Design and production of artificial repeat proteins with tailored binding sites Philippe Minard Modélisation et Ingénierie des Protéines MIP Lab (IBBMC) Orsay I B B M C Part I INTRODUCTION TO PROTEIN SCAFFOLDS AND PROTEIN REPEATS How binding sites appear in natural proteins ? Biological evolution works like a tinkerer, “who does not know exactly what he is going to produce, but uses whatever he finds around him whether it be pieces of string, fragments of wood, or old cardboards; in short, it works like a ‘bricoleur’ who uses everything at his disposal to produce some kind of workable object” Jacob, F. (1977) Evolution and tinkering. Science 196, 1161–1166 The same natural fold is commonly found in different proteins interacting with very different molecular partners. Divergent evolution of binding sites from a single fold is a common process Protein scaffolds Z domain (Affibodies™) 10FnIII (Monobodies) Neocarzinostatin Lipocalin (Anticalin®) Protein repeats as scaffold? Ki = 5.9 x 10-14 M Kobe and Deisenhofer . Nature. 1993 Dec 23-30;366(6457):751-6. Crystal structure of porcine ribonuclease inhibitor, a protein with leucine-rich repeats 2bnh.pdb Two « families » of proteins made from repeats Leucine Rich Repeats Ankyrin repeats How to create new specific binding proteins ? Designed Ankyrin Repeats Proteins : DARPINS Part II ALPHA-REP DESIGN Looking for an optimal protein scaffold ? Screen PDB : - Origin thermophilic organism - Monomeric protein - Moderate Size (>75, <200) - No SS bonds - Functionally versatile PDB code: 1TE4 • Origin : thermophilic Archae (Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum ) Julien, O., Gignac, I., Hutton, A., Yee, A., Arrowsmith, C. H. & Gagne, S. M. (2006). J Biomol NMR 35, 149-54. • Many homologs in Archae and thermophilic bacteria. Other homologs in eukaryotes • Unknown function Procedure for repeat Sequence definition The goal is to create a sequence database of mutually compatible repeats 1 Blast a non redundant sequence database with the sequence of two folded repeats (C-cap excluded) 2 Keep only the aligned part of the collected sequences. Split it in blocks corresponding to structural repeats 3 Most frequent residue at each position of multiple sequence alignment define Consensus 1 GDERA………LGKI Procedure for repeat Sequence definition (2) 4 Extend repeats collection : Blast non redundant sequence database with a theoritical « penta-consensus 1 sequence » (GDERA………LGKI)5 GDERA………LGKI GDERA………LGKI GDERA………LGKI GDERA………LGKI GDERA………LGKI 5 Select 100 closest natural sequences, split in 500 repeats. Align all 500 different repeats. A consensus with sharp contrast : Sequence positions in repeat are not equally conserved Where are the conserved positions? H-Bond between sides chains R21 and D15 of the following repeat A5,V6,L9,L13,V20,A24,A25,A27,L28 D15,R21 Why Hypervariable residues ? 18,19,21,22,25,30 • Part III Library construction and selections + + n To make a repeat Library 1. Synthetize micro-genes corresponding to one repeat, with randomized hypervariable positions 2 Directional polymerization of micro-genes ProtectedEnd (N cap) Ccap Phage display / Expression phagemid How to tune side chains randomization ? 0,18 18 nat 0,16 0,14 26 Nat 0,12 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 A C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T V W Y Frequencies of the 20 Aminoacids in two different positions of natural alphaRep-like repeat family Step I : Synthetize and amplify microgenes micro gene = 1 repeat 31 AA total and 6 Variable AA for each repeat Circular amplification(RCA). Phi 29 pol Ob13-14 ligation BsmBI BsmBI Make a circle with oligos BsmBI Close by ligation BsmBI BsmBI Cleave : monomeric microgene pool (Non symetric cohesive ends) Library construction : polymerize microgenes KpnI BbsI BspMI In vector heteropolymerization + pHDiex-acc BspMI capping with the N-cap module BsmBI BsmBI BsmBI BspMI BsmBI BspMI BspMI pHDiex-aRep final digestion and reclosing ligation aRep library 2.1 Library Design • Libary diversity : 1.7 109 indépendant clones • Proportion of correct sequences : 77%. High « Foldability » • Number of repeat /protein : from 1 to 10 + (average 2.8) Biophysical properties of purified aRep with variable sizes and sequences Far UV Circular Dichroïsm Size exclusion Chromatography aRep are soluble, folded and very stable Differential Scanning Calorimetry J. Mol. Biol. (2010) 404, 307–327 Structure aRep PDB Code 3LTJ J. Mol. Biol. (2010) 404, 307–327 Collaboration Marc Graille et Herman van Tilbeurgh Phage display selection of new specific proteins Monitoring of selections S Targets 1 2 3 P 4 Library Round 1 Round 2 E1 E2 E3 c uc c uc c uc c uc Round 3 E1 = specific elution 30’ E2= specific elution 30 to 90’ E3= Acid Elution • Part III Specific aREP characterization and applications Selection of specific binders from aRep library Process - Three rounds of selection clonal identification ( Phage Elisa) Confirmation by Elisa on soluble protein KD : ITC, SPR…. Results - Binders identified for >20 non-related soluble proteins - Kd from low nM to mM Protein Engineering and Modelling aRep Binders Characterization Kd aRep/target from nM To mM koff = 1,7. 10- 4 Sec-1 kon= 3.10 4 M-1 Sec-1 Crystal structures of aRep Target complexes . With M Graille and H vTilbeurgh PLoS ONE 2013 8(8): e71512 aREP scaffold from complexes with different targets Scaffold of aRep extracted from 5 different structures Comparison of individual repeats structures Reduction of conformational heterogeneity and stabilisation of target protein Provide new surfaces for intermolecular contacts and promote crystal lattice formation. aRep as crystallization chaperones Two proteins that gave no crystal without aRep Fibronectin binding protein (FNE) KD = 0,18 µM Collaboration with Hv Tilbeurgh Lab Expression in living cells Epifluorescence images on living cells (HEK) bGFPA bGFPC bGFPD : AlphaReps are expressed and stable in Eucaryotic Cells ALPHAREP: OUTIL DE RECONNAISSANCE MOLECULAIRE AlphaRep contrôle Target recognition in living cells • Co Expression GFP-Rab6 (Golgi) and aRep-mCherry CMV GFP-Rab6 Collaboration Sandrine Moutel , Franck Perez I Curie Paris Flag αRep mcherry aRep(antiGFP)-mCherry Target recognition in living cells (2) Co-expression : GFPs-NLS and antiGFPAlphaReps bGFPC bGFPA bGFPD AlphaRep contrôle G R M AlphaRep-mcherry: Red Localized GFP : Green ALPHAREP: OUTIL DE RECONNAISSANCE MOLECULAIRE Epifluorescence and Confocal images Conclusions AlphaREP library: very efficient source of tight binding and specific proteins A generic library : AlphaREP selection needs no immunization No SS Bonds, Cysteine free , very stable proteins => AlphaREP are efficiently expressed and engineered Very promising as crystallisation helpers Expressed, stable and functionnal in living cells Collaborations FAAM Lab (Orsay) • Herman van Tilbeurgh • Ines Gallay • Marc Graille (actuellement labo Biochimie de l’ X) IBPC Paris • Martin Picard • Jean Luc Popot, M Zoonens I .Curie : Franck Perez LEBS: Jacqueline Cherfils Alexis Gautreau Supports:
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