Dear parents/guardians, Pack your suitcases we`re going to explore

Dear parents/guardians,
Pack your suitcases we’re going to explore the world this
summer. We are pleased to announce that Itasca Elementary will be
hosting their summer reading program. It will be open to any
students who are in the grades Pre-K through 5th grade. The
program will be June 8th-July 2nd only Monday-Thursday. The time
of the program is 9-12.
The theme of the reading program this year will be “Reading
Around the World…Come and Explore!” On June 8th, students who
come to the library will receive their suitcases with all the things they
will need for the program including: reading goals, rules of the
program and a reading log. There will be at least two assemblies
coming to visit our library program. We will also have different
activities prepared for your child during the program. The students
who reach their reading goal and who has a clear library record will be
eligible to attend a field trip.
Please keep in mind that studies show that students are at risk
in the summer of losing some reading skills they have learned during
the school year. Some can even lose two entire grade levels of reading.
So why not come pack your suitcase and come explore with us! If you
have any questions please contact me at my email or 687-2922 ext. 140.
Happy Reading,
Ms. Holli