“Alive & Clicking“ - Ipswich Photographic Society

“Alive & Clicking“
PSQ AGM: – 6 PM Saturday 6thJune 2015
The Photographic Society of Queensland AGM will be held Saturday 6th June 2015.
At the PSQ2015 Convention – Kindilan – Redland Bay
Current Management Committee Members & Support Team are listed on Page 1.
SEQ Salon Exhibition Queensland 2015: – Entries close 15thMay
Gympie Camera Club is taking responsibility for the Salon this year. Information and entry
forms are available on the PSQ web site: www.psq.org.au
Entries Close:15th May– including your payment (cheque or via Direct Deposit to Gympie
Camera Club, as per entry form), plus your DPIs & visuals (burnt on CD/DVD), & Prints.
Send Completed Entries to: - SEQ – c/o D & S Gordon, 5 Kyla St, Shailer Park QLD 4128
Sections are : A & Non-A Grades
Monochrome Prints – Open, People, Social Documentary
Colour Prints – Open, People, Nature
Digital Projected Images – Open Colour,Open Mono, People Colour or Mono, Nature
Colour, Social Documentary Mono
Audio Visuals – Open, Mini Ten, Novice
Please refer to the information & conditions on the Entry Requirements for the PSQ’s
“Salon Excellence Queensland 2015” Competition.
Judging: - All awards will be announced at the Gala Dinner of the PSQ Convention 2015
Editor: Debby Talan
Email: editor@psq.org.au
Photographic Society of Queensland Inc.
PO Box 326
President: Ben Stoffl (PSQA,EFIAP, FAPS)
Secretary: Gayle Harrison (AAPS)
Treasurer: Margaret Hamwood
Q 4570
PSQ Committee Members
President: Ben Stoffl
07 5485 2402
Vice President: John Edwards
Secretary: Gayle Harrison
07 3376 1747
0410 554 783
Treasurer: Margaret Hamwood
07 4836 5044
Judges Executive Liason: John Blessas
0428 495 929
Print Exhibition Organiser: Sue Gordon
PSQ Newsletter Editor: Debby Talan
0439 395 670
General Member: Wendy Geddes
0429 986 030
0438 526 795
General Member: Dennis Gordon
O7 3386 0809
PSQ Support Team
Exhibitions Curator: Julie Geldard
Webmaster: Ross Miles
June -“It’s About The People”- Hosts Redlands Camera Club
New Editor’s Profile : - Debby Talan – Diploma of Visual Arts
Member & Treasurer of Bundaberg Photographic Group – www.bpgi.org.au
I love lots of colour!
Completed Diploma of Visual Arts at Wide Bay TAFE 2014
Amateur photographer – favourite genres – Nature Flora & Fauna
Photographic Competitor & Exhibitor at our Club & local organisations competitions
Editing programmes – Lightroom & Photoshop – using my own photos to create artworks
& digital photography, altered art & creations.
This year’s venue is the Kindilan Outdoor Education Centre, Queensland,
Corner of Days & German Church Roads, Redland Bay.
The Convention’s theme will focus on the members of PSQ’s Affiliated Camera Clubs,
And will feature Presentations, Workshops and Photo-shoot opportunities.
Early BirdDiscount Tickets: Closes 5th May, Info at:- www.psq.org.au
PSQ 2015 Convention Presenters : 
John, a self taught photographer who started out with a basic point & shoot camera. Now
a member of the MCG enthusiastically recommends joining a camera club to anyone
wishing to improve their skills. What was the start of photography? How long before
images were “practical” & “alterable” to fool or amuse? To understand image manipulation
you need to understand the older processes & how they improved the ease of taking
photos so they could be manipulated. As the process became easier the ability to
manipulate images which in turn could manipulate our thoughts & ideas became so much
easier. Then along came Photoshop making it some much simpler to manipulate our
images at home. John will walk you through some of the earliest known manipulated
images, to show how it was done & how images could be used to manipulate us. And
finally, look at how you can detect if an image has been altered.
Margaret Hamwood (PSQA) – Mackay Camera Group
Margaret spent 15 years looking through a viewfinder with a passion for Trees &
Landscapes. Back then she was exposed to infrared photography, but could not really
afford to pursue the process. More recently, having discovered a whole new world,
Margaret finds she is picking up a normal camera much less and is convinced she can
now also see in infrared.
Phil Lawrence (AFIAP) – Queensland Camera Group
Phil served as an Officer in the Australian Army from 1968 to 1990. As 2 nd in Command of
Detachment A Squadron 3 Cavalry Regiment was one of the last Combat troops to leave
South Vietnam on the 29th February 1972. Phil has spent the last 3 years tracking down &
photographing surviving members of Detachment A taking ‘current” portraits of the Vets
comparing with photos taken over 40 years ago. Phil is keen to complete his “project”
within the ANZAC Centenary, as he feels it appropriate to commemorate the service &
sacrifice of a largely forgotten group of soldiers.
Ray Lockett - Brisbane Camera Group
Ray, a life member of BCG, has begun work on a restoration/preservation project of a
number of those AVs and plans to present the best & recall insights & memories of a rich
period of club photography when, as Ray puts it, ‘slides ruled”. 35mm Slide-tape
Audiovisual shows blossomed as a FIAP-sanctioned competition genre during the 1980’s
as equipment for automatic replay matured & became freely available. Back then the
metropolitan Interclub AV Trophy was contested between Brisbane clubs and the Club
Trophy was won by Brisbane Camera Group some 18 times. Those winning AV slide
sequences, made each year by a different collaborative team, now form a valuable
archive & provide a unique view of photographic life 30 & 40 years ago.
Ray Shorter – QCG + BCG & Masters Apprentices
Ray trained as an Agricultural Scientist obtaining Bachelor & masters Degrees in QLD and
then his Doctorate in the USA. On his return to Australia he worked as a geneticist & plant
breeder with Queensland’s Department of primary Industries and CSIRO, helping develop
improved crop varieties for Australian farmers. Ray also had a longstanding interest in
photography harking back to his teenage years with a trusty SLR. But work & family
commitments limited his photography to recording shots of family occasions, holiday &
work-related travel. Then on his retirement in 2011 he found much more time for his
passions of travel & photography. Ray joined QCG in 2013, subsequently also BCG and
then Master Apprentices. This opened up his world to the work of other photographers &
photographic competitions both local & international, helping Ray to improve his craft &
last year won the Amateur Category of the International Loupe Awards.
Gary Guest – Gympie Camera Club
Photography on-the-cheap, or great shots with gear that does not cost heaps? The pros &
cons of snaring second hand gear & what to look for.And how, with a little bit
ofPhotoshop, images could look as good as those coming out of much more expansive
cameras. After an hour on stage Gary’s aim is to convince his audience into putting less
balance on the camera for bad shots.
John Blessas (PSQA) – Mackay Camera Group
Plus Mini Presentations: -Introduced by Members of Redlands Camera Club
PSQ2015 Workshops Topics:
“INFRARED – The Invisible Light’ by Margaret Hamwood
“LAST TO LEAVE” – by Phil Lawrence
“AVs with Slideshows from the BCG Archive” – by Ray Lockett
“Travels & Trails in Outback Australia” – by Ray Shorter
“Great Photography on a Budget” – by Gary Guest
“Image Manipulation From the Beginning” – by john Blessas
Wondering where to stay during the PSQ2015 Convention ?
Onsite Accommodation: Round House – Twin Rooms, or Kindilan House – Bunk Rooms
Round Houses – Full Registration: Early Bird $300 to 5th May, $320 6th May -5th June
Kindilan House – Full Registration: Early Bird $280 to 5th May, $300 6th May -5th June
PSQ Affiliates - Club Profile of the Month: Gympie Camera Club
Meetings at: Gympie Regional Shire Public Gallery, Nash St. More info in their inserted report
When: 1st Tues each month & the 3rd Mon at 7.15 PM Web: www.gympiecameraclub.com.au
Contact: PO Box 411 Gympie 4570
Email: info@gympiecameraclub.com.au
Presidents Report: Ben Stoffl - May 2015
Please read Ben’s Presidents report as inserted in this Newsletter. Thank You