SAMPLE horal Series Peace Prayer for Assembly, SATB Choir, Optional Two-Part, Keyboard, Guitar, and Flute Based on a prayer of St. Francis of Assisi John Foley, S.J. INTRO: Not too fast ( = 88) Keyboard *VERSES: First and fourth verses, unison choir make grant Soprano/Melody me me Alto 1-3. Lord, 4-6. Lord, make grant me me Tenor Bass 1-3. Lord, 4-6. Lord, a to make grant me me * a to a to means seek of and means of seek and your to means seek of and your to peace. share: your to peace. share: © 1976, 1996, John B. Foley, S.J. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. *Verses 1, 2, 4 and 5 are ; verses 3 and 6 are . String quartet parts are available from the publisher in manuscript form, edition 70030. F 1.800.548.8749 f 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where there’s Where there’s When there’s less to to re to for love. faith. joy. sole, free, me; Edition 30109662 Peace Prayer ha doubt sad be ceive give tred and ness con love in grown, fear, here, soled less thee, SAMPLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where there’s in In this world’s When the dark less be un just to give for to die let let let than than you’ve jury, de ness der in in me me me to to for sow sow sow help give giv Lord, spair, nears, stood thee, thee your your your con love en let for give me may your than to just re is e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. give ness be my hope in to you light dis our pel der stand your un ceiv ing from your nal life ter to make 1- 6. make me sword. share. fears. good. tree. me. a me a means means 1- 6. make me a means SAMPLE 3 of of your peace. your peace. Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, your of Peace Prayer 4 1-5 INTERLUDE: Final POSTLUDE: SAMPLE D. S. Fine rit. Guitar Charts Use D tuning (Chords marked with asterisks use non-standard fingering) D* ooo Peace Prayer G/D* o oo A* o o G* o oo G/F * x ooo Em* o oo x C* o o 5 Peace Prayer (Guitar/Vocal) Based on a prayer of St. Francis of Assisi John Foley, S.J. INTRO: Not too fast ( = 88) (D) F (G/D) B *VERSES: (D) F (G/D) B Descant Melody 1-3. Lord, 4-6. Lord, make grant (G/D) B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (D) F (D) F tred and ness con love in grown, fer, here, soled less thee, (G/D) B 1. Where there’s in jury, 2. In this world’s de 3. When the dark ness 4. less be un der 5. just to give in 6. for to die in (D) F a to (G/D) B Where there’s ha Where there’s doubt When there’s sad less to be to re ceive to for give (D) F me me (D) F make me (G) B means seek of and (C) E me me me to to for let for give me may your than to just re is e a (Em) Gm 2 (D) F peace. share: (G) B (D/A) F/C (A) C sow sow sow help give giv your your your con love en love. faith. joy. sole, free, me; (G/F ) B /A (A7) C7 (Em) Gm give ness be my sword. hope in you to share. light dis pel our fears. un der stand your good. ceiv ing from your tree. ter nal life to me. (A) C (G) B means of (A) C (D) F your to (G) B INTERLUDE/POSTLUDE: (G) B (G/D) B (A) C let let let than than you’ve Lord, spair, nears, stood thee, thee (G/D) B 1-6. Lord, (A) C SAMPLE Capo 3: your (D) F peace. 1-5 Final (A7) C7 (A7) C7 rit. (D) F © 1976, John B. Foley, S. J. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. *Verses 1, 2, 4 and 5 are ; verses 3 and 6 are . Fine 6 Peace Prayer FLUTE John Foley, S.J. VERSES 1 & 4: SAMPLE INTRO: Not too fast ( = 88) INTERLUDE: VERSES 2 & 5: INTERLUDE: 19 © 1976, 1996, John B. Foley, S. J. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. 7 INTERLUDE: 2 POSTLUDE: SAMPLE VERSES 3 & 6: 1 D. S. Fine rit. Peace Prayer 8 Assembly Edition PEACE PRAYER 1-3. Lord, 4-6. Lord, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. make grant SAMPLE John Foley, S. J. me me Where there’s ha Where there’s doubt When there’s sad to less be re to ceive for to give 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. love. faith. joy. sole, free, me; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. give ness be my hope in to you light dis our pel un der stand your ceiv ing from your ter to nal life 1-6. means a to tred and ness con love in means seek of and grown, fear, here, soled less thee, let let let than than you’ve Where there’s in In this world’s the When dark less be un just to give for to die of sword. share. fears. good. tree. me. jury, de ness der in in your to peace. share: me me me to to for sow sow sow help give giv Lord, spair, nears, stood thee, thee Lord, your your your con love en let for give me may your than to just re is e make me 4 your peace. Text: Based on a prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Text and music ©1976, John B. Foley, S. J. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-452-9805 a
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