20150327i.pdf IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Cover Sheet Researcher(s) Tom Freiberger Affiliation: Trial: 2014 NJ USDA-ARS Rutgers University IR-4 Ornamental Pro 283 Rt. 539 Cream Ridge NJ 08514 PhoneNumber: (609) 758-7311 freiberger@aesop.rutgers.edu Email: ProjectTitle: Protocol #: PR# 31731 31724 31738 Crop/Plant Product 31691 31696 29325 EPA Reg. # Production Site Phytotoxicity Angelonia Sultan - Phytotoxicity Angelonia angustifolia Cyflumetofen BASF Phytotoxicity Calibrachoa Sultan - Phytotoxicity Calibrachoa sp. Cyflumetofen BASF Phytotoxicity Dracaena Sultan - Phytotoxicity Dracaena sp Cyflumetofen BASF Protocol #: 31689 14-008 Research Target ProjectTitle: PR# Cyflumetofen Crop Safety C Greenhouse C Greenhouse C 14-008 Crop/Plant Product EPA Reg. # Production Site Status Phytotoxicity Calibrachoa Rycar (SP3009/NNI-0101) 71711-37-6769 Greenhouse Phytotoxicity Calibrachoa sp. Pyrifluquinazon SePro Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity Tickseed Coreopsis sp. Rycar (SP3009/NNI-0101) Pyrifluquinazon 71711-37-6769 Greenhouse SePro C C Phytotoxicity Dracaena Rycar (SP3009/NNI-0101) 71711-37-6769 Greenhouse Phytotoxicity Dracaena sp Pyrifluquinazon SePro Phytotoxicity Pansy Rycar (SP3009/NNI-0101) 71711-37-6769 Greenhouse Phytotoxicity Viola sp. Pyrifluquinazon SePro Protocol #: C C Tolfenpyrad Crop Safety 14-008 PR# Research Target Crop/Plant Product 31697 Phytotoxicity Calibrachoa Hachi-Hachi SC - Phytotoxicity Calibrachoa sp. Tolfenpyrad SePro Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity Tickseed Coreopsis sp. Hachi-Hachi SC Tolfenpyrad Phytotoxicity Dracaena Phytotoxicity Dracaena sp 31704 Greenhouse Pyrfluquinazon Crop Safety Research Target ProjectTitle: 31699 Status EPA Reg. # Production Site Status Greenhouse C SePro Greenhouse C Hachi-Hachi SC - Greenhouse C Tolfenpyrad SePro Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Dave Bodine, Tom Freiberger Project Title: Crop Safety of New Insecticides and Miticides Protocol #: 14-008 p1 Date: February 19, 2015 PRnumbers:29325, 31731, 31697, 31689, 31724, 31699, 31691, 31704, 31696, 31738, Narrative Summary (Results/Discussion) Please keep text to one page if possible. Include summary of trial results and a brief discussion including how any changes from the protocol may have affected results. Results for multiple PRnumbers can be summarized together, but please list all PRNumbers in the header and in the summary data table. Pansy, Dracaena, Calibrachoa and Coreopsis were purchased as plugs from Kube Pak and potted up on 11/25/2014 in fafard #2 growing mix (70% peat, 20% perlite and 10% vermiculite) using classic 300S pots. Angelonia were purchased as seeds from Stokes seed and seeded on 11/3/2014 in classic 300S pots and fafard #2 growing mix. Dracaena and pansy were placed in greenhouse #1 while Calibrachoa and Coreopsis were placed in greenhouse #2. All pots were placed on a black woven porous weed mat and both greenhouses had overhead irrigation on a timer and overhead and floor heat. Osmocote Plus 15-9-12 granular fertilizer was applied at a rate of 6 grams per pot. Beginning plant height and width measurements were done on 12/19/2014 for Dracaena and Coreopsis, 12/22/2014 for Calibrachoa and Pansy and 1/5/2015 for Angelonia. The first application was done on 12/23/2014, the second application was done on 1/6/2015 and the final application was done on 1/20/2015. For the Angelonia, the first application was done on 1/6/2015. The second application was done on 1/20/2015 and the final application was done on 2/3/2015. All foliage was dry prior to all applications and a single nozzle boom was used to treat all 12 pots of the same treatment sprayed over the top on a single pass. Plants of the same treatment were sprayed out of the same spray bottle mixture. This procedure was used for all foliar applications. Phytotoxicity ratings were taken every week after the initial application for six weeks. Final plant height and width measurements were taken on 2/3/2015 and 2/18/2015 for Angelonia. See “protocol 14-008 GH#1, 2” spreadsheet for evaluation ratings. Results Table Please insert results table here. Include PRnumbers for each treatment if multiple PRnumbers are included in this summary. Please include product, active ingredient, and statistics. See “protocol 14-008 GH#1, 2” spreadsheet. No stats were run on this data. The Dracaena spikes and Coreopsis were not affected in any way at any of the rates by their applications. Calibrachoa suffered no damage at any rate with Hachi-hachi SC and SP3009. Both of these chemicals looked like they helped kill off the aphids and thrips that were damaging the other groups of Calibrachoa since these groups suffered little to no insect damage. Calibrachoa applied with Sultan and both control groups suffered major damage from thrips and aphids. Maintenance sprays were done to try to kill them off, but we had trouble controlling them. Once we did get control of the aphids and thrips, all plants began to improve and grow vigorously again. This was not until after the pictures were taken and the final evaluation was done. New, updated pictures were taken (3/4/2015) to show the improvement. The pansies had a few die off, but otherwise the rest grew well having SP3009 not affecting them. Angelonia suffered no damage from Sultan with the few that died being from natural causes. Being planted from seed, not enough grew so we had to exclude the surfactant only control group. Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Dave Bodine, Tom Freiberger Project Title: Crop Safety of New Insecticides and Miticides Protocol #: 14-008 p2 Date: February 19, 2015 PRnumbers:29325, 31731, 31697, 31689, 31724, 31699, 31691, 31704, 31696, 31738, Materials & Methods/Recordkeeping Please fill out the information below or attach a separate document with comparable information. Name(s) of Personnel Conducting Research: Dave Bodine, Tom Freiberger Location of Trial (city/state): Cream Ridge, NJ Use Site (greenhouse/shadehouse/field container/etc): Greenhouse Crop History Crop Cultivar/Variety: Date of Seeding: Date of Emergence: Date of Transplanting: Potting Mix: Pot size & spacing: Row spacing: Pansy: Matrix Blue Frost, Angelonia: Serena Blue, Dracaena: Spikes, Calibrachoa: Kabloom White, Coreopsis: Early Sunrise Yellow Angelonia- 11/3/2014 Angelonia- 11/12/2014 Pansy, Dracaena, Calibrachoa, Coreopsis- 11/25/2014 Fafard #2 Growing Mix (70% peat, 20% perlite, 10% vermiculite) Classic 300S, .66 gals. NA Product(s) applied prior to start of experiment: Product Rate Application Type Osmocote Plus 15-96 grams per pot Granular 12 Awaken (Foliar 10 mL. per 1 gal. Foliar fertilizer) Date of Application 11/26/2014 Crop Growth Stage Vegetative Application Volume NA 11/26/2014 Vegetative Spray until drip Topsin-M 70WSB (thiophanate-methyl) 12 oz per 100 gals. Foliar 11/26/2014 Vegetative Spray until drip Warrior II with Zenon Technology (Lambdacyhalothrin) 5 fl oz per 100 gals. (GH #2, calibrachoa only) 3 fl oz per 100 gals. (GH #2, calibrachoa only) Foliar 12/12/2014, 12/15/2014 Vegetative Spray until drip Foliar 12/19/2014 Vegetative Spray until drip Admire II (Imidacloprid) Add more rows as needed. Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Dave Bodine, Tom Freiberger Project Title: Crop Safety of New Insecticides and Miticides Protocol #: 14-008 Experiment Information Experimental Design: Number of Reps: p3 Date: February 19, 2015 PRnumbers:29325, 31731, 31697, 31689, 31724, 31699, 31691, 31704, 31696, 31738, 12 pots per treatment Materials & Methods: Insert materials & methods here only if information is not presented elsewhere. Include any changes from protocol. Application Equipment: CO2 backpack sprayer with single nozzle boom Product(s) applied during experiment (including treatments, fertilizers, etc): Product Rate(s) Application Date of Crop Growth Type Application Stage Hachi-hachi SC 21 fl oz per 100 Foliar 12/23/2014, Vegetative. (tolfenpyrad) gals. 1/6/2015, Flowering 1/20/2015 42 fl oz per 100 SP3009 (pyrifluquinazon) Sultan (cyflumetofen) Onyx Pro (bifenthrin) Hachi-hachi SC (tolfenpyrad) Overture (pyridalyl) Add more rows as needed. gals. 84 fl oz per 100 gals. 6.38 fl oz per 100 gals. 12.76 fl oz per 100 gals. 25.52 fl oz per 100 gals. 13.7 fl oz per 100 gals. 27.4 fl oz per 100 gals. 54.8 fl oz per 100 gals. 8 fl oz per 100 gals. (GH #2, calibrachoa only) 30 fl oz per 100 gals. (GH#2, calibrachoa only) 8 oz per 100 gals. (GH #2, calibrachoa only) Application Volume Spray until drip Foliar 12/23/2014, 1/6/2015, 1/20/2015 Vegetative. Flowering Spray until drip Foliar 12/23/2014, 1/6/2015, 1/20/2015, (2/3/2015: Angelonia only) Vegetative. Flowering Spray until drip Foliar 1/13/2015 Vegetative. Flowering Spray until drip Foliar 1/26/2015 Vegetative. Flowering Spray until drip Foliar 1/26/2015, 1/29/2015 Vegetative. Flowering Spray until drip Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Dave Bodine, Tom Freiberger Project Title: Crop Safety of New Insecticides and Miticides Protocol #: 14-008 Date: February 19, 2015 PRnumbers:29325, 31731, 31697, 31689, 31724, 31699, 31691, 31704, 31696, 31738, Photos Please embed photos here or send jpg, tiff, or bmp. Sent separately. Data Collected Please describe data collected and scoring system. Also include the dates data were collected. Plants were evaluated on a scale of 0-10. 0 being no phytotoxicity and 10 being a complete kill. Beginning plant height and width measurements taken on 12/19/2014 for Dracaena and Coreopsis, 12/22/2014 for Calibrachoa and Pansy, 1/5/2015 for Angelonia. The first application was done on 12/23/2014, for angelonia 1/6/2015. The second application was done on 1/6/2015, for angelonia 1/20/2015. The third application was done on 1/20/2015, for angelonia 2/3/2015. The first evaluation was done on 12/30/2014 and 1/13/2015 for angelonia. The second evaluation was done on 1/6/2015 and 1/20/2015 for angelonia. The third evaluation was done on 1/13/2015 and 1/26/2015 for angelonia. The fourth evaluation was done on 1/20/2015 and 2/3/2015 for angelonia. The fifth evaluation was done on 1/26/2015 and 2/10/2015 for angelonia. The sixth evaluation was done on 2/3/2015 and 2/18/2015 for angelonia. Final height and width measurements were done on 2/3/2015 and 2/18/2015 for angelonia. Pictures were taken on 2/4/2015 and 2/18/2015 for angelonia. Picture retakes for Calibrachoa were done on 3/4/2015. Raw Data Insert raw data below or send separate file containing raw data. See “protocol 14-008 GH #1, 2” spreadsheet. p4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Dave Bodine, Tom Freiberger Project Title: Crop Safety of New Insecticides and Miticides Protocol #: 14-008 p5 Date: February 19, 2015 PRnumbers:29325, 31731, 31697, 31689, 31724, 31699, 31691, 31704, 31696, 31738, Environmental conditions during the experiment: Insert temperature, precipitation and/or irrigation, and relative humidity with a minimum of high, low and average daily temperatures. Or send separate file with this information. Include a statement about any significant weather or environmental events during the course of the experiment. Greenhouse #1 and GH#2 had four overhead sodium lamps that provide additional lighting between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. Overhead heat was set to 66oF and floor heat was set to 62oF. The exhaust fans and louvers were set to 88oF. Overhead Irrigation for Greenhouse #1 Date 11/25-11/28 11/29/2014-2/18/2015 Amount in inches .125 .25 Overhead Irrigation for Greenhouse #2 Date 11/25-11/28 11/29-12/22 12/23/2014-1/20/2015 1/21/2015-2/4/2015 Amount in inches .125 .25 .125 .25 Irrigation timers were set to either 15, 30 or 60 minutes depending on the amount needed. 15 minutes equals .125, 30 minutes equals .25 inches and 60 minutes equals .5 inches.
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