Office of the Commandant 9T" Bn ITB Police, MHA/Govt. of India C/O 99 APO Pin-934409 TENDER NOTICE TI e Commandant 9T" Bn, ITB Police Force, Lohitpur invites, on behalf of the President of India sealed items rate ) from registered, approved and eligible firms/contractor of IT BP tender un per two bid system (Technical and Price Bids ay, Dept. of Telecom, MES, CPWD, State PWD upto 1300 hours on 10/04/2015 which shall be opened at force, Rai in the same day, In case, said date is declared a holiday under Negotiable Act, the tenders will be opened on 1600hrsi u ,rj vv. ^+• next work ng day at same tim e ana venue cal LIIG 1V U V Vr Time and date of Time & Last date of Time Earnest Estimate lame of Work 5 opening of tenders Date of receipt of Money Allowed N d Cost receipts of application (Rs.) (Rs.) Price Bid Technical 1 C/O C.C.Path at fwd Pos Maliney 9T" BN ITB 551595/- 11032/- 02 Months and time & tender Sale of tender 09/04/15 at 1700 hrs 10/04/15 at 1300 hrs Bid 10/04/35 at 1600 11/04/15 at 1600 hrs hrs T nder Forms containing terms and conditions etc. can be obtained upto 09/04/2015 on any working day from A.P) on cash payment of Rs 500/1100 to 1700 hrs from the office of Commandant 9T" Bn ITBP, C/ O 99 APO Lohitpur ( or by DD prepared in favour of Commandant 9T" Bn ITBP Lohitpur payable at S.B.I. ( Rupees ive hundred only) (Per set ) , if tender document is sought through post. Tezu ( No i-refundable ). Postage charges @ Rs 65/- may be added extra ndence in this re g ard will be entertained. De artm nt shall not be res ponsible for an y postal dela y and no corres po The complete tender enquiry may also be seen on ITBP website i.e. (www . ) which can be (Rs 500/- per set) has to be deposited in the form downl1a l ed by the interested firms . The cost of this tender document of a sep rate SD drawn in favour of Corn- mandarit-5T" Bt; ITBP Lehitpur'payable at S.B.I. Tezu (Non-refundable) along with the ethnical Bid. Deposit T e Earnest money should be deposited along with technical bid in the form of Receipt Treasury Challan / at Call ceipt/ Fixed Deposit Receipt of a schedule bank /Demand draft of a scheduled bank issued in favor of Comma r ant 9T" Bn ITB Police Force , S.B.I. Tezu. he Cost of tender form i.e. Rs 500/- (in case tender form is downloaded through web site) and earnest money in appro riate form as mentioned above shall be placed in separate sealed envelopes each marked as "Tender Money" g ister*^^^ Ce"IOCaRes & documents" and "Tender Form & " am s Mo ney". Both the above envelopes along with "Re from a No 1 to 11" shall be placed in one sealed envelope marked as "TECHNICAL BID". " shall be placed in separate he price Bid containing Schedule of quantity of the "Tender Form Pane No 12 Both Price Bid & Technical bid shall be placed in one sealed envelope marked as sealed e velope marked as "PRICE BID ". "C/O C. .PATH AT FORWARD POST MAUNEY 9T" BN ITBP". The Date of Opening to be written on the right hand side of the env l ope as "Date of Opening 10/04 / 2015". he tenders will be opened by the board of Officers detailed by Commandant 9T" Bn ITB Police in the presence of tend s or their authorized representatives. The Competent Authority, ITBP reserves all rights to accept or reject the tenders i n whole or part without assigning any reasons.
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