Chapter 10 Colour code used in this document: Green text: text included in the first draft (D1) of the revised LCP BREF (June 2013) Green strikethrough text: text proposed to be deleted Blue text: text proposed to be added R ES S 10 BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES (BAT) CONCLUSIONS FOR LARGE COMBUSTION PLANTS Scope These BAT conclusions concern the following activities specified in Annex I to Directive 2010/75/EU, namely: 1.1: Combustion of fuels in installations with a total rated thermal input of 50 MWth or more, only when this activity takes place in combustion plants with a total rated thermal input of 50 MWth or more, including plants composed of aggregated units of 15 MWth or more including plants composed of aggregated units of 15 MWth or more. 1.4: Gasification of coal or other fuels in installations with a total rated thermal input of 20 MWth or more, only when this activity is directly associated to a combustion process. 5.2: Disposal or recovery of waste in waste co-incineration plants for nonhazardous waste with a capacity exceeding 3 tonnes per hour or for hazardous waste with a capacity exceeding 10 tonnes per day, only when this activity takes taking place in combustion plants covered under 1.1 above. with a total rated thermal input of 50 MWth or more. D R AF T IN PR O G In particular, these BAT conclusions cover the following processes and activities: combustion; o gasification associated to a combustion process; o upstream and downstream activities directly associated to the abovementioned activities including as well as the emission prevention and control techniques applied. R KI N G o W O The fuels considered in these BAT conclusions are any solid, liquid and/or gaseous combustible material including: primary solid fuels (hard e.g. coal, brown coal, lignite, peat); biomass (as defined in Article 3(31) of Directive 2010/75/EU) (e.g. wood, sawdust, bark, straw) and wood waste not contaminated by halogenated organic compounds or metals; primary liquid fuels (e.g. heavy fuel oil and light fuel gas oil); gaseous fuels (e.g. natural gas, hydrogen-containing gas and syngas); TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 1 Chapter 10 other industry-specific fuels (production residues and e.g. by-products from chemical and iron and steel industries); waste except for excluding unsorted municipal waste. These BAT conclusions do not address the following activities: combustion of fuels in units with a rated thermal input of less than 15 MWth; R ES S gasification of fuels, when not directly associated to the combustion of the resulting syngas; gasification of fuels and subsequent combustion of syngas when directly associated to the refining of mineral oil and gas; G the upstream and downstream processesactivities not directly associated to combustion or gasification processesactivities; O combustion in process furnaces or heaters; PR combustion in post-combustion plants; flaring; IN combustion in coke battery ovens; T combustion in cowpers; D R AF combustion in recovery boilers and total reduced sulphur burners within installations for the production of pulp and paper; this is covered by the BAT reference document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and Board; combustion of refinery fuels; this is covered by the BAT reference document for the Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas; waste incineration plants (as defined in IED Article 3(40) of Directive 2010/75/EU), KI N o G disposal or recovery of waste in: W O R o o and in waste co-incineration plants where more than 40 % of the resulting heat release comes from hazardous waste other than combustion plants, and in waste co-incineration plants combusting only wastes, except if these wastes are composed at least partially of biomass as defined in Article 3(31) (b) (i) to (iv) of Directive 2010/75/EU; this is covered by the BAT reference document for Waste Incineration. Other reference documents which are relevant for the activities covered by these BAT conclusions are the following: 2 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Reference document Subject Common Waste Water and Waste Gas Treatment/Management Systems in the Chemical Sector (CWW) Waste water and chemical waste gas treatment/management systems Economic and Cross-Media Effects (ECM) Economic and cross-media effects of techniques Energy Efficiency BREF (ENE) Industrial Cooling Systems BREF (ICS) R ES S Storage and handling of fuels and additives (prevention of unplanned emissions, including to soil and groundwater) GeneralIntegrated energy efficiency at installation level and energy efficiency in energy-using systems, processes, activities or equipment Emissions from Storage BREF (EFS) Indirect cooling with water Cooling systems I&SPretreatment of iron and steel process fuelsgases pretreatment Chemical process fuels pPretreatment of process fuels from the chemical industry Monitoring of emissions to air and water Emissions and consumptions monitoring Abatement of pollutants from waste incineration Waste (pre-)acceptance procedures, waste handling / storage PR Monitoring of Emissions to Air and Water from IED-installations (ROM) General Principles of Monitoring (MON) Waste Incineration (WI) G Chemical BREFs series (LVOC, …) O Iron and Steel Production (IS) Waste Treatments Industries (WT) W O R KI N G D R AF T IN The techniques listed and described in these BAT conclusions are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive. Other techniques may be used that ensure at least an equivalent level of environmental protection. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 3 Chapter 10 Definitions For the purpose of these BAT conclusions, the following definitions apply: Term used R ES S Combustion plant Definition Any technical apparatus in which fuels are oxidised in order to use the heat thus generated, or, where the flue-gases of two or more such apparatuses are mixed, and then treated before release, the combination formed by such apparatuses. For the purposes of these BAT conclusions, a combination formed by separate combustion units discharging their flue-gases through a common stack shall be considered as a single combustion plant. For calculating the total rated thermal input of such a combination, the capacities of all combustion units concerned, which have a rated thermal input of at least 15 MW, shall be added. A combustion plant first permitted (pursuant to the provisions in Articles 4 and 5 of Directive 2010/75/EU) at the installation following the publication of these BAT conclusions or a complete replacement of a combustion plant on the existing foundations of the installation following the publication of these BAT conclusions A combustion plant which is not a new plant Ratio between the net electrical output (produced electricity produced at alternator terminals minus imported energy) and the fuel/feedstock energy input (as the fuel/feedstock lower heating value) at the combustion plant boundaryies over a given period of time Ratio between the net produced energy (electricity, hot water, steam, mechanical energy produced minus imported electrical and/or thermal energy) and the fuel energy input (as the fuel lower heating value) at the combustion power plant boundaryies over a given period of time Ratio between the net produced energy (electricity, hot water, steam, mechanical energy produced, syngas (LHV basis) minus imported electrical and/or thermal energy) and the fuel/feedstock energy input (as the fuel/feedstock lower heating value) at the gasification plant boundary over a given period of time The difference between the fuel energy input (fuel and imported electrical and thermal energy for the operation of the combustion plant and its auxiliary systems) and the sum of net electrical output and net mechanical thermal output. Net outputs are calculated as gross outputs minus the energy used in the combustion plant with its auxiliary systems (material unloading/handling, fluegas treatment facilities, fans, compressors, etc.). Substances generated by the activities covered by the scope of this document, as waste or by-products Any combustion plant with the exception of engines and gas turbines, process furnaces or heaters. This includes when the HRSG of a CCGT is operated with its own burners without the gas turbine being in operation (i.e. supplementary firing) A CCGT is a combustion plant where two thermodynamic cycles are used (i.e. Brayton and Rankine cycles). In a CCGT, heat from the flue-gas of a gas turbine (operating according to the Brayton cycle to produce electricity) is converted to useful energy in a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), where it is used to generate steam, which then expands in a steam turbine (operating according to the Rankine cycle to produce additional electricity). For the purpose of these BAT conclusions, CCGT includes configurations both with and without supplementary firing of the HRSG. Should the supplementary firing of the HRSG operate alone, the HRSG is then considered to be a boiler Process furnaces or heaters are: combustion plants whose flue-gases are used for the thermal treatment of objects or feed material through a direct contact heating mechanism (e.g. cement and lime kiln, glass furnace, asphalt kiln, drying process, chemical reactor used in the (petro-)chemical industry), or combustion plants whose radiant and/or conductive heat is transferred to the objects or feed material through a solid wall without using an intermediary heat transfer fluid (e.g. coke battery furnace, cowper, furnace or reactor heating a process stream used in the (petro-)chemical industry such as steam cracker furnaces). New plant PR O G Existing plant Net electrical efficiency (combustion plant and IGCC) IN Net total fuel utilisation (combustion plant) AF T Net total fuel utilisation (gasification plant) D R Recoverable heat G Residues R KI N Boiler W O Combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) Process furnaces or heaters 4 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 R ES S Post-combustion plant O G Maximum continuous rating (MCR) PR Emergency-load plant / mode KI N G W O R Heavy fuel oil (HFO) Chemical industry gaseous and/or liquid Process fuels from the chemical industry As CH4 C3 C4+ CO COD Cd Cd+Tl AF D R Equivalent full load factor T IN Peak-load plant / mode Mid-merit plant / mode Baseload plant / mode Light fuel oil Gas oil It should be noted that, As a consequence of the application of good energy recovery practices, some of the process heaters / furnaces may have an associated steam / electricity generation system. This is considered to be an integral design feature of athe process heater / furnace that cannot be considered in isolation System designed to purify the flue-gases by combustion which is not operated as an independent combustion plant, such as thermal oxidiser equipment (i.e. tail gas incinerator), used for the removal of pollutant (e.g. VOC) content from the flue-gas with or without the recovery of the heat generated therein. Staged combustion techniques, where each stage is confined within a separate chamber, which may have distinct combustion process characteristics (e.g. fuel / air ratio, temperature profile), are considered integrated in the combustion process and are not considered post-combustion plants. Just the same, when gases generated produced in a process heater / furnace or in another other combustion process plant are subsequently oxidised in a distinct combustion plant to recover their energetic value (with or without the use of auxiliary fuel) to produce electricity, steam, hot water / oil or mechanical energy, the latter plant is not considered a post-combustion plant The maximum output (in MWel or MWth) that a combustion plant is capable of producing continuously under normal operating conditions over a given period of time Combustion plant operation ing for less than 500 h/yrhours every year for a given fuel. This mode also includes the situation when a combustion plant uses back-up fuels alone or simultaneously with the main fuels for less than 500 h/yrhours every year Combustion plant operation ing between 500 and 1500 h/yrhours every year for a given fuel Combustion plant operation ing between 1500 and 4000 h/yrhours every year for a given fuel Combustion plant operation ng for more than 4000 h/yrhours every year for a given fuel Calculated for a given year as the fuel energy input divided by the total operating time under normal operating conditions and then divided by the total rated thermal input of the combustion plant (i.e. the sum of all the combustion units) A group of oil products corresponding to light and middle distillates, which distillates in the range of approximately 30 ºC to 380 ºC Any petroleum-derived liquid fuel falling within CN code 2710 19 25, 2710 19 29, 2710 19 47, 2710 19 48, 2710 20 17 or 2710 20 19. Or any petroleum-derived liquid fuel of which less than 65 % by volume (including losses) distils at 250 °C and of which at least 85 % by volume (including losses) distils at 350 °C by the ASTM D86 method A mixture of predominantly gas oil and fuel oil which distils in the range of approximately 380 ºC to 540 ºC. Any petroleum-derived liquid fuel falling within CN code 2710 19 51 to 2710 19 68, 2710 20 31, 2710 20 35, 2710 20 39. Or any petroleum-derived liquid fuel, other than gas oil, which, by reason of its distillation limits, falls within the category of heavy oils intended for use as fuel and of which less than 65 % by volume (including losses) distils at 250 °C by the ASTM D86 method. If the distillation cannot be determined by the ASTM D86 method, the petroleum product is likewise categorised as a heavy fuel oil The Gaseous and/or liquid by-products and residues generated by the (petro-)chemical installationsindustry and used as non-commercial fuels in combustion plants in boilers within the installation itself. The sum of arsenic and its compounds, expressed as As Methane Hydrocarbons having a carbon number equal to three Hydrocarbons having a carbon number of four or greater Carbon monoxide Chemical oxygen demand. Amount of oxygen needed for the total oxidation of the organic matter to carbon dioxide. The sum of cadmium and its compounds, expressed as Cd The sum of cadmium, thallium and their compounds, expressed as Cd+Tl TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 5 Chapter 10 W O R KI N G D R AF T IN PR O G R ES S acadmium and its compounds, expressed as Cd; bthallium and its compounds, expressed as Tl Cr The sum of chromium and its compounds, expressed as Cr Cu The sum of copper and its compounds, expressed as Cu Dust Total particulate matter (in air) Fluoride Dissolved fluoride, expressed as FHCN Hydrogen cyanide HCl All inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds, chlorides expressed as HCl HF All inorganic gaseous fluorine compounds, fluorides expressed as HF Hg The sum of mercury and its compounds, expressed as Hg H2 S Hydrogen sulphide NH3 Ammonia N2 O Dinitrogen monoxide (nitrous oxide) The sum of nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), expressed as NOX NO2 Ni The sum of nickel and its compounds, expressed as Ni Pb The sum of lead and its compounds, expressed as Pb PCDD/F Polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and -furans Sulphide, easily The sum of dissolved sulphide and of those undissolved sulphides that are easily released released upon acidification, expressed as S2SOX The sum of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphur trioxide (SO3), expressed as SO2 SO2 Sulphur dioxide SO3 Sulphur trioxide Sulphite Dissolved sulphite, expressed as SO32Sulphate Dissolved sulphate, expressed as SO42The sum of antimony, arsenic, lead, chromium, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, vanadium and their compounds, expressed as Sb+As+Pb+Cr+Co+Cu+Mn+Ni+V a. antimony and its compounds, expressed as Sb; b. arsenic and its compounds, expressed as As; c. lead and its compounds, expressed as Pb; Sb+As+Pb+Cr+ d. chromium and its compounds, expressed as Cr; Co+Cu+Mn+Ni+V e. cobalt and its compounds, expressed as Co; f. copper and its compounds, expressed as Cu; g. manganese and its compounds, expressed as Mn; h. nickel and its compounds, expressed as Ni; i. vanadium and its compounds, expressed as V; j. manganese and its compounds, expressed as Mn TOC Total organic carbon, expressed as C (in water) TSS Total suspended solids. Mass concentration of all suspended solids (in water), measured via filtration through glass fibre filters and gravimetry TVOC Total volatile organic carbon, expressed as C (in air) Zn The sum of zinc and its compounds, expressed as Zn Continuous Measurement using an 'automated measuring system' (AMS) or a 'continuous measurement emission monitoring system' (CEM) permanently installed on site Periodic Determination of a measurand (a particular quantity subject to measurement) at measurement specified time intervals using manual or automated reference methods. A periodic measurement of emissions to air is the average over 3 consecutive measurements of at least half an hour). A periodic measurement of emissions to water is a flow-proportional composite sample over 24-hour. Predictive emissions Predictive Emissions Monitoring Systems: System used to determine the monitoring system emissions concentration of a pollutant from an emission source on a continuous (PEMS) basis, based on its relationship with a number of characteristic continuously monitored process parameters (e.g. the fuel gas consumption, the air/fuel ratio) and fuel or feed quality data (e.g. the Ssulphur content) Direct discharge Discharge to a receiving water body at the point where the emission leaves the installation without further downstream treatment Start-up and shutThe time period of plant operation as determined pursuant to the provisions of down period Commission Implementing Decision 2012/249/EU of 7 May 2012, concerning the determination of start-up and shut-down periods for the purposes of Directive 2010/75 of the European Parliament and the Council on industrial emissions 6 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Valid (hourly average) An hourly average is considered valid when there is no maintenance or malfunction of the automated measuring system For the purposes of these BAT conclusions, the following acronyms apply: Acronyms Definition G D R AF T IN PR O G R ES S Automated measuring system Air supply unit Bubbling fluidised bed (combustion) Blast furnace gas Combined cycle gas turbine, with or without supplementary firing Continuous emission monitoring system Circulating fluidised bed (combustion) Combined heat and power Coke oven gas Carbonyl sulphide Pilot fuel ignited Duct dry sorbent injection Fluidised bed combustion Flue-gas desulphurisation Gas diesel Heavy fuel oil Heat recovery steam generator Integrated gasification combined cycle plant Light fuel oil Lower heating value Low-NOX burner No BAT-AEL Non-conventional (fuel) Not determined Methyl diethanolamine Open-cycle gas turbine Pulverised combustion Predictive emissions monitoring system Pressurised fluidised bed (combustion) Quality Assurance/Quality Control Selective catalytic reduction Flue-gas desulphurisation by using a spray dryer Spark ignited Selective non-catalytic reduction Wet flue-gas desulphurisation W O R KI N AMS ASU BFB(C) BFG CCGT CEM CFB(C) CHP COG COS DF DSI FBC FGD GD HFO HRSG IGCC LFO LHV LNB NA NC (fuel) ND MDEA OCGT PC PEMS PFB(C) QA/QC SCR SDS SG SNCR WFGD TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 7 Chapter 10 General considerations Best Available Techniques The techniques listed and described in these BAT conclusions are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive. Other techniques may be used that ensure at least an equivalent level of environmental protection. R ES S Unless otherwise stated, these BAT conclusions are generally applicable. Expression of Emission levels associated with the best available techniques (BAT-AELs) for emissions to air PR O G Unless stated otherwise, Emission levels associated with the best available techniques (BATAELs) for emissions to air given in these BAT conclusions refer to concentrations, are expressed: as either mass of emitted substances per volume of waste flue-gas under the following standard conditions: dry gas, temperature of 273.15 K, pressure of 101.3 kPa (273.15 K, 101.3 kPa), after deduction of water vapour content (dry gas), and expressed in the units g/Nm3, mg/Nm3, µg/Nm3 or ng I-TEQ/Nm3. at a standardised O2 content of: Activity IN Reference conditions for oxygen used to express BAT-AELs in this document are shown in the table given below. Oxygen reference conditions AF T Combustion of solid fuels Combustion of solid fuels in combination with liquid and/or gaseous fuels Waste co-incineration Combustion of liquid and/or gaseous fuels when not taking place in a gas turbine or an engine Combustion of liquid and/or gaseous fuels when taking place in a gas turbine or an engine Combustion in IGCC plants 6% D R 3% G 15 % o O R KI N 6 % for solid fuels, waste co-incineration, multi-fuel firing of solid fuel with gaseous and/or liquid fuels; o 3 % for combustion plants, other than gas turbines and engines combusting liquid and/or gaseous fuels; o 15 % for gas turbines and engines combusting liquid and/or gaseous fuels, and for multi-fuel fired IGCC plants. without subtraction of uncertainty. W The formula for calculating the emission concentration at the reference oxygen level is: ER = where ER (mg/Nm3) OR (vol-%) EM (mg/Nm3) OM (vol-%) 8 = = = = 21 – OR 21 – OM × EM emission concentration at the reference oxygen level OR; reference oxygen level; measured emission concentration; measured oxygen level. April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Where emission levels associated with the best available techniques (BAT-AELs) are given for different averaging periods, all of those BAT-AELs apply. Unless stated otherwise, BAT-AELs for emissions to water given in these BAT conclusions are given without subtraction of uncertainty as mass of emitted substances per volume of waste water, expressed in the units g/l, mg/l or µg/l. Unless stated otherwise, the techniques identified in these BAT conclusions are generally applicable. R ES S For averaging periods, the following definitions apply: Averaging period Daily average Average of samples obtained during one year (for periodic measurements) PR Average over the sampling period O G Yearly average Definition Emissions to air: maximum over one year of the Averages over a period of 24 hours of valid hourly averages obtained given by a continuous measurements Emissions to air: Average over a period of one year of valid hourly averages obtained by a continuous measurements. Average value of three consecutive measurements of at least 30 minutes each (1) Emissions to air: Average of the values obtained during one year of the periodic measurements taken with the monitoring frequency set for each parameter Emissions to water: average (weighted according to the daily flows) over one year of the periodic measurements taken with the monitoring frequency set for the relevant parameter T IN (1) For any parameter where, due to sampling or analytical limitations, 30-minute sampling is inappropriate, a suitable sampling period is employed. AF Emission levels associated with the best available techniques (BAT-AELs) for emissions to water N G D R Emission levels associated with the best available techniques (BAT-AELs) for emissions to water given in these BAT conclusions refer to concentrations, expressed as mass of emitted substances per volume of water, and expressed in µg/l, mg/l, or g/l. The BAT-AELs refer to 24hour flow-proportional composite samples, taken with the minimum frequency set for the relevant parameter and under normal operating conditions. Time-proportional sampling can be used provided that sufficient flow stability is demonstrated. KI Energy efficiency levels associated with the best available techniques (BAT-AEELs) W O R An energy efficiency level associated with the best available techniques (BAT-AEEL) refers to the ratio between the plant's net energy output(s) and the plant's fuel/feedstock energy input. The net energy output(s) is determined at the combustion, gasification, or IGCC plant boundaries and for the plant operated at maximum continuous rating (MCR) conditions. In the case of combined heat and power (CHP) plants, the net total fuel utilisation BAT-AEEL refers to the combustion plant being operated at full load simultaneously for both heat and power, and the net electrical efficiency BAT-AEEL refers to the combustion plant generating only electricity at MCR. The net mechanical energy efficiency refers to the integral (over a given period of time) of the differential of pressure (in Pascal) multiplied by the corresponding volumetric flow rate of the gas/liquid (in cubic metre per second) driven. BAT-AEELs are expressed as a percentage of the fuel/feedstock energy input (as lower heating value, LHV). For averaging periods, the following definitions apply: TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 9 Chapter 10 Averaging period Definition For net electrical efficiency: ratio between the net electrical output (electricity produced at alternator terminals minus imported energy) and fuel/feedstock energy input (as the fuel/feedstock lower heating value) at the combustion plant boundary over a period of one year. Yearly average R ES S For net total fuel utilisation: ratio between the net produced energy (electricity, hot water, steam, mechanical energy produced minus imported electrical and/or thermal energy) and fuel energy input (as the fuel lower heating value) at the combustion plant boundary over a period of one year Categorisation of combustion plants according to their total rated thermal input PR O G For the purpose of these BAT conclusions, when a range of values for the total rated thermal input is indicated, this is to be read as 'equal to or greater than the lower end of the range and lower than the upper end of the range'. For example, the plant category 100-300 MWth is to be read as: combustion plants with a total rated thermal input equal to or greater than 100 MWth and lower than 300 MWth. W O R KI N G D R AF T IN NOTE to the TWG: whilst cross-references are provided to other parts of this document in order to aid the work of the TWG, they will not be included in the final BAT conclusions themselves. Such cross-references are displayed in brackets and italics. 10 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 10.1 General BAT conclusions Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable. The processfuel-specific BAT conclusions included in Sections 10.2 to 10.7 apply, in addition to these general BAT conclusions mentioned in this section. 10.1.1 Environmental management systems R ES S BAT 1. In order to improve the overall environmental performance of large combustion plants, BAT is to implement and adhere to an environmental management system (EMS) that incorporates all of the following features: T IN PR structure and responsibility recruitment, training, awareness and competence communication employee involvement documentation effective efficient process control planned regular maintenance programmes emergency preparedness and response safeguarding compliance with environmental legislation; AF (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) O G i. commitment of the management, including senior management; ii. definition of an environmental policy that includes the continuous improvement of the installation by the management; iii. planning and establishing the necessary procedures, objectives and targets, in conjunction with financial planning and investment; iv. implementation of procedures paying particular attention to: D R v. checking performance and taking corrective action, paying particular attention to: KI N G (a) monitoring and measurement (see also the reference document on the General Principles of Monitoring monitoring of emissions to air and water from IED-installations – ROM) (b) corrective and preventive action (c) maintenance of records (d) independent (where practicable) internal and external auditing in order to determine whether or not the EMS conforms to planned arrangements and has been properly implemented and maintained; W O R vi. review of the EMS and its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness by senior management; vii. following the development of cleaner technologies; viii. consideration for the environmental impacts from the eventual decommissioning of the installation at the stage of designing a new plant, and throughout its operating life including; (a) avoiding underground structures; (b) incorporating features that facilitate dismantling; (c) choosing surface finishes that are easily decontaminated; (d) using an equipment configuration that minimises trapped chemicals and facilitates drain-down or cleaning; (e) designing flexible, self-contained equipment that enables phased closure; (f) using biodegradable and recyclable materials where possible; TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 11 Chapter 10 ix. application of sectoral benchmarking on a regular basis. Specifically for this large combustion plants sector, it is also important to consider the following potential features of the EMS, described in the relevant BAT where appropriate: N G D R AF T IN PR O G R ES S x. identify proper risk points for fuels subject to self-ignition and survey accordingly the fuel storage areas. xi. quality assurance/quality control programmes to ensure that the characteristics of all fuels are fully determined and controlled (see BAT 5); xii. a management plan in order to minimise the occurrence and duration of other than normal operating condition periods, including start-up and shutdown periods (see BAT 6 and BAT 6 bis). xiii. a waste management plan to ensure that waste is avoided, prepared for reuse, recycled or otherwise recovered, including the use of techniques in BAT 13; xiv. environmental and safety management system to identify and plan to prevent and deal with uncontrolled and/or unplanned emissions to the environment, in particular: (a) emissions to soil and groundwater from the handling and storage of fuels, additives, by-products and wastes (b) due to the risk of self-heating and/or self-ignition of fuel in the storage and handling activities; xv. a dust management plan to prevent or where not practicable, to reduce diffuse emissions from loading, unloading, storage and/or handling of fuels, residues and additives; xvi. a noise management plan where a noise nuisance at sensitive receptors is expected or sustained, including; (a) a protocol for conducting noise monitoring at the plant boundary; (b) a noise reduction programme (see techniques in BAT 14); (c) a protocol for response to noise incidents containing appropriate actions and timelines; (d) a review of historic noise incidents, remedies and dissemination of noise incident knowledge to the affected parties; xvii. For the combustion or co-incineration of malodourous substances, an odour management plan including: (a) a protocol for conducting odour monitoring; (b) where necessary, an odour elimination programme to identify and eliminate or reduce the odour emissions; (c) a protocol to record odour incidents and the appropriate actions and timelines; (d) a review of historic odour incidents, remedies and the dissemination to the affected parties of odour incident knowledge. KI Where an assessment shows any of the abovementioned plans are not necessary, a record is made of the decision, including the reasons. W O R Applicability The scope (e.g. level of detail) and nature of the EMS (e.g. standardised or non-standardised) is generally related to the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the range of environmental impacts it may have. 10.1.2 BAT 2. Monitoring BAT is to monitor emissions to: a. air, after all the flue-gas treatment steps, and before mixing with other flue-gases and releasing; b. water, at the point of discharge, 12 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 for the pollutants given in each BAT-AEL table of these conclusions, with at least the frequency indicated in the same table and in accordance with EN standards. If EN standards are not available, BAT is to use ISO, national or other international standards that ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality. R ES S BAT 3. BAT is to monitor the net electrical efficiency and/or the net total fuel utilisation and/or the net mechanical energy efficiency of the gasification and/or combustion plants by periodically carrying out performance tests at full load, according to EN standards. If EN standards are not available, BAT is to use ISO, national or other international standards that ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality. A performance tests is carried out in particular after the commissioning of the plant and after each modification that could significantly affect the net electrical efficiency and/or the net total fuel utilisation and/or the net mechanical energy efficiency of the plant. PR O G Applicability Monitoring of the net electrical efficiency applies only to plants generating only power, to CHP and to IGCC plants. Monitoring of the net total fuel utilisation applies only to plants generating only heat, to CHP and to gasification plants (including IGCC plants). Monitoring of the net mechanical drive efficiency only applies to plants used for mechanical drive applications. IN In order to ensure general good environmental and combustion performance, BAT is to monitor the process parameters and the additional environmental parameters given below. Parameter T All combustion plants D R Waste generation All combustion plants AF Energy output (power, heat, mechanical output) Applicability G Waste water flow N Noise level Combustion plants using coal, lignite, biomass, peat, HFO Zn emissions to air Combustion plants co-incinerating sewage sludges N2O emissions to air biomass- and peatfired CFB boilers KI R All combustion plants Sb, As, Pb, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, V, Cd, and Tl emissions to air O W All combustion plants TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 Point of measurement At plant/installation boundaries At plant/installation boundaries Monitoring frequency Continuous Before discharge to receiving At plant/installation boundaries After all the fluegas treatment, steps, and before mixing with other flue-gases and releasing After all the fluegas treatment steps, and before mixing with other flue-gases and releasing After all the fluegas treatment steps, and before mixing with other flue-gases and releasing 3 times/yr 3 times/yr 3 times/yr Twice /yr 13 Chapter 10 {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections,, and} BAT 3……bis. BAT is to monitor key process parameters relevant for emissions to air and water including continuous or periodic measurement of flow, oxygen content, and temperature in the case of flue-gas streams as well as continuous measurement of flow, pH, and temperature in the case of waste water streams from flue-gas treatment. NOX OCGT on offshore platforms W O N2 O CO 14 Coal and/or lignite in circulating fluidised bed boilers Solid biomass and/or peat in circulating fluidised bed boilers Coal and/or lignite including waste coincineration Solid biomass and/or peat including waste coincineration HFO- and/or gas oil-fired boilers and engines Gas oil-fired gas R Monitoring associated with BAT 4 bis PR O G Continuous (2) (3) All sizes Generic EN standards Continuous (2) (4) BAT 19, BAT 26, BAT 32, BAT 36, BAT 41, BAT 46, 0, BAT 48, BAT 52, BAT 53, BAT 65, BAT 74, BAT 75, BAT 83 All sizes EN 14792 At least once every year (5) BAT 60 All sizes EN 21258 At least once every year (6) BAT 19, BAT 26 Continuous (2) (4) BAT 19, BAT 26, BAT 32, BAT 37, BAT 42, BAT 49, BAT 54, BAT 65, BAT 74, BAT 75, BAT 83 KI Generic EN standards IN All sizes D R Minimum monitoring frequency G When SCR and/or SNCR is used Coal and/or lignite including waste coincineration plants Solid biomass and/or peat including waste coincineration plants HFO- and/or gas oil-fired boilers and engines Gas oil-fired gas turbines Natural gas-fired boilers, engines, and turbines Iron and steel process gases Process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers IGCC plants N NH3 Standard(s) (1) T Fuel/Process Combustion plant total rated thermal input AF Substance/ Parameter R ES S BAT 3 ter. …BAT is to monitor emissions to air with at least the frequency given below and in accordance with EN standards. If EN standards are not available, BAT is to use ISO, national or other international standards that ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality. All sizes April 2015 Generic EN standards TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Substance/ Parameter Combustion plant total rated thermal input Fuel/Process Standard(s) (1) turbines Natural gas-fired boilers, engines, and turbines Iron and steel process gases Process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers IGCC plants Minimum monitoring frequency Monitoring associated with SO2 EN 14791 BAT 43 D R At least once every three months (7) All sizes No EN standard available At least once every year — BAT 21, BAT 66 N KI W O R HCl Continuous (2) All sizes When SCR is used Coal and/or lignite Process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers All sizes EN 1911 At least once every three months (2) (8) Solid biomass and/or peat All sizes Generic EN standards Continuous (2) (9) BAT 28 All sizes Generic EN standards Continuous (9) BAT 76, 0 All sizes No EN standard available At least once every three months (2) (8) BAT 21, BAT 66 BAT 28 G Generic EN standards BAT 21, BAT 28, BAT 33, BAT 38, BAT 56, BAT 66, BAT 76, 0, BAT 84 Gas oil-fired gas turbines All sizes AF SO3 BAT 61 T At least once every year (5) G Coal and/or lignite including waste coincineration Solid biomass and/or peat including waste coincineration HFO- and/or gas oil-fired boilers and engines Iron and steel process gases Process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers IGCC plants EN 15058 O All sizes PR OCGT on offshore platforms IN R ES S Waste coincineration in coal, lignite, solid biomass and/or peat combustion plants Coal and/or lignite Process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers Solid biomass and/or peat All sizes No EN standard available At least once every year Waste coincineration in coal, lignite, solid biomass and/or peat All sizes Generic EN standards Continuous (9) HF TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 BAT 76, 0 15 Chapter 10 Continuous (2) Continuous (7) (10) At least once every three months (7) — At least once every year (11) BAT 22, BAT 29, BAT 34, BAT 39 All sizes Generic EN standards and EN 13284-2 Gas oil-fired gas turbines All sizes EN 13284-1 N IGCC plants R KI Hg AF T EN 14385 EN 14385 At least once every six months (7) (8) At least once every three months (7) (8) At least once every year (11) At least once every three months (8) (13) ≥ 300 MWth EN 14385 ≥ 100 MWth EN 14385 < 300 MWth EN 13211 ≥ 300 MWth Generic EN standards and EN 14884 Continuous (9) BAT 39 BAT 78, BAT 79 BAT 85 BAT 23 Solid biomass and/or peat All sizes EN 13211 At least once every year (13) BAT 30 Waste coincineration in solid biomass and/or peat combustion plants All sizes EN 13211 At least once every three months (8) BAT 80 ≥ 100 MWth EN 13211 At least once every year (13) BAT 85 16 < 300 MWth Coal and/or lignite including waste coincineration W O All sizes D R Waste coincineration in coal, lignite, solid biomass and/or peat combustion plants G PR HFO- and/or gas oil-fired engines Metals and metalloids except mercury (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V, Zn) BAT 22, BAT 29, BAT 34, BAT 58, BAT 67, BAT 78, BAT 79, BAT 85 All sizes Coal and/or lignite Solid biomass and/or peat HFO- and/or gas oil-fired boilers and engines Monitoring associated with Generic EN standards and EN 13284-2 IN Dust combustion plants Coal and/or lignite including waste coincineration Solid biomass and/or peat including waste coincineration HFO- and/or gas oil-fired boilers Iron and steel process gases Process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers IGCC plants Minimum monitoring frequency R ES S Standard(s) (1) G Fuel/Process Combustion plant total rated thermal input O Substance/ Parameter IGCC plants April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Substance/ Parameter Combustion plant total rated thermal input Fuel/Process Standard(s) (1) Minimum monitoring frequency Monitoring associated with All sizes EN 12619 At least once every six months (8) BAT 37, BAT 69 All sizes Generic EN standards and EN ISO 13199 Continuous (9) BAT 81 All sizes No EN standard available At least once every year BAT 50 All sizes EN ISO 25139 CH4 Natural gas-fired engines engines All sizes IN PCDD/F PR Process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers Waste coincineration in coal, lignite, solid biomass and/or peat combustion plants G Formaldehy de At least once every year (6) BAT 50 At least once every six months (8) (12) BAT 69, BAT 81 O TVOC HFO- and/or gas oil-fired engines Process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers Waste coincineration in coal, lignite, solid biomass and/or peat combustion plants Natural gas in spark-ignited leanburn gas (SG) and dual fuel (DF) engines R ES S EN 1948-1, EN 1949-2, EN 1948-3 W O R KI N G D R AF T (1) Generic EN standards for continuous measurements are EN 15267-1, EN 15267-2, EN 15267-3, and EN 14181. EN standards for periodic measurements are given in the table. (2) In the case of plants with a rated thermal input of < 100 MWth operated in emergency-load mode, the monitoring frequency may be reduced to at least once every year. In the case of plants with a rated thermal input of < 100 MWth operated in peak-load mode, the monitoring frequency may be reduced to at least once every six months. (3) In the case of combined use of dedusting and wet abatement techniques (e.g. wet FGD or flue-gas condenser), the monitoring frequency may be reduced to at least once every year, if it is demonstrated that the emission levels are consistently within the BAT-AELs set. (4) In the case of natural gas-fired turbines with a rated thermal input of < 100 MWth operated in emergency- or peakload modes, or in the case of existing OCGTs, PEMS may be used alternatively. (5) PEMS may be used alternatively. (6) The measurement is performed with a combustion plant load of > 70 %. (7) In the case of plants operated in emergency-load mode, the monitoring frequency may be reduced to at least once every year. In the case of plants operated in peak-load mode, the monitoring frequency may be reduced to at least once every six months. (8) The monitoring frequency may be reduced if it is demonstrated that the emission levels are consistently within the BAT-AELs set. In these specific cases, periodic measurements could be carried out each time that a change of the fuel and/or waste characteristics may have an impact on the emissions, but in any case at least once every year. (9) The monitoring frequency may be reduced if it is demonstrated that the emission levels are consistently within the BAT-AELs set. In these specific cases, periodic measurements could be carried out each time that a change of the fuel and/or waste characteristics may have an impact on the emissions, but in any case at least once every six months. (10) The monitoring frequency may be reduced if it is demonstrated that the emission levels are consistently within the BAT-AELs set due to the fuel used. In these specific cases, periodic measurements could be carried out each time that a change of the fuel characteristics may have an impact on the emissions, but in any case at least once every three months for plants not operated in emergency- or peak-load modes. (11) The list of pollutants monitored and the monitoring frequency may be adjusted after an initial characterisation of the fuel (see BAT 5) based on a risk assessment of the load of pollutants in the emissions to air, but in any case at least each time that a change of the fuel characteristics may have an impact on the emissions. (12) In the case of process fuels from the chemical industry, monitoring is only applicable when the fuels contain chlorine compounds. (13) The monitoring frequency does not apply in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 17 Chapter 10 BAT 3 quater. BAT is to monitor emissions to water from flue-gas treatment with at least the frequency given below and in accordance with EN standards. If EN standards are not available, BAT is to use ISO, national or other international standards that ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality. Substance/Parameter Minimum monitoring frequency Standard(s) Total organic carbon (TOC) EN 1484 Chemical oxygen demand (COD) R ES S EN 872 EN ISO 10304-1 EN ISO 10304-1 G No EN standard available BAT 11 EN ISO 10304-3 O At least once every month PR Various EN standards available (e.g. EN ISO 11885 or EN ISO 17294-2) Various EN standards available (e.g. EN ISO 12846 or EN ISO 17852) Various EN standards available (e.g. EN ISO 10304-1 or EN ISO 15682) EN 12260 T Hg No EN standard available IN Total suspended solids (TSS) Fluoride (F-) Sulphate (SO42-) Sulphide, easily released (S2-) Sulphite (SO32-) As Cd Cr Cu Metals and Ni metalloids Pb Zn AF Chloride (Cl-) — — W O R KI N G D R Total nitrogen Monitoring associated with 18 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 10.1.3 General environmental and combustion performance BAT 4. In order to improve the general environmental performance of combustion plants and to reduce their emissions to air of CO and unburnt substances, BAT is to ensure an optimised complete combustion through stable combustion conditions and to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given below. Select or switch totally or partially to another fuel(s) with a better environmental profile (with e.g. low S or Hgsulphur and/or mercury content) amongst the available fuels Generally applicable Applicable within the constraints given by the energy policy of the Member State. Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel with a better environmental profile as a whole, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State. For existing plants, the type of fuel chosen may be limited by the configuration and the design of the plant PR O b. Fuel choice Applicability R ES S a. Fuel blending and mixing Description Ensure stable combustion conditions and/or reduce the emission of pollutants by mixing different qualities of the same fuel type (e.g. biomass) G Technique IN Replace part of a fuel by another fuel with a better environmental profile (e.g. use coal and syngas from biomass gasification instead of coal only) See description in Section 10.8 Use of advanced computerised control system to enable the good performance of the boiler with improving combustion conditions to support the reduction of emissions. This also includes high-performance monitoring Good design of furnace, combustion chambers, burners,… and associated devices Good design and operation of the ammonia injection system to enable the achievement of a homogenous NH3/NOX mixture that favours the NOX reduction reaction while limiting the NH3 slip See description in Section 10.8 Regular planned maintenance according to suppliers' recommendations Advanced computerised control system e. Good design of the combustion equipment KI N G D R d. AF T c. Multi-fuel firing W O R Good design and f. operation of the ammonia injection system g. Maintenance of the combustion system Ratio of replaced fuel may be limited by configuration of the existing plant and its associated achieved level of performance Generally applicable to new plants. The applicability to old plants may be constrained by the need to retrofit the combustion and/or control command system(s) Generally applicable to new plants Only applicable to plants using SNCR and/or SCR techniques Generally applicable {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} BAT 4 bis. In order to reduce emissions of ammonia to air from the use of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and/or selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) for the abatement of NOX emissions, BAT is to optimise the design and/or operation of SCR and/or SNCR (e.g. optimised and homogeneous distribution of the reagent/NO X ratio, optimum size of the reagent drops, stable operating conditions). BAT-associated emission levels TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 19 Chapter 10 The BAT-associated emission level (BAT-AEL) for emissions of NH3 to air from the use of SCR and/or SNCR is < 5–10 mg/Nm3 as a yearly average or average over the sampling period. The lower end of the range may correspond to the combined use of SCR with wet abatement techniques (e.g. wet FGD or flue-gas condenser), and the upper end of the range may correspond to the use of SNCR without wet abatement techniques. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. R ES S BAT 5. In order to improve the general environmental performance of combustion and /or gasification plants and to reduce emissions to air, BAT is to ensure include the following elements in the QA/QC programmes for all the fuels used includes the following elements , as part of the environmental management system (see BAT 1): i. An initial full characterisation including at least the parameters listed below and in accordance with EN standards. ISO, national or other international standards may be used provided they ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality. Periodic control of the fuel quality to ensure it is within the criteria of the characterisation and the plant design. The frequency of testing and the parameters chosen from the table below are based on the variability of the fuel and an assessment of the risk of pollutant releases (e.g. concentration in fuel, flue-gas treatment employed). Integration of the results in the advanced control system (See description in Section 10.8). PR O G ii. iii. AF T IN Description Characterisation and QA/QC testing can be performed by the operator and/or the fuel supplier. If performed by the supplier, the full results are provided to the operator through a product (fuel) supplier specification and/or guarantee. Sampling frequency D R Fuel(s) representative daily biomass fuel samples A monthly composite sample which is created using the daily composite samples G Biomass/peat N KI once / week once / month and at each change of coal/lignite origin 3 times / year, of the fuel that is combusted when the periodic measurements of metal emissions to air take place and at each change of coal/lignite place of origin W O R Coal/lignite Gas oil/HFO At each fuel delivery LFO At each fuel delivery Natural gas monthly (provided by the fuel supplier) Noncommercial fuels inProcess fuels from the chemical At each change of production mode that leads to a change in the by-product residues used as fuel 20 April 2015 Analysis and Characterisation Substances/Parameters subject to characterisation LHV moisture Ash, metals C, Cl, F, N, S metals and metalloids (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl, V, Zn) LHV, moisture, volatiles, ash, fixed carbon, C, H, N, O, S Br, Cl, F metals and metalloids trace species (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl, V, Zn) Ash, metals C, S, N, Ni, V Ash, metals N, C, S content LHV C2H6 8, C3, C4, CH4, CO2, H2, H2S, N2, Wobbe índex Br, C, Cl, F, H, N, O, S metals and metalloids trace species (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl, V, Zn) TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 plantsindustry (1) Iron and steel process gases Wastes To be defined in the (pre)-acceptance procedure LHV, C2H6 , C3, C4, CH4, CO2, H2, N2, H2S, COS, dust, Wobbe índex LHV, moisture, volatiles, ash, Br, C, Cl, F, H, N, O, S metals and metalloids trace species (Cd, Tl, Hg, Sb, As, Pb, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, V, Zn) (1) The list of substances/parameters characterised can be reduced to only those that can reasonably be expected to be present in the fuel(s) based on information on the raw materials and the production processes. R ES S {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections and} PR O G BAT 6. In order to minimise the emissions during start-up and shutdown periods, BAT is to shorten those periods to the minimum time necessary to meet the consumer (e.g. the grid) requirements use one or a combination of the techniques in BAT 4 (e.g. fuel choice) during those periods and/or to reduce the occurrence and duration of those periods by setting up and implementing a management plan as part of the environmental management system (see BAT 1 and BAT 6 bis), with a special focus on start-up and shutdown periods, including unplanned shutdown periods. This plan may include the reduction of the minimum start-up and shutdown loads for stable generation, as defined in the Commission Implementing Decision 2012/249/EU (using e.g. low load design concepts in gas turbines). AF risk assessment of OTNOC; appropriate design of the systems considered relevant in generating OTNOC that may have an impact on emissions to air, water and/or soil; specific preventive maintenance action plan of these relevant systems; corrective actions, recording, review of OTNOC and update of the risk assessment if necessary. D R T IN BAT 6 bis. In order to reduce emissions to air during other than normal operating conditions (OTNOC), BAT is to minimise the occurrence and duration of those periods by setting up and implementing a management plan as part of the environmental management system (see BAT 1), that includes all of the following elements: G BAT 6 ter. BAT is to monitor emissions to air and/or to water during OTNOC, providing that the monitoring system is not involved in the occurrence of the OTNOC. W O R KI N BAT 6 quater. In order to prevent or reduce emissions to air during normal operating conditions (NOC), BAT is to ensure, by appropriate design, operation and maintenance, that the emission abatement systems are used at optimal capacity and availability. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 21 Chapter 10 10.1.4 Energy efficiency BAT 7. In order to increase the energy efficiency of combustion plants that are not operated in peak- and/or emergency-load modes, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given below. Technique Ultra-supercritical steam conditions Applicability Applicable to new baseload plants > 300 MWth. Only applicable to new baseload plants of ≥ 600 MWth. Not applicable when the purpose of the combustion plant is to produce low steam temperatures and/or pressures in process industries. Not applicable to gas turbines and engines generating steam in CHP mode. For combustion plants burning biomass, the applicability may be constrained by hightemperature corrosion in the case of certain biomasses Applicable for existing plants > 1000 MWth. Applicability may be limited for existing plants < 1000 MWth when the steam turbine cannot be adapted for the implementation of a double reheat cycle (e.g. material not resistant enough for supporting such pressure / temperature). O PR G Operate withat the highest possible pressure and temperature of the working medium gas or steam, within the constraints associated with e.g. the control of NOX emissions or the characteristics of energy demanded Operate with the highest possible pressure drop in the low pressure end of the steam turbine through utilisation of the lowest possible temperature of the cooling water (fresh water cooling) Operate with lower turbine exhaust pressure through utilisation of the lowest possible temperature of the condenser cooling water, within the design conditions Recovery of heat (mainly from the steam cooling system) for producing hot water / steam which isto be used in industrial processes/activities or in district heating. Additional heat recovery is possible from: flue-gas grate cooling circulating fluidised bed Preheat water coming out of the steam condenser in the steam circuit with Generally applicable Optimisation of the steam cycle W O d. R KI N Optimisation of the c. working medium conditions D R AF T IN Supercritical and b. ultra-supercritical steam conditions Use of a steam circuit, including steam reheating systems, in which steam can reach pressures above 220.6 bar and temperatures above 374°C in the case of supercritical conditions, and above 250– 300 bar and temperatures above 580– 600°C in the case of ultra-supercritical conditions G R ES S a. Description Use of a steam circuit, including double or triple steam reheat systems, in which steam can reach pressures of about 300 bar and temperatures of about 600°C e. Heat recovery by cogeneration (CHP) f. Regenerative feedwater heating 22 April 2015 Generally applicable Generally aApplicable within the constraints given byassociated with the local power and heat demand. The applicability may be limited in the case of gas compressors with an unpredictable operational heat profile Generally applicable to new and existing combined-cycle plants TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Preheating of g. combustion air Steam turbine h. upgrades recovered heat from the plant, before reusing it in the boiler Preheating combustion air byThe reuseing of part of the recovered heat recovered from the combustion flue-gas to preheat the air used in combustion This includes techniques such as iIncreaseing temperature and pressure of medium-pressure steam, addition of a lowpressure turbine, modifications of theblade geometry of the turbine rotor blades See description in Section 10.8. The computerised control of the main combustion parameters enables, in order to improve the combustion efficiency j. Cooling tower discharge The release of Dischargeemissions to air through a cooling tower and not via a dedicated stack O PR IN T AF D R Generally applicable to new and existing plants fitted with wet FGD The rReduction of fuel moisture content before combustion to improve combustion conditions Applicable to the combustion of biomass and/or, peat, andor to the combustion of lignite within the constraints given byassociated with autospontaneous combustion risks (e.g. the moisture content of peat is kept above 40 % throughout the delivery chain during transport to the plant). Applicable on a-case-by-case basis for the gasification of biomass depending on the gasification process The retrofit of existing combustion or gasification plants may be restricted by the extra calorific value that can be obtained from the drying operation and by the limited retrofit possibilities offered by some boiler designs or plant KI R O W l. Fuel predrying Generally applicable to new plants. The applicability to old plants may be constrained by the need to retrofit the combustion and/or control command system(s) Applicable to new and existing plants Only applicable to plants fitted with wet FGD where reheating of the flue-gas is necessary before release, and where the combustion plant cooling system is a cooling tower Applicable when the cooling tower is selected as the cooling system. Applicable to existing plants subject to existing material and location design constraints The dDesign of the stack in order to enable water vapour condensation from the saturated flue-gas and thus to avoid the need to use a flue-gas reheatergas-gas heater after the wet FGD N G k. Wet stack Generally applicable The applicability may be restricted by demand/steam conditions and/or limited plant lifetime G i. Advanced computerised control system Only applicable to steam circuits and not to hot boilers. Applicability to existing plants may be limited due to constraints associated with the plant configuration and the amount of recoverable heat Generally aApplicable within the constraints related to the need to control given by the needs of NOX emissions control R ES S Feed-water preheating using recovered heat TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 23 Chapter 10 m. Fuel preheating Preheating of fuel by using recovered heat Combustion optimisation See description in Section 10.8. Optimising the combustion minimises Minimising the content of unburnt substances in the flue-gases and in solid combustion residues Minimisation of heat losses r. Minimisation of energy consumption R ES S Use of advanced materials proven to be to reachcapable of withstanding high operating temperatures and pressures and thus to achieve increased steam / combustion process efficiencies Minimising residual heat losses, e.g. through the slag and by isolating insulating radiating sources Minimising the internal energy consumption by, e.g. scarification of the evaporator, (greater efficiency of the feed water pump), etc. The flue-gas condenser is a heat exchanger recovering heat, where water is heated by the flue-gases before it is heated in the steam condensers. The vapour content in the flue-gases thus condense as it is cooled by the heating waterSee description in Section 10.8 Only applicable to new plants Only applicable to solid-fuelfired combustion plants and to gasification / IGCC plants Generally applicable CHP readiness See description in Section 10.8 G t. D R AF s. Flue-gas condenser T IN q. Heat accumulation storage in CHP mode G p. Advanced materials Only Applicable to CHP plants. The applicability may be limited in the case of low heat load demand O o. Heat accumulation Generally applicable PR n. configurations Generally applicable within the constraints related to the boiler design and to the need to control NOX emissions given by the needs of NOX emissions control Generally applicable to CHP plants provided there is enough demand for low-temperature heat Only applicable to new plants where there is a realistic potential for the future use of heat in the vicinity of the plant when immediate opportunities for heat supply at the time of building are unavailable KI Diffuse emissions from unloading, storage and handling of fuel and additives R 10.1.5 N {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 3.3.4} W O BAT 8. In order to reduce VOC emissions to air from the storage of liquid fuels, BAT is to use in storage tanks one of the techniques given below. a. 24 Sealing roof The storage tanks are fitted with floating roofs equipped with high efficiency seals or a fixed roof tank connected to a vapour recovery system. High efficiency seals are specific devices for limiting the losses of vapour April 2015 Applicable to liquid-fuel-fired combustion plants TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 b. Closed-loop system For internal inspections, tanks have to be periodically emptied, cleaned, and rendered gas-free. This cleaning includes dissolving the tank bottom. Closed-loop systems that can be combined with end-of-pipe mobile abatement techniques prevent or reduce VOC emissions Applicable to liquid-fuel-fired combustion plants m. Cover stockpiles G N KI W O R r. s. t. Enclosed conveyors and protected transfer points G Applicability O Use water spray systems in storage areas and/or stockpiles Cover stockpiles (e.g. of petroleum coke) Applicable to solid-fuel-fired combustion plants Applicable in sites where freezing does not occur. Not applicable to fuels with high surface moisture content Generally applicable to solid-fuel-fired combustion plants Grow grass over long-term storage areas Applicable when dusty fuel is supplied and handled Apply the transfer of extracted fuels via closed belt conveyors or trains directly to the on-site fuel storage area Applicable to plants located near to mines providing the fuel Use cleaning devices for conveyor belts Applicable to solid-fuel-fired combustion plants D R Grass over longn. term storage areas Direct transfer o. of extracted fuels Use cleaning p. devices for conveyor belts Optimise on-site q. transport PR l. Storage water spray systems IN Minimise the k. height of the fuel drop Description Use loading and unloading equipment that minimises the height of the fuel drop to the stockpile (e.g. when storing fine wood material and dry peat) T Technique capture emissions nearest to the source; abate the captured pollutants; optimise the capture efficiency and subsequent cleaning; use the techniques given below. AF a. b. c. d. R ES S BAT 9. In order to reduce diffuse emissions to air, including odorous substances, from the unloading, storage and handling of fuels, waste and additives, BAT is to: Rationalise on-site transport systems to minimise movements Use enclosed conveyors, pneumatic transfer systems, silos with well-designed, robust extraction, and filtration equipment on delivery, conveyor, and transfer points of dusty materials, e.g. dry peat, dusty biomass, coal, lignite, waste, lime, and limestone Generally applicable Not applicable to fuels with high surface moisture content Leak detection systems Use leak detection systems and alarms Applicable when natural gas is supplied and handled Air treatment of sewage sludge storages Apply suction plants and subsequent cleaning devices to silos bunkers and hoppers storing sewage sludge. For abatement, the odorous air can be led directly to the combustion chamber or burner, where it can be used as combustion air Applicable to plants storing sewage sludge before coincineration The BAT reference document on Emissions from Storage (EFS BREF) contains BAT conclusions that are of relevance for combustion plants storing fuels, waste and additives. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 25 Chapter 10 10.1.6 Water usage and emissions to water and water consumption BAT 10. In order to reduce water usage consumption and the volume of contaminated waste water discharged into receiving waters, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. d. Segregate/reuse non-contaminated water streams (e.g. oncethrough cooling water, rain water) Generally applicable R ES S Applicable to new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given by the configuration of the water circuits G Applicable to new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given by the configuration of the water circuits Not applicable to waste water from cooling systems operated with seawater or in once-through mode O Maximise internal Water recycling Applicability IN PR c. a. T b. Use water and drainage systems segregating contaminated water streams Description Avoid the use of potable water for processes and abatement techniques Design of an industrial site with optimised water management, where each (potentially) contaminated water stream (from e.g. wet abatement, run-offs, etc.) is collected and treated separately, depending on the pollution content Increase the number and/or capacity of water recycling systems when building new plants or modernising/revamping existing plants, e.g. implementing the reuse of cleaned waste water for FGD limestone slurry preparation Residual aqueous streams from the plant are reused for other purposes. The degree of recycling is limited by the quality requirements of the recipient water stream and the water balance of the plant Design of an industrial site in order to avoid sending non-contaminated water to general waste water treatment system and to reuse as much as possible collected water internally for industrial/sanitary purpose in substitution of other raw water. Water is transferred to the gas phase using heat. This is typically carried out in vapourcompression evaporation systems. The water vapour is condensed and reused (after further treatment, if needed). The concentrated waste water requires further treatment (e.g. crystallisation or spraydrying) and/or disposal Ash is conveyed to the silos with systems using vacuum and/or pressure D R AF a. Technique Avoid the use of potable water Evaporation c Dry ash handling Not applicable to plants where the additional energy consumption offsets the environmental benefits Generally applicable KI N G b Applicable to new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given by the configuration of the water circuits R {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 3.3.5} W O BAT 10 bis. In order to prevent the contamination of uncontaminated waste water and to reduce emissions to water, BAT is to segregate waste water streams and to treat them separately, depending on the pollutant content. Description Waste water streams that are typically segregated include surface water run-off, cooling water, and waste water from flue-gas treatment. Applicability The applicability may be restricted in the case of existing plants due to the configuration of the drainage systems. 26 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 BAT 11. In order to reduce the emission of pollutants contained waste water discharged into receiving waters, combustion plants fitted with wet abatement techniques for controlling their emissions to air, BAT is to use a combination of the techniques given below. b. Physicochemical treatment Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) Applicability Sedimentation, filtration, oil separation. Generally applicable Removal of fluoride, sulphide, COD, particulates by adding chemicals to cause the solids to settle, and removal of metals by increasing the pH (precipitation, flocculation, coagulation, sedimentation, neutralisation) Generally applicable Precipitation, softening, crystallisation, evaporation Applicable only to plants discharging to very sensitive receiving waters, where techniques (a) and (b) do not enable meeting the environmental quality standards W O R KI N G D R AF T IN PR O G c. Description R ES S a. Technique Mechanical treatment TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 27 Chapter 10 BAT 11 In order to reduce emissions to water from flue-gas treatment, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given below, and to use secondary techniques as close as possible to the source in order to avoid dilution. Typical pollutants prevented/abated Primary techniques Aerobic biological treatment e. Anoxic/anaerobic biological treatment Coagulation and flocculation f. Crystallisation g. Filtration (e.g. sand filtration, microfiltration, ultrafiltration) d. R ES S c. Secondary techniques (1) Organic compounds, Generally applicable mercury (Hg) Generally applicable for the treatment of organic compounds. Aerobic biological Biodegradable organic treatment of ammonium (NH4+) may not compounds, be applicable in the case of high ammonium (NH4+) chloride concentrations (i.e. around 10 g/l) Mercury (Hg), nitrate Generally applicable (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-) Suspended solids Generally applicable Metals and metalloids, sulphate (SO42-), Generally applicable fluoride (F-) G Adsorption on activated carbon Generally applicable O b. Organic compounds, ammonia (NH3) PR a. Optimised combustion (see BAT 4) and flue-gas treatment systems (e.g. SCR/SNCR, see BAT 6 quinquies) Suspended solids Suspended solids, free oil i. Ion exchange Metals j. Neutralisation Acids, alkalis k. Oil/water separation Free oil Sulphide (S2-), sulphite l. Oxidation (SO32-) Metals and metalloids, m. Precipitation sulphate (SO42-), fluoride (F-) n. Sedimentation Suspended solids o. Stripping Ammonia (NH3) (1) The descriptions of the techniques are given in Section 10.8.6. Flotation Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable N G D R AF T h. Applicability IN Technique KI {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 3.3.5} O R BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) to receiving waters are given in Table 10.1. W The BAT-AELs refer to direct discharges to a receiving water body at the point where the emission leaves the installation. 28 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Table 10.1: BAT-AELs for emissions to water from combustion plants fitted with wet abatement techniques Unit COD(2) Suspended solids Fluoride as F (3) Chloride as Cl (3) Sulphate as SO4 (3) Sulphide as S Sulphite as SO3 Total N THC mg/l BAT-AEL Average of samples obtained during one year 30–150 5–30 1–15 500–1000 300–1500 (1) 0.01–0.1 1–5 1–50 1–10 Sb+As+Pb+Cr+Co+Cu+Mn+Ni+V 0.01–1 0.01–0.25 0.001–0.015 0.01–0.5 Periodic measurement: once/month G Cd+Tl Hg Zn Monitoring frequency R ES S Parameters IN PR O (1) The lower end of the ranges is achieved by plants where other streams than just the stream from the wet abatement techniques, are mixed before discharging into receiving waters. (2) Due to difficulties in monitoring COD emissions in the case of high levels of chlorides in waters, TOC is directly measured instead of COD when chloride concentration exceeds 1000 mg/l, and COD concentration is then estimated through a plant-specific correlation pattern. (3) BAT-AELs not applicable when using salty water e.g. for seawater WFGD Table 10.1: BAT-AELs for direct discharges to a receiving water body from flue-gas treatment T Substance/Parameter W O R KI N G D R AF Total organic carbon (TOC) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) Total suspended solids (TSS) Fluoride (F-) Sulphate (SO42-) Sulphide (S2-), easily released Sulphite (SO32-) As Cd Cr Cu Metals and metalloids Hg Ni Pb Zn BAT-AELs Daily average 20–50 mg/l (1) 60–150 mg/l (1) 10–30 mg/l 10–25 mg/l 1.3–2.0 g/l (2) (3) 0.1–0.2 mg/l 1–20 mg/l 10–50 µg/l 2–5 µg/l 10–50 µg/l 10–50 µg/l 0.5–5 µg/l 10–50 µg/l 10–20 µg/l 50–200 µg/l (1) Either the BAT-AEL for TOC or the BAT-AEL for COD applies. TOC monitoring is the preferred option because it does not rely on the use of very toxic compounds. (2) The BAT-AEL only applies to plants using calcium compounds in flue-gas treatment. (3) The upper end of the range may not apply in the case of high salinity of the waste water (e.g. chloride concentrations ≥ 5 g/l) due to the increased solubility of calcium sulphate. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 quater. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 29 Chapter 10 10.1.7 Waste, by-products and residuesWaste management BAT 12. In order to prevent or, where it is not practicable, to reduce waste generation, BAT is to adopt and implement a waste management plan that ensures that waste is, in order of priority, avoided, reused, recycled, recovered or safely disposed of. For specific waste streams, deviations from the order of priority may be justified based on life-cycle thinking taking into account the overall impacts of the generation and management of such waste. G the proportion of residues which arise as by-products; waste reuse according to the specific requested quality criteria; waste recycling; other recovery, O a. b. c. d. R ES S BAT 13. In order to reduce the quantityies of wastes sent for disposal from the combustion process and abatement techniques sent for disposal, BAT is to organise operations on the site so as to maximise, in order of priority and taking into account lifecycle thinking: Technique PR by implementing an appropriate combination of on-site and/or off-site technical measurestechniques such as: Description Applicability Generally applicable The applicability may be limited by the mechanical condition of the catalyst and the required performance with respect to controlling NOX, and NH3 emissions Energy recovery by f. reusing waste reuse in the fuel mix The residual energy content of ash and sludges generated by the combustion of coal, lignite, heavy fuel oil, peat, or biomass can be recovered on site and/or off site when the waste has a residual calorific value. Energy recovery by on-site reuse in a fuel mix is possible, e.g. for sludge and carbon-rich ash Generally aApplicable to plants that can accept waste in the fuel mix, and subject to the technical possibility of feeding the fuels into the combustion chamber Reuse of the FGD gypsum Off-site reuse of the gypsum generated by the wet abatement of SOXFGD as a substitute for rawmined gypsum (e.g. as fillers in the plasterboard industry). The amount quality of limestone used in the wet FGD influences the purity of the gypsum KI O R g. N G D R AF T IN Regeneration e. of spent catalysts On-site Catalyst regenerations (e.g. up to 4four times for SCR catalysts) restores some or all of the original performances, extending the service life of the catalyst to several decades. Regeneration is integrated in a catalyst management scheme W Reuse of residues in the h. construction sector Off-site Reuse of residues (of e.g. from the residue of semi-dry desulphurisation processes, fly ash, bottom ash) as a construction material (e.g. in road constructionbuilding, in concrete production – to replace sand -, or in the cement industry) Generally aApplicable within the constraints given by associated with the required gypsum quality, andthe health demand requirements associated to a specific use, and by the market conditions Generally aApplicable within the constraints given by associated with the required material quality (e.g. physical properties, content of harmful substances) associated to each specific use, and by the market conditions {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections 3.1.11 and 3.3.6} 30 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 10.1.8 Noise emissions BAT 14. In order to reduce noise emissions from relevant sources in combustion plants (e.g. boiler soot blowers, cutting-straw hammer-mills, fuel pneumatic transport to the burner), BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Description Applicability Generally aApplicable to new Strategic planning of Noise levels can be reduced by plants. In the case of existing the Appropriate location increasing the distance between the plants, the relocation of equipment a. of equipment and emitter and the receiver and by using and production units may be buildings buildings as noise screens restricted by the lack of space or by excessive costs The noise-reduction programme includes identification of sources and affected areas, calculations and Noise-reduction b. measurements of noise levels, Generally applicable programme identification of the most costeffective combination of techniques, their implementation, and monitoring This includes: improved inspection and maintenance of equipment to prevent failures; closing of doors and windows of Operational measures covered enclosed areas, if and management possible; c. techniques in buildings Generally applicable containing noisy equipment operated by equipment experienced staff; avoidance of noisy activities during at night-time, if possible; provisions for noise control during maintenance activities This potentially includes compressors, pumps and disks. Generally applicable when the to compressors with ≤ 85 dB(A); d. Low-noise equipment new equipment is new or replaced speed-controlled pumps; avoidance of punched disks Installation of noise-reducers on e. Noise-reducers Generally applicable equipment and ducts Vibration insulation of machinery and decoupled arrangement of noise f. Vibration insulation Generally applicable sources and potentially resonant components Enclosure of noisy equipment in separate structures such as buildings Enclose noisy g. or soundproofed cabinets where Generally applicable equipment internal-external lining is made of impact-absorbent material This potentially includes: sound-absorbing materials in walls and ceilings; h. Soundproof buildings Generally applicable sound-isolating doors; double-glazed windows Noise propagation can be reduced by Generally applicable to new plants. inserting obstacles barriers between In the case of existing plants, the i. Noise abatement the emitter and receiver. Appropriate insertion of obstacles may be obstacles barriers include protection restricted by the lack of space walls, embankments, and buildings W O R KI N G D R AF T IN PR O G R ES S Technique TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 31 Chapter 10 Technique j. Noise-control equipment Description This includes: i. noise-reducers ii. vibration or acoustic insulation, or vibration isolation iii. enclosure of noisy equipment iv. soundproofing of buildings Applicability The applicability may be restricted by lack of space {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 3.3.8} Prevention of soil and groundwater contamination R ES S 10.1.9 10.1.10 IN PR O G BAT 15. In order to prevent soil and groundwater contamination from the unloading, storage and handling of solid fuels and additives, BAT is to implement prevention measures including: a. Storing fuels on sealed surfaces with drainage and drain collection and water treatment by settling-out b. Collecting and treating before discharge: i. any leakages from the point of generation, collection, handling, storage, and transport of waste; ii. surface run-off (rainwater) from fuel storage areas that washes fuel particles away (i.e. the settling-out portion is treated). {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 3.3.7} Design and decommissioning AF T BAT 16. In order to prevent pollution upon decommissioning, BAT is to use the following techniques for new plants. Design considerations for end-of-life plant decommissioning: W O R KI N G D R a. considering the environmental impact from the eventual decommissioning of the installation at the stage of designing a new plant, as forethought makes decommissioning easier, cleaner and cheaper; b. considering the environmental risks for the contamination of land (and groundwater) and the generation of large quantities of solid waste; preventive techniques are process-specific but general considerations may include: i. avoiding underground structures; ii. incorporating features that facilitate dismantling; iii. choosing surface finishes that are easily decontaminated; iv. using an equipment configuration that minimises trapped chemicals and facilitates drain-down or cleaning; v. designing flexible, self-contained units that enable phased closure; vi. using biodegradable and recyclable materials where possible. 32 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 10.2 10.2.1 BAT conclusions for the combustion of solid fuels BAT conclusions for the combustion of coal and/or lignite Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable to the combustion of coal and/or lignite. They apply in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1. General environmental performance Description Applicability G Combustion processes such as pulverised combustion, fluidised bed boilerscombustion or moving grate firing allow this integration O Generally applicable PR Technique Integrated combustion process assuring ensuring a high boiler efficiency and including primary measurestechniques to a. reduce the generation of NOX emissions, such as air and fuel staging, advanced low-NOX burners and/or reburning, etc. R ES S BAT 17. In order to improve the general environmental performance of the combustion of coal and/or lignite, and in addition to BAT 4, BAT is to use the technique given below. Energy efficiency IN {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} D R Technique AF T BAT 18. In order to increase the energy efficiency of coal and/or lignite combustion, BAT is to use a combination of the techniques described in BAT 7 and of the technique given below. N G a. Lignite pre-drying R KI b. Dry bottom ash handling Description Reduction of lignite moisture content before combustion to improve combustion conditions Ash is conveyed to the silos with systems using vacuum and/or pressure thereby allowing a significant amount of energy to be recovered and the boiler efficiency to be increased by recirculating the air used to cool the ash Applicability Applicable to new and existing lignite-combustion plants Generally applicable W O {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 33 Chapter 10 BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels for coal and/or lignite combustion are given in Table 10.2. Table 10.2: BAT-associated environmental performance energy efficiency levels (BAT-AEELs) for energy efficiency offor coal and/or lignite combustion 39 to above42 45–46 (2) 33.5–44 42 (2) (3) 42–44 (5) 33.5–42.5 36.5–to above 40 (2) 32.5–41.5 40 (2) (3) 36.5–40 31.5–39.5 - - 75–97 75–97 75–97 75–97 PR 1 75–97 O > ≥1000 MWth coal-fired whose main purpose is electricity production > ≥ 1000 lignite-fired < 1000 MWth coal-fired whose main purpose is electricity production < 1000 lignite-fired < 1000 MWth whose main purpose is heat production G Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) R ES S BAT-AEEPLs (yearly average – LHV basis) (7) Net total fuel utilisation Net electrical efficiency (%) (1) (8) (%) (1) (6) (9)–- CHP mode New plant or and New plants (2) (4) Existing plants (2) (3) existing plants W O R KI N G D R AF T IN ( ) Within the given BAT-AEEL ranges, the achieved energy efficiency can be negatively affected (up to 4four percentage points) by the type of cooling system used or the geographical location of the combustion plant and the load variations. (2) The lower end of the BAT-AEEL ranges is achieved in the case of unfavourable climatic local conditions, lowgrade lignite-fired plants, plants operated in peak or mid-merit modes and and/or older plants (first commissioned before 1985). (3) The achievable improvement of thermal efficiency depends on the specific plant, but an incremental improvement of more than 3three percentage points is seen as associated with the use of BAT for existing plants, depending on the original design of the plant and on the retrofits already performed. (4) The higher end of the BAT-AEEL range can be achieved with high steam parameters (pressure, temperature). (5) In the case of plants burning lignite with a lower heating value below 6 MJ/kg, the lower end of the BAT-AEEL range is 41.5 %. (6) These levels may not be achievable in the case of excessively low heat demand. (7) These BAT-AEELs do not apply in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (8) Net electrical efficiency BAT-AEELs apply to CHP plants and to plants generating only power. (9) Net total fuel utilisation BAT-AEELs apply to CHP plants and to plants generating only heat. 34 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 NOX, N2O, NH3 and CO emissions to air BAT 19. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air while limiting CO and N2O and NH3 (if SNCR or SCR techniques are used) emissions to air from the combustion of coal and/or lignite, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Plants < 100 MWth a. Complete combustion Description See description in Section 10.8. CFB boilers allow achieving a good combustion performance while limiting NOX emissions to air, sometimes without the need for an additional technique Applicability Generally applicable R ES S Technique See descriptions in Section 10.8 for each single technique. Primary techniques are used in combination, alone for lignite-fired PC boilers, sometimes in combination with SNCR in fluidised bed boilers and grate-firing, and possibly in combination with SNCR or SCR in coal-fired PC boilers. c. SNCR See description in Section 10.8. Sometimes applied in addition to primary measures at coal PC or gratefiring plants Applicable to coal PC plants d. SCR See description in Section 10.8. Sometimes applied in addition to primary measures at coal PC plants Applicable to coal PC plants G Combination of primary techniques (air staging including boosted b. overfire air, fuel staging, flue-gas recirculation, LNB) for NOX reduction AF T IN PR O Generally applicable D R {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} Plants 100 MWth – 300 MWth Technique Complete combustion N G c KI Combination of primary techniques (air staging including boosted overfire air, fuel staging, flue-gas recirculation, LNB) for NOX reduction W O R d e SNCR f SCR Description See description in Section 10.8. Generally used in combination with other techniques included in this table See description in Section 10.8 for each single technique. Primary techniques are used in combination, alone for lignite-fired PC boilers, sometimes in combination with SNCR in fluidised bed boilers, and in combination with SNCR or sometimes SCR in coal-fired PC boilers. See description in Section 10.8. Applied alone or in combination with primary measures in coal-fired PC boilers, and sometimes in fluidisedbed boilers together with primary measures See description in Section 10.8. Sometimes applied in addition to primary measures in coal PC plants TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 Applicability Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable 35 Chapter 10 Combined techniques for NOX and SOX reduction g See description in Section 10.8. Not very common, they can be applied either alone or in combination with other primary techniques in coal-fired PC boilers Applicable on a case-bycase basis, depending on the fuel characteristics and combustion process {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} Plants > 300 MWth R ES S G Generally applicable Generally applicable See description in Section 10.8. SNCR is applied either alone or in combination with other primary techniques in fluidisedbed boilers Can be applied with a 'slip' SCR system W O R KI N G D R Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) c. AF T IN Combination of other primary techniques for NOX reduction (e.g. air b. staging including boosted overfire air, fuel staging, flue-gas recirculation, LNB) for NOX reduction Applicability O Complete combustion Combustion optimisation a. Description See description in Section 10.8. Generally used in combination with other techniques included in this table See description in Section 10.8 for each single technique. Primary techniques are used in combination, alone for lignitefired PC boilers, sometimes in combination with SNCR in fluidised bed boilers, and almost always with an additional SCR in coal-fired PC boilers.The choice and performance of appropriate (combination of) primary techniques may be influenced by the boiler design PR Technique d. 36 Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) See description in Section 10.8. SCR is applied either alone or in combination with other primary techniques. in coalfired PC boilers April 2015 Generally applicable The applicability may be limited in the case of boilers of ≥ 300 MWth with a high cross-sectional area preventing a homogeneous mixing of NH3 and NOX. The applicability may be limited in the case of combustion plants operated in emergencyor peak-load modes with highly variable boiler loads Generally applicable Not applicable to combustion plants of < 300 MWth operated in emergency-load mode. Not generally applicable to combustion plants of < 100 MWth. There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode and existing plants of ≥ 300 MWth operated in emergency-load mode TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 e. Combined techniques for NOX and SOX reduction See description in Section 10.8. Not very common, They can be applied either alone or in combination with other primary techniques in coal-fired PC boilers Applicable on a case-by-case basis, depending on the fuel characteristics and combustion process {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} R ES S BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, NH3 and CO are given in Table 10.3. Table 10.3: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX, NH3 and CO emissions to air from the combustion of coal and/or lignite 100– 200 100– 150 <100 100–300 100–270 100–180 50–180 65–85 100 65–150 180 Existing plants ND 155–240 ND 130–175 ND 165–330 ND 155–210 80–125 140–220 AF 80–125 New or existing plant G New plants T 50–85 150 D R > ≥ 300 FBC boiler combusting coal and/or lignite (coallignite) and lignite-fired PC boilerPC lignite firing > ≥300 coalfired PC boilercoal firing Existing plants (4) 80–220 200 (6) Yearly average O New plants Yearly average 10–140 100 <5 10–140 100 <5 12 < 5–100 (7) 80 < 1–3.5 1 < 5–100 (7) 55 < 1–3.5 PR Yearly average BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) Daily average or average over the sampling period IN Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement KI N G (1) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR and SNCR. (4) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. (6) In the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes, the higher end of the range is 220 mg/Nm3. (7) The higher end of the BAT-AEL range can be as high as 140 mg/Nm3 in the case of limitations due to boiler design, and/or in the case of fluidised bed boilers not fitted with secondary abatement techniques for NO X emissions reduction. NB: NA = not applicable; ND = not determined R The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. W O BAT 20. In order to prevent or reduce N2O emissions to air from the combustion of coal and lignite in circulating fluidised-bed boilers, BAT is to apply BAT BAT 4 and the technique given below. Technique Combustion temperature a. control Description Control of the combustion temperature enables achieving balanced emissions to air of N2O and NOX Applicability Generally applicable {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} BAT-associated emission levels TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 37 Chapter 10 The BAT-associated emission levels for N2O in circulating fluidised bed boilers NOX, NH3 and CO are given in Table 10.4. Table 10.6. Table 10.4: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for N2O emissions to air from the combustion of coal and/or lignite in circulating fluidised bed boilers BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) Pollutant CFBC boiler N2O Average over the sampling period of samples obtained during one year 20–150 Monitoring frequency R ES S Combustion plant twice/yr The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. SOX, HCl, and HF emissions to air G Technique PR O BAT 21. In order to prevent and/or reduce SOX, HCl and HF emissions to air from the combustion of coal and/or lignite, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Description IN Use of fuel with low Ssulphur (e.g. down to 0.1 weight % - dry basis), chlorine or fluorine contentCl-, F-coal/lignite content. Often used in combination with other end-ofpipe techniques for combustion plants of > 50 MWth Applicability Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State. The applicability may be limited due to design constraints in the case of plants combusting highly specific indigenous fuels AF T a. Fuel choice D R See description in Section 10.8. Applied in combination with a downstream dedusting devicesystem See description in Section 10.8. Generally Mostly used in combustion plants of < 300 MWth, in combination with a dedusting devicesystem (ESP, Fabricbag filter). Can be used for HCl/HF removal when no specific FGD end-of-pipe technique is implemented Generally applicable DSI (Duct Dry sorbent injection) (DSI) R KI c. N G Boiler sorbent injection b. (in-furnace or in-bed) O Circulating fluidised bed (CFB) dry scrubber W d. e. Spray-dry absorber (SDA) 38 Generally applicable See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable See description in Section 10.8. Generally Mostly used in combustion plants of < 1500 MWth for the combustion of fuels with low and moderate sulphur content Generally applicable April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergencyload mode. See description in Section 10.8 Applicable on a case-by-case basis, depending on the fuel characteristics and combustion process i. Wet scrubbing Retrofit Replacement of the gas-gas heater located j. downstream of the wet FGD or SDA Generally applicable PR O Combined techniques for h. NOX and SOX reduction Applicable to plants > 300 MWth See description in Section 10.8. Not very common, they can be applied either alone or in combination with other primary techniques in coal-fired PC boilers See description in Section 10.8. The techniques cCan be used for HCl/HF removal when no specific FGD end-of-pipe technique is implemented Replacement of the gas-gas heater downstream of the wet FGD by a multi-pipe heat extractor, or removal and discharge of the flue-gas via a cooling tower or a wet stack R ES S g. Seawater FGD There may be technical and economic restrictions for applying the technique to combustion plants of < 300 MWth, and for retrofitting existing plants operated in peakload mode See description in Section 10.8 G Wet flue-gas desulphurisation (Wet FGD) IN f. Only applicable when the to combustion plants is fitted with a wet FGD system and a downstream gas-gas heater or SDA, when the heat exchanger needs to be changed or replaced AF T {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} D R BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for SO2 SOXare given in Table 10.5. G Table 10.5: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for SO2 SOX emissions to air from the combustion of coal and/or lignite with S content < 3 % KI N Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) Daily average Yearly average Daily average or average over the sampling period Existing plants ND 170– 400 ND 135– 250 New plants Existing plants (3) New plants > 50–<100 150–200 150–360 400 ND NA 100–300 80–150 80–200 ND NA 10–75 10–130 25–110 25–205 220 (4) 20–150 20–180 25–185 50–220 R O W BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) > ≥300 (Pulverised combustion)PC boiler > ≥ 300 (Fluidised bed boilers) (1) TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement (2) 39 Chapter 10 (1) For circulating fluidised bed boilers, the lower end of the range can be achieved by using a high efficiency wet FGD system. The higher end of the range can be achieved by using boiler in-bed sorbent injection. (2) SO2 is continuously measured, while SO3 is only periodically measured (e.g. during calibration of the SO 2 monitoring system). (3) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. (4) The higher end of the BAT-AEL range is 220 mg/Nm3 in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. NB: NA = No BAT-AEL R ES S For a plant with a total rated thermal input of more than 300 MWth, which is specifically designed to fire indigenous fuels and which can demonstrate that it cannot achieve the BATAELs mentioned in Table 10.5 for techno-economic reasons, the upper end of the yearly BATAEL range may be as follows: (i) existing PC boiler: [130 + (RCG – 4350) * 0.03] mg/Nm3 with a maximum of 400 mg/Nm3; (ii) new PC boiler: [75 + (RCG – 5000) * 0.015] mg/Nm3 with a maximum of 270 mg/Nm3; O G (iii) existing fluidised bed boiler: [180 + (RCG – 6000) * 0.03] mg/Nm3 with a maximum of 400 mg/Nm3; PR (iv) new fluidised bed boiler: [150 + (RCG – 10000) * 0.015] mg/Nm3 with a maximum of 270 mg/Nm3; IN in which RCG represents the concentration of SO2 in the raw flue-gas as a yearly average (under the standard conditions given under General considerations) at the inlet of the SOX abatement system, expressed at a reference oxygen content of 6 % O2. AF T In these cases the daily BAT-AELs set out in Table 10.5 do not apply. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. D R The BAT-associated emission levels for HCl and HF are given in Table 10.6. N G Table 10.6: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for HCl and HF emissions to air from the combustion of coal and/or lignite KI Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) W O R Pollutant HCl HF ≥ 100 < 100 ≥ 100 < 100 BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) Average of samples obtained during one year BAT-AELs BAT-AELs (average of (average of samples samples obtained obtained during during one year one year mg/Nm3) 3 mg/Nm ) Existing plant (1) New plant < 1–3 5 < 1–5 (2) < 1–6 10 2–10 < 0.1–2 < 0.1–3 2 (3) < 0.1–3 0.2–5 Monitoring frequency 4 times/yr (1) The lower end of these BAT-AEL ranges may be difficult to achieve in the case of plants fitted with a wet FGD system and a downstream gas-gas heater. (2) In the case of CFB boilers and in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load mode, the higher end of the range is 10 mg/Nm3. (3) In the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes, the higher end of the BAT-AEL range is 6 mg/Nm3. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 40 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Dust and particulate-bound metal emissions to air BAT 22. In order to reduce dust and particulate-bound metal emissions to air from the combustion of coal and/or lignite, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Cyclones b Electrostatic precipitator (ESP) c Bag filter d Boiler sorbent injection (infurnace or in-bed) Applicability Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable when the technique is mainly used for SOX, HCl and/or HF abatement O G a Description See description in Section 10.8. Only used as a pre-cleaning stage in the flue-gas path, in combination with other technique(s) listed in this table See description in Section 10.8 At least a two-fields ESP is used for smaller plants See description in Section 10.8 See description in Section 10.8 Generally used in fluidised bed boilers sized 50–100 MWth in combination with an ESP/bag filter R ES S Technique IN PR WFGDWet flue-gas desulphurisation (FGD) See description in Section 10.8. Generally used in combustion plants of ≥ 300 MWth in combination with an ESP/bag filter AF f Dry or semi-dry FGD system (e.g. SDA, DSI) T e See descriptions in Section 10.8. Generally used in fluidised bed boilers sized 100–300 of up to 800 MWth in combination with an ESP/bag filter Generally applicable when the technique is mainly used for SOX, HCl and/or HF abatement Applicable to plants > 100 MWth Generally applicable when the technique is mainly used for SOX, HCl and/or HF abatement Applicable to plants > 300 MWth D R {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections and 9.4.4} G BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for dust emissions to air are given in Table 10.7. N Table 10.7: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for dust emissions to air from the combustion of coal and/or lignite KI BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) W O R Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) > 50–<100 100–300 300–1000 ≥ 1000 Yearly average (1) Unit 3 mg/Nm Daily average or average over the sampling period New plants Existing plants New plants Existing plants 2–15 2–10 < 2–5 < 2–5 3 2–20 2–20 1 2–15 < 1 2–10 4–20 ND 3–20 ND 3–10 ND 4 3–10 4–28 4–25 4 3–20 4 3–16 20 Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement (1) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 41 Chapter 10 Mercury emissions to air BAT 23. In order to reduce mercury emissions to air from the combustion of coal and/or lignite, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given below. N W O R KI d. G D R AF T IN c. PR O G b. R ES S a. Technique Description Applicability Co-benefit from measures techniques primarily used taken for to reduce emissions of other pollutants See description in Bag filter Section 10.8. See BAT Generally applicable BAT 22 See description in Section 10.8. See BAT BAT 22. Electrostatic precipitator Better mercury removal Generally applicable (ESP) efficiency is achieved at flue-gas temperatures below 130°C Generally applicable to plants > 300 MWth See description in Applicable to coal-fired PC boilers for Section 10.8. See BAT plants < 300 MWth BAT 19. Not applicable to combustion plants of Only used in < 300 MWth operated in emergency-load combination with other mode. Selective catalytic reduction techniques to enhance or (SCR) reduce the mercury Not generally applicable to combustion oxidation before capture plants of < 100 MWth. in a subsequent FGD or dedusting unitsystem, There may be technical and economic depending on the restrictions for retrofitting existing plants selected strategy operated in peak-load mode and existing plants of ≥ 300 MWth operated in emergency-load mode Generally applicable when there is a need to reduce SOX content in emissions to air Applicable when the technique is mainly used for SOX, HCl and/or HF abatement. Flue-gas desulphurisation (FGD) technique (e.g. wet See descriptions in Wet FGD is not applicable to limestone scrubbersFGD, Section 10.8. See BAT combustion plants operated in spray- dryer BAT 221 emergency-load mode. scrubbersabsorber or ductdry sorbent injection) There may be technical and economic restrictions for applying wet FGD to combustion plants of < 300 MWth, and for retrofitting existing combustion plants operated in peak-load mode Specific measurestechniques to reduce for mercury reductionemissions Applicable within the constraints SelectUse coal and/or associated with the availability of lignite fuels with low Fuel choice different types of fuel, which may be Hgmercury content < 25 impacted by the energy policy of the µg/kg Member State See description in Section 10.8. Carbon sorbent Generally used in (e.g. activated carbon) combination with an Generally applicable injection in the flue-gas ESP/bag filter. The use of this technique may require additional e. f. 42 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 R ES S G Applicability is subject to a previous survey for characterising the fuel and for estimating the potential effectiveness of the technique PR h. Fuel pretreatment Generally aApplicable in the case of a low halogen content in the fuel, within the constraints associated with the control of halogen emissions to air and within the constraints associated with the corrosion potential of equipment O Use of halogenated additives g. toin the fuel or injected in the furnace treatment steps to further segregate the mercurycontaining carbon fraction prior to further reuse Addition of halogens (e.g. brominated additives) into the furnace to oxidise the flue-gaselemental mercury into a soluble or particulate species, thereby enhancing mercury removal in downstream control devicesabatement systems Fuel washing, blending and mixing in order to limit/reduce the Hgmercury content or improve mercury capture by pollution control equipment {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} IN BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for mercury are given in Table 10.8 and < 300 ≥ 300 AF BAT-AELs (µg/Nm3) (1) New Existing plants plants D R Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) T Table 10.8: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for mercury emissions to air from the combustion of coal (anthracite and bituminous) 0.5 < 1–5 < 1–9 10 0.2 < 1–2 0.2 < 1–4 6 Averaging period Average of samples obtained during one year Yearly average Monitoring frequency Periodic measurement four times/yr Continuous measurement G (1) These BAT-AELs do not apply in the case of plants of < 300 MWth operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. KI N Table 10.9: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for mercury emissions to air from the combustion of sub-bituminous coal and lignite R Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) Averaging period Monitoring frequency Average of samples Periodic measurement obtained during one times/yr year 0.5 < 1–4 5 0.5 < 1–10 Yearly average Continuous measurement ≥ 300 (1) These BAT-AELs do not apply in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. O W BAT-AELs (µg/Nm3) (1) Existing New plants plants < 300 < 1–7 10 2–10 20 The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 10.2.2 BAT conclusions for the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 43 Chapter 10 Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable to the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat, in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1. General environmental performance BAT 24. In order to improve the general environmental performance of the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat, BAT is to use a combination of the techniques given in BAT 4 and below. a. Fuel classification based on size and quality Description The storage systems control and hold the biomass fuel according to quality and size Applicability Applicable plants to {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} Energy efficiency biomass-fired G R ES S Technique Technique PR O BAT 25. In order to increase the energy efficiency of the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given in BAT 7 and to reduce the moisture content of the fuel by either or both of the techniques given below. Description IN The fuel supplier or the internal management adheres to the moisture (and size) specification in the contract or internal document AF T Fuel specification in the a supplier contract or internal document Press, steam or flue-gas drying See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable D R b Applicability Applicable within the constraints given by the safe transportation of fuel (e.g. minimum moisture content of peat) W O R KI N G {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} 44 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels are given in Table 10.10. Table 10.10: BAT-associated energy efficiency levels (BAT-AEELs) for the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat Parameter Existing New BAT-AEPL Yearly average (LHV basis) 80 – 102 Net total fuel utilisation 95 – 102 % Existing Net electrical New efficiency 28 to above 34 31 to above 34 G Generating only heat or CHP plants whose recoverable heat generation does not exceed the heat demand Generating only power or CHP plants whose recoverable heat generation exceeds the heat demand Unit R ES S Type of combustion plant O BAT-AEEPLs (1) (yearly average – LHV basis) Net total fuel utilisation (%) (3) (4) Net electrical efficiency (%) (2) New plant Existing plant New plant Existing plant 31 to above 34 28 to above 34 95–102 80–102 33.5– > 38 28– 38 73–99 73–99 PR Type of plant Solid biomass and/or peat boiler AF T IN (1) These BAT-AEELs do not apply in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (2) Net electrical efficiency BAT-AEELs apply to CHP plants and to plants generating only power. (3) Net total fuel utilisation BAT-AEELs apply to CHP plants and to plants generating only heat. (4) These levels may not be achievable in the case of an excessively low potential heat demand. NOX, N2O, NH3 and CO emissions to air D R BAT 26. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air while limiting CO and N2O and NH3 emissions to air from in the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. (Advanced) lLow-NOX burners (LNB) Air staging combustion KI b. Combustion optimisation N a. c. Description G Technique Generally applicable See descriptions in Section 10.8. R O Flue-gas recirculation W f. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) Generally applicable Generally applicable d. Fuel staging (reburning) e. Applicability See description in Section 10.8. The use of high-alkali fuels (e.g. straw) may require installing SCR after the dust abatement system Applicable to pulverised combustion and FBC boiler plants Generally applicable Not applicable in the high-dust configuration when using high-alkali fuel (e.g. straw) Not applicable in the case of plants operated in emergency-load mode. There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode. Not generally applicable to plants of < 100 MWth TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 45 Chapter 10 Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) g. Generally applicable Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode with highly variable loads. See description in Section 10.8 The applicability may be limited in the case of combustion plants operated in peak-load mode with highly variable boiler loads {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections and 9.4.4} R ES S BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, NH3 and CO are given in Table 10.11. Table 10.11: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX, NH3 and CO emissions to air from the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat BAT-AEL Continuous measurement 1 NH3 ( ) CO All Existing plant Yearly Daily average average 70–250 120–310 50–140 100–220 40–140 95–150 1–5 ND 4–80 ND G mg/Nm3 NOX New plant Yearly Daily average average 70–200 120–260 50–130 100–220 40–130 65–150 1–5 ND 4–80 ND O 50–100 100–300 > 300 Unit Monitoring frequency PR Combustion plant rated Pollutant thermal input (MWth) IN (1) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR and SNCR BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) 50–< 100 New plants Existing plants (2) 70–200 70–250 Daily average or average over the sampling period New Existing plants plants AF Yearly average CO (2) NH3 (1) Yearly average Yearly average T NOX D R Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) 120–260 120–310 4 20–250 80 4 15–160 80 50–140 50–180 100–200 100–220 1–5 130 140 220 40–140 40–160 95–200 65–150 4 5–50 80 > ≥ 300 130 140 150 1 ( ) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR and SNCR. (2) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. Continuous measurement KI N G 100–300 Monitoring frequency R The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. W O BAT 27. In order to prevent or reduce N2O emissions to air from the combustion of solid biomass and peat in circulating fluidised bed boilers, BAT is to apply BAT 4 and the technique given below. a. Technique Combustion temperature control Description Control of the combustion temperature enables achieving balanced emissions to air of N2O and NOX Applicability Generally applicable {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} 46 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 SOX, and HCl and HF emissions to air BAT 28. In order to prevent and/or reduce SOX, HCl and HF emissions to air infrom the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Description By switching to a different biomass fuel (e.g. lower sulphur, or lower fluorine and/or chlorine fuel), the corresponding emissions are reduced a. Fuel choice Spray-dry absorber (SDA) There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode Not applicable if an alkali sorbent substance is already contained in the fuel Generally applicable Generally applicable See descriptions in Section 10.8 Generally applicable T See descriptions in Section 10.8. The technique is used in combination combined with a dust abatement technique AF f. IN Boiler sorbent d. injection (in-furnace or in-bed) DSI (Duct Dry e. sorbent injection) (DSI) O See descriptions in Section 10.8 PR Wet flue-gas c. desulphurisation (Wet FGD) G b. Flue-gas condenser Applicability The applicability is limited by the Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State Applicable to plants serving a district heating network Generally applicable Applicable to plants using higher sulphur fuel Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode. R ES S Technique D R {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} N G BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for SO2 SOX, HCl, and HF are given in Table 10.12. The BAT-associated emission levels for HCl and HF are given in Table 10.12.-bis. W O R KI Table 10.12: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for SO2X, HCl, and HF emissions to air from the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat Fuel (% in LHV basis) BAT-AEL Pollutan t Biomass or biomass / peat with peat % < 20 Peat or biomass / peat with peat % ≥ 70 SOX Unit mg/N m³ Monitorin g frequency Continuous measureme nt (1) 20 peat % < 70 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 Average of samples obtained during one year Yearly average Daily averag e - 1–50 8–70 - 100–165 ND Intermediate, within the ranges given in the two lines above ND 47 Chapter 10 HCl 25 straw % < 100 All - 0.3–8 < 14 - < 18 Intermediate, within the ranges given in the two lines above ND - - - Periodic measureme nt 4 times/yr HF < 0.01–0.8 ND: Not Derived (1) Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration) Existing plant (2) New plant Daily average or average over the sampling period Yearly average 15–70 <10–50 <10–35 15–100 <10–70 <10–50 30–175 <20–85 <20–70 IN < 100 100–300 ≥ 300 Existing plant O New plant PR Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) G BAT-AELs for SO2 (mg/Nm3) (1) ND R ES S Biomass or biomass / peat (with peat % < 20), including straw with straw % < 25 Straw 100% 30–215 <20–175 <20–85 AF T (1) For existing plants burning 100% peat, the higher end of the BAT-AEL range for yearly average is 100 mg/Nm3 and the higher end of the BAT-AEL range for daily average is 215 mg/Nm3. (2) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. D R Table 10.12-bis: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for HCl and HF emissions to air from the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat BAT-AELs for HCl (mg/Nm3) (1) Existing plant (2) (3) G New plant New plant N Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) Daily average or average over the sampling period R KI Yearly average or average of samples obtained during one year Existing plant < 0.3–7 0.3–15 1–12 1–35 100–300 0.3–5 0.3–9 1–12 1–12 0.3–5 0.3–5 1–12 1–12 W O < 100 ≥ 300 BAT-AELs for HF (mg/Nm3) Existing New plant plant (3) (4) Average over the sampling period < 0.01–1 < 0.01– 0.8 < 0.01– 0.3 < 0.01–1.3 < 0.01–1 < 0.01–0.5 1 ( ) For existing plants burning 100 % high Cl content biomass such as straw, the higher end of the BAT-AEL range for yearly average is 20 mg/Nm3 and the higher end of the BAT-AEL range for daily average is 35 mg/Nm3. (2) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. (3) The lower end of these BAT-AEL ranges may be difficult to achieve in the case of plants fitted with a wet FGD system and a downstream gas-gas heater. (4) In the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes, the BAT-AEL range is 0.01–1.3 mg/Nm3. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 48 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Dust and particulate-bound metals emissions to air BAT 29. In order to reduce dust and particulate-bound metals emissions to air in from the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Fuel choice b. Bag filter See description in Section 10.8 High-performance Eelectrostatic precipitator (ESP) See description in Section 10.8 d. Dry, semi-dry or wet FGD system See description in Section 10.8 Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State Applicable within the constraints given by space availability Generally applicable Applicable within the constraints given by space availability. Generally applicable Generally applicable when the technique is mainly used for SOX, HCl and/or HF abatement G c. Applicability R ES S a. Description By switching to a different fuel or by modulating the fuel blending (e.g. fuel with lower sulphur or lower chlorine ash content fuel), the corresponding emissions are reduced PR O Technique {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} IN BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for dust are given in Table 10.13. Type of plant New Existing Pollutant Unit mg/Nm³ G D R Dust AF T Table 10.13: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for dust emissions to air from the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat O R KI N Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) < 100 100–300 ≥ 300 Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement BAT-AEL Daily average Yearly average 2–12 < 1– 3 2–20 < 1–10 BAT-AELs for dust (mg/Nm3) New plant Existing plant (1) Yearly average 2–5 2–5 2–5 2–15 2–12 2–10 New plant Existing plant Daily average or average over the sampling period 2–20 2–16 2–10 2–24 2–18 2–18 W (1) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 49 Chapter 10 Mercury emissions to air BAT 30. In order to prevent or reduce mercury emissions to air in from the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Technique Description Applicability a. Fuel choice R ES S Specific techniques to reduce mercury emissions Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be See descriptions in impacted by the energy policy of the Section 10.8 Member State Activated carbon duct b. injection Generally applicable Co-benefit from techniques used to reduce emissions of other pollutants G Generally applicable for new plants. Applicable within the constraints given by space availability in existing plants Only applicable when the technique is mainly used for dust abatement Only applicable when the technique is used for dust abatement Applicable when the technique is mainly used for SOX, HCl and/or HF abatement. PR O c. Bag filter Electrostatic precipitator d. (ESP) IN See descriptions in Section 10.8 Dry, semi-dry or wet FGD Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode. AF T e. system D R There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} N G BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for mercury are given in Table 10.14. R KI Table 10.14: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for mercury emissions to air from the combustion of solid biomass and/or peat O Pollutant W Mercury Unit BAT-AELs for Hg (1) Average of samples obtained during one year over the sampling period Monitoring frequency µg/Nm3 < 1–5 Periodic measurement 1 time/yr (1) These BAT-AELs do not apply in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 50 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 10.3 10.3.1 BAT conclusions for the combustion of liquid fuels HFO- and/or LFO gas oil-fired boilers Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable to the combustion of HFO and/or LFO gas oil in boilers,. They apply in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1. Energy efficiency R ES S BAT 31. In order to increase the energy efficiency of the HFO and LFO combustion in boilers, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given in BAT 7 and below: a. Preheating of fuel by using waste heat Regenerative feed-water heating by b. using recovered heat See descriptions in Section 10.8 Applicable to new boilers > 300MWth PR c. Supercritical steam parameters Applicability Generally applicable to HFO-fired boiler combustion plants Generally applicable for new plants, but plant-specific for existing plants G Description O Technique Generally applicable IN See description in Section 10.8. Preheating of combustion air by using If the preheating d. recovered heat temperature is higher than 150 ºC, NOX emissions tend to increase AF T {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} D R BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels of the combustion offor HFO and/or LFO gas oil combustion in boilers are given in Table 10.5 G Table 10.15: BAT-associated energy efficiency levels (BAT-AEELs) in the combustion offor HFO and/or LFO gas oil combustion in boilers Type of combustion plant Parameter N Generating only heat New or CHP plants whose Net total fuel recoverable heat utilisation generation does not Existing exceed the heat demand Generating only power New or CHP plants whose Net electrical recoverable heat efficiency generation exceeds the Existing heat demand Unit R KI > 90 80 to above 96 % W O TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 BAT-AEPL (yearly average, LHV basis) April 2015 above 38 30 to above 38 51 Chapter 10 Type of plant HFO- and/or gas oil-fired boiler BAT-AEEPLs (1) (yearly average – LHV basis) Net electrical efficiency (%) (2) Net total fuel utilisation (%) (3) (4) New plant Existing plant New plant Existing plant above 38 30 to above 38 > 90 80 to above 96 > 37.4 35.6–37.4 80–96 80–96 (1) These BAT-AEELs do not apply in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (2) Net electrical efficiency BAT-AEELs apply to CHP plants and to plants generating only power. (3) Net total fuel utilisation BAT-AEELs apply CHP plants and to plants generating only heat. (4) These levels may not be achievable in the case of an excessively low potential heat demand. R ES S The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. NOX, NH3 and CO emissions to air Description See description in Section 10.8 IN a. Fuel choice b. Applicability Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State Generally applicable Applicable within the constraints of water availability PR Technique O G BAT 32. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air while limiting NH3 and CO emissions to air from the combustion of HFO- and/or gas oil-fired in boilers, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Water/sSteam addition injection See description in Section 10.8 See description in Section 10.8 d. Fuel staging (reburning) See description in Section 10.8 e. Flue-gas recirculation See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable Advanced computerised process control system N KI See description in Section 10.8 R Selective catalytic reduction h. (SCR) O Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) Generally applicable to new plants. The applicability to old plants may be constrained by the need to retrofit the combustion and/or control command system(s) Not applicable to in the case of plants operated in emergency-load mode. There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode. Not generally applicable to combustion plants of < 100 MWth Generally applicable Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode with highly variable loads. W i. Generally applicable Generally applicable AF See description in Section 10.8 G g. Dry lLow-NOX burners (LNB) D R f. T c. Air staging See description in Section 10.8 The applicability may be limited in the case of combustion plants operated in peak-load mode with highly variable boiler loads {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} 52 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, NH3 and CO emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or LFO gas oil in boilers that are not emergency plants are given in Table 10.16. Table 10.16: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX NH3 and CO emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or LFO gas oil in boilers Pollutant Existing New Existing New < 100 MWth ≥ 100 MWth Unit Monitoring frequency mg/Nm3 Continuous measurement NOX BAT-AEL Yearly average Daily average 75–270 ND 75–200 ND 45–110 85–145 45–75 85–100 < 1–5 ND 1–20 ND R ES S Type of combustion plant NH3 (1) CO All O G N.D. not determined (1) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR or SNCR PR IN T AF Combustio n plant total rated thermal input (MWth) BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) NOX CO Daily average or average Yearly average Yearly average over the (2) sampling period AllNew AllExisting New Existin New or daily plants plant g plants existin averag (2) s plants g plant e 75– 200 75 150– 270 ≥ 100 MWth 45–75 45–110 ND 100– 215 85– 100 D R < 100 MWth ND 210– 365 1–30 20 85–145 1–20 ND BAT-AELs for NH3 (1) (mg/Nm3) Allyearly averag e < 1 –5 Monitorin g frequency Alldaily average ND Continuou s measurem ent N G (1) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR and SNCR. (2) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. W O R KI The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 53 Chapter 10 SOX, HCl and HF emissions to air BAT 33. In order to prevent and/or to reduce SOX, HCl and HF emissions to air from the combustion of HFO- and/or LFOgas oil-fired boilers, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Description Applicability See description in Section 10.8 b. Flue-gas condenser See description in Section 10.8 Wet flue-gas c. desulphurisation (Wet FGD) See description in Section 10.8 O G a. Fuel choice Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State Applicable to plants serving a district heating network Generally applicable Applicable to plants > 100 MWth. There may be technical and economic restrictions for applying the technique to combustion plants of < 300 MWth. R ES S Technique PR Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergencyload mode. IN There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode Spray-dry absorber (SDA) T AF See description in Section 10.8 N G e. D R Duct sorbent injection d. (DSI) (Dry in-duct sorbent injection) See description in Section 10.8. Commonly used in plants below 300 MWth, in combination with a dedusting device (ESP, fabric filter) The technique is combined with a dust abatement technique KI R Generally applicable to the combustion of fuels with a low or moderate sulphur content Applicable to plants of ≥ 100 MWth. There may be technical and economic restrictions for applying the technique to combustion plants of < 300 MWth. See description in Section 10.8 Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergencyload mode. W O f. Seawater FGD Generally applicable There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} Note to TWG: please provide information on end-of-pipe technique other than WFGD applied in plants 54 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for SO2 SOX from the combustion of HFO and/or LFOgas oil in boilers are given in Table 10.17. Table 10.17: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for SO2 SOX emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or LFOgas oil in boilers BAT-AEL Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency Yearly average SOX mg/Nm³ Continuous measurement (1) 50–110 (2) < 70 Daily average < 150–170 < 120 R ES S Type of combustion plant Existing New (1) Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration). (2) The low end of the range (e.g. < 50 mg/Nm3) is achieved by combustion plants using LFO. BAT-AELs for SO2x (mg/Nm3) < 70 50–175 < 70 35–50 50–110 (2) 50–175 50–110 (2) 50–110 < 300 ≥ 300 New plants Monitoring frequency Existing plants O Existing plants (3) < 120 150–200 < 120 50–120 IN New plants G Daily average or average over the sampling period Yearly average PR Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) < 150–170 150–200 < 150–170 150–175 Continuous measurement (1) (1) Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration). (2) The low end of the range (e.g. < 50 mg/Nm3) is achieved by combustion plants using LFO. T (3) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. AF The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. Dust and particulate-bound metals emissions to air D R G BAT 34. In order to reduce dust and particulate-bound metal emissions to air from the combustion of HFO- and/or LFOgas oil-fired in boilers, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. N Technique R KI a. Fuel choice W O b. Electrostatic precipitator (ESP) Description See description in Section 10.8 See description in Section 10.8 Applicability Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State. Generally applicable to new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given by space availability c. Bag filter See description in Section 10.8 d. ESP + Wet FGD See description in Section 10.8 e. Multicyclones See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable when the technique is mainly used for SOX, HCl and/or HF abatement. f. Dry, semi-dry or wet FGD system {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 55 Chapter 10 BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for dust from the combustion of HFO and/or LFOgas oil in boilers are given in Table 10.18. Table 10.18: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for dust emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or LFOgas oil in boilers Type of combustion Pollutant plant BAT-AEL Yearly Daily average average < 1–6 ND Unit Monitoring frequency R ES S New Dust mg/Nm3 Continuous measurement Existing, all but < 1–10 (1) 7–15 emergency plants N.D. not determined (1) The low–end of the range (e.g. < 1) is achieved by combustion plants using low-ash LFO Daily average or average over the sampling period < 300 New plants < 1–6 2–15 < 12–6 < 1–10 (1) 2–20 < 1 2– 10 (1) ND 7–18 Existing plants, all but emergency plants Monitoring frequency O New plants Existing plants, all but emergency plants (2) PR Yearly average Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) G BAT-AELs for dust (mg/Nm3) 7–2515 Continuous measurement IN ≥ 300 ND 7–10 7–15 N.D. not determined (1) The low–end of the range (e.g. < 1) is achieved by combustion plants using low-ash LFO AF T (2) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. 10.3.2 D R The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. HFO- and/or gas oil-fired engines W O R KI N G Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable to the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines, in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1. 56 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Energy efficiency BAT 35. In order to increase the energy efficiency of HFO and/or gas oil combustion in reciprocating engines, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given in BAT 7 and below. G R ES S Technique Description Applicability Preheating of fuel using waste a. See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable heat See description in Section 10.8. Preheating of combustion air If preheating temperature is b. Generally applicable higher than 150 ºC, NOX using waste heat emissions tend to increase Generally applicable to new plants except when operated in emergency- or peak-load modes. Applicable for existing base load plants within the constraints given by the plant configuration See description in Section 10.8 Applicable to existing engines within the constraints associated with the steam cycle design and the space availability. IN PR O c. Combined cycle Not applicable to existing engines operated in emergency- or peak-load modes AF T BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels offor the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines are given in Table 10.19. D R Table 10.19: BAT-associated energy efficiency levels (BAT-AEELs) infor the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines Type of combustion plant New R O W Unit BAT-AEPL (Yearly average, LHV basis) 40 – 48 Existing KI N G Generating only power or CHP plants whose recoverable heat generation exceeds the heat demand Parameter Type of combustion plant HFO- and/or gas oil-fired reciprocating engine Net electrical efficiency % 45 to above 48 BAT-AEEPLs (1) (yearly average – LHV basis) Net electrical efficiency (%) (2) New plant Existing plant 45 to above 48 40–48 > 48 39.4–48 (1) These BAT-AEELs do not apply in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (2) Net electrical efficiency BAT-AEELs apply to CHP plants and to plants generating only power. {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 57 Chapter 10 NOX, NH3, CO and unburnt carbon volatile organic compounds' emissions to air BAT 36. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques described in BAT 7 and given below. Technique Good maintenance of a. the engine Low-NOX combustion b. concept in diesel engines Applicability Generally applicable Generally plants aApplicable to new R ES S See description in Section 10.8 Not applicable during water shortages Applicable within the constraints of water availability. See description in Section 10.8 Humid air injection (HAM) See description in Section 10.8 G Water/steam addition injection The retrofit to existing engines may be constrained due to major modifications to the fuel injection system d. PR O c. Description Generally applicable T IN Not applicable to in the case of plants operated in emergency-load mode plants. Selective catalytic e. reduction (SCR) AF D R Exhaust-gas recirculation (EGR) Retrofitting existing plants may be constrained by the availability of sufficient space See description in Section 10.8 Not applicable engines to four-stroke G f. See description in Section 10.8 There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode. N {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} R KI BAT 37. In order to prevent and/or reduce emissions of CO and volatile organic compounds unburnt carbon emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines, BAT is to ensure complete combustion by using use one or a combination of the techniques given in BAT 4 and below. O Technique W a. Good engine design b. Good maintenance of the combustion system Description Applicability See description in Section 10.8 Applicable to new plants See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable c. Process control techniques Process control techniques, based on accurate monitoring and welloptimised system to reduce emissions of CO and NOX d. Oxidation catalysts See description in Section 10.8 e. Combustion optimisation See description in Section 10.8 Applicable to new plants Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergencyload mode plants Generally applicable {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} 58 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, NH3, CO and unburnt carbons (as TVOC) emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines that are not emergency plants are given in Table 10.20. Table 10.20: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX, NH3 and CO and TVOC emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines BAT-AEL Existing New 90–250 NOX 1 All but emergency plants Yearly average NH3 ( ) CO mg/Nm3 Continuous measurement Periodic measurement TOC 1 <5 50–100 - PR ( ) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR. < 140 ND < 150 - ND ND - - 10–40 Daily average R ES S Unit G All but emergency plants Pollutant Average of samples obtained during one year - O Type of engine Monitoring frequency BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) T Daily average or average over the sampling period AF Yearly average D R Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) CO Existing New plants plants 2 () 120 115– 90 125– 145– < 140 625 250 160 260 G New plants N All sizes but emergency plants NH3 (1) TVOC Yearly average Average of samples obtained during one year over the sampling period IN NOX Yearly average (2) Existing plants (3) 120 150–750 310 Monitoring frequency New or existing plants 50–175 100 1–< 5 10–40 Continuous measurement R KI (1) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR. (2) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. (3) The BAT-AEL range for plants operating in emergency- or peak-load modes is 1150–1900 mg/Nm3. W O The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 59 Chapter 10 SOX, HCl and HF emissions to air BAT 38. In order to prevent and/or reduce SOX, HCl and HF emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. a. Fuel choice b. Process control Duct sorbent c. injection (DSI) with bag filter Description See description in Section 10.8. Low-ash, low-asphaltene and low-sulphur fuel See description in Section 10.8. See description in Section 10.8. The technique is used in combination with a dust abatement technique Applicability Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State R ES S Technique Generally applicable. Not applicable to emergency plants Generally applicable Wet flue-gas d. desulphurisation (Wet FGD) G Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode. See description in Section 10.8. PR O There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} IN BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for SO2 SOX from the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines are given in Table 10.21. All but emergency plants Pollutant Existing New Monitoring frequency Unit D R Type of engine AF T Table 10.21: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for SO2 SOX emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines SOX 1 mg/Nm³ Continuous measurement (1) BAT-AEL Yearly average Daily average 100–200 ND < 100 < 110 BAT-AELs for SO2x (mg/Nm3) Daily average or average over the sampling period Yearly average O R KI Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) N G ( ) Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration) New plants Existing plants (2) New plants Monitoring frequency Existing plants W All sizes but ND Continuous emergency < 45–100 100–200 < 60–110 105–235 measurement (1) plants (1) Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration). (2) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 60 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Dust and particulate-bound metals emissions to air BAT 39. In order to prevent or reduce dust and particulate-bound metals emissions from the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. b. Process control c. Bag filter d. Electrostatic precipitator (ESP) See description in Section 10.8 e. Multicyclones See description in Section 10.8 f. Dry, semi-dry or wet FGD system See descriptions in Section 10.8 R ES S Fuel choice Generally applicable Generally applicable. to new plants Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given by space availability Generally applicable O a. Applicability Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State G Description See description in Section 10.8. Low-ash, low-asphaltene and low-sulphur fuel See description in Section 10.8 See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable when the technique is mainly used for SOX, HCl and/or HF abatement PR Technique {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} T IN BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated dust emission levels for dust from the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines are given in Table 10.22. AF Table 10.22: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for dust emissions to air from the combustion of HFO and/or gas oil in reciprocating engines Pollutant Unit New Existing, all but emergency mode Dust mg/Nm3 BAT-AEL Yearly Daily average average 1–5 6–12 1–10 ND Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement KI N G D R Type of engine O W All sizes but emergency plants Daily average or average over the sampling period Yearly average R Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) BAT-AELs for dust (mg/Nm3) New plants Existing plants, all but emergency plants (1) New plants Existing plants, all but emergency plants 1–5 2–7 1–10 2–20 6–12 15 ND 6–40 Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement (1) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 61 Chapter 10 10.3.3 LFOGas oil-fired gas turbines Unless stated otherwise, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable to the combustion of LFOgas oil in gas turbines,. They apply in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1. Energy efficiency R ES S BAT 40. In order to increase the energy efficiency of the LFOgas oil combustion in gas turbines, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given in BAT 7 and below. Description Applicability See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable to new gas turbines Generally Aapplicable to new gas turbines except when operated in emergency- or peak-load modes. b. Combined cycle (CCGT) See description in Section 10.8 G Technique a. Double reheat PR O Applicable to existing gas turbines within the constraints associated with the steam cycle design and the space availability. Not applicable to gas turbines operated in emergency- or peak-load modes IN {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} AF T BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels offor the combustion of LFOgas oil in gas turbines that are not emergency plants are given in Table 10.23. D R Table 10.23: BAT-associated energy efficiency levels (BAT-AEELs) offor existing baseload and mid-merit LFOgas oil-fired gas turbines KI O Type of combustion plant Gas oil-fired open-cycle gas turbine Gas oil-fired combined cycle gas turbine W Net electrical efficiency N Existing New Existing New R Open cycle Combined cycle Parameter G Type of gas turbine Unit % BAT-associated environmental performance levels 25 to above 31 above 31 33 to above 44 above 40 BAT-AEEPLs (1) (yearly average – LHV basis) Net electrical efficiency (%) (2) New plant Existing plant above 31 25 to above 31 > 35.7 25–35.7 above 40 33 to above –44 >44 33–44 (1) These BAT-AEELs do not apply in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (2) Net electrical efficiency BAT-AEELs apply to CHP plants and to plants generating only power. 62 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 NOX, NH3 and CO emissions to air BAT 41. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air from the combustion of LFO gas oil in gas turbines, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Description Water/or steam a. addition See description in Section 10.8 Advanced lLow-NOX b. burners (LNB) for liquid fuels See description in Section 10.8 Applicability Not applicable during water shortages in dry areas The applicability may be limited due to water availability Only Aapplicable to turbine models for which the low-NOX burners are available on the market R ES S Technique Not applicable to in the case of plants operated in emergency-load mode. plants G See description in Section 10.8 O Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) PR c. Applicable within the constraints given by space availability. Retrofitting existing plants may be constrained by the availability of sufficient space. There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode IN {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} D R Technique AF T BAT 42. In order to prevent and/or reduce carbon monoxide (CO) emissions to air from the combustion of LFO gas oil in gas turbines, BAT is to achieve complete combustion by applying use one or a combination of the techniques given in BAT 4 and below. See description in Section 10.8 KI b. Combustion optimisation Applicability Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode plants. Applicable within the constraints given by space availability Retrofitting existing plants may constrained by the availability sufficient space N G a. Oxidation catalysts Description See description in Section 10.8 be of Generally applicable W O R {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, NH3 and CO emissions to air from the combustion of LFO in gas turbines that are not emergency plants are given in TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 63 Chapter 10 Table 10.24: BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, NH3 and CO emissions to air from LFO-fired gas turbines Type of gas turbine All but emergency mode Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency mg/Nm³ Continuous measurement New NOX Existing 1 NH3 ( ) CO All BAT-AEL Yearly Daily average average 20–40 ND < 90 30–250 < 1–5 6–60 ND ND R ES S (1) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR technique. SOX and dust emissions to air Description Applicability Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State O Technique G BAT 43. In order to prevent and/or reduce SOX and dust emissions to air from the combustion of LFO gas oil in gas turbines, BAT is to use the techniques given belowin BAT 4. PR See description in Section 10.8 a. Fuel choice {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections and} T IN BAT-associated emissions levels The BAT-associated emission levels for SO2SOX and dust from the combustion of LFO gas oil in gas turbines that are not emergency plants are given in Table 10.25. All but emergency mode Existing New Pollutan t dust SOX Dust SOX Unit D R Type of gas turbine AF Table 10.25: BAT-associated emission levels for SO2SOX and dust emissions to air from the combustion of LFOgas oil in gas turbines mg/Nm³ Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement Continuous measurement (1) Continuous measurement Continuous measurement (1) BAT-AEL Yearly average 1–4 1–35 1–2 1–20 N G (1) Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration). Continuous monitoring fuel sulphur content and correlating it with SOX emissions is an alternative monitoring method possible if only primary techniques are implemented. BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) R KI SO2x Daily average or average Yearly over the 2 average ( ) sampling period W O Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) All sizes but emergency plants Dust Daily average or average Yearly over the 2 average ( ) sampling period New plants or existing plants New plants or existing plants 1–20 / 1–35 35–60 50–66 Monitoring frequency 1–2 / 1–4 2–5 2–10 Continuous measurement (1) (1) Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration). Continuous monitoring fuel sulphur content and correlating it with SOX emissions is an alternative monitoring method possible if only primary techniques are implemented. (2) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. 64 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 10.4 BAT conclusions for the combustion of gaseous fuels 10.4.1 BAT conclusions for the combustion of natural gas Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable to the combustion of natural gas,. They apply in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1. Energy efficiency R ES S BAT 44. In order to increase the energy efficiency of natural gas combustion, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques described in BAT 7 and of the techniques given below. Regenerative feedwater heating See description in Section 10.8. The regenerative stream can be generated by the boiler or the steam turbine See description in Section 10.8 Energy efficiency optimisation refers to the efficiency of the total combined cycle and not only to the gas turbine G D R c. Combined cycle (CCGT) AF T IN PR b. See description in Section 10.8 Applicability Applicable to new gas turbines, including CCGTs O a. CHP readiness Description G Technique Generally applicable Generally aApplicable to new gas turbines and engines except when operated in emergency- or peak-load modes. Applicable to existing gas turbines and engines within the constraints associated with the steam cycle design and the space availability. Not applicable to existing gas turbines and engines operated in emergency- or peak-load modes. R KI N Not applicable to boilers and to existing baseload open-cycle gas turbines operated in mid-merit load or baseload modes , provided there is enough available space W O {[This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} BAT 45. In order to use energy efficiently, BAT is to use expansion turbines to recover the energy content of the pressurised supplied fuel gasesnatural gas. Description An expansion turbine (or turbo expander) is an apparatus that can be installed on the natural gas supply line (instead of a throttling expansion valve) to generate power from the expansion of the high-pressure natural gas to the supply pressure of the gas turbine. The throttling valve is kept as back-up, in case the expansion turbine is not available. Applicability The applicability of the technique may be limited by the amount of recoverable energy. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 65 Chapter 10 BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels for the combustion of natural gas are given in Table 10.26. Table 10.26: BAT-associated environmental performance energy efficiency levels (BAT-AEELs) for the energy efficiency of the combustion of natural gas fired combustion plants BAT-AEELs for energy efficiency (yearly average) (3) Net electrical efficiency (%) (1) New Existing plants plants Net total fuel utilisation (%) (2) (4) Net mechanical energy efficiency (%) (5) Existing New plant plant R ES S Type of combustion plant Gas engine 56–85 NA - 56–78 - 40–42.5 to above 42 38–40 78–95 - - IN NA O G 35–44 NA PR NA 78–95 - T CHP gas engines (2) Gas-fired boiler Gas-fired boiler only producing electricity and CHP gas-fired boilers whose recoverable heat generation exceeds the heat demand Gas–fired boiler only producing heat and CHP gas-fired boilers whose recoverable heat generation does not exceed the heat demand Open-cycle gas turbine 42–46.5 to above 46.5 - 36–41.5 to above 41 Combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) CCGT ≥ 50 MWth for 57–60.5 electricity generation only 48.5 to (3) above 58 CHP CCGT plant (50–600 57–60.5 MWth) whose recoverable 42 to above heat generation exceeds the 46 heat demand CHP CCGT plants (50–600 MWth) whose recoverable heat generation does not 2 exceed the heat demand ( ) CHP CCGT plant (> ≥ 600 MWth) whose recoverable 57–60.5 heat generation exceeds the 50–51 heat demand CHP CCGT plants (> MWth) whose recoverable heat generation does not 2 exceed the heat demand ( ) 33–41.5 28–39 NA 36.5–41 33.5–41 47–60 45 –58 NA NA NA 47–60 40–46 67–95 60–95 NA NA - 60–95 - 47–60 44–51 80–95 NA - 80–92 - W O R KI N G D R Gas turbine ≥ 50 MWth AF Gas engine (1) 66 April 2015 NA TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 (1) Electrical efficiency applies for plants producing power only and for plants whose recoverable heat generation exceeds the heat demand. Net electrical efficiency BAT-AEELs apply to CHP plants and to plants generating only power. (2) The energy efficiencies in CHP plants are very much dependent upon the specific situation and the local demand of electricity and heat. Net total fuel utilisation BAT-AEELs may not be achievable in the case of an excessively low heat demand. (3) These BAT-AEELs do not apply to plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. Not applicable for plants (< 500 h/yr). (4) These BAT-AEELs apply to CHP combustion plants and to combustion plants generating only heat. (5) These BAT-AEELs apply to combustion plants used for mechanical drive applications. NOX, CO, NMVOC and CH4 emissions to air R ES S NB: NA = no BAT-AEL BAT 46. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air from the combustion of natural gas in boilers, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. G See description in Section 10.8 AF T IN b. Flue-gas recirculation (Ultra-) Low-NOX burners c. (LNB) ((U)LNB) D R d. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) See description in Section 10.8 G N KI R f. Advanced computerised process control system Generally applicable Generally applicable Retrofit may be limited for older plants due to boiler design constraints Generally applicable Not applicable for in the case of combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode plants. See description in Section 10.8 See description in Section 10.8. This technique is often used in combination with other techniques or may be used alone for very welltuned plants operated in emergencyload mode plants TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Not generally applicable to combustion plants of < 100 MWth. Retrofitting existing plants may be constrained by the availability of significant space. For peak-load plants, the economic viability may depend on the energy market conditions O W e. Selective Nnon-Ccatalytic Rreduction (SNCR) Applicability O a. Air and/or fuel staging Description See descriptions in Section 10.8. Air staging (over fire air) is often associated with low-NOX burners See description in Section 10.8 PR Technique April 2015 There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode Not applicable to emergencyplants Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode with highly variable loads. The applicability may be limited in the case of combustion plants operated in peak-load mode with highly variable boiler loads Generally applicable to new plants. The applicability to old combustion plants may be constrained by the need to retrofit the combustion and/or control command system(s) 67 Chapter 10 Reduction of the combustion air temperature g. Generally applicable within the constraints associated with the process needs See description in Section 10.8 {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} BAT 47. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air from the combustion of natural gas in gas turbines while limiting NH3 slip in the case of SCR use, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. a. Dry low-NOX burners (DLN) See description in Section 10.8 b. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) See description in Section 10.8 Applicability The aApplicability may be limited in the case of very old turbines (retrofitting package not available) or when steam/water injection systems are installed Not applicable in the case of combustion plants operated in to emergency-load mode plants. Retrofitting existing plants may be constrained by the availability of significant sufficient space. For peak-load plants, the economic viability may depend on the energy market conditions There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode R ES S Description IN PR O G Technique T AF Generally applicable The applicability may be limited due to water availability Generally applicable to new plants. The applicability to old combustion plants may be constrained by the need to retrofit the combustion and/or control command system(s) N G d. Advanced computerised process control system D R c. Water/steam addition Water or steam injection See description in Section 10.8. This technique is uUsed in existing gas turbines and when a DLN retrofit DLN package is not available See description in Section 10.8. This technique is often used in combination with other techniques or may be used alone for very welltuned emergency plants operated in emergency-load mode Adaptation of the process control and related equipment to maintain for keeping good combustion efficiency when the demand in energy is varying varies, e.g. by improving the inlet airflow control capability or by splitting the combustion process in decoupled combustion stages W O R KI e. Low-load design concept f. Low-NOX burners (LNB) See description in Section 10.8 Applicable depending on the gas turbines design Generally applicable to supplementary firing for heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) in the case of combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) combustion plants (CCGTs) {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} 68 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 BAT 48. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air from the combustion of natural gas in engines, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Description See description in Section 10.8. Generally used in combination with SCR a. Lean-burn concept See description in Section 10.8 c. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) See description in Section 10.8 Only aApplicable to new gas-fired engines Applicable to new gas-fired engines but not to spark ignited engines Only applicable to new spark plug or other ignited (SG)-type engines Retrofitting existing plants may be constrained by the availability of significant sufficient space. Not applicable in the case of combustion plants operated in to emergency-load mode plants. For peak-load plants, the economic viability may depend on the energy market conditions There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peakload mode PR O G b. Advanced lean-burn concept Applicability R ES S Technique See description in Section 10.8. This technique is often used in combination with other techniques or may be used alone for very welltuned emergency combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode T IN d. Advanced computerised process control system Generally applicable to new plants. The applicability to old combustion plants may be constrained by the need to retrofit the combustion and/or control command system(s) AF {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} D R BAT 49. In order to prevent and/or reduce CO emissions to air from the combustion of natural gas, BAT is to use one or both a combination of the techniques given below. Technique Description Applicability Good furnace/combustion chamber design Use of high performance monitoring Maintenance of the combustion system Applicable to new plants N 1. G a. Complete Combustion optimisation See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable KI 2. W O R 3. Generally applicable b. Well optimised system to reduce emissions of NOX c. Advanced automated process control d Application of Oxidation catalysts Generally applicable See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable . {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 69 Chapter 10 The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX and CO emissions to air from the combustion of natural gas are given in Table 10.27 (for gas turbines) and in Table 10.28 (for boilers and engines). Table 10.27: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX and CO emissions to air from the combustion of natural gas in gas turbines 7–50 (13) 6–35 (13) 3 < 5–40 (13) ≥ 50 7–55 75 (5) 6–50 3 < 5–40 ( 6) ( 9) 7–85 6–60 3–40 NA 5–80 Continuous measurement Continuous measurement or PEMS G ≥ 50 Monitoring frequency PR O New OCGT gas turbines ( 1) Existing OCGT gas turbines (excluding turbines for mechanical drive applications) – All but emergency-load mode Existing gas turbines for mechanical drive – All but emergency mode Existing gas turbines – Emergency mode ( 2) IN Type of gas turbine R ES S BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) (3) NOX CO Daily average or Yearly Yearly average over average average the sampling (7) (14) (7) (14) period Open-cycle gas turbines (OCGTs) Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) 44–125 Continuous measurement or PEMS Continuous measurement, or PEMS Combined cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) (11) (15) 1–5 15–55 10–50 1–50 18–35 15–40 (12) 10–30 (12) 25 1–15 < 5–30 (12) Continuous measurement Continuous measurement Continuous measurement 18–50 10–40 35 1 < 5–30 (9) Continuous measurement 18–65 10–50 < 5–30 (9) 15–35 10–25 1–15 Continuous measurement 50–600 35– 55 10–45 1–15 < 5–30 (9) Continuous measurement 50–600 35–80 85 25–55 (10) 75 1 < 5–30 (9) Continuous measurement T 9–20 D R ≥ 50 AF 15–25 ≥ 600 N G New dual fuel CCGT – Natural gas mode Existing dual fuel CCGT – Natural gas mode New single fuel CCGT > 600 MWth Existing single fuel CCGT > 600 MWth with a net total fuel utilisation < 75 % Existing CCGT with a net total fuel utilisation ≥ 75 % New single fuel CCGT 50–600 MWth Existing single fuel CCGT 50–600 MWth with a net total fuel utilisation of < 75 % Existing single fuel CCGT 50–600 MWth with a net total fuel utilisation of ≥ 75 % W O R KI ≥ 600 Open- and combined cycle gas turbines Existing gas turbines – Emergency-load mode ( 2) Existing gas turbines for mechanical drive applications – All but emergency-load mode 70 ≥ 50 NA 60–140 NA 44–125 NA 5–80 Continuous measurement or PEMS ≥ 50 7–65 85 6–60 3 < 5–40 (9) Continuous measurement or PEMS April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Existing/New dual fuel gas turbine combusting liquid fuels in emergency-load mode ≥ 50 145–250 NA NA PR O G R ES S (1) The higher end of the ranges is achieved when the plants operate on peak mode. (2) The lower end of the BAT-AEL NOX range for NOX can be achieved with water injection or dry low-NOX premix burners. (3) These BAT-AELs also apply to the combustion of natural gas in dual-fuel-fired turbines. (5) The higher end of the range is 80 mg/Nm3 in the case of plants operated in peak-load mode. (6) The higher end of the range is 80 mg/Nm3 in the case of existing plants that cannot be fitted with dry techniques for NOX reduction. (7) These BAT-AELs do not apply in the case of plants operated in peak-load mode. (9) The higher end of the range is 50 mg/Nm3 when plants operate at low load (e.g. with an equivalent full load factor below 60 %). (10) Where it can be demonstrated that it is not possible to further retrofit a plant operated in peak-load mode due to techno-economic reasons, the higher end of the range is 75 mg/Nm3. (11) These BAT-AELs do not apply to turbines for mechanical drive applications or to plants operated in emergencyload mode. (12) A correction factor may be applied to the higher end of the BAT-AEL range, corresponding to [higher end] x EE / 55 where EE is the net electrical energy efficiency of the plant determined at ISO baseload conditions. (13) A correction factor may be applied to the higher end of the range, corresponding to [higher end] x EE / 39 where EE is the net electrical energy efficiency of the plant determined at ISO baseload conditions. (14) Optimising the functioning of an existing technique to reduce further NOX emissions may lead to levels of CO emissions at the higher end of the BAT-AEL range for CO. (15) When the boiler of a CCGT operates alone (i.e. the gas turbine does not operate), the BAT-AELs that apply are those related to boilers (see Table 10.28). NB: NA = No BAT-AEL IN The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. T Table 10.28: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX and CO emissions to air from the combustion of natural gas in boilers and engines AF D R Type of combustion plant BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) NOX CO Daily average or Yearly average Yearly average over the (3) (4) average (3) (4) sampling period Boilers 1–5 NA < 85 10–60 < 5–15 1–15 85–110 50–100 < 5–40 Gas eEngines (1) G New boilers N Existing boiler NA 20–75 30–100 Existing gas engines NA 55–110 (2) 20–100 30–100 R KI New gas engine Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement Continuous measurement Continuous measurement Continuous measurement 1 W O ( ) These BAT-AELs only apply to SG- and DF-type engines. They do not apply to GD-type engines. (2) In the case of engines operated in emergency-load mode that could not apply the lean-burn concept or use an SCR system for techno-economic reasons, the higher end of the range is 175 mg/Nm3. (3) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak- or emergency-load modes. (4) Optimising the functioning of an existing technique to reduce further NOX emissions may lead to levels of CO emissions at the higher end of the BAT-AELs for CO. NB: NA = No BAT-AEL The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. The BAT-associated emission level for NH3 slip when using SRC is less < 3 as yearly average based on continuous measurement*. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 71 Chapter 10 BAT 50. In order to reduce non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) and methane (CH4) emissions to air from the combustion of natural gas in spark-ignited leanburn gas (SG) and dual fuel (DF) engines, BAT is to ensure complete an optimised and stable combustion conditions and/or to apply oxidation catalysts. The BAT-associated emission levels for formaldehyde NMVOC and CH4 are presented given in Table 10.29. BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) Aaverage over the sampling period of samples obtained during one year 4–40 2–15 200–400 185–500 (1) Pollutant NMVOC Formaldehyde CH4 R ES S Table 10.29: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NMVOC formaldehyde and CH4 emissions to air from the combustion of natural gas in an SG or DF engines Monitoring frequency Periodic measurements: 4 times/yr Periodic measurements: 4 times/yr 1 O G ( ) This BAT-AEL applies only to an SG-type engine and is expressed as C at maximum continuous rating (MCR) PR The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} BAT conclusions for the combustion of iron and steel process gases IN 10.4.2 D R AF T Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable to the combustion plants combusting of iron and steel process gases (e.g. blast furnace, coke oven, basic oxygen furnace gases), alone individually, in combination, or simultaneously, or in combination with other gaseous and/or liquid and/or solid commercial fuels,. They apply in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1. Energy efficiency KI N G BAT 51. In order to increase the energy efficiency for of the combustion of iron and steel process gases in boilers and CCGTs, only or in combination with other gaseous, liquid and/or solid fuels, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 7 and of the technique given below. R Technique See description Section 10.8 O a. Process gases management system Description Applicability Only aApplicable to integrated Iron and Steel steelworks W {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections and} BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels for the combustion of iron and steel process gases only or in combination with other gaseous and/or liquid fuels are presented are given in Table 10.30. The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels for the combustion, in CCGTs, of iron and steel process gases and natural gas are presented are given in Table 10.31. The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels for the combustion of iron and steel process gases in combination with coal and possibly other gaseous and/or liquid fuels are the ones given in 72 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Table 10.30: BAT-associated environmental performance levels for energy efficiency levels (BATAEELs) offor the combustion of iron and steel process gases in a boilers alone or in combination with other gaseous and/or liquid fuels BAT-AEELs (% - yearly average) (2) Combustion pPlant type Net total fuel utilisation (4) (CHP plants) 32.5–40 25–40 50–84 Existing multi-fuel firing gas– boilers producing power only and multi-fuel firing gas– boilers whose recoverable heat generation exceed the heat demand New multi-fuel firing gas– boilers producing heat only and multi-fuel firing gas– boilers whose recoverable heat generation does not exceed the heat demand (1) R ES S Net electrical efficiency (3) 50–84 G 40–42.5 PR O (1) The wide range of energy efficiencies in CHP plants is very much largely dependent on the specific situation and the local demand of for electricity and heat. (2) These BAT-AEELs do not apply in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (3) These BAT-AEELs apply to CHP plants and to plants generating only power. (4) These BAT-AEELs apply to CHP plants and to plants generating only heat. Parameter Unit AF Combustion pPlant type T IN Table 10.31: BAT-associated environmental performance levels for energy efficiency levels (BATAEELs) of for the combustion of iron and steel process gases and natural gas in a CCGTs D R CHP CCGTs whose recoverable heat generation does not exceed the heat demand Existing plant New plant 60–82 % Net electrical efficiency 43–48 38.5–45 > 47 above 44 W O R KI N G CCGT Ggenerating only power or CHP CCGTs whose recoverable heat generation exceeds the heat demand Net total fuel utilisation BAT-AEELs (yearly average, LHV basis) TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 73 Chapter 10 NOX and CO emissions to air BAT 52. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases in boilers only or in combination with other gaseous fuels and/or liquid fuels, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Applicability Specially designed low-NOX burners in multiple rows per type of fuel or including specific features for multi-fuel firing (e.g. multiple dedicated nozzles for burning different fuels, or including fuels premixing) See description in Section 10.8 See description in Section 10.8 See description in Section 10.8 Specially designed LowNOX burners (LNB) Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode. Not generally applicable to plants of < 100 MWth. Retrofitting existing plants may be constrained by significant the availability of sufficient space availability and by the combustion plant configuration. There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode. Generally applicable Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode. e. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) See description in Section 10.8 The applicability may be limited in the case of combustion plants operated in peak-load mode with frequent fuel changes and frequent load variations Generally applicable to new plants. See description in Section 10.8. The applicability to old combustion This technique is used in plants may be constrained by the combination with other techniques need to retrofit the combustion and/or control command system(s) KI N G f. Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) D R AF T IN See description in Section 10.8 PR O b. Air staging c. Fuel staging d. Flue-gas recirculation Generally applicable R ES S a. Description See description Section 10.8. G Technique O R g. Advanced computerised process control system W {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} 74 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 BAT 53. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases and natural gas in CCGTs, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Technique Description See description in Section 10.8. Applicability Applicable within the constraints associated with the reactiveness of iron and steel process gases such as coke oven gas. G D R AF T IN PR O G R ES S a. Dry low-NOX burners (DLN) DLN that combust iron and steel The applicability may be limited in process gases differ from the ones the case of a very old turbine that combust natural gas only (retrofitting package not available) or when steam/water injection systems are installed Generally Only applicable to supplementary firing for heat b. Low-NOX burners (LNB) See description in Section 10.8. recovery steam generators (HRSG) of combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) combustion plants Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode. Retrofitting existing plants may be constrained by the availability of c. Selective catalytic reduction See description in Section 10.8 significant sufficient space. (SCR) There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peakload mode See description in Section 10.8. In dual fuel gas turbines using DLN Generally applicable Water/steam addition for iron and steel process gases d. Water or steam injection combustion, water/steam addition is The applicability may be limited generally used when combusting due to water availability natural gas Generally applicable to new plants. See description in Section 10.8. The applicability to old combustion e. Advanced computerised This technique is used in plants may be constrained by the process control system combination with other techniques need to retrofit the combustion and/or control command system(s) W O R KI N {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 75 Chapter 10 BAT 54. In order to prevent and/or reduce CO emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases, only or in combination with other gaseous fuels and/or liquid fuels, BAT is to applyuse one or a combination of the following techniques given below. Technique Description See description in Section 10.8 a. Complete Combustion optimisation b. Good furnace/combustion chamber design Generally applicable Applicable to new plants Generally applicable Generally applicable 1. Use of high performance monitoring 2.Maintenance of the combustion system Generally applicable R ES S See description in Section 10.8 c. Advanced computerised process control Applicability d. Well optimised system to reduce emissions of NOX Generally applicable Only applicable to CCGTs. O {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} G See description in Section The applicability may be 10.8 limited by lack of space, the load requirements and the sulphur content of the fuel e. Oxidation catalysts PR The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX and CO concentrations associated with BAT from the combustion of iron and steel process gases are given in Table 10.32. IN Table 10.32: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX and CO emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases, only or in combination with other gaseous fuels and/or liquid fuels in boilers, or, with natural gas in CCGTs Existing boiler 3 New CCGT 15 T 3 CO Yearly average (4) Yearly average (4) AF New boilers Daily average or average over the sampling period 22–100 (5)(9) 15–65 < 5–35 1–25 22–160 (5) (6) 20–100 1 < 5–100 30–50 20–35 D R O2 reference level (%) G Combustion pPlant type BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) (1) NOX Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement Continuous measurement < 5–20 Continuous measurement (1) Emissions from pPlants combusting a mixture of gases with an equivalent LHV of > 20 MJ/Nm3 are expected to emit at the higher end of the BAT-AEL ranges. (4) These BAT-AELs do not apply to plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (5) The higher end of the BAT-AEL range may be different on days when auxiliary liquid fuels are used. In this case, the higher end of the BAT-AEL range may correspond to the higher end of the BAT-AEL range reported in the BAT conclusions that apply to the combustion of the corresponding (auxiliary) fuel and to the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (6) The higher end of the BAT-AEL range may be exceeded a few days every year in the case of plants not fitted with SCR when using a high share of COG and/or combusting COG with a relatively high level of H2. In this case the higher end of the BAT-AEL range is 220 mg/Nm3. (7) The lower end of the BAT-AEL range can be achieved when using SCR. (8) In the case of plants operated in emergency- or peak-load modes, the higher end of the BAT-AEL range is 80 mg/Nm3. 15 30–70 ( ) 120 7 20–50 100 ( ) 1 < 5–20 W O R KI N Existing CCGTs 8 The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. BAT 55. In order to prevent and reduce NOX emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases (alone or with other gaseous and/or liquid fuels) in combination with coal, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques described in BAT 19 and of the following technique, depending on the fuels combusted: 76 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Technique Description Specially designed low-NOX burners in multiple rows per type of fuel or including specific features Specially designed low-NOX a. for multi-fuel firing (e.g. multiple burners dedicated nozzles for burning different fuels, or including fuels premixing) Applicability Generally applicable with specific features depending on the type of multi-fired fuels and on their range of variability {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections and} R ES S The CO, NOX and NH3 emission levels associated with BAT are given in Table 10.33. Table 10.33: BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, NH3 and CO emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases (alone or with other gaseous and/or liquid fuels) in combination with coal 50–150 50–180 65–100 65–180 ND 10–100 <5 10–100 <5 140–220 80–125 80–220 G BAT-AEL for NH3 (1) (yearly average mg/Nm3) O PR ND IN > 300 FBC (coal-lignite) and PC firing > 300 PC coal firing BAT-AEL for CO (yearly average mg/Nm3) T 100–300 BAT-AEL for NOX (daily average mg/Nm3) New Existing plants plants 12–80 < 1–3.5 1–55 < 1–3.5 Continuous measurement AF < 100 BAT-AEL for NOX (yearly average mg/Nm3) New Existing plants plants 100– 100–270 200 100– 100–180 150 W O R KI N G D R (1) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR and SNCR. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 77 Chapter 10 SOX emissions to air BAT 56. In order to prevent and/or reduce SOX emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases in boilers, only or in combination with other gaseous fuels and/or liquid fuels, BAT is to use a combination of the techniques given below. Process gas management system and auxiliary fuel choice R ES S Generally applicable, within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel IN PR b. Coke oven gas pretreatment at the iron- and steel-worksfacility Applicability Generally aApplicable to integrated plants G a. Description Use of one of the following techniques: desulphurisation by absorption systems; wet oxidative desulphurisation See description in Section 10.8. Use, as much as the iron- and steel-works allow it, of: a majority of blast furnace gas with low sulphur content in the fuel diet; a combination of fuels with averaged low sulphur content, e.g. individual process fuels with very low S content such as: o BFG with Ssulphur content < 10 mg/Nm3; o coke oven gas with Ssulphur content < 300 mg/Nm3; and auxiliary fuels such as: o natural gas; o liquid fuels with Ssulphur content of ≤ 0.4 % (in boilers). Use of a limited amount of fuels with containing higher Ssulphur content O Technique AF T {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} D R BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for SO2X emissions to air concentrations associated with BAT from the combustion of iron and steel process gases, only or in combination with other gaseous fuels and/or liquid fuels in boilers, or with natural gas in CCGTs, are given in Table 10.34. KI N G Table 10.34: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for SO2 SOX emissions from the combustion of iron and steel process gases, only or in combination with other gaseous fuels and/or liquid fuels in boilers, or with natural gas in CCGTs Type of combustion plant O2 reference level (%) Boiler SOX 3 CCGT SOX 15 W O R Pollutant Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement (1) Continuous measurement (1) BAT-AELs for SO2 (mg/Nm3) Daily average or average Yearly average over the (4) sampling period 50–200 (2)(3) 25–150 20–70 60 10–45 35 1 ( ) Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration). (2) Higher levels can be expected when HFO/LFO or other non-conventional liquid fuels with high sulphur content are combusted. (3) The higher end of the BAT-AEL range may be different on days when auxiliary liquid fuels are used. In this case, the higher end of the BAT-AEL range may correspond to the higher end of the BAT-AEL range reported in the BAT conclusions that apply to the combustion of the corresponding (auxiliary) fuel and to the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (4) These BAT-AELs do not apply when plants operate in peak-load or emergency-load modes. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 78 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 BAT 57. In order to reduce SOX emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases (alone or with other gaseous and/or liquid fuels) in combination with coal, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques described in BAT BAT 21. {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections and} The BAT-associated emission levels for SOX from the combustion of iron and steel process gases in combination with coal and possibly other gaseous and/or liquid fuels are given in Table 10.35. 150–200 80–150 10–75 10–130 20–150 20–180 1 25–110 Monitoring frequency ND G 50–100 100–300 > 300 (Pulverised combustion) > 300 (Fluidised bed boilers) (1) Existing plants (daily average) O New plants (yearly average) BAT-AEL (mg/Nm3) New Existing plants plants (yearly (daily average) average) 150–400 ND 80–200 25–220 Continuous measurement (2) PR Combustion plant rated thermal input (MWth) R ES S Table 10.35: BAT-associated emission levels for SOX emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases (alone or with other gaseous and/or liquid fuels) in combination with coal with S content < 3 % ND IN ( ) The lower end of the range is achieved by high efficient wet FGD system. The higher end can be achieved by a boiler / in-bed sorbent injection. (2) Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration). Dust emissions to air Fuel choice / management W O R KI N G a. D R Technique AF T BAT 58. In order to reduce dust emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases, only or in combination with other gaseous, liquid, and/or solid fuels, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. b. Blast furnace gas pretreatment at the iron- and steel-works plant c. Basic oxygen furnace gas pretreatment at the iron- and steelworks plant TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Description Use of a combination of process gases and auxiliary fuels with low averaged low dust or ash content, as much as the iron- and steel-works allow it Use of one or a combination of dry dedusting devices primary (e.g. deflectors, dust catchers, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators) and/or subsequent dust abatement secondary dedusting techniques (cyclones, venturi scrubbers, hurdle-type scrubbers, venturi scrubbers, annular gap scrubbers, wet electrostatic precipitators, disintegrators) Use of dry (e.g. ESP or bag filter) or wet (e.g. wet ESP or scrubber) April 2015 Applicability Generally applicable, within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel Generally Only applicable if blast furnace gas is combusted Generally Only applicable if basic oxygen furnace gas is combusted 79 Chapter 10 dedusting one or a combination of dedusting techniques (e.g. deflectors in combination with venturi-type scrubbers or dry or wet ESP). Further description is given in the Iron and Steel BREF e. Electrostatic precipitator (ESP) Only applicable to plants combusting auxiliary fuels with high ash content in a significant proportion coal and to plants combusting liquid fuels in a significant proportion (> 10–15% of the yearly fuel input) with high ash content See descriptions in Section 10.8. Can be combined with WFGD for enhanced dust reduction Bag filter R ES S d. G {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} PR O BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for dust emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases are given in Table 10.36. Table 10.36: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for dust emissions to air from the combustion of iron and steel process gases, or multi gaseous fuel combustion, including iron and steel process gases Fuel diet Boiler Monitoring frequency - 3 Continuous measurement < 2–5 NA < 1–4 15 Periodic measurement: 4 times/yr 8–45 (1) 2–15 - 3 Continuous measurement 4–25 1–15 - 6 Continuous measurement 2–15 (3) O R KI N G CCGT O2 reference level (%) < 1–7 D R Iron and steel process gas(es), alone or in combination with other gaseous fuels Iron and steel process gas(es) with liquid fuels, alone or in combination with other gaseous fuels Iron and steel process gas(es) with coal, alone or in combination with other gaseous and or/liquid fuels AF Combustion plant type T IN BAT-AELs for dust (mg/Nm3) (1) Daily average Average of samples or Yearly average obtained average over the during one sampling year period W Boiler (1) The upper end of the range (15–45 mg/Nm3) is expected to be achieved when firing liquid fuels. (3) The upper end of the BAT-AEL range may be higher on days when auxiliary liquid fuels are used. In this case, the higher end of the BAT-AEL range may correspond to the higher end of the BAT-AEL range reported in the BAT conclusions that apply to the combustion of the corresponding (auxiliary) fuel and to the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. NB: NA = No BAT-AELs 80 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 10.4.3 BAT conclusions for the combustion of gaseous and/or liquid fuels on offshore platforms Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable to the combustion of gaseous and/or liquid fuels on offshore platforms,, They apply in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1. Techniques Generally applicable G Minimise the 'spinning reserve' Applicability PR O a. Description When running with spinning reserve for operational reliability reasons, the number of additional turbines is minimised, except in exceptional circumstances Provide a fuel gas supply from a point in the topside oil and gas process which offers a minimum range of fuel gas combustion parameters, e.g. calorific value, and minimum concentrations of sulphurous compounds to minimise SO2 formation. For liquid distillate fuels, preference is given to lowsulphur fuels Operate multiple generator or compressor sets at load points which minimise pollution Optimise and maintain inlet and exhaust systems in a way that keeps the pressure losses as low as possible Optimise the process in order to minimise the mechanical power requirements R ES S BAT 59. In order to improve the general environmental performance of the combustion of gaseous and/or liquid fuels on offshore platforms, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Generally applicable AF T IN b. Fuel choice D R c. Load control G d. Control pressure losses KI N e. Process optimisation Heat recovery W O R f. g. Injection timing Power integration of multiple h. gas/oil fields Utilisation of gas turbine / engine exhaust heat for platform heating purposes Optimise injection timing in engines Use of a central power source to a number of participating installations platforms located at different gas/oil fields Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable Generally applicable to new plants. In existing plants, the applicability may be restricted by the level of heat demand and the combustion plant layout (space) Generally applicable for engines The applicability may be limited dependings on the location of the different gas/oil fields and on the organisation of the different participating installations platforms, including alignment of time schedules regarding planning, start-up and cessation of production {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections, and 3.3.4} TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 81 Chapter 10 BAT 60. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air from the combustion of gaseous and/or liquid fuels on offshore platforms, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. See description in Section 10.8 b. Lean-burn concept See description in Section 10.8 c. Low-NOX burners See description in Section 10.8 d. Advanced computerised process control system See description in Section 10.8 R ES S Dry low-NOX burners (DLN) G a. Applicability Applicable to new gas turbines (standard equipment) within the constraints associated with the fuel quality variations. The applicability may be limited for existing gas turbines by: availability of retrofitting package (for low load operation), complexity of the platform organisation and space availability Only Generally applicable to new gasfired engines Generally Only applicable to boilers Generally applicable to new plants. The applicability to old combustion plants may be constrained by the need to retrofit the combustion and/or control command system(s) O Description PR Technique {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} IN BAT 61. In order to prevent and/or reduce CO emissions to air from the combustion of gaseous and/or liquid fuels in gas turbines on offshore platforms, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 42 and BAT 49. AF T BAT-associated emission levels The BAT–associated emission levels for NOX and CO emissions to air are presented given in Table 10.37. G D R Table 10.37: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX and CO emissions to air from the combustion of gaseous and/or liquid fuels in open-cycle gas turbines on offshore platforms NOX Daily average Average over the sampling period KI R W O New gas turbines combusting gaseous fuels (3) Existing gas turbines(1) combusting gaseous fuels (3) Existing/New dual fuel gas turbine combusting liquid fuels CO (yearly average Average over the sampling period N Plant type BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) (2) NOX (yearly average) 5 7–50 (4) 6–40 < 75 50 ND < 50–290 (1) 6–125 < 100 145–250 Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement or PEMS Continuous measurement or PEMS < 100 (1) The lower end of the BAT-AEL range iscan be achieved with last generation of DLN burners. (2) These BAT-AELs are expressed for a turbine load of > 70 % when using DLN burners and about 70 % when not using DLN burners when the monitoring is performed periodically. (3) This includes single fuel and dual fuel gas turbines. (4) The higher end of the BAT-AEL range is 250 mg/Nm3 if DLN burners cannot be used, e.g. due to poor quality fuels. The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 82 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 10.5 BAT conclusions for multi-fuel-fired plants 10.5.1 BAT conclusions for the combustion of process fuels from the chemical industry industrial process fuels produced by the chemical industry R ES S , in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1 Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable apply in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in section 10.1 are generally applicable to combustion plants using process fuels from gaseous and/or liquid process fuels in the chemical industry, individually, in combination, or simultaneously including their mixture with other gaseous and/or liquid fuels. General environmental performance in the combustion of chemical process fuels G PR O BAT 62. In order to improve the general environmental performance of the combustion plants using of process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers process fuels, including the mixture with other fuels, BAT is to ensure stable and increased combustion conditions by use a combination of the techniques in BAT 4 and listed below. Description NC fuel Pretreatment of a. process fuel from the chemical industry Perform fuel pretreatment at the chemical installation on and/or off the site of the combustion plant to improve the environmental performances of fuel combustion Applicability Generally applicable See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable Combination of primary measures Generally applicable D R c. Process control T Advanced computerised control system AF b. IN Technique {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections and} W O R KI N G BAT 63. In order to improve the general environmental performance of the combustion plants using chemical industry process fuels, including the mixture with other fuels, BAT is to perform fuel characterisation and ultimate analysis with the frequency and elements indicated in BAT 5. BAT is to integrate the outcome of the characterisation and analysis into the advanced computerised process control system. Description The fuel analysis and characterisation describe the chemical composition and physical characteristics of fuel, e.g. it gives the low heating value and identifies the substances that can lead to the formation of the pollutants covered in these BAT conclusions. Applicability Applicable within the constraints given by the load variations needed to meet all the chemical installation operations. {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 8.2.3} TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 83 Chapter 10 Energy efficiency BAT 64. In order to increase the energy efficiency of the combustion plants using chemical industry process fuels, including mixtures with other fuels, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given in BAT 7 and below. Technique Heat recovery a cogeneration (CHP) by Description Applicability See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 3.3.4} R ES S BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels infor the combustion of process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers industrial process fuels, including their mixture with other fuels are given in Table 10.38. G Table 10.38: BAT-associated energy efficiency levels (BAT-AEELs) in the for the combustion plants using of process fuels from the chemical industry in a boiler process fuels, including their mixture with other fuels New Existing New IN Net total fuel utilisation % Net electrical efficiency Existing > 90 80 to above 96 above 38 30 to above 38 AF Generating only power or CHP plants whose recoverable heat generation exceeds the heat demand Unit T Generating only heat or CHP plants whose recoverable heat generation does not exceed the heat demand BAT-AEPL (yearly average, LHV basis) O Parameter PR Type of plant Type of combustion plant above 38 >37.4 30 to above 38 35.6–37.4 > 90 80–96 80 to above 96 80–96 40–42.5 to above 42 38–40 78–95 78–95 O R KI N G Boiler using liquid process fuels from the chemical industry, including when mixed with HFO, gas oil and/or other liquid fuels Boiler using gaseous process fuels from the chemical industry, including when mixed with natural gas and/or other gaseous fuels D R BAT-AEEPLs (1) (yearly average – LHV basis) Net electrical efficiency (%) (2) Net total fuel utilisation (%) (3) (4) New plant Existing plant New plant Existing plant W (1) These BAT-AEELs do not apply in the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (2) These BAT-AEELs apply to CHP combustion plants and to combustion plants generating only power. (3) These BAT-AEELs apply to CHP combustion plants and to combustion plants generating only heat. (4) These BAT-AEELs may not be achievable in the case of an excessively low potential heat demand. 84 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 NOX, NH3 and CO emissions to air BAT 65. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air while limiting NH3 and CO emissions to air from combustion plants using process fuels from the chemical industry process fuels, including the mixtures with other fuels, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below:. b. Description See description in Section 10.8 Air staging combustion See description in Section 10.8 Applicability Generally applicable Generally applicable for new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given by furnace size and design. R ES S a. Technique (Advanced) lLow-NOX burners (LNB) See description in Section 10.8. Flue-gas recirculation e. Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) See description in Section 10.8 T IN d. D R AF See description in Section 10.8. Generally applicable to new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given byassociated with furnace size and design, chemical installation safety Generally applicable to new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given byassociated with furnace size and design, chemical installation safety. G N KI R Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode. The applicability may be limited in the case of plants operated in peak-load mode with frequent fuel changes and frequent load variations Generally applicable for new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given byassociated with duct configuration, space availability, as well as chemical installation safety. See description in Section 10.8. Not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode. There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode. W O f. Generally applicable G Applying fuel staging when using liquid fuel mixtures may require a specific burner design O Fuel staging (reburning) PR c. g. Fuel choice See description in Section 10.8 h. Water/steam addition See description in Section 10.8 i. Advanced control system See description in Section 10.8 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 Not generally applicable to combustion plants of < 100 MWth Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel The applicability may be limited due to water availability Generally applicable 85 Chapter 10 {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, NH3 and CO from combustion plants using process fuels from the chemical industry, including the mixtures with other fuels are presented given in Table 10.39. BAT-AEL Fuel Pollutant Mixture of gases and/or liquids NOX NH3 CO Unit Yearly average 70–200 (1)(2) < 1–5 (3) < 1–20 3 mg/Nm R ES S Table 10.39: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX and CO emissions to air from combustion plants using process fuels from the chemical industry process fuels, including the mixtures with other fuels Monitoring Daily frequency average (1)(2) 90–250 Continuous ND measurement ND PR O G (1) The lower end of the range is associated with the use of gas-prevailing fuel blends (H2 up to 72 % vol in gases). (2) With the exception of nitrogen-rich liquid-prevailing fuel blends (N up to 24 % w/w in liquids) where the upper end of the yearly average range is 380 mg/Nm3 and no value is determined for daily average. (3) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR and SNCR. BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) NOX 30–85 Gases only 20–80 New or Existing existing plant plant 100– 50–110 < 1–30 Continuous 330 (1) measurement 30–100 85–210 < 1–30 T New plant 80–290 (1) 70–180 D R Mixture of gases and liquids Existing plant AF New plant Daily average or Yearly average over the Monitoring average sampling period frequency IN Yearly average Fuel phase CO (1) For existing plants of < 100 MWth using fuels with a nitrogen content higher than 0.6 % (w/w), the higher end of the BAT-AEL range is 380 mg/Nm3. W O R KI N G The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 86 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 SOX, HCl and HF emissions to air BAT 66. In order to reduce SOX, HCl and HF emissions to air from the combustion plants using of process fuels from the chemical industry process fuels in boilers, including their mixtures with other fuels, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Wet flue-gas desulphurisation (Wet FGD) Applicability See description in Section 10.8 G a. Description R ES S Technique PR O Generally applicable to new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given byassociated with duct configuration, space availability, as well as and as well chemical installation safety. See description in Section 10.8. b. Wet scrubber Furnace Boiler sorbent injection (in-furnace or in-bed) D R c. N G Duct sorbent injection d. (DSI) (Dry in-duct sorbent injection) See description in Section 10.8 f. Seawater FGD See description in Section 10.8 Fuel choice See description in Section 10.8 R KI Spray-dry absorber (SDA) O Wet FGD and seawater FGD are not applicable to combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode. There may be technical and economic restrictions for applying wet FGD or seawater FGD to combustion plants of < 300 MWth, and for retrofitting combustion plants operated in peak-load mode with wet FGD or seawater FGD See description in Section 10.8. The technique is used in combination with a dust abatement technique See description in Section 10.8 e. g. W AF T IN The wWet scrubbing is used to removes HCl and HF when no Wet FGD is used to removereduce SOX emissions Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 87 Chapter 10 BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for SO2 SOX, HCl and HF emissions from the combustion plants of process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers process fuels, including when mixed with other fuels, are given in Table 10.40 (for SO2) and 10.41 (for HCl and HF). Table 10.40: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for SO2 SOX, emissions to air from the combustion plants using of process fuels from the chemical industry in a boiler process fuels, including the mixtures with other fuels Unit Monitoring frequency SOXSO2 mg/Nm³ Continuous measurement R ES S Pollutant BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) Daily average or average over the Yearly average (1) sampling period (2) 10–110 90–200 PR O G (1) The yearly BAT-AELs do not apply to plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. (2) The higher end of the BAT-AEL range may be different on days when auxiliary liquid fuels are used. In this case, the higher end of the BAT-AEL range may correspond to the higher end of the BAT-AEL range reported in the BAT conclusions that apply to the combustion of the corresponding auxiliary fuel and to the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. Unit Monitoring frequency mg/Nm³ Periodic measurements 4times/yr T Pollutant IN Table 10.41: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for HCl and HF emissions to air from the combustion plants using of process fuels from the chemical industry in a boiler process fuels, including the mixtures with other fuels < 0.1–2 D R HF Monitoring frequency BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) HF G HCl N Average over the sampling period KI New plant < 1–10 < 1–5 R < 100 ≥ 100 < 1–8 AF HCl BAT-AEL Average of samples taken during one year Existing plant New plant Existing plant 2–15 < 1–9 (1) < 0.1–4 < 0.1–2 0.2–10 < 0.1–5 (2) Continuous measurement O (1) In the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes, the BAT-AEL range is 2–15 mg/Nm3. (2) In the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes, the BAT-AEL range is 0.2–10 mg/Nm3. W The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 88 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Dust and particulate-bound metals emissions to air BAT 67. In order to reduce emissions to air of dust, particulate-bound metals, and trace species from the combustion plants using of process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers process fuels, including the mixtures with other fuels, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. Fuel choice b. Bag filter See description in Section 10.8 c. High-performance electrostatic precipitator (ESP) See description in Section 10.8 d. Dry, semi-dry or wet FGD system Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel, which may be impacted by the energy policy of the Member State. Generally applicable Applicable within the constraints given by space availability. PR O a. Applicability R ES S Description See description in Section 10.8. By switching to a different fuel or modulating the fuel blending, the corresponding emissions are reduced. Use of a combination of process fuels from the chemical industry and auxiliary fuels with low averaged dust or ash content G Technique IN See description in Section 10.8 Generally applicable when the technique is mainly used for SOX, HCl and/or HF abatement T {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} W O R KI N G D R AF BAT-associated emissions levels The BAT-associated emission levels emissions of dust as well as particulate-bound metals and trace species from the combustion plants using of process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers process fuels, including mixtures with other fuels, are given in Table 10.42 and TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 89 Chapter 10 Table 10.43. Table 10.42: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for dust emission to air from the combustion plants using of process fuels from the chemical industry in a boiler process fuels, including mixtures with other fuels BAT-AELs for dust (mg/Nm3) Daily average or average over the sampling period All sizes New plant Existing plant New plant Existing plant < 1 2–5 < 1 2–15 10 ND 2–10 (1) < 20 2–25 (1) Monitoring frequency R ES S Yearly average Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) Continuous measurement G (1) The upper end of the BAT-AEL range may be higher on days when auxiliary liquid fuels are used. In this case, the higher end of the BAT-AEL range may correspond to the higher end of the BAT-AEL range reported in the BAT conclusions that apply to the combustion of the corresponding (auxiliary) fuel and to the case of plants operated in peak- or emergency-load modes. W O R KI N G D R AF T IN PR O The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 90 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Table 10.43: BAT-associated emission levels for particulate-bound metals and trace species emissions to air from the combustion plants using chemical industry process fuels, including mixtures with other fuels Pollutant Unit BAT-AEL average of samples obtained during one year Sb+As+Pb+Cr+ Co+Cu+Mn+Ni +V mg/Nm3 0.05–0.2 Mercury emissions to air R ES S Monitoring frequency Periodic measurement: 4 times/yr BAT 68. In order to reduce mercury emissions to air from the combustion plants using chemical industry process fuels, including the mixtures with other fuels, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. b. ESP c. SCR Fuel pretreatment IN See description in Section 10.8 Fuel washing, blending and mixing in order to reduce the Hg content D R f. Generally applicable for new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given by duct configuration, space availability, as well as chemical installation safety. T e. FGD technique (e.g. wet limestone scrubbers, spray dryer scrubbers or dry sorbent injection) Carbon sorbent (e.g. activated carbon) injection in the fluegas AF d. G Bag Filter Applicability O a. Description See description in Section 10.8 See description in Section 10.8 See description in Section 10.8 See descriptions in Section 10.8 PR Technique Applicability requires previous survey for characterising the fuel and for estimating the potential effectiveness of the technique {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} N G BAT-associated emissions levels The BAT-associated levels for mercury emissions to air from the combustion plants using chemical industry process fuels, including mixtures with other fuels, are given in Table 10.44. KI Table 10.44: BAT-associated emission levels for mercury from the combustion plants using chemical industry process fuels, including mixtures with other fuels Unit BAT-AEL Average of samples obtained during one year Monitoring frequency Mercury µg/Nm3 0.1–8 Periodic measurement: 4 times/yr W O R Pollutant TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 91 Chapter 10 Emissions of volatile organic compounds and polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and -furans TOC, dioxins and furans emissions to air See description in Section 10.8. The SCR system is adapted and larger in comparison with an SCR system only used for NOX reduction Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) Rapid quenching through wet c. scrubbing / FGflue-gas condenser See description of wet scrubbing / FGflue-gas condenser in Section 10.8 G See description in Section 10.8 Applicability Only applicable to combustion plants using fuels derived from chemical processes involving chlorinated substances. Generally applicable for to new plants. Applicable to existing plants within the constraints given byassociated with duct configuration, space availability, as well as chemical installation safety PR b. Description O Technique Activated carbon injection / a. reactor R ES S BAT 69. In order to reduce emissions to air of volatile organic compounds and polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and -furans TOC, dioxins and furans emissions to air from the combustion plants using of process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers process fuels, including the mixtures with other fuels, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given in BAT 4 and below. IN {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} AF T BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for PCDD/F and TVOC dioxins and furans from the combustion plants using of process fuels from the chemical industry in boilers process fuels, including the mixtures with other fuels, are given in Table 10.45. D R Table 10.45: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for PCDD/F and TVOC emissions to air dioxins and furans from the combustion plants of chemical industry process fuels from the chemical industry in a boilerthe mixtures BAT-AELs Average of samples obtained during one year Average over the sampling period Unit Dioxins and furans PCDD/F (1) pg I-TEQ/Nm3 1–100 TVOC mg/Nm3 1–24 10 KI N G Pollutant 1 Monitoring frequency Periodic measurement 2 times/yr Periodic measurement 2 times/yr R ( ) These BAT-AELs only apply to combustion plants using fuels derived from chemical processes involving chlorinated substances. W O The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. 92 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 10.6 BAT conclusions for the waste co-incineration of waste Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable to combustion plants firingco-incinerating wasteas part of the combusted feedstock,. They apply in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1. Unless otherwise stated, the BAT-AELs in this section apply when waste is co-incinerated. R ES S When co-incinerating waste, the BAT-AELs set out in the fuel-specific sections apply in relation to those fuels, as well as in relation to the mix of those fuels and the waste coincinerated, and taking into account BAT 70 bis. General environmental performance in waste co-incineration O G BAT 70. In order to improve the general environmental performance of the combustion plants co-incinerationg of wastes in combustion plants, to ensure stable combustion conditions, and to reduce emissions to air, BAT is to use a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 4 and of the techniques given below. Description Implement a procedure for receiving any waste at the combustion plant according to the corresponding BAT from the Waste Treatment Industries BREF. Acceptance criteria are set for critical parameters such as heating value, water content, ash content, chlorine and fluorine content, sulphur content, nitrogen content, PCB, metals (volatile (Hg, Tl, Pb, Co and Se) and nonvolatile (e.g. V, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni)) and phosphorus and alkaline content (when using animal by-products). Apply quality assurance systems for each waste load to guarantee the characteristics of the wastes co-incinerated and to control the values of defined critical parameters Careful selection of waste type and mass flow, together with limiting the percentage of the most polluted waste that can be coincinerated. Limit Hgmercury and chlorine entering the combustion process as elevated proportions components of the waste Applicability AF Generally applicable N G D R Waste prea. acceptance and acceptance T IN PR Technique O R KI b. Waste choice W c. Waste drying d. Waste pretreatment On-site or off-site pre-drying of the waste before introducing it into the combustion chamber, with a view to maintaining the high performance of the boiler See techniques described in the Waste Treatment Industries and Waste Incineratiorn BREFs, including milling, pre-combustion in fluidised bed boilers, pyrolysis, gasification, etc. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 Generally applicable The Aapplicability may be limited by insufficient recoverable heat from the process, by the required combustion conditions, or by the waste moisture content The Aapplicability may depend on the combustion plant size and configuration, on the type of waste, and on the space availability 93 Chapter 10 e. Waste mixing with the main fuel Effective mixing between waste and the main fuel, as an heterogeneous or poorly mixed fuel stream or an uneven distribution may influence the ignition and combustion in the boiler and has to should be prevented Mixing is only possible when the grinding behaviour of the main fuel and waste are similar more or less the same or when the amount of waste is very small compared to the main fuel flow {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections 9.1, 9.4.2 and 9.4.3} R ES S BAT 70 bis. In order to prevent increased emissions from the co-incineration of waste in combustion plants, BAT is to take appropriate measures to ensure that the emissions of polluting substances in the part of the flue-gases resulting from waste co-incineration are not higher than those resulting from the application of BAT conclusions for the incineration of waste defined in the WI BREF. PR O G BAT 71. In order to reduce diffuse emissions to air and odorous substances from the storage and handling of waste to be co-incinerated, BAT is to use a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 9 and of the related BAT in the Waste Treatment Industries BREF. {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections 9.4.1} Energy efficiency D R AF T IN BAT 72. In order to minimise the impact on by-product and residues recycling from the waste co-incineration of waste in combustion plants, BAT is to maintain the a good quality of gypsum, ashes and slags andas well as other residues and by-products at the same level as those occurring without the co-incineration, in line with the requirements set for their recycling when the plant is not co-incinerating waste, by using one or a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 70 and/or by restricting the co-incineration to waste fractions with pollutant concentrations similar to those in other combusted primary fuels. {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections 9.4.6} N G BAT 73. In order to increase the energy efficiency of the co-incineration of combustion plants co-incinerating waste, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 7, and BAT 18, BAT 24, BAT 25, and BAT 82 depending on the main fuel type(s) combusted used and on the plant configuration. O R KI BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels (BAT-AEELs) are the ones given in Table 10.10 for the co-incineration of waste with biomass- and/or peat-fired combustion plants coincinerating waste, and the ones given in Table 10.2 for the co-incineration of waste with coaland/or lignite-fired plants co-incinerating waste. NOX, NH3 and CO emissions to air W BAT 74. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air while limiting CO and NH3 emissions from waste co-incineration in coal- and lignite-fired combustion plants, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given in BAT 19 and of the technique below. Technique a Circulating fluidised bed boiler Description See description in Section 10.8 Applicability Applicable for new plants and when firing waste that can be fragmented to the fraction size necessary to create a fluidised bed {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 9.4.4} 94 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 The BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX and CO and NH3 are given in Table 10.46. Table 10.46: BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, CO and NH3 emissions to air from waste coincineration in coal- and lignite- fired combustion plants > 300 FBC (coal-lignite) and PC lignite firing > 300 PC coal firing 50–150 50–180 65–100 65–180 BAT-AEL for CO (yearly average mg/Nm3) BAT-AEL for NH3 (1) (yearly average mg/Nm3) ND 10–100 <6 ND 10–100 140–220 80–125 <6 12–80 80–220 1 ( ) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR and SNCR. Monitoring frequency R ES S 100–300 BAT-AEL for NOX (daily average mg/Nm3) New Existing plants plants <6 Continuous measurement G < 100 BAT-AEL for NOX (yearly average mg/Nm3) New Existing plants plants 100– 100–270 200 100– 100–180 150 1–55 <6 O Combustion plant rated thermal input (MWth) IN PR BAT 75. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air while limiting CO and NH3 emissions from the waste co-incineration in biomass- and peat-fired combustion plants, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given in the BAT 26 and of the technique given below. Circulating fluidised bed boiler See description in Section 10.8 AF a. Description T Technique Applicability Applicable for new plants and when firing waste that can be fragmented to the fraction necessary to create fluidised bed D R {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 9.4.4} The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, CO and NH3 are given in Table 10.47. N G Table 10.47: BAT-associated emission levels for NOX from the co-incineration of waste in biomassand peat-fired combustion plants W O R KI Combustion plant rated Pollutant thermal input (MWth) 50–100 100–300 > 300 BAT-AEL Unit Monitoring frequency mg/Nm3 Continuous measurement NOX 1 New plant Yearly Daily average average 70–200 120–260 50–130 100–220 40–130 65–150 NH3 ( ) CO (1) Ammonia emissions are associated with the use of SCR and SNCR. All TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 Existing plant Yearly Daily average average 70–250 120–310 50–140 100–220 40–140 95–150 < 1–7 ND 4–80 ND 95 Chapter 10 SOX, HCl and HF emissions to air BAT 76. In order to prevent and/or reduce SOX, HCl and HF emissions to air from the waste co-incineration of waste with in coal- and/or lignite-fired combustion plants, BAT is to apply one or a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 21 and of the technique given below. Description Applicability Generally applicable within the constraints associated with the types of waste to be coincinerated, which may be impacted by the waste management policy of the local / national competent authority Selection of waste streams with low S, Cl, Fsulphur, chlorine and/or fluorine content. Limitation of the amount of waste to be co-incinerated a. Waste selection / limitation R ES S Technique G {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 9.4.4} The BAT-associated emission levels for SOX are the ones given in Table 10.48. 150–200 80–150 10–75 10–130 20–150 20–180 PR Monitoring frequency ND 25–110 AF 50–100 100–300 > 300 (Pulverised combustion) > 300 (Fluidised bed boilers) (1) Existing plants (daily average) IN New plants (yearly average) BAT-AEL (mg/Nm3) (3) New Existing plants plants (yearly (daily average) average) 150–400 ND 80–200 T Combustion plant rated thermal input (MWth) O Table 10.48: BAT-associated emission levels for SOX emissions to air from waste co-incineration in coal- and lignite-fired combustion plants with coal and lignite S content < 3 % 25–220 Continuous measurement (2) ND D R (1) Lower end of the range is achieved with a highly efficient wet FGD system. The higher end can be achieved with boiler / in-bed sorbent injection. (2) Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration). (3) When low-S waste is co-incinerated, the lower SOX emissions should be expected, e.g. a plant co-incinerating more than 30 % (LHV basis) low-S waste emits at the lower end of the given ranges. N G The BAT-associated emission levels for halogens are given in Table 10.49. KI Table 10.49: BAT-associated emission levels for halogen emissions to air from waste coincineration in coal- and lignite-fired combustion plants BAT-AEL (mg/Nm3) < 1–5 < 0.1–2 Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement Continuous measurement W O R Pollutant HCl HF 96 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 BAT 77. In order to prevent and/or reduce SOX, HCl and HF halogen emissions to air from the waste co-incineration of waste with in biomass and/or peat-fired combustion plants, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 28 and of the techniques given below. Description a. Waste selection / limitation b. Semi-dry absorber (SDA) Selection of waste streams with low S, Cl, Fsulphur, chlorine and/or fluorine content. Limitation of the amount of waste to be co-incinerated See description in Section 10.8 Applicability Generally applicable within the constraints associated with the types of waste to be coincinerated, which may be impacted by the waste management policy of the Member State local / national competent authority Generally applicable R ES S Technique {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 9.4.4} O G BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for SOX, HCl, and HF are given in Table 10.50. R KI N IN Monitoring frequency T G Straw % in the fuel-waste feed < 25 % Straw % in the fuel-waste feed 100% mg/N m³ Continuous measurement (1) HCl All BAT-AEL Yearly Daily average average 1–50 8–70 100–165 ND Intermedia te, within the ranges given in the two lines above ND 1–8 3–12 < 18 ND Intermedia te, within the ranges given in the two lines above < 0.01–0.8 25 Straw % in the fuel-waste feed < 100 W O Unit SOX D R 20 Peat % in the fuel-waste feed < 70 Pollut ant AF Fuel (% in yearly and LHV basis) Peat % in the fuelwaste feed < 20% Peat % in the fuelwaste feed ≥ 70 % PR Table 10.50: BAT-associated emission levels for SOX, HCl, and HF emissions to air from the coincineration of waste in biomass- and peat-fired combustion plants HF ND ND Dust and particulate-bound metals emissions to air BAT 78. In order to reduce dust and particulate-bound metals emissions to air from the waste-co-incineration of waste with in coal and/or lignite-fired combustion plants, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 22. {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 9.4.4} TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 97 Chapter 10 BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for dust emissions to air are the same as the ones given in Table 10.7. The BAT-associated emission levels for metals emissions are given in Table 10.51. Table 10.51: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for metals emissions to air from the waste co-incineration of waste with in coal- and/or lignite-fired combustion plants BAT-AEL (average of samples obtained during one year) Sb+As+Pb+Cr+Co+Cu+Mn+Ni+V Cd+Tl (µg/Nm3) (mg/Nm3) ≥ 300 0.025–0.2 0.0025–0.2 0.1–6 8 O Monitoring frequency Average over the sampling period of samples obtained during one year Average of samples obtained during one year Yearly average PR 0.1 0.4–6 12 Averaging period Periodic measurement 4 times/yr Periodic measurements 4 times/yr T < 300 0.025–0.2 0.004–0.5 R ES S BAT-AELs (1) Sb+As+Pb+Cr+ Cd+Tl Co+Cu+Mn+Ni (µg/Nm3) 3 +V (mg/Nm ) IN Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) Periodic measurements: 4 times/yr 0.1–6 G 0.025–0.2 Monitoring frequency AF The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. Description By switching to a different fuel/waste or modulating the fuel/waste blending (e.g. lower ash or lower chlorine fuel/waste) the corresponding emissions can be reduced N Technique G D R BAT 79. In order to reduce dust and particulate-bound metal emissions to air from the waste co-incineration of waste with in biomass- and/or peat-fired combustion plants, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques in BAT 29 and of the technique given below. Fuel / waste choice e. Bag filter O R KI d. Applicability Applicable within the constraints associated with the availability of different types of fuel/waste, which may be impacted by the energy and waste management policies of the Member State See description in Section 10.8 Applicable within the constraints given by space availability See description in Section 10.8 g. Activated carbon injection / reactor See description in Section 10.8 Applicable reduction See description in Section 10.8 Applicable in combination with other dedusting devices (e.g. bag filter or ESP), when used for desulphurisation W f. High-performance electrostatic precipitator h. Wet FGD for further metal {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 9.4.4} BAT-associated emission levels 98 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 The BAT-associated emission levels for dust are presented in Table 10.13. The BAT-associated emission levels for metals are presented given in Table 10.52. Table 10.52: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for particulate-bound metal emissions to air from the waste co-incineration of waste with in biomass and/or peat-fired combustion plants BAT-AELs (average of samples obtained during one year) Sb+As+Pb+Cr+Co+Cu+Mn+Ni+V Cd+Tl (mg/Nm3) (µg/Nm3) R ES S Monitoring frequency Periodic measurements: 4 times/yr 0.8–5 22 (1) 0.075–0.3 G (1) The higher end of the range is achieved when co-incinerating waste containing high levels of Cd+Tl (e.g. 5–6 mg/kg) in a high share (e.g. > 60 % - LHV basis) Mercury emissions to air PR O The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. IN BAT 80. In order to reduce mercury emissions to air from the waste co-incineration of waste with in biomass-, peat-, coal- and/or lignite-fired combustion plants, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 23 and of the technique given below. Description Selection of waste with a low Hgmercury content, blended with the fuel in order to obtain a homogeneous mixture, and in a limited amount in order to avoid additional Hgmercury emissions Applicability Applicable within the constraints associated with the waste management policy of the Member State strategy agreed at the local / national level D R a. Waste stream control AF T Technique {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 9.4.4} KI N G The BAT-associated emission levels for mercury in coal- and/ lignite-fired combustion plants co-incinerating waste are the ones given in Table 10.8 and in Table 10.9. W O R Table 10.53: BAT-associated emission levels for mercury emissions to air from waste coincineration in biomass- and peat-fired combustion plants Pollutant Unit BAT-AELs Average of samples obtained during one year Monitoring frequency Mercury µg/Nm3 0.2–10 Periodic measurements: 4 times/yr Emissions of volatile organic compounds and polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and -furans TOC, dioxins, and furans emissions to air BAT 81. In order to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds and polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and -furans TOC, dioxins, and furans emissions to air from the waste-coincineration of waste with in biomass-, peat-, coal- and/or lignite-fired combustion plants, TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 99 Chapter 10 BAT is to use a combination of the techniques listed in BAT 4 and of the techniques given below. Technique a Description Activated carbon injection / reactor Applicability Generally Aapplicable to biomassand peat-fired combustion plants See description in Section 10.8 See description in Section 10.8. The SCR system is adapted and larger in comparison with an SCR system only used for NOX reduction Generally applicable Rapid quenching c through wet scrubbing / FGflue-gas condenser See description of wet scrubbing / FGflue-gas condenser in Section 10.8 Generally applicable R ES S Selective catalytic b reduction (SCR) {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section 9.4.4} O G BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for PCDD/F dioxins and furans and TVOC emissions to air are given in Table 10.54. Unit BAT-AELs PCDD/F ng ITEQ/Nm3 < 0.002–0.03 TVOC mg/Nm3 Averaging period Periodic measurement Average over the sampling period IN Pollutant T Type of combustion plant Biomass-, peat-, coal- and/or lignite-fired combustion plant Biomass-, peat-, coal- and/or lignite-fired combustion plant PR Table 10.54: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for TOC PCDD/F, dioxins and furans and TVOC emissions to air from the waste co-incineration of waste with in biomass-, peat-, coal- and/or lignite-fired combustion plants Yearly average 0.5–4.5 15 Daily average Periodic measurements 2 times/yr Continuous measurement D R AF < 0.1–3 5 Monitoring frequency BAT conclusions for gasification and IGCC plants N 10.7 G The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. W O R KI Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable to all gasification plants directly associated to combustion plants, including IGCC plants. They apply in addition to the general BAT conclusions given in Section 10.1. 100 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Energy efficiency BAT 82. In order to increase the energy efficiency of the IGCC and gasification plants, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques described in BAT 7 and of the techniques given below. Description As the syngas needs to be cooled down to be further cleaned, energy can be recovered for producing additional steam to be added to the steam turbine cycle, enabling additional electrical power to be produced a. Heat recovery from the gasification process Applicability Only aApplicable to IGCC plants and to gasification plants connecteddirectly associated to boilers with syngas pretreatment requiring cooling down of the syngas temperature R ES S Technique b. Integration of gasification and combustion processes blocks The plant can be designed with full integration of the air supply unit (ASU) and the gas turbine, all the air fed to the ASU being supplied (extracted) from the gas turbine compressor c. Dry feedstock feeding system Use of a dry system for feeding the fuel to the gasifier, in order to improve the energy efficiency of the gasification process Only aApplicable to new plants Use of gasification technique with high temperature and pressure operating parameters, in order to enable the maximum carbon conversion ratemaximise the efficiency of energy conversion Only aApplicable to new plants AF T IN PR O G The aApplicability is limited to IGCC plants by the flexibility needs of the integrated plant to quickly provide the grid with electricity when the renewable power plants are not available is shutting down Design improvements, such as: W O R KI N G D R d. High temperature and pressure gasification e. Design improvements geometry modification of the draught tube dip tube; modification of the system attack serpentine cooling of the process burners; geometry modification of the neck and throat gasifier refractory; installation of an expander to recover energy from the syngas pressure drop before combustion Generally applicable to existing IGCC plants {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Sections 4.3.4, and 3.3.4} BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated net electricalenergy efficiency levels for gasification and IGCC plants are given in Table 10.55. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 101 Chapter 10 Table 10.55: BAT-associated environmental performance levels for the energy efficiency levels (BAT-AEELs) of for gasification and IGCC plants BAT-AEPLAEELs (yearly average – LHV basis) Net electrical efficiency (%) of thean IGCC Net total fuel utilisation plant (%) of thea gasification plant – New and or New plants Existing plants existing plants NA NA NA NA 34–46 > 91 > 91 PR NB: NA = No BAT-AELs > 98 O IGCC plants NA R ES S Gasification plant connecteddirectly associated to a boiler without prior syngas treatment Gasification plant connecteddirectly associated to a boiler with prior syngas treatment G Type of combustion plant configuration NOX, and CO emissions to air T IN BAT 83. In order to prevent and/or reduce NOX emissions to air while limiting CO emissions to air from IGCC plants, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. D R Dry low-NOX burners (DLN) for the combinedcycle gas turbine See description Section 10.8 in Syngas dilution with waste nitrogen from the air supply unit (ASU) W O b. R KI N G a. Description AF Technique c. 102 Water/steam addition Steam injection in the gas turbine combustion chamber The ASU separates the oxygen from the nitrogen in the air, in order to supply high quality oxygen to the gasifier. The waste nitrogen from the ASU is reused to cool down reduce the combustion temperature in the gas turbine, by being premixed with the syngas before combustion See description in Section 10.8. Some intermediate pressure steam from for the steam turbine is reused for this purpose April 2015 Applicability Only applicable to gas turbines. Generally applicable to new plants. Applicable and on a case-by-case basis for existing plants, depending on the availability of a retrofittableing package. Not applicable for H-syngas content of > 25 % Only applicable when an ASU is used for the gasification process Generally applicable Only applicable to gas turbines. The applicability may be limited due to water availability TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Generally applicable to new and existing coal PC plant > 100 MWth, in combination with other primary techniques Not applicable in the case of combustion plants operated in emergency-load mode. d. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) See description Section 10.8 in Retrofitting existing plants may be constrained by the availability of sufficient space. in Generally applicable G See description Section 10.8 O e. Combustion optimisation Complete combustion, along with good furnace design, the use of highperformance monitoring and automated process control techniques, and maintenance of the combustion system. R ES S There may be technical and economic restrictions for retrofitting existing plants operated in peak-load mode PR {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} IN BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX and CO are presented given in Table 10.56. Table 10.56: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for NOX and CO emissions to air from IGCC plants ≥ 100 T AF New plants Existing plants New plants Existing plants 12–45 1–35 1– 60 D R Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) BAT-AELs (mg/Nm3) NOX NOX (daily average or average (yearly average) over the sampling period) < 1–5 Monitoring frequency Continuous measurement G 10–25 CO (yearly average) New or existing plant W O R KI N The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 103 Chapter 10 SOX emissions to air BAT 84. In order to prevent and/or reduce SOX emissions to air from IGCC plants, BAT is to use the technique given below. a. Acid gas removal (AGR) Applicability Generally applicable The applicability may be limited in the case of biomass IGCC plants due to the very low sulphur content in biomass R ES S Description Sulphur compounds from the feedstock of a gasification process are removed from the syngas via an AGR, e.g. including a (HCN/)COS hydrolysis reactor and the absorption of H2S using a solvent such as MDEA amine. Sulphur is then recovered as either liquid or solid elemental sulphur (e.g. through a Claus unit), or as sulphuric acid, depending on market demands O {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} G Technique PR BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for SO2 SOX emissions to air are 3– 16 mg/Nm3, expressed as a yearly averages. Only SO2 is continuously measured, SO3 is periodically measured (e.g. during calibration). Dust, particulate-bound metals, ammonia and halogen emissions to air AF T IN The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. D R BAT 85. In order to prevent or reduce dust, particulate-bound metals, ammonia and halogen emissions to air from IGCC plants, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below. R KI N a. Syngas filtration Description Dedusting using Filters used are fly ash cyclones, bag filters, ESPs and/or candle filters to remove fly ash and unconverted carbon. Bag filters and ESPs are used in the case of syngas temperatures up to 400 °C Tars and ashes with a high carbon content generated in the raw syngas are separated in cyclones and recirculated to the gasifier, in the case of low syngas temperature at the gasifier outlet (<1100°C) Syngas passes through a water scrubber, downstream of other dedusting technique(s), where chlorides, ammonia, particles and halides are separated G Technique W O Syngas tars and ashes b. recirculation to the gasifier c. Syngas washing Applicability Generally applicable for dust removal. Bag filters and ESP are applicable for syngas temperature up to 400 °C Generally applicable for dust removal, in the case of a low syngas temperature at the gasifier outlet (1100 ºC) Generally applicable, downstream of other dedusting technique(s) {This BAT conclusion is based on information given in Section} 104 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for dust and particulate-bound metal emissions to air are given in Table 10.57. Table 10.57: BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) for dust and particulate-bound metals emissions to air from IGCC plants BAT-AELs Hg (µg/Nm3) (Average over the sampling period of samples obtained during one year) Dust (mg/Nm3) (yearly average) Monitoring frequency R ES S Combustion plant total rated thermal input (MWth) Sb+As+Pb+Cr+C o+Cu+Mn+Ni+V (mg/Nm3) (Average over the sampling period of samples obtained during one year) Dust: continuous measurement <1 < 0.12 0.4– < 2.5 Metals: periodic measurements once/yr PR O < 0.025 G ≥ 100 W O R KI N G D R AF T IN The associated monitoring is in BAT 3 ter. TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 105 Chapter 10 10.8 Description of techniques 10.8.1 General techniques Technique Description By switching to a different biomass The use of fuel with a low content of potential pollution-generating compounds (e.g. lower sulphur, ash, nitrogen, mercury, fluorine or chlorine content in the fuel), the corresponding emissions are reduced The replacement of part of a fuel with another fuel with a better environmental profile (e.g. syngas from biomass gasification instead of coal) The use of a computer-based automatic system to control the combustion efficiency and support the prevention and/or reduction of emissions. This also includes the use of high-performance monitoring Combination of primary measures: complete combustion, along with good furnace design, fuel choice, multi-fuel firing, the use of high performance monitoring and automated process control techniques, and maintenance of the combustion system Measures taken to maximise the efficiency of energy conversion, e.g. in the furnace/boiler, while minimising emissions (in particular of CO). This is achieved by a combination of techniques including good design of the combustion equipment, optimisation of the temperature (e.g. efficient mixing of the fuel and combustion air) and residence time in the combustion zone, and/or use of advanced control system Complete combustion, going along with good furnace design, the use of high-performance monitoring and automated process control techniques, and maintenance of the combustion system Fuel choice R ES S Multi-fuel firing PR O G Process Advanced control system Techniques to increase energy efficiency AF 10.8.2 T IN Complete combustion Combustion optimisation Ultra-supercritical steam parameters N G Supercritical steam parameters Description The uUse of a steam circuit, including double or triple steam reheat systems, in which steam can reach pressures about 300 above 250– 300 bar and temperatures about 600 above 580–600 °C The uUse of a steam circuit, including steam reheating systems, in which steam can reach pressures above 220.6 bar and temperatures of above 374 > 540°C Recovery of heat mainly from the steam cooling for producing hot water/steam which is used in industrial activities or in district heating. Additional recovery are possible from: flue-gas grate cooling circulating bed A CHP-ready plant will includeThe provisionmeasures taken to allow the later export of a useful quantity of heat to an off-site heat load in a way that will achieve at least a 10 % reduction in primary energy usage when compared to the separate generation of the heat and power produced. ItThis includes identifying and retaining access to specific points in the steam system from which steam can be extracted, as well as making sufficient space available to allow the later fitting of items such as pipework, heat exchangers, extra water demineralisation capacity, standby boiler plant and back-pressure turbines. Balance of plant systems and control/instrumentation systems are suitable for upgrade. Later connection of back-pressure turbine(s) is also possible Preheating water in the steam circuit with recovered heat from the plant Preheating combustion air by reusing part of the recovered heat D R Technique W O R KI Heat recovery by cogeneration (CHP) CHP readiness Regenerative feed-water heating Preheating of combustion air 106 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Advanced computerised control system Cooling tower discharge Wet stack Fuel specification in supplier contract or internal document Fuel drying (lignite, biomass, peat) Preheating of fuel by using recovered heat G Fuel preheating (gaseous, liquid fuels) Increased temperature and pressure of medium-pressure steam, addition of low-pressure turbine, modification of blade geometry See Section 10.8.1 Computerised control of the main combustion parameters in order to improve the combustion efficiency and completeness Air emission release through a cooling tower and not via a dedicated stack The dDesign of the stack in order to enable water vapour condensation from the saturated flue-gas and thus to avoid using a flue-gas reheater after the wet FGD The fuel supplier or the internal management adheres to the moisture (and size) specification in the contract or internal document The moisture is reduced by means of recovered heat (steam or flue-gas) or mechanical means (Press) to the level required (e.g. 40– 45 %) to achieve the optimal functioning of equipment (boiler, ESP), improve combustion conditions, increase the overall energy efficiency and avoid VOC direct emissions from the dryer R ES S Steam turbine upgrades O IN Steam double reheat PR Flue-gas condenser The flue-gas condenser is aA heat exchanger where water is preheated by the flue-gases before it is heated in the steam condensers. The vapour content in the flue-gases thus condenses as it is cooled by the heating water. The flue-gas condenser is used both to increase the energy efficiency of the combustion plant and to remove dust and SOX from the flue-gas Improved plant performance is possible by employing a double, rather than single, steam reheat cycle Combination of two or more thermodynamic cycles, e.g. a Brayton cycle (gas turbine/combustion engine) with a Rankine cycle (steam turbine/boiler), to convert heat loss from the flue-gas of the first cycle to useful energy by subsequent cycle(s) Process gas managementA systems that enables directing the fuel iron and steel process gases that can be used as fuels (e.g. blast furnace, coke oven, basic oxygen furnace gases) to be directed to the combustion plants, depending on the availability of these fuels and on the type of combustion plants in an integrated steelworks See Section 10.8.1 D R Process gases management system AF T Combined cycle W O R KI N G Combustion optimisation TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 107 Chapter 10 Techniques to reduce emissions of NOX and/or CO to air Technique Fuel choice Combustion optimisation Description The useChoice of a fuel with low Nnitrogen content See Section 10.8.1 O T IN Flue-gas or exhaust-gas recirculation (FGR/EGR) G R ES S Air staging (OFA) The cCreation of several combustion zones in the combustion chamber with different oxygen contents for controllingreducing NOX emissions and ensuring complete an optimised combustion. The technique involves sub-stoichiometric firing (i.e. with deficiency of air) into a primary combustion zone and a second reburn combustion zone (running with excess air) the addition of the remaining air or oxygen into the furnace to complete improve combustion. Some old small boilers may require a capacity reduction to allow the space for air staging. Boosted OFA systems such as high pressure or multi-direction injection systems enhance the effect of this technique by preventing the formation of stratified laminar flow and enabling the entire furnace volume to be used more effectively for the combustion process Recirculation of part of the flue-gas to the combustion chamber to replace part of the fresh combustion air, with the dual effect of cooling the flame temperature and limiting the O2 content for nitrogen oxidation, thus limiting the NOX generation. It implies the reinjection supply of waste flue-gas from the furnace into the flame to reduce the oxygen content and therefore the temperature of the flame. The use of special burners or other provisions is based on the internal recirculation of combustion gases which cool the root of the flames and reduce the oxygen content in the hottest part of the flames The technique (including ultra- or advanced-low-NOX burners) is based on the principles of reducing peak flame temperatures; boiler burners are designed to delay but complete improve the combustion and increase the heat transfer (increased emissivity of the flame). The air/fuel mixing, reduces the availability of oxygen, and reduces the peak flame temperature thus retarding the conversion of fuel-bound nitrogen to NOX and the formation of thermal NOX, while maintaining high combustion efficiency. It may be associated with a modified design of the furnace combustion chamber. The design of ultra- or advanced-low-NOX burners (ULNB) includes combustion staging (air/fuel) and flue-gas recirculation. Dry low-NOX burners (DLN) are used in gas turbines The performance of the technique may be influenced by the boiler design when retrofitting old plants Gas turbine burners that include the pre-mixing of the air and fuel before entering the combustion zone. By mixing air and fuel before combustion, a homogeneous temperature distribution and a lower flame temperature are achieved, resulting in lower NOX emissions The technique consists of a combination of internal engine modifications, e.g. combustion and fuel injection optimisation (In diesel engines, the central element of the ‘low NOX combustion’ concept is the very late fuel injection timing in combination with early inlet air valve closing), cycle optimisation.turbo-charging or Miller cycle The control of the peak flame temperature through lean-burn conditions is the primary combustion approach to limiting NOX formation in gas engines. Lean combustion decreases the fuel/air ratio in the zones where NO X is producedgenerated so that the peak flame temperature is less than the stoichiometric adiabatic flame temperature, therefore suppressingreducing thermal NOX formation. The optimisation of this concept is called 'advanced lean-burn concept' and is still not applicable to dual fuel engines due to misfiring problems The technique is based on the reduction of the flame temperature or localised hot spots by creation of several combustion zones in the combustion chamber with different injection levels of fuel and air. The retrofit may be less efficient in the case of smaller plants than in larger plants : a low impulse primary flame is developed in the port neck; a secondary flame covers the root of the primary flame reducing its core temperature PR 10.8.3 N Dry low-NOX burners (DLN) G D R AF Low-NOX burners (LNB) O R KI Low-NOX combustion concept in diesel engines W Lean-burn concept and advanced lean-burn concept Fuel staging (reburning) 108 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Combined SNCR + SCR Water or steam is are used as a diluents for reducing the combustion temperature in gas turbines, engines or boilers and the thermal NOX formation, either by being premixed with the fuel prior to its combustion (fuel emulsion, humidification or saturation) or directly injected in the combustion chamber (water/steam injection) The technique is mainly based on the following features: minimisation of air leakages into the furnace careful control of air used for combustion modified design of the furnace combustion chamber The uUse of complex and integrated abatement techniques for combined reduction of NOX, SOX, and often other pollutants, from the flue-gas, e.g. activated carbon, DESONOX processes T See Ssection 10.8.2 In diesel engines, the central element of the ‘low NOX combustion’ concept is the very late fuel injection timing in combination with cycle optimisation, e.g. thanks to late exhaust valve closing in new two-stroke engine The uUse of catalystscatalytic converter (that contain precious metals in general such as palladium or platinum) where anto oxidising reaction converts oxidise carbon monoxide (CO) and unburnt hydrocarbons (HC) with oxygen to form CO2 and water vapour, using the O2 contained in the flue-gas Fluidised bed combustion takes place with the injection of fuel into a hot turbulent bed, where combustion air has also been injected from the bottom of the fluidised bed boiler by fluidisation of the bed. The bed (sand) of particles, including fuel (between 1 and 3 % of the bed material), ash and sorbents, is fluidised by upwards flowing air in a furnace, and the bed temperature allows the fuel to burn. Due to the combustion temperatures of about 750–950 ºC and the long residence time, the burnout of the fuel is very high and, therefore, the related emissions of combustion products are relatively low. In CFB boilers, the small size of the bed particles induces their transportation through the furnace to the second pass of the boiler. These particles exiting the furnace are separated from the flue-gas flow by a cyclone or by other separation methods, and recirculated back to the fluidised bed D R Combined techniques for NOX and SOX reduction Advanced computerised process control system AF Low excess air IN PR Water/steam addition Combination of the SNCR and SCR techniques R ES S Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) Selective reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia or urea in the presence of a catalyst. The technique is based on the reduction of NO X to nitrogen in a catalytic bed by reaction with ammonia (in general aqueous solution) at an optimum operating temperature of around 300–450 °C. Several One or two layers of catalyst may be applied. A higher NOX reduction is achieved with the use of higher amounts of catalystseveral layers of catalyst (two layers). The technique design can be modular, special catalyst can be used and/or preheating can be used to cope with low loads or with a broad flue-gas temperature window. 'In-duct' or 'slip' SCR is a technique that combines SNCR with downstream SCR which reduces ammonia slip from the SNCR unit Selective reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia or urea without catalyst. The technique is based on the reduction of NOX to nitrogen by reaction with ammonia or urea at a high temperature. The operating temperature window is maintained between 900850 °C and 10501000 °C for optimal reaction G Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) Combination of primary techniques: e.g. air staging including boosted overfire air, fuel staging, flue-gas recirculation, LNB O Combination of primary techniques for NOX reduction G Low-NOX combustion concept in engines Circulating fluidised bed boiler (CFB boilers) W O R KI N Oxidation catalysts Reduction of the combustion air temperature Use combustion air at ambient temperature. The combustion air is not preheated in a regenerative air preheater TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 109 Chapter 10 Techniques to reduce emissions of SOX, HCl and/or HF to air Technique Fuel choice Multi-fuel firing Duct Dry sorbent injection (DSI) PR Circulating fluidised bed (CFB) dry scrubber G R ES S Boiler sorbent injection (in-furnace or in-bed) Description The useChoice of a fuel with low S, Cl and F sulphur, chlorine and/or fluorine content The rReplacement of part of a fuel with another fuel with a better environmental profile (e.g. coal – biomass, coal – syngas from biomass gasification, instead of coal only) Boiler sorbent injection consists of tThe direct injection of a dry sorbent into the gas stream of the combustion chamber, or of the adjunction of magnesium- or calcium-based adsorbents to the bed of a fluidised bed boiler. The surface of the sorbent particles reacts with the SO2 in the flue-gas or in the fluidised bed boiler The injection and dispersion of a dDry powder sorbent is introduced and dispersed in the flue-gas stream. The materialsorbent (e.g. trona, sodium bicarbonate, hydrated lime) reacts with acid gases (e.g. the sulphur gaseous sulphur species, HCl) to form a solid which has to be is removed by filtration (bag filter or electrostatic precipitator) Flue-gas from the boiler air preheater enters the CFB absorber at the bottom and flows vertically upwards through a venturi section where a solid sorbent and water are injected separately within the flue-gas stream A suspension/solution of alkaline reagent is introduced and dispersed in the flue-gas stream. The material reacts with the sulphur gaseous sulphur species to form a solid which has to beis removed by filtration (bag filter or electrostatic precipitator) Technique or ensemblecombination of scrubbing techniques where by which sulphur is removed from flue-gases through various processes generally involving an alkaline sorbent for capturing SO2 and transforming it into solid sulphur. In the wet scrubbing process, gaseous compounds are dissolved in a suitable liquid (water or alkaline solution). Simultaneous removal of solid and gaseous compounds may be achieved. Downstream of the wet scrubber, the flue-gases are saturated with water and thea separation of the droplets is required before discharging the flue-gases. The resulting liquid has to be is treated by a waste water process and the insoluble matter is collected by sedimentation or filtration A specific non-regenerative type of scrubbing using the alkalinity of the seawater as a solvent where a large amount of seawater is available. Requires Generally requires an upstream abatement of dust Use of complex and integrated abatement techniques for combined reduction of NOX, SOX, and often other pollutants, from the flue-gas, e.g. activated carbon, DESONOX processes Use of a liquid, typically water or a water-based solution, to capture the acidic gas by absorption from the flue-gas Replacement of the gas-gas heater downstream of the wet FGD by a multi-pipe heat extractor in order to avoid SOX leakage, or remove it and discharge the flue-gas via a cooling tower or a wet stack See Section 10.8.2 See Section 10.8.2 O 10.8.4 G D R Wet flue-gas desulphurisation (Wet FGD) AF T IN Spray-dry absorber (SDA) N Seawater FGD KI Combined techniques for NOX and SOX reduction O R Wet scrubbing W Retrofit gas/gas heater Flue-gas (FG) condenser Process gas management system 110 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Techniques to reduce emissions of dust and/or metals including mercury to air Technique Fuel choice Cyclones R ES S Electrostatic precipitator (ESP) G Bag of Fabric filter See general description in Section 10.8.4. There are Cco-benefits in the form of dust/ and metals emissions reduction Mercury absorption by carbon sorbents, such as activated carbon, with or without chemical treatment. The sorbent injection system can be enhanced by the addition of a supplementary bag filter AF Dry or semi-dry FGD system (e.g. SDA, DSI) Wet flue-gas desulphurisation (FGD) Wet FGD (WFGD) Carbon sorbent (e.g. activated carbon) injection in the flue-gas IN Boiler sorbent injection PR O Activated carbon injection Techniques to reduce emissions to water D R 10.8.6 Description The useChoice of a fuel with low ash or metals (e.g. mercury) content Dust control system using gravitational forces and which is able to process all types of flue-gases, in dry conditions Electrostatic precipitators operate such that particles are charged and separated under the influence of an electrical field. Electrostatic precipitators are capable of operating under a wide range of conditions. Abatement efficiency may depend on the number of fields, residence time (size), catalyst properties, and upstream particle removal devices. They include in general between two to five fields for an improved efficiency. Most modern (high-performance) ESPs have up to seven fields Bag or fabric filters are constructed from porous woven or felted fabric through which gases are flowed passed to remove particles. The use of a bag filter requires a fabric materialthe selection of a fabric suitable adequate to for the characteristics of the flue-gas and the maximum operating temperature This process is based on the adsorption of pollutant molecules by the activated carbon. When the surface has adsorbed as much as it can, the adsorbed content is desorbed as part of the regeneration of the adsorbent See general description in Section 10.8.4. There are Cco-benefits in the form of dust/ and metals emissions reduction See general description in Section 10.8.4. There are Cco-benefits in the form of dust/ and metals emissions reduction T 10.8.5 G Technique R KI N Adsorption on activated carbon W O Aerobic biological treatment Anoxic/anaerobic biological treatment Description The removal of soluble substances (solutes) from the waste water by transferring them to the surface of solid, highly porous particles (the adsorbent). Activated carbon is typically used for the adsorption of organic compounds and mercury The biological oxidation of dissolved organic substances with oxygen using the metabolism of microorganisms. In the presence of dissolved oxygen – injected as air or pure oxygen – the organic components are mineralised into carbon dioxide, water or other metabolites and biomass. Under certain conditions, aerobic nitrification also takes place whereby microorganisms oxidise ammonium (NH 4+) to the intermediate nitrite (NO2-), which is then further oxidised to nitrate (NO3-) The biological reduction of pollutants using the metabolism of microorganisms (e.g. nitrate (NO3-) is reduced to elemental gaseous nitrogen, oxidised species of mercury are reduced to elemental mercury). The anoxic/anaerobic treatment of waste water from the use of wet abatement systems is typically carried out in fixed-film bioreactors using activated carbon as a carrier TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 111 Chapter 10 R ES S Coagulation and flocculation Flocculation, sedimentation, precipitation, neutralisation Coagulation and flocculation are used to separate suspended solids from waste water and are often carried out in successive steps. Coagulation is carried out by adding coagulants with charges opposite to those of the suspended solids. Flocculation is carried out by adding polymers, so that collisions of microfloc particles cause them to bond thereby producing larger flocs The suspended matter can consist of large solids, settleable by gravity alone without any external aids, and non-settleable material, often colloidal in nature. Removal is then generally accomplished by coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation. Precipitation is the formation of insoluble substances from dissolved matter and the chemicals added The removal of ionic pollutants from waste water by crystallising them on a seed material such as sand or minerals, working in a fluidised bed process. Some combustion plants use crystallisation after evaporation (see BAT 10) Evaporation of waste water is a distillation process where water is the volatile substance, leaving the concentrate as bottom residue to be disposed of. Crystallisation is closely related to precipitation. In contrast to precipitation, the precipitate is not formed by chemical reaction in the waste water, but is produced on seed material such as sand or minerals, working in a fluidised-bed process The separation of solids from waste water by passing them through a porous medium. It includes different types of techniques, e.g. sand filtration, microfiltration and ultrafiltration The separation of solid or liquid particles from waste water by attaching them to fine gas bubbles, usually air. The buoyant particles accumulate at the water surface and are collected with skimmers Flotation techniques are used to separate large flocs or floating particles from the effluent by bringing them to the surface of the suspension The removal of ionic pollutants from waste water and their replacement by more acceptable ions by transferring them to an ion exchange resin. The pollutants are temporarily retained and afterwards released into a regeneration or backwashing liquid The adjustment of the pH of the waste water to the neutral pH level (approximately 7) by adding chemicals. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) is generally used to increase the pH; whereas, sulphuric acid (H2SO4), hydrochloric acid (HCl) or carbon dioxide (CO2) is used to decrease the pH. The precipitation of some substances may occur during neutralisation The removal of free oil from waste water by mechanical treatment using devices such as the American Petroleum Institute separator, a corrugated plate interceptor, or a parallel plate interceptor. Oil/water separation is normally followed by flotation, supported by coagulation/flocculation. In some cases, emulsion-breaking may be needed prior to oil/water separation The conversion of pollutants by chemical oxidising agents to similar compounds that are less hazardous and/or easier to abate. In the case of waste water from the use of wet abatement systems, air may be used to oxidise sulphite (SO32-) to sulphate (SO42-) The conversion of dissolved pollutants into insoluble compounds by adding chemical precipitants. The solid precipitates formed are subsequently separated by sedimentation, flotation, or filtration. If necessary, this may be followed by microfiltration or ultrafiltration. Typical chemicals used for metal precipitation are lime, dolomite, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium sulphide and organosulphides. Calcium salts (other than lime) are used to precipitate sulphate or fluoride PR O G Crystallisation Softening, evaporation, crystallization IN Filtration AF T Flotation D R Ion exchange N G Neutralisation O R KI Oil/water separation W Oxidation Precipitation 112 April 2015 TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 Chapter 10 Sedimentation W O R KI N G D R AF T IN PR O G R ES S Stripping, precipitation The separation of suspended solids by gravitational settling Sedimentation is a solid-liquid separation technique that utilises gravity to separate the insoluble metal complexes and solid particles from the liquid effluent The removal of volatile pollutants (e.g. ammonia) from waste water by bringing them into contact with a high flow of a gas current in order to transfer them to the gas phase. The pollutants are removed from the stripping gas in a downstream treatment and may potentially be reusedWaste water stripping is an operation in which waste water is brought into contact with a high flow of a gas current in order to transfer volatile pollutants from the water phase to the gas phase. The pollutants are removed from the stripping gas so it can be recycled into the process and reused TL/JFF/EIPPCB/Revised LCP_Draft 1 April 2015 113
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