Stock Sho how SmokerS!! BaRn ShedS By Ziggy PReBuilt 8x8 8x12 8x16 10x20’ 10x16’ 10x12’ F WIT REE DE H LI $15 IN 50 M VERY .00 ILE REB PRIME S & ATE R $905.00 $1,138.00 $1,335.00 $2,153.00 $1,739.00 $1,510.00 shingles are exTra. compare These sheds, 48”wide door, 4x6 runners and 2x6 joisT. we can insTall a 2x2 rear window for an exTra charge - 3/4” floor. Ziggy’s sheds are a super value and we do deliver. gaBle ShedS By Ziggy PReBuilt Free Delivery with 50 miles 10x12 10x16 10x20 RhinO DeCKing a ComPoSite deCk SyStem that haS a BroWn finiSh that doeS not need to Be treated or Stained. haS a Wood Grained aPPearanCe. thiS iS a Solid deCkinG!! BroWn — CheStnut — Gray at $1.99 lin ft joisT supporT should be 16” on cenTer. This is a solid decking ThaT’s rhino Tough!! new viSion Rhino decking with the hidden faSteneR SySteM! viSion at $1.99 lin ft neW hidden faStener SyStem available in brown and chesTnuT check This ouT! a hidden fasTeners sysTem ThaT easy! This is a solid decking! $1,842.00 $2,064.00 $2,393.00 F WIT REE DE H LI $15 IN 50 M VERY .00 ILE P R REB IME S & ATE R These have The flaT gable roof wiTh a Taller side wall Than barn sTyle. These also have a wide 52” door. shingle are exTra or can be roofed wiTh sTeel!! foRMica laMinate flooRing on Sale!! Cordelia at $1.79 Sq ft reg. $2.25 galvaniZed Roofing nailS ¾” 1”, or 1 ¾” $24.95 50 lB Box for Those who sTill use a hammer! a greaT selecTion of hand scrapped wood collecTion. 8 mill 25 year manufacTurer warranTy SPeaRfiSh SPecial Ziggy’s is the King of Laminate fLooring in spearfish!! Steel Roofing SPecial Ziggy has 20 selecTions of laminaTe floor on hand in spearfish!! all qualitieS — all PriCe ranGeS! heavy 26Ga GauGe all enerGy Star rated availaBle in PBr Panel ClaSSiC riB or ProPanel 45 year Paint!! metal SaleS CuStom order Steel roofinG $2.69 lin ft wiTh The purchase of any laminaTe floor during This ad you geT free vapor barrier floor pad for your floor! 36829 This is a savings of 24¢ sq fT for any laminaTe ThaT needs pad!! haRdBoaRd Siding SuPeR Buy cusTom cuT To your lengTh — approx 3 weeks for delivery Polar White, CoCo BroWn, ash Grey, MoCha tan, Burnish slate, liGht stone, oCean Blue any of The colors above — This is Top qualiTy True 26 gauge roofing aT Ziggy’s prices looking for heavier sTeel aT a greaT price. This is iT! 4x7 B Grade 8” o.C. $12.99 eaCh b-grade — preprimed and ready To painT. greaT for shed or skirTing lP econo SMaRt Siding 4x9x3/8” Primed SidinG $22.99 a Sheet 8” o.c. T-1-11 paTTern. greaT for garages, barns or skirTing! a greaT value. atlaS StoRM MaSteR Shingle on Sale! equilix hoRSe lick now in RaPid city!! Storm maSter at $27.95 Bundle three BundleS to the Square Three bundles To The square! a class 4 impacT shingle. scoTchguard for cleaner look and sToppage of any algae growTh! five greaT color in sTock! 130 mph wind. limiTed lifeTime warranTy. check your insurance company. some offer premium discounTs for a class 4 impacT shingle. Metal SaleS Stocking Steel Roofing Galvanized StartinG at $1.79 lin ft Colored Steel StartinG at $1.95 lin ft 50 lB tuB $51.95 125 lB tuB $85.50 new non-molasses lick supplemenT which combines a compleTe viTamin, mineral and digesTive aid package wiTh buffers To help seTTle gasTric disTress. improves immune funcTions Through beTTer feed digesTion and has omega 3 flax facTor. look for up To 25% improvemenT in forage consumpTion and beTTer healTh! all theSe PuRina feedS at 5% off Ziggy has these in stOCK Galvalume White BroWn Green lite Stone Rhino decking youR choice! $1.79 lin ft $1.95 lin ft $1.95 lin ft $1.95 lin ft $1.95 lin ft ziGGy handleS theSe Purina feedS in StoCk! sTraTegy healThy edge, equine junior, equine senior, ulTium compeTiTion, ulTium growTh. pmi pack horse cubes. Top qualiTy 29 gauge. Ziggy sTocks These colors. 38”wide — 36” coverage. check for lengThs available. all colors are energy sTar raTed!! This sTeel has class 4 impacT raTing — sTarTing as lows as $56.52 square!! “Thanks For Your Support!” cattle PanelS 16’ Wire Cattle PanelS $22.98 eaCh 10 line 4 gauge wire panels FREE Delivery In Town on $70000 or More BUILDING CENTER ZIg STo gY THE ckS FEE SE DS storE hours Monday — saturday 8:00-5:30 closEd sundays thanks for shoPPing Ziggy’s Sale Good Thru feb. 7, 2015 WE WIll glADlY loAD You! We appreciate your business! Pricing good for Products on hand. loCAllY oWnED ST., 348-8400 • SPEARFISH 250 HERITAgE, 642-8400 not rEsPonsiblE for MisPrintEd itEMs. RAPID CITY 840 E. CEnTRE (Across from the fAirgrounds) Visit us At (exit 14, speArfish)
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