CALL FOR PAPERS “Technology Innovation and Industrial Management” Special Issue

CALL FOR PAPERS for 2015 MakeLearn and TIIM Joint Conference in Bari, Italy
“Technology Innovation and Industrial Management”
Special Issue: Journal of Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management
Special issue guest Editors
Dr Kuo Ping Lin (Lead guest editor)
Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, Lunghwa University of Science and
Technology Taiwan. E-mail:
Dr Ru-Jen Lin
Professor, Department of Business Administration, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology
Taiwan. E-mail:
Dr Kim Hua Tan
Reader, Business School, University of Nottingham, England, United Kingdom. E-mail:
Technology Innovation has become increasingly fashionable in recent years, four global trends
led to industrial management. This global trend generates more volume, variety and velocity of data
than ever before, which makes technology Innovation more difficult to manage and analyse in the
industry. Technology Innovation can be helpful to support global manufacturing and supply chain
innovation by creating eco-products, improving human decision-making and promoting innovative
business models (Tseng et al., 2013). However, there is a lack of theoretical and analytical
techniques available to help decision makers and managers to capture and harvest the potential
value of practices. Thus, a technology Innovation infrastructure that helps decision makers to apply
in business model to serve as inputs for decision making of business model is necessary (Lin et al.,
2013). Though, there are a variety of innovation theories to apply in industry, currently. Still,
technology innovation is incapable to handle and apply in the industry in some perspectives. How
should one address this seeming contradiction between profit maximization and environment
together that drives resource flow and the required to resource efficiency improvement? We believe
the technology innovation of the firm is one key element. Hence, this special volume is
 To characterize technology innovation that concurrently improve the eco-sustainability and
competitiveness of a firm?
 To be designed and validated for technology innovation approach of different types in the
 To effects on the value-chain the firm’s technology innovation is part of?
 What are the technology innovation effects on product design, modularization and interfaces?
The question this special issue would like to address is “How to harvest technology innovation to
assist the decision-makers to deliver better fact-based decisions aimed at improving performance?
Especially, we are interested in studies that apply tools from operations research, statistics, and
computer science to offer novel insights for managers and policymakers in the manufacturing
operations supply chain context.
Publication Schedule
 Manuscript submission: September 01, 2015. Publication date: January 01, 2016
 Please submit to E-mail: (Dr Thomas Chen)
 Submission guideline
 Tseng, M.L., Wang, R., Chiu, A.S.F., Geng, Y., Lin, Y.H. (2013). Improving performance of green
innovation practices in uncertainty. Journal of Cleaner Production 40, 71-82
 Lin, Y.H., Tseng, M.L., Cheng, Y.L., Chiu, A.S.F., Geng, Y. (2013). Performance evaluation of
technological innovation capabilities in uncertainty. Scientific Research & Essays 8(13), 501-514