20101011b.pdf IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Cover Sheet Trial: 2010 MI Researcher(s) Hannah Mathers Affiliation: Ohio State University 248C Howlett Hall, 2001 Fyffe Ct Columbus OH PhoneNumber: (614) 247-6195 mathers.7@osu.edu Email: ProjectTitle: Protocol #: 43210-1096 Dimethenamid-p Crop Safety 10-001 PR# Research Target Crop/Plant Product 29168 Phytotoxicity Daylily Tower (BAS 656h EC) 7969-239 Phytotoxicity Hemerocallis sp. Dimethenamid-p BASF ProjectTitle: Protocol #: EPA Reg. # Production Site 10-028 Research Target Crop/Plant Product 26220 Phytotoxicity Tickseed F6875 0.3G - Phytotoxicity Coreopsis sp. Sulfentrazone + Prodiamine FMC 27678 Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity Purple Coneflower Echinacea sp. F6875 4SC Sulfentrazone + 27679 Phytotoxicity Hydrangea Phytotoxicity Hydrangea sp. Protocol #: EPA Reg. # Production Site C FMC Field Container C F6875 4SC - Field Container C Sulfentrazone + FMC Oxyfluorfen + Prodiamine Crop Safety 10-001 Research Target Crop/Plant Product 28986 Phytotoxicity Barberry Biathalon (OHP 052908) - Phytotoxicity Berberis sp. Oxyfluorfen + Prodiamine OHP Phytotoxicity Dogwood Biathalon (OHP 052908) - Phytotoxicity Cornus sp. Oxyfluorfen + Prodiamine OHP Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity Cinquefoil, Shrubby Potentilla fruticosa Biathalon (OHP 052908) Oxyfluorfen + Prodiamine OHP 29053 ProjectTitle: Protocol #: Status Field Container PR# 29002 C F6875 Crop Safety PR# ProjectTitle: Field Container Status EPA Reg. # Production Site Status Field Container C Field Container C Field Container C Pendimethalin + Dimethenamid-p 10-001 PR# Research Target Crop/Plant Product EPA Reg. # Production Site 28181 Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity False Cypress Chamaecyparis sp. Freehand G (BAS 659H G) 7969-273 Dimethenamid-p + pendimet BASF Field Container Status C Project Title: Protocol #: Weed Science Crop Safety Narrative Summary (Results/Discussion) Please keep text to one page if possible. Include summary of trial results and a brief discussion. Results for multiple PRnumbers can be summarized together, but please list all PRNumbers in the footer and in the summary data table. Biathalon. Biathalon was tested on Berberis at all three locations, Cornus at Lincoln and Spring Meadow, and Potentilla at Lincoln and Spring Meadow. Biathalon was not injurious at any rate to any of the species tested. Biathalon is a premix of oxyfluorfen + prodiamine for grass and broadleaf control, although it is a little weak on grass species. Biathalon looks to be an excellent combination herbicide for the nursery market, at least for the woody shrubs in this trial. Certainty. All species that received applications of Certainty were injured by at least the higher rates of Certainty, which included Berberis at all three locations, Buddleia at Spring Meadow and Zelenka, Clematis at Lincoln, and Viburnum at Spring Meadow. From previous research, (data not shown), Certainty is injurious to a number of ornamental plants and also not very good for weed control at the lowest rate (0.059 lbs ai/ac). Certainty is an acetolactate synthesis (ALS) inhibitor; the herbicides in this family are very selective, yet all the herbicides in the ALS family are very different from each other in what they injure or kill. ALS herbicides would be an option for postemergence control of weeds; however because they are very selective, crop tolerance would be species, and sometimes cultivar dependent. FreeHand. FreeHand was applied to Ceonothus at Spring Meadow and Chamaecyparis at Spring Meadow and Lincoln. FreeHand was not injurious to Chamaecyparis at any rate; however, at high rates, it can be injurious to Ceonothus, although not beyond commercially acceptable. From other trials (data not shown), it will cause stunting to Ceonothus, especially if under stress. In this study, growth index does indicate a slight stunting injury to Ceonothus from applications of FreeHand. FreeHand is already on the market for ornamentals and has a wide label, but there should be caution to not apply too high a rate. F6875. F6875 was applied as either a liquid or as a granular, both at the same rates (of ai/ac). Coreopsis at both Lincoln and Zelenka were not injured by the granular formulation of F6875. The liquid formulation of F6875 was applied to Hydrangea and Echinacea at Lincoln and Zelenka; both species were injured at some point by F6875. The first application was much more injurious than the first, which is indicated by visual ratings on the Hydrangea, especially at Lincoln. It seems that the granular formulation of F6875 is more conducive to the ornamental market, at least in containerized material. Tower. Tower was only applied to the Hemerocallis at Lincoln, and it causes slight stunting, especially at the highest rate. Tower is currently labeled for ornamentals and has good activity on grasses and can suppress yellow nutsedge. Tower can cause burning when applied shortly after bud break, which is indicated by the label, so caution should be used. From this study, it could be used on Hemerocallis. Mesotrione. Euonymus was injured at all rates by mesotrione at the Spring Meadow site. Although mesotrione has excellent weed control, it can cause severe bleaching (i.e. whitening) to susceptible species. Deciduous trees seem to be the most tolerant of mesotrione based on data from The Ohio State University (2008 Yearly Research Summary Report) and mesotrione should be studied for field use in deciduous trees. SedgeHammer. SedgeHammer was applied only to Buxus ‘Green mountain’ in the field at Zelenka Nursery (Table 2). At first, SedgeHammer appeared to not injure Buxus; however, by the second application, it was apparent the SedgeHammer caused yellowing and some stunting of the Buxus. SedgeHammer has caused injury to Buxus in containers (2008 Yearly Research Summary Reports), which this trial confirms. It doesn’t matter if Buxus grown in containers or in the field, SedgeHammer should not be applied, at least while actively growing. IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Results Table Please insert results table here. Include PRnumbers for each treatment if multiple PRnumbers are included in this summary. Please include statistics. Berberis 'Crimson pygmy' Treatment Biathalon 2.75 lb ai/ac Biathalon 5.5 lb ai/ac z 1 WA1T x 0.3 ns 4 WA1T 0.3 1 WA2T 0.3 2 WA2T 0.1 4 WA2T 0.3 PR # 28986 28986 28986 y GI 20.4 ns 5.9 0.8 0.6 1.3 0.7 21.0 Biathalon 11 lb ai/ac 0.3 ns Certainty 0.059 lb 0.0 ns ai/ac Certainty 0.117 lb 0.2 ns ai/ac Certainty 0.234 lb 0.0 ns ai/ac Untreated 0.3 chamaecyparis 'Golden spangel' Treatment 1 WA1T 6.3 0.4 1.1 0.3 1.2 19.9 4.9 3.3 * 4.5 * 7.8 * 5.5 ** 0.0 ** 28555 3.4 * 4.5 * 7.8 * 6.1 ** 5.0 ** 28555 4.8 3.9 * 5.4 * 7.7 * 6.7 ** 0.0 ** 28555 3.4 0.3 FreeHand 2.65 lb ai/ac FreeHand 5.3 lb ai/ac FreeHand 10.6 lb ai/ac Untreated Coreopsis 'Crème brule' Treatment F6875 0.3G 0.375 lb ai/ac F6875 0.3G 0.75 lb ai/ac F6875 0.3G 1.5 lb ai/ac Untreated Cornus 'Baileyi' Treatment Biathalon 2.75 lb ai/ac Biathalon 5.5 lb ai/ac 0.9 Lincoln 2 WA1T 5.1 ns 1.1 2.2 ns 1.7 1.8 ns 2.1 1 WA1T * Lincoln 2 WA1T 1.7 0.3 4 WA1T 0.4 1 WA2T 0.2 2 WA2T 18.6 4 WA2T PR # GI 1.1 ns 0.4 ns 0.0 ns 0 ns 4.8 ns 1.3 ns 0.2 ns 0.5 ns 0 ns 4.9 ns 0.3 1.0 ns 0.2 ns 0.0 ns 0 ns 6.8 ns 0.3 1.0 ** Lincoln 2 WA1T 0.3 4 WA1T 0.3 1 WA2T 0 2 WA2T 28181 28181 28181 4.4 4 WA2T PR # GI 0.0 ns 0.0 ns 0.0 0.2 ns 0.0 ns 0.3 ns 17.1 ns 26220 0.3 ns 0.0 ns 0.0 0.9 ns 0.0 ns 0.4 ns 23.0 ns 26220 2.2 ns 0.0 ns 1.0 0.9 ns 0.0 ns 0.8 ns 19.0 ns 26220 0.1 0.0 z 1 WA1T x 0.2 ns 0.0 Biathalon 11 lb ai/ac 0.1 Untreated 0.0 8/18/06 clp 6.5 w ns ns 0.3 Lincoln 2 WA1T 1.9 ns 4.1 4.0 2.9 * ns ns 0.3 4 WA1T 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.0 w * 0.0 1 WA2T 0.0 ns 1.1 2 WA2T 0.0 ns 13.0 4 WA2T 0.0 ns y GI ns 0.3 ns 0.0 ns 0.0 ns ns 0.3 ns 0.0 ns 0.0 ns ns 0.4 0.0 0.0 PR # 29002 29002 29002 IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Echinacea purpurea 'White satin' Treatment 1 WA1T F6875 4SC 0.375 lb 7.4 ** ai/ac F6875 4SC 0.75 lb 8.3 ** ai/ac F6875 4SC 1.5 lb 8.7 ** ai/ac Untreated 1.1 Hemerocallis 'Strawberry candy' Treatment Tower 0.97 lb ai/ac 1 WA1T 0.8 ns Lincoln 2 WA1T 2 WA2T 4 WA2T PR # GI ** 8.8 ** 8.8 ** 9.7 ** 8.0 ** -6.6 * 27678 9.3 ** 9.2 ** 9.7 ** 10.0 ** 9.7 ** -7.8 ** 27678 9.3 ** 9.3 ** 10.0 ** 10.0 ** 10.0 ** -4.4 * 27678 1.3 2.1 Lincoln 2 WA1T 3.7 0.6 ns 3.1 Tower 3.88 lb ai/ac 1.1 ns 4.0 Untreated 0.7 Hydrangea macrophylla 'All summer beauty' z Treatment 1 WA1T F6875 4SC 0.375 lb x w 3.9 ** ai/ac F6875 4SC 0.75 lb 3.4 ** ai/ac F6875 4SC 1.5 lb 4.2 ** ai/ac Untreated 0.6 1.2 Treatment Biathalon 2.75 lb ai/ac 1 WA2T 8.9 Tower 1.94 lb ai/ac Potentilla fruticosa 'Pink beauty' 4 WA1T * 0.6 4 WA1T 0.1 ns 1 WA2T 0.7 ns 1.2 0.1 ns 0.9 3.6 0.0 1.0 4 WA1T * 1 WA2T 4.4 2 WA2T 2.5 0.1 0.3 Lincoln 2 WA1T 5.4 2.9 ** 5.8 4 WA2T 1.3 ns 1.4 ns -2.8 1.6 ns -0.7 0.6 2 WA2T PR # 29168 29168 29168 GI 2.2 6.4 4 WA2T GI PR # y 5.8 ** 2.7 ** 0.5 0.0 ns 0.0 ns ns 27679 6.2 ** 3.0 ** 0.8 0.3 ns 0.0 ns ns 27679 6.9 ** 3.8 ** 1.6 0.0 ns 0.0 ns ns 27679 4 WA2T 0.0 ns GI ns PR # 29053 29053 29053 1.5 0.6 ** 0.2 0.0 0.0 Lincoln 1 WA1T 0.0 ns 2 WA1T 0.2 Biathalon 5.5 lb ai/ac 0.0 ns 0.5 Biathalon 11 lb ai/ac 0.0 ns 1.0 Untreated 0.0 0.0 * 4 WA1T 0.2 ns 1 WA2T 0.1 ns 2 WA2T 0.0 ns 0.6 ns 0.4 ns 0.0 ns 0.2 ns 0.1 ns 0.0 ns 0.2 0.1 0.0 Researcher(s): H. Mathers PRNumber(s):28986, 28181, 26220, 29002, 27678, 29168, 27679, 29053 0.0 ns ns 0.0 ns ns 0.0 1 IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Materials & Methods/Recordkeeping Please fill out the information below or attach a separate document with comparable information. Crop History Crop Cultivar/Variety: Date of Seeding: Date of Emergence: Date of Transplanting: Berberis thunbergii 'Crimson pygmy', Chamaecyparis 'Golden spangel', Clematis 'Midnight showers', Coreopsis 'Crème brule', Cornus ‘Baileyi’, Echinacea purpurea 'White satin', Hemerocallis 'Strawberry candy', Hydrangea macrophylla 'All summer beauty', and Potentilla fruticosa 'Pink beauty' were selected. Lincoln-pb, rice hulls, wood fibers, peat (exact %’s not available) 3 gallon trade size - Berberis thunbergii 'Crimson pygmy', Chamaecyparis 'Golden spangel', Cornus ‘Baileyi’, Echinacea purpurea 'White satin', Hemerocallis 'Strawberry candy', Hydrangea macrophylla 'All summer beauty', and Potentilla fruticosa 'Pink beauty'; 1 gallon trade size - Clematis 'Midnight showers', Coreopsis 'Crème brule' Potting Mix: Pot size & spacing: Row spacing: Product(s) applied prior to start of experiment: Product Rate Application Type Date of Application Crop Growth Stage Application Volume 22-4-8, 8-9 mo. Add more rows as needed. Experiment Information Completely randomized design Experimental Design: 4 reps with 3 subsamples/rep Number of Reps: Materials & Methods: Insert materials & methods here only if information is not requested elsewhere. Application Equipment: shaker jar or CO2 sprayer Product(s) applied during experiment (including treatments, fertilizers, etc): Product Rate(s) Application Date of Crop Growth Application Researcher(s): H. Mathers PRNumber(s):28986, 28181, 26220, 29002, 27678, 29168, 27679, 29053 2 IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Certainty FreeHand F6875 4SC Biathalon F6875 0.3G Tower 0.059, 0.117, and 0.234 lb ai/ac 2.65, 5.3, 10.6 lb ai/ac 0.375, 0.75, 1.5 lb ai/ac 2.75, 5.5, 11.0 lb ai/ac 0.375, 0.75, 1.5 lb ai/ac 0.97, 1.94, 3.88 lb ai/ac Type Application Sprayable See below Stage Volume 30 gal/ac Granular Sprayable 30 gal/ac Granular Granular Sprayable 30 gal/ac Add more rows as needed. Researcher(s): H. Mathers PRNumber(s):28986, 28181, 26220, 29002, 27678, 29168, 27679, 29053 3 IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Environmental conditions during the experiment: Insert temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and other pertinent environmental conditions. Or send separate file with this information. Trials were set up on April 29, 2010 with the weather generally overcast and temperatures ranging from about 46 °F at time of start to 61 °F at the end of the day. Two applications of each of the herbicides were applied, with the second application on June 24, 2010. The weather was warm, approximately 75-88 °F during the course of applications with some dew present in the morning (Lincoln was the site location at time of dew). Immediately after each application, ½ acre-inch irrigation was applied. Researcher(s): H. Mathers PRNumber(s):28986, 28181, 26220, 29002, 27678, 29168, 27679, 29053 4 IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Data Collected Please describe data collected and scoring system. Also include the dates data were collected. Phytotoxicity evaluations were performed at 1 WA1T (week after first treatment), 2 WA1T, 4 WA1T, 1 WA2T (week after second treatment), 2 WA2T, and 4 WA2T. Visual ratings were performed on a scale of 0-10 with 0 being no phytotoxicity, 10 being dead, and ≤3 commercially acceptable. Growth was also assessed by measuring heights and widths at the first and last evaluations. Raw Data Insert raw data below or send separate file containing raw data. Researcher(s): H. Mathers PRNumber(s):28986, 28181, 26220, 29002, 27678, 29168, 27679, 29053 5
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