JACKSONS LANDING - WHAT’S ON www.jacksonslanding.net.au THE DAY THE LIGHTS WENT OUT IN PYRMONT April 2015 All our technical and social skills were tested when Pyrmont lost power before noon on Wednesday 4 March. Most of us responded well, although a few abused building managers or security officers, or demanded to be carried up or down stairs. Some people could not return to their apartments: only one (a telco technician) was trapped in a lift. Although mobile phones worked well (except in lifts!) the power cut made landlines useless – including the Gatehouse phone. It could have been a lot worse, as our security IT specialist was overseas. The building managers responded at once to open roller doors manually, open fire stairs and isolate Building managers get down & dirty! hysterical fire alarms. Once power was restored, the building managers began to re-ignite boilers, hot water pumps and air-conditioning systems. Hi-tech mechanisms are wonderful - until they fail and must be restarted manually, so the building managers were here until 9 pm, restoring the most urgent services. Other serious tasks also demanded attention: hundreds of delayed phone calls from residents, and (false) alarm switches to be turned off. Although the managers had most of the technical skills required to restore services, experts had to be called in to restore computer systems. Many lessons have been learned: the estate’s technology has been tested and weaknesses exposed for correction; and the value of mobile phones is obvious. We are reminded of the need to know our neighbours and (where possible) place a spare key in an accessible safe. Equally important: it is not helpful to heap abuse on the security service or the building managers. Rather we should thank and congratulate them on their splendid efforts! FAREWELL NANCY AND JOHN To my friends in Pyrmont and the ‘Ladies of the Landing’, You’ve brought me great joy Though I DO take some handling... All my life I’ve always come late, And on your nerves that surely must grate, I hope I make amends and bring you good cheer By making up tunes to tickle your ear! When I came here in 2006 A stranger I was, lost in the Stix...... But then I went to Gina’s coffee morn, And a new happy Aussie (me?) was born! So I went to the pool to have a nice swim And found the Aqua Belles under the gym! Along came Mary who heard that I sang, And into her head those choir notes rang, And Nancy, who had never conducted, Found herself into a choir inducted! Marilyn, now gone, but suffered no fools Started a bridge club to teach us the rules. The Sanctuary told me to get into shape, So to John and the exercise class I did traipse, I lost several kilos and sweated a lot, Hated it all but liked what I got! So now, after nearly nine years, Nancy is leaving, midst many tears. How can I repeat what I have had here – in Jacksons Landing, a place without peer! Nancy, John, Regina and Colin with Alex Greenwich MP enjoying their Christmas in Pyrmont raffle prize - lunch in the Parliament House dining room BAYS PRECINCT DISCOVERY DAY Urban Growth is holding a day Sunday 12 April, 10am to 5pm - for all Sydneysiders to discover the extent and potential of the foreshores of our bays, from White Bay Power Station, Glebe Island, White Bay, Rozelle Bay, to Rozelle Rail Yards and Blackwattle Bay, including the Sydney Fish Market. Details: www.urbangrowthnsw.com.au/ PYRMONT PARENTS’MARKET DAY Enjoy our Market and Family Day - 10am2pm on Sunday 12 April, Pyrmont Community Centre.We will have a Jumping Castle, BBQ, mini massages, naturopathy, nutrition advice, postural assessments, mums and bubs fitness and lots more. PERSONAL TRAINERS & COACHES Residents who employ personal trainers, tennis or swimming coaches using the Community Association facilities – the Station, Glasshouse gym and pool and the tennis courts – need to be aware of the Community Association rules jacksonslanding.net.au/facilities. Residents of Jacksons Landing are not allowed to make use of these facilities when working with their own clients, whether residents or otherwise. And it is the responsibility of residents employing trainers or coaches to ensure that their trainer or coach carries relevant professional liability insurance. WEIGHTS IN THE GYM Some sets of free weights have gone missing from the Glasshouse gym. They have not turned up in gyms in other stratas. Could whoever took them please return them? Editor: Leone Huntsman 9518 7929 bobleone@tpg.com.au Events: Mary Mortimer 9518 8681, mary.mortimer@bigpond.com Distribution: Mary 0410 679 204 Extra copies are available from the estate management office, or the website: jacksonslanding.net.au/about-jacksons-landing/whats-on JL What’s On is prepared by residents of Jacksons Landing. No responsibility is taken for the accuracy of content or any representation made herein, and we make no warranty and accept no liability for any claim, loss or damage (including a claim of negligence). CONTACT SECURITY OFFICERS AT THE GATEHOUSE ON 9552 1706 WHAT’S ON APRIL 2015 When What Where Who to Contact Thurs 2 April 7pm Book Club - Discuss Waking Maya by Warren Goldie Maybanke, Harris St Christine 0416 011 007 JL Station Mary 0410 679 204 Pyrmont Comm Centre Mary 0410 679 204 Pauline 0409 363 987 Thursday 9 April 7pm Saturday 11 April 2pm Sunday 12 April 10am-2pm Community Association Executive Committee meeting - all JL residents and owners welcome Christmas in Pyrmont organising committee meeting - new members very welcome Baby & Kids Market Day - buy, sell or swap. Free Pyrmont Community jumping castle, BBQ. See story over Centre, Mount St pyrmontparents@gmail.com Bays Discovery Day - See story over Around the bays Friday 17 April 10am Pyrmont History Group - research meeting JL Station Cam 0418 409 324 Friday 17 April 6.30pm PUG Men’s Shed Fundraising Dinner - $45pp JL Station pugmensshed@gmail.com Friday 24 April 6-8pm Pyrmont Community Dinner - all welcome. BYO Pyrmont Community drink and a donation Centre, Mount St Sunday 12 April 10am-5pm Saturday 25 April 8.30am Anzac Day service - followed by morning tea at Bar Tino Union Square Mary 0410 679 204 Jen Broere jenniferbroere@yahoo.com REGULAR ACTIVITIES Sun & Weds 8.30am Sun 1-3pm Thurs 11-1 Sundays 3-5pm Mondays 11am Mondays 1pm Mondays 2.45pm Landcare - bring bush back to Pyrmont Women’s Art Group - free, all welcome JL social tennis – all JL residents welcome Pyrmont Supports Coffee Hour & chat Scrabble - tea and coffee available Fitness and Fun - learn simple dance routines Around Pyrmont Mary 0410 679 204 Pyrmont Comm Centre Centre 9298 3130 JL Tennis Courts Regina 9518 7235 Zebra Lounge, 1 Harris Judith 0408 245 321 Maybanke, Harris St Trish 0415 343 568 Pyrmont Comm Centre Barbara 0417 923 394 Pyrmont Community Centre, Mount St Joseph pyrmonttoastmasters@ gmail.com Pyrmont Comm Centre Karen Withers 0408 477 778 JL Glasshouse Pool Nimira 0424 750 130 Pyrmont Comm Centre Centre 9298 3130 Tuesday 6.15-7.30pm Pyrmont Sings! choir - all welcome from 21 April Pyrmont Comm Centre Mary 0410 679 204 Wednesdays 9.30am Pyrmont Walkers - 50 min walk, tea/coffee & chat Pyrmont Comm Centre Barbara 0417 923 394 Wed 10.30-11.30am Meet for coffee and a chat - esp newcomers Zebra Lounge, 1 Harris Regina 9518 7235 Thurs 10am-12noon JL social tennis - all JL residents welcome JL Tennis Courts Matt 0407 200 793 Pyrmont Comm Centre pyrmontplayers@gmail.com Maybanke, Harris St Sheila 0452 211 250 The Point Hotel Regina 9518 7235 Mon - 1st, 3rd, 5th in month, 6.45 for 7pm Tues, Thurs 6.35am Tues, Fri 10-11am Tues, Thurs 3pm Thursdays 7.30pm Fri 10.30am-12.30pm Fridays 7pm Pyrmont Toastmasters - learn public speaking, build your confidence in friendly surroundings Boot Camp - $12 session. All fitness levels Aquarobics – free. All JL residents welcome Table tennis - no skill or experience needed Pyrmont Players - new members welcome Stitching circle - sew, knit, chat, make friends Drinks and get-together – all welcome FOR KIDS Some activIties are school terms only. Check with the contact person if you are not sure. Afternoon sports at Maybanke Courts will run throughout the school holidays. Mon 3-6pm Mon 5.15-5.55pm Tues 8.30, 9.15am Tues 10-10.40am Tues 10am Tues 3-6pm Wed 10-11.30am Wed 3.30-5pm Wed 3-6pm Thurs 9am-12noon Thurs 3-6pm Sat 10am Free play - all ages Jazz Dance - 5 years + Ballet - 2-5 year olds Music and Movement - 2-5 year olds, $10 Ball Skills - 2-5 year olds Basketball - all ages Playgroup - volunteer helpers needed Munchie Movers - kids’ dance 1-5yrs, $20-$22 Tennis - all ages Little Kickers - soccer from 18mths to 7yrs Free play + sausage sizzle - all ages Basketball - 5-8 yr olds Maybanke Courts Centre 9298 3130 Pyrmont Comm Centre Jacqui 0466 848 267 Pyrmont Comm Centre Jacqui 0466 848 267 Pyrmont Comm Centre Julie 0401 101 171 Maybanke Courts eastsbl.com.au/pages/ballerbees Maybanke Courts Centre 9298 3130 Pyrmont Comm Centre Mandy 0448 266 820 Pyrmont Comm Centre Jackie 0412 385 933 Maybanke Courts Centre 9298 3130 Pyrmont Comm Centre 0439 08 33 33 Maybanke Courts Centre 9298 3130 Maybanke Courts eastsbl.com.au/pages/cubs Send letters, classified ads, ideas for stories & local events to Leone, bobleone@tpg.com.au and Mary, mary.mortimer@bigpond.com Next issue May 2015 - deadline: 20 April
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