FOR ALUMNI AND COMMUNITY IN HEALTH, FITNESS AND BEAUTY APR 2013 QUARTERLY EXPERT TIPS TO HELP YOUR SMALL BUSINESS SOAR MASTERCHEF’S KYLIE MCALLESTER: WHAT IT WAS REALLY LIKE WORKING WITH MARCO RECHARGING AND PREPARING FOR GOLD $3.90 OR FREE FOR ALUMNI THE MOVNAT REVOLUTION: RAD OR FAD? 10 TRAILBLAZERS WHO WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT WELLBEING IN THIS ISSUE 3 Healthy Bites: Unmissable Health, Fitness and Beauty Events 4 10 Pioneers to Watch in Health, Fitness and Beauty 12 The Workout the World Forgot 14 Start Up Success: Tips from the Inside Cover: Matthew Mitcham, Olympic Gold Medallist and FIAFitnation Gold Standard Trainer Ambassador 16 Twitterview… with MasterChef Professional Kylie McAllester 18 Luxe for Less: Ways to Stretch Your Beauty Dollar Further WellSpring is published by the Endeavour Learning Group – Level 2, 269 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Qld 4006 Editor: David Hoey Features Writer: Nina Tovey Design: Raymond Koo Cover Photographer: Louise Cooper 19 Q&A: Judy James Editorial enquiries: Phone: +61 7 3257 1883 Fax: +61 7 3257 1889 WellSpring is printed on paper which is certified by the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and is ISO 14001 EMS accredited. We have also made an online version available at as part of our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and paper consumption. Someone out there is listening… For some time I have been researching, speaking about and reflecting on the role of happiness in our lives and all that we do. So I was thrilled that on 20 March 2013 the world celebrated the United Nations’ inaugural International Day of Happiness… 24 hours to be mindful about happiness, to concentrate on what brings on feelings of happiness and to separate hard or difficult moments (which we all have) from small moments of gratefulness. Describing happiness is like describing love…it can mean so many things to so many people… but my reflection is don’t sweat the definition… just take the time to display or show happiness or consciously refrain from destructive behaviours. Happiness intersects with joy, gratitude, fun and even universal love. There is a serious role for happiness in our world… a concept that has legs! 2 WELLSPRING APR 2013 Creating a positive future view is actually hard work. And our leaders have a big impact here. We’ve all witnessed first hand that when leaders adopt a responsible but positive frame of view, options and solutions are suddenly seen differently… and everyone wins. Indeed, the UK’s Happiness Index revealed quite simply that being happy at work leads to people becoming more productive and improves the economy of the day. Talking of happiness and productivity leads me to our feature article for this issue. After working in the Australian education industry for more than 25 years, I find nothing more invigorating than watching entrepreneurialism at work across our sectors. This is particularly the case where natural therapists find their own unique edge and apply it to a known commodity. To that end, we’re bringing you the stories of ten trailblazers to watch from the health, beauty and fitness industries. Some of these stories were discovered from within our student and alumni community, and All material in WellSpring is wholly copyright and reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is forbidden. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, Endeavour Learning Group shall not have any liability for errors or omissions. several came to our attention from further afield – all were equally inspiring. Their success is proof that when you scratch the surface, people from all types of professional backgrounds, ages, genders and belief systems, are genuinely attracted to the natural health and wellness industries. It is that demand that will continue to create opportunities for our professionals and business owners. The future for our industry is undoubtedly a bright one, and that is something we should all be happy about. Yours in natural health Carolyn Barker AM Chief Executive Officer Endeavour Learning Group @carolynjbarker HEALTHY BITES: Unmissable health, fitness and beauty events from April to June, 2013 APRIL 2013 Australian Health and Fitness Expo 19 – 21 April, 2013 The Australian Health and Fitness Expo is the largest fitness event in the Southern Hemisphere and will return to the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre in 2013. Attendees got a glimpse of the latest fitness innovations to hit Australian shores along with industry exhibitions, celebrity appearances and special performances. World Homeopathy Awareness Week 13 – 19 May, 2013 World Homeopathy Awareness Week works to raise awareness of and celebrate the practice of homeopathy around the world, beginning on founder Dr Samuel Hahnemann’s birthday each year. JUNE International Men’s Health Week 10 – 16 June, 2013 During this week free public events are held around the world including lectures, volunteer first-aid at sports events and free clinic treatments. International Men’s Health Week aims to improve the health of males worldwide through the promotion of local services, groups and individuals who tackle key issues relevant to men. Tips and ideas from health experts are also heavily promoted over this week. Endeavour College Webinar – Inspiring Figures in Natural Medicine DIY Baby Care Short Course in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney 23 May, 2013, 7pm This practical one day short course run by Endeavour College of Natural Health teaches participants about recognising potential risks in commercial skin care products for babies, and manufacturing their own skincare products naturally and safely to treat minor complaints associated with babies. This course is recognised by the Australian Natural Therapists Association for 6.5 CPE points and the Australian Traditional Medicine Society for 8 CPE points. The course costs $195. MAY Vocational Education Training: Massage and Tui Na Showcase 2 May, 12 – 1:30pm across each campus This showcase will allow participants to interact and watch live massage demonstrations with the expert teachers behind Endeavour's Diploma of Remedial Massage and Diploma of Tui Na Massage. This webinar will explore the journeys of a hand picked group of natural health champions who have made their mark overseas and in Australia in an inspiring session not to be missed. Free for alumni and $25 for the general public. 30 June, 2013 Kitchen inspiration the perfect antidote for competition winner When Endeavour recently launched its first Pinterest competition to encourage followers to share their vision boards for 2013, entrant Kelly Roberts stood out from the start for the energy and creativity of her entry. After spending the last few years recovering from illness, Kelly pledged through her board to do more of what she loves everyday, including writing in her journal, bike riding, spending more time outside and seeking more opportunities to share music she’s created. Since being announced the competition winner and receiving her ‘life changing’ Vitamix, Kelly has cooked up a series of nutritious creations, including a raw zucchini pasta with a seven-veggie sauce, banana and coconut ice cream with a chocolate magic shell and a banana, chocolate and peanut butter smoothie. APR 2013 WELLSPRING 3 Matthew Mitcham shares his love of learning and determination to forge a new career path in fitness PIONEERS TO WATCH IN HEALTH, FITNESS AND BEAUTY Every so often we come across a career journey which strikes a profound chord because the person in question was bold enough to tackle a completely new idea and follow through with the conviction to make it a success. WellSpring has handpicked ten such dreamers, risk takers and entrepreneurs from the health, fitness and beauty industries who connected with their vision and took it to soaring heights. While we would love to bottle their formulas for success, we tackled the next best thing by taking an inside look into the ups and downs of their adventures to provide a healthy dose of inspiration. by Nina Tovey APR 2013 WELLSPRING 5 1 Diving into new waters Matthew Mitcham, 25 Olympic Gold Medallist Australian legend Matthew Mitcham has earned millions of fans globally for delivering the most perfect dive in Olympic history preventing China from claiming a clean sweep of all diving gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Matthew’s support base has grown even stronger since he released his candid autobiography Twists and Turns detailing his past struggles. When combined with his commitment to turning his life around and comments about the need for athletes to take a more holistic approach to sport, his popularity at home and abroad has soared. Named the most influential Australian Olympian on twitter at the London 2012 Olympic Games, Matthew has effortlessly attracted an army of social media followers who hang on every update and playful photo he uploads. Matthew is walking the talk when it comes to greater balance by giving himself time to recover from the enormous emotional and physical pressure he put himself under during the London Olympics, and will resume diving at a national level in November this year. “Whenever elite sports people get into a position where their sport is all consuming in their life and absolutely everything is riding on their performance, that is when things can become unhinged,” Matthew said. “That’s why there needs to be more support for professional athletes to take a more balanced approached to life.” Following the release of his enormously successful autobiography, another door has opened for the diving star. Matthew recently announced his decision to enter the fitness education industry, with the champion recently inking a deal with training provider FIAFitnation. This has seen Matthew become the face of FIAFitnation’s premium health and fitness training package, the Gold Standard Trainer, through a national print, radio, outdoor and online campaign. “I’ve also found study helps me achieve greater balance in my life, because without having something external to diving your life becomes very focussed on one thing. Studying for me is a mental break from diving and I’ve found it refreshing to exercise both my mind and body,” he said. “I’m also looking forward to learning how to develop dynamic personal training programs to help others boost their health and fitness. I want to inject lots of fun into my programs to encourage people to get excited about exercise.” In the spirit of greater balance, Matthew is also spending more time these days singing along to the tunes of his ukulele. Fans can catch his popular performances on YouTube or at a series of live gigs throughout Sydney. A more holistic approach to life indeed. fe indeed The partnership will involve Matthew achieving his childhood dream of helping others by becoming a qualified personal trainer through FIAFitnation to complement his diving career. “First and foremost, I’m eager to use the insights I learn to further refine my diving technique and help me hit the goals I’ve set for myself for the next phase se of my career.” “Instead of committing myself solely to training, making more time for fun n and other interests this year is actually ctually invigorating my love for diving and I know my performance ance will benefit,” Matthew hew said. “I’m taking ing the deadlines away ay and am giving myself the ability to train at a more sustainable rate.” There needs to be more support for professional athletes to take a more balanced approach to life. 6 WELLSPRING APR 2013 2 Creating a new normal Professor Kerryn Phelps AM, 55 Phelps went on to secure the position of Australian Medical Association (AMA) President NSW in 2009. The following year she was elected Federal President of the AMA, where she served the maximum term of three years and her public profile grew rapidly through her brave and fierce approach to improving the state of Australian healthcare. During this period, Prof Phelps led an ambitious public health agenda spanning Indigenous health, anti-tobacco strategies, the organisation’s first position statement on complementary medicine and the health effects of climate change. Prof Phelps remains one of Australia’s highest profile champions for an integrated, holistic approach to health matters. Indeed, one of her current projects is the development of an integrative support program for people undergoing cancer treatment and recovery. Prof Kerryn Phelps AM has earned countless accolades and a firm place in the heart of the Australian public over the past few decades through her countless contributions to public health and human rights. Prof Phelps’ passion for raising awareness of health issues in the community started in the early 1980s when she began work as a medical journalist in an era before specialist health reporters had emerged or the term ‘health literacy’ coined. 3 Organic retailer concocts the perfect recipe Carolyn Stubbin, 45 Co-Founder, Perfect Potion “We need to develop a common healthcare language between different disciplines and overcome the calcified thinking of unhealthy skepticism. There are ultra-conservative forces which even seek to block research It was Phelps’ own health journey which inspired her most recent project, the launch of her book Ultimate Wellness: The 3 Step Plan. During her term as AMA President – a period where she worked 18-hour days – Phelps was diagnosed with a life-threatening blood clot in the lung. Throughout her recovery Phelps scrutinized her own lifestyle, and was driven to share her learnings with others through her latest book. “I want to raise people’s expectations of what normal health should feel like – in essence, to create their ‘new normal’ – specifically to improve energy levels, reduce stress and foster a sense of physical, emotional and spiritual sense of being well,” said Prof Phelps. “My driving force in writing the book is that people who take control of their health can achieve a sense of wellness they can hardly imagine.” I want to raise people’s expectations of what normal health should feel like – to create their ‘new normal’. Along with business partner Salvatore Battaglia, Carolyn has spent the last 22 years leveraging her experience as a herbalist, aromatherapist and beauty therapist to form a thriving retail chain. “We offer our customers everything from aromatherapy-based hair care, face care and bath and shower products to essential oils, blends and perfumes, with all our products made locally in Brisbane,” said Carolyn. “Our point of difference lies with our unique merchandise and the integrity of the range, from the environmentally-conscious manufacturing processes right down to the certified organic ingredients we use. What you get with us is the real thing.” Perfect Potion is proud to be the only company of its type to offer products which meet a very strict European guidelines called the BDIH certified natural standard. What started as a small market stall has grown to an international natural products company with busy stores across Australia and Asia, thanks to the vision of Perfect Potion Co-Founder Carolyn Stubbin. into complementary medicine and I believe this is counter-intellectual, counter-cultural and counter-productive.” “We chose to focus on Japan as the gateway to our international business due to the Japanese consumers’ interest in natural products,” Carolyn said. An alumnus of both Endeavour and the College of Natural Beauty, Carolyn credits her studies as central to the success of Perfect Potion. “These courses were the starting point for understanding how Perfect Potion could enhance the health and wellbeing of others. This knowledge underpinned everything from choosing the products we make, sourcing the ingredients we use and educating our team,” she said. Carolyn also drew on her studies to write her book to expand the awareness of aromatherapy and natural skincare called Do It Yourself Pure Plant Skin Care. Carolyn and Salvatore opened their first Perfect Potion store in Elizabeth Arcade, Brisbane and over time have built a solid network of eight stores, including three in Brisbane and Sydney, and two in Melbourne. As part of Perfect Potion’s mission to ‘naturally enhance people’s lives’, Carolyn and team have a 100% natural sunscreen with organic ingredients in the works to launch later this year together with new aromatherapy and skin care products. Perfect Potion has also expanded overseas, boasting nine Australian-owned stores in Japan and distributors in China, Singapore, Taiwan and Korea. “We’ve designed our products to be a sanctuary for the senses – we want to help sooth and heal as many people around the world as possible.” APR 2013 WELLSPRING 7 4 Australia’s best selling Paleo queen Lola Berry, 27 Lola Berry has packed an impressive amount into her twenty seven years. She’s released two best seller recipe and nutrition books, built a thriving online community and carved a niche as one of Australia's highest profile health experts for her ability to make healthy food sexy and fun. Three months into her nutritional medicine studies Lola decided she wanted to be the ‘Steve Irwin of fruit and veg’. This led to her buying a video camera and taping herself talking about her breakfast each morning. The interesting concept was a combination of Lola’s two loves, her childhood desire to be an actor and her love of good food. Today the chirpy media personality and Endeavour alumnus is taking her fresh food message to the masses and the world is listening. Her latest book The 20/20 Diet was inspired by her own journey of losing 20 kilograms in 20 weeks through following a diet heavily influenced by the Paleo movement. It quickly hit the number one spot for best selling diet book in Australia in late 2012. “Think real foods, nothing from a packet, all fresh, clean and pretty much in their most natural state,” Berry says. Already developing recipes for her third book, Lola is also using her star power to encourage Australians to make wiser and more responsible choices. “We have consumer power and can choose to lead a more ethical existence and have a positive impact on the world.” “At the end of the day, so long as I’m inspiring people to live healthy lives and be the best versions of themselves, then I’m rapt,” said Lola. Sounds pretty ‘yummo’ to us. Think real foods, nothing from a packet, all fresh, clean and pretty much in their most natural state. 5 Bringing integrated clinics to the spotlight Rod Martin, 43 Go2Human Performance co-owner and Endeavour College acupuncture alumnus Rod Martin is breaking new ground in Brisbane with his brave approach to integrative healthcare. Rod has built two successful multi-modality clinics under the Go2Human Performance banner which give his clients access to whichever form of expertise they require from both the conventional and complementary sides of medicine in the one appointment. Rod’s approach has earned the loyalty of some of Brisbane’s top CEOs and elite athletes, which has given his business the boost needed to open his biggest clinic to date in Brisbane’s Everton Park in the coming months, which will encompass the best of Western and Eastern treatment. “We are building a new style of clinic which will bring Brisbane’s best doctors, psychiatrists, dieticians and psychologists to work with our naturopaths, acupuncturists, massage therapists to offer patients the best possible care,” said Rod. Rod attributes part of his success to a collaborative business approach and putting the needs of his patients first. “My strengths lie in integrating ideas and bringing people together. People need what they need and that isn’t necessarily me, but if I can create an environment where the best professionals can come together to care for our patients this would make me very proud indeed,” said Rod. “By daring to grow, having the courage to take a shot, learning the language of allopathic medicine, accepting our strengths as well as our weaknesses and taking a team mentality, I know we can take Go2Human Performance to a new level of care.” My strengths lie in integrating ideas and bringing people together. 8 WELLSPRING APR 2013 6 ‘Nude Food’ Warrior Lindy Cook, 47 Founder, My Green Lunch Box environmentally responsible lunch box for her kids. After spending 14 years as a nutritionist encouraging others to eat well, taking up the nude food cause felt like the logical next step. “I feel very strongly about helping families lay the foundations for lifelong, healthy eating in children, and caring for the environment through reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill is also something incredibly important to me. This led me to launch My Green Lunch Box to offer parents a one-stop shop for their ‘green lunch box’ needs,” said Lindy. “We are bringing Australian parents the best lunch boxes on the market designed to make it easy to pack lunches with no extra plastic bags or cling wraps. I’ve handpicked each product not only for their environmental credentials but also because they are functional, durable and stylish.” Melbourne nutritionist and naturopath Lindy Cook is on a mission to champion the cause of ‘nude food’ by minimising disposable packaging in Australian schools through her new business ‘My Green Lunch Box’. A mother of two, the Endeavour alumnus was no stranger to the daily challenge of packing a healthy, tasty and 7 The organic market’s top shop Tino Van Nieuwburg Director, Flannerys Cook is also playing her part to get schools, workplaces, parents and kids on board the nude food movement through fundraisers and public nutrition presentations. Tino oversees 10 retail outlets across Queensland which bring its customers fresh organic food and chemical-free produce. Flannerys was founded more than 30 years “The environmental message is equally important. Australia is the second highest producer of waste per person in the Western World and it is estimated that each average lunch-toting child generates 30 kilos of rubbish every year. It goes to show that sending our kids to school with a rubbish free lunch can make a significant difference to our landfill.” With a ‘My Green Lunch Box’ book full of nutrition tips and recipes for families and her own line of drink bottles, re-usable sandwich wraps and lunch boxes in the works, it seems Lindy’s nude food revolution is just getting started. Each average lunch-toting child generates 30 kilos of rubbish every year. ago in NSW to meet increasing demand for natural and holistic lifestyle products. Tino purchased Flannerys in 2008 and has taken the business from strength to strength by looking beyond sales alone to helping educate the community through providing sound advice on health matters. “Selling natural organic food is only a small part of it. We teach people how to lead a more holistic lifestyle and protect the planet. For example, we give demonstrations in our stores where people can learn about composting as well as how to cook nutritious food for the whole family”, said Tino. Tino walks the talk, with his stores encouraged to compost produce that is past its use-by date. The company also gives customers who participate in their demonstrations the chance to win products which help them live more holistically at home. The Australian Organic Market Report 2012 confirmed sales of organic food and products are becoming more mainstream, with 92% of sales occurring through store-based retailing. Director of the award-winning Flannerys franchise, Tino Van Nieuwburg, is one man at the forefront of the organic products movement. “So many common diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease, are avoidable by simply consuming a nutritionally balanced diet from childhood. When combined with the fact that 25 per cent of children are currently overweight or obese [according to National Dietary Guidelines], it makes getting this message through to parents and kids extremely important,” said Lindy. It is a personal mission for Tino, who experienced the benefits of following a more natural lifestyle for himself which instilled in him a strong drive to share this with others. “Through Flannerys we have the ideal vehicle to offer consumers healthy alternatives and instill a sense of responsibility by protecting the environment for generations to come.” Flannerys is also keen to smash the myth that organic food is always more expensive, and offers a Flannerys-branded line of products which are often cheaper than those available through the major supermarkets. Tino also favours a local approach, and refuses to offer frozen imported products where he cannot be sure organic certification is as rigorous as in Australia. “We believe it is best to work with the seasons, and the fact is not all foods are available year-round. This is the way nature intended it to be.” When questioned about his proudest achievement since taking over the reins, it was the series of industry endorsements that first came to mind. “Flannerys being awarded ‘Best National Organic Retailer’ and ‘Best Queensland Organic Retailer’ by the National Organic Week Retail Awards in 2010 and ‘Consumers Choice’ during National Organic Week in 2012 was certainly a career high,” Tino said. “It is a fantastic endorsement of our passion for the organic industry as well as our commitment to never compromise on quality or substitute for anything but the best certified organic products,” said Tino. Tino names Swiss naturopath Alfred Vogel as his inspiration in opening up his eyes to the healing power of nature and pursuing a career in the natural health industry. “I have certainly found his words to be true when he says that nature gives us everything we need to protect and maintain our health.” APR 2013 WELLSPRING 9 8 Simply Raw Talent Hayley Richards, 25 Founder, Raw Karma doing further research and before I knew it, I was making raw cakes for friends and family,” said Richards. “I loved opening up people’s minds to plantbased foods with no synthetic colours or additives to show them they aren’t missing out on anything by giving conventional desserts the flick.” Hayley went on to complete a short small business course and immediately launched her raw foods business, Raw Karma. Hayley’s first break came after approaching her two favourite Adelaide organic cafes with samples of her layered cakes, with both businesses signing up immediately. Hayley quickly developed a range of super food balls in six different flavours which were also instantly picked up. A quest to tackle the world of food as medicine after beating an eating disorder led Adelaide’s Hayley Richards towards a blooming raw food business. During her nutritional medicine degree at Endeavour College of Natural Health, Hayley developed an obsession with organic, plantbased, raw foods and came across a recipe for raw cheesecake that turned her head. “I decided to give the recipe a go and was amazed by how good it tasted, with my friends having the same reaction. I started 9 Our Robin Hood of natural medicine Samantha Ward, 23 With Hayley’s cakes costing $75 or more due to the quality of ingredients, it became evident there was a growing market of people happy to invest in a healthier dessert alternative. 2013 looks to be just as busy for Hayley, with a series of raw food cooking classes in the pipeline, an online cooking show devoted to wholefoods and public talks to support young girls with eating disorders. Ultimately, these projects are all building blocks towards Hayley’s dream of opening Adelaide’s first raw food café. “Nothing would make me happier than to share all the types of energizing raw food I’ve created to show people it can provide all the nourishment our bodies yearn for.” I loved opening up people’s minds to plant-based foods with no synthetic colours or additives to show them they aren’t missing out on anything by giving conventional desserts the flick. While most fresh graduates would visit the Carribean for the sun and surf, nutritionist Samantha Ward had the wellbeing of those less fortunate on her mind when she visited this beautiful region of the world in 2012. Armed with the task of transforming the eating habits of nutritionally deficient communities in Belize on a volunteer basis, Endeavour alumnus Samantha made a lasting impact on the families she worked with. “Over this period I helped set up mobile clinics to record information for local residents including height, weight, waisthip ratio, blood glucose levels and blood pressure. From this, our team was able to give dietary and lifestyle advice appropriate to their financial situation and culinary set WELLSPRING APR 2013 Hayley went on to partner with nutritionist Nadine-Lee to launch recipe eBook Raw and More in late 2012 which earned the praise of a series of celebrities and influential health professionals. Her focus was supporting local efforts to prevent Type II Diabetes Mellitus through educating adults and children. She achieved this through writing and distributing cookbooks which provided simple variations of traditional meals, helping develop a sustainable school garden program, amending the curricula of San Antonio Pentecostal Primary School and helping train the teachers. 10 “It is gratifying to see people open up their minds to other food choices. Rather than spend a few dollars on a dessert with no nutritional benefit, spending a bit more will buy you an equally delicious and nourishing option.” up, along with a referral to a local GP for those with the appropriate ‘red flags’.” “Since returning I continue to provide support to the principal of the school and assist through continuing education to his teachers. The most rewarding part of this project was finding out the students now request fresh vegetables from the school garden for lunch instead of their previous lunch of rice, fried beans, fried chicken and tortillas – just incredible!” In between her private consultations and lecture tours through East Gippsland and metropolitan Melbourne, Samantha is planning her next trip to help a second resource-poor country and is in talks to support the ‘Naturopaths Without Borders’ program in Haiti. “The chance to provide alternative healthcare to people who cannot afford it but so desperately need it is my fuel. I’d also like to help implement community health worker schemes in poorer countries to allow them better access to healthcare information and to make better choices,” said Samantha. 10 Green queen shining bright like a diamond Amanda Rootsey, 28 When it comes to inspiring entrepreneurs changing the face of the Australian beauty industry, no list is complete without ecomodel Amanda Rootsey. After a glamorous yet exhausting 10 year career as a sought after model in Australia and overseas for the likes of Salvatore Ferragamo and Versace, Amanda was suddenly diagnosed with life threatening cancer in 2009. Faced with an aggressive cancer treatment program, Amanda re-evaluated her entire lifestyle, which led her to become a vegan and move to a solar powered caravan on a Sunshine Coast property with no access to electricity, power or phone lines. She also found great solace and inspiration through sharing her journey and learnings through her blog A Modern Girl’s Life and online vegan portal Vegan Era. On her recovery, Amanda caused a stir by re-entering the modeling industry as Australia’s first eco-model, working exclusively with eco-friendly and ethical companies which share her values. called Shine From Within, which brings together a team of holistic industry leaders to inspire the next generation of women in the areas of nutrition, deportment, styling, photography, makeup, yoga and wellness. There has been no shortage of sustainable brands clamouring to sign Amanda to represent their products and services, with her partners including beauty training provider College of Natural Beauty, fashion lines Bestowed, Sinerji and One Colour, beauty brand Montville Organic Skincare and jewellery company Sanctus Stones. With her classes already selling out only a few months after the initial launch, Amanda’s fresh and inspiring take on personal development training is striking a chord with Australian families due to her focus on self-love, compassion for others and messages around healthy living. “I’m determined to raise awareness of how important sustainable and ethical consumerism is and to use my work to shine a light on the growing number of companies choosing to produce their products in a more compassionate and environmentally friendly manner,” said Amanda. Amanda’s unique and brave journey has attracted substantial media attention, with her being described as an ‘eco-activist’ by Cleo Magazine and an ‘all round advocate for Mother Earth’ by sustainability bible Peppermint Magazine. “Every young woman is beautiful, but many don’t see that within themselves. True beauty shines not only through how someone holds and presents themselves, but also how they nourish their bodies and treat others,” said Amanda. “We encourage our students to develop their own unique beauty and style, find the special qualities they have to give to the world and grab the tools to shine bright as responsible, compassionate and confident young women.” Amanda’s latest project is a holistic selfdevelopment course aimed at young girls True T rue b beauty e shines not only through how someone holds and presents hey nourish themselves, but also how they rs. their bodies and treat others. APR 2013 WELLSPRING 11 THE WORKOUT THE WORLD FORGOT Exercising in the fresh air has always been popular, but the latest form of exercise to capture the world’s imagination is taking outdoor fitness to a new level. We’re talking about MovNat, a philosophy designed to improve people’s ‘natural movement’ through challenging their physical abilities and improving their mental focus and agility. Put simply, instead of relying on treadmills and rowing machines, MovNat reacquaints people with activities they mightn’t have indulged in since childhood which take place in their natural environment, such as climbing trees and leaping from rocks. By using natural ‘props’ like hills and water, the idea is that our strength and focus increases in a more practical way compared with other forms of exercise. Instead of being only ‘body beautiful’, the MovNat movement believes its followers learn to move more practically in their everyday life and even in an emergency. This is achieved through a series of natural movements involving running, jumping, lifting and catching in natural terrains, activities said to also build mental strength through adapting to unfamiliar environments. This ‘caveman’ type approach to working out is earning fans around the world, including specialised athletes, occupational therapists and firefighters. MovNat was launched in 2008 but its popularity has intensified over the past two years, with retreats and workshops held regularly and quickly selling out around the world, including in Australia. Founder Erwan Le Corre also certifies trainers worldwide to spread the movement on a local level. FIAFitnation graduate and 2010 Australian Exercise Professional of the Year Mireille Ryan agrees there are advantages to taking on this form of natural movement. “The exercises promoted through MovNat revolve around the basic activities we engaged in as kids, and they are therefore more beneficial from a functional perspective than lifting weights alone at a gym,” said Mireille. “Most importantly though, the MovNat brand has packaged up and communicated its message effectively which has attracted the right market. They’ve made fitness fun and different to the norm.” Mireille believes MovNat will resonate most with two groups of males. “MovNat will hold the most pull for men from 18 to 24 who are looking for a grounded and unpretentious form of exercise which offers an element of adventure. It will also appeal to 35 to 45 year old men looking for an extra push to recapture their fitness,” she said. Mireille warned there was a lesson in the surge of support for MovNat for other fitness professionals. “The success of MovNat teaches us that people don’t want exercise to be boring. If it is fun and has an element of adventure or something unique, fitness enthusiasts will embrace it,” Mireille said. “As fitness professionals, you need to differentiate. Find something you are passionate about, develop the branding and message and get it out there. Being another trainer doing what everyone else does will not attract clients.” “From a safety perspective, those who are overweight, who have medical conditions and seniors should check with their health professionals to ensure their fitness base is appropriate before signing up to a new regime.” MovNat holds two day workshops around the world and seven day retreats in Thailand and Costa Rica. For more information visit Mireille Ryan is a personal trainer, author, fitness presenter, entrepreneur and mentor. You can follow Mireille on twitter at @MireilleRyan. Fitness Apps We Love Nike Training Club RunKeeper MapMyFitness What is it? What is it? What is it? Geared towards females, this handy app serves as a handheld personal trainer with 60 customisable workouts and the benefits of ‘real-life’ trainers, including audio guidance and visual demos. Exclusive workouts from celebrities and athletes are available, including one from Rihanna’s personal trainer Ary Nunez. 16 million people worldwide are using RunKeeper to track their running, walking, cycling, hiking and biking using a GPS. You can even measure your heart rate and take pictures along the way to share how you go. MapMyFitness uses built-in GPS technology to provide fitness enthusiasts worldwide with the ability to map, record and share their exercise routes and workouts in an online database. Users can also access a searchable database of 70 million online training tools. Why we rate it? It offers a great mix of cardio and strength sessions and useful tools to keep you on track with your fitness goals. Why we rate it? We like the real time feedback from the automated voice who can tell you if you are behind your target pace, when you’ve hit certain milestones and how much further you’ve got to go. Why we rate it? It is handy being able to save your information to view your progress over time and the ability to share with your routines easily with friends also adds an element of fun to exercise. Price Price Free to download. Free. RunKeeper Elite, their subscription service, costs $4.99 a month or $19.99 a year. Price The core set of features is free, but fitness enthusiasts can pay a monthly or annual fee for a more comprehensive experience. APR 2013 WELLSPRING 13 NETWORKING: Be remembered when networking at a conference Detach from outcomes Sure, you have goals. Maybe to sell. Maybe to get in front of the right people. However, also try to focus more on the big picture. Free yourself from agendas. Develop a no-entitlement attitude. And focus on having fun, delivering value and creating a memorable (er, unforgettable) presence. Practice strategic serendipity Say yes a LOT more. Spend time with people in areas and around things you wouldn’t normally approach. Talk to everybody. Even your non-buyers and customers. Even the food service people. Even the janitors. Even the information booth guy. Even the conference planners. Especially the conference planners. Because you never know. And consistency is far better than rare moments of greatness. Be a rock star Do things to enhance your celebrity status. Bring a friend to follow YOU around with a camera all day. Give a speech. Hold a pre or post event party. Just chill Stressed and hurried are not approachable adjectives. Separate yourself from other attendees by not appearing overly needy and desperate for business. After all, it’s hard to sell with your tongue hanging out! • Are you worth videotaping? Scott Ginsberg is the world record holder of wearing nametags. He’s the author of thirteen books, a professional speaker, award-winning blogger and the creator of His publishing and consulting company specializes in approachability, identity and execution. • Are you worth taking a picture of? Find the cameras Photographers, press folks and bloggers LOVE to capture images and videos of cool, fun, remarkable stuff. They also like to share those images in their publications and on the web. So, ask yourself the following three questions: • Are you worth blogging about the next morning? START UP SUCCESS Our expert panel share their top tips for practice owners and small business operators looking to stand out from the crowd… DIGITAL: Developing a killer website A successful site looks great, is easy to use and most importantly can be found through Google. The key to top Google search rankings is planning your search engine strategy right from the start. Worried? Don’t fret, it’s not that complicated. Here are five simple steps that can make a big difference to your search engine marketing campaign. Step 1. Think about what people will type into Google to find your products or services. Google makes this search information available to you through a handy keyword tool – This tool will show you exactly how many people have searched for your products and services in the previous month. Step 2. Select your domain name (web address) Check to see if your desired domain name is available through While it is a good idea to register your business name as your domain name itself, you may also want to consider using a domain name that uses the keywords that you have identified in Step 1. When Google decides who gets the top rank from its pages, it can pay attention to the words in the domain name. Step 3. Write your web site content It is essential that you use the keywords identified in Step 2 generously on each page. It’s all about balance, ‘keyword stuffing’ too many of your chosen search terms into your website’s content is considered bad practise by Google and you can be penalised in the form of your site dropping down the rankings. Be sure to use your best targeted keyword in your page headings. Step 4. Great quality images Consider using the services of a professional photographer. Put simply, unprofessional photos don’t sell. Step 5. Promote your website This step shouldn’t stop once your site is live for the world to see. Try to use supporting social networks to enhance your online presence. Social media services such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and especially LinkedIn are especially useful for keeping existing customers engaged. Choose the social media platform that matches your target market. Angus Wurth is the owner of Bonsai Media, a one-stop design shop servicing clients across Australia through cost-effective web page design and development combined with graphic and logo design. 14 WELLSPRING APR 2013 MEDIA: How to pitch your business to the media Pitch for the audience Want coverage in local media? Play up your hometown advantage. For a women's magazine? Appeal to a female readership. Make sure to read a few back issues of the newspaper, magazine, blog or section you wish to target to ensure your pitch is relevant to their content and readership. Expert commentary Standout slant Images are everything What is unique about your business or product? Is it made locally? Is it a family business? Unique to the market? Innovative claims? Highlight your point of difference in the market to stand out from similar businesses. Include images in high-resolution with your email pitch. A journalist looking for content in a hurry is more likely to feature your product or business if you supply good quality images so they don’t have to request and then wait for them. Be succinct Make your pitch brief and to the point in an email. You can embellish in a one page attachment but make it easy for the journalist you are contacting and pop the main points in the body of an email instead of asking them to open an attachment. Make your pitch about an issue relating to your industry that you can provide comments on rather than a straight business plug which will never be successful. Setting yourself up as a credible contact may also gain you and your company further exposure down the track. Cassie Laffey is an experienced beauty editor with a decade of journalism experience. Cassie has worked for high profile titles including Brisbane’s Style Magazine and Scene Magazine. Cassie is currently working as a freelance journalist and copywriter. For many small business owners around Australia, the news of the recent upswing in consumer confidence and current low interest rates is a source of relief and invigoration. Recent studies indicate hope is indeed slowly returning to Australia’s small business sector, with MYOB’s 2013 Business Monitor confirming more small business owners are upbeat about the economic outlook over the next twelve months compared with the previous year. To encourage the small business owners and fledging entrepreneurs in our community to make the most of this upturn, WellSpring has teamed with four experts to offer their insights on how to stand out from the pack. MARKETING: Achieving marketing gold Clever doesn’t necessarily mean costly when it comes to marketing your business effectively. Control is key when budgets are tight so consider these business building ideas that won't blow out your bottom line. Communicate Capture and store existing and potential customer information in a robust database... and use it! Ask your customers how they prefer to be communicated with – via email, phone or text message – and keep in touch. Low or no cost platforms like MailChimp can manage bulk email sends with decent tracking and reporting metrics. Make yourself an expert Test affordable advertising Traditional forms of advertising can be prohibitively expensive for small business. Enter social media. With a user friendly campaign management interface, Facebook ads enable you to get very specific with targeting. If your market is females born on May 16 who like dogs and pay tennis on Tuesdays, Facebook Ads can help get the right eyes on your business quite cost effectively, redirecting potential customers to your own Facebook business page or your website. You can set and review daily budget limits, tweak your creative as often as you like and there's no minimum campaign spend. Share your knowledge and let people see for themselves that you know your stuff. Create a series of ‘how to’ videos on YouTube, write articles and e-books, a blog, seek out speaking engagements. Work towards having your name, brand or product called out as the ‘go-to’ in your field. Seek strategic relationships Approaching businesses in your local area with a special offer for them to pass on to their customers involves no upfront investment, aside from your time and relationship building skills. A discount on services or free product provides an attractive value-add for customers of these businesses, and you may also wish to consider a product or service trade reward for the referring business when they reach certain milestones, for example 10 referred customers. Over the past decade, Dannika Patterson has supported the launch of successful products, customer loyalty programs and strategic marketing initiatives around the globe. Forming Morningstar Consultancy in early 2011, she provides tailored marketing and business development services to clients primarily in the health, fitness, beauty and education sectors. APR 2013 WELLSPRING 15 Twitterview… with MasterChef Professional Kylie McAllester MasterChef Professional Kylie McAllester Cooking show lovers will recognise Victorian Endeavour student Kylie McAllester, 27, from the smash hit reality series MasterChef Professionals. Millions of Australians watched Kylie go head to head with 17 chefs at the top of their game as they were guided by acclaimed chef Marco Pierre White. WellSpring caught up with the busy contestant to get the scoop on what it was really like in the MasterChef kitchen, and what is on her plate for the rest of the year. Where are you tweeting from today? On the run between Urban Catering Group (my new collaboration) and a personal training session. Trying to lose a sneaky couple of kilos. Working with Marco Pierre White was… Fascinating – a breath of old world cookery charm and a modern discovery of new dishes under immense pressure. I learnt a lot. Which dish were you most proud of during your time with MasterChef? My trial dish to get on the show!!! Yabbies and bacon, a modern take on an old classic quail egg, oyster and green walnut emulsion with foraged crumbed herbs for croutons. I am in love with this dish. How have your experiences on MasterChef influenced your cooking style? Delving deep to find what food means to me and what I love to cook. MasterChef encouraged me to produce dishes that reflected my life and personality. Most challenging experience on MasterChef? What do you hope to achieve with your cooking in the near future? For me it was going into lockdown in my own lovely city - missing my great coffee haunts, fiancée, friends, family and dalmatian Jackson. I’m entering the Electrolux Appetite for Excellence Award Program. My four course menu will be ‘food as medicine’ inspired. Studying nutritional medicine with Endeavour taught me… ENJOY everything you eat!! Eat consciously, be mindful of the environment through food choices and more importantly understand what you are eating. Take care of yourself. Eat, drink (herbal tea) and be merry!! My fav at the moment is rosehip. How do you hope to capitalise on your experiences with MasterChef? Lots of things are happening! #Urban catering group is up and running (a collaboration of myself a few other chef friends and artists). I have taken a souschef position in Melbourne and an overseas food adventure is on the cards. My ultimate dream is to open an integrated venue where garden, food, art and nutrition come together. To grow and then throw an individual garden party for every foodie’s soul. Kylie McAllester is a qualified chef and co-owner of Urban Catering Group, one of Melbourne’s leading catering services. Kylie is currently studying nutritional medicine with Endeavour College of Natural Health, which brings a holistic element to her dishes. Kylie initially undertook her apprenticeship in Lorne where she met chef George Biron, who introduced her to obscure sorbets, foraging and a local approach to food. Kylie undertook the second year of her apprenticeship at One Fitzroy Street before moving to the Sunshine Coast where she worked for Jamie Oliver’s food stylist Hailey Robinson. follow us and tweet your opinion @EndeavourCNH 16 WELLSPRING APR 2013 Dear Me A letter to myself as a fresh graduate If you could write yourself a letter to read straight out of your studies, what would you say? Every edition WellSpring asks a series of inspiring graduates that very question. This edition we spoke with Katrina Drew, an Endeavour nutritional medicine alumnus making a name for herself in the area of bowel health. Here Katrina shares a deeply personal letter penned to her younger self. Hi Kat Oh my gosh – you’ve finished your degree! So many ideas are rushing through your head - which project should you tackle first? Just jump in and go for what your heart is craving. You are excited but nervous. What if you’re not ready? Maybe you don’t know enough? There are a few things you should keep in mind that will help you along that bumpy but glorious scenic route. First of all, always remember what mum told you: “You are a fighter, do what you love and never let anyone put you down”. You love being in control and that dreaded perfectionist streak is alive and well. Note to self – this will change as you start to mellow and realise what will be will be, along with the beauty of smelling the roses. Failing is your worst nightmare, but you will fail, and eventually realise this is part of the fun. Embrace those failings and GET UP and try again. Your failings are the best thing to happen to you. Learning this is what it is all about. Remember that nobody knows you as well as you do. Don’t let people influence you with their judgements, as they usually don’t know your capabilities. On occasion people will push you in a direction that makes you feel uneasy. You will learn to go down the road which feels best for you and to always follow your instincts. You love what you do at this moment. Though you feel restricted by working in positions which don’t give you the chance to put your best skills to work, this pushes you through the barrier of fear to take a leap of faith. It is when you open your own clinic specialising in digestive issues that you finally feel able to help those who need it most. You are terrified at the beginning, but it is one of the best decisions you have made. By being true to your strengths, your clinic builds a reputation for its nurturing and non-judgemental style of care. Don’t underestimate the importance of getting out there and pushing beyond your comfort zone to explore every business opportunity. This is how some of your most lucrative opportunities come to pass. Be open to all the networking opportunities and partnerships with likeminded businesses you have the energy to pursue. It is worth making the time for. Katrina Drew Don’t stress too much about finances as this will come soon enough. Be kind to yourself. You have worked 80 – 90 hours a week up to this point of your career and it is time to invest in relaxing and enjoying your friends, family and wonderful pets. By doing this you will find yourself again, and your business will benefit too. You will spend considerable money travelling here, there and everywhere, but you still manage. By getting away from everyday stresses and developing a supportive network of friends, you realise it has to start from the heart. A medium tells you that you will soon be writing articles for magazines, books and newspapers. At the time you think she’s gone completely nuts, as you’re not a writer. However, this turns out to be true, and is just one of the opportunities you embrace you never would have imagined would be possible. You will build on the success you find in your own clinic by launching cooking classes to help busy professionals and families learn tasty and nutritious ‘one-pot’ meals. You feel so much expectation on your shoulders in this role, but you will push through this and jump in for the ride. Throughout your journey there are many mountains. Some are small and some you will need help with. Whenever you come to these bumps in the road there will always be someone to help and show you a different direction or lend a hand – you just need to look for them. Above all, remember to always be honest and true to yourself and love. Kiss Kiss, Hug Hug Katrina Katrina is the F ou Integrative Hea nder of Brisbane lth, a multimod ality clinic specialisin g digestive system in treating the th colon hydrother rough the use of apy, food therap y, energetic medic ine, Neuro-ling ui programming, ea stic r gastrointestinal candling and lymphatic drain age. www.brisbaneinte APR 2013 WELLSPRING 17 Luxe for Less: Ways to Stretch Your Beauty Dollar Further Aching for a nurturing beauty treatment but wary of the hit to your bank account? You’re not alone – a recent report released by international beauty trends experts WGSN confirmed more women are re-evaluating the money they spend on beauty treatments in order to move towards more considered spending. WellSpring has dived headfirst into the world of affordable pampering to bring you our top recommendations for budget-conscious lovers of beauty treatments. Bellabox They say Bellabox brings pampering to your home through a beauty sampling program allowing Australians to discover new beauty products. Each month customers receive a selection of samples the Bellabox team has sourced, tried and approved from a mix of cult, boutique and emerging brands. We say We particularly liked the ability to customise your preferences to ensure products received are tailored to your beauty needs. The customer service team is responsive and pleasant, and the quality of products consistently high. It is also great to see the brand expand to offer subscriptions for men and babies. Price College of Natural Beauty Student Clinic Febri’s Hotel, Bali It costs $15 for a monthly membership and $165 for an annual membership (one month free), with membership transferable. Ozsale This Brisbane-based clinic is the best kept secret of beauty lovers across the city and has built a reputation for excellent service and quality treatments at the right price. The clinic is staffed by senior students under the supervision of highly qualified practitioners and is run by Australia’s leading beauty industry training institution, the College of Natural Beauty. Why it is worth a visit? Great prices aside, the clinic offers clients an eco-friendly beauty experience with organic product ranges Spa Ritual and Jasmin Organic Skin Care on offer. Prices The clinic offers a range of beauty and spa treatments with costs ranging from $9 for a nail shape and paint to $80 for a two hour pamper package. They say Only a short plane ride away, Febri’s Hotel offers a heavenly and affordable Bali spa experience. Surrounded by frangipani flowers and using natural ingredients including chocolate in their treatments, Febri’s is known worldwide for being one of the best value spas in Bali. Treatments are offered in sleek air-conditioned studios surrounded by walls of cascading waterfalls and elegant fish tanks. We say With affordable flights from Australia popping up all the time, Febri’s is a beauty getaway worth looking into. The four bedroom cottages are particularly popular with groups and families, who can enjoy treatments together in the comfort of their own rooms. Price Standard rooms start at $96 per night for two people. Sydney to Denpasar return flights with Jetstar from $955 per person through (including 15kg checked baggage) 18 WELLSPRING APR 2013 They say Ozsale is a members-only shopping club in Australia with daily sales for the top brands in the world. Members can enjoy a host of savings up to 80% across a range of categories, including beauty. We say It is free to join and the standard and cost of beauty products featured is exceptional. There is also a flat delivery fee regardless of the amount of products ordered. Price Free to use, with a $100 charge for Priority Membership which provides earlier access to sales. Q&A: Judy James CEO, Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA) 1. Tell us about AACMA AACMA was formed in 1973 and is the peak national professional association for qualified practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Today we have 2,250 members across Australia consisting of practitioners and students. We’re dedicated to providing leadership to the sector, negotiating benefits for our members and furthering the long-term sustainability and structure of the profession. AACMA is the largest Chinese Medicine association in the world outside of China, Korea and Taiwan and has made huge impacts on the industry since its inception. Highlights include the negotiation of the first benefit for complementary medicine health refunds (acupuncture) and the securing of GST-free status for acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. 2. What is ahead for AACMA in 2013? Professional development is the next big issue for our industry. It is an area which is flourishing now that it is a legal requirement for practitioners. One of our priorities is to harness the best programs on offer and communicate these to our members and fill in the gaps. We are also delighted to be hosting the 8th World Conference on Acupuncture WFAS Sydney 2013 from 2-4 November. This is only the second time this conference has been held in Australia, and we’ve not seen this level of international support from any conference in the past. We will be offering an academic and practical program presented by some of the world’s most highly regarded clinicians and researchers. 3. Can you tell us about the issue of national registration and the impact it has had on the industry? The Chinese medicine profession joined the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for the Health Professions on 1 July 2012. This is the same scheme that regulates medical practitioners, physiotherapists, chiropractors, dentists, nurses and midwives. Chinese medicine practitioners must now be registered with the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA) in order to offer acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine services to the public. This represents the most significant change in the history of our profession. It has been a great step forward for consumer protection, and has supported our clinicians who are now part of a nationally registered profession. This has given us greater involvement in the decision making and planning of mainstream health policy which is a wonderful flow on effect. We’re now at the table and contributing to important conversations about health and workplace issues which impact on our profession. There is also a higher duty of care standard expected of our professionals and I think this is a good thing. Some practitioners have resisted the changes due to the cost of registration and the pressure of being assessed; however my advice has always been to turn this into a positive. We’ve had members leverage the change by promoting their registration heavily in their local area which has brought them significant new business. 4. What would be your message to students and how do you support them? Our student members are very important because they’re the future of the profession, and we encourage students to join us when they commence their studies. It costs them nothing if they’re enrolled in an approved course, and that way they can become familiar with what’s happening in the wider profession. We think this is an important part of their development as a professional, feeling that they’re part of and responsible to the bigger profession. Our student members have access to reduced membership rates upon graduation, continuing education events with an allocation of free spaces for students, a quarterly newsletter and free subscription to the Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Australia’s only doubleblind peer-reviewed journal for Chinese Medicine in Australia. We’d also like to encourage students from each campus to stand for election for our state committees and to act as a conduit of information for their institution. We see the students who are elected as a breeding ground for our future board members. 5. What would be your advice to new graduates looking to get started in practice? Supervised practice is crucial so make the most of it and draw on the skills and expertise of your supervisors. I would also encourage students to get field experience observing, or better still, assisting in a clinic. Judy James 6. What would you say to practitioners wishing to get more involved in the industry? I’d encourage them to consider submitting case reports and manuscripts or research snapshots to our journal as a way to become a contributing author. Practitioners are also welcome to contact our state office to submit abstracts for presentation at state committee seminars. Visit for more information. 7. What is the biggest growth area for acupuncture in Australia? Without a doubt it would be women’s health – particularly supporting pregnancy and fertility issues. More women are using acupuncture to effectively treat delayed labour, pain management, breech position, morning sickness, infertility, as well as for IVF support and implantation issues. Judy commenced acupuncture practice in 1979 and served on the Board of AACMA as Membership Officer, Treasurer and Secretary between 1984 and 1994. Judy has worked full-time for AACMA since 1996. Her qualifications include a Bachelor of Acupuncture (1979) from the Brisbane College of Traditional Acupuncture, a Bachelor of Arts (1989) and Bachelor of Laws with Honours (1994) from the University of Queensland and she is currently undertaking post-graduate studies in Public Health. She was the founding Academic Coordinator at Endeavour (then called Acupuncture Colleges Australia (Brisbane)) and worked in various academic positions at ACA (Brisbane), ACNM and BCTA until 1994. AACMA Student Members get the best rates to the 8th World Conference on Acupuncture WFAS Sydney 2013 from 2 – 4 November. AACMA would like to offer WellSpring Endeavour student readers a two-week extension on the Very Early Bird Rates. Register by the end of April 2013 and Student Members pay $500 instead of the $710 general admission. Mention this article on booking. To access your discount please contact AACMA on (07) 3324 2599 or APR 2013 WELLSPRING 19 PASSION TO HELP, KNOWLEDGE TO HEAL. Visit Endeavour on Sunday 7 July to find out where a career in Natural Health could take you Australia’s leading provider of natural health education is hosting an interactive Open Day for prospective students at campuses around Australia. Find out how you can join the health revolution by becoming a qualified nutritionist, naturopath, acupuncturist, musculoskeletal therapist, homeopath or massage therapist. Attend mini course lectures, take a campus tour or chat to our experienced lecturers about just how fulfilling a career focused on healing others can be. SUNDAY 7 JULY 2013 10AM – 12NOON Campuses located in Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. Register at
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