climascreed info

CLIMASCREED - Ultra lightweight levelling screed
CLIMASCREED is an innovative ready-to-mix natural sustainable floor-leveling screed for
both residential and commercial buildings, new and retrofit use. Is ideal for ground and
middle floors in multi-story buildings. With (850kg/m3) is 3 times lighter than normal cement
based screed (2.200-2.400 kg/m3) helping to reduce the overall load on the foundation and
structure of the building. Manufactured from 98% sustainable naturally occurring inorganic
components, nontoxic, zero VOC, harmless and safe product. As finishing, a wide variety of
flooring materials can be used, such as ceramic tiles, laminates, wood and natural stone.
Product features
Bag Weight
14 kg
Appearance and consistency
Dry white powder
Density of dry material
590 kg/m3 ± 10%
Fire Resistance
Non-combustible, Class A1 (500ºC with a melting point of 1100ºC)
Pressure Resistance
5.20 N/mm2 (C5) or (530 tons/m2)
Bending Strength
1.64 N/mm2 (F1) or (163 tons/m2)
Capillary water absorption
0.443 kg/m2 h1/2
Thermal conductivity
0.143 W/mK (T1)
Abrasion Resistance
1.54 cm2/50 cm2 (A1.5)
Wear Resistance Hardened
2.883 cm3/ 50 cm2
Shrinking Value
0.16 mm/m
Expansion Value
0.18 mm/m
Sound Absorption
Approx. 20dB @ 50mm
Application Method
Manual or mechanically
Spread Rate
1 m2 @ 20mm – recommended @ 40mm
12 Months (inside in normal dry conditions RH<60%)
Storage conditions
temperature between 5ºC - 30ºC
(DO NOT store it outside, even for shorter period)
Note: Because it is not possible to give specific instructions for various site conditions or to control the applications, the information on this Technical Data Sheet is for
general guidance only and we reserve the right to modify the information detailed in this Technical Data Sheet.
1. CLIMASCREED surface preparation
The application surface should be clean and free of any dust, grease or lose materials before
applying CLIMASCREED. The ground for application should be cleaned off chemicals to
reduce adherence such as paint, paraffin, mould oil, etc. If there are deep cracks on the
surface there is no need to fill them with any other material. Application should be avoided
under strong wind.
2. CLIMASCREED product preparation
Between 7 to 7.5 liters of water will be used for the mixing process and a mechanical mixer
with max. 600 rotations/min.
1. Empty a small amount of water into the container to begin with. Carefully and slowly
empty the FULL contents of a 14kg bag of CLIMASCREED into the flat-bottom
container (Do not use part bags mixes).
2. Set the mixer at slow-speed, add the rest of water to the dry mixture and begin
mixing so that no dry material escapes the mixing process.
3. After the material has absorbed all the water, the mixing process should be carried
out for at least 6 minutes with the mixer at high-speed, until the desired consistency
is achieved.
4. Be sure to periodically stop the mixing process and using a trowel scrape the bottom
and the sides of the container to ensure again that no dry material has escaped the
mixing process. It is essential that the product achieves a homogeneous state, i.e. is
uniform in composition or character, all dry material must be mixed in.
5. Once mixing is complete, let the product stand for a further 5 minutes before use and
be sure to use the entire mixture within 2 hours of preparation. If the mixture has been
standing for a while and has become slightly stiff, add a small amount of water while
mixing to soften.
It is important to reiterate again two of the most important factors when it comes to the mixing of CLIMASCREED.
1. Ensure that the ENTIRE BAG is used during preparation. CLIMASCREED consists of a number of natural
ingredients, and so it is therefore important to ensure that the entire contents of the bag are used.
2. Secondly, during the mixing process ensure that no dry material escapes the mixing process. Start to mix
slowly until the material has absorbed all the water and use a trowel to scrap the bottom and the sides of the
container to ensure that no dry material remains
3. CLIMASCREED application
There are no specific requirements in the application of CLIMASCREED. Once applied to the
floor surface and while wet, the surface can then be smoothed off as required.
CLIMASCREED becomes ready after 24 hours (in normal dry conditions) and can be walked
on after 48 hours. In areas of light foot traffic, CLIMATER do not need to have any additional
finishing applied, but it is advised that additional flooring to be used on top of the product in
areas of high usage. CLIMASCREED can be finished in many different ways: with tiles,
wooden flooring etc. For floorings such as tile, minimum 7 days should pass after the
Additional information:
• It should be noted that CLIMASCREED is not sand & cement screed and as such will “handle” differently.
• Time should be taken to become accustomed to its unique characteristics and handling.
• Training on the application of CLIMASCREED is available if required.
1. First Aid
Inhalation: Avoid dust inhalation and seek fresh air if required.
Eye contact: Rinse eyes immediately with plenty of water, if irritation persists, consult a
Ingestion: Drink plenty of water and consult a doctor.
Skin: Wash with water and dry.
2. Exposure controls, personal protection
Components values: Content limits for general dust 10 mg / m3
Respiratory protection: Use of standard PPE facemasks if necessary
Hand protection: Not applicable
Eye Protection: Goggles if necessary
Skin protection: Not applicable
Hygiene: Not applicable
3. Other information
Hygiene at work and the applicable law must be respected. Information contained in this
document is based on our current technical knowledge and experience. This is however not
a legal guarantee of specific properties or suitability for certain applications and use by the
ISO SMART Pte. Ltd. 55 Ubi Avenue 1, #05-08, SINGAPORE 408935 -