fur\").Xr1fo flo f,of r-fai p : Address : INDIAN VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE lVRl (MI), lzatnagar, Bareilly,Uttar Pradesh,lndia Vendor Name Pincode-243122 Ph:+91 - 58't - 2300096, Fax:+91 - 581 - 2303284 Vendor PURCHASE ORDER M/S Sterling Scientific M/S Sterling Scientific, C-276-Rajendra Nagar, Bareilly -243122. BAREILLY, U,P,-243122 9793 No. : OUOTE No P.O.No. :45615403484 INDENTER PURCHASING OFFICER: MT. SANJEEV KUMAR CREATION DATE:09-MAR-1 5 DELIVERY DATE : 30-MAR-15 Subject-Purchase Order No.F.2-34120'l Page 1 of 3 4-1 : DT. SAMEER SHRIVASTAVA INDENTNo. :45615105652 5/P&S Dear Sir/Ma'am, Please supply the followinq items subiect to terms and conditions mentioned below and overleaf. Base Sr. Item Code Unit Unit Rate Item Description Quantity (rNR) Amount No" Buy Tax Tax Amount Back Total Amount Amt CONSUMOO25 2 J CONSUMO025 CONSUMOO25 ('KANU I(JIAL Cat.No.G7971,pHoH TN His6HaloTag T7 Vector 20ul Cat.No.G7711, pHTC Halo tag CMV-neo Vector, PqNo. 19 UaI NO.l-O/r41, nalO Tag Amine(O4) lioand. Po No. 28 1 Number 27574.7 27574.7 0 27574.7 27574.7 0 S 1 NUmDer NUmOer 61268.35 61268.35 28953.7 AT 1379 28953.7 lNROne lakh twenty-two thousand two hundred tharty-nine only Pradesh,lndia Pincode-243'122 Ph:+91 - 581 - 2300096, Fax:+91 -581 -2303284 LC Number: Freight Terms: EMD Type : EMD Amount: - Please mention our Purchase Order Number on Challans / lnvoices. IMPORTANT 0 3063 o4JJl.JC VAT. 5% S (ln Words) Ship To: Veterinary Biotechnology-lvRl (Ml), lzatnagar, Bareilly,Uttar ; 1379 5% S ,| AT 5% (irano tNR 122239 Total Bill To: Director/Head-lvRl (Ml), lzatnagar , Bareilly,Uttar Pradesh,lndia Pincode-243122 Ph:+91 - 581 - 2300096, Fax:+91 - 581 -2303284 Division: Veterinary Biotechnology Purchasing Officer's Contact No,: Payment Terms: lmmediate Free On Board: - ltem Description in lnvoice should be as per P.O. - You shall be responsible to meet all reguiatory requirements which may arise from time to time by further communication No, and Under Ratecontractdated 20.11.2013 ( ATT purchaser supplier) to the date if any, from the from the supplier to the purchaser)' 2.supplier's p.l./quotation No. Nil dated Nil (followed by further communication dated & further letter dated nil. ffi. indicated under paras 1 & 2 above. 3.The contract is hereby placed for the following goods & services in terms of the communications 4.Terms of Delivery: FOR, lVRl, lzatnagar. S.Delivery Period: within 30 days from the issue of this letter. 6.Details of inspection, test and quality assurance' as and if required' (a)Designation and address of inspection agency:lndenting Officer inspections and tests: lVRl, lzatnagar' iUifvf oOe(sl and place(s) of conduction jupplierfails to oeriveianv or all the g-oods or perform the services within the time period(s) specified in the 7. Liquidated Damage.trrr"' riin" deduct from the contract price, as liquidated damages, a contract, the purchaser shall, without prejudice to its other remedies undei the coniract, services for each week of delay or part thereof goods or unperformed o"r"v.d sum equivalent to 0.5%( half percent) of the delivered pii." of percent) of the delayed goods' or services' contract price' once the 1o%(te; of deduction maximum performance, to a up or delivery until actual have not been terminated already' maximum is reached, tne purinaser may consider termination of the coniraci, if the same supplier, notwithstanding any stipulation in the contract for Further, during the above mentioned delayed perioo or iuppty and/ or performance, the whatsoever, which take place during the ogrio! of delay' increase in price for any ground, shall not be entifled to ,riv inci..." in price and cost, price and cost on any ground during thai period of delay' in deciease any benefit the to purchasei entifled be shall But, nevertheless, the basis. bill on condition, S.payment terms: Aftei receipt of goods in satisfactory g.Paying Authority: Director lVRl, lzatnagar. i0. tiisp-ute Resoiution Mechanism: All Dlsputes will be settled at Bareilly Jurisdiction only. the communications indicated in paras 2 & 3 above' 1 1. Other terms & conditions, not mentioned above, will be in terms of of goods/items at the time of delivery and the 12.The challan in prescribed format, as attached below, should be accompanied with the supply lVRl. of main Gate in the be entered should same Purchase 13.Please return one copy duly signed with stamp as a token of acceptance of this order. t" Asstt. Adm. Officer (Purchase) (Signature, name & address of the purchaser's authorized functionary, Signing the contract) For and on behalf of. . . .. this contract Received and i6is;;l;;;, ;;;; ;;; ;;;i;;;ii;; ;il;;ffirieis For and on behalf of.... (Name and address of the supplier) "uir,o,i,ea executive) (Seal of the supplier) Date: Place: Copy to:1.Dr. sameer shrivastava, lndeating scientist through HDA/ety. Biotech., lvRl, lzatnagar. 2.The Comptroller, lVRl, lzatnagai 3.The MO (Cash), lVRl, lzatnagar. 4.The Store Keeper (P&S), lVRl, lzatnagar. 5.:f6lncharge, ARIS Cell, lVRl, lzatnagar for uploading in the lnstitute website. 6. Guard Fite. wH6\{ Asstt. AdmYOfficer(P) Sanjibf 09032015 l.l?o/pqs r:rrels
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