Kawananakoa Middle School Newsletter Kawananakoa Middle School Ali`i Warriors Winter Issue No. 45 January 2015 A Message from the Principal… Inside this issue: Dear Students, Parents/ Guardians, Happy New Year! Welcome back, students, as we begin a new semester. Congratulations to all students who demonstrated their commitment to education and earned first semester honor roll recognition. Congratulations to their proud parents/guardians as well. The long awaited renovation of Kawananakoa’s auditorium will commence during the month of January and is scheduled to be completed in 14 months. Staging of equipment and supplies will take up sections of our campus. Students need to stay away from the fenced off construction areas and equipment. Our newly renovated auditorium with air conditioning will provide a wonderful environment to enjoy student performances in the years to come. Accelerated Reader Top Point Earners Reflection Contest Results 2 Statewide Testing AHERA 3 There will be a number of assessments that will be administered to students during the second semester. Kawananakoa Middle School is one of 172 Hawaii schools that will administer the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) to 8th graders in February 2015. Other assessments will also be administered throughout the semester -- HSA Science, EXPLORE (8th graders), and the SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) which takes the place of the old Hawaii State Assessment. The SBAC is a rigorous Common Core Standards assessment and teachers have been hard at work preparing our students. This assessment will be asking that students demonstrate achievement at a much higher level. Parents, please support your child by making sure that they complete their assignments and attend school on a daily basis. Thank you for your continued support. 2nd Quarter Ali`i Warriors 4 Drama & Orchestra News RAT-Free Incentive School Fundraiser Thank You’s Auditorium Renovation 5 Honor Roll 6 Perfect Attendance 8 Donation Request 9 KMS Teams 10 Staffing News 11 Calendar of Events Summer School School Uniform Sale Spirit Week 12 Ka Na`auao Me Ke Aloha (Knowledge & Wisdom with Compassion) Sincerely, Ann Sugibayashi, Principal Kawananakoa Middle School Ali`i Warriors 49 Funchal Street · Honolulu, HI 96813 · (808) 587-4430 · fax 587-4443 · E-mail: kmsptsa3@gmail.com · www.kawananakoa.k12.hi.us KMS Ali`i Warriors Newsletter is published four times a year. Page 2 Accelerated Reader Top Point Earners 6th Grade 2nd Quarter Phoebe Hayashi Faustine Miura Erin Katahira Karly Tangonan1 Sandy Chen Celina Shoda Jo Ann Pang Leann Oh Venus Li Iwalani Campbell Jason Chen Anson Kimura Jr. Nathan Leung Stephanie Linn Kylie-Rae Abe Caitlin Chung Nathan Cantrill Abel Asing Sandra Xiao Lauren Croll Rustee Paranada Richard Kim Yu Him “Bryan” But Erisa Philpot Gabriel Uyezu 711.6 300.1 194.3 71.6 156.3 149.5 140.6 139.8 131.9 125.0 106.5 103.0 89.7 82.9 80.4 79.7 76.5 75.7 67.1 66.4 64.8 64.4 64.0 63.3 61.7 7th Grade 2nd Quarter Kathy Ho Darrell Guittu Angela Feng Justin Wong Ming Lam Damien Chang Yi Lin Lei Vianna Lee Hosannah Boyer Celine Sahara Emily Uetake Alexis Akana Jase Ishimi Melanie Yang Axel Chan Jordan Lam Jimmy Hu Ariah Howard Brianna Wong Jenny Pang Tara Kuwaye Benny Chan Sophia Tran-Dang Le Yi Feng Zheng C-J Pascaul-Tabuyo 317.5 246.3 206.7 178.5 151.7 148.4 121.2 120.0 119.5 110.8 102.4 101.8 92.1 90.5 87.9 85.7 84.2 83.0 82.1 76.0 72.8 70.6 69.7 66.7 62.8 6th and 7th Grade 1st Semester Phoebe Hayashi Kathy Ho Faustine Miura Darrell Guittu Erin Katahira Damien Chang Celina Shoda Sandy Chen Ming Lam Ocean Mao Karly Tangonan Hosannah Boyer Angela Feng Jase Ishimi Iwalani Campbell Gabriel Uyezu Vianna Lee Justin Wong Leann Oh Lauren Croll Melanie Yang Jo Ann Pang Venus Li Celine Sahara Yi Lin Lei 1321.8 567.9 414.2 373.5 372.9 306.8 271.1 267.9 261.4 259.8 255.0 252.8 249.4 245.3 238.3 235.6 234.7 215.5 204.2 196.3 196.0 188.8 181.0 170.8 162.9 Twelfth Annual Reflections Awards Ceremony “The World would be a better place if….” was this year’s PTA Reflection theme. Seventy-six class finalists in this year’s Reflection Contest were honored on Wednesday, December 10 in the Literature, Visual Arts, Photography, and Film categories. The students were presented ribbons and certificates by Principal Ann Sugibayashi, and each student had their pictures taken by parent photographer, Carl Onoye (son Casey attends Roosevelt High School.). The eight essay, five visual arts, six photography, and one film medal winners were announced that night and their projects move on to the Honolulu Regionals to compete with other Honolulu middle schools. We have consistently won and placed in State Finals and have been honored to have our Literature and photography projects compete in the National finals last year. Literature (essay) medal winners: Damien Chang, Krystyn Chang, Kiana Ching, Zoe Fernandes, Jordan Lam, Keoni Martin, Celina Bhandari and Chloe Chan.Visual Arts medal winners: Lauren Casey, Brennan Caspillo, Lauren Kam, Jodi Lim, and Huy Tran. Photography medal winners are Jayna Benito, Rachel Inouye, Kelly Leung, Mika Maetani, Kyra Tanoue, and Cheng Jie Wu. KMS first entry in the Film Division is Jayna Benito, grade 8. Kudos to the English teachers, Mrs. Ayabe, Mrs. Shibuya, Mrs. Shultz, Mrs. Young-Chan and Mr. Zalopany, for the Literature entries. Thank you to the Visual Arts teacher, Mr. Tambio, and the Photography and Film teacher, Mr. Sugano. We also appreciate our dedicated parent photographer, Mr. Carl Onoye! The General Meeting was sponsored by Title 1 and our KMS PTSA. Page 3 Upcoming State-Wide Testing Information Test / Assessment Grade Level Date WIDA Jan. 19-Feb. 27 NAEP Those students qualifying as English Language Learners 6-8 Selected Gr. 8 students HSA Science – Round 1 Gr. 8 Small group Feb. 25 & 26 HSA Science – Round 1 Gr. 8 March 2-4 ACT – EXPLORE Gr. 8 March 9 & 10 HSA Science – Round 2 Gr. 8 small group March 24 & 25 No make up HSA Science – Round 2 Gr. 8 March 30, 31, April 1 No make up HSA Science – Round 3 Gr. 8 May 4-6 Make up May 7 & 8 HSA Science – Round 3 Gr. 8 small group May 11 &12 Make up May 13 &14 February 24, 2015 MISC Parents of selected students will receive a letter in January notifying them that their child was selected to participate. Round 1 make up will be on Feb. 27 Make up for Round 1 will be on Mar. 5 The Smarter Balance Assessment is tentatively scheduled for April 6-24 More information will be available in the next newsletter UPDATED AHERA INFORMATION In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) which mandated the AsbestosContaining Materials in School Rule, 40 CFR Part 763. It requires all primary and secondary school buildings to be inspected by AHERA accredited inspectors and to identify all asbestos-containing building materials. The rule further requires the development of a management plan by an AHERA accredited management planner that is based on the findings of inspection. The management plan outlines our intent in controlling the potential for exposure to asbestos fibers in our school. In February 2001, Hawaii Administrative Rules Chapter 11-502 was adopted by the Hawaii State Legislature. These rules essentially mirror the requirements of the AHERA regulations. In both cases, the rules require our school to notify parents, teachers, and employees of the presence and status of asbestos containing material in our buildings. The initial inspection of our school was conducted in 1989 and identified some asbestos-containing materials. Since that time, we have continued to conduct periodic surveillance and re-inspections to ensure that the asbestos-containing materials remain in good condition and do not pose a hazard to our students and staff. The results of the recently completed surveillance in December 2014 indicate there were no changes in the condition of the asbestos-containing materials in our school buildings. An asbestos management plan was drafted based on our initial inspection and submitted to the Hawaii State Department of Health. It outlines in detail the methods we will use to maintain the material in a safe manner. The management plan is updated regularly as asbestos is removed or conditions change. A copy of the management plan is on file in the administrative office and is available for your review during our regular school hours. Page 4 Second Quarter Ali`i Warriors Each quarter, teachers nominate 1 boy and 1 girl from their team who consistently exhibits the" Ali'i Warrior ABCs" (Act Responsibly, Be Cooperative, Communicate Respect). Congratulations to our 2nd quarter Ali'i Warriors: Kiana Ching, John Gia, Chelbi Juan, Colbey Keaunui, Erin Katahira, Jordan Lam, Justin Obra, Noah Okami, Kohl Santos, Sophia TranDang, Sophia-Marie Vassileva, Man Ian Woo, Sandra Xiao, and Mathis Yamamoto. Thank you for remembering your "ABCs!" Parents, please encourage your child to represent Kawananakoa Middle School both on and off campus by following the "ABCs." DRAMA and ORCHESTRA NEWS Thank you to all those hard working parents, friends, alumni, administration and especially our Deputy Sheriff Training Recruit Class (DST 14-01) who came out on Sunday, November 2, 2014 to help with the dismantling of our Kawananakoa Backstage Theatre and clearing the way towards our auditorium's renovations. Their six hours of hard work is greatly appreciated and will always be remembered. Our volunteers included: Deputy F. Alonzo, Deputy J. Covell, Deputy M. Drake, Deputy R. Fukumoto, Deputy G. Irons, Deputy B. K-Swain, Deputy R. Kamealoha, Deputy A. Talavera, Deputy J. Trojacek, Lt. L. Martin, Principal Ann Sugibayashi, Mr. Paul Sugibayashi, Vice Principal Jason Ohta, Mr. Roy Irei, Mr. Clayton Yanagisako, Mrs. Bethany-Huang Kwock, Mr. Mel Kaili, Kawananakoa Orchestra Alumni and current Roosevelt HS fresmen: Duncan Martin, Jacky Chen, Justin Lau, Kawananakoa Orchestra students: D'Elle Martin, Kelly Hu, Angie Lee, Addis Tang, Alex Truong, Cheng Jie Wu, Jayvier Yanagisako With heartfelt mahalo, Danny Mew Kawananakoa Orchestra Director & Theatre Guild Director "The Deputy Sheriff Training Recruit Class (DST 14-01) was honored to be able to assist Kawananakoa Middle schools, Drama and Orchestra Section. Each 6 month long Recruit Class is encouraged to complete a legacy project that includes Community Service to those that they will be entrusted to protect throughout their careers. The Oahu section of recruits enjoyed the challenge presented by your schools project and it was a well spent 6 hours of true labor. The water and pizza provided was appreciated by all." Honored to Serve, Lane Martin, Lieutenant Page 5 POSITIVE BEHAVIOR REWARD PROGRAM RAT-Free = Free Dress no Referrals * no Absences * no Tardies Perfect attendance and model behavior will be rewarded monthly with Free Dress Days on Jan 30, Feb 27, Mar 31, April 30, and May 29 (Refer to page 14 in the student planner for dress-code guidelines) PTSA SPRING FUNDRAISER McFun-Raiser coupon booklets benefit both the Ronald McDonald House charities and Kawananakoa Middle School. McDonald's food coupons are redeemable at any participating McDonald's Restaurants in Hawaii. McDonald's Food Items include: 1 Free hamburger 1 Free small order of french fries 1 Free ice-cream cone 1 Free hash brown 1 Buy any large sandwich, & get 1 free 1 Buy any breakfast sandwich, & get 1 free 1 $5 off full price adult or child admission to Wet & Wild Hawaii Zippy's tickets can be redeemed at any of the 24 Zippy's locations, including Maui and Hilo. Each ticket can be redeemed for any of the following items: *24 oz. Zippy's chili (original, vegetarian or no-bean) *24 oz. Portuguese bean soup *Napoleon's Bakery Frozen Cookie Dough (18 pieces choice of peanut butter, oatmeal raisin, or chocolate chip) The sale price for each ticket is $9.00 All of these for $5.00 each booklet Pre-sale forms and money deadline: FEB. 11 (Turn in the attached orange order form and money to the office) Booklet and ticket pick up: FEB. 28, from 9-12 in the cafeteria Andrea Yao and family for donating a bag of tennis balls to Mrs. Shirafuji. Reese Tsunezumi and mother for the donation of chips, ring pops and fruit roll ups. The students appreciated the positive behavior rewards! Kaila Torres-Afong and her mother Jaydine for donating a floor fan to K301. AUDITORIUM RENOVATION Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Campus Rejuvenation Committee, including Senator Suzanne Chun-Oakland, our auditorium renovation project has been approved and funded. The project will begin in February and is expected to be completed in the Spring of 2016. We ask students, parents, and staff to be understanding and patient with any inconveniences brought on by the construction. Page 6 SY 2013 - 2014 2nd Quarter Honor Roll 8th GRADE - 4.0 Agngarayngay, Jennifer Benito, Jayna Bhandari, Celina Casey, Lauren Chen, Jacinda Fernandez, Erin Nicole Gomes, Palenaole Gong, Jun Ho, Johnny Juan, Chelbi Kahapea, Gisella Lam, Pau-Lin Lei, Ya Wen Li, Qi Qing Phung, Trinh Shoda, Krista Suzuki, Brooke Takara, Jadalee Tamai, Koko Woo, Man Ian Wu, Ann Yamamoto, Kacie 8th GRADE - 3.5-3.9 Fortin, Caliana Furukawa, Brett Hu, Wei Qi Huang, Andy Ichikawa, Fay Inouye, Rachel Lee, Angelina Leung, Ka Lam Lim, Jodi Matsuda, Stephanie Miranda, Anya Tran, Bao Chau Wu, Cheng Jie Yamamoto, Mathis Yeung, Wing Yiu Li, Hai Ying Lin, Lawrence Lu, Huaifang Okamura, Kiana Philpot, Kyle Ramos, Evelyn Suzukawa, Mina Tang, Addis Tran, Elvis Valdez, Alecxyia Rossela Wong, Dennis Cabreros, Sharmaine Janice Chen, Minqi Fu, Caitlyn Junio, Chanelle Kam, Lauren Le, Mary Lehmann, Shahiza Li, Devin Lin, Xiao Qi Nguyen, Duy Tran, Huy Umetsu, Taylor Cheng, Wen Bin Wong, Tsz Ching 7th GRADE - 4.0 Amoroso, Katelyn Arakaki, Ashley Arellano, Angelica Grace Bantolina, Jhrew-Faith Boyer, Hosannah Chang, Damien Chung, Isabella Feng Zheng, Le Yi Gonzalez, Angelina Ho, Kathy House, Cole Kojima, Miki Kung, Olivia Lam, Jordan Lam, Ming Luyen, Edward Martin, Delle Minamoto, Gage Minton, Andrew Ng, Vincent Pang, Jenny Sahara, Celine Sam, Krystal Tajas, Jennalyn Tran, Baovy Wickes, Azahlea Wong, Brianna Yang, Melanie 7th GRADE - 3.5-3.9 Ching, Kiana Faoa, Jillayne Ganal, Jayson Guittap, Lawrence Gerald Guittu, Darrell Hara, Sherry-Ann Holani, Raven Ishimi, Jase Le, David Lei, Yi Lin Li, Yuxin Liang, William Miura, Maya Nguyen, Regina Nhieu, Victoria Pegarido, Maya Celine Suelen, Valerie Jehn Tajima, Emiko Taniguchi, Sophia Tavai, Raychelle Tran-Dang, Mai-Phi Tucker, Iain Wilson, Liv Wong, Bailey Kwong, Serena Alexander, Niyah Allagonez, Aaliyah Bergantinos, Kailee Rose Calhoun, Logan Chan, Axel Chan, Benny Feng, Angela Fernandes, Zoe He, Junhong He, Tingna Huang, Daniel Huynh, Tiffany Iida, Haile Lac, Brandon Lee, Vianna Lum, Malaya Martin, Alyssa Brianna Mina, Christian Naauao-Ota, Talon Omoto, Kayla Ramos, Benedict Daniel Tateyama, Taylor Kawananakoa Middle School Newsletter Page 7 SY 2013 - 2014 2nd Quarter Honor Roll (continued) Uetake, Emily Valenzuela, Aliya Wong, Justin Wu, Yucheng Baron, Triston Cabatic, Stacey He, Shu Lin Lee, Kai Obra, Justin Phuengsema, Kanokporn Abcede, Adrian-Glenn Castillejos, Matthew Ivan Cheng, Kevin Dakofsky, Stephanie Domingo, Mark Anthony Ford, Alyssa Irei, Kolbe Luu, Tina Martin, Keoni Zhou, Xinnan 6th GRADE - 4.0 Abe, Kylie-Rae Beltran, Harley Rafael But, Yu Him Chang, Ashlyn Chung, Caitlin Croll, Lauren Dowkin, Devon Gia, John Hayashi, Phoebe Horio, Jazmin Javillo, Mikaela Mae Katahira, Erin Khampraseuth, Tessa Mae Kimura, Anson Jr. Kuang, Yifeng Leong, Kalena Lim, Heidi Muranaka, Matthew Okamura, Keila Ong, Albert Rabago, Raeanne Rivera, Trent Shiroma, Brieanne Shoda, Celina Tajima, Akiko Tanabe, Zachary Tran, Kyanna Vo, Hang Xiao, Sandra Yahiku, Tysen Yao, Andrea Ricci Zhou-Ikeda, Jade 6th GRADE - 3.5-3.9 Paranada, Rustee Suzuki, Alyssa Tokuda, Vance Balmilero, Jenna Campbell, Iwalani Chen, Jason Chen, Sandy Higa, Kenna Kim, Jade Kinoshita, Nelia Kusano, Tiffany-Ryan Leong, Dana Li, Siqin Lin, Jun Jie Linn, Stephanie Mangrobang, Tiana Nicole Pham Jr, Tuan Phan, Nhi Shimokawa, Reina Takenaka, Cody Zhao, Renee Montayre, Shayla Okami, Egan Okimoto, Kaedin Ou, Zhao Hua Sensano, Troy Cantrill, Nathan Dai, Mitchell Leung, Yun Hei Takara, Logan Tatupu-Timu, Shaylen Baniaga, Alea Jade Bello, Rancen Hashimoto, Ethan Miura, Matthew Okami, Noah Pang, Jo Ann Page 8 Perfect Attendance - Quarter 2 6th Grade Akama, William Balmilero, Jenna Baniaga, Alea Jade Chen, Sandy Chen, Xiaokang Chi, Jia Yi Dai, Mitchell Dela Rosa, Ethan Felicilda-Ramolete, Micah Hayashi, Phoebe He, Chenghai Javillo, Mikaela Mae Kekumu, Hailey Kim, Jade Kincho, Antong Kinoshita, Nelia Kuang, Yifeng Lee, Jeffrey Li, Fangfei Li, Siqin Li, Venus Vo, Hang Wen, Liane Weng, Si Jing Xiao, Sandra Zhao, Renee 7th Grade Allagonez, Aaliyah Amoroso, Katelyn Cabatic, Stacey Chan, Benny Chang, Damien Chen, Suzanna Cheng, Kevin Chung, Hurley Chung, Isabella Dakofsky, Stephanie Dameg-Cajimat, Deandra Diep, Alvin Feng Zheng, Le Yi Feng, Angela Fernandes, Zoe Ganzon, Chance Lin, Jerry Lin, Ren Bin Lin, Yu Jie Linn, Stephanie Liu, Tsz Ki Meyer, Kalama Muranaka, Matthew Ou, Zhao Hua Philpot, Erisa Shoda, Celina Tajima, Akiko Tatupu-Timu, Shaylen Ulukita, Kardashia Valdez, Amaya Charla Garay, Christian Gascon, Sly Xavier He, Chenglong He, Ke Xin He, Liangxin He, Shu Lin Hinojosa, Kanoa Ho, Kathy Huynh, Tiffany Kaluna Jr, Kaulana Kiyuna, Megan Kojima, Miki Kung, Olivia Lac, Brandon Lam, Jordan Le, David Lee, Vianna Leong, Kayla Li, Gillian Li, Yuxin Lin, Winston Lin, Yuanneng Lin, Yuxin Luu, Tina Luyen, Edward Martin, Delle Martin, Keoni Nguyen, Regina Nhieu, Victoria Okada, Payton Omerod, Anela Pang, Jenny Peel, Jason Sahara, Celine Salyphone, Travis Soquena, Tristan Sou, Emily Suelen, Valerie Jehn Tongpalan-Phillips, Celyn Tran, Baovy Tsunezumi, Reese Uetake, Emily Valenzuela, Aliya Wong, Kam Yan Xu, Cindy Yang, Melanie 8th Grade Benito, Jayna Carino, Nickolas Kyle Casanova, Luis Kawananakoa Middle School Newsletter Page 9 Perfect Attendance (continued) Chan, Chloe Chen, Jacinda Chen, Minqi Clyde-Brown, Martha Costorio-Meyer, Kanoelehua Fakpraphai, Wanassanan Fernandez, Erin Nicole Fu, Caitlyn Gao, Kelly Gong, Jun Hinojosa, Konapiliahi Ho, Johnny Hu, Wei Qi Huang, Andy Inouye, Rachel Isobe, Treven Juan, Chelbi Kaminaka, Caitlin Kubota, Jake Lau, Edward Lee, Angelina Lehmann, Shahiza Lei, Ya Wen Leung, Ka Lam Li, Devin Li, Hai Ying Li, Qi Qing Liang, Xiaoying Liao, Kai Li Lim, Jodi Lin, Xiao Qi Liu, Suet Yi Marquez, Sharon-May Precious Mena, Noa Miranda, Anya Okagawa, Christopher Okamura, Kiana Okutsu, Madyson Phung, Trinh Quimpo, Tyler James Santos, Kohl Dylan Shoda, Krista Su, Shannon Suelen, John Vicson Suen, Carter Suzuki, Christopher Takaba, Zachary Takara, Jadalee Takiguchi, Eyzek Tamai, Koko Tang, Addis Wong, Dennis Woo, Man Ian Wu, Ann Yamamoto, Mathis Yun, Rachel Zheng, Stephen Tang, Jason Tanoue, Kyra Uyeno, Rylen Valdez, Alecxyia Rossela Wei, Mei Juan Donation Requests Black dry erase markers Tripod erase board Floor or table fan Old/Used tennis balls for desk/chair bottom “Book-Off” gift certificates 5 gallon water dispenser (used okay) Hand sanitizer, Lysol wipes, Broom and dustpan Two table fans, glue, disposable gloves, microwave oven, old typewriter, HP564/564XL printer ink Digital camera or video camera (used okay) Samantha Falzone, KWKRM Brian Flatt, H201 Ria Lulla, H101 Wanette Shirafuji, F202 Renee Young-Chan, J203 Jon Chung, H206 Rachel Lee, E102 Channing Llaneza, K202 Michael Sugano, J104 Please label your generous donations with the teacher’s name and classroom. For our records, please let us know your name and your child’s name. Thank you for your support! Page 10 KMS TEAMS ROCK! CROSS COUNTRY Front Row (left to right): Angel Perez, Rachel Williams, Sharmaine Crabreros, lyneah Flores, Ariah Howard, Kelsey Marcus, Shahiza Lehmann, Jodi Lim, Sherry Hara, D'Elle Martin, Nerissa Toda-Nagaue, Celina Bhandari Top Row l(eft to right): Maika Mahiai, Joshua Lowry, John Franklin, Sage Shen, Joshua Kim, Coach Horiuchi Not pictured: Coach Flatt ROBOTICS Kawananakoa Robotics First Lego League Team members participated in the Kalani Tournament in November. They won First Place in the Core Values Category and qualified for the State Finals. Abel Asing, Tiana Mangrobang, Albert Ong, Raven Okamura, John Gia, and Celia Valenzuela. SOCCER Top row: Coach Shirafuji, Lauren Kam, Maya Nakamura, Zoe Minakami, Ariah Howard, Jessica Erban, Kaitlyn Payanal, Celina Bhandari, Gilbert Li, Coach Flatt, Peter Ho Bottom row: Araby Abdeljawad, John Franklin, Kekoa Hobdy, Ian Tucker, Mika Maetani, Paul Ho, Amr Abdel Jawad, Cole House SPEECH TEAM Top to bottom (left to right): Lynn Nguyen, Kacie Yamamoto, Liv Wilson, Jason Peel, Adrian Abcede, Lawrence Guittap, Zoe Fernandes, Michael Wedemeyer, Iain Tucker, Sophia Taniguchi, Alise Matsuura, Kameryn Dias, Raven Okamura. Missing: Jenna Rapoza and Tiana Mangrobang. Coach: Mrs. Turbeville WRESTLING Last tournament of the 2014 PALS Wrestling Fall Season at Calvary Chapel of Honolulu From left to right: Coaches: Russell McElroy, John Lum, Brian Yamagata; Wrestlers: Ty Gay, Hunter Naauao-Ota, Tuan Pham, Quellsey Villanueva Kawananakoa Middle School Newsletter Page 11 FOND FAREWELL TO LONG-TIME FACULTY MEMBERS Mr. Higa waves goodbye in our school parade which honored our teacher retirees. The school’s orchestra performs on the side. Ms. Shultz retired in December and Mr. Yamanaka will leave KMS this month. Sharon Luke, our Parent Community Network Coordinator (PCNC) and former social studies teacher, retired in December. As PCNC, she provided valuable guidance to our Parent Teacher Student Association Board. Ms. Luke was also a big help in our school’s office. We will miss her cheerful greetings and keen insight. Cartoon illustration by student Joseph Rabacal depicts Mr. Higa who dressed up annually as KMS’s Santa. BEST WISHES TO ALL OUR RETIREES! FOOTBALL Undefeated Champs! Top row: Coach Rod Cabacungan, DeVaughn Pita, Dominick Jacob-Lopa, Amo Sulu, Salima Faasavalu, Cejay Lau, Kawai Tully-Sabog, Derek Gonzales, Coach Tyler Au, Coach Zack Stephens and son Bottom row: Jesse Kaneakua-Kai, Kohl Santos, Mark Domingo, Brennan Caspillo, Raynel Pita, Jace Ehia, Connor Zuniga, Reese Tsunezumi Missing: Coach Steve Warner Enter to win a prize! Rules: 1. Make sure your parent reads the newsletter. 2. Find the picture of the Ali`i Warrior: 3. Have your parent sign and write the page number. 4. Cut this out and turn it into the OFFICE. Student Name ______________________________________________________AA #_____________ Parent Signature ____________________________________________________Ali’I Warrior hidden on pg #______ Page 12 Kawananakoa Middle School Ali`i Warriors CALENDAR OF EVENTS Date January 19 January 22 January 31 February 2-6 February 6 February 14 February 16 February 24 February 25-26 February 27 March 13 March 16-20 March 26 March 31 April 3 Event No School - Martin Luther King Report Card Distribution RAT-Free Free Dress Spirit Week Student Activity: Sports Day Honolulu District Science Fair No School - Presidents' Day 8th Grade NAEP testing (selected students) 8th Grade HSA Science (small groups only) RAT-Free Free Dress 3rd Quarter Ends No School - Spring Break No School - Kuhio Day RAT-Free Free Dress No School - Good Friday SUMMER SCHOOL Summer School will be scheduled for Monday, June 15th- Monday July 10th, 2015. It will be from 8am - 2pm w ith the day divided into tw o sessions each day w ith a lunch break in between. Courses include academic and enrichment options. There will also be a class designed for 5th graders to aid in the transition between elementary and middle school. Information regarding course listings, lunch, and registration will be available shortly in future newsletters, flyers, and on our school website. SCHOOL UNIFORM SALE Are you outgrowing your school uniform? Is your uniform torn, stained, or stretched out? Why not take advantage of our special uniform sale. All uniforms are now only $5.00! You may purchase new uniforms in the office before or after school. Cash only, please. HEADS UP! KMS will have a new uniform design next school year…. SPIRIT WEEK EVENTS February 2-6 PJ & Stuffed Animal Monday - wear pajama clothing with your KMS uniform and bring your stuffed animal buddy Tourist Tuesday - Wear aloha wear with your KMS uniform eg. aloha shirts, fake leis, straw hats, and slippers Mix Match & Wacky Hair Wednesday - wear mix matched clothes with your KMS uniform eg. different socks and shoes with the craziest hair Twins Thursday - today you have a FREE DRESS DAY, but you have to QUALIFY! You have to team up with a friend or friends and wear exactly the same outfit in DRESS CODE AND you need to report to JWKRM on Thursday morning no later than 7:50AM to get a pass. This pass will notify security that you are a KMS student and you are allowed to be out of uniform for the day. KSA will not write any late passes and will not give out any free dress passes after 7:50AM, so come to school early. Conventional Friday - On this day you can dress as you feel - hipster, classy, hippy, dress super smart, be a jock, or anything that you want to be - so long as we can recognize what you are by how you're dressed. Be sure to wear your KMS uniform on this day.
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