INTER UNIVERSITY ACCELERATOR CENTRE ARUNA ASAF ALI MARG NEW DELHI - 110067 NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) NO. IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Name of the work:- Fabrication of 06 Nos. (six numbers) of Superconducting Niobium Quarter Wave Resonators along with their Niobium Slow Tuner Bellows [06 Nos. (six numbers)], 08 Nos. (eight numbers) of spare Niobium Slow Tuner Bellows, 02 Nos. (two numbers) of spare Niobium Loading Arms and 03 Nos. (three numbers) of spare Niobium Drift Tubes as per the drawings, technical details and specifications. ` 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) ` 75,000/- (Rupees Seventy Five Thousand only) through Demand Draft (DD) Last Date & Time of submission of Tender (Part 20th March, 2015 at 3:00 PM A & B) Date and Time for opening of Tender (only 20th March, 2015 at 3:30 PM Technical Bid Part-A) Date and Time for opening of Tender (Price Bid To be intimated later on to only Technically Qualified Bidders Part-B) Administrative Officer (S&P) Address for submission of Tender Inter-University Accelerator Centre, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110067 Committee Room (IUAC) Place of opening of the Tender Tender Cost Earnest Money Deposit GENERAL CONDITIONS OF TENDER: For the proposed work, Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi will only engage with a Bidder who is located within Delhi/NCR region. Submission of Tender: Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelopes in two Separate Parts, namely: "Technical Bid" (Part-A), and "Price Bid" (Part-B). Both the Parts should be further sealed in another envelope super-scribing NIT (Notice Inviting Tender) No., name of work, due date for opening, Bidder’s name & address. The Tender duly filled in may be sent to the above mentioned address either by post or hand carried and dropped in the tender box kept in the area near the west side entrance, after ensuring that due entries are made in the register kept at the reception counter. The Tender should not be handed over to any employee of the Centre. No Tender shall be accepted after the due date and time. Tender once submitted will remain with the Centre and never be returned to the Bidder. Technical Bid (Part-A): In this bid, the Bidder should submit his company profile, organizational setup, credentials, proof of successful fabrication of similar types of works executed during last ten years. In addition, the Bidder should submit the entire NIT duly signed & stamped as part of his acceptance of the terms and conditions of this NIT. The Bidder should not put the Price Bid (Part-B) in this envelop. No deviations in respect of NIT conditions are acceptable. Only those Bidders who meet the prequalification criteria as per Annexure-A will be invited for opening the Price Bid. Tenders submitted by the Bidders who do not qualify the pre-qualification criteria as per Annexure-A will be rejected. Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 1 of 14 The Bidders may contact concerned IUAC engineers associated with this work before submitting the tender regarding the fabrication of the niobium resonators for any technical query only. IUAC reserves the right to visit and inspect the Bidder’s fabrication facility to verify the requirements mentioned in Annexure-A, before qualifying the Technical Bid. In addition, the Bidder shall allow the concerned IUAC personnel to inspect the progress of work whenever required, during the course of the project / works. Price Bid (Part-B): In this Bid the Bidder is required to quote his rates/prices for carrying out the works mentioned in Annexure-B: “Scope of works & technical specifications” and Annexure-C: “Description of works”. The Bidder should not submit the Price Bid in the same envelop that contains the Technical Bid (Part-A), otherwise his bid will be completely rejected. The Bidders should quote unconditional rates, neatly written without any overwriting and all pages should be duly signed & stamped. No deviations in respect of NIT conditions are acceptable. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): An earnest money of ` 75,000/-(Rupees Seventy Five Thousand only) has to be enclosed along with the Technical Bid (Part-A). The EMD shall be only in the form of Bank Draft payable to Inter-University Accelerator Centre, at New Delhi. No Cheque/Cash shall be accepted as EMD. EMD of technically disqualified Bidders will be returned within 15 days from the date of evaluation of the Technical Bids. The refund of EMD to the lowest 4th Bidders onwards shall be made within 15 days from the date of opening of Price Bid. The refund of EMD of the 2 nd & 3rd lowest bidders shall be made after award of work and site mobilization by the successful Bidder. The EMD of the successful lowest Bidder (L1) shall be held back as security deposit and will be released after completion of the works and site clearance. Validity of Tender: Tender shall be valid for acceptance by IUAC without any change in rates and NIT conditions for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of opening of the Price Bid. Escalation: No escalation over and above the rates quoted by the Bidder shall be paid during the execution of contract. Completion Time: Time shall be the essence of this contract and the entire work as titled above is to be completed in all respects within a period of two years from the date of issue of Purchase Order (PO) by IUAC. Any delay in completing the work for reasons attributable to the supplier is liable for liquidated damages as per the relevant clauses of NIT. Under the force-majeure conditions or delay due to reasons beyond control of the Supplier, IUAC may grant suitable time extension for which the Supplier has to request along with the justification/ reasons well in advance to Director, IUAC for approval without any prejudice to price escalation. The decision of Director, IUAC will be final and binding on the Bidder. The Free Issue Materials (FIM) like Niobium (Nb) – Grade-1 and RRR Grade, Stainless Steel (SS), bonded materials of Niobium-Stainless Steel (Nb-SS) and Niobium-Copper (Nb-Cu), various dies, fixtures & tooling will be provided by IUAC to the successful Bidder for the specified work. Any damage to any of the components during the course of work will be borne by the Bidder. The supplied items shall be returned to IUAC at any stage of execution of the job for inspection or testing purposes. All balance materials, dies, fixtures & tooling must be returned to IUAC upon completion of the works. Scope of Work: Detailed scope of work, specifications etc. are provided in Annexure-B and AnnexureC. Deviations: No deviation from the stipulated terms and conditions will be allowed. Tenders should be unconditional. Correspondence: All correspondence in respect of this Tender shall be made to: Administrative Officer (S&P), Inter-University Accelerator Centre, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi-110067. Terms of Payment: The payment shall be made in three installments, divided into 35%, 35% & 30% of Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 2 of 14 the total value, after achieving the milestones as per the following. The first installment of payment (35%) shall be made after completion of the six (6) bare niobium Outer Housings along with their Ports. The second installment of payment (35%) shall be made after the completion of the six (6) Central Conductor assemblies (Loading Arm + Drift Tube) and their attachment to the niobium Outer Housing, and 2 (two) spare Loading Arms, 3 (three) spare Drift Tubes. The third and final installment of payment (30%) shall be made after completion & delivery of the six (06) niobium Quarter Wave Resonators complete with their stainless steel outer jackets, fourteen (14) niobium Slow Tuner assemblies, vacuum leak testing of all the six (6) Quarter Wave Resonators and acceptance by IUAC. Guarantee/Defect liability period: - The Bidder should guarantee for the works executed by him from manufacturing/engineering defects and bad workmanship for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance by IUAC. During this period, if any repairs/rectifications are needed, the same shall be made free of cost. IUAC reserves the right to reject any or all the Tenders in full or in part without assigning any reasons whatsoever, and the decision of the Centre in this regard will be binding on all the Bidders. Tenders not complying with any of the provisions stated in this Tender document are liable to be rejected. Director, IUAC reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender without assigning any reason and does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender. Liquidated damages: In case the work is delayed beyond the specified completion period for reasons attributable to the Bidder, deductions on account of Liquidated damages @0.5% of the contract value per week will be deducted subject to a maximum of 5% of the total incomplete works. In such case incomplete work shall be worked out by deducting value of works actually executed from total order value. However, in case the works are delayed beyond the scheduled completion/ contract period, IUAC reserves the right to get the work done by any other vendor at the risk and cost of the Bidder and amount to the affect will be deductible from his bills/dues. Termination of Contract:- Director, IUAC reserve the right to terminate the contract on account of poor workmanship, non-compliance of set norms/ specifications for the works, delay in progress of work, violation of any contract provisions by the Supplier. The contract can also be terminated at the request of Supplier. In such cases the Supplier is liable to pay Liquidation damages @ 5% of tendered value. Any dispute arising out of this contract will be subjected to jurisdiction of New Delhi/Delhi. Accepted (Signature & Stamp of Bidder) Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 3 of 14 Annexure-A (IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15) Essential Pre-Qualification Criteria Essential selection criteria for prequalification of the Bidder for Fabrication of six (06) Nos. of Superconducting Niobium Quarter Wave Resonators, fourteen (14) Nos. of Niobium Slow Tuner Bellows (i.e. 6+8), two (2) Niobium Loading Arms and three (3) Niobium Drift Tubes, is as follows: The Bidder should have facilities, experience and expertise in the fabrication of Superconducting Niobium Radio Frequency (RF) Resonators used in Particle Accelerators. The Bidder should submit proof in the form of at least one Purchase Order (PO) for the fabrication of superconducting niobium resonators of value not less than `10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten lakhs) executed by him in the past ten years for any reputed Research Laboratory or Organization of Government of India. The Bidder should furnish name/s, official telephone number/s, Email address of the contact person/s in the concerned Laboratory or Organization of Govt. of India for whom such works were executed by him. Failure to furnish such Purchase Orders and details will result in the disqualification of the Bidder. The following infrastructure is essential for the successful completion of the works. All the below mentioned facilities must be available under one roof. No sub-contract / outsourcing of jobs will be accepted (unless otherwise specified). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Clean and Dust free Environment Skilled manpower for Machining and Assembly Machining capability TIG welding facility Inspection facility Design and Drafting facility Storage facility (separate room) Packing Transportation Connectivity to IUAC 1. Clean and Dust free Machine Shop Environment Clean and dust free environment is required for machining, forming, polishing, assembling, measurement & inspection of niobium components for the resonator assembly. Working area and machining & fabrication areas shall be free of dust, oil and other sharp materials. The components shall be carried /moved by special carts, trolleys and tools which are only meant for this purpose. The Bidder should provide cleaning agents like Iso-Propyl Alcohol, Acetone etc., Lint-Free Tissue papers and hand gloves. The operators shall use clean hand gloves (where required), cleaning agents and lint free tissue papers to handle the resonator components. 2. Skilled manpower for Machining and Assembly Machining, handling and assembling of niobium and other resonator components shall be done by highly skilled personnel only. Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 4 of 14 3. Machining Capability Medium size Lathes Horizontal & Vertical Milling machines CNC Lathe CNC Milling machine CNC wire-cut and EDM (may be outsourced) Horizontal boring machine Shearing machine with a capacity to cut 3.5 mm thick and at least 1000 mm wide stainless steel (SS) sheet Rolling machines (Auto/Manual) with a capacity to roll 1500 mm long cylinders of minimum 180 mm diameter from a 3.5 mm thick SS sheet Drilling machines (Radial and small) Hydraulic Press of minimum 50 Ton capacity Power saw Material handling facilities like overhead cranes, floor cranes etc. 4. TIG Welding Facility The Bidder should have in-house Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding facility and skilled welders. Experience in fabricating Cryogenic Quality components [i.e. vacuum tight vessels (leak rate <110-9 mbar.l/s) working at low temperatures (4.2 K)] is highly desirable. 5. Inspection Facility Surface Table Micrometers and Vernier Calipers, Slip Gauges, Dial Gauges, Depth Gauges etc. Portable/Table Top CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) (may be outsourced) Die Penetrant testing facility 6. Design and Drafting Facility The Bidder should have modern design and drafting software (e.g. AutoCAD, SolidWorks etc.), trained draughts men and equipment. 7. Storage Facility Materials and fixtures used for the resonator fabrication are expensive. So, these items have to be stored / preserved in a clean area and safe custody. A separate room with locking arrangement within the workshop facility has to be provided by the Bidder with proper shelves in a clean environment. 8. Packing The resonator parts, components and assemblies move back and forth between IUAC and Bidder’s site during the fabrication process. All niobium resonator components, sub-assemblies and final assemblies must always be wrapped in aluminium foil and/or clean plastic sheet and packed properly for safe handling and transportation. For completion of this project, IUAC may have to transport very delicate Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 5 of 14 instruments, e.g. electronics, leak detector (if required), pumps and other equipment to the Bidder’s site. The Bidder shall provide proper packing during transportation of such items. 9. Transportation The fabrication of niobium resonators takes place both at IUAC and at Bidder’s site as per the requirement. The Bidder should provide the transportation facility for moving niobium resonator components from Bidder’s site to IUAC and back, as and when required. 10. Connectivity to IUAC During the entire fabrication process the niobium resonator parts, components and assemblies will move back and forth several times between IUAC and Bidder’s site. Since this is an R&D activity, supervision and interaction between Bidder and IUAC Scientists and Engineers is essential for the success of the project. IUAC will only engage with a Bidder who is located within Delhi/NCR region. Check List to be filled and duly signed & stamped by the Bidder before submitting the tender. S.NO 01 02 03 LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED YES/NO Purchase Order/s from reputed Government Laboratories for successfully carrying out the fabrication of Superconducting Niobium Resonators of value not less than `10,00,000/(Rupees Ten lakhs) in the past ten years. Details of existing facilities Earnest Money Deposit in the form of Demand Draft (DD) REMARKS Accepted (Signature & Stamp of Bidder) Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 6 of 14 Annexure – B (IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15) Detailed Scope of Works and Technical Specifications Scope of Work: Fabrication of 06 Nos. (six numbers) of Superconducting Niobium Quarter Wave Resonators (QWR) along with their Niobium Slow Tuners Bellows [6 Nos. (six numbers)], 08 Nos. (eight numbers) of spare Niobium Slow Tuner Bellows, 02 Nos. (two numbers) of spare Niobium Loading Arms and 03 Nos. (three numbers) of spare Niobium Drift Tubes, as per the drawings, technical details and specifications attached. Each of the fully fabricated Resonator Assembly will be tested for vacuum tightness at IUAC. Subsequently they will be tested at low temperature for RF tests. The fabrication of superconducting niobium resonators is quite complex and involves several processes and facilities. Some of the fabrication processes will be carried out by the Bidder and some will be done by IUAC. While the machining, sheet metal forming, rolling, fitting of the niobium and stainless steel parts/ components / sub-assemblies and TIG welding of stainless steel parts/ components / sub-assemblies etc. will be done by the Bidder, the electron beam welding, electropolishing and heat treatment of the niobium parts / components / sub-assemblies and final testing (at 4.2 K) of the resonators will be done by IUAC. Thus the resonator parts/ components / sub-assemblies move back and forth between the Bidder’s site and IUAC several times during the course of the work. The details of the various processes / operations and responsibilities of the works are given in Annexure-C. The niobium components are to be machined to the final size and assembled within the tolerance prescribed. The Bidder should provide sufficient technical details about the machining, forming and assembly processes that he plans to adopt, and discuss the same with IUAC engineers and scientists before commencing work. General Description The main assembly drawing of the superconducting niobium quarter wave resonator is QWR-001-E. The superconducting resonator operates in high vacuum (< 10-8 mbar) at 4.2 K (~ -269 C), well below the superconducting transition temperature of niobium (9.2 K). The resonator is mounted in a cryostat, with the vacuum being common to both the cryostat and the resonator. During operation, the resonator is kept in the superconducting state by filling liquid helium in the central conductor (Loading Arm & Drift Tube assembly, please refer Bare Niobium QWR, and QWR with Slow Tuner Drawings) and the annular volume between the stainless steel outer jacket & the niobium housing. A superconducting resonator must produce a very large electromagnetic field (voltage of many hundreds of kilovolts) with a small amount of input power (few Watts). Under operating conditions several thousand amperes of RF current flows on the niobium surface of the resonator. A defect (e.g. an inclusion or weld porosity), even if microscopic in size, will produce RF losses that cause joule heating. If the region heats just a few degrees, to 9.2 K, it loses superconductivity and the resonator quenches, that is – it quits working. Therefore it is essential to have a niobium surface free of inclusions, fissures, folds, scratches and weld porosity. It is not possible to test resonator parts as they get fabricated. The only way to test fully is to complete fabricating the entire resonator and then try to operate it. At this point, defects, even if they are repairable, are very expensive, effort intensive and time consuming to fix. Therefore, if a problem is encountered Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 7 of 14 at any point during fabrication it is essential to: 1) stop the work, and, 2) call to IUAC's attention, so that a fix, if it is possible, can be worked out. The highest cost and greatest delays can result from "patching up" a job without full consultation with IUAC. After machining, forming and Electron Beam Welding (EBW), all parts of the resonator are chemically electropolished to remove approximately 0.2 mm from the upper layer of the surface of the niobium material. Inclusions embedded underneath the surface that are deeper than 0.2 mm, will not get removed during the chemical processing. Therefore it is very important to avoid deep inclusions. Machining, Forming & Handling of Niobium components & SS outer jacket fabrication and TIG welding (Bidder’s scope) Niobium is a soft material which is easily machinable by taking due care. High speed steel (HSS) tools are well suited for machining niobium. Carbide tools may also be used. All tools must be sharp to prevent folding of the niobium material while machining. Cutting oils free of sulphur are recommended for machining niobium for RF superconductivity applications. Cutting oils should be used only where they can be easily flushed out. Ethanol or Isopropyl alcohol should be used where cleaning would be difficult. Tools used on other materials should not be used for machining niobium. Exclusive set of tools, meant only for machining niobium should be used. Polishing of all niobium parts should be done by hand (no grinders!) using Al2O3 emery paper (220, 400, 600 grades) & Scotch Brite, to avoid smearing, folding and inclusions. Separate set of files, marked exclusively for niobium, should only be used. Machined parts must be handled carefully while sitting them up on tables/shelves. Niobium parts must always be set on clean paper. They should be packed properly in zip lock bags or using plastic cling film and/or aluminum foil. Tables and shelves must be kept clean and free of chips, dirt, sharp objects& tools. Niobium forms very similar to copper. When forming and rolling the sheet metal, the dies and rollers must be clean and free of oil, dirt and chips. Clean paper, such as tracing paper, may be used as a protective layer when rolling to avoid the rollers coming in direct contact with the niobium material. All fixtures used for holding niobium parts should be kept clean, free of oil, dirt and chips. Electron Beam Welding (at IUAC) All niobium welds are electron beam welds (EBW) performed in vacuum (<510-5 mbar) with 100% penetration. The electron beam welding will be performed at IUAC. The radial fitting tolerance for beam welding is typically <0.1 mm. Prior to welding; the niobium parts are de-greased and chemically etched to remove the niobium oxide layer. This will be done at IUAC. After EBW, some resonator parts may be radiographed and/or mechanically polished (by Bidder / IUAC). Thermal shocking (300 K to 77 K) followed by helium mass spectrometer leak testing shall be performed as required (by IUAC). The bare niobium resonator will be electropolished and heat treated in vacuum at ~1000 C. All electron beam welding, chemical electropolishing, heat treatment, thermal shocking, RF tuning and helium leak testing will be done by IUAC. SS Outer Jacketing & TIG welding (Bidder’s scope) All stainless steel welds are TIG welds of cryogenic quality, i.e. they should be leak tight (at leak rates <110-9 mbar.l/s) at 4.2 K (~269 ºC). The TIG welding must be performed by flushing both the external and internal surfaces with inert gas. Filler rods of appropriate grade must be used. The entire TIG welding job will be done by the Bidder at his site in the presence and under the supervision of Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 8 of 14 IUAC engineers. Free Issue Materials For fabrication of the superconducting Niobium Quarter Wave Resonators, Niobium Slow Tuner Bellows, spare Niobium Loading Arms and Niobium Drift Tubes, IUAC will provide the following materials to the Bidder: 1. Niobium material (Grade-1 & RRR) in the form of sheets, rods, ingots and tubes. The two grades of niobium, namely Grade-1 and RRR Grade, will be marked by IUAC. 2. Stainless Steel material (SS-316L) in the form of sheets, rings, domes and pipe. 3. Niobium-Stainless Steel (Nb-SS) and Niobium-Copper (Nb-Cu) explosively bonded plates. 4. Set of dies and punches for forming the niobium components. 5. Several fixtures required for machining and fabrication. 6. CF (Con-flat) flanges with neck, VCR fittings etc., Fabrication and Final Assembly The “Description of works” is given in Annexure-C. Please refer to drawing QWR-001-E (all dimensions of QWR & Slow Tuner), Schematic-1 (QWR part identification), Schematic-2 (Bare Niobium QWR), Schematic-3 (SS outer jacket assembly), and Schematic-4 (Slow Tuner Belolows) for all technical details / dimensions / part names. All drawings, design of the quarter wave resonator (QWR) are the exclusive property of Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) New Delhi. Bidders are advised not to photocopy or reprint them except for their requirements for this NIT. All necessary drawings may be collected along with the Tender document from the Administrative Officer (S&P), IUAC. The complete set of part / sub-assembly drawings of the QWR (and the Slow Tuner bellows) will be provided along with the Purchase Order, to the successful Bidder only. Accepted (Signature & Stamp of Bidder) Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 9 of 14 Annexure-C (IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15) Description of Works Works to be done for six (06) Niobium Quarter Wave Resonators (QWR) along with their six (06) Slow Tuner Bellows, two (02) spare Niobium Loading Arms, three (03) spare Niobium Drift Tubes and eight (08) spare Slow Tuner Bellows. Please refer: Drawing # QWR001-E (all dimensions of QWR & Slow Tuner Bellows), Schematic-1 (QWR part identification), Schematic-2 (Bare Niobium QWR), Schematic3 (SS Outer Jacket), and Schematic-4 (Slow Tuner Bellows) for all technical details. S.No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 DESCRIPTION Niobium Outer Housing Shearing of Niobium (Nb) Sheets Rolling of Nb Outer Housing Cylinders Edge machining of Nb Cylinders for seam welding Shearing, machining and forming of Nb sheets for Nb Housing Coupling Port (CP) Saddles Cutting, machining and forming of Nb bar for Nb Housing Beam Port (BP) Saddles Shearing, machining and forming two halves of Nb sheets for Nb Housing CP Saddle Extension Tube Electron Beam Welding(EBW) of two halves for CP Saddle Extension Tube Bumping, rerolling and edge machining of CP Saddle Extension Tube EBW of CP saddle to the Extension Tube EBW of Nb Outer Housing for long seam weld Bumping and rerolling and edge machining of Nb Outer Housing Boring of Nb Outer Housing for CP + BP Machining of CP + BP saddles to fit the Nb Outer Housing EBW of Nb Outer Housing and CP & BP Saddles Material Thickness/D iameter (mm) Total QTY Scope (Bidder / IUAC) Nb -Grade-I 3.15 01 06 Bidder 3.15 01 01 02 06 06 12 Bidder Bidder Bidder Nb -Grade-I Nb -Grade-I 50.8 02 12 Bidder Nb -Grade-I 3.15 02 12 Bidder 01 06 IUAC 01 06 Bidder 02 01 01 12 06 06 IUAC IUAC Bidder 06 12 + 12 06 + 24 Bidder Bidder IUAC Unit QTY 01 02 + 02 01 + 04 Niobium Outer Housing assembly is complete Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 10 of 14 Central Conductor Assembly (Top Flange + Loading Arm + Drift Tube) + 02 Loading Arms + 03 Drift Tubes 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Wire cutting of 172 mm dia. Nb bar for Top Flange Top Flange Machining to nominal size Shearing of Nb sheets for Loading Arm (LA) halves Shearing of Niobium sheets for Drift Tube (DT) Cylinder Forming and machining of LA halves Rolling and machining of DT cylinder Shearing, Machining of Niobium sheets for End Caps Forming and edge machining of End Caps Boring of End caps for Upper Caps Forming and machining of Upper Caps EBW of DT Cylinder EBW of LA halves to make LA Bumping, end machining of LA Bumping, end machining and boring of DT Cylinder Forming and machining of Drift Tube Beam Port Saddles Machining of Nb tube for DT Beam Port Saddles EBW of DT Beam Port Saddles to Beam Tube EBW of End / Upper Caps, Beam Port Saddle assembly to DT Edge machining of L A & DT EBW of L A to DT assembly (Central Conductor) Frequency tuning Machining of Central Conductor and Top Flange EBW of Central Conductor to Top Flange Nb -RRR Thickness/D iameter (mm) 17 Nb -RRR Nb -RRR 3.15 1.6 Nb -RRR 3.15 Material 3.15 Nb-RRR 25.4 1.6 (WT) Unit QTY 01 01 02 01 02 01 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 02+01 02+01+01 01+01 01+01 01+01 01+01 Total QTY 06 06 12 + 04 06 + 03 12 + 04 06 + 03 12 + 06 12 + 06 06 + 03 06 + 03 06 + 03 06 + 02 06 + 02 06 + 03 12 + 06 06 + 03 06 + 03 06 + 03 06 06 06 06 Scope (Bidder / IUAC) Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder IUAC IUAC Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder IUAC IUAC Bidder IUAC IUAC Bidder IUAC Central Conductor Assembly, Loading Arms & Drift Tubes are complete Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 11 of 14 Bare Niobium Resonator Material 01 02 03 04 Thickness/D iameter (mm) Machining of Niobium Outer Housing + Top Flange EBW of Niobium Outer Housing to Top Flange Electropolishing of Bare Niobium Resonator assembly & Frequency Tuning Heat Treatment of Bare Niobium Resonator in High Vacuum Furnace & Frequency Tuning 01+01 01+01 01 06 06 06 Scope (Bidder / IUAC) Bidder IUAC IUAC 01 06 IUAC Unit QTY Total QTY Bare Niobium Resonator assembly is complete Stainless Steel Jacket Assembly Material 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Shearing of Stainless Steel (SS) sheet Rolling of SS Cylinder for jacketing SS Jacket edge preparation before TIG Welding SS Jacket TIG welding Rerolling of SS Jacket after TIG welding SS Jacket Boring for Transition Flange Collars (4) Machining of SS Jacket Collars TIG welding SS Jacket Collars Slitting of SS Jacket into two halves Machining of Top Dome Machining of CF Flange with Neck TIG welding of Top Dome + Neck Forming and machining of Cooling Channels Machining of Holding Clamps Wire cut and machining of Open End flange Wire cutting of Nb-SS plate for CP and BP Flanges Machining of CP and BP Transition Flanges Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 SS-316L Thickness/D iameter (mm) 3 3 SS-316L SS-316L 6 3 SS-316L SS-316L Nb-SS Nb-SS Nb-SS 2 35 6.35 + 20 6.35 + 12.7 6.35 + 12.7 Unit QTY 01 01 01 01 01 01 04 04 01 01 01 01+01 02 02 01 02+02 02+02 Total QTY 06 06 06 06 06 06 24 24 06 06 06 06 12 12 06 12 +12 12 + 12 Scope (Bidder / IUAC) Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Page 12 of 14 Final Assembling of Bare Niobium Resonator and SS Jacket Material 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Thickness/D iameter (mm) Thermal shocking and Leak checking of SS bellows (for BP & CP) EBW of SS bellows to Transition Flanges (BP+CP) Thermal shock and Leak checking of Bellows assembly Machining of Bare Niobium Resonator’s Open End side and Open End Flange to the final size EBW of niobium side of Open End Flange to Bare Niobium Resonator’s Open End SS Jacket Tacking onto Bare Niobium Resonator (Clamp Shell Assembly) Machining of Nb Port Saddle Extensions and SS Collars of SS jacketed Niobium Resonator SS Jacket Top end machining Tacking of Top Dome on to SS Jacket EBW of Transition Flange to Port Saddle extension Complete (final) TIG welding of SS Jacket seam weld & SS side of Open End Flange + Transition Flanges to Collars + Cooling Channels + VCR fittings + Holding Clamps+ Top Dome Leak checking of Fully fabricated resonator Unit QTY Total QTY 02+02 12+12 Scope (Bidder / IUAC) IUAC 02+02 04 01+01 12+12 24 06 IUAC IUAC Bidder 01+01 06 IUAC 01+01 06 Bidder 02+02 12+12 Bidder 06 06 24 06 Bidder Bidder IUAC Bidder 01 01+01 04 01+04+02+ 04+02 +01 IUAC Fabrication of Quarter Wave Resonator is complete Slow Tuner Bellows (06 + 08 = 14 Nos.) Material 01 02 03 04 Wire cutting of Niobium-Copper (Nb-Cu) sheet for Slow Tuner Bottom Flange Machining of Slow Tuner Bottom Flange Wire cutting of Nb-Cu sheet for Slow Tuner Top Disc Machining of Slow Tuner Top Disc Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Nb-Cu Nb-Cu Nb-Cu Nb-Cu Thickness/D iameter (mm) 2.4 + 16 1.6 + 10 01 14 Scope (Bidder / IUAC) Bidder 01 01 01 14 14 14 Bidder Bidder Bidder Unit QTY Total QTY Page 13 of 14 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Shearing and machining of Nb sheet for Slow Tuner Bellow Leaves Chemical Etching of Copper from Slow Tuner Flange & Top Disc Forming and machining of Slow Tuner Bellow Leaves Forming and machining of Slow Tuner Top Disc Wire cutting of Nb tube for weld ring Machining of Nb tube for weld ring EBW of Slow Tuner Bellows Assembly (Top Disc + Bellows + Weld Ring) EBW of Slow Tuner Bellows Assembly to Nb-Cu Slow Tuner Bottom Flange Nb-RRR Nb-RRR 0.8 0.8 1.6 63 dia. 03 42 Bidder 01 14 IUAC 03 01 01 01 14+14+14 42 14 14 14 14 Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder IUAC 01+01 14 IUAC Slow Tuner Bellows assembly is complete Accepted (Signature & Stamp of Bidder) Tender Document IUAC/NIT/13/SSKS/2014-15 Page 14 of 14
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