REGISTRATION: Participation is free of charge. Thursday, March 19th 2015 Welcome Evening: 19:00 hrs at Ristorante Expo Mittelschool, 5 Via S. Nicolo', Trieste 0 I will attend 0 I will not attend Friday, March 20th 2015 Council Hall (Sala del Consiglio comunale), City Hall of Trieste, Italy Welcome address and Opening Speeches: 09:00 hrs 0 I will attend IRE Expert Conference: Green Mobility – Sustainable and Interconnected Cities in Europe on Friday, 20th of March 2015 in the City Hall of Trieste Piazza Unità d' Italia 4, 34121 Trieste, ITALY from 9:00 to 15:30 hrs 0 I will not attend Panel Discussion I: 11:30 hrs 0 I will attend 0 I will not to attend Panel Discussion II: 14:00 hrs 0 I will attend 0 I will not attend Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Function/Company: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone/Fax: __________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date/Signature:______________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT: Fax + 43 (0)662 / 843 288 - 5050 Phone + 43 (0)662 / 843 288 - 10 E-mail Institut der Regionen Europas (IRE), Nonntaler Hauptstraße 58 5020 Salzburg, Austria Conference languages: English, Italian (simultaneous translation) Sustainable mobility means satisfying “the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”(Brundtland Report, 1987). Therefore, sustainable mobility is the mobility model that takes into account the enhanced mobility demand of the rising population in urban areas and at the same time allows for minimal environmental and territorial impacts. The main aim of this event is to analyse the current traffic situation of European cities with historical centres and European regions, best-practice examples, innovative traffic programmes and technological solutions as well as giving impulses for new activities, cooperations and projects. Picture: PROGRAMME: 08:30 hrs Registration 09:00 hrs Welcome address: Franz Schausberger, Chairman of the Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE) Salzburg, Austria Roberto Cosolini, Mayor of Trieste, Italy Sabrina Strolego, Honorary Consul of Austria in Trieste, Italy 09:45 Main speeches: Andreas Hummer, Director General, Kapsch TrafficCom S.r.l. a socio unico, Milan, Italy Alberto Cozzi, Project Manager for EU-Projects, Central European Initiative (CEI), Trieste, Italy 11:00 hrs Networking Coffee break and Press conference 11:30 hrs Panel discussion I: „Integrative and efficient mobility solutions for Cities” 14:00 hrs Moderation: Franco Migliorini, Transport and regional planner, Venice, Italy KEY NOTE: Måns Lindberg, Policy Officer, General Directorate Innovative and sustainable mobility, Clean transport & sustainable urban mobility unit, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium Karl Ernst Ambrosch, ERA Chair Holder, University of Zilina, Slovakia Alen Leverić, Deputy Minister of Economy, Zagreb, Croatia Cristian Macedonschi, Member of the City Council Brasov, Romania Dobrica Milovanović, Professor for Energy at University of Kragujevac, Serbia Gianni Scarfone, President of AssTra Lombardia –Association of Public Transport in Lombardia, Italy Moderation: Gilbert Konzett, Policy Officer, Kapsch TrafficCom, Vienna, Austria KEY NOTE: Elena Marchigiani, City Councillor for Urban Planning, Mobility and Trafic, City of Trieste, Italy Demyan Danylyuk, Head of Internal promotion Sector, “European Mobility Week”, City of Lviv, Ukraine Janez Koželj, Deputy Mayor of the City of Ljubljana, Slovenia Kai –Uwe Hoffer, Project Manager “Smart City Graz”, City of Graz, Austria Georg-Friedrich Koppen, Head of Mobility Section, Department of Urban Development Planning, City of Munich, Germany Antonio Privitera, Transport and Mobility Consultant at Lem Reply Srl, Rome, Italy 13:00 hrs Networking Lunch at Hostaria Malcanton, Via Malcanton 10, 34100 Trieste IRE Strategic Partners 2015 Panel discussion II : “Roadmap to a single European transport area”- Achievements and challenges of interconnected urban regions in response to the EU White paper on transport 15:30 Closing remarks Conference Partners:
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