OFFICEOF THECOMMANDANT INDIA RESERVE BATTAI-ION PUDUCHERRY POI-ICE DEPARTMENT No.499/eM/rRBn/Sp(XXVrrI) l2}1s_h3 Darcio) l03l7l NOTTCE QUOTATTON uotations- Req:SealedQuotations are.invitedfor the supplyof the followingceremonialitems for IRBn personnel proposed to be purchased for the useof lndraReserve Battilion,puducherry. SL No Items I Pugreecap 2 Scarf(neck) J Kamarband 4 Jallarof kamarband 5 Shoulder expanded 6 Specification -ls Per altry p."tto1r In White,Bluecolour As perarmypattern In White,Bluecolour As perarmypattern In White,Bluecolour As perarmypattern In White,Bluecolour As perarmypattern In White,Bluecolour Sling web covered Asarmypattern wlth whiteRexine 7 Anklet with white As perarmypattern Rexine B HandGlovesWhite Madeof banianclothwhite/ Drillwhite 9 LanyardBluerope Singleropebluecolour 1 0 Dress Cord blue (to Bluecolourclothwide wear in shoulder acrossbody) 2. Thefollowingtermsandconditions haveto be observed by the bidders, aty required 200nos 200nos 200nos 200nos 200Pairs 200nos 200Pairs 200Palrs 200nos 200nos Two bid Svstem The Technicalbid and the Financial bid shouldbe wax-sealed by the biddersin two separate coversdulysuperscribed as "Technical Bid"for supplyof Cerempnial itemsand "Financial Bid,'for supplyof Ceremonial itemsand boththesesealedcovershaveto be keptin a biggercover,which shouldalsobe sealedanddulysuperscribed as"Quotationfor supply of ceremonial items" A, The Technicalbid cover should contain 1. Original D.DfromanyNationalized Bankfor an amountof Rs,520/(Rs.500+4oloVAT) (RupeesFive Hundredand Twenty only) towards the costofTenderDocument in favourof"The Commandan! IRBn, Puducherry" 2) OriginalD.D/FDtowardsElvlD(Earnest MoneyDeposit)in favourof "The Commandant,IRBN, Puducherry"fromany Nationalized Bank for those Itemsindicated whichtheyintendto supply. 3) Tenderdocument withallthe pagesdulysignedby theTenderer. 4) Copyof the CST/VAT Registration. 5) Photocopyof PAN 6) Undetakingformdulysignedby the tenderer B. The Financial bid cover should contain only detailsof price/rate,etc./ againstthe items,whichthey desireto supply. For singleitem of sample,singlerate shouldbe quoted.No documents or DDshouldbe keptin the Financial bid cover. 3. a ELIGIBLEBIDDERS:The biddershouldnot have oeen Government/ PSU/covernment bodvU b Original DDs/FD towards EMDand a kingsduring of Tender in India / by any State/Central last5 years. shouldreachthe officeof the Commandant, IRBneitherby postor n personbefore time stipulated. Otherwise, the tenderwill be rejectedby the Committee with notice.In caseof SmallIndustrial Unitsregistered with SSI/ NSICor of IndustriesPuducherry shallhaveto furnish Registration Certificateand Functi Certificateof Unit issuedby the competent authoritywith their tenderdocu The Tenderer ld alsofurnishthe list of items manufactured by them in theirfactory EMDshouldbe for the productswhichare not enlistedin the approvedlistof NSIC( 4, EARNEST MONEYDEPOSIT The biddersmustencloseDemand FDRfor Rs.6000/- (RupeesSixThousandonly) from any Nationalized Bank towardsthe EarnestMoney. drawn in favour of "The Commandant, IRBn"payable@ puduch The FDR/DD d be in originaland keptin the covercontainingthe technicalbid. The mplesshouldbe ded simultaneously while the tendersare submitted.For everyitem on one sampleis a whichthe bidderproposes to supply, The Technicalbid cover,Financial d coverand the outer covershouldbe closedand sealedwith sealingwaxon boththe sides. 5. S A M P L E S : For everyitem only one sampleis lowedand only rate shouldbe quoted.If more thanone sampleand rateare received for item will be mmarilyrejected.Ratesshouldbe quotedboth in wordsand figuresand correction shouldbe attestedby the personsigning the tender. 6. The Samples shouldalsosim -605 006 al complex,GorimeduPuducherry the duedate. reachthe of the Commandant, IRBn,police with DDs/FD EMDand tenderfee before 7. Only after ensuringthat all the red documents ng DDS/FDtowardsEarnest MoneyDepositand tenderfee are furn the sampleswill considered to be allowedfor the selection by the Purchase Committee andto the Financial subsequently. Ratesshouldbe quotedFreeOn RailF.o.R), and it shouldcoverall incidental chargessuchas freight,packing,forwardin Insurance/ etc./ caseof localtenderers, delivery shouldbe givenin the premises of IRBn at Gorimedu.Fl rateshouldbe quotedon all the itemsand alsoinclusive of all taxes.The shall quote the rate only in the quotation form enclosed herewith for the items they desire supply. 9. The successful bidderswill be sent communication of acceptance of their rates of the selecteditems.The successful bidde(s) be requiredto within10 daysfrom the date of receiptof intimationof acceptance of his rate(s)Security @ 5% of the total valueof itemsfor whichthey will become IRBn,Puducherrv for the fulfillmentof Onlyafter paying SecurityDeposit,SupplyOrder will be issuedand they haveto signa deedwith the ftmentbeforecommencement of the supplyand mustabidebVthe Terms Conditions laiddownin the TenderNotice. lrronpaymentof SecurityDepositwithin stipu periodwill in forfeitureof EarnedMoney Depositand resultingin cancellation of the . The EM in respectof unsuccessful Bidoers will be released afterfinalization of . The EMDwill refundedto the successful Bidder afterreceiving securitydeposit.The SecurityDepositof the I bidderswill be refundedto themaftersatisfactory completion of the 10. No interestshallaccrueon the above ridEMD/Security the Government. as longastheyare heldby pavment 11. Noadvance shouldbe i . Allthe aticles ppliedby the successful tenderer shallbe subjectto inspection andacceptance or rejectionby the InspectorGeneralof Policeor any personauthorized by him on his behalfand his opinionthere shallin all respects be finaland conclusive. Paymentwill be madeonlyafterleliveryof the it and afterthe itemsarefoundas perthe samples selectedby the committee.Rejected aftictes ll be removedby the suppliers at theirownexpenses forthwith.Aftereachrejection, the su shallandwillforthwithsupplyand deliverequalquantityof sucharticlesof the quality,sizeand 12.Therateto be furnished shouldbe validat leastfor 12 of rateapprovalorderwith a provision for extension. fromthe dateof 13. BID VALIDITY:- The Validityperiodfor finalizinq the T openingof the Tender declaration is 180daysfromthe date L4. The successful tenderershallbe boundto deliverthe es orderedwithinthe delivery periodprescribed, failingwhichthe SecuriwDepositis liableto forfeiture.All articlesare delivery shouldbe given in the premisesof this unit IRBn. OM se , Policecomplex.Gorimedu, Puducherry 605006 15 If the successful tendererfailsto supplyanyof the articl ordered,it shalibe lawfulfor the InspectorGeneralof Policeor any personauthorized bv him on his behalfto purchase as Derrule otherthanthe accepted tenderer,suchquantities of afticlesas s ll not havebeensuppliedby the accepted tendererand to collectfrom him the difference in the increased costof sucharticles.rn additionto the forfeitureof the securiwdeDosit. 16. If the successful tendererfails to remit the securiW goesbackafter acceptance of his tender,it shallbe lawfulfor any personauthorizedby him on his behalfto cancelhis lvloney depositedby him alongwith his tenderwill be fo also be liablefor all damagessustainedby the Inspector breach.In that casenextlowerratewill be accepted andthe fi makegoodthe loss. or withdrawshis tenderor InspectorGeneralof Policeor at any time andthe Earnest to Government. Further,he will I of Policeby reasonsof such successful tendererwill haveto L7. InspectorGeneralof Policeis alsoempowered to in or to decrease the requirements or to cancelin wholeor in partof any articleshownin the sch ule of requirements enclosed and no correspondence in this regardwill be entedained. All in which prescribed any of the , conditionis not fulfilledof anv conditionincludinathat of ition rebatels put foth bV tne tenderer,shallbe summarily rejected. 18. Tendersshould be acceptedtill 31.03.2015up to 1 19. The Tender will be opened on 31.03.2015at 1700 20. Canvassing whetherdirectlyor indirectly,in connection w ith tendersis strictlyprohibited andthe tenderssubmittedby the firm who resodto canvassingll be liablefor rejection. 2L The decisionof the Purchase Committee on selection itemswhichare in conformity to the PoliceDatternwill be final. 22. The biddersmustsignthe belowmentioned undeftaking herewith Dy. Commandant(QM) India Reserve Battalion Puducherry (Tobesubmitted dulyfil 1. in andsigned with tender) Nameandaddressof the TendererFi 2.(A) WhetherEMDis enclosed ? (B) IF so,details(No.Amount& Date) Detailsof documents enclosed, as (i)csr/vAr/nN uired (ii) PANCard +. Otherdocuments to confirm reliabil of the Tenderer firm,if any ............ haveread or got readthe abovetermsandconditions the tenderfor the supplyof Ceremonial itemsfor the IRBn,Puducherry.I/We are submittinq / our rateonly understanding the terms and conditions whichshallbe bindingon me/usi respectof the hereby tenderto supplyCeremonial itemsas yourtermsand conditions stipulatedin the 12 monthfrom the date of rate approval in the Tender documents. le at the ratequotedas per ratequotedwill be validupto witha provision Signature of the Bidder Place: Date: -05 Nameof the firm Address of the firm : ContactNo(s) ouc To SL No TheCommandant, IndiaReserve BattalionPud Items Specification I er l,lnit I Pugreecap As perarmypattern In White,Bluecolour 0 no 2 Scarf(neck) As perarmypattern In White,Bluecolour 0 no 3 Kamarband Asperarmypattern In White,Bluecolour 0 no 4 Jallarof kamarband As perarmypattern In White,BIuecolour 0 no 5 Shoulder expanded Asperarmypattern In White,BIuecolour Flir 0 no I Rateper unit includingall taxes etc (write both in luordsandfigures) r1 6 Sling web covered withwhiteRexine As armypattern 7 Anklet with white Rexine Asperarmypattern II atT B HandGlovesWhite Madeof banianclothwhite/ Drill white )1 atr 9 Lanyard Bluerope Single ropebluecolour 0 no 10 DressCord blue (to wear in shoulder acrossbodv) Bluecolourclothwide 0 no Yoursfaithfully sig ture/ Nameof the Bidder Withseal
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