ww.isca2015.it in conjunction with the 18th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), Genoa, Italy, http://www.iciap2015.eu/ Workshop Chairs Giuseppe Pirlo (Italy) Donato Impedovo (Italy) Byron Leite Dantas Bezerra (Brazil) Program Committee Ignacio Aedo Cuevas (SSpain) Andrea Alberici (Italy) André L.L. Aquino (Brazil) Giovanni Attolico (Italy) Donato Barbuzzi (Italy) Roberto Bellotti (Italy) Micheal Blumenstein ( Australia) Mohamed Cheriet (Canada) Matteo D’Aloia (Italy) Tiziana D’Orazio (Italy) Moises Diaz (Spain) Monica Divitini (Norway) Jihad El-Sana (Israel) Michael Fairhurst (United Kingdom) Miguel A. Ferrer (Spain) Angelika Garz (Germany) Mei Han (USA) Mohamed Jemni (Tunisia) Zhenhong Jia (China) Irman Malik (Germany) Angelo Marcelli (Italy) Alke Martens (Germany) Giuseppe Mastronardi (Italy) Carlos A.B. Mello (Brazil) Luiz E.S. Oliveira (Brazil) Umapada Pal (India) Ioannis Pratikakis (Greece) Maria Rizzi (Italy) Kozeta Sevrani (Albania) Tea Tavanxhiu (Italy) Kurban Ubul (China) Seiichi Uchida (Japan) Tergin Yibulayin (China) IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: May 12, 2015 Notification of acceptance: June 5, 2015 Camera-ready paper: June 16, 2015 Call for Papers The International Workshop on Image-based Smart City Applications (ISCA 2015) is a satellite event of ICIAP 2015 that will be held in Genoa, Italy, September 8, 2015. ISCA 2015 will provide a forum for researchers in all areas of image-based applications for Smart City. In the following are reported some topics of interest: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Image-based Intelligent Transport Systems Support Systems for Visual Impaired People Image Processing for Touristic Applications Augmented Reality, Ambient Displays and Wearable Devices Image Processing for Mobile Applications Benchmarking and Quantitative Evaluation Image-based e-Health Applications Intelligent Urban Environment Visual Analysis Image-based techniques for Document Processing Applications Remote Sensing Applications for Smart City Image Analysis for Logistic Support Real-time Indoor and Outdoor Video Surveillance Real-time Scene Understanding Forensic Image Analysis Human-centred Activity Analysis Human-machine Interactions on Smart City Applications The scientific program of ISCA 2015 will consist of one-track session with technical contributions peer-reviewed and selected by an international programme committee of leading experts in the fields. ISCA 2015 invites original previously unpublished contributions that are not submitted concurrently elsewhere. All accepted papers will be published in the LNCS Springer's proceedings and the authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work in the form of oral presentations. All papers and presentations will be in English. Submission format: Authors must follow the LNCS Springer's guidelines and technical instructions for paper preparation, as reported at the webpage. For your convenience, please consider that ISCA 2015 paper format is the same as for the ICIAP 2015 Conference. Therefore, authors can find all material at http://www.iciap2015.eu/submissions/papers.html. Please note that the manuscript length is 8 pages maximum. Submission server: paper submission can be performed by the EasyChair Conference System at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isca2015. Address ISCA 2015 Secretariat Department of Computer Science, via E. Orabona, n. 4 University of Bari “Aldo Moro” 70125 - Bari, Italy Website http://isca2015.it/ Email isca2015secretariat@gmail.com PARTNER SPONSOR
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