INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS BOOK NO. 2-G8 Chapter 4 Main Ideas Guiding Questions Section Page Ratio can be of aesthetic as well as quantitative value. Where do percentages and ratios come from – were they invented or discovered? Why or how? How do they help us make sense of our environment? What are the relationships between these and the other types of rational numbers? Knowledge and Skills Assessment Tasks Project Idea Students should be able to: Work with equivalent ratios. 4:01 – 4:02 63 Divide a quantity in a given ratio. 4:04 74 Apply ratio knowledge to both rates and scale drawing problems. 4:05 – 4:06 77 Using ratio 4:03 72 Scale my room 4:06 85 End of unit assessment task (eg Diagnostic Tests) Investigations: As the new material that students will encounter in this unit deals with ratio, a project applying ratio would be suitable. Mona Lisa Smile Students are to collect pictures of famous people (say 20). Apply the golden ratio to the faces and see which faces are the closest to Da Vinci’s golden ratio. Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Conduct a survey of a given number of people – students at school, parents, people in the street – to arrange the famous faces in order from most to least attractive. Compare the results with the golden ratio results and see if they match. Give reasons why they might not. This could be a possible inter-disciplinary project with Art and Humanities. Areas of Interaction Approaches to learning: Thinking mathematically through challenges and investigative problem solving Working Mathematically 91 4 Challenge 4:02 69 Investigation 5:02 97 Environment: Using investigations to examine the aesthetics of students’ environment Investigation 4:06 85 Health & Social The make up of foods and drinks using percentages and ratio. Practical Activities 4:04 76 Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Chapter 9 Main Ideas Section Page Equations between variables and relationships can be represented visually. Guiding Questions What kind of relationship can be represented visually? Knowledge and Skills Students should be able to: Graph and interpret linear relationships on the number plane. 9:01 – 9:07 203 9:01 208 Construct and interpret graphs tables and charts of information. Assessment Tasks End of unit assessment task (eg Diagnostic Tests) Investigations: Collecting graphs Project Idea The main big idea in this unit is relationships: recognising them, defining them and representing them visually. A suitable project might be: Stop/Start Students work in pairs and perform the following exercise: One has a stop watch and the other six counters. At the start the second student drops a counter, 1. Walks normally for 10 seconds then drops a counter. 2. Jogs for five seconds and drops a counter. 3. Stands still for five seconds and drops a counter. 4. Runs as fast as possible for five seconds and drops a counter. Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) 5. Walks normally for five seconds and drops a counter. Students measure the distance between the counters. Students are to identify the variables involved and to work out the relationship between them. Students then construct a visual representation of the relationship (graph). They are to discuss patterns they see what the graph does at particular times and parts that are the same. Some conclusions should be drawn. This could be a possible inter-disciplinary project with Science. Alternatively Students could do a similar project timing how long it takes them to get home and how far they get in each 5, 18 or 15 minute interval – they could use a street directory to measure distance, thus incorporating ratio. Areas of Interaction Studying and constructing graphs of data of populations and the world around them. 9:02 – 9:04, 9:06 208, 234 Investigation 9:01 208 Health & Social Education: Some of the graphs used could examine health statistics and social trends. Community: Students could apply knowledge learned in the unit to their community and look for similar patterns. These would form part of a project or assignment 208 and would involve students collecting data as in Investigation 9:01 Environment: Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Chapter 11 Main Ideas How can we recognise and describe the same shape given in a different orientation? Knowledge and Skills Students should be able to: Project Idea Page 1, 2 and 3 dimensional arrangements are quantifiable. Guiding Questions Assessment Tasks Section Use formulae to calculate perimeter and area. 11:01 – 11:03 Calculate the surface area and volume of right prisms. 11:04 – 11:05 End of unit assessment task (eg Diagnostic Tests) Investigations: 283 298 Area in a house 11:01 287 Car parking areas 11:02 293 Estimating volume 11:04 303 Categorising Polygons This could be done throughout the unit, allowing students to complete the sections as the progress through the unit. Have students make up a table with the following polygons drawn alongside the rows: equilateral triangle, square, regular polygon, regular hexagon, regular octagon, parallelogram, isometric trapezium, rhombus, circle. The columns could be headed: Name? No of axes of symmetry? Degree of rotational symmetry? Diagonals bisect one another? Opposite angles equal? Diagonals equal? Will tessellate Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) with? Is it regular? Properties of this shape? Where have I seen this shape in nature? By completing the table students will uncover the properties of the shape and also learn about new ideas of symmetry, geometry in building and in nature This could be a possible inter-disciplinary project with Art. Areas of Interaction Approaches to learning: Looking at shapes around them and interpreting their use mathematically Working Mathematically 313 11 Fun Spot 11:05 308 Environment: How shapes occur in the environment, both natural and man-made Investigation 11:02 293 Homo Faber: How geometry helps us interpret nature and in construction and aesthetics. The establishment of geometric facts Investigation 11:01 287 Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Chapter 14 Main Ideas There is a difference between measurable and countable data. Trends in exact relationships may be quantified. Outcomes can be predictable. Guiding Questions How can we make sense of data once it is collected and how can it be used? Knowledge and Skills Students should be able to: Assessment Tasks Project Idea Section Page How does organising data lead to predicting outcomes of events? Construct, read and interpret data in all its forms. 14:02, 14:04 – 14:06 364, 378 Collect and analyse data. 14:01, 14:03 360, 371 Sorting it out 14:02 369 Mean, mode and median 14:03 376 Using computer software 14:05 387 End of unit assessment task (eg: Diagnostic Tests) Investigations: Out of Air Students go and gather a number of people from different age groups and ask them to hold their breath. For example, 20 people between 10 and 15; 20 people between 15 and 20; 20 between 20 and 25 etc. They should record their results in different tables for each age group and calculate the mean and median of each. Note: students need to use continuous data for this project so a new concept needs to be introduced which they could discuss as part of the project. Students are to make conclusions about the ability of different age groups to Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) hold their breath. They could try to give reasons for their results and discuss why they think their experiment may be flawed. There are many alternatives to this experiment and extensions that could be explored. This could be a possible inter-disciplinary project with Science, PE and Humanities. Areas of Interaction Approaches to learning: Approaching a question or problem from an experimental perspective Working Mathematically 399 14 Environment: Categorising elements of their immediate environment Practical Activity 14:01 363 Investigation 14:02 369 Homo Faber: Where have statistics been used and why – advertising and marketing or politics? Throughout the chapter discussing different types of statistics and where they occur Health & Social Education: How are conclusions drawn about society as a whole? What is normal or average? Investigation 14:03 376 Community: Using statistics to find out about the society in which we live, or our home country Practical Activity 14:01 363 Challenge 14:06 393 Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS BOOK NO. 3- G8 Main Ideas Unit Questions Knowledge & Skills Assessment Tasks Project Idea Unit Plan – Number (Chapter 1) Approximation and estimation have their place in calculation Proportions and fractions can represent the same thing and can be used to solve problems Does the size of a fraction/proportion matter in calculation? How can factors and multiples be used to simplify problem solving? Are all the gaps in the number line filled by rational numbers/ Students should be able to: ATL Focus Problem Solving Logical Thinking Communication Section Page Operate with integers, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates 1:01 – 1:07 2 Round to a specified number of significant figures 1:08 17 Convert between fractions and decimals and between rates 1:04, 1:05 8 Approximate and Estimate End of unit assessment task (eg: Diagnostic Tests) Investigations: Ratios and rational numbers 1:09 – 1:10 19 The new material in this unit deals with proportional change so the project should involve this somehow. 1. Recipes could be used to calculate the amount of ingredients required for a meal to feed different numbers of people. Alternatively, students could use materials required for a school dance for differing numbers of students attending. A possible inter-disciplinary project with Humanities (Geography). Areas of Interaction Approaches to learning: Thinking mathematically through challenges and investigative problem solving. Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Working Mathematically 1 30, Challenge 1:05 12 Reading Mathematics 1:09 23 Human Ingenuity: Health & Social Education: Applications of ratios, rates and proportion How ratios are used everyday in medicine Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Main Ideas Unit Questions Knowledge & Skills Assessment Tasks Unit Plan – Algebra (Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7) Symbols can be used to represent unknown quantities. Word problems can be represented as equations/inequations/formulae containing symbols Algebra can be applied to problem solving techniques such as Pythagoras’ Theorem and the number plane. How can a problem be translated into a simple calculation? How can calculations be represented visually? How has algebra helped the application of Pythagoras’ Theorem? Students should be able to: ATL Focus Logical Thinking Communication Problem Solving Collaborative Learning (Investigations) Section Page Perform simple algebraic operations 4:01 – 4:04 75 Expand and simplify simple algebraic expressions. 4:05 – 4:07 80 Use Pythagoras’ Theorem in right triangles and to solve problems. 5:01 – 5:04 92 Apply index laws to simplify numeric and algebraic expressions. 6:01 – 6:03 118 Extend the index laws to negative indices. 6:03 126 Use algebraic techniques to solve linear equations. 7:01 – 7:06 136 Use algebraic techniques to solve simple inequations. . End of unit assessment task (eg: Diagnostic Tests) Investigations: Checking Algebraic Simplification by Substitution Right Angled Triangles Pythagoras’ Theorem Pythagorean Triads Pythagoras and Speed Exploring Index Notation Zero and Negative Indices Solving Equations Using a Spreadsheet 7:07 – 7:08 154 4:05 5:01 5:01 5:02 5:04 6:02 6:03 7:03 81 92 96 103 112 124 129 145 Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Project Idea The main big ideas in this unit are relationships: recognizing them, graphing them and interpreting them. Pythagoras’ Theorem: its development and application. Suitable projects might be: 1. Pythagoras Rules: Investigate: when, where and how Pythagoras learned about and developed his theorem on right triangles. If the theorem was used or developed elsewhere before Pythagoras developed his theorem (eg: Egypt and China). An alternative proof for the theorem (eg: President Garfield’s proof using areas). Students could do an Internet search to complete the above. A possible inter-disciplinary project with Humanities (History). Areas of Interaction Approaches to learning: Thinking mathematically through challenges and investigative problem solving. Working Mathematically 4, 5, 6 and 7. Investigation 5:01A Investigation 5:01B Challenge 6:01 Fun Spot 7:08 (logic) 90, 116, 134, 163. 92 96 120 159 Environments: Every day applications of Pythagoras’ Theorem in our environment. Ex 5:04 Investigation 5:04 109 112 Development of Pythagoras’ Theorem Exploring Pythagoras’ Theorem Zero and negative indices and our number system Investigation 5:01A Investigation 5:01B Investigation 6:03 92 96 129 Human Ingenuity: : Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Main Ideas Unit Plan – Geometry (Chapter 10) Angles tell us a lot about shapes and lines and the relationships between them. Instruments can be used to construct many of the basic angles and hence the shapes defined by them. Shapes can be described as a locus of points following a particular rule. ATL Focus Logical Thinking Communication Unit Questions What are the special relationships between angles, angles associated with intersecting or non-intersecting lines and the consequences that result? Is there a basic assumption in Geometry on which most results are based (ie: 180 in a triangle or straight line or alternate angles are equal)? Section Page Knowledge & Skills Students should be able to: Identify and name angles that formed by the intersection of lines and pairs of lines crossed by a transversal and make use of the relationships between them. 10:01 – 10:05 238 Determine the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals 10:06 – 10:08 253 Apply results related to the angle sum of interior and exterior angles of polygons. 10:09 265 Assessment Tasks Project Idea End of unit assessment task (eg: Diagnostic Tests) 10:09A Investigations: The Angle Sum of a Polygon 10:09B The Exterior Angle Sum of a Convex Polygon The main new idea in Geometry is Locus so a project with this as a focus may be suitable: A Special Curve: On 5mm graph paper draw an interval AB and plot a point F 4 units from the line as shown. The aim is to now plot the locus of points equidistant from the line and the point. Compasses can be used to mark a point 3 units from F on the 2nd line from AB 3 units from F on the 3rd line from AB 4 units from F on the 4th line from AB and so on Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) 266 268 • F • • • • • A B Students could research the resulting curve (a Parabola) and its special attributes. To what uses has this curve been put? What is the equation of the curve you have drawn? Draw this curve using some software (eg Autograph). A reflector could be made from this curve using some aluminium foil, a sausage placed along the focal line and put in the sun to cook. Areas of Interaction A possible inter-disciplinary project with Science. Approaches to Looking at shapes around them and interpreting their learning: use mathematically. Environments: How geometry describes, or makes sense of, the world around us Human Ingenuity: : How man has interpreted shapes and their relationships to one another, Copyright © Pearson Australia 2009 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Working Mathematically 10 275, Practical Activity 10:02 245 Practical Activity 10:02 245 Investigation 10:09A Investigation10:09B 266 268
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