ ...'"j '"~ 'i::> ~ :l'x '" ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ '" '"« « « ';l .?i i!i u « « ~ ü « « '" « Ei in :E ::> :0 ~ :; ~« I '" ~ ~ j ai ~ « ~ ~ '" ii 0 « '"~ :0 « :E iil :0 « j ii' j :E '"z ~ ~ '" r ffi ::> « 0 ~ u ii « ii' ';l ~ ~ ~ ~ W W ", Ei p- po. ~ p. p- p P=- (' ,,2~~106': p. u E> ~ ~~ ~1-/ P- "=-- 10 10 243 " 209 13 209 04 04 P- \ io= I.- ~ F=F rt h 1- !> !> P- p. ~ Fe p:.PP- P- Up. Pp~ iE ~ ~ :;> § '" '":E t5?i « 0 5 ;0 0 :z: ~ :l; .'" ~ ;1 ~ i!i ., p- 11 11 217 242 09 15 , ,,, ,03 07 24 21 209 P p 10 11 14 32 1> ,' 22 « j 3 PE S-4 50 ' 00 11 ~1!11!~~~~~-1~ ' 50 PES- 3 16 9 200 11 11 11 • 12 250 10 16 28'83 '4 ,2~:32 , ,9, ,,09 9 , >-" , 14 09 P N 9 13 09'0 7 6 1,216 11 8 ,10'06 " , ,,, r- P- p. p. Fe ~ p. = p. ~ :0 12 10 12 2 2 t7 V 05 207 ,, ,~~106 ~~ , P. ~ tf: ~ ?i r 117'03 12 20'20 e 10 p. p. lf D ~ p. z 0 ..~ 8 '" :i' ~ I"....i......L~ L........L....o l..o..JL.........Ir........J I....o..Jr........JL...-Ir........JL......JI....o..Jr........JL....o...Jr........J'--Jr........JL....o...J 11 14 " 36 300 11 11 08 5 4 PES -l 3 3 400 Sum:::EP . n Anal L Ikonen 1976 Fig. 6. cont. 21 J1 01 o -.) ..!.J -!, g: g 9 uo 0 0 0 0 0 J, d'I g: g Cf JI uo 0 ~,l ~ 0 0 g W 0 0 g Ul Cf Cf 0 W m 0 ~ ,l g:g gj Cf <:;' N uo 0 N 0 0 uo 0 :;':;--;.·3~j I) Sf.!.;Ji'11 I I~IT~TI \~,Il(1 luYI' I I 11'1 I,'I~,,:,'\':'I ,----~~ "'" ~. ",,} 0- :f! " 1 1IIIIfil!!!"" 3 Ö ~~ 3 o=<' g; 3 ri' ;g: '" § ~ g ~ ~o B » g 9", o ~ ~. CD d '!" "" " w ~ 8 § --;!)-..:- 0 0 ..: §g8 '" , 9 uo 14C_ AGE yr BP "' -0 OEPTH le rn) 3 l> ' o 0 ~~.~. ,. " .. " " " " ! " " ' ! ! ! " l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l 1 l l l l t l l l l l l l llllllllllll[llllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIII111111I111 lITHOlOGY HU MIFICATIQN.SCALE 1-10 POLLEN 5AMPLES TREES I SHRUBS I DWARF 5HRUBS I HERBS ~ BETUlA i!. D PINUS w ~ C> ALNUS PICEA ULMUS aUERCU5 TlliA FRAX INUS FAGU5 CARPINUS CORYlUS SALIX HIPPQPH AE ERICACEAE CALlUNA rn :-'I 0 (/1 z '" (/1 C o l> w o o o Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 w ~DL.JL.JL......JL......JL.JL..L.JL..J...JWL.Jl.JL.JL.JL..L..L.JL.JL.o...JL.JWL.JL.J ~~33'\99 ~~ 15 l...L...L...>..U~"""'-''-'~'~~~?;;;:::~~ 505~~~ l> I) 507 516 11 13 527 sog 13 h-----If-+H-t-t+-H-t-+H+H+H-t+H-1513S10 15 I~ 50 5 17 537 15 13 100 12 15 51'507 14 12 505 510 10 15 512 I.-.- 524 15 14 50750413 12 F-""" !"-- - -+,,-+f-t-+-++H-++H + H +t-+-++t-+-IS15518 I) 1I 516 508 1\ P ~ rMI-~--+~~~~~~"",,~--i--i 06'102 20 21 516 524 I( 12 14 508 524 15 13 513 17 514 14 I> 1\ IJ ~; 13 150 12 13 16 13 528 546 12 19 5225201214 518 515 521 539 533 523 57'531 563 54 15 13 12 19 15 544 532 1 J 1'-.. 15 15 17 200 16 15 16 ?---~--I-t+-+-~t-++-+-t-+t-I-tt-l-t{rt-l-tt-l52153 "12 1r---Irt--t-I-t{=~------l lf (> ~ t< / k ,> [( ) V ~ 514 515 ,4 ,5 515 f> 513 13 & 1 ~~~~~: ~~ ~~ 51° 5 16 12 508 52 12 13 535 532 IS 17 PES-3 548 566 16 12 523 58 547 55 tz. \" ~ ~~ P 522 555 542 17 14 I- 537 560 14 15 ~~ 511 l~ ~ -= .: if ~ ...-r:: 1\ IJ r; v K 5t.3 ~~ ~ r, ') brs> 500 668 12 '4 55 0 54's48 12 19 ;:~660 ~~ 16 ,')~ 696659 '3 ' 5 80,'57 15 15 ~~~~~r ' ~ ' ~ ._ _ _ ~~nF\~r-rlrrrf"T""r"'rrrr'rrF\rrrlrr 30 450 538 533 15 14 606 520 ' 4 13 1J----1-t-\)-+-+t-++-+f-b4'l-tt-l-tiF-t-I+t-IS94S20 16 8 t- ~~+t-~+H~~~~~~~~ 14 509~~~ , 2 :~ 53\08 11 10 561. 549 '3 11 50' 52 '2 '2 h. P 400 9 14 16 14 13 13 !"'-----17.,...-+Hf-t---1+ +-t---1+-j>-f+H+H-t+ r. 1"- H-1551S21'5,2 520 14 1L 10 350 5145101'14 515 505 14 " 518 58 15 16 1\ V 599 54 . 300 550 512 16 13 j ;- I/~ 250 517 524 '5'5 516 527 16 '6 I~ 600 .. " 10 Ana l L I konen '976 Fig. 7. cont. 23 24 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 PESÄNSUO. A 300 b. 87. 2m 0 . 5 . 1. .. w '"" u V> - z·_ 0. ~o ;;. "'", "" ~V> =>=> ~~ w 0. ] t;';i:! ....I ~~~ t::=>u ou_ "- w 0 ~I V> :E ~ ~ V>~V> w"''' w "'" ",;Ow .... a I t=l "1'1 % • i .. " I I ! 11 I!! " 1 " " " ' 1 " ' 1 1 , , . ,. ,1'1'1'111 '0 20 JO 1.0 50 60 70 80 90 100 Sum = ::EP V> w 10 20 30 LO 50 60 70 ElJ % I 'li " => ~ ..'" V> V> ~ 0: "::; ;:: '"~ " V> w Gi " => x ~ 5l ,I '~L...J.......i..L..J....JL.JL.JLJL.JL.JLJL.JL...J.......JL...&.......JL...&.......J~ i rrT""T""l~I'"Ir<r<r<rr,-,rrror--rlrrl~ ' 0 20 30 1.0 10 20 10 20 JO '0 10 10 10 '0 20 m·/" Fig. 8. Pollen diagram from Pesänsuo bog, point A 3OD-b. of the zone is placed at the level where Ainus exceeds 2 %. The zone is dominated by birch, pine and alder. Ainus attains its maximum of 34 % in the lower part of the zone and decreases slowly in th e upper part. The continuous UImus-curve starts with low values in the beginning and that of Tilia in the middle part of the zone. Quercus pollen occurs sporadically with low values in the lower part but is more common from the middle parts onwards. Fraxinus pollen has been found sporadically throughout the zone . The continuous Picea-curve starts in the upper part of the zone. Pes 4. Spruce-pine-zone (A 300-a, 0 - 160 cm, - 3550 yr BP) . The lower limit is defined by a clear rise in the Picea-curve when Piceavalues exeed 5 %. Quercus- and Tilia-curves are di scontinued at the beginning of the zone . The decrease in Corylus pollen coincides with the Picea maximum, while the Ulmu s-curve is di scontinued later at the Picea-decline. At the same level the Pinus-curve starts to rise. A small amount of Carpinus and Fagus pollen are found in the upper part of the zo ne. RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS Dating and interpretation of pollen stratigraphy The upper boundary of the birch -zo ne, Pes 1 coincides with the tran sition from the Yoldia Sea to the Ancylus Lake in the diatom stratigraphy. The pollen flora in that zone is mainly of long-distance origin and redeposited. The vegetational history in the area did not co mmence until during the Ancylus Lake phase , when the area finally emerged during the Ancylus regression, in pi ne-zone, Pe s 2 (Fig. 6) . The rise in the Alnus-c urve coincides with the beginning of pe at formation. The zone boundary of pine-/birch-pine-alder-zo ne (Pes 2/Pes 3) is dated at 8290±60 BP (Su-285) in profile A 0 (Fig . 6) and 8190±80 yr BP (Su- Geological Survey of Finland , Bulletin 370 '--' ::0 I~) IL---> 1\ If ~/ 7 ~ 7> ww ww ~ ~ P- , , ! !. 'LI l" '2 ~~t ~ 11 r-~ , 25 ~ 70 D :l 13 569 11. 5 35 13 5 19 10 5 18 12 5 ~3 ~Z 5 5 26 5, 5 20 5 17 5 32 5 29 s 21 17 15 k+---t==-:;;z::::::::::=-----h 11 Ho 15 13 I 13 L rri li i i i i I i i Ir 10 20 30 "0 SO 60 70 Anal l Ikonen 1976 Fi g. 8. cont. 319) in profile A 300-a (Fig. 7). Coryius-values exceed 2 % at the rational Ainus-limit and Uimus-values exceed the same percentage later, at about 8000 yr BP in both profiles. The beginning of the continuous Tiiia curve is dated at 6660 years BP and the one for the rational Tilia-limit 5760 years BP in profile A 300-a (Fig. 7). At the same time birch values and the amount of Quercus pollen , which earlier in the zone were found only sporadically , increase. In the A O-profile the occurrence of Tiiia and Quercus is much more fragmentary due to the sparse sampling levels and fewer pollen counted. The beginning of the continuous Picea-curve is dated at 451 0±80 yr BP (Su-402) in A 300a and 4370±50 yr BP (Su-271) in A O. The boundary between the birch-pine-a lder and spruce-pine zones (Pes 3/Pes 4) is dated at 3550±110 yr BP (Su-427) in A 300-a . The date is supported by earlier dates of Picea-i nvasion obtained from the bogs nearby in southwestern Finland: Linturahka in Mellilä 3400± 11 0 yr BP, Vähäsuo in Tammela 3780±115 yr BP (Aartolahti 1966) , Loimansuo in Huittinen 3400±130 yr BP (Vuorela 1975), Raholansuo in Aura 3220±240 yr BP (Glückert 1976) and Kontolanrahka in Pöytyä 3370±100 BP (Korho la 1992). Later changes in the forest composition are only clearly apparent in the profile A 300-a. At the Picea-m aximum , 3200 yr BP, the continuous Tilia-and Que rcus- curves are interrupted and also the amount of Coryius pollen decreases somewhat. The continuous Uimus -curve is discontinued [ater, about 2800 yr BP, in the beginning of the first Picea -d ecline. In the upper part of the spruce-pine-zone the fluctuation of Picea-c urve is to be seen both in A 300-a and 300-b although the Picea-curve shows a tendency to generally decline towards the surface. In A 300-b (Fig. 8), however, there is a small rise in spruce curve in the surface sampies. In A 300-a the first decline starts at 2800 yr BP and culminates at 2500 yr BP. The beginning of the seco nd decline at a depth of 52 cm is dated at 2150 yr BP and the third , at a depth of 22 cm corresponds to 1200 yr BP. In A 300-b the declines in abundances at depth s of 80 - 85, 65 - 70 and 35 - 40 cm are correspondingly dated at 2450, 2050 and 1200 yr BP. The same declining tendency of the Piceacurve has been noticed in many other Finnish pollen diagram s (Vuorela 1972 and 1986, Tolo- 26 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 nen & Ruuhijärvi 1976a, Huttunen & Tolonen 1977, K. Tolonen 1983 and 1987, M . Tolonen 1978 , 1983 and 1985). According to K. Tolonen (1983) the relative and absolute values of spruce have greatly diminished during the last 2000 years. The main reasons for the decline and later regeneration of spruce are natural forest fires, slash-and-burn-cultivation or other clearing of forests. Spruce is more vulnerable to the effects of forest fires than other tree species and its regeneration is much slower than that of pine, alder and birch (Heikinheimo 1915). A small abundance of charcoal particles and charred plant fragments were found within macrofossil analyses at the Picea- declines (see Sten Appendix 2). These levels have been dated at 900 - 1200, 1800 and 2600 yr BP in profile A 300-a. Charcoal particles and charred plant residues were also found in the top most 20 centimetres in A O-profile. In A 300-b where no macrofossil data exists, only black burned poIlen were found in the uppermost 30 centimeters . Whether these features indicate natural forest fires or human activity in the area is difficult to determine from the pollen record. The earliest distinct evidence of cultivation is found in the topmost 15 cm in the A 300-a and A 300b profiles , where Secale and other Cerealia pollen and ash enrichment in A 300-a (Fig. 18) were found. One Cerealia pollen was also found in A 300-a at a depth of 42 cm, dated at 1700 yr BP. At lower levels the question is much more complicated. There are occasional finds or slight increases in anthropogenie indicators (Behre 1981): Rum ex aceloseIla coll., Epilobium, Galium, Polygonum aviculare and Sp ergu la type appear simultaneously with the beginning of declines in Picea. The number of cultural indicators so far identified is very smal!. Their scantiness may be due to the relative strong influence of local bog vegetation or a large quantity of regionally derived tree pollen. Perhaps forest clearings were very small, and the vegetation around the cleared area could hinder the spread of pollen . The burning of mires has actually been the main method of clearing in the coastal clayey area (Vuorela 1986). Also the sparse sampling interval , 5 cm, corresponding to an age difference of 100 - 300 years between two successi ve sampIes, could mean that a short period (25 40 years) involving a single rotation of crops may have remained unrecorded (Vuorela 1986). According to historical records , permanent settlement in Loimaa area commenced at the beginning of the 13th century (Laakso 1986). The first clear evidences of cultivation also appear in Pesänsuo at this time. The beginning of cultivation in Loimaa in the 12th-13th century seems to be a relati ve late phenomenon, since evidence of cultivation has been documented from Late Neolithic cultures in SWFinland (Pihlman & Seppä-Heikka 1985, Vuorela & Lempiäinen 1988). Slash-and-burn-cultivation in the neighbourin g region s had already commenced during the Bronze age and elsewhere in southwestern Finland stable field cultivation was practised from AD 500 onwards (Tolonen et al. 1976b, Vuorela 1975). The earlier phases of cultivation may therefore have remained unrecorded . Nevertheless, the earlier changes in forest composition and incidences of fire in the Bronze and Iron ag es were probably the result of natural forest fires. The clay soil area, where Pesänsuo bog is situated, was not suitable for prehistoric se ttlement. Cultural finds from Stone, Bronze and Iron ages have not been made in this area (Laakso 1986). Diatom stratigraphy The diatom stratigraphy was studied from site A 0 at the marginal slope (Fig. 9). The basal clay, at a depth of 370 - 410 cm was deposited during the Yoldia phase of the Baltic Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 27 Pesänsuo A 0 1i' . 0: ~ 1i' VI .... ::> "VI :0: W z --' ::> g z cm 300 z ii "- ö 11}1: :1< 1 :El ---- - +- +- 350 I "" / ~ . . . ... :- POOR IN DIATOMS ~~ ~ 7/ ~ /" 150L A N c y L U 5 '00 x . 1. % 10 20 30 '0 SO 60 70 8 0 90 0 2. 10 20 30 '0 50 60 70 10 20 10 20 30 10 20 30 W 50 60 70 10 10 ~3. 10 10 205 Anal. T. Grön[und 1973 Fig.9. Diatom diagram from Pesänsuo bog, point A O. (I) sall-brackish, (2) freshwater and (3) Ancylus-Lake taxa. IsoL= Isolation from the Ancylus Lake of the Baltic basin. Sea. Only a few diatoms have been found in the c lay: for examp le Aulacoseira islandica (0. Müller) Simonsen, A. islandica ssp. helvelica (0. Müller) Simonsen and Coscinodis cus ssp. (fragrn.). The following Ancylus Lake phase, at depths between 320 - 370 cm reveals a much more abundant diatom flora . The most common species are A. islandica ssp.helvetica, Melosira arenaria Moore, Gyrosigma attenuatum (Kützi ng) Rabenhorst, Diploneis domblittensis (Grunow ) Cleve , D. mauleri (Brun) Cleve , Cymatopleura elliptica (Bn!bisson) W. Smith and Opephora martyi Heribaud. Ln addition some , probably redeposited salt-brackish water speeies , such as Grammatophora oceanica Ehren - berg and Coscinodiscus ssp. (fragrn.) were found. The isolation of the area from the A ncy lu s lake corresponds to the boundary between clay and peat, at a depth of 320 cm. At the isolation leve l a very thin gyttja-clay and a thin sand layer were deposited. The diatom flora in that layer constitues mainly of smal l lake species, the amount of Ancylu s species is only 8 %. The most common species are Stauron eis phoenicentron (Nitzseh) Ehrenberg , Hantzschia amphioxy s (Ehren berg) Grunow and Epithemia turgida (Ehrenberg) Kützing. The diatom stratigraphy indicatin g isolation is also in agreement with the dating of the emergence. Peat stratigraphy The Pesänsuo bog formed on a slightly domed clay bottom with the highest point in the center part of the bog . The e levation of the clay bottom at the bog margin is 80.5 m and in the center 81 m a.s.l. The formation of the bog was initiated by primary mire formation. In the Loimaa and Mellilä areas the formation of mires commenced mainly by primm'y peatland 28 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 formation and paludifieation, and only 20 % by terrestrialization (Tuittila et al. 1988). Chareoal diseovered in the Carex peat seetion indieates that paludifieation was later promoted by forest fires. The stratigraphy in eross-seetions along the transeets is outlined in Figures 3 and 4. In the hollow eore A 300-a the basal peat strata (between depths of 505 - 618 em) are eomposed of Equisetum-Phragmites-Carex-, Equisetum-Carex-, Sphagnum-Carex-peat and highly humified Eriophorum-Sphagnum-peat with dwarf shrub and woody remains. Isolated remains of Polytriehum strierum were deteeted at depths of 505 - 525 em. In the upper pe at seetion (from a depth of 505 em to the surfaee) there is an alternation of pure Sphagnum- and Eriophorum-Sphagnum-peat with variable amounts of dwarf shrub remains, the greater proportion of whieh are eoneentrated in highly humified streaks and layers. Sphagnum fuseum is the main moss speeies in the whole upper peat seetion. Other less eommon speeies include S. anguslifolium and S. magellanieum. Hollow peat, in addition to that of the surfaee hollow, was found between depths of 280 em and 300 em , where the peat is eomposed of Seheuehzeria paluslris , Sphagnum cuspidalum and S. ba/rieum. Sparse remains of Polyrriehum srrietum were found at depths of 475 - 495 em and a greater amount at the depths of 460 - 475 em. A large amounts of fungal remains were deteeted on the top of the highly humified layer at a depth of 102 em. The humifieation, whieh in Carex peat is H 5 - H 6, varies greatly in the Sphagnum peat seetion. In the neighbouring hollow along the erosstranseet at a distanee of 30 m from the previous one, the same type of f1uetuation in S. fuseum and Eriophorum-S. fuseum peat in the ombrotrophie seetion is present. A S. euspidatum seetion is also doeumented at the depth of 300 em. Seheuchzeria was also found in the eentral part at the site A 300+50 at depths of 280, 330 - 370 and 410 em (Fig. 4). In the short hummoek peat monolith A 300- cm 50 100 150 200 250 300 Fig. 10. Photo of peat face section at the southeastern marginal slope of the bog (profile A 0), where separate and more c10sely spaced highly humified streaks can be observed. Photo C-G. Sten 1983. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 AO >- A 3000 C cm H 1 ~~ u~ 10;! :>. 3100'120 C L cm H 1 0 ..J 0 ~~ Cl <{<l- ,<0 0 >- H 1 I '" 620 er er >- '" Vl W a: u~ 10" A 300 b '" Vl W Vl w u~ 1O;:! >. 560 1530 ~~~ 50 50 3870,60 4370,50 100 ,er 100 2580 4800,70 5100'70 '+ 150 t,, 50 29 1470 0 ...J 0 a: 0 >- I ~ 150 5660,80 200 * 200 er 6830,90 4000 rr + 250 250 r, 300 300 4630 350 5690 400 450 + o 500 550 er er 6960 DRY I I MO IST 600 Fig. I I. Profiles of changes in humifi cati on for Pesänsuo bog at poi nts A 0, A 300-a and A 300-b. For sy mbols see Figure 3. Columns show occurrences of charcoal partieles (C), where the abundance is expressed on ascale from rr (minimum) through rand +, to c (maximum) and lichenous (L) fragments (open circles) based on the data ofSten (Appendi x 2). The ages in A 300-a and -b are mov ing averages calculated fro m the fi ve subsequenl conventional I4C ages. b, the basal Sphagnum fuscum pe at is overlain by Eriophorum-Sphagnum fus cum peat and the uppermost section is composed of nanolignidSphagnum fuscum peat. In the peat monolith from the southeastern marginal slope (A 0) , a thin basal gyttja-clay layer is overlain by Phragmiles -Carex peat. The following peat strata are composed of Equiselum-Carex , Sphagnum-Carex peat and highly humified Eriophorum-Sphagnum pe at with dwarf shrub and woody remains. The basal " lower black" peat, at depths between 180 - 240 cm (Figs. 10 and 11) is com posed of Eriophorum-Sphagnum (mainly S. fuscum) peat with dwarf shrub remains . Between depths of 140 - 170 cm there is a Sphag - 30 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 numfuscum pe at section after which the formation of Eriophorum-S. fuscum peat recommences. The uppermost section of 20 centimetres is composed of Sphagnumfuscum pe at with an abundance of dwarf shrub remains. In the Sphagnum peat strata a considerable variation in humification is observable, as in the hollow core. No hollow peat section was detected at this point. However, at the northeastern margin a Scheuchzeria-hollow peat layer was found at site A 300+150 at a depth of 120 cm (Fig. 4). During the coring operations sporadic charcoal occurrences were documented. The greater part of the finds is concentrated at two levels: in the lower part of the Equisetum-PhragmitesCarex peat and at the contact of Carex and Eriophorum-Sphagnum peat. There is also charcoal futher up at sites A 500, A 450, A 100, A 300-57 and A 300 - 50 at depths of 30 - 40, 330 an d 480, 25, 382 and 390 cm respectively (e-G. Sten pers .co mm . 1993). At the sites studied charcoal was found during coring operations only in A 300-a at depths of 175 - 176 and 535 cm but none in A O. However, within macrofossil analyses charcoal fragments were found in A 300-a and A 0 at several levels in both the minerotrophic and ombrotrophic peat sectio ns (Fig . 11). In A 300-b black , burnt pollen was encountered in the top most 30 cm. An earlier study had also been undertaken at the steep marginal slope of the Pesänsuo bog. The 2.4 m deep section consists of slightly humified Sphagnum fuscum peat down to a depth of 1.4 m, of more humified S. angustifolium-S. magellanicum peat some 20 cm thick, which contains some residues of Andromeda and Oxycoccus and a basal Carex-peat, in which charcoal and burnt plant residues have been found (Malm & Rancken 1916 p. 212). Changes in humification The changes in humification were st udied in peat core A 300-a and peat monolith A 300-b in the bog center as weIl as within an open peat face abo ut three meters wide at point A 0 at the marginal slope. In all three peat profiles a stratified peat structure was observed (Fig. 11) . [n the classification of humification an increase above H 4 was recorded. In the basal Carex peat at points A 300-a and A 0 , humification is between H 5 and H 6. In the Sphagnum peat section, on the other hand , the humification varies greatly , from H 1 - H 9. The frequency of the highly humified layers and streaks in the Sphagnum peat section is 16, 25 and 7 in A 0, in A 300-a and in A 300-b respectively. In A 300-a the main tendency seems LO be that the thick, highly humified layers are concentrated in dry stages. Minute streaks were observed both in dry and moist stages, on the basis of rhizopod data. The greatest number of minute streaks is concentrated in A 300-a in a generally moist stage dated at 2800 - 3800 years BP. The thickness of the highly humified streaks or layers varies from several millimeters up to 10- 20 centimeters. The change in humification seems to be abrupt, but in some thicker layers the transition from slightly to highly humified peat is gradual, but in the opposite direction abrupt (in A 300-a). How far the streaks extend and how continuous they are remains uncertain , due to the lack of an open peat face through the bog. At point A 0 (Fig. 10) , where an open peat cut of sma ll er size is available, thin streaks seem to be generally discontinuous and of undulating character. At two levels however, dark peat sections continue through the who le three meters length . The stratigraphic column (Fig. 11) reveals that the dark pe at sections are actually composed of interspersed highly humified and weakly humified layers and the black colour results from the closely spaced highly humified streaks. The streaks are more distinct at the margins than in GeoJogicaJ Survey of FinJand, Bulletin 370 the bog center (Figs. 3 - 4). The same feature has been observed by Aartolahti (1965) in the raised bogs from southwestern Häme and northern Satakunta. Origin of the black streaks The botanical composition of the streaks is not weil known, due to the high degree of humification, but dwarf shrub remains were nearly al ways present. In profile A 300-a Iichenous residues (Fig . 11 ) were also encountered quite commonly but their exact stratigraphic position is uncertain because the macrofossil sampIes in question have been a nalysed over a vertical section of 10 cm. No hollow peat above or below the streak formation was found. The peat type between streaks is either slightly humified S. fuscum (mainly) or Eriophorum-S. fuscum peat. A similar pe at stratigraphy with alternating hi ghly humified streaks and slightly humified peats was descri bed by Aartolahti (1965) from the raised bog s in so uthwestern Häme . The Sphagnum species do not usually change within streaks, but they consist of more dwarf shrub remains, especially those of Calluna, than the intervening weakly humified layers . The streaks do not extend uniformly through the bog, and they are more di stinct at the margi ns than at the bog center, where they may be totally ab se nt. On the Sphagnumfuscum bogs with hollow s the streaks are restricted to hummocks , while in pools no clear, synchronous recurrence surfaces horizons are found. According to Aartolahti ( 1965 ) the formation of the streak s is more likely to be anormal growth mechanism of peat bog and more dependent on local factors (e.g. size of bog , water discharge, topography , increase in height of bog peat and in bog diam eter) than on the climate. Likewise, in the Isosuo raised bog at Klaukkala in southern Finland, a vertical alternation of highly humified streaks, only a few millimeters to one centimeter thick, and interspersed unhumified peat have been detected in ex- 3J posed peat faces (Tolonen 197 I) . The streaks, numbering about 25 in all , consist of Calluna, Eriophorum vaginatum and lichens, and the rhizopods associated with them all belong to tyrphoxene groups. In the light coloured Sphagnum peat S. fuscum is usually the main constituent. Dark streaks are also encountered in abundance in Sphagnum cuspida tum hollow layers , but their origin has not been s tudied. According to Tolonen (1971 p . 163) "after the peat growth had come to a complete standstill during the streak formation , it started once more on deposition of light-coloured Sphagnum layers . A Sphagnum fuscum sward was usually responsible for the rejuvenation of the peat surface." He termed the phenomenon a fuscum regeneration. The peat section exhibiting alternating humi fication in the Isos uo bog at Klaukkala is , according to pollen data , supposed to date from 3500 - 4000 years BP and the streak interval is believed to represent about 90 years. On account of the great number and non-synchronous character of the streaks Tolonen deduces that they do not correspond to classical recurrence surfaces , which are only eight in number. Some of the streaks may be i nterpreted as recurrence surfaces. However, the majority of them may represent minor fluctuations in the macroclimate (especially in humidity ), or referring to the studies of Walker and Walker (1961), " it is possible, however, that the lifecycles of the dominant plants mentioned in themselves offer a simple exp lanation " (Tolonen 1971 p. 164). The short-cycle regeneration of hummocks is a common feature in all the areas containing raised bog s throughout Europe (Tolonen 1980 and references therein). The changes appear as thin undulating dark streaks and lenses rich in hepaticsl dwarf-shrubsl lichens interspersed with less humified peat sections. The origin of the dark streaks in Sphagnum cuspidatum hollow layers on the other hand, is partly due to the peat mud s tages witnessed by "wet" rhizopod assemblage found in many of them. According to Tolonen (1980) the most im- 32 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 portant regulating faetors in the formation of streaks, bands and lenses in open peat faees are "both loeal hydrologieal events (Casparie 1969, 1972) or eyelie elimatie variations (Aaby 1975, 1976) and their variations in effeets from plaee to plaee (Overbeek 1975)". The same alternation of highly humified streaks with slightly humified peat has also been deteeted in two raised bogs from eastern North Ameriea. Blaek and dark peat streaks indieate former liehenous eommunities and the intervening layers represent hummoeks or lawns. The interpretation is supported eonvineingly by their eontrasting rhizopod assoeiations . The pattern is similar to the short-eyele Sphagnum fuscum regeneration deseribed by Tolonen (1971, 1980) from northern Europe, the only differenee being that the moss speeies are different (Tolonen et al. 1985). Mire site type succession in the light of the macrofossil record Mire development began with a swampy sedge fen phase (TuN). The assemblage of plant remains eonsists of the meso-eutrophie reeds Phragmites australis, sedges Carex vesicaria, C. canescens, C. diandra, C. dioica and the meso-oligotrophie sedges Carex roSlrata and C. lasiocarpa. Among herbs the meso-eutrophie speeies Cicuta virosa, Pedicularis palustris, Peucedanum palustre and POlentilla palustris are predominant. The meso-oligotrophie herbs eonsist of Menyanthes trifoliata, Stachys palustris, Ranunculus flammula, R. repens and Equisetum (see Appendix 2, Figs. I and 2). Both swamp and ne va influenee is ref1eeted in the speeies eomposition. The meso-eutrophie speeies diminish in the subsequent true tall-sedge fen phase (VSN). The change begins at about 8000 years BP at a depth of 560 em in the profile of the bog center and at 285 em in the margin profi le. The predominant sedges are Carex chordorrhiza, C. lasiocarpa and C. dioica. Edaphie impoverishment with inerease in peat depth is indieated in the peat stratigraphy by the inerease in Sphagnum and Eriophorum vaginatum. The open mire vegetation is replaeed by Eriophorum vaginatum pi ne bog (TR) with bireh being dominant at depths of 530 em in the bog center and at 250 em at the margin. In the nutrient status of mire an oligotrophie stage is attained at about 6800 years BP. At the same time a transition to open mire vegetation (TR/LkN) took plaee. The speeies eomposition is very sparse: Sphagnum, Eriophorum vaginatum, Vaccinium oxycoccos, V. microcarpum and Andromeda polifolia, whieh is the most abundant speeies. In the bog center the short sedge intermediate level bog (LkN) was replaeed by Sphagnum fuscum bog (RaN) at a depth of 460 em , at 6400 yr B P and at the margi n, at a depth of 180 em , eorresponding to 5600 years BP. The last change in mire site type, to Sphagnum fuscum bog with hollows (KeR) took plaee at 4600 years BP in the bog center at a depth of 300 em. At the margin the final, true dwarf shrub pine bog phase (IR), manifested by the i nerease of Calluna and other dwarf shrub speeies , oeeurred about 3000 years BP. Rhizopod stratigraphy Rhizopods were studied only from the profiles in the bog centre. The eomplete absence of rhizopods in the minerotrophie and early ombrotrophie phases is partly due to the method Fig. 12. Correlation diagram of rhizopod spectra from point A 300-a of Pesänsuo bog with Iithology, humitication, Picea and CaUl/na pollen , Calluna seeds and rate of apparent peat accumulation. Geo logica l S urvey of Finland, B ull et in 370 PESÄNSUO . A 300 a 87.0 m 0 . 5 .1. N E ~ .... z z!:' w .... ~ <t a:" .. ...J <l." U V> <l.:L ;i B c5U: w '::=> 0 <t" u <t 0 >: b~ <t ou iO Q. 33 I>: <t w ~I a: <t zz =>w 3~ ~~ ~~ ~w U <tw <to UQ. UV> u.u 0" w .... ...... "w a:<l. W er .... >: ~~ >:~ <tu. w '"<tQ. ' <D ~u ~ 200 I 1000 " 2000 2500 3000 3500 200 1.000 1.500 300 5000 5500 6000 f 6500 7000 I t I 7500 283~ 8000 297 ," " 102030 '0 Sum=~P ,. ,. ,-;'"l:;-~' 102030 ~5cm =;:,;::;::,;-;r;:;,;:;':::;:',,-'::;:=;:;::;::,;:::;:;::,;'" 10 20 Sum=::t P 1020301.050 60 70 80 Sum =100 ~-~LJ~_- -Lr-r- -L!J 10 10 10 r H ,~ , ;r~ J " 50 100 150 200 TREE POLLEN Anal. L. I konen 1979 2 Geo logical Survey of Fin land , Bul le tin 370 34 PESÄNSUO A 300b Vl ., 0 ...J ...J --: 0 ~ w ~ <{ :::J ...J U Vl Z 0 E 0 I IQ. W 0 >- f= <!l<{ Ou ...J ou. I~ ~ :::J ...JI ...J ...J U. Q. <{ ~ Cl: <{ a:: <{ I W U Z ...J ...J Q. U ~ <{ I , Q. <{ W Vl <{ <{ <{ U ::i a:: I <{ .L.............L L...........J U <{ Vl Z X W I .... >- w 0 0 <!l a:: <{ <{ a:: 0 I- >- 0 Vl ...J >- <{ >- 0 ...J aJ Il... eil >- <!l Q. a:: <{ Q. a:: I- :::J a:: 0 Z 0 z :::J Vl Vl :::J Vl Vl <{ , ~ z ...J ...J I- :::J <{ <{ <{ ...J ...J aJ :::J Vl Z ~ :::J Vl ~ <!l Z U Vl w W U :::J 0 ...J 0 ...J a:: ~ <{ IVl :::J :::J :::J Z w ~ ~ <{ I I L.........J L.J ~I ...J I Cl I U ~ , 500 1000 1500 50 2500 'I ,. 10 20 Sum= ~P " r ,~T'-''--''~' 10 20 30 Sum = ~P -''""""T'~ ~.,......., r ,~,-,~T' 10 20 30 10 Sum = 500 TREE POLLEN 10 r-rI 10 r-' r--r-l I 5 10 i I ' I 10 20 Ana l. L. Ikonen 1979 Fig. 13. Correlation diagram of rhizopod spectra from point A 300-b of Pesänsuo bog wirh lithology, hum ification and both Picea and Call/llia pollen. Hydrology: moi st (vertical lines) and dry (dots) stages. used in preparation and also becau se the tests of genera restricted to minerotrophic mires are either dissolved 01' brea k down durin g the decomposition process (Tolonen 1986). There are also some res trietion s upon the interpretation of the rhizopod dia g rams (Figs. 12 - 13 ), where the rhi zo pods were s tudied within poll e n analysis. Firstly, the abundance of te sts is limited becau se the origin, distribution and accumulation of pollen grains are quite different from that of the mos s- inhabiting Testacea and secondly, the number of taxa are restricte d because of the se lect i ve destruction of tests in pollen preparation (Tolonen 1986). While ma ny of the peatland specie s have their optimal and maximal occurrence within fairly narrow limits , the application of particular taxa in the interpretation of moisture conditions in th e bo g is neverth e less val id (Tolone n 1986). In this ca se the f1uctuating values of Amphilrema flavum in particul a r are used. In raised bogs , Amphifrema fl avum is associated with th e moi st parts of the bog surrace (Grospietsch 1953, Meisterfeld 1977 moi sture class TI - III , Tolonen et a l. 1992b) and its abundance us ually incre ases with increasing humidity ex ce pt in cases of extreme wetness, as a result of which it suffers (Harnisch 1927). Although the ab undances or o ther rhizopod s are very smalI, the occurrence of Amphitrema wrigh tianum , Hyal osphen ia subflava, Tri gol70pyxis arcula and a rotifer Habrotro cha Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 angusticollis are worth mentioning. Amphitrema wrightianum is a strict bog species (Meisterfeld 1977 moisture class lI-III, Tolonen et al. 1992b), which is mostly restricted to bog pools (Heal 1964). Habrotrocha angusticollis is also a wet habitat species ( Meisterfeld 1977 moisture class IV , Tolonen et al. 1992b), wh ich according to Steinecke (1927), indicates the existence of adepression with open water. The tyrphoxene species Hyalosphenia subflava is not indigenous to bogs but is instead characteristic of drained peatlands and those overgrown with heather and of peatland marginal areas (Grospietsch 1953 ). Trigonop yxis arcula is a xerophilous species (Graaf 1956 moisture class VI- VII) , which is positively correlated with the highly humified dwarf shrub peat s treaks in the "s hort-cyclic" regeneration of Sphagnum fuscum peat (Tolonen 1971). Hollow site Rhizopods first appear in the A 300-a profile (Fig. 12) at a depth of 510 cm and Amphitrema f/avum is the mo st abundant species. In the basal part, from 385 - 5 10 cm, the abundance of Amphitrema f/avum is quite low , but two minor increases occur at depths of 490 - 500 cm and 430 - 440 cm. From 385 cm upwards five distinct maxima of Amphilrema flavum are to be found: Depth cm I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 22 47 I 10 227 340 - 35 97 215 290 385 I-lC-age yr BP 1200 2050 2800 4100 5350 - 1500 2600 3800 4500 5700 Amphilrema wrighlianul1l is present In the uppermost three Amphirrema flavum maxima and is most abundant during the second maximum. Habrorrocha anguslicollis was detected from the fourth to the uppermost maximum, and occurs in greatest concentrations in the 35 second maximum. In the section above the uppermost Amphitrema maximum, only one test of Arcella sp. and one of Amphitrema flavum were found , at the two uppermost sampling levels . Dry/moist stages There seems to be a detectable correlation between the occurrence of Calluna vulgaris and the fluctuating values of Amphitrema flavum, with the Amphitrema maximum coinciding with the absence or minimal occurrence of Calluna seeds. Conversely the minimum abundance of Amphilrema tests and the maximum occurrence of Calluna seeds and, to lesser extent the increasing amounts of Calluna poI len show a distinct inverse correlation (Fig. 12). Hence the occurrence of Calluna in this case seems to indicate drier conditions in the bog. The first minor increase of Amphitrema tests occurs within a shift in mire site type (TR/ LkN). In the following section , where the in crease in Ca/luna pollen and the first s parse occurrence of Calluna seeds commence , the abundance of Amphirrema is very low. The peat is composed of Eriophorum-Sphagnum and Po/yrrichum-Sphagnum with minor, hi g hly humified streaks. Small amounts of PO/Ylrichum are already found in the Eriophorum-Sphagnum section, and hence the whole section might represent a dry phase . The succeeding Amphirrema maximum , which was of short duration , combined with the absence of Calluna possibly represents a minor moist period at the beginning of the Sphagnum fuscum bog phase (RaN). After that the slightly decomposed Sphagnum fuscum peat with dwarf shrub remains and the overly in g more humified Eriophorum-Sphagnul1l fUSeLlm pe at show a decrease in the amount of Amphilrema, while the abundance of Calluna seeds and pollen increases, indicating drier conditions. According to the fluctuating va lues of Amphilrema f/avlll17 tests and peat strata at the end 36 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 of the minerotrophic phase and during the early part of ombrotrophication a generally dry phase or alternation of dry and minor moist phases prevailed up to level of 385 cm. Since then six moist and five intervening dry phases succeeded one another. The moist phases are dated at 5700 - 5350, 4600 - 4100, 3800 - 2800, 2600 - 2050, 1500 - 1200 yr BP and from 600 yr BP up to the present. Amphitrema and humification In the upper part of the diagram, from a level of 385 cm upwards, the increase of Amphitrema flavum is accompanied by a fall in the degree of humification while conversely, a decrease in Amphirrema corresponds to a ri se in degree of humification. The coincidence with thinner streaks is not obvious, the reason for this probably being that the rhizopods have been counted from pollen sampIes, where no separation between the minute streaks and the interspersing layers was made. In the Draved Mose raised bog in Denmark, where the same selective taxa as in Pesänsuo have been studied, an increase in the amount of Amphitrema is accompanied by decrease in humification (Aaby & Tauber 1975). In the Varrassuo bog in south Finland, where more representative taxa has been studied, the same correlation between Amphitrema flavum and degree of decomposition has also been recognized (Tolonen 1979). Since Amphitrema flavum is also weil preserved in highly humified peat, the reason for its vertical variations in abundance does not appear to depend on variations in the humification of the peat (Grospietsch 1953 , Tolonen 1966 and 1971), but more Iikely shows that these more humified layers originate in a different type of peat (Tolonen 1971). Concerning the relation between humification and the local vegetation it has been shown that recent bog plants cause different degrees of humification (Overbeck 1947). Plants growing in moist conditions show lower degrees of humification than species growing under drier conditions (e.g. Ca/luna vulgaris). The change in the humification curve thus seems to depend on the humidity or the dryness of the bog surface (Aaby & Tauber 1975). Fluctuations in the Amphitrema and the spruce pollen curve In the upper part of the diagram (Fig. 12) the rise and fall of the Picea curve also seems to be correlated with the f1uctuating values of Amphilrema flavum and with the highly decomposed peat layers. The increase in Amphitrema flavum corresponds to a rise in the Picea curve and converse ly the decrease in Amphitrema correlates with a decline in the Picea curve, although a short delay in the rise and decline of Picea is observed. The decline of the Picea curve on the other hand is contemporaneous with a rise in the degree of humification. The same correlation between Amphitrema and Picea i also observable in profile A 300-b (Fig . 13). The peat stratigraphical fire-record and the signs of anthropogenic activity suggest that the decline and subsequent regeneration of spruce in this case might be a result of natural forest fires and local clearing (see p. 25 - 26). The regeneration of Sphagnum cover and a change to wetter conditions recorded by an increase in Amphitrema f/avum abundances indicates that the fires probably also affected the bog itself. Amphitrema and peat growth In profile A 300-a of the Pesänsuo bog, a positive correlation between the abundance of Amphitrema tests and peat growth and a negative one between the degree of humification and peat growth is observable , mainly in the upper peat profile between depths of 35 cm and 380 cm. However, between depths of 50 - 65 and 110 - 150 cm areverse correlation in both the cases is evident (Fig. 12). No meaningful correlation is discernible in the lower part of the profile nor in the uppermost section. In the GeoJogicaJ Survey of FinJand, Bulletin 370 latter ca se the reason is probably secondary compaction, resulting in diminishing growth rates. The same phenomenon had previously been recorded from the Varrassuo bog (Finland) and the Ageröd Mosse (Sweden), in which the stages characterised by faster peat growth and by a abundant occurrence of Amphitrema flavum tests are also concentrated in slightly decomposed peat layers (Tolonen 1979). According to Tolonen this relationship indicates that the rate of peat increment was most rapid in wet condi tions. In Draved Mose on the other hand, no correlation between peat growth and degree of humification was noticed in sampies representi ng hollow phases, which may be an artefact of the sampling method. Sampling from an open peat cut might have promoted an artificial shrinkage of looser peat layers responsible to the co mpression (Tolonen 1979). According to Tolonen (1979) it is difficult to determine to what extent major differences in the height increment of virgin peat profiles are caused by uneven autocompaction of originally distinct Sphagnum species. Both the results of Olausson (1957) and those from Draved Mose indicate that the compression of peat has been greatest in S. cuspidatum hollow layers (Tolonen 1979) . In Pesänsuo the values of the bulk density in S. cuspidatum layer do not differ from the ones in S. fuscum layer above it. The negative correlation between peat growth and the degree of peat humification is also demonstrable on a larger scale in southern Sweden, northern Germany, southern and central Finland (Tolonen 1979), as weil as in mires in Maine (Tolonen et al. 1988). In their study of the Draved Mose raised bog Aaby and Tauber (1975) on the other hand, concluded that there was no obvious relation between measured rates of peat increment and degree of humification. They stressed the importance of autocompaction in ombrogenous peal. Pe at formed under moist conditions is more compressible than that formed in dry 37 conditions. According to Aaby and Tauber, neither decay nor humification could be the main cause of variation in growth rates, although they concede that some influence from these sources is possible. In his study of Bolton Fell Moss in Great Britain Barber (1981) also found that in some cases the growth rate of unhumified and humified peat was much the same. Compression of peat by the weight of the overlying peat mass has been demonstrated e .g. in the studies by Berry and Poskitt (1972), Clymo (1978) and Johnson et al. (1990). There are , however, other varying opinions concerning compaction; Kaye and Barghoorn (1964) and Walker (1970) for instance claim that progressive compaction does not occur. Clymo (1978) , despite the evident compaction in the topmost 50 cm of Sphagnum peats reported in his study, stated that the time scale of this change is so short, however, that it is still consistent with the conclusion of Walker and Kaye and Barghoorn (cf. also Middeldorp 1986). Hummock site In the short hummock peat monolith A 300b (Fig. 13) rhizopods are much 1ess common. At the bottom of the core, from 65 - 90 cm, the abundance of Amphitrema flavum varies from 5 - 30 % but only severa1 percent of Assulina muscorum, A. seminulum, Arcella spp. are present, while in the basal sampie one Habrotrocha angusticollis was found. At depths between 50 - 65 cm only a few tests of Amphitrema and solitary tests of Arcella spp. and Trigonopyxis arcula were found. Several percent of Amphitrema flavum and some tests of Arcella spp. were present at depths of 40 - 50 cm. Between depths of 20 - 40 cm no rhizopods were found, while in the uppermost 20 cm, the dominant species are Trigonopyxis arcula and Arcella spp. Some tests of Assulina seminulum and Hyalosphenia subflava were also found. The rhizopod association present in the low- 38 Geological Survey of Finl and , Bulletin 370 er part of the profile probably indicates a moist phase , which might correspond to the moist phase dated at 2600 - 2050 yr BP in the hollow profile. The subsequent decrease and ultimate absence of Amphitrema in the section of highly humified Eriophorum-Sphagnum-peat with dwarf shrub remain s coincides with the dry phase in the hollow core. The slight increase in Amphitrema at 1600 - 1300 yr BP probably reflects a moist phase, which coincides with the moist phase detected in the hollow core. The tyrphoxene types found in the uppermost 35 cm suggest a very dry phase on the hummock. Peat growth Rate of peat increment In the hollow core A 300-a the mean rate of peat increment for the whole peat strata is 0.67 mm yr . 1, although it shows great variation (Fig. 14). Vertical peat increment figures for Carex peat are very high , up to 2.72 mm yr -I . For the whole Carex peat sec tion , however, an average rate of 1.1 3 mm yr · 1 has been calculated on the basis of the lowest a nd uppermo st dates. In the highl y humified Eriophorum-Sphagnum peat with dwarf shrub and woody rema in s the rate was quite low, being 0.41 mm yr . 1. In the Sphagnum peat strata two sections with different rates of peat in crement can be distinguished. In the 10wer section, at depths of 330 - 505 cm, representing the period between 7700 - 6050 years ca l BP (6900 - 5300 BP), an average rate of I mm yr - I is inferred . Higher rates, however, have been determined for 7700 - 7750 and 6900 - 6850 years cal BP: 1.32 - 2.13 and 2.08 mm yr - I respectively . A period of slower growth , namely 0.50 mm yr-I is recorded for the interval 6050 - 5000 years cal BP (5300 - 4400 BP) . The upper section, representi ng the period since 5000 years cal BP is characterised by alternations of high and low rates of peal increment. The average value for slow growth is 0.50 mm yr . 1, whereas during the rapid growth phases at 5000 - 4900, 4200 - 3800 and 2500 - 2400 years BP the rates are 3.22 , 1.12 - 2.08 and 2.27 - 2.50 mm yr -I respectively. During the last two thousand years a decreasing rate of peat increment, averaging 0.22 mm yr - I is recorded. The very slow rate of peat increament in the upper peat profile could be explained by sec ondary compaction , which is consistent with the increasing bulk density values down a depth of at least 35 cm. The compaction is probably due to the presence of widely spaced drai nage ditc hes in the bog. The average figures for the rate of peat increa ment in the hummock mon olith A 300-b (Fig. 15) are low , around 0.3 mm yr - I, correspondin g the values obtained from the upper part of th e hollow core A 300-a. The rate figures for the bog margin , point A 0 (Fig. 16) are much lower than th ose determined for the bog cen ter. [n the Carex peat the rate of peat increment varies between 0.45 - 1.25 mm yr -I . In the basal "b lack " peat, the EriophorumSphagnum seclion, at 7600 - 6450 years cal BP (6800 - 5600 BP) the rate is still low at 0.48 mm yr . 1, but increases to 0.95 mm yr - I in the slightly humified S. fuscum peat at 6450 - 5900 years cal BP (5600 - 5100 BP) . A very low value of 0 .22 mm yr - I is indicated for the high ly humified layer at depth s of I 15 - l25 cm at 5900 - 5600 years cal BP (5100 - 4800 BP). In the upper " black" peat section at 4900 - 4300 years cal BP (4300 - 3800 BP) the rate of pe at increment is 0.41 mm yr - I . Since 4300 years cal BP, in the uppermost 50 centimetres the rate has slowed down to 0.36 mm yr - I . At the bog margin the peat cutting ha s caused considerable secondary compaction and humification , which hinders the evaluation of the peat g rowth in the uppermost peat section. The vertical peat increment figures calculat- Geol ogica l Survey of Finland , Bulletin 370 PESÄNSUO. A 300 39 0 z ] ;: 20 0. >- ... - I Ö . ;{ Vl g~- Wo. ou. W I--' 0. ... :0:« w _ :>u 0 BULK OENSITY 9 cm - 3 -,Iv> 0.02 0.06 0.10 0.11. ~~ RATE OF PE AT RATE OF APPARENT INCREMENT mm yr- 1 PEAT ACCUMULATION 9 m- 2 yr- 1 1.0 L-~~~-L-L~r,",L-11 2.0 3.0 50 100 150 ~~-L-L~-,~~~~~-LLJ~' u >~ 200 100 l 250 50 ~ ,- 100 ~'i l;==- 150 200 250 300 500 1000 1500 2000 - 2000 2500 3 000 3000 1 ":- -~ ~~' ~~ /, \' 150 ,000 ' 4000 " 250 "- ~; 300 , - t?i?- 3500 200 4500 1/ ~ 350 9~ !j>- ~~~~-mmmrrrr--,----,----, 5~ 50 Vl<D W . ~ö 5000 5000 6000 350 ' ,00 450 f, { -' \' ' - ';"~ 550 , bf I ,00 6000 7000 450 6500 ~~~ 500 500 7000 f? m l _____ __25.6 L--_L---'='~:~f 550 ' , •, •, 600 90j 8200 Fig. 14. Profiles for Pesänsuo bog, point A 300-a, of bulk density , rate of pcat incremcnt and apparent peat accumu lation caJculated from ca librated "C dates. Rate of apparent peat acc umulation = bulk density x ratc of peat increment. Hydrology: moist (verticallines) and dry (dots) stages . Timescalcs: Age read from thc curve of moving averages of thc five sllbseqllent conventional "C-ages and cal ibrated I4C-dates. Bulk density figurcs revi sed from data published in Tolonen 1979. ed for lon ge r periods in earl ier studies (see lntroduction ) are much lower than those obtained from the Pesänsuo rai sed bog. The highest rates had been reported for the period since a bout 2500 years BP. However, th e gro wt h rate in Pe säns uo already increased markedly from 5000 yea rs cal BP (4400 BP). In the Munas uo pl atea u bo g at Pyhtää , in so uthern Finland, where the average vertical height increm e nt of peat is 1.36 mm yr - I, a faster period of growth , namely 3.3 mm yr -I is recorded for the interval I 5500 about 3900 - 3600 years cal BP according to the radiocarbon data of Seppä 1991 (To lo ne n & Vasander 1991 ). Recent studi es carried out on geo log ically old mires in Finland reveal that the vertical peat increment was hi g h during the first two thousand yea rs, es pecially in the inte rval 9000 8000 yr BP. Durin g the subsequent five thousand years th e rate was very slow but rose again durin g the last three thousand years (To lonen & Vasander 1991) . 40 Geological Survey of Finland , Bulletin 370 .. L >N I PESÄNSUO A 300 b A. E . CJ> Z f-O z- L wl- >- o..z (/) E Z W u [LW 0::>: WW 1-0:: «U o::~ 0 J: ~E f- a.. u ...J ::::> W 000> 0 0::« «....J 0..::::> 0..::>: «:::J U [LU 0« WIf-« «w 0::0.. f- E «E Wf- >f- 0.14 0.10 0.06 0.02 0.5 0.. CD L >- W (!) « I U ~ 20 40 60 500 1000 1500 50 2000 2500 B. T (CALIBRATED 1I.C_DATES cal. BP) 500 I ! , I I ! 1000 I I 1 I I 1500 I I J I I 2000 I I ! I ! 2500 I I I ! I I I E u 50 ~ 0.. W o Fig. 15 A. Profiles for Pesänsuo bog, point A 300-b, of bulk density , rate of peat increment and apparent peat accumulation calculated from calibrated 14C dates. Timescale: Age read from the curve of moving averages ofthe five subsequent 14C-ages. B. Profile of calibrated I4C-dates against depth as cumulative mass below surface. The dates used are the moving averages of the five subsequent calibrated 14C-dates. In the geologically young mires on the co ast of Gulf of Bothnia, where the stratigraphy and development are dependent on the time elapsed since emergence from the Baltic basin waters, it is difficult to detect any synchronous regularity in growth (Tolonen & Vasander 1991). Likewise, according to Aario (1932) and Aartolahti (1965) stratigraphie features in the mires of northern Satakunta and southwestern Häme do not relate to climatic change but rather reflect a natural mire s ite type succession as the mires age. The stratigraphical order of pe at type successions from the basal parts to the tops of mires corresponds to the zonation of contemporary and present mire site types progressing from coastal area towards the more elevated interior of the country. In addition to the influence of the geological history of the area, the development of bogs in so uthwestern Häme and northern Satakunta has probably been strongly dependent on the natural mire succession and local hydrological changes (Aario 1932, Aartolahti 1965). In the old Häädetkeidas raised bog in northern Satakunta, the initiation of wh ich (8200±120 BP, 9160 yr cal BP, Tolonen 1992 pers.comm.) was approximately simultaneous with that of Pesä nsuo, the vertical peat increment is low at Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 41 PESÄNSUO A 0 3000 5000 7000 9000 " C-DATES ca!. BP - ' - _LI--'_-'----'---'-'_'---'-----'-----"_-'-----'---'_L'- i = 0.35 h =0 .1.1 9 =0.53 f =O.22 e = 0.95 d= 0.1.8 c= 0.38 b= 0.1.5 0=1. 25 , 2000 I 1.000 I 5000 I 8000 "C - AGE yr BP Fig. 16. Rate of peat increment fo r Pesänsuo bog, point A 0, on the basis of calibrated 14C_ dates (timescale above). Conventional 14C-ages (with error bars) against depth (timescale below). first but rises steadily from 6000 years cal BP (5200 BP), the values obtained in thi s seetion being 0.6 - 2 mm yr -, (maximum). After 4000 years cal BP (3700 BP) the rate figures diminish , but since 1500 years cal BP (1600 BP) there has again been an increase in peat increment (K. Tolonen 1992 mm .). Rate of apparent peat accumulation The rate of apparent dry matter accumulation at a specific site in a mire can be calculated from peat columns of known bulk den sity.The true rate of peat accumulation, however , is lower because the slow decay which takes place in the anoxie deeper peat layers is ignored in this approach. The true rate of peat accumulation can only be obtained by mean s of "peat accumulation model s", such as the one defined by Clymo (1984). The bulk density , which averages 0.06 g cm3 in Pesänsuo bog (profile A 300-a) shows only minor vertical variations and no curvilinear relationship with depth. The profiles of bulk density and vertical pe at increment (Fig . 14) show that the final but still apparent pe at accumulation is mainly determined by height increment. Only in a few cases have bulk density values caused by a greater proportion of dwarf shrubs and high decompo sition affected the rate of apparent peat accumulation (for thi s concept see Tolonen et al. 1992a). This is obvious for example at depth s of 380 - 430 cm in profile A 300-a, where the accelerated rates coincide with the Calluna-phase, macrofossilzone 4 . The apparent dry matter accumulation in the Sphagnum peat sec tion varies greatly : ranging from 24 - 208 g m - 2 yr -' . The values obtained for the period since 5000 years cal BP (4400 BP) are far greater than any other ex am pies published from Finland. 42 Geologieal Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 Long-term estimates of apparent dry matter acc umul ation in the raised bogs in southern Finland have been earlier estimated at 25 - 48 g m -2 yr - I (To lonen 1977). Subsequent ly a slightly greater range of J9 - 68 g m ·2 yr ·1 was proposed for the Laaviosuo raised bog (Tolonen 1979) which, according to Tolonen , agrees with the long-term accumulation figures of 40 - 50 g m -2 yr - I obtained for a southern Swedish raised bog (cf. Mattson & Koutler-Andersson 1954). A much wider range of 7.4 - 133.6 g m-2 yr - I, on the other hand was determined for the short-term variation of apparent dry matter accumu lation in the Varrassuo raised bog using an unsmoothed growth rate curve. The range of accumu lation using the average polynomial height increment curve was , however, of the sa me order as that in the Laaviosuo rai sed bog (Tolonen 1979). Other calculations of average apparent accumu lation rates come from Manitoba , Canada (27 - 52 g m -2 yr - I, Reader & Stewart 1972) , from G lenamoy, lreland (32 g m ·2 yr .1, Moore 1972), from Moor House, England (48 - 180 g m -2 yr - I, Clymo 1978). Higher values of 46 70 g m -2 yr - I and 129 - 204 g m -2 yr - I have been reported for two blanket bogs in central and northern England (Jones & Gore 1978). tion) of respecti vely 100, 500 and 150 years duration having rapid accumulation are interrupted by longer periods of J 250 and 700 years with slow accumulation. In the upper part of the profile the curve is slightly convex due to a retarded trend in the rate of peat increment. The profile of depth against cumulative mass is clearly linear (Fig. 17). In the short hummock monolith A 300-b, the same s lightly convex trend in cumulative mass curve as in the upper part of the hollow core is evident (Fig. 15). Plots of age against depth for the A 0 profile also lie alm ost along a straight line (Fig . J 6). The best fits for the relationship between the cumulative mass and age for the Sphagnum peat section (down to a depth of 505 cm) p lot along both linear and power regress ion curves in A 300-a. The equation is in the former case y R2 y = x and in the latter, Iny R2 y x - 4.820 + 0.005 x, where 0.989 cumulative mass time (cal 14C dates) -7.944 + 1.2831nx , where 0 .994 cumulative mass time (cal 14C dates) Cumulative mass versus age A generally linear long-term trend prevails in the cumulative mass versus age curve (cumulati ve mass agai nst 14C dates cal BP) through the Sphagnum peat section of the Pesänsuo bog hollow core, A 300-a (Fig. 17). There is , however, an exception between 2400 - 5000 cal BP, where three periods (in the downward direc- The true rate of net peat accumulation can be obtained when decay both in the biologically active s urface layer (the acrotelm) and the anoxie waterlogged peat (the catotel m) is taken into account. The real acc umul ating system is the catotelm and the fundamental values are those of the parameters Pe and U e, the rate of Fig. 17. A I. Profile for Pesänsuo bog, point A 3OO-a, of eali brated 14C-dates against depth as eumu lati ve mass below the surface. Cumulative mass X at eaeh ealculation step k (k ... n) is calculated as folIows: k X, = L 0, (z; - Z; _I)/ 1000, where 0 = bulk density (g dm3), Z = depth (em) i=1 The dates used are the moving averages ofthe five subsequent ealibrated I4C-dates. 2. Profile ofrelation between depth and e umulative mass. The horizontalline in profiles land 2 marks the mire site type boundaryTR/ LkN. B. Profile ofealibrated 14C-dateseal SP against depth. C . The eurve of the moving averages of the five subsequent ealibrated 14C-dales. A 1 X (g/cm 2 B ) 0 OEPTH m o 10 20 3 4 30 6 40 o 4 6 10 CALIBRATED 14C DATES CAL BP 50 0 2 4 6 8 CALIBRATED 14C-DATES CAL BP 10 A2 Cl DEPTH m "Öo c o (JQ ö" ~ OEPTH m ° l~ CIl :; <: " '< 2 o ...., "Tl 3 5" 4 " Pro ~ 5 "~ 6 o 5 w -..l o 7 4 8 8 10 CALiBRATED 14C DATES CA L BP o 10 20 X (g/cm 2 30 ) 40 50 ..,. w 44 Geological Survey of Finland, Bull eti n 370 input to the catotelm and the catotelm decay parameter (Clymo 1984). According to Clymo 's peat accumulation model ( 1984) the slow rates of decomposition within the deep peat layers result in a concave plot for age against depth in a peat profile and the peat ma ss tends towards a steady state in which the rate of accumulation at the surface is balanced by the cumulative los s throughout all depth s. In five peat profiles from Finland, Sweden and Denmark studied by Clymo (1984), a concave age against depth as cumulative-mass curve was found, in spite of temporary fluctuations. The assumed values for long-term , constant true dry matter input (Pe ) for the bogs studied were 36 - 78 g m · 2 yr · 1 (about 10 % of the net productivity of the vegetation) , with a decay parameter (<Xe ) of about 0.000 I yr . 1. According to Clymo thi s long-term trend cannot be exp lained by a change in bulk density (wh ether caused by autocompaction or by other processes), but there are several other possible explanations, any of which or any combination of which may be involved (C lymo 1984 pp . 623 and 624) . In one of the bogs , Ageröds Mosse (based on the data of Nilsson , 1964) studied by C lymo (1984), however , the corrected age against depth , both as distance and as cumulati ve mass , was approximately straight except for a section betwee n about 3000 - 1700 years ago, in which a phase of slower growth was followed by an almost exactly compensating phase of more rapid growth . The diverging curved line marking the lower 95 % confidence limit in the equation Xe = p/<X e ( l_e·aeTe) is almost straight, whereas the upper is marked ly co ncave. According to Clymo ( 1984 p. 621) there is little reaso n for rejecting the hypothe sis that there has been no decay (<Xc=O) since th e plant material passed into the catotelm, but it is also possible that <Xc is not zero, and that <Xe and Pe have both varied in a complicated and compensating way . There are a number of recent studies where Clymo's hypothese s about bog growth have been tested. In some cases the data for lateral extension or (and ) vertical growth seem to conform the assumptions but in others the devel opment of the bogs diverges from the situation presupposed by the model (Lewis Smith & Clymo 1984 , Foster et al. 1988 , Foster & Wri g ht Jr 1990, Foster & Jacob so n 1990, Warner et al. 1991, Tolonen et al. 1992a and Korhola 1992). The results for vertical growth in Pesänsuo , however, contradict the concave plot predicted for age against depth by Clymo 's mode l of peat growth. DISCUSSION Palaeohydrology The dry hydroseral stage which commenced in the Eriophorum vag inatum pine bog phase (TR) was interrupted by a short moi st phase after about 6800 years BP (Fig. 12) . During the transition of mire site types (TR/LkN) both in A 300-a and A 0 an abrupt change from highly humified to slightly humified peat took place . In A 300-a a rise in the rate of vertica l height increment and of apparent peat accumulation is also observed. The charcoal finds from the upper minerotrophic peat sections both in the bog center and at the margin suggest that the hydrological change was induced by forest fires in the vicinity of the bog . In the previous study of the Pesänsuo bog charcoal particles and burnt plant remains were also found in the section from the marginal slope, from the base through to the top of Carex peat (Malm & Rancken 1916) . According to Lukkala (1933) a change in bog Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 hydrolo gy caused by peatland fire can greatly accelerate peat accumulation. Tolonen ( 1987) has also described the same phenomenon from three raised bog s from the Salpausselkä region , where the formation of the black/light pe at contact and the onset of ombrotrophication are attributed to severe peatland fires, which changed the hyd rological and edaphical conditions in the bogs. While moist conditions and a ri sing water level pro vided better growth conditions for Sphagnum there was a concomitant slowing of decomposition which caused peat acc umulation to increase ( Tolonen 1987). Changes at the center of the bog According to the rhizopod and stratigraphic data generally dry conditions or alternations of dry and minor moi st phases prevailed at the end of the minerotrophic phase and durin g the early phases of ombrotrophication. A change in hydrolo gy from dry to moist conditions set in at about 5700 yr BP (macrofos sil zone shift 4/5, Appendix 2, Fig. I ). Within the transition to sIightly humified Sphagnum fuscum peat, the rate of peat increment and, to a greater extent, the rate of apparent peat accumulaton, both diminish. Thi s decline when compared to the preceding section can be explained by differences in the bulk density va lues in corresponding peat section s. The higher growth rate in the preceding Eriophorum-Sphagnum fuscum section coincides with the Calluna phase (macrofossil-zone 4) . In contrast, the proportion of dwarf shrubs is greatly reduced in the slightly humified Sphagnum fuscum peat, where the bulk density va lues are also lower than in the EriophorumSphagnum sec tion. The effect of water content, degree of humi fication and botanical composition of peat are decisive factors in determining bulk density (e .g . Päivänen 1969, Tolonen 1977, Tolonen & Saarenmaa 1979 , Korpijaakko et al. 1981). In the present case the differences in bulk den sity can be principally explained by variations in 45 botanical composition and to a lesser exte nt by the degree of humification in co rre spondin g peat section s. Thi s conclusion is a lso s upported by the C/N ratio, which is higher in the Eriophorum -Sp ha gnum section containing dwarf shrub remains (Fig. 18). No climatic factor to account for th e hydrolog ical change at 5700 yr BP can be detected , nor do pollen data indicate any apparent changes in vegeta tion . The increas e of Tilia a nd Quercus and continuing presence of other deciduous trees indicate that the Holocene climatic optimum s till prevailed . The charcoal finds at the bog margin suggest that a peneco ntemporaneous hydrological change observed there was probably promoted by local fires . In the bog center however, no charcoal was found. The moist phase ended around 5300 years BP and durin g the subsequent dry ph ase, which persisted for about 750 14 C years, a more humified Eriophorum-Sphagnum fuscum peat layer was formed, in which low values in the rate of vertical peat increment and of apparent peat accumulation are found. A transition to a new moist regime at about 4600 yr BP coincides with a change in peat type from Eriophorum-Sphagnum fuscum pe at with dwarf s hrub remains to Scheuchze ria-Sphagnum cuspidatum-S. balticum pe at. The section represents the first hollow-phase in the development of the bog. The rate of vertical peat increment and apparent peat accumulation, which in the hollow section remain s slow , greatly increases with the formation of s lightly humified Sphagnum fuscum peat about 4400 years BP. According to Clymo (1965, 1978 ) and Damman (1979) peat accumulation is controlled by slow decomposition and not by high production. Sjörs ( 1990 referring to studies concerning the decomposition property of Sphagnum species (Clymo 1965 and 1983, Glaser 1987 , Karunen & Ekman 1982 and Kälviäinen & Karunen 1984), presents evidence that confirms the idea that more peat is formed under hummocks, despite their lower primary Sphag- PESÄNSUO DEPTH H1_10 cm 5 50 A 300 a .j>- aC% OW 1 C/ N 20 60 100 140 48 52 F IBER% ASH% DW 56 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 0.2 0.6 1.0 1 .8 2.2 20 ~~, 40 60 80 100 Cl -- 50 ""r;.:=.. -/ 100 150 "Ö0 100 (/] ::; <: " '< 150 ...., 0 ., ::!1 :J 2DO 200 250 250 :J .0- c:o ;=:J v.> --J 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 2.66 2.69 500 550 1 1 • •• 1 600 1 1 2.69 3.74 3.76 3.66 3.72 3.79 5.31 6.4 8.56 32.51 500 550 600 Fig. 18. Profiles for Pesänsuo bog, point A 300-a, of CIN ratio, carbon, nitrogen, ash and fiber content. Carbon and nitrogen conte nt has been calculated from organic material and ash content from dry weight. Fiber column: values (mean ofthree determinations) of % fiber conlenl over 0.20 mm mesh (solid line) and % fiber contenl over 0.15 mm mesh (broken line) . One standard deviation for Ihree delerminations shown with I-I. All data from unpublished results by K. Tolonen , University of Joensuu , Finland. 0 Geological Survey of Finland , Bulletin 370 num production and bettel' aeration. The more rapid decay of Sphagnum cuspidatum in hollows than of S. fuscum in the hummocks has been demonstrated in studies on the Äkhu lt mire, southern Sweden (Johnson et al. 1990, Johnson & Damman 1991). The studies also showed that " the decay of these two Sphagnum species appears to be primarily species-regulated rather than controlled by microhabitat condition " (Johnson & Damman 1991). The results of Rochefort et al. (1990) corroborate the conclusion drawn by Johnson and Damman. The slower rate of peat accumulation in the hollow layer in the Pesänsuo bog might thus be due to differences in the primary decay properties of the Sphagnum species in question. There are, however contrary results, which show that the hummock species S. capillifolium and the hollow species S. cuspidatum may decompose at comparable rates when litter is transpIanted into same the habitat (Clymo 1965). An allogenic factor for hydrological change and accelerated peat growth might be a climatic shift towards cooler conditions after the Holoce ne climatic optimum. In cooler and wetter conditions evapotranspiration decreases, resulting in a rise in mean water level. The rate of decomposition decreases and the rate of input to the catotelm increases (Clymo 1984). According to Clymo a rise in the water table of only a few centimeters can drastically reduce the rate of decomposition (Clymo 1965). Low degree of decomposition in this peat section is also manifested by a high C/N ratio (Fig. 18). There are several features, which reflect the cooling of climate in Europe since 5000 years BP. In northernmost Fennoscandia a decline in the pine forest limit occurs at about 5000 yr BP (Aario 1943, Hyvärinen 1975, Eronen 1979, Eronen & Hyvärinen 1982). The advance of spruce from eastern Fi nland at 5000 - 5500 yr BP i also attributed mainly to changing climate , cooling and continentality (Aartolahti 1966, Tolonen 1983). In north-east Finland a new acceleration of the paludi fication process coincides with the beginning of climatic de- 47 terioration at about 4500 yr BP (Vasari 1962 and 1965). The importance of a climatic effect on hydrological changes has , however, been questioned by Foster and Wright Jr (1990), who interpret results from bogs in central Sweden to indicate that hydrological changes , which take place when bog shape is altered (e.g. lateral expansion and vertical growth) are more significant than the effects of precipitation/evaporation ratios. The moist phase was interrupted by a new dry phase of short duration (ca. 300 14C years) , during which a thin more humified peat streak was formed. Duri ng this period a decrease in the rate of vertical peat increment and of apparent peat accumulation is observed. The moist conditions were re-established at about 3800 years BP and with this change a futher significant increase in the rate of peat increment and of apparent pe at accumulation are witnessed . The high C/N ratio (Fig. 18) confirms the low degree of decomposition. The phase corresponds with the macrofossil zone 6 (see Appeddix 2 , Fig. I), where no Calluna seeds are found. In the upper part of this generally moist phase, representing the period commenci ng at 3500 years BP growth rate slows down and the C/N ratio is also reduced. Peat is mainly composed of S. fuscum and Eriophorum-S. fuscum, where minute , highly humified streaks are more densely concentrated. The streak formation probably represent a short-cyclic Sphagnum fuscum regeneration as described by Tolonen (1971 and 1980). The retardation of pe at growth during the streak formation may thus explain the lower rate figures found in this section . In the subsequent dry phase , the initiation of which (ca. 2900 years BP) coincides within the macrofossi I zone shift 6/7, the recovering of Calluna and the appearance of Pinus sylvestris seeds are witnessed. In this highly humified Sphagnum fuscum peat section with dwarf sh rub remains, the rate of vertical peat in cre- 48 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 me nt is very slow. In the upper part of the profi le the most recent moist phase, in which an abrubt fall in humification is succeeded by an increase in the rate of peat increment and of apparent peat accumulation, began at 2580 years BP (710 cal BC). A decrease in the rate of peat accumulation in the upper part is also witnessed here as in the previous moist phase. In the succeeding peat strata growth is very slow and no increase in the rates of peat increment within humification change is detectable. The change in humification and the shift towards a moist phase at a depth of 35 cm is dated at 1530 years BP (cal AD 510) and the top of the uppermost strongly humified layer at a depth of 10 cm is dated at 620 years BP (cal AD 1360). In the short hummock monolith the moist phases , representing the intervals 2550 - 1950 and 1500 - 1300 years BP respectively, probably correspond to those observed in the hollow core. Since 1300 years BP only dry conditions are recorded but frequent changes in the humification of the peat strata also occur on the hummock (Fig. 11). Two of them, the first being dated at 1470 yr BP (cal AD 570) and the second one to 560 yr BP (cal AD 1390) might correlate with the uppermost humification shifts in the hollow core. The increase in Calluna and other dwarf shrubs both in the hollow and hummock profiles since about 1300 yr BP, and the appearence of tyrphoxene rhizopod association in A 300-b in the upper 20 centimetres indicate a trend towards drier conditions in the bog . Formation of hummock/hollow patterns The date of 4600 yr BP for the first hollow section is more than 1000 years older than the previously obtained dates of 3200 yr BP and 2100 yr BP for hummock/hollow formation in southwestern Finland (Aartolahti 1967). In Finnish Karelia and Central Finland the corre- sponding change in microrelief was initiated at about 3500 - 2500 years BP (according to poIlen analysis , Tolonen 1987). In northern Finland the formation of strings in aapamires and of hollows in the raised bogs were probably synchronous with the initiation of palsas at about 3100 yr BP and 4100 yr BP (Ruuhijärvi 1962 and 1963 , Oescher & Riesen 1965). According to Seppälä and Koutaniemi (1985) , the initial formation of string-pool topography on the Liippasuo aapamire in eastern Finland commenced at 3000 - 2000 years BP. The formation of hummock/hollow topography has been attributed to a variety of causes including climatic change, physical forces, or biological processes controlled by local hydrology (see review in Seppälä & Koutaniemi 1985). The climatic explanation assurnes that the surplus of moisture required for the formation of hummock/hollow and string/flark topography depends on a regional change in climate (Aartolahti 1967 , Ruuhijärvi 1963) . According to the biological hypothesis , pool formation is interpreted as originating from the gradual flooding of vegetated hollows, where the local water table is controlled by regional water balance and the authogenic development of the mire , i.e. horizontal extension and vertical accumulation of peat (Foster et al. 1983, Ingram 1983, Foster & Fritz 1987, Foster et al. 1988, Foster & Jacobson 1990, Foster & Wright Jr 1990). In this authogenic process the hydrodynamic model of mire formation based on groundwater mound equations is essential (Clymo 1978, 1984 and Ingram 1982) . "As the mire enlarges and deepens, changes in slope (hydrological gradient) , peat thickness and peat structure (hydraulic conductivity) may cause local changes in the height of the water table that initiates pools by altering production/decomposition and species composition" (Foster & Jacobson 1990 p. 22). According to Sjörs (1990) the initiation of the hummock/hollow and stringlflark pattern was regulated by the climate of preceding mil- Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 lenia and "presumably few patterns , if any , existed in the warm mid-postglacial period (before 5000 years BP) " . The initiation of the patterns , however, was not simultaneous and both climatic changes , forest fires and the increasing enlargement of the mire could also influence the pattern formation (Sjörs 1990 referring to Foster & Fritz 1987 and Glaser 1987 ) . Younger changes in peat humification The beginning of the moist phase dated at 2580 yr BP (710 cal BC) might be correlated with Weber's classical Grenzhorizont, Granlund' s RY III and also with the recurrence SUfface dated at 700 - 800 BC in Germany , England , Sweden and Denmark (Overbeck 1975 , Nil sson 1964, Bahnson 1968) . The deterioration of climate, cooling and increase in wetness around 2500 years BP is evidenced in many way s in Europe . The most marked change seems to have been from 1200 to 700 BC (Lamb 1977). Prevailing temperatures between 500 - 700 BC must have been about 2°C lower than they had been half a millenium earlier and there was a marked increase in wetness north of the Alps (Lamb 1977 , p. 373 ). There is also a general correspondence between the change in humification and hydrological condition dated at cal AD 510 (hollow) - cal AD 570 (hummock) and the general climatic alteration in Europe (Lamb 1977 , p. 374), as weIl as the recurrence surface dated to AD 600 in northwestern Germany , Denmark and Sweden (Overbeck 1975, Bahnson 1968 , Granlund 1932, Nilsson 1964) . A recurrence surface a little younger than the one in Pesänsuo bog has been detected in three raised bogs from southern Finland and has been radiocarbon dated in Laaviosuo at 1280±90 yr BP, in Kaurastensuo at about 1000 yr BP and in Varrassuo at 1400± I 00 yr BP (Tolonen 1987). According to Tolonen (1987) the contact may correspond 49 to the recurrence surface RY II found in Sweden and in Germany and also to the phase shift to wet lawn phase surface wetness curve for Bolton Fell Moss in Great Britain (Barber 1981) . A recurrence surface of approximately the same age as the last change in humification in Pesänsuo bog, about 600 yr BP ( cal AD 1300) has been described from Sweden and Germany (Granlund 1932, Nils son 1964, Overbeck 1975). In Bolton Fell Moss a shift from a dry hummock to a wet lawn stage is dated at about AD 1300 (Barber 1981 ). In Europe there was a renewed warming from about AD 800 onwards wh ich culminated between AD 1100 - 1300 (Lamb 1977, p. 374). While the alternation of dry/wet and unhumified/humified stages recorded by stratigraphieal, rhizopod and macrofossil evidence since 2600 years BP coincides approximately with the known climatic trends and recurrence surfaces observed in Scandinavia and Europe, they must still be regarded with a certain degree of caution. First and foremost the lack of open peat faces inhibits the evaluation of the lateral continuity of these distinct horizons as weil as the extent of hummock/hollow formation. Furthermore, the indications of fire found within the three uppermost highly humified peat section s (Fig. 11) and the subsequent Picea declines in A 300-a, charcoal finds in the uppermost 20 cm in A 0 and burnt pollen in A 300-b, all suggest the possibility of hydrological change caused by local factors. The lichenous residues and charcoal fragments found in the hollow core within the three uppermost highly humified peat sections suggest, that the stratigraphical changes might have been induced by local fires. Fire tends to increase the cover of xerophytic lichens at the expense of mesic bryophytes. As a consequence of fire , wetter hollow-vegetation can spread to lawn and also partly to hummock sites (Pakarinen 1974) . At Pesänsuo the development of the vegetation after fire resembles the model found in the higher hummocks in Canadian raised bogs, where S. fuscum s ucceeds again after the 50 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 hepatic stage. According to Pakarinen (1974) the model corresponds to the short-cycl ic regeneration described by Tolonen (1971). The same phenomenon has also been described from raised bogs in southeastern Labrador (Foster & Glaser 1986) . According to these authors, the death and replacement of Sphagnum cover on hummocks by lichens, followed by re-expansion of Sphagnum, will produce a " recurrence s urface" . increase in humification in the upper peat section confirms the progression towards a drier mire s ite type with a final stage , low -s hrub pine bog at about 3000 yr BP. At the northeastern margin a Scheuchzeria-hollow peat layer was found (Fig. 4). The core in question , however, has not been studied, and therefore the hydroseral development in this part of mire can not be inferred. Changes at the bog margin Comparison of the bog center and the margin At the marginal slope of the bog the change from dark to light peat, which is perceptible in the open peat face at a depth of 1.8 m (F ig. 10) , coincides with the hydrological change dated at 5700 yr BP in the bog center. The black section is composed of Eriophorum-Sphagnum pe at with dwarf shrub remains , mostly of Andromeda (macrofossil zone 3, see Appendix 2, Fig. 2) and the light peat above it consists of s lightly humified Sphagnum fuscum peat (macrofossil zone 4). The rate of vertical peat increment increases in the light peat and at the same time a change in mire site type (LkN/RaN) to a Sphagnum fuscum bog occurs. Charcoal particles and charred plant fragments found at depths of 175 - 220 cm (Fig. 11) s uggest that the regeneration of Sphagnum cover and the increase in peat growth was probably induced by local fires. In the subsequent peat sections the erfect of fire on the changes in the humification and on the regeneration of Sphagnum cover is also inferred . This applies to the levels at depths of 120 cm and 50 cm (Fig. 11 ), below which the highly humified peat sections dated respectiveIy at 5100 - 4800 yr BP and 4300 - 3800 yr BP were found to contain charcoal particles. lt is difficult to deduce in greater detail the hydrological conditions at the bog margin because there are no data concerning rhizopod associations. In the peat strata, however, no hollow or pool sections have been found. The The very early alternations in the hydroseral development of the mire prior to the true short sedge fen phase (about 6800 years BP) coincides in both the center of the mire and at the margin. Later changes detected in the bog center are difficult to correlate with the margin due to the sparseness of date s and deficiency of hydrological data in the latter. Th e Sphagnum fuscum bog phase was reached in the center at about 6400 years BP and at the margin at about 5600 years BP, which coincides with the dry/ moist shift in the center profile. Two strongly decomposed layers dated at 5 100 - 4800 and 4300 - 3800 years BP could be, however, correlated with concomitant dry phases in the bog center. The latest changes, if they indeed took place at the margin, are not apparent in the profile because the uppermost section of the margin has been affected by secondary humifi cation and compaction due to peat cutting. The difference in the hydroseral development between the center and the margin could be explained by the difference in the water table which, due to its slope , lies at a g reater depth at the margin than at the bog center. In raised bogs , the deeper water tables beneath the margin are a consequence of the greater slope , the steeper hydraulic gradient and the more rapid drainage in that part of bog. This concept is also reflected in the distribution of vegetation (Ingram 1983). According to the basal dates the mire forma- Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 tion eommeneed from the marginal area upslope towards the slightly domed bog center, where peat aeeumulation was initiated about a hundred years later. The present extent of the mire was already reaehed in the early minerotrophie stage. Sinee then the mire has grown mainly vertieally with a very limited lateral extension. A slightly domed gross form was already attained at about 5700 years BP (Fig. 3). Likewise, aeeording to Aartolahti (1965) the raised bogs with symmetrie shape and steep marginal slope in southwestern Häme and northern Satakunta have expanded very !ittle horizontally and have retained the symmetrie shape throughout their development. The nearly exelusive vertieal growth in mires gave rise to better drainage eondition at the marginal 51 areas where peat growth was eorrespondingly retarded due to drier eonditions. A similar, very rapid lateral expansion of mires has been doeumented on raised bog s in southern eoastal area of Finland (Korhola 1992). Aeeording to Korhola terrain gradients and small seale variations in topography have been signifieant regulating faetors in the initial development of the mires eoneerned. The lateral expansion took pI ace largely at a time when the mires were still entirely minerotrophie . The mires with f1at basal topography and no barriers to lateral expansion reaehed a steady state in the lateral growth in the early phases of their development e.g. in Munasuo an area of 560 ha was paludified within a thousand radioearbon years eommeneing at 4300 years BP. CONCLUSION I . The forest history in the Mellilä area eonforms with the general seheme outlined in previous studies from southwestern Finland. The arrival of Ainus oeeurred at about 8200 years BP and that of Picea about 3500 years BP. 2. Mire initiation took plaee as a result of primary mire formation after the area emerged from the Aneylus Lake of the Baltie basin at about 8300 years BP. The paludifieation was later promoted by forest fires . The centrally domed clay bottom and the basal dates from both the bog center and southeastern margin suggest that peat formation might have eommeneed about 100 years earlier in the marginal area. In the initial stages of development Pesänsuo was a swampy sedge fen and the vegetation of the mire eonsisted of meso-eutrophie and meso-oligotrophie sedges and herbs . The meso-eutrophie speeies diminished during the tall sedge fen phase at about 8000 years BP and edaphie impoverishment proeeeded with the inerease of the peat depth . The open mire vegetation was replaeed by an Eriophorum vaginatum pine bog with a dominanee of bireh trees at about 7500 years BP. 3. The oligotrophie stage in the nutrient status of the mire was attained at about 6800 years BP, during which proeess the mire was converted to true short sedge fen, where an Andromeda lawn was apredominant feature. In the bog center the Sphagnumjuscum bog phase set in at about 6400 years BP and at the margin about 5600 yr BP . In the bog center a change to a wetter mire site type represented by Sphagnum juscum bog with hollows set in at about 4600 yr BP. The age of the surfaee patterning is more than 1000 years older than the previously published dates of 3200 yr BP and 2100 yr BP for hummock/hollow formation in southwestern Finland. At the margin Sphagnum juscum bog was replaced by a drier mire site type, namely dwarf shrub pine bog at about 3000 years BP. 4. Up until the true short sedge fen phase the development of the mire vegetation proceeded simultaneously both in the bog center and at the margin. After that the development was no Ion ger synchronous. The differenee in the development in the mire site types and in the 52 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 hydrology between the sites may be explained by differences in the water table which , due to the slope of the margin, lies deeper than on the bog expanse. The development of the gross morphology of the Pesänsuo raised bog and its expansion and symmetrie shape were the results of its initiation on a level planar surface without any obstructions or irregularities . The transgression of the mire, however, has been very slow, resulting in a distinctly domed gross morphology and steep marginal slope. The marginal parts have been drier than the bog center since the early phases of bog development. 5. In the peat strata of the peat monolith from the marginal slope as weil as in the peat monolith and the peat core from the bog center, intense fluctuations in humification were observed . In the hollow core it was possible to associate the thicker highly humified layers with dry phases in the bog development and the interspersed slightly humified peat to moist phases and, in most cases with slow and fastened rates of peat increment respectively as weil. The change in humification could be related to local hydrological change caused by fires in the bog center at levels dated at 6900, 5700, 2580, 1530 and 620 yr BP and at the margin at the levels dated at 6830, 5660, 4800 and 3800 yr BP. In contrast, the formation of the surface pattering at about 4600 yr BP and the subsequent increase of pe at growth , in addition to the natural succession of the mire, all suggest that the climatic control was probably involved as weIl. 6. The highly humified thin streaks were found in all the profiles studied. The streaks do not extend uniformly through the bog and they are more distinct at the margins than in the bog center. In the hollow core thin streaks were found in both dry and moist phases, the greatest amount of which were concentrated in the generally moist phase dated at 3800 - 2800 years BP. Within thin streaks dwarf shrub remains and lichenous residues are present (the stratigraphical position of which is not quite certain in all streaks), but no charcoal were found. There is no record of Sphagnum species in the streaks due to high humification , but the interlayer peat is mainly composed of slightly humified S. fuseum or Eriophorum -S. fuseum . 7. According to the data from the center of the Pesänsuo bog, the rate of peat increment was rapid between 7700 - 6050 years cal BP (6900 - 5300 BP) , but slowed down between 6050 - 5000 years cal BP (5300 - 4400 BP). Since 5000 years cal B P three phases (5000 4900, 4200 - 3800 and 2500 - 2400 years cal BP) with very high rates of peat increment and interspersing low rates have been recognised. The phases of rapid growth are also verified on a mass basis (i.e. cumulative mass verus age curve). During the last two thousand years a decreasing rate is evidenced. For the whole peat sequence a rate of peat increment of 0.67 mm yr . I has been calculated. At marginal areas, however, the rate of peat increment has been consistently much slower than in the cener. 8. The distribution and zonation of mires in Finland are principally dependent on the climate, e.g. the differences in temperature and humidity (Ruuhijärvi 1960, 1983; Eurola 1962; Solantie 1974). Furthermore, within mire complexes variations in peatland vegetation and microtopography occur due to differences in temperature and length of the growing season (north-south variation) as weil as in the degree of oceanity (east-west variation). However, in estimating the importance of climatic control in the develoment of the individual mires the interpretation of the stratigraphie record requires critical examination. There are a number of processes, such as blocking of water outflow, peatland drainage, fires, natural succession and human activity leading to plant cover changes, as weil as to the stratigraphical changes of peats , which cannot be regarded as a consequence of climatic changes. The stratigraphical and hydrological changes in the Pesänsuo raised bog were more influenced by the natural succession and local phenomena such as fires than by the climatic factors. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 53 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was earried out at the Quaternary Department of the Geologieal Survey of Finland. In partieular, I would like to thank the head of the department, Professor Matti Saarnisto for his eontinuous interest, adviee and eneouragement during the work. I also gratefu lly aeknowledge Assoeiate Professor Kimmo Tolonen who kindly put his unpublished data on earbon, nitrogen, ash and fiber determinations at my disposal and with whom I also had inspiring diseussions on the topie. For improving the manuseript I express sineere gratitude to Assoeiate Professor Pentti Alhonen and Professor Veli-Pekka Salonen for their val uab le notes and suggested amendme nts. I am greatly indebted to my eolleagues Dr. Tuulikki Grönlund for the diatom analysis, Tuovi Kankainen for many useful diseussions on radioearbon data and Carl-Göran Sten for the field work and the stratigraphie and maerofossil data he kindly put at my disposal. Many other members of the Geologieal Survey helped me with various ways. Sirkka Lojander and Boris Saltikoff advised me in data handling, the diagrams and figures were earefully prepared for publieation by Satu Moberg , Liisa Vuorela patiently provided me numerous papers and books for review and referenee and Dr. Peter Sorjonen- Ward eorreeted the English of the text. The English of Appendix 1 was eorreeted by Gillian Häkli. REFERENCES Aaby, B. 1975. Cykliske klimavariationer de sidste 7500 ar pavi st ved underSf1jgel ser af hf1jjmoser og marine tran sgressionsfaser. Danmarks Geologiske Undersf1jgelse Ärbog 1974, 91 - 104. Aaby, B. 1976. Cyclic climatic varia ti ons in climate over the past 5500 yr reflected in raised bogs. Nature 263 , 281 - 284. Aaby, B. & Tauber, H. 1975. Rates of peat formation in relation to degree of humification and local environment, as shown by studies of a raised bog in Denmark. Boreas 4, I - 17. Aario, L. 1932. 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Eve n today, Qu ate rnary researc h uses th e 14C me th od most ofte n for da tin g stratigra phie e ha nges o bserved in sedi me nt strata or vegetatio na l e ha nges fo un d in pa lyno log iea l in vestigatio ns. Peat g rowth rates are ge nerally eale ul ated from a few 14C ages o bta ined from leve ls defined by po ll en analysis. Variations in growth rates eaused by loeal faetors or c1imatie e hanges may then go unnotieed, and 14C ages obtained from a peat profile with irreg ul ar growth may even be regarded as erroneous. To my knowledge, there are no reports of any peat profile so exhaustively dated as the Pesänsuo bog, whieh has been submitted to 211 14C determinations. Two other peat deposits at whieh single seetions have been fairly thoroughly dated are Draved Mose, Denmark (Aaby & Tauber 1975) and Ageröds mosse, Sweden (Nilsson 1964), with 55 and 33 14C dates, respeetively. The eurrent dating projeet serves as a basis on whieh to interpret the stratigraphie data eolleeted from the Pesänsuo raised bog (Ikonen, this volume) . So me of the 14C determinations were made to resolve sources of error in dating peat and to verify the reliability of the dating results. This paper also diseusses the reliability oF the resuIts of some earlier studies on peat growth. The 14C analyses were made at the radioearbon laboratory of the Geologieal Survey of Finland in 1972-1976 under the direetion of the late Aulis Heikkinen. As his sueeessor, I was eommissioned to re port the results of the dating projeet. The Pesäns uo raised bog is sit uated in th e muni eipa lity of M e llil ä, south wes te rn F inl a nd (60 0 46.2'N, 22°56.7'E, 87 m asl), in th e zo ne of eonee ntri e ra ised bogs. The bog li es on a sligh tIy do med e lay bo ttom w ith its hig hes t point in the centre. Pesänsuo is a ty pieal ra ised bog, yet th e ma rg in a l s lo pe is exeeptio nall y steep beeause the lagg s urro un d in g it has bee n c1eared fo r eultivation. T he presen t area of the bog is about 18 heeta res. Ikonen (this vo lume) has given a detai led deseription of the Pesänsuo bog a nd of the geo logy a nd vegetation of the Me ll ilä area . Ma t eri a l a nd meth ods Sampling methods The sampies for 14C analyses were taken from point A 0 at the southeastern end of the main transeet A at the bog margin, and from points A 300-a and 300-b in the bog centre, at a distanee of 300 m from point A 0 along the main transeet (see Fig. I in Ikonen, this volurne). The sampies were taken by C-G .Sten and A. Heikkinen in 1972 - 1975. The only plaee at whieh the stratigraphy of the peat deposit ean be reeorded reliably is an open peat face; this is also the best site for taking sampies for 14C dating. At point A 0, peat was removed with an exeavator to expose a :l.5-m-high open face , whieh was eleaned with aspade and a knife. A peat monolith was taken for miero- and maerofossil analyscs with six 60x I Ox5-em boxes. The sampies for 14C measurements were taken with a knife from the 2 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 side of this peat monolith. The sampies, 13 in all, were taken from levels showing a change in humification in the peat profile (sampie thickness 2 to 5 cm). Two sampies of wood found in the peat face were also collected for dating. At point A 300-a (a hOllow), the sampies were taken with a piston sam pier 8 cm in diameter and 60 cm long. The middlemost 40 cm of each core was used in investigations. Two parallel peat profiles were taken , one of which was used for microfossil analyses and 14C dating and the other for macrofossil analyses. 14C dating was carried out on a contiguous series of sampies 5 cm thick. The whole profile totalled 123 14C sam pies, from which I 19 ages were obtained. At point A 300-b (a hummock) , at a distance of 5 m from point A 300-a, the sampies were taken with aspade and a knife from an open pit 1.5 m deep. A peat monolith was extracted for microfossil studies and 14C dating. All in all, 19 contiguous 14C sam pies were taken from the surface to 90 cm depth. The sam pies were 3 cm thick near the surface and 5 cm deeper down. Laboratory methods Before chemical pretreatment, the sam pie were cleaned of all visible roots. The sampies from A 0 and A 300-b were homogenized and divided in two for separate pretreatment and dating. The pretreatment methods were compared and evaluated by dating the sampies from point A 0 on three different fractions: total organic matter, humin and humic acids . The contiguous sequence of sampies from point A 300-a was dated on the humin fraction. The sam pies from A 300-b were first dated on the humin fraction and later, to assess the reliability of the dating results of the laboratory, on both the humin and humic acid fractions. The total organic matter (TO) of peat was pretreated by boiling apart of each sampie in 4 % HCI and washing it with distilled water to Appendix I pH 4-5. The humin (HU) and humic acid (HA) fractions were extracted by keeping the other part of each sampie in hot 2 % NaOH for five minutes and centrifuging it. This was repeated foul' times. The alkali insoluble part of the sampie (HU) was then heated in 4 % HCI and washed with distilled water to pH 4-5. The centrifuged liquid, i.e. the alkali soluble fraction (HA), was precipitated by adding concentrated HCI to the alkali ne solution and heating it to boiling point. The precipitate was washed with distilled water to pH 4-5. One wood sampie , birch (Su -245) , was subjected to the same pretreatment procedure as the TO fraction of peat, and the other, juniper (Su-248), to the pretreatment procedure of the HU fraction. The measuring technique used was proportional counting of CO z as described by Heikkinen et al. (1974). The Ö13 C values for all the sampies from A o and for a few of those from A 300-a and 300b were measured by Or R. Ryhage , Karolinska Tnstitutet, Stockholm. Only the 14C ages for the sampies from point A 0 were corrected for isotopic fractionation. The Ö13 C values obtained for the remaining sampies were too few in number and showed too much variations for isotopic fractionation to be estimated reliably. Tf only the samples with measured Ö 13C values had been corrected for isotopic fractionation , the resulting 14C ages would have been unequal. Calibration of the 14C ages The 14C ages were converted to calendar years , for calculation of the rate of peat increment and the cumulative mass versus age. With the exception of the oldest sam pies, the calibration was done with a computer program devised by Stuiver & Reimer (1986) which is based on the calibration curves and tables in the Calibration Issue of Radiocarbon (Stuiver & Kra 1986) . The program allows several 14C ages to be averaged on sampies from the same period Appendix I of time and the detailed calibration curve to be smoothed. For material representing many years, such as peat, the detailed calibration curve must be smoothed to an extent commensurate with the sampIe age span (Mook 1983, also Kankainen 1992 and references therein). Only the 14 C ages obtained for the humin fractions of the peat sampies in the Pesänsuo bog were calibrated. The time-widths of the sampies were estimated roughly from the 14 C age versus depth diagram; time-widths of 20 , 40, 60, 80 etc., years are accepted for smoothing by the computer program used. The ages at point A 300-b were calibrated by averaging the two ages obtained for the humin fraction of one sampie . The accurate calibration curve of the 14 C ages and the record of the computer program (Stuiver & Reimer 1986) extend to about 8200 14 C yr BP. In this study the ages are computer calibrated near the finite limit of the program, at which point only the most probable date can be obtained. Dates calibrated beyond this limit are estimates. They are read from 14C age cali bration curves, which, although floating , are cross -dated accurately enough to permit their use for calibration (Kromer et al. 1986, Becker etal. 1991). Results All the 14C ages and calibrated dates are listed in Tables I - 3. The ages versus depth of the wood sampIes and of the humin fraction of the peat and gyttja sampies are shown in Figs. 1 3. The ages of HU fractions of peat are used in the study of Ikonen (this volume). Peat types at the levels dated are shown in the lithology column of the diagrams by Ikonen (this volume, ego Fig. 5). At A 0, the gyttja and the peat sampIes (Table 1, Fig. I) were dated on TO, HU and HA fractions. TO is made up of HU and HA. The age Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin 370 3 differences between the three fractions of one peat sampie are generally within statistical errors. Only the difference of 170 years between the HU and HA fractions at a depth of 0.800.85 m is outside the 95% (2a) confidence interval. On an average, HA is 53 years and TO 9 years younger than HU. The age difference between TO and HU is smalI , because the abundance of humin in the sampies was generally many times higher than that of humic acid. The ages of the pieces of wood (Su-245 and Su248) are also consistent with the age of peat at the same levels. The juniper (Su-248) may have al ready been growing before the mire was formed. According to the age of the lowermost peat sam pIe peat began to form at about 8300 years BP. The ages of the HU and HA fractions of the 2-cm-thick gyttja layer beneath the peat differ from each other by 260 years, which indicates that the sam pIe was contaminated by older allochthonous organic material. The ages are therefore unreliable. Peat cutting has caused compaction and humification in the uppermost section of the bog margin; hence the high age of the uppermost sampIe of A 0 (0.200.23 m depth). The 14C ages, the curve of moving averages of five subsequent 14 C ages , and the curve of moving averages of five subsequent calibrated dates from point A 300-a are shown in Fig. 2. The sampies were taken from this point with a piston sampier. With this method great care must be exercised to ensure that the core segments are exactly successive. There is no indication of any inaccuracy in the sampling depths, as this would have been reflected in higher variations in 14C ages at the ends of the core segments (see Table 2, Fig. 2); the wiggles in the curve of age versus depth are real. At A 300-b (Table 3 , Fig. 3) the sampies were dated twice on ffaction HU and once on fraction HA. All tpe differences between the two HU ages are within the 95 % confidence interval, and the differences between HU and HA ages are as expected; at two depths (0.70- Appendix 1 Geological Survey of Finland , Bulletin 370 4 PESÄNSUO AO Marginal sect ion 00r -__.-~'~OrOO~-.__~2~00~0~-.__~3~00~0~-.__~'~00~0__- .__~ 50~0~0__- r__~60~0~0__- r__~70~0~0__, ,__~ 80~0~0__. -__9~0~0~ 0 __, E -+- 2 I l- n. lJJ o -+- WOOD -+- -+- -- WDOD RADIOCARBON AGE (years BPI '000 2000 3000 .000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Fig. I. Pesänsuo, marginal section A O. Conventional I4C ages versus depth for the humin fract ions of peat and gyttja and for wood sampies. 0.75 m a nd 0.85-0.90 m) the difference is larger than 20. Yet there is a tendency for HA to be yo un ger th a n HU, the ave rage age differe nce bei ng 62 years. The 14C activity of the A 300-b samp Ies from the surface to 0.15 cm depth is higher th an that of the modern standard, which shows that the roots of modern vegetation reach a depth of at least 0.15 m. Should these modern roots have affected the 14C ages of deeper levels , the ages of humin would be younger than those of humic acid, because modern roots penetrating to deep er levels are less humified than the peat at those levels. In fact, humin is you nger than humic acid at a depth of 0.15-0.20 m, but not deeper. Discussion Reliability of radiocarbon dating of the Pesänsuo bog The reliability of 14C ages can be impaired by careless sampling, unsuitable samp Ie. , imprecise and inaccurate dating results , or environ- mental or natural processes. Distortions of age ca used by nature are tried to avoid by dating th e least contaminated f ract io n of the sam pI e. Roots penetrating dow n to older leve ls a nd water-so lubl e decomposition products of peatforming plants (humic and fulvic acids) are the most obvious natura l sources of errors in the 14C ages of peaL Comparison of the ages obtained from Pesänsuo showed that the sampIes were taken carefully. Most of them are also thin enough in relation to the confidence intervals of the ages. A sampIe with a thickness, say, 10 to 15 cm might represent a growth of up to 500 years. lf there were a lso big differences in humification between the upper and lower parts of the sampIe , it would be difficult to infer which part of the sam pIe the 14C age refers to; moreover, the difference in age between the humin and humic acid fractions would probably be considerable. The assessment of the carefu ln ess of pretreatment and of the precision of dating results was included in the dating project at Pesänsuo bog. Such an assessment cannot , however, PESÄNSUO A 300-0 Centrol core DEPTH (mi ,_---,--~ 10TO~0--_,--~2~OrOO~--r_--3~OTO~0--_,--~4~OrOO~--._--5~OTO~0---.__~6~ 00~0~--,_--7~OTO~ 0 --_,---80,0-0----,_--9-0,00 --_, 0 ~ CALIBRATED DATE (yeors col BP) 2 <l--- CALIBRATED DATES 3 RADIOCARBON Cl "ö0 (JQ (S. ~ C/J :; < " '< 5 s., ::01 \ I ;.;'" '" .P- , I;C t: \ I 6 I RADIOCARBON AGE (yeors BP) ; '" VJ -..J o 1000 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Fig. 2. Pesänsuo, cen tral hol low core A 300-a. Conventional " C ages versus depth for the humin fractions of contiguous series of peat sam pies. Curves ofthe moving averages of five subseq uent " C ages and of the moving averages of li ve subsequent calibraled dates. The dashed line in the last-ment ioned curve shows the inlerval al which the calibral ion is not cerla in , i.e. al deplhs of 0.45-0.90 m, from which no 14C ages are ava ilable, and from the base up to a depth of 5.50 m, from wh ich lhe ages are 100 old for definite calibrati on. Core segments usecl in daling are marked in side lhe de plh co lu mn. DEPTH m DEPTH m o o 0 .2 0.2 0 .4 0.4 0 .6 0 .6 0 .6 0 .8 o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 o 3000 500 CONVENTIONAL 14C AGES VR BP DEPTH 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 CALIBRATED 14C DATES CAL BP m DEPTH m 0 0 0.2 0 .2 0.4 0 .4 0 .6 0 .6 0.8 0 .8 ;J> '0 '0 ('0 o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 CONVENTIONAL 14C AGES VR BP 3000 o :::I 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 CALIBRATED 14C DATES CAL BP Fig. 3. Pesänsuo, central hummock monolith A 300-a. Conventional 14C ages (above,left) and ca librated dates (above, right) versus depth for the averages ofthe two humin fractions dated . Lower diagrams show the curves of the moving averages of five subsequent conventional 14C ages (Ieft) and calibrated dates (right). ">< Appendix I show whether the results of the laboratory are biased. This would mean that the results, no matter how precise, are not necessarily accurate . The radiocarbon laboratory of the Geological Survey of Finland has taken part in several international comparisons between radiocarbon laboratories (International Study Group 1982, Scott et al. 1990, Rozanski et al. 1992) , always with good results . The measuring equipment for the first of these comparisons (International Study Group 1982) was the same as that used to measure the Pesänsuo bog sampies; the same people were also responsible for the pretreatment, burning and purification of the sampIes for dating and for measuring the sampIe activities . Hence there is good reason to regard the Pesänsuo ages as not only precise, as shown by the confidence intervals, but also accurate. The slight difference in the ages of the three fractions dated on one sampIe is attributed to mobile humic acids , rather than roots. Roots penetrating deep in the peat strata are less decomposed than the original organic matter at this depth. Thus they would make the age of humin younger than that of humic acids. The number of 14C ages needed depends on the frequency of the variations observed in the peat strata to be dated and on the accuracy of the 14C analyses. For example, the variations in peat growth between the depths of 1.50 m and 2.90 m at point A 300-a in the Pesänsuo bog are so great and so abrupt that they can only be dated with sampIe intervals of 10 to 20 cm, depending on the accuracy of the dating results. In contrast, between depths of 3.30 m and 5.00 m the growth rate was so stable that a 0.5-metre sampIe interval might have been enough, assuming that the dating results are sufficiently accurate. The same dating accuracy is obtained for the 14C age of a sampIe with one date if the standard deviation is ± 50 years, with two dates if the standard deviation is ± 70 years or with four dates ifit is ± 100 years! 3 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 7 Comments on earlier studies of peat growth 14C ages obtained for peat are not always as expected, and as a result the dati ng results are often regarded as erroneous. Sometimes the whole 14C dating method is, without any proof, assumed to be more imprecise than the error estimates of the ages would warrant. It is true that many laboratories underestimate their errors and that the dating results are often biased by 50 to 250 years, as shown by the intercomparisons of radiocarbon laboratories (International Study Group 1982, Scott et al. 1990, Rozanski et al. 1992). But the vertical spread of the dating results of some studies is so great that they cannot be explained simply by vagueness in dating. For example the 14C ages obtained for Nälköönsuo, Haukkasuo and Varrassuo (Tolonen & Ruuhijärvi 1976) show considerable unexplained variations. In these cases, two to fi ve laboratories ha ve been involved in dating one peat strata, and the sampIes are from two or more corings performed at different ti meso Donner et al. (1978) have obtained 23 dates for one peat profi le at Varrassuo . For this bog all the dates are from one laboratory , which is al so seen in the smaller fluctuations in the dates . If the dating method is taken as the "scapegoat" , the other reasons for suspected errors , e.g. careless sampling, may have been passed over. In the interpretation of the results, too many ages have been omitted because they are superfluous or of suspect validity , or because they differ from the general curve to such an extent that they are manifestly too old or too young ; that way so me information on the changes in peat growth may have been lost. The results of many previous studies on peat growth should be regarded with caution, and at least the half-life basis and possible calibration of the 14C ages should be verified. Many researchers (e.g. Overbeck 1975 , Tolonen et al. 1985) have used conventional 14C ages (based on the " Libby half-life", 5568±30 yr) in their 8 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 calculations. Others (e.g. Nilsson 1964) have multiplied the conventional ages by 1.03 for the correction of half-life (to "new half-life" , 5730±40 yr), and yet others (e.g. Aaby & Tauber 1974, Aaby 1976) have calibrated the ages, as was done also in the Pesänsuo study. It should go without saying that if calibration is used, all data must be calibrated. Errors arise easily, particularly when published data are used. Clymo (1984) regarded the 14C ages of Tolonen (1977, 1979) and Donner et al. (1978) as calibrated, though in fact they are either conventional 14C ages (Donner et al. 1978, Varrassuo; Tolonen 1979, Laaviosuo) or partly based on ages obtained by "calibrating" the estimated radiocarbon ages of pollen zones (Tolonen 1977, Kaurastensuo). Overbeck (1975, p. 386) refers to the usage of conventional 14C ages throughout the book. Yet his work contains ages publi s hed by Nilsson (1964), "corrected" by factor 1.03 , which was also used in the calculation of peat growth. ConcIusion The peat strata of the Pesänsuo bog have been dated so reliably that the res ults can be used to calculate a peat growth rate (Ikonen , this volume), to estimate the effect of different so urces of error in the 14C dating of peat, and to compare earlier studies of a s imilar nature . Detailed knowledge of the ages of all the peat strata is aprerequisite for detecting variations in peat growth. Inaccurate 14C ages of sa mpies representing several centuries ' growth may conceal abrupt changes in the rates of peat increment. Dating has frequently been a weak point in ea rlier studies of peat growth, with conclusions being based on too few ages of too thick sampies. Calibration of the radiocarbon time-scale ha s also caused problems and errors , and these, too, are reflected in the calculated growth rates. Appendix I The growth rates of bogs reported in different publications should not be compared with each other before the time-scale used in the calculations has been established. It is often claimed that Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) dates would help solve the problems encountered in dating peat (see e.g. Tolonen et al. 1992, p. 321). However, peat is a chemically heterogeneous material comprising original, more or less decomposed plant constituents and microbial biomas s. For the best dating results for peat, it would be advisable to da te thin slices in a conventional highprecision laboratory known to produce accurate results . At present, the high-precision conventional laboratories are superior in dating accuracy to AMS laboratories. In calibration, the accuracy of a dating result is as importa nt as the time interval the sampie represents. References Aaby, B., 1976. Cyclic c limati c variations in c limate over the past 5,500 yr reflected in raised bogs. Nature 263, 281-284. Aaby, B. & Tauber, H., 1975. Rates of peat formation in relation to degree of humification and loca l environment, as shown by studies of a raised bog in Denmark. Boreas 4, 1-17. Becker, B., Kromer, B. & Trimborn, P., 1991. A stable-isotope tree-ring timescale of the Late Glaciall Hol ocene boundary. Nature 353 , 647-649. Clymo, R.S., 1984. The limits to peat bog growth . Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society London B 303 , 605-654. Donner, J.J. , Alhonen, P., Eronen, M., Jungner, H. & Vuorela, 1.,1978. Biostratigraphy and radiocarbon dating of the Ho locen e lak e sediments of Työtjärvi and the peats in the adjoining bog Varrassuo west of Lahti in southern Finland. Annales Botanici Fennici 15, 258-280. Heikkinen, A., Koivisto, A.-K. & Äikää, 0., 1974. Geological Survey of Finland radiocarbon measurements VI. Radiocarbon 16 , 252-268. International Study Group, 1982. An inter-Iaboratory comparison of radiocarbon measurements in tree rings. Nature 298, 619-623. Kankainen, T., 1992. Pitfalls in the calibration of Appendix I radiocarbon ages. Laborativ Arkeologi 6, 7-10. Kromer, B., Rhein, M., Bruns, M., SchochFischer, H., Münnich, K.O ., Stuiver, M. & Becker, B., 1986. Radiocarbon Calibration Data for the 6th to the 8th Millenia BC. Radiocarbon 28 (2B), 954-960. Mook, W.G., 1983. J4C calibration curves depending on sampie time-width. PACT 8, 517-525. Nilsson, T., 1964. Standardpollendiagramme und C' 4-datierungen aus dem Ageröds mosse im mittleren Schonen. Lunds Universitets Ärsskrift. N.F. Avd.2. Bd. 59 (7) , I-52. Overbeck, F., 1975. Botanisch-geologische Moorkunde. Neumünster: Karl Wachhotz Verlag, 719 p. Rozanski, K ., Stichler, W., Gonfiantini, R. , Scott, E.M., Beukens, R.P., Kromer, B. & van der Plicht, J., 1992. The IAEA '4C Intercomparison Exercise 1990. Radiocarbon 34 (3), 506 - 519. Scott, M.E., Long, A. & Kra, R. (eds), 1990. Proc. International Workshop on Intercomparison of Radiocarbon Laboratories. Radiocarbon 32 (3) , 167263. Stuiver, M. & Kra, R. (eds.), 1986. Internat. " c Conf. , 12th, Proc.: Radiocarbon 28 , No . 2B , Calibration Issue. Stuiver, M. & Reimer, P.J., 1986. A Computer Pro- Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 9 gram for Radiocarbon Age Calibration. Radiocarbon 28 (2B), 1022-1030. Tolonen, K. , 1977. Turvekertymistä ja turpeen tilavu uspainoista kolmessa etelä-suomalaisessa keidassuossa. Summary: On dry matter accumulation and bulk density values in three south Finnish raised bogs. Suo 28, 1-8. Tolonen, K., 1979. Peat as a renewable resource: long-term accumu lation rates in north European mires. In: Classi fication of peat and peatlands , proceedings of International Symposium , Hyytiälä. Helsinki: International Peat Society,.286-296 Tolonen, K., Huttunen, P. & Jungner, H., 1985. Regeneration of two coastal raised bogs in eastern North America . Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Ser A III , 139. 51 p. Tolonen, K. & Ruuhijärvi, R. , 1976. Standard poIlen diagrams from the Salpausselkä region of Southern Finland. Annales Botanici Fennici 13 , 155-196. Tolonen, K., Vasander, H., Damman, A.W.H. & Clymo, R.S., 1992. Rate of apparent and true carbon accumulation in boreal peatlands. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Peat Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, June 22 - 26, 1992, Vol. I. Uppsala: The Swedish National Committee. 319-333 . 10 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 Appendix I Table I. Pesänsuo, marginal section A 0 , 14C dating results. The calibrated date range is given with la (68 %) probabi Ii ty. Fractions: TO=total organic matter , HU=humin, HA=humic acids. Su110. Sampie, fraclion (yr) Timewidth Sampling depth (m) (m) 8 13 C 14C age (%0) (yr BP) -27.1 -24.4 -27.4 Ca!. date range (yr ca!. BP) Most prob. dale (yr ca!. BP) 2990± 70 3100±120 2940±110 3460-3200 3355 -26.2 -26.1 -27.9 3830± 70 3870± 60 3840± 60 4420-4230 4315 -25.0 -24.0 -28.2 4330± 90 4370± 50 4200± 50 5000-4870 4960 .. .4890 -24.2 -25.5 -26.2 4890± 70 4800± 70 4780± 70 5630-5470 5580 -23 .3 -25 .0 -24.1 5100± 80 5100± 70 5150±100 5950-5760 5905 -25.1 -24.7 -25.2 5640± 80 5660± 80 5660± 60 6560-6360 6455 -26.9 -23.9 -26.0 6940± 80 6830± 90 6900± 90 7720-7570 7625 2.50 -27.8 74 10± 80 2.55 -2.60 -25.4 -26 . 1 -27 .3 7300± 80 7480± 80 7320± 70 8380-8140 8325 ... 8225 -25.1 -26.4 -27.6 8030± 80 8010± 80 7930± 70 238 267 268 Peat , TO " , HU " , HA 60 0.20-0.23 239 269 270 Peal , TO " , HU " , HA 100 240 271 272 Peal , TO " , HU " , HA 40 241 273 274 Peat, TO " , HU " , HA 100 242 275 276 Peal , TO " , HU " , HA 100 243 277 278 Peal , TO " , HU " , HA 100 244 309 310 Peal, TO " , HU " , HA 100 245 Birch, TO 246 281 282 Peal, TO " , HU " , HA 100 247 283 284 Peal, TO " , HU " , HA 60 248 Juniper , HU 3.05-3.10 -24.5 8420± 80 249 285 286 Peal , TO " , HU " , HA 3.14-3.18 -33.6 -28.4 -26.6 8370± 80 8290± 60 8260±100 250 287 288 Gyltja, TO HU " , HA 3.18 -3.20 -34.2 -29.0 -29 .0 8480± 80 8740± 80 8420± 80 0.55-0.60 0.80-0.82 1.15-1.20 1.22-1.27 1.74-1.79 2.30-2.35 2.87-2.90 * Calibration program (Stuiver & Reimer 1986) gives only lhe mosl probable date. ** Calibraled dale is an estimate as read from Fig. I in Becker el a!. (1991). 8985* 9200 ** Appendix I Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 I1 Table 2. Pesänsuo, central core A 300 -a (hollow), 14C dating results. The calibrated date range is given with la (68 %) probability. The core segments used in dating are marked by blank spaces. Su no. 473 472 471 470 469 468 467 466 465 464 463 462 461 460 459 458 457 456 455 454 453 452 451 450 449 448 447 446 445 444 443 442 Sam pie, fraction Peat, HU Peat, HU Timewidth (yr) 200 Peat , HU 40 Peat , HU 40 Peat, HU 100 Peat, HU 40 Sampling depth (m) 0.00-0.05 0.05-0. I 0 0-0.15 0 .1 5-0.20 0 .20-0.25 0.25-0 .30 0.30-0 .35 0 .35 -0.40 0.40-0.45 0.45-0.50 0.50-0.55 0.55-0.60 0.60-0.65 0.65-0.70 0.70-0 .75 0.75-0 .80 0 .80-0.85 0.85-0.90 0.90-0 .95 0.95-1.00 1.00- 1.05 1.05 - 1.10 1.10-1.15 1.15-1.20 1.20-1.25 1.25- 1.30 1.30-1.35 1.35-1.40 1.40-1.45 1.45-1.50 1.50-1.55 1.55-1.60 427 426 425 424 423 422 421 420 1.60-1.65 1.65-1.70 1.70-1.75 1.75-1.80 1.80-1.85 1.85 - 1.90 1.90-1.95 1.95-2.00 419 418 417 2.00-2 .05 2.05-2. 10 2 .1 0-2.15 ö 13 C 14C age ( %0 ) (yr BP) Ca!. date range (yr ca!. BP) Most prob. date (yr ca!. BP) >Modern 140± 60 705± 70 1020± 70 1280± 70 1400± 80 1520±110 1750± 80 250-modern 720- 610 1010- 870 1290-1120 1380-1250 1540-1330 1780-1580 140 ... modern 680 955 1210 1325 1410 1665 1710±110 2050± 60 1760-1500 2100-1950 1620 2020 -23.7 2410±120 2520±120 2460±120 2730-2340 2770-2370 2750-2360 2380 2725 2495 -24 .9 2390± 2400± 2540± 2750± 2860± 2900± 2950± 70 70 SO 60 60 60 90 2500-2340 2700-2350 2750-2700 2910-2790 3070-2890 3160-2950 3270-2970 2370 2375 2730 2850 2980 3030 3135 3110±100 3250± 60 3280± 60 3290±100 3340± 90 3420± 60 3540±100 3610± 90 3440-3230 3570-3410 3600-3450 3650-3410 3690-3480 3740-3620 3980-3710 4080-3840 3360 3480 3500 3510 3595 3680 3850 3925 3550±110 3620± 70 3490±120 3650± 60 3710± 60 3610± 60 3740± 80 3740± 70 4000-3710 4080-3850 3920-3630 4090-3890 4160-3980 4000-3850 4250-3990 4240-4000 3855 3935 3820 ... 3750 3985 4090 3925 4105 4105 3800± 90 3760± 70 3780± 70 4370-4090 4260-4010 4280-4090 4220 .. .4180 4150 .. .4120 4165 -25.0 -22.2 -25.5 -25.8 -26.1 -25 .8 -26.0 -26.9 -25.7 12 Appendix I Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 Table 2 . cont. Suno . 416 415 414 413 412 411 410 409 408 407 406 405 404 Sampie, fraction Timewidlh (yr) Samplin g deplh (m) Peal, HU Peat, HU 40 160 Peal , HU 40 2.15-2.20 2.20-2.25 2.25 -2.30 2.30-2.35 2.35-2.40 Peal, HU 80 2.40-2.45 2.45 -2.50 2.50-2.55 2.55-2.60 2.60-2.65 2 .65-2.70 2 .70-2.75 2.75-2.80 403 402 401 400 399 398 397 396 2 .80-2.85 2.85-2 .90 2.90-2 .95 2.95 -3.00 3.00-3.05 3.05-3 . 10 3.10-3.15 3. 15 -3 .20 376 375 374 373 372 37 1 370 369 3.20-3.25 3.25-3.30 3.30-3 .35 3.35-3.40 3.40-3.45 3.45-3.50 3.50-3 .55 3 .55-3 .60 Pea l, HU 60 368 367 366 365 364 363 362 361 3.60-3.65 3.65 -3.70 3.70-3 .75 3.75-3 .80 3 .80-3.85 3 .85-3 .90 3.90-3.95 3.95-4.00 360 359 358 357 356 4 .00-4 .05 4.05 -4.10 4.10-4.15 4.15-4.20 4.20-4.25 ö l3 C 14C age (%0) (yr BP) -26.6 3790± 3970± 4110± 4390± 4320± -26.3 -22 .3 -21 .3 -20 .0 -23.5 -24.4 -23 .8 -23 .6 -26.5 Ca!. date range (yr ca!. BP) Mosl prob. date (y r ca!. BP) 70 80 70 80 70 4300-4090 4540-4340 4770-4520 5060-4870 4990-4840 4170 4455 4610 4985 .. .4915 4875 4380± 80 4350± 70 4340± 70 4410± 70 4360±120 4400 ± 70 4430±100 4350 ± 80 5060-4860 5000-4850 5000-4850 5230-4880 5230-4850 5060-4880 5280-4880 5020-4860 4970 .. .4900 4890 4885 4995 4 890 4990 5005 4895 4420 ± 4510± 4570± 4610± 4670± 4820± 4920± 4820± 70 80 90 90 70 90 90 60 5090-4890 5310-5010 5350-5070 5460-5170 5490-5310 5660-5470 5760-5600 5630-5490 5005 5255 .. . 5 I 10 5300 5320 5350 5595 5665 5595 5150± 90 5240± 90 5230± 90 5380± 90 5410±130 5380± 80 5410±130 5560± 90 5990-5790 6140-5930 6130-5930 6300-6030 6330-6020 6300-6030 6320-6010 6440-6290 5935 5980 5975 6210 6225 6210 6265 .. . 6215 6335 5470± 90 5610± 80 5630±100 5600± 90 5730±100 5860± 90 5660±100 5770±120 6340-6190 6480-6310 6540-6320 6480-6310 6690-6430 6800-6620 6620-6330 6740-6440 6295 6415 6430 6410 6540 6720 6450 6630 5780± 90 6010±100 5910±100 6100± 80 6080± 80 6730-6470 7010-6750 6870-6670 7160-6870 7150-6860 6635 6870 6750 7000 6955 Appendix I Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 13 Table 2. co nt. Suno. 355 354 353 Sampie , fraction Peat, HU Timewidth (yr) Sampling depth (m) ö 13 C 14C age (%0) 60 4.25-4.30 4.30-4.35 4.35-4.40 -23.2 352 351 350 349 348 347 346 345 4.40-4.45 4.45-4.50 4.50-4.55 4 .55-4.60 4 .60-4.65 4 .65-4.70 4.70-4.75 4 .75-4.80 344 343 342 341 340 339 338 337 4.80-4.85 4.85-4.90 4.90-4.95 4.95-5.00 5.00-5.05 5.05 -5 . 10 5.10-5 . 15 5.15-5 .20 336 335 334 333 332 331 330 329 5.20-5.25 5.25 -5 .30 5.30-5 .35 5.35 -5.40 5.40-5.45 5.45-5.50 5.50-5.55 5.55-5.60 328 327 326 325 324 323 322 321 5.60-5.65 5.65 -5.70 5.70-5.75 5.75-5.80 5 .80-5.85 5.85-5.90 5.90-5.95 5.95-6.00 320 319 318 Peat , HU 60 Peat, HU 60 Clay/peat, HU 6.00-6 .05 6.05-6 . 10 6.10-6.20 -22.6 -25.6 -25 .6 -2 4.2 -24.5 (yr BP) Cal. date range (yr ca!. BP) Most prob. date (yr ca!. BP) 5980± 90 6050±100 6100± 90 6945-6735 7140-6800 7160-6860 6845 6900 7000 6360±100 6270± 90 6320± 90 6360± 90 6520±130 6570±110 6580± 90 6800±130 7360-7180 7280-7150 7300-7170 7350-7180 7500-7280 7530-7330 7520-7370 7720-75 10 7270 7 185 7205 7270 7425 7440 7445 7600 6870± 80 6710±100 6880±130 6900±100 6855±130 6980±100 6910±100 7160±140 7760-7590 7610-7450 7820-7580 7810-7600 7790-7570 7930-7680 7830-7600 8070-7810 7680 7560 7685 7695 7670 7775 7700 7960 7350±130 7400± 80 7710±130 7820± 140 7790±110 7930± 80 8020± 140 8030± 140 8340 -8030 8340-8070 8630-8380 8770-8430 8670-8430 8990-8620 8115 8 145 8450 8580 8555 8735 8985* 8990* 8080±100 8010±100 7970± 70 7920± 90 8200±110 8010±120 8210±100 8090±120 -26.0 9000-8650 8990-8580 81 10±110 8 190± 80 8180± 120 * Calibration program (Stu iver & Reim er 1986) g iv es only the most probable date. ** Calibrated date is a n estimate as read from Figure 4 in Kromer e t a!. (1986). 9010* 8985* 8905 ... 8775 8725 9040 ... 9120** 8980* 9040 ... 9130** 9010* 9000 ... 9030** 9040 ... 9110** 9040 ... 9110** 14 Geological Survey of Finland , Bulletin 370 Appendix I Table 3. Pesänsuo , central monolith A 300-b (hummock), 14C dating results. The 14C ages ">Modern" are given as per mil enrichment with regard to modern standard. The calibrated date range is given for the average of the IWO humin ages, with la (68 %) probabilily. Fractions: HU=humin , HA=humi c acids. Suno. 522 594 595 Sampie, fraclion Timewidth (yr) Peat, HU Sampling depth ol3C 14C age ( m) (%0 ) (yr BP) -25.3 -25 .5 +105± 2 %0 + 126± 13 %0 +59± 20 %0 0.00-0.05 HA 523 596 597 2 %0 2 %0 2 %0 0.08-0.11 +36± +37± +40± 5 %0 4 %0 7 %0 0.12-0.15 50± 70 +7± 10 %0 105± 70 200 0.15-0.20 270± 70 260± 70 320± 70 370- 280 335 200 0.20-0.25 570± 90 540± 70 490± 60 600- 530 570 200 0.25-0.30 870± 70 870± 70 850± 70 840- 740 780 200 0 .30-0.35 1150± 70 1040± 70 1030± 70 1060- 970 1010 200 0.35-0.40 1280± 70 1170± 60 1180±110 1200- 1080 1135 200 0.40-0.45 0.40-0.45 1340±110 1250± 70 1230± 70 1270- 11 30 1210 200 0.45-0.50 1550± 110 1380± 70 1400± 70 1390-1300 1345 200 0.50-0.55 1600± 70 1590± 70 1570± 70 1560- 1430 1495 -26 .8 HA Peat , HU 525 600 601 Peat, HU 526 602 603 Peal, HU 527 604 605 Peal , HU 528 606 607 Peal, HU 529 608 609 Peat, HU 530 610 611 Peat , HU 531 6 12 6 13 Peal, HU 532 614 615 Peat, HU 533 616 617 Peal, HU " " " " " " " " " " , HA , HA , HA , HA -26.8 , HA , HA -26.4 , HA , HA , HA , HA Most prob. date (yr ca l. BP) +55± +58± +35± 0.05-0.08 524 598 599 Cal. date range (yr cal. BP) -25.6 Appendix I Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 15 Table 3. cont. Suno. Sampie, fraction 534 618 619 Peat, HU 535 620 621 Peal, HU 536 622 623 Peat, HU 537 624 625 Peal, HU 538 626 627 Peat, HU 539 628 629 Peat, HU 540 630 631 Peat , HU Timewidth (yr) Sampling depth (m) 200 0.55-0.60 200 0.60-0.65 200 0.65-0.70 200 /)13C 14C age ( %0 ) (yr BP) Cal. date range (yr cal. BP) Most prob. date (yr cal. BP) 1790± 50 1770± 70 1680± 70 1770-1650 1715 19 75± 90 1800± 70 1860± 70 1880- 1750 1810 1990± 70 2070± 70 1980± 70 2060-1940 1995 0.70-0.75 2205± 70 2200± 70 2010± 70 2290-2140 2210 200 0.75-0.80 2390±110 2300± 70 2230± 70 2410-2310 2370 100 0.80-0.85 2520± 70 2430± 70 2450± 70 2730-2420 2685 ... 2515 100 0.85-0 .90 2500± 70 2670± 70 2350± 70 2770-2730 2750 HA HA " -24.2 , HA HA HA " " , HA , HA -26.3 Appendix 2 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 Appendix 2: Macrofossils of the raised bog Pesänsuo in southwestern Finland by Carl-Göran Sten In trod uction Maerofossils have been studied from the bog eenter (eore A 300-a) and from the marginal slope (peat monolith A 0). The sampling methods are deseribed in ehapter "method s" in Ikonen (this volume). Sampies were taken from A 300-a in seetions of 10 em and from A 0 also in shorter seetions of 2 em and 5 em. After preliminary treatment (soaking the sampIes in 10 % nitrie aeid for about 24 hours and stirring oeeasionally) the sampIes were washed through three s ieves with meshes of 1 mm , 0.5 mm and 0.2 mm. The residual material from the sieves was then transferred to dishes for examination. The frequeneies of seeds, fruits, fruit seales, leaves and other maerofossils are represented in absolute numbers per sampIe. Aeeording to variations in speeies eomposition maerofossil diagrams have been divided into seven (A 300a) and six (A 0) zones respeetively. In identifying the maerofossils, maerofos sil photographs and drawings in the works of Beijeri nek (1947) and Berggren (1969) and referenee material in the eolleetions of the Department of Quaternary Geology in Geologieal Survey of Finland have been used . In the elassifieation of speeies and mire site types the works of Ruuhijärvi (1960), Eurola and Kaakinen (1978, 1979) and Eurola et al. (1984) have been referred to. Macrofossil dia gram A 300-a The following 7 plant maerofo ss il zones were defined on the basis of dominant maero remains (Fig. 1). Zone 1. (555 - 618 em) Equisetum-Phrag- mites-Carex and Equisetum-Carex peat. The speeies eomposition is eharaeterized by mesoeutrophie swamp (luhta) vegetation, within whieh shore speeies are abundant. Meso-eutrophie sedges inelude Carex cespitosa. C. canescens. C. diandra. C. dioica. and C. vesicaria. Oligo-mesotrophie tall sedges are represented by C. lasiocarpa and C. rostrata. of whieh the former is the most abundant. Herb speeies inelude Cicuta virosa. Menyanthes trifoliata. Potentilla palustris. Pedicularis palustris. Ra nunculus flammula and Stachys palustris. Oth er maerofossils found are Cenococcum (the asexual state of the fungus Elaphomyces) and Daphnia pulex (water flea). Chareoal particles were found between 580 em and 605 em (Tab le 1.). Zone 2. (530 - 555 em) Sphagnum-Carex peat. The speeies eomposition is greatly redueed , eonsisti ng mainly of an oligo-mesotrophie tall- sedge C. lasiocarpa. Of the remain ing meso-eutrophie and mesotrophie speeies only Ca rex dioica and Potentilla palustris are represented. The following zones are eharaeterized by neva and hummoek-level bog (räme) vegetation. The main eriterion used in subdividing the zones is the variable abundanee of Andromeda polifolia and Calluna vulgaris. Zone 3. (430 - 530 em) Eriophorum-Sphagnum peat. The mire vegetation is definitely oligotrophie. The zone is eharaeterized by a dominanee of Andromeda polifolia. Other dwarf shrubs inelude Empetrum nigrum and Vaccinium oxycoccos/V. microcarpum. Eriophorum vaginatum first appears in this zone. In the lower part of the zone, in the highly humified Eriophorum-Sphagnum peat with woody remains (Betula), rare remains of Polytrichum strictum between depths of 505 - 525 em and 2 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 ehareoal fragments from 500 - 505 em and 525 - 530 em are found. A few remains of Poly trieh um strietum are also deteeted at depths of 475 em to 495 em and a greater amount between 460 em and 475 em. Liehenous residues are found at depths of 440 - 445 em and 505 em. The speeies eomposition in the following zones, 4 - 7 indieates ombrotrophie eonditions. Zone 4. (38 5 - 430 em) Eriophorum-Sphagnum peat. The dominant speeies is Calluna vulgaris. The abundanee of Andromeda seeds is greatly redueed. Other dwarf shrubs found are Empetrum and Vaccinium oxycoccoslV. microcarpum. Liehenous residues are deteeted at depths of 410 em and 430 em. Zone 5. (200 - 385 em) Sphagnum, Eriophorum-Sphagnum and Scheuchzeria-Sphagnum cuspidatum-S. balticum peat. The dominant dwarf shrubs are Andromeda and Calluna. The abundanee of Vaccinium oxycoccoslV. microcarpum inereases and Eriophorum vaginatum aehenes are found again . The oeeurrenee of Betula pubescens appears in the zone. Some seeds of Pinus sylvestris and fruit seal es of Betula nana are found in the upper part of the zone. Chareoal is found at depths of 225 - 230 em and liehenous residues at depths of 240 250 em and 270 - 295 em. Zone 6. (105 - 200 em) Eriophorum-Sphagnum and Sphagnum peat. The dwarf shrub taxa inelude Andromeda, Vaccinium oxycoccoslV. microcarpum and Empetrum nigrum. Trees are represented by Betula pubescens and Betula pendula. Liehenous residues are found in nearIy every sam pie, exeept between depths of 140 em and 160 em. Zone 7. (0 - 105 em) Sphagnum and Eriophorum-Sphagnum pe at. The dominant dwarf shrubs are Andromeda. Calluna and Vaccinium oxycoccoslV. microcarpum. The abundanee of Calluna seeds inereases greatly in the two upperm ost sampies, where Empetrum seeds are also found. Chareoal is found at depths of 15 - 25, 40 - 45 and 90 - 100 em. Liehenous residues are deteeted at depths of 0 - 5, 45 - 60 and 95 - 105 em. Appendix 2 Macrofossil diagram A 0 The following 6 plant zones were defined on the basi s of dominant maero remains (Fig. 2). Zone 1. (285 - 320 em) Phragmites -Carex and Equisetum-Carex peat. The vegetation is similar to that deteeted in the zone I of the hollow eore. Meso-eutrophie sedges inelude Carex canescens. C. dioica and C. vesicaria. Oligo-mesotrophie tall sedges are C. lasio carpa and C. rostrata . The meso-eutrophie and oligo-mesotrophie herbs are Cicuta virosa, Menyanthes trijoliata. Pedicularis palustris. Peucedanum palustre. Potentilla palustris. Ranunculus jlammula. R. repens and Stachys palustris. Chareoal fragments are found at depths of 285 - 300 em and 318 - 320 em. Zone 2. (250 - 285 em) Equisetum-Carex and Sphagnum-Carex peat. The oligo-mesotrophie tall sedges C. chordorrhiza and C. lasiocarpa are dominant. Meso-eutrophie sedge speeies are no longer found. There are, however. so me seeds of meso-eutrophie herbs deteeted in the previou s zone. Chareoal partieles are found between depths of 265 em to 285 em. Zone 3. (180 - 250 em) Eriophorum-Sphagnum peat. The speeies eomposition is oligotrophie. Andromeda polijolia is the dominant speeies. Other dwarf shrubs include Calluna, Empetrum and Vaccinium oxycoccos. Eriophorum vaginatum first appears in this zone. In a few sampies the fruits and fruit seales of Betula pubescens are found. In the lower part of the zone, in the higly humified seetion woody remains (Betula) were found. Chareoal is deteeted at depths of 180 - 220 em and 245 - 250 em. The mire vegetation in the following zones, 4 - 6 represents an ombrotrophie type. Zone 4. (95 - 180 em) Sphagnum and Eriophorum-Sphagnum peat. The dominant dwarf shrubs are Andromeda and Calluna. Some fruits of Betula pubescens and aehenes of Eriophorum. leaves and seeds of Va ccinium oxyco ce os are also found. Chareoal is present at depths of 120 - 125 em and 175 - 180 em. Zone 5. (25 - 95 em) Eriophorum-Sphagnum Appendix 2 peat. Andromeda is the dominant species. Other dwarf shrubs found are Calluna . Empetrum. Vaccinium oxycoccos. The abundance of Betula fruits and fruit scales increases. Charcoal partic!es are found between depths of 55 cm to 68 cm. Zone 6. (0 - 25 cm) Nanolignid-Sphagnum peat. The species composition of dwarf shrubs is increased. Calluna is the dominant species, other species present being Ledum palustre, Vaccinium uliginosum and Betula nana. There is also an increase in the abundance of Betula fruits and fruit scales. Charcoal partic!es are found in the uppermost 20 centimeters. Conclusions The assemblage of the macroscopic plant remains at the beginning of the hydroseral development represent a wet land community developed directly above mineral soi!. The remains consist of meso-eutrophie and oligomesotrophic grasses, sedges and herbs. A general progressive development of the mire vegetation towards oligotrop hicati on and to a final ombrotroph ic bog stage is evident at Pesänsuo. The mire site type successio n both at the bog center and at the margin follows the sequence: swampy sedge fen, true tall-sedge fen, Eriophorum vaginatum pine bog, true short sedge Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 3 fen/short sedge intermediate level bog and Sphagnum fuscum bog. In the bog center the S. fuscum bog is replaced by a Sphagnum fuscum bog with holiows and at the margin by true dwarf shrub pine bog. References Beijerinck, W. 1947. Zadenatlas der nederl and ischen flora ten behoeve van de botanie. palaeontologie, bodem kultuur en warenkennis. Mede· deeling No 30 van het Biologisch Station te Wisjster, Dr. Wa ge ningen: Veenman . 316 p. Berggren, G. 1969. Atlas of seeds and small fruits of Northwest- European plant species (Sweden, Norway. Denmark. East Fennoscandia and Iceland) with morphological descriptions. Part 2. Cyperaceae . Stockholm: The Swedish National Science Research Council. 68 p. Eurola, S. & Kaakinen, E. 1978 . Suotyyppiopas. Porvoo: WSOY. 87 p. Eurola, S. & Kaakinen, E. 1979. Ecological criteria of peatl and zonation and the finnish mire type system. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Classification of Peat and Peatlands Hyytiälä. Finland . September 17-21 , 1979. Helsinki: International Peat Society. 20-32. Eurola, S., Hicks, S. & Kaakinen, E. 1984. Key to finnish mire types . In : P. D. Moore (ed.) European mires. London: Academic Press. 11-117. Ruuhijärvi, R. 1960. Über die regionale Einteilung der nord finnischen Moore. Annales Botanici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae 'Vanamo' 31 (I), 31-44. Appendix 2 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 4 PESÄNSUO , A 300 0 87.0 m a.s.!. " ~ Q '" ~ i!: fu " 00 ~~C3 ",,,,,, w" "-a. r r~ 0" "'''' "''''''' 0'0 ~"" ~~~ I" a."ww _wz g~ ~" "" W ~~ W ~ a. w ~~'" L.JLWww' "'00 0", Uu Uo 000 "" ~~ '"z x" "" "" 2'Z ~~ <a~ «~ ~~ Z W '"u-; '" ~ a. ro ~ '"~ W ~CDro ! ! I I I I I ! I I I I ! ! ! ! ! " ~u UU u'! '!. '" ?i ~~ !;{ Z <3 ;J, '! 0 ~~ oo~ ~'" i1' 00 :Ea..:o::z :::)VlVlUJ« 0 ~~~j~~ 0:0:« .. ~ t;; j :S{'3~~~~ Vi 0 00 U :3 . U UHD UUUU ~i1' '" w'" 0;'" '" ~> «g) I~ ~~ z;:: üi~ "'z w" rw >u z~ uü Wo ,,"- ~:3 00" ~~~ ~~~ ä:lI..~ '"il' X ~ ~ w " a." ~3~ § :3B~ "ZI oZ", ~::::>u 80 w"'>- ~ a.oo'" u ~ ~ Z 11: « 0 t:l i'l z Vi w 00 i 1L........LL.......L......L.t L.. wL..L..~L.....L......L.LL.L...JL..L....JL.L.......L....L.L.L.L....JL.....Ll.J KeR RoN rl'1rrrT' I '~Tl'I ' ~i 5 105 20 40 60 80 100 i I 20 40 I'Ttl"'I'T""'--"-T'rrrrrrr-l"r'l"""~r' 60 80 10 102030 5 102030 rrrrlrr-lr~rrrlrT'r' 102030 10205 105 1020305 10 10 5 Anal C- G Sten 1975 Fig. 1 Macro foss il diagram from Pesänsuo bog, point A 300-a, where seeds and fruits are marked with black bars and leaves in white. Macrofossil zones I - 7. Zones of rnire site types : TuN= swampy sedge fen, VSN= trlle tall-sedge fen , TR= Eriophorum vagina/um pine bog, LkN= trlle short sedge fenls hort sedge intermed iate level bog, RaN= Sphagnumfuscum bog, KeR= Sphagnum fuscum bog with hollows, IR= true dwarf shrub pine bog. Timescale: Age read from the curve of moving average ofthe five subsequcnt 14 C-ages. .." § c!Q' ~ i'! .. en o o IV ~ 3:: 0> ~- ~ -- '" o '" [ "',... -en ~ ~~ 00 en ö "Ci '"'" '" o -- ~ '" o o ---'------' "'..., -'" ;;;; 0 "--------, w _ w en ..., 0 0 '"o - -~ 0 m '"0 ~ -- Ol (fl 3 DEPTH leml o '" 0 ;-', ' -c-'~~,---'- CD w IJ 14C_AGES yr BP ~ f? LlTHOLOGY HUMIFICATION, SCALE 1-10 0- ;;' (fQ t öl 3 =i' SAMPLES BETULA PUBESCENS p UI »: z (fl C 0 »a L PICEA ABIES 0 ANDROMEDA PDLlFOLIA 3 "tl ~ ~: ~ "0 r cr' 0 '!" "9,a CALLUNA VULGARIS I >- ~ 3:: 0> E EMPETRUM "Ci L LEDUM PALUSTRE [ N 0 t VACCINIUM OXYCOCCUS ~ BETULA NANA L VACCINIUM ULiGINOSUM "" V> ° l E ERIOPHORUM -] '" ° l "' l l tr1 >< "öö r r i~ "e;ö' " V> 0> V> ~ ~ o~ ß "'1'1 ~ o'Q' "d ~ ~~ ", l ", l l l ~~ ] Vl " '!iw ~ ~ CICUTA VI ROSA r r r MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA PEDICULARIS PALUSTRIS PEUCEDANUM PALUSTRE POTENTILLA PALUSTRIS ~ .."e. 0- ]] ~ ~ C. ROSTRATA L COMPOSITAE SP l b C. LASIOCARPA L C, VESICARIA o~ n BRASSICA SP CAREX CANESCENS C. CHORDORRHIZA E C, OIOICA "' ] :;' VAGINATUM L TRICHOPHORUM CESPITOSUM ~ OLt: I ~ I~I ~ Uljgllna ·PUllI UI .oI JO ,(gAJnS 11l;)1ii'0IOgO I ::0 0 z I '" I :;; E RANUNCULUS FLAMMULA E R. REPENS E STACHYS PALUSTRIS ZONES MIRE SITE TYPES l Xlpugddv 6 Appendix 2 Geologieal Survey of Finland, Bulletin 370 Table I. Oeeurrenees of ehareoal partie les in profiles A 0 a nd A 300-a of the Pesänsuo bog. Abundanee of e ha reoal i s expressed on a seale from rr (minimum) , through r and +, to e (maxim um ) . A 300-a Depth (ern) 15 - 20 20- 25 40- 45 90- 95 95-100 225-230 500-505 525-530 580-590 590-600 600-605 Chareoa l rr rr rr rr + rr rr AO Depth (ern) 0- 5 5-10 10- 15 15-20 55-60 60-62 62-66 66-68 120-121 122-125 175- 180 180- 182 182- 185 185-186 C hareoa l AO Depth (ern) + rr e rr r + 195-200 207-208 208-2 10 210-215 215-220 245-250 265-270 270-275 275-280 280-285 285-290 290-295 295-300 3 18-320 + rr Chareoa l rr + + + + rr rr + + +
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