International Refereed Journal of Engineering & Technology (IRJET) – Volume1 Issue 2 A Comparative Study On Groundwater Quality Using Piper And Chadha´S Diagrams (A Case Study Of Narsapur-Mogalthur Mandals Of West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India) M.S.V.K.V.Prasad1, G. Siva Praveena2 Ch. Durga Prasad2, P. V. V. Prasada Rao2 1 Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur, West Godavari (Dt.), A. P., India 2 Dept. of Environmental sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., India Abstract— In the present world ground water chemical behaviors in various locations are one of the most interesting fields of research. Hydro chemical parameters like pH, TDS, Na, K, Ca, Mg, HCO3, Cl, SO4 of the water samples from different locations of the study are examined with reference to APHA, 2005 guidelines. In the present study, samples of ground water were examined with an aim to assess the groundwater suitability, ground water quality and water types using piper and Chadha´s plots. From the results it was concluded that natural processes are controlling factors of hydrochemistry. Piper and Chadha´s diagrams were created for comparing the results of water types. Majority of the samples were behaved in more or less same way except few samples. Groundwater types were assessed and compared with Piper and Chadha´s diagrams.39% of the water samples were Ca-Mg-Cl types, in both methods. However, a slight variation was observed in the Na-Cl type of water. Keywords - Hydro chemistry, Piper diagram, Chadha´s diagram, Na-Cl type, Ca-Mg-Cl type I. INTRODUCTION T he he quality of water is largely controlled and modified by its medium of contact. The monitoring and assessment of ground water quality gained substantial importance in the present century. Groundwater was the most trusted form of drinking water because of the filtering effect of the aquifer. In the present world drinking the water directly from the source without proper treatment is a tough task. Hydro chemical evaluation is extremely useful in providing a preliminary idea about the quality of ground water and its suitability for drinking, agricultural and other activities. Without changing much on the basic theory the methods for finding quality of ground water had undergone substantial modifications. The first attempt in this direction was made by Hill (1940) and which is modified by Piper (1944). Durov (1948) further improved the piper plot. Piper diagram were made in such a way that the mill equivalent percentages of the major cations and anions are plotted in separate triangle. These plotted points in the triangular fields are projected further into the central diamond field, which provides the overall character of the ground water. In Chadha´s diagram, the difference in mill equivalent percentage between alkaline earths (calcium plus magnesium) and alkali metals (sodium plus potassium), expressed as percentage reacting values, is plotted on the X- axis, and the difference in mill equivalent percentage between weak acidic anions (carbonate plus bicarbonate) and strong acidic anions (chloride plus sulphate) is plotted on the Y-axis. The resulting field of study is a square or rectangle, depending upon the size of the scales chosen for X and Y co-ordinates. The mill equivalent percentage differences between alkaline earths and alkali metals, and between weak acidic anions and strong acidic anions, would plot in one of the four possible sub-fields. The major advantage of this diagram is that it can be drawn in any spreadsheet (Chadha, 1999). In the present study along with groundwater quality, water types were assessed using Piper and Chadha´s diagrams. II. STUDY AREA present study area is located in mandals of NarsapurMogalthur of West Godavari district in Andhra Pradesh, India. It receives the rainfall mostly under the influence of southwest monsoon. The study area possesses a typical semi arid climate with hot summers and moderately cool winters. The study area generally possesses a high humidity. The study area experiences strong winds during the southwest monsoon season. In general the study area lies in the valley of river Godavari. M.S.V.K.V.Prasad1 Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narsapur, West Godavari (Dt.), A. P., India G. Siva Praveena, Ch. Durga Prasad, P. V. V. Prasada Rao, Dept. of Environmental sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., India 7 International Refereed Journal of Engineering & Technology (IRJET) – Volume1 Issue 2 Fig. 1 Location map of the study area III. MATERIALS & METHOD Extensive groundwater sampling was conducted in the study area. Wells were pumped for 5 minutes prior to the collection of samples. Polythene bottles were used as containers of ground water samples. Each bottle was rinsed with distilled water before pouring the sample water. The bottles were labeled and air-tighted. Two sets of samples were collected from each location. Physical and chemical parameters were analyzed using the standard method suggested by APHA (1985). EC and pH were analysed at the field itself using field kit. TDS was calculated from EC by an empirical formula TDS= 0.64*EC. Chloride, hardness, calcium, magnesium, carbonate and bicarbonate were determined by titration. Flame photometer was used to measure the sodium and potassium. Sulphate was determined by spectrophotometer. Analytical precision was maintained throughout the experiments. Aquachem 4.0 software package was used to plot the piper diagram and the Chadha´s diagram, using MS Excel spreadsheet. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A) Water quality Water quality parameters of the study area are presented in Table 1. All the samples were alkaline in nature, with a rage of 7.02- 7.77. The permissible limit of TDS in the drinking water is 1000 mg/L (WHO 1993). However in this study, the TDS values were varied between 179 – 1413 mg/L, with an average of 796 mg/L. Among the 39 samples, 09 of them exceeded the permissible limit of 1000 mg/L. Calcium and magnesium in the study area ranged between 43-141 mg/L and 10.4 – 102 mg/L respectively. In the normal groundwater systems, the principal origin of these ions is carbonate minerals and their dissolution and depositional processes. Weathering of silicate minerals are also contributing towards the enrichment of these minerals. Relatively less abundance of the carbonate minerals in the study area indicate that the major origin of Ca and Mg is silicate weathering. Na and K concentrations were varied between 15- 273.9 mg/L and 0.339.9 mg/L. Sodium in the groundwater is largely controlled by the saline intrusions, evaporates and silicate minerals. However, Na and K in the study area is derived from the weathering of the hard rocks, especially silicate weathering. A relative lower concentration of Ca than Na shows the effect of cation exchange between these minerals. Bicarbonate was the dominant anion in the study area, with an average concentration of 113.1mg/L. Apart from the dissolution of carbonate the major origin of bicarbonates are the sewage systems. However there is no prescribed permissible limit of for this ion. Chloride ion is generally used in delineating the saline intrusions. The peculiar characteristics is that this ion has high mobility and hardly undergone for sorption. In the study area the concentration of Cl in the groundwater was 97-524 mg/L, with an average of 310 mg/L. sulphate in the study area varied between 2790mg/L. The major origin of sulphate is the anthropogenic activities of the people living in the study area. B) Water types A Piper diagram (Fig. 2) was created for the study area using the analytical data obtained from the hydro chemical analysis. In general, we can classify the sample points in the piper diagram into 6 fields. They are 1. Ca-HCO3 type 2. Na-Cl type 3. Ca-Mg-Cl type, 4.Ca-Na-HCO3 type 5. Ca-Cl type 6. Na- HCO3 type. However, in the present study water types were confined to the first four types. Majority of the samples (39%) are plotted in the Ca-Mg-Cl field. 19 % of the samples showed Na-Cl type. Rest of them was fall in the Ca-HCO3 and Na-HCO3 types. Evaluation of the water types using piper plot suggests that there is a clear indication of the contribution from the weathering of hard rocks of the study area. Dominance of Ca and Mg in the groundwater samples suggests an inverse ion exchange process. During this process Ca from the Aquifer matrix will be exchanged by Na from the groundwater. However in the lower regions water is dominated by the Na and Cl ions, which is represented by the discharge zone. Sluggish flow in these relatively flat regions enables sufficient rock-water interactions. For the better understanding the hydrochemistry and comparing the water types Chadha´s diagram was plotted (Fig. 3). The six fields are mentioned by Chadha (1999) is given in below. 1. Alkaline earths exceed alkali metals. 2. Alkali metals exceed alkaline earths. 3. Weak acidic anions exceed strong acidic anions. 4. Strong acidic anions exceed weak acidic anions. 5. Alkaline earths and weak acidic anions exceed both alkali metals and strong acidic anions, respectively. 6. Alkaline earths exceed alkali metals and strong acidic anions exceed weak acidic anions. 7. Alkali metals exceed alkaline earths and strong acidic anions exceed weak acidic anions. 8. Alkali metals exceed alkaline earths and weak acidic anions exceed strong acidic anions. 8 International Refereed Journal of Engineering & Technology (IRJET) – Volume1 Issue 2 which was shifted to Ca-Mg-CO3 in Chadha´s plot. Other types were similar in both methods. This discrepancy may be due to the small data used in this study. Since Chadha´s plot can be plotted in simple spreadsheets, this method will be more suitable for small budget studies and for academic purposes. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Fig. 2 Piper diagram for groundwater samples The authors are thankful to Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam for providing necessary conditions to carry out this work. One of the authors Mr. M.S.V.K.V.Prasad is grateful to Dr. S. Ramesh Babu, secretary & correspondent, Dr. K.Balaji Reddy, Principal, Swarnandhra Engineering College, Narasapur, Andhra Pradesh for their encouragement and support. REFERENCES [1] American Public Health Association (APHA). 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CONCLUSION Results of the above study suggest that all the water samples are alkaline in nature. Major process controlling the water quality is the silicate weathering, mineral dissolution, Cation exchange and inverse cation exchange processes, the groundwater flow were identified as the other supporting factors for the hydro chemical processes. Groundwater types were assessed and compared with Piper and Chadha´s diagrams.39% of the water samples were Ca-Mg-Cl types, in both methods. However, a slight variation was observed in the second highest water type which was Na-Cl in the piper plot, [4] Chadha DK. A proposed new diagram for geochemical classification of natural waters and interpretation of chemical data, Hydrogeology Journal, 1999; 7:431–439. [5] Durov SA. Natural waters and graphic representation of their compositions. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, 1948; 59 :87– 90. [6] Hill RA. Geochemical patterns in the Coachella valley, California. Trans Am Geophys Union 1940; 21: 46–49. 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Guidelines for drinking-water quality, Vol 2 – Health criteria and other supporting information, and Vol 3 – Drinking-water quality control in small community supplies ,1993 10 International Refereed Journal of Engineering & Technology (IRJET) – Volume1 Issue 2 S.NO . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Water sample location Perupalem Pedamaina vanilanka Biyyaputip pa Dharbarev u Thurputall u Vemuladee vi East Sarva 10 Lakshman eswaram Lingaboin acherla Pedalanka 11 Saripalle 12 14 Pasaladee vi Chamakuri palem Gondi 15 Narsapur 16 Rustumba da Royapeta 9 13 17 18 19 20 Mallavara m Likithapud i Koparru pH 7.43 TDS Na K (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 436 272.9 1 S.NO . 1 2 7.34 429 101.3 1 3 7.5 322 34.8 0.5 4 7.52 184 215.1 0.5 5 7.41 355 31.4 0.5 6 7.48 289 46.5 0.5 7.44 295 259.3 1.5 7 8 Water sample location Perupalem Pedamaina vanilanka Biyyaputip pa Dharbarev u Thurputall u Vemuladee vi East Sarva Ca Mg CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 112 93 14 15.4 250 52 117 10.4 12 16.2 196 48 77 86 0 17.6 216 37 72 78 8 24.2 209 36 59 60 8 21.2 513 58 66 73 6 15.4 335 49 63 71 6 20.1 524 79 90 51 8 19.8 347 37 85 85 12 15.2 382 37 88 75 5 23.6 284 54 69 93 10 16.5 330 52 93 76 11 17.3 301 41 7.23 248 24.7 0.5 7.46 208 15 0.5 10 Lakshman eswaram Lingaboin acherla Pedalanka 7.33 987 50.7 1 11 Saripalle 12 98 41 7 21 258 54 101 44 3 18.2 298 75 7.58 443 273.9 0.5 9 7.6 179 137.8 5.8 7.49 332 28.3 0.5 14 Pasaladee vi Chamakuri palem Gondi 7.28 627 154.7 1 15 Narsapur 114 38 4 19.8 262 64 16 Rustumba da Royapeta 83 51 20 23.1 319 46 99 52 12 21.8 241 38 76 41 10 14.2 292 42 97 66 7 18.3 328 50 74 82 9 17.6 431 61 81 68 8 21.1 160 82 69 39 6 18.3 146 27 10 16.7 97 30 7.63 1221 44.9 0.8 13 7.2 458 109.4 0.5 7.14 645 49.2 1 17 18 7.02 267 70.1 0.3 19 7.18 373 91.4 0.5 7.22 642 81.4 17.1 20 7.33 436 225.4 0.3 22 K.bethapu di Modi 7.42 422 112.7 34.5 22 K.bethapu di Modi 23 K.p.palem 7.55 511 91.3 0.5 23 K.p.palem 48 42 24 Mutyalapa lli Kothota 76 62 9 17.2 225 49 43 26 12 20.1 99 33 138 102 13 24 438 90 27 Kalipatna m Moglthur 127 86 14 26.8 208 64 28 Moglthur-I 141 87 9 21.9 283 40 29 Seripalem 82 65 8 16.7 270 52 30 Ramannap alem Rajugarith ota 79 48 3 15.1 285 38 123 56 5 173 309 37 101 46 8 182 324 42 98 48 10 19.3 470 73 106 55 9 19.1 352 46 110 59 7 212 376 44 109 68 6 18.3 283 43 98 78 4 19.2 230 46 21 24 25 26 Mutyalapa lli Kothota 27 Kalipatna m Moglthur 28 Moglthur-I 21 Mallavara m Likithapud i Koparru 7.54 321 124.7 0.3 7.42 530 84.7 0.3 26 7.59 753 135.4 0.5 7.42 521 62.4 5.6 7.77 29 Seripalem 30 Ramannap alem Rajugarith ota 31 32 Seetharamap uram South 33 Seetharamap uram North 34 Yerramsett ivaripuram Varathippa 7.38 7.47 7.21 7.44 7.35 37 38 39 Minimum Komatithip pa Jagannath apuram Navarasap uram pathapadu 783 616 28.9 234 39.8 0.5 0.5 1 936 1210 1001 1014 204.5 107.8 47.8 25.4 1.8 32 Seetharamap uram South 33 Seetharamap uram North 34 Yerramsett ivaripuram Varathippa 1 0.5 39.9 35 7.02 36 678 31 7.5 35 25 1233 91.4 0.5 36 7.1 1221 51.4 0.5 37 7.09 1293 213 0.5 38 99 75 5 21 285 42 122 61 10 22.3 333 47 0.3 Minimum 43 10.4 0 14.2 97 27 141 102 20 212 524 90 92 56.2 10 113.1 310 59 7.06 1365 94.7 0.5 7.13 1413 57.8 1 7.02 179 15 Komatithip pa Jagannath apuram Navarasap uram pathapadu 39 Maximum 7.77 1413 273.9 39.9 Maximum Average 7.39 796 144.4 20.1 Average 11
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