Curriculum Vitae - Industrial and Systems Engineering

Zhenhong Lin, Ph.D.
Energy & Transportation Science Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2360 Cherahala Boulevard
Knoxville, TN 37932-6472
mobile: 865.438.3868
office: 865.946.1308
Senior R&D Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, TN
R&D Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, TN
R&D Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, TN
2013 to present
2010 to 2013
2008 to 2010
Adjunct Professor, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA
University of California at Davis
PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering
MS in Transportation Technology & Policy
Tsinghua University
MS in Power Machinery & Engineering
BE in Automotive Engineering
Davis, CA, USA
Beijing, China
US DOE Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO)
“Market Acceptance and Infrastructure Deployment”, $610k, FY14
“System Analysis of Market for Vehicle Electrification”, $575k, FY13
“Developing On-line PHEV Calculator for”, ~100k, FY13
"Analysis of refueling and recharging infrastructure using GPS travel data ", ~$150k, FY12
"Developing the Market Acceptance of Advanced Automotive Technologies (MA3T) model", ~$1,1m, FY10–12
"Assessing Vehicle R&D Progresses in the Transitional Market Context", ~$250k, FY11
US DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO)
"Optimal Hydrogen Pressure and Optimal Station Roll-out Strategy ", $100k, FY14
"GPRA Analysis of H2 Fuel Cell Vehicles with the MA3T Model ", $75k, FY14
"Analytical Support for DOE’s Participation in H2USA", $100k, FY14
“Analysis of Business Models for Hydrogen Refueling Stations”, $100k, FY14
“Impacts of Government Policies on U.S. Non-automotive Fuel Cell Industry”, $50k, FY14
“Analysis of Refueling and Recharging Infrastructure for BEV, PHEV, FCEV and FCPHEV", $80k, FY13
"Optimizing Delivered Pressure of Hydrogen to Promote H2 Vehicle Market", $80k, FY13
“Analysis of Hydrogen Vehicle Market with the MA3T Model”, $115k, FY13
"Scenario Analysis of Hydrogen Transition Using the MA3T Model", ~$200k, FY12
"Driving Range Optimization for Fuel-cell Electric Vehicles and Battery Electric Vehicles", ~$130k, FY10
U.S. DOT Federal Transit Administration
"Developing a GHG Calculator for Transit Agencies”, ~$450k , FY12
U.S. DOE Office of Policy and International Affairs
"Optimal Technologies and Policies for Meeting the 2017-2025 Fuel Economy Standard ", ~$150k, FY12
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Member, Alternative Transportation Fuels and Technologies Committee, TRB, 2014-present
Associate Editor, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 2011-present
Member, Transportation Energy Committee, TRB, 2009-2013
2011 Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Program R&D Award
Best Paper by 2nd World Congress of Young Scientists on H2 Energy Systems
May 13 2013, Updating and Enhancing the MA3T Vehicle Choice Model. Presented at 2013 DOE Vehicle
Technologies Program Annual Merit Review, Washington, DC.
April 9 2013, Modeling Market Acceptance of Plug-in Electric Vehicles. Presented at the Joint Seminar of
Vehicle Electrification Group and Climate and Energy Decision Making Center, Carnegie Mellon University.
March 19 2013. Impacts of Range and Refueling Pressure. Presented at the Fuel Pathways Integration Tech
Team Meeting, Fairfax, Virginia.
January 25 2013. The MA3T model: Market Adoption of Advanced Automotive Technologies. Presented at the
EIA Consumer Choice Models and Markets Technical Workshop, Southfield, MI.
January 13 2013, Accommodating Variation in Driving Patterns Between and Within Households. Presented at
the TRB Annual Meeting Workshop: Transitioning to Plug-in Electric Vehicles: Challenges and Best
Practices, Washington, DC.
May 7 2012. Measuring Range Anxiety: the Substitution-Emergency-Detour (SED) Method. Presented at the
26th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Los Angeles, CA.
April 13 2011. Predicting Individual On-road Fuel Economy Using Simple Consumer and Vehicle Attributes.
Presented at the SAE 2011 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI.
June 10 2007. A VMT-based Approach to Siting Hydrogen Refueling Stations. Presented at the 2nd World
Congress of Young Scientists on Hydrogen Energy Systems. Turin, Italy.
June 10 2007. Optimized Pathways for Regional H2 Transitions: A Case Study for Southern California.
Presented at the 2nd World Congress of Young Scientists on Hydrogen Energy Systems, Turin, Italy.
Dong, Jing, Lin, Zhenhong, Liu, Changzheng, & Liu, Yanghe. (2014). Assessing Grid Impact of Plug-in
Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Using GPS-Based Longitudinal Travel Survey Data. International Journal
of Alternative Powertrains (under review).
Peer-reviewed Articles
1. Lin, Z., & Li, J. (2013). Dynamic Wireless Charging: Potential Impact on Plug-in Electric Vehicle Adoption.
Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Papers 2014-01-1965 (accepted)
2. Dong, Jing, Lin, Zhenhong, Liu, Changzheng, and Liu, Yanghe. (2014). “Assessing Grid Impact of Plug-in
Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Using GPS-Based Longitudinal Travel Survey Data.” Society of
Automotive Engineers Technical Papers 2014-01-0343.
3. Wu, Xing, Jing Dong, and Zhenhong Lin. (2014). “Cost Analysis of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using
GPS-Based Longitudinal Travel Data.” Energy Policy 68: 206–17. doi:
4. Dong, Jing, & Lin, Zhenhong. (2014). Stochastic Modeling of Battery Electric Vehicle Driver Behavior: The
Impact of Charging Infrastructure Deployment on BEV Feasibility. Transportation Research Record
5. Lin, Z. (2013). Battery Electric Vehicles: Range Optimization and Diversification for U.S. Drivers.
Transportation Science (forthcoming).
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Dong, J., Liu, C., & Lin, Z. (2014). Charging infrastructure planning for promoting battery electric vehicles:
An activity-based approach using multiday travel data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging
Technologies, 38(0), 44 – 55. doi:
Greene, D. L., Lin, Z., & Dong, J. (2013). Analyzing the sensitivity of hydrogen vehicle sales to consumers’
preferences. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(36), 15857 – 15867. doi:
Lin, Z., Dong, J., & Greene, D. L. (2013). Hydrogen vehicles: Impacts of DOE technical targets on market
acceptance and societal benefits. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(19), 7973–7985. doi:
Lin, Z., Dong, J., Liu, C., & Greene, D. (2012). Estimation of Energy Use by Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles:
Validating Gamma Distribution for Representing Random Daily Driving Distance Transportation Research
Record, 2287(1), 37-43. doi:
Lin, Z. (2012). Optimizing and Diversifying the Electric Range of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles for U.S.
Drivers. International Journal of Alternative Powertrains, 1(1), 108-194. doi:
Dong, J., & Lin, Z. (2012). Within-day recharge of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles: Energy impact of public
charging infrastructure. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 17(5), 405-412. doi:
Lin, Z., & Greene, D. L. (2011). Promoting the Market for Plug-In Hybrid and Battery Electric Vehicles: Role
of Recharge Availability. Transportation Research Record, 2252(1), 49-56. doi:
Lin, Z., & Greene, D. L. (2011). Assessing Energy Impact of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Significance of
Daily Distance Variation over Time and Among Drivers. Transportation Research Record, 2252(1), 99-106.
Lin, Z., & Greene, D. (2011). Predicting Individual Fuel Economy. SAE International Journal of Fuels and
Lubricants, 4(1), 84-95. doi:
Lin, Z., Ogden, J., Fan, Y., & Chen, C.-W. (2008). The Fuel-travel-back Approach to Hydrogen Station Siting.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(12), 3096-3101. doi:
Lin, Z., Chen, C.-W., Ogden, J., & Fan, Y. (2008). The Least-cost Hydrogen for Southern California.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(12), 3009-3014. doi:
Sperling, D., Lin, Z., & Hamilton, P. (2005). Rural Vehicles in China: Appropriate Policy for Appropriate
Technology. Transport Policy, 12(2), 105-119. doi:
Lin, Z., Zhou, M., & Ouyang, M. (2002). Improvement of Solenoid Controlled Valve for Electronic Diesel
Injection System. Automotive Engineering, 24(3), 217-220. doi:
He, B., Lin, Z., & Ouyang, M. (2002). Simulation on Direct Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engine Performance.
Automotive Engineering, 24(6), 494-498. doi:
Conference Papers and Reports
1. Lin, Z. (2012). Measuring Range Anxiety: the Substitution-Emergency-Detour (SED) Method. Paper presented
at the 26th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Los Angeles,
California, May 6-8 2012.
2. Dong, J., & Lin, Z. (2012). Exploring the Paths to One Million Plug-in Electric Vehicles by 2015 Using MA3T
Model. Paper presented at the 26th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium &
Exhibition, Los Angeles, California, May 6-8 2012.
3. Liu, C., Lin, Z., Greene, D. L., Leiby, P. N., & Bowman, D. (2010). Analyzing the Potential for Stationary
Fuel Cells to Augment Hydrogen Availability in the Transition to Hydrogen Vehicles. Paper presented at the
25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Shenzhen, China,
November 5-9, 2010.
4. Lin, Z., & Greene, D. (2010). Range Optimization for Fuel Cell Vehicles (Hydrogen Program FY10 Annual
Progress Report No. III.21). Washington, DC: the U.S. Department of Energy.
5. Lin, Z., & Greene, D. (2010). A Plug-in Hybrid Consumer Choice Model with Detailed Market Segmentation.
Paper presented at the 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 1014, 2010.
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Lin, Z., & Greene, D. (2010). Who Will More Likely Buy PHEV: A Detailed Market Segmentation Analysis.
Paper presented at the 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition,
Shenzhen, China, November 5-9, 2010.
Lin, Z., & Greene, D. (2010). Rethinking FCV/BEV Vehicle Range: A Consumer Value Trade-off Perspective.
Paper presented at the 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition,
Shenzhen, China, November 5-9, 2010.
Greene, D. L., Leiby, P. N., Lin, Z., & Bowman, D. (2010). HyTrans Model: Analyzing the Potential for
Stationary Fuel Cells to Augment Hydrogen Availability in the Transition to Hydrogen Vehicles (Hydrogen
Program FY10 Annual Progress Report No. VII.4). Washington, DC: the U.S. Department of Energy.
Sikes, K. G., Gross, T. J., Lin, Z., Sullivan, J. L., Cleary, T., & Ward, J. (2009). The Plug-in Hybrid Electric
Vehicle (PHEV) Market Introduction Study (No. ORNL/TM-2009/019). Knoxville, TN: Oak Ridge National
Lin, Z., Ogden, J., Fan, Y., & Sperling, D. (2006). The Hydrogen Infrastructure Transition (HIT) Model and
Its Application in Optimizing a 50-year Hydrogen Infrastructure for Urban Beijing. Paper presented at the The
85th Annual Meeting of Transport Research Board, Washington, DC, January 22-26, 2006.
Lin, Z., Ogden, J., Fan, Y., & Sperling, D. (2006). The Hydrogen Infrastructure Transition (HIT) Model--Case Study in Beijing. Paper presented at the The 2006 Annual Conference of National Hydrogen Association,
Long Beach, CA, March 12-16, 2006.
Ogden, J., Yang, C., Johnson, N., Ni, J., & Lin, Z. (2005). Technical and Economic Assessment of Transition
Strategies toward Widespread Use of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier (No. UCD-ITS-RR-05-06). Davis, CA.:
Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis.
Ogden, J., Johnson, N., Yang, C., Ni, J., Lin, Z., Johnson, J., et al. (2005). Conceptual Design of a Fossil
Hydrogen Infrastructure with Capture and Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide: Case Study in Ohio. Paper
presented at the 4th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Alexandria, VA, May 2-5, 2005.
Johnson, N., Yang, C., Ni, J., Johnson, J., Lin, Z., & Ogden, J. (2005). Optimal Design of a Fossil Fuel-Based
Hydrogen Infrastructure with Carbon Capture and Sequestration: Case Study in Ohio. Paper presented at the
2005 Annual Meeting of National Hydrogen Association, Washington DC, March 29-31, 2005.
Sperling, D., Lin, Z., & Hamilton, P. (2004). Chinese Rural Vehicles: An Explanatory Analysis of Technology,
Economics, Industrial Organization, Energy Use, Emissions, and Policy (No. UCD-ITS-RR-04-01). Davis,
CA: Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis.
Book Chapters
1. Sperling, D., & Lin, Z. (2004). Energy and Environmental Impacts of Rural Vehicles in China. In Chinese
Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering & National
Research Council (Eds.), Urbanization, Energy, and Air Pollution in China: the Challenges Ahead (pp. 95-106). Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
1. Lin, Z. (2008). Optimizing the Regional Hydrogen Transition with Exogenous Demand: Tool Development
and Empirical Study. PhD thesis, University of California, Davis, CA.
2. Lin, Z. (2004). An Exploratory Study of Chinese Rural Vehicles. MS thesis, University of California, Davis,
3. Lin, Z. (2002). Hybridized Fuel Cell Powertrain Simulation and Control. MS thesis, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China.
4. Lin, Z. (2000). R&D of a Solenoid Valve for PPVI Electronic Fuel Injection System. BE thesis, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China.
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