President`s Message election results

APRIL, 2015
Education and certification are paramount to your career.
President’s Message
As we approach the end of another program year at ISM Greater Grand Rapids, elections
have been held, and ISM national has changed their website domain name. This reminds
me of the old axiom, “Nothing in this world is constant except change.” The organization
is 96 years old and has had several name changes along the way. In 2019, we will be
100 years old.
We have just a few events left in the year. Steve Melnyk wiil be our May speaker on
the 12th of the month. We continue to post webinars on the website for you should you
choose. Each one is usually worth one CEH and for those of you that need certification
hours, it is just another way to earn it.
After our May meeting, we will be sending out your annual CEH certificate for those of you that need hours
for your re-certifications.
On another note, ISM has changed their website address from: to The old one was much easier, however this better identifies the
organization. If you have any ideas for educational topics and/or seminars, please send us an email to
And don’t forget the golf outing coming up on June 19, 2015 @ Scott Lake Golf Course with APICS and
“If you’re cold, stand in the corner,
they’re usually about 90 degrees”
Thomas Cole, C.P.M.
ISM Greater Grand Rapids
Election Results
The following people have been elected to the Board of ISM Greater Grand Rapids for 2015-2016:
Past President
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
3rd Vice President
Lois DeHaan, C.P.M., A.P.P.
Thomas Cole, C.P.M., A.P.P.
Andrew Roman - Steelcase
Angela Smith - Bissell
John Grygiel - Metal Components LLC
Lauren Garchow-Packer, CPSM – Fibrogen
Dan Hosford, CPSM –PSG Dover
Grand Rapids Area Educational Events
Professional Development and Networking Dinner Meeting
Featuring Dr. Steven Melnyk - “When the Right Decision is the Wrong Decision: Understanding the Logic of Strange Decisions in Purchasing”
TUESDAY, May 12, 2015  GVSU  5:00 PM Registration & Networking  6:00 PM Dinner  7:00 PM Presentation  1 CEH
Menu: Filet of beef with Boursin mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables or pan-roasted salmon with roasted red skin potatoes and asparagus or vegetarian lasagna.
Other Scheduled Events
ISM 100th International Conference  May 4 - 6, 2015  Phoenix, Arizona  Estimated 16 CEH
Joint Supply Chain Golf Outing APICS, SME, and ISM
Scott Lake Country Club
FRIDAY, June 19, 2015
ISM Affiliate Webinar
Featuring TBA
THURSDAY, July 16, 2015  1 CEH
mAY Professional Development Meeting Speaker
STEVEN A. MELNYK is Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management (Ph.D. – The Ivey School, University
of Western Ontario, 1981) at Michigan State University. He has co-authored 17 books on operations and supply chain
management. His research interests include supply chain and design, metrics/system measurement, responsiveness
supply chains, supply chain design, sustainability, and strategic supply chain management. Dr. Steven A. Melnyk is an active
researcher whose articles have appeared in over 90 international and national refereed journals. Dr. Melnyk sits on the
editorial review board for Production and Inventory Management, the Journal of Business Logistics, the Journal of Supply
Chain Management, the Journal of Business Logistics, the Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management
▪ he is co-editor for North America), and the International Journal of Production Research. Dr. Melnyk is known for
his ability to bridge the gap between the academic and practitioner worlds. He has spoken extensively nationally and
internationally at meetings of such organizations as ISM, APICS, Supply Chain Council (both Europe and North America),
SAPICS, InterLog, General Services Administration, National Defense Industry Association, Decisions Sciences Institute,
and Operations Management Society, Supply Chain Management Association, and North American Research
Symposium. Finally, Dr. Melnyk is a member of the APICS 2014 Board of Directors and a member of the APICS leadership
team (2015).
When the Right Decision is the Wrong Decision:
Understanding the Logic of Strange
Decisions in Purchasing
Purchasing and its various activities are often based on the important implicit assumption that all actions are economically
driven. Yet, this is not often the case. In many cases, we see instances of actions which do not seem to make sense at first
glance. Consider the following:
A firm decides to outsource it production to a supplier; the problems with this decision become immediately apparent.
Yet, the decision is made to increase investments in the decision.
A firm decides to employ a 3PL contractor; the benefits have not met the predicted levels. Yet, when it comes time to
review the contract, the buying organization decides that the most appropriate actions open to it are to either increase
investments in the current contractor or search out a new contractor. The decision to go back to the original state is
not considered.
This presentation explores these and other such instances and shows how they are influenced by factors such organizational
decision-making structure, the performance measurement system, and the unique nature of organizational capabilities.
Grand Valley State University Campus
Fetzer Center at WMU Map (Click On for More Details)
Board Members and Contact Email Addresses
Thomas Cole, C.P.M. – President,
Kip Smalligan – Past President / Webmaster,
Kris Busman – 2nd Vice President,
Mark Otto, C.P.M. – 3rd Vice President / Membership Chair,
Dan Hosford, CPSM – Treasurer,
Laurene Garchow-Packer, CPSM – Secretary,
Edwin J Mancuso, C.P.M. – Education Committee,
James W Armantrout, CPSM, C.P.M. – Board Advisor,
Lois A DeHaan, C.P.M., A.P.P. – Board Advisor,
Deborah B Harsha, CPSM, C.P.M. – Board Advisor,
Mark L Dunn, CPSM, C.P.M. – Board Advisor,
Karlie Hoffman - Board Advisor,
Amy Poplaski, C.P.M. – Communications Committee,
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