How to get your electricity connected or augmented – when NOT subdividing This document will assist landowners who are planning to undertake a development which does not involve subdividing but which may involve an increase in electricity load or additional phases to premises already connected or establishing a new connection. Irrespective of the load requirements and location of premises, an application for connection of load to Endeavour Energy’s network must be lodged (forms FPJ6006 or FPJ6009) prior to receiving connection services. This document applies to developments such as a new home, a new home on a rural property, a dual occupancy residential dwelling, or a larger project such as a group of townhouses/villas or units, shops, offices, factories etc. The provision of adequate connection services of a capacity appropriate to the type of development planned is essential. Endeavour Energy, under its Operating Licence, has the responsibility for ensuring that these services are designed, constructed, operated and maintained so that customers receive a quality electrical supply. Connection to Endeavour Energy’s network is made by retail customers in accordance with Endeavour Energy’s offer for connection services. Q1: What is required to get connected? Step 1: Contact a Retailer of your choice to obtain a National Meter Identifier (NMI) For more information on this subject please refer to Endeavour Energy’s document How to obtain a National Meter Identifier (NMI) available on the Endeavour Energy website Note: If you are connecting additional load, the NMI for your premises will already be known to you and you can proceed to Step 2. Step 2: Complete the relevant application form Complete and send one of the two available application forms to Endeavour Energy. 1. An Application for a LV Single Urban Residential Premises Connection (no greater than 63amperes 3 phase or 100amperes single phase) (Endeavour Energy Form FPJ6006 enclosed at the back). This application must be submitted if all the statements below are true: you are connecting or upgrading a permanent supply; the required connection is for a single residential premise (this does not include units, town houses and other multi residential arrangements); your total maximum demand calculated by your Electrical Contractor is no greater than 100 Amperes 230Volts (single phase) or no greater than 63 Amperes 400Volts (three phase); and the Zoning as shown on your Rates Notice or Development Application is R1, R2, R3 or R4 (Residential). 2. An Application for Connection of Load (Endeavour Energy Form FPJ6009 enclosed at the back). March 2014 How to get your electricity connected or augmented – when NOT subdividing This application must be submitted for all the following cases: • • • any new or increase to existing load or supply above 100 amperes for single phase premises or 63 amperes per phase for three phase premises within a declared urban area. any new or increase to existing load or supply in a non-urban (rural) location. any supply to new or redeveloped sites for multiple unit residential development(s). eg multi-storey home units, townhouses, strata title premises, and multiple industrial units. Step 3: Application processing You will need to lodge an application for connection of load (Form FPJ6009) and select an “Additional load” option in the “Development Details” section of the application. Your electrician will also specify additional load requirements in the relevant section of the application form. A qualified electrical contractor can provide advice on: • • • Once Endeavour Energy has received a complete and valid application, they will process the application within 10 business days and issue a relevant connection offer to the applicant. Step 4: Engage Accredited Service Providers (ASPs) to establish connection to the network The connection offer will determine if contestable works will need to be undertaken and thereby determine if the services of a Level 3 ASP (designer) and a Level 1 ASP (constructor) will be required. Once the terms and conditions of the relevant connection offer are satisfied, a Permission to Connect will be issued by Endeavour Energy. The applicant will then engage a Level 2 ASP to provide the required connection services. The list of ASPs can be obtained by contacting the NSW Trade & Investment on (02) 9895 0008 or by following this URL: net-connections/contestable Q2: What is involved in getting additional load connected to my existing premises? whether the additional load can be connected, and the cost (see question 7); whether the augmentation of the existing connection of customer premises to Endeavour Energy’s network is required by a Level 2 ASP (see question 9); and in some situations they may be able to comment on the need for Endeavour Energy’s network to be augmented and whether such augmentation will be required before connection is made. Note: Connection to the network cannot be made until permission is received from Endeavour Energy in writing. Endeavour Energy may advise that work is required to extend or augment its network (see question 8). If such work is deemed to be “connection assets” (see question 4), the customer/developer will be responsible for providing the connection assets. Q3: What else needs to be considered when connecting a residential home, a dual occupancy, a shop, factory, offices, group of townhouses/villas, units etc to Endeavour Energy’s electricity network? The following information needs to be considered: • The land zoning - Where the constituent council applies land zoning of a different nature, without reference to urban, nonurban, residential bushland conservation etc, then Endeavour Energy will determine whether an urban or non-urban classification March 2014 How to get your electricity connected or augmented – when NOT subdividing is applicable. As a guide, lot sizes greater than 4,000m2 should be considered to be non-urban. areas” unless shown otherwise in the Development Approval. Q4: • The load required - In non-urban or rural areas, the electrical network usually has little or no spare capacity, so any additional load may require augmentation work on the existing network. In some situations, a suitable low voltage supply may not be available, and a substation may have to be upgraded or constructed to meet new demand. In these cases, the cost of the network augmentation is funded by the customer. In urban areas, with the exception of redevelopment areas, additional loads of up to 100 amperes for single phase premises or 63 amperes per phase for three phase premises can generally be accommodated from the existing network. As the network is “shared” by many customers, any augmentation is generally funded by Endeavour Energy. • Whether the land is in a “redevelopment area” - This is an existing area where the local council has approved an increased density of development. These areas are generally older and more established (eg. surrounding suburban railway stations and shopping centres), which have overhead electricity supply. As redevelopment occurs, the network is to be undergrounded (or provision made to do so in the future) to cater for the additional load density and substations (or sites for substations) that may have to be established. Even if additional load is not required certain provisions may be required for developments such as laying electrical ducts under driveways or paved/ concrete footpaths for undergrounding of the network and service mains etc at the time of development, or in the future. As a guide, all urban redevelopments in Sydney are classified as “redevelopment What are premises connection assets? Premises connection assets are all the components of Endeavour Energy’s distribution system dedicated to the supply of electricity to the site. The customer must fund all the premises connection assets through contestable works. The design and construction of all new premises connection assets is customer funded contestable works and must be carried out by ASPs with the relevant competencies in accordance with the relevant Model Standing Offer, Terms and Conditions. This document is available on our website. All associated premises connection assets costs are paid by the customer. Q5: How will I know if I can connect to the network or not? At the end of the application process, after satisfying the Terms and Conditions of the connection offer, a Permission to Connect will be sent to you. This document will allow you to engage a Level 2 ASP to undertake connection service outlined in the Permission to Connect. A copy of this document must be provided to your Level 2 ASP to inform them of the approved scope of connection services. Note: you cannot connect until a Permission to Connect is issued by Endeavour Energy. Q6: When should I lodge my application for load to new and existing premises? You must always lodge an application as soon as you have adequate information to complete the application form. You must have a Permission to Connect before you engage a Level 2 ASP to complete the final connection to the network. March 2014 How to get your electricity connected or augmented – when NOT subdividing Q7: What costs are involved? to maintain electricity supply to existing customers when the electrical works for your development are connected to Endeavour Energy’s network. Costs can be significant depending on the location, nature of the proposed development and the type and extent of works required. When required premises connection assets already exist, costs that may apply in providing electrical services for your development include: • • • ancillary costs, principally the electrical wiring of the premises; the main switchboard and the service/consumer’s mains between the premises and Endeavour Energy’s network; connection and metering installation process costs by a Level 2 ASP; and connection charge (for new connection) When additional premises connection assets need to be built to enable connection to the network, costs that may apply in providing connection services for your development include: • • • • • design information/project definition fees for Endeavour Energy to carry out investigative work to identify the scope of electrical works that are needed to service your development; provision of new reticulation works (premises connection assets) needed to service your development, including your engagement of a Level 3 ASP and a Level 1 ASP to design and construct connection assets and a Level 2 ASP for connection and metering installation works; Endeavour Energy monopoly service fees for design certification, construction inspection and administration fees and, if applicable, network switching and commissioning fees; ancillary costs, principally the electrical wiring of the premises; the main switchboard and the service/consumer’s mains between the premises and Endeavour Energy’s network; and where applicable, costs of interruption avoidance measures such as generators Q8: What if an extension/augmentation is required to Endeavour Energy’s network? If an extension/augmentation to Endeavour Energy’s network is deemed “premises connection assets”, you will need to engage the following listed ASPs at the appropriate competency level for the works required: • • • electrical network design - A Level 3 ASP to design the systems required and submit to Endeavour Energy for certification. Monopoly service fees are charged for the design information/project definition needed by the designer and to certify the drawing; electrical network construction - A Level 1 ASP to build the works in accordance with the certified design. An Endeavour Energy contractor inspector will need to ensure the works are constructed as designed and are to a quality which meets Endeavour Energy’s standards; and the applicable fees are charged for the monopoly services provided; service work – A Level 2 ASP to undertake final connection and metering installation works. For a new connection to the network, a connection charge will apply. In certain circumstances, Endeavour Energy may contribute towards some of the costs or provide assets in accordance with Endeavour Energy’s Policy and Schedule of Rates published in the Network Price List. Where electrical assets such as service main cables, padmount substation or pole substation are required in your property, you need to provide an easement in favour of Endeavour Energy. March 2014 How to get your electricity connected or augmented – when NOT subdividing Q9: Where can I find out about Accredited Service Providers? The list of Accredited Service Providers can be obtained by contacting the NSW Trade & Investment on 137 788 or by following this URL: net-connections/contestable Q10: How long will this process take? Endeavour Energy aims to respond to your request as quickly and efficiently as possible. Connection services required to connect your premises to the network will generally fall into one of two categories: basic or standard. 1. For basic connections (when customer funded network extension or augmentation is not called for), a connection offer (for expedited offers - a Permission to Connect) will be made within 10 business days from the date of receiving a complete and valid application. Once you receive a Permission to Connect you will be allowed to engage a Level 2 ASP to complete the connection works. 2. For standard connections (when customer funded network extension or augmentation is required), a Supply offer will be sent to you within 10 business days from the date of receiving a complete and valid application. You will then need to engage a Level 3 ASP to complete design and a Level 1 ASP to undertake construction works prior to a Permission to Connect being issued. The Supply Offer identifies where to connect to our network and any other supply conditions. The broad scope outlined in the Supply Offer is issued for your Level 3 ASP to prepare an electrical design and advise you of the works needed to provide electricity supply to your development. Where the works designed to service your development require access to adjacent properties, you will be responsible for negotiating entry with the affected owners. Design alternatives must be considered to minimise this impact. You will need to arrange and pay for compensation to the burdened property owner and the creation of easements where necessary. These negotiations can take significant time to complete. If contestable works need to be designed and constructed, the time involved will depend on how long it takes you to have the necessary works designed, constructed, inspected and assets transferred to Endeavour Energy for ongoing maintenance. In our experience this can involve a period of at least three months. A Permission to Connect will be issued by Endeavour Energy to allow the connection of load to Endeavour Energy’s network once the Letter of Acceptance has been issued. For developments within a strata plan, after the Permission to Connect letter is issued, Endeavour Energy will issue a Compliance Certificate, on request, relating to the provision of electricity to the development. You can then take this letter to your local council to meet the Development Approval condition of consent. Endeavour Energy will process all applications and connection proposals in a timely manner. However, Endeavour Energy has no control over the timeliness of the works undertaken by ASPs. It is your responsibility to manage your chosen ASPs so that your expectations are met. Q11: How can I streamline the connection process? There are several things you can do to help ensure your application is processed quickly: March 2014 How to get your electricity connected or augmented – when NOT subdividing • • • • • • • select an expedited (streamlined) connection service by signing the application form. The connection application forms allow the applicant to select an expedited connection service. Requesting an expedited service means that the applicant has read, understood and accepted the terms of the relevant Endeavour Energy’s connection offer. ensure all necessary documentation and fees are lodged together with your application. state the name, email address and business phone number of a person whom Endeavour Energy can contact regarding your application. Close liaison between Endeavour Energy and your contact person can often serve to quickly resolve any difficulties or questions that may arise. conduct regular reviews with your ASP to monitor the progress of the works. for ongoing communication, quote our reference number (eg. NCL 0123) when contacting Endeavour Energy. This is particularly important if you have more than one application with Endeavour Energy. for large and multi-staged developments, you should indicate the details of immediate and future supply needs including time frames. This should be supplied in a master plan and updates should be provided to Endeavour Energy when changes are introduced. For large multi-stage or technically complex developments, Endeavour Energy accepts formal Technical Review Requests using form FPJ6007 (available on the website) prior to application for connection of load. This process can be useful to assist you in planning ahead. Q12: For the works provided to you under contract by your ASPs, you are encouraged to seek competitive quotes. Q13: Will I be entitled to any reimbursements for the reticulation works required to service my premises? In certain circumstances if you are a rural customer, you may qualify to be included in a reimbursement scheme as detailed in IPART’s Determination Capital Contributions and Repayments for Connections to Electricity Distribution Networks in NSW. The Capital Contribution Policy is applicable to the erection of customer funded connection assets where other potential customers may connect to the asset after it is handed over to Endeavour Energy to manage within 7 years from the receipt date of your application. The customer shall advise Endeavour Energy on how they wish to manage the quantity of refund from new customers connecting to the asset. This policy only applies to rural customers. Q14: What if I need more help? If you have any further questions after reading this information document, contact us on 133 718 or alternatively you can email or fax us your specific questions to the following address: Customer Interaction Centre (CIC) Fax: 02 4252 2915 Email: Who sets the fees and charges? Endeavour Energy’s fees and charges reflect the cost of provision of the relevant services and are published in the Network Price List following approval by the Australian Energy Regulator. The Network Price List is available on the Endeavour Energy website. March 2014 Application for a LV Single Urban Residential Premises Connection (up to 63amperes 3 phase or 100amperes single phase) Please return completed form along with all attachments to: Endeavour Energy, PO Box 811 Seven Hills NSW 1730 Email: | Fax: 02 4252 2915 | For connection enquiries, please contact 133 718 Application Check Yes No Are you connecting or upgrading a permanent supply? Is your connection for a single residential premises (this does not include units, town houses and other multi residential arrangements)? Is the Zoning as shown on your Rates Notice or Development Application R1, R2, R3 or R4 Is your total maximum demand calculated by your Electrical Contractor no greater than 100 Amperes 230Volts (Single Phase) or no greater than 63 Amperes 400Volts (three phase)? If you answer YES to ALL of the above questions continue with this application. If you have answered NO to ANY of the above questions this application should not be used. Further information regarding connection services and related application forms can be found at Retail Customer Details In order for your application to be accepted, you must have a Retail Electricity account with the Retailer of your choice for your site and a National Meter Identifier (NMI). Please indicate below. Retail Company_______________________ NMI ____________________________ Customer Name_______________________________________________________ Further information regarding establishing a Retail account and choosing a Retailer can be found at Site Details Lot / DP No. _____/___________ Street No. ________ Street Name _____________________ Suburb/Town __________________________________________ Postcode ______________ Nearest Cross Street ____________________________________ Land Zoning (refer to Local Council, Development Application or Rates Notice) _______________ New Connection Upgrade Existing Connection Total Demand Calculated ____________ Amps per phase Single Phase 3 Phase Applicant / Applicant’s Representative Contact Details (where applicable) Name / Company____________________________ Contact Person__________________ Street No. _______ Street Name _________________________________________________ PO Box _______ Suburb / Town _____________ Post Code ________________ Phone _____________ Mobile ____________ Fax ____________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________ Tick preferred method of correspondence: Post Email Applicant's Acknowledgement and Agreement I acknowledge and agree that: 1. in signing and submitting this application I am requesting an expedited connection; 2. I have read and understood the terms of Endeavour Energy’s Model Standing Offer for a LV Basic Connection Service (as published on its website at and a connection offer by Endeavour Energy for a LV Basic Connection Service on the terms of that Model Standing Offer is acceptable to me; and 3. if Endeavour Energy is satisfied that the service requested by me falls within the terms of Endeavour Energy's Model Standing Offer for a LV Basic Connection Service and notifies me of this, then I will be taken to have accepted a connection offer by Endeavour Energy on the terms of that Model Standing Offer on the date of this application. Applicant’s / Applicant's Representative Signature: ________________________________________ FPJ6006 July 2013 Date: ______/______/______ Page 1 of 1 Application for Connection of Load including all Strata Developments Please return completed form along with all attachments to: Endeavour Energy, PO Box 811 Seven Hills NSW 1730 Email: | Fax: 02 9853 7925 | For connection enquiries, please contact 133 718 This form should be used in the following cases: All connections or augmentations of load other than single urban residential premises of less than 63 Amperes 3 phase or 100 Amperes single phase. Note: When applying for a Temporary Builder’s Supply (TBS), another application for connection of permanent load or reference number of existing application for connection of permanent load is also required. All information requested should be provided. Where not applicable please insert N/A. Applications submitted with inadequate information will not be accepted. Retail Customer Details In order for your application to be accepted, you must have a Retail Electricity account with the Retailer of your choice for your site and a National Meter Identifier (NMI). Please indicate below. Retail Company_______________________ NMI ____________________________ Customer Name_______________________________________________________ Further information regarding establishing a Retail account and choosing a Retailer can be found at Site Details Lot & DP No. _____/_________ Cross Street ___________________ Street No._________ Street Name __________________________________ Suburb / Town ___________________________ Post Code __________ Local Council / Shire _____________________________ UBD Map & Reference No. ________/________ Nearest Substation No. ____________ Adjacent Pole No. ___________ Pillar No._____________ _____ New Connection Additional Load Existing Service Upgrade (3 phase) Temporary Builder’s Supply (TBS) Permanent Load for TBS submitted OR Permanent Load for TBS attached Existing permanent load application ref. (where applicable): ______________________________ Date permanent supply is required ______/______/______ Specify Land Zoning (For land zoning, refer to local Council, Development Application or Rates Notice) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Development Type: Domestic Commercial Shop Industrial Government Utilities Other Specify __________________________ Units No of Units _______ Gas reticulation on site Yes No Footpaths/driveways to be constructed on site Load Details Yes No Calculated Maximum Demand Summary A B C Removed Load Existing Load Additional Load Total Load Number of phases required: FPJ6009 July 2013 Amps Amps Amps Amps Single Phase Three Phase * Maximum demand assessment based on AS3000 must be attached * For multi-residential developments please provide details of floor area, in squares, for each unit on a separate attachment. * For industrial/commercial developments with uniform load, provide building area and 2 VA/m showing kVA and amps. * For larger developments supporting load details must be provided on a separate attachment. Page 1 of 2 Load Details (Continued) Load details need to be completed by an electrician. For multiple occupancy residential premises, villas, units, townhouses, etc, calculate the maximum demand using Endeavour Energy’s – “After Diversity Maximum Demand” (ADMD) OR AS/NZS 3000 – the most onerous calculation is to be used. The ADMD per unit applicable is 6.5 kVA. The final load assessment will be carried out by Endeavour Energy and the assessed load may be lower or higher than the applied load. Note: Please provide detailed information describing your development with site plans and a copy of the Development Agreement (DA) as attachments to support your request including harmonic loads, excessive motor starting or other types of load that may cause quality of supply issues on the network. Applicant Contact Details Name / Company____________________________ Street No. _______ PO Box _______ Contact Person__________________ Street Name _________________________________________________ Suburb / Town ___________________________ Phone ___________________ Mobile ___________________ Post Code ___________ Fax _____________________ Email __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Representatives Contact Details Name / Company____________________________ Street No. _______ PO Box _______ Contact Person__________________ Street Name _________________________________________________ Suburb / Town ___________________________ Phone ___________________ Mobile ___________________ Post Code ___________ Fax _____________________ Email __________________________________________________________________________ All correspondence to be sent to (select ONE only): Applicant Applicant’s Representative Applicant's Acknowledgement and Agreement I acknowledge and agree that: 1. in signing and submitting this application I am requesting an expedited connection; 2. I have read and understood the terms of Endeavour Energy’s Model Standard and Basic Standing Offer for a LV Basic Connection Service and Standard Connection Services (as published on its website at and a connection offer by Endeavour Energy for a LV Basic or Standard Connection Service on the terms of the relevant Model Standing Offer is acceptable to me; and 3. if Endeavour Energy is satisfied that the service requested by me falls within the terms of Endeavour Energy's Model Standing Offer for either a LV Basic or Standard Connection Service and notifies me of this, then I will be taken to have accepted a connection offer by Endeavour Energy on the terms of the relevant Model Standing Offer on the date of this application. Applicant’s/Applicant's Representative Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ______/______/______ * Contact details may be released to other customers with similar works in progress nearby to facilitate co-operation in design and construction activities. FPJ6009 July 2013 Yes No Page 2 of 2
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