JACKSONS LANDING - WHAT’S ON May 2015 www.jacksonslanding.net.au MANAGE MEANT STAYS ON The Community Association has decided to extend our estate manager Manage Meant for another 12 months. The tender process for a new contract has struck some technical problems, so it is on hold while we sort out the outstanding issues. The feedback from residents has been very positive, and we expect that to continue. Each strata committee will need to terminate their existing contract and sign up to a new agreement currently being negotiated by the Community Association. More news will be provided here and on the JL website as the situation evolves. MUSIC FLOWS IN PYRMONT Following the success of the Swing Night which raised $2048 for Pyrmont Cares, another fundraising concert is planned for Saturday 13 June. Julie Blewitt, a Reflections resident, is organising a fun performance of two choirs - Cantrice and Southland. Cantrice is an ensemble of 12 women, formed by Julie in 1980. They sing a wide range from madrigals and folk songs to the Beatles and Billy Joel. Southland, a larger mixed choir, came together to perform at European choral festivals; they sing Australian compositions as well as more familiar music. The concert will be at the Pyrmont Community Centre on Saturday 13 June at 2pm. Tickets are $25 (at door), children under 12 free, afternoon tea included. All proceeds to Pyrmont Cares. Enquiries Julie 9518 6169 Soloists from the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra will perform at the Pyrmont Community Centre on Friday 29 May at Perfomance at Ultimo Community Centre 5pm. This is part of their new community outreach initiative to take their music out of the concert hall and into local communities. Everyone is welcome, especially if you haven’t experienced baroque music before. And they will show and explain their instruments, as well as playing beautiful music. Pyrmont Sings! will perform at the Pyrmont Festival of Wine, Food, and Art at 4pm on Sunday 17 May. WILD WEATHER HITS Last week’s wild weather struck the old tree in front of Tablet House in Refinery Square, splitting the trunk and undermining the base. Sadly it will have to be removed; fortunately no-one was hurt. REVIEW OF COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT STATEMENT The Community Management Statement (CMS) is the set of by-laws that govern Jacksons Landing. Now that the estate is complete, the Community Association is reviewing the CMS, to ensure that it is up-to-date and meets our current needs. Strata committees will be asked to comment, and interested residents should contact their committee with their suggestions. The current CMS can be downloaded from the website - jacksonslanding.net. au/about-jacksons-landing/community-association/ - and the draft revision will be posted there soon. Decisions will be made at the Community Association General Meeting on Thursday 11 June, which all owners are welcome to attend. Strata committees will also review their own bylaws, for decision at their AGMs later in the year. BAYS PRECINCT SUMMIT The Bays Precinct Sydneysiders Summit, on Saturday 16 May and Sunday 17 May, is open to everyone, and is being held to enable all Sydneysiders to contribute to the transformation of The Bays Precinct. There will be a series of short talks, ‘discovery’ displays and consultation exercises staggered throughout the day, and the program will be the same on both days. There is some concern that this will be a “show and tell”, rather than genuine consultation about what the community wants to see in the redevelopment of the Bays. Hopefully many people will attend, and express their clear views about the potential, especially for public open space and recreation facilities, as well as the necessary residential and commercial developments, to keep the harbour foreshore lively and active day and evening, throughout the year. Register at thebayssydney.com.au/events/ sydneysiders-summit-16-17-may-2015.aspx Editor: Leone Huntsman 9518 7929 bobleone@tpg.com.au Events: Mary Mortimer 9518 8681, mary.mortimer@bigpond.com Distribution: Mary 0410 679 204 Extra copies are available from the estate management office, or the website: jacksonslanding.net.au/about-jacksons-landing/whats-on JL What’s On is prepared by residents of Jacksons Landing. No responsibility is taken for the accuracy of content or any representation made herein, and we make no warranty and accept no liability for any claim, loss or damage (including a claim of negligence). CONTACT SECURITY OFFICERS AT THE GATEHOUSE ON 9552 1706 WHAT’S ON MAY/JUNE 2015 When What Mon 4 May 6pm Friends of Pyrmont Community Centre meeting Maybanke, Harris St Mary 0410 679 204 Thurs 7 May 7pm Book Club - Discuss Hotel Honolulu by Paul Theroux Maybanke, Harris St Christine 0416 011 007 Friday 8 May 11am Mother’s Day Morning tea - free. All welcome Pyrmont Comm Centre Need to book 9298 3130 Saturday 9 May 9am Pyrmont Supports - UNSW research project on exercise for over 70s - all welcome JL Station Helen 0402 832 032 Pyrmont Comm Centre Mary 0410 679 204 Pauline 0409 363 987 Saturday 9 May 2pm NOTE NEW DATE Where Christmas in Pyrmont organising committee meeting - new members very welcome Who to Contact Friday 15 May 10am Pyrmont History Group - research meeting JL Station Cam 0418 409 324 Sat 16, Sunday 17 May 10.30am-3.30pm The Bays Precinct Sydneysiders Summit - go along and have your say. See story over Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh Register at www. thebayssydney.com.au/ Pirrama Park pyrmontfestival.com.au/ Sat 16, Sunday 17 May 11am-5pm Friday 29 May 5pm Friday 29 May 6-8pm Pyrmont Festival of wine, food and art - free - live music, local artists, rides, stalls Brandenburg Recital - free recital - see story over Pyrmont Comm Centre Pyrmont Community Dinner - all welcome. BYO Pyrmont Community drink and a donation Centre, Mount St Centre 9298 3130 Mary 0410 679 204 Thurs 11 June 7pm Community Association General Meeting JL Station Mary 0410 679 204 Friday 12 June 6pm for 6.30pm sharp Cheese & Wine @ The Station - fundraiser for Christmas in Pyrmont. $35 pp - must book JL Station Mandy 0448 266 820 mandymailey@gmail.com Pyrmont Comm Centre Julie 9518 6169 Sat 13 June 2pm How Merrily We Live concert - see story over REGULAR ACTIVITIES Sun & Weds 8.30am Sun 1-3pm Thurs 11-1 Sundays 3-5pm Mondays 11am Landcare - bring bush back to Pyrmont Women’s Art Group - free, all welcome JL social tennis – all JL residents welcome Pyrmont Supports Coffee Hour & chat Mondays 1pm Scrabble - tea and coffee available Mondays 2.45pm Fitness and Fun - learn simple dance routines Mon - 1st, 3rd, 5th in month, 6.45 for 7pm Tues, Fri 10-11am Tues, Thurs 3pm Pyrmont Toastmasters - learn public speaking, build your confidence in friendly surroundings Aquarobics – free. All JL residents welcome Table tennis - no skill or experience needed Tuesday 6.15-7.30pm Pyrmont Sings! choir - all welcome Around Pyrmont Mary 0410 679 204 Pyrmont Comm Centre Centre 9298 3130 JL Tennis Courts Regina 9518 7235 Zebra Lounge, 1 Harris Judith 0408 245 321 Maybanke, Harris St Elizabeth 0409 552 117 Pyrmont Comm Centre Barbara 0417 923 394 Pyrmont Community Centre, Mount St Joseph pyrmonttoastmasters@ gmail.com JL Glasshouse Pool Nimira 0424 750 130 Pyrmont Comm Centre Centre 9298 3130 Pyrmont Comm Centre Mary 0410 679 204 Wednesdays 9.30am Pyrmont Walkers - 50 min walk, tea/coffee & chat Pyrmont Comm Centre Barbara 0417 923 394 Wed 10.30-11.30am Meet for coffee and a chat - esp newcomers Zebra Lounge, 1 Harris Regina 9518 7235 Thurs 10am-12noon JL social tennis - all JL residents welcome JL Tennis Courts Matt 0407 200 793 Pyrmont Comm Centre Alison pyrmontphotography@ gmail.com 0418 338 337 Pyrmont Comm Centre pyrmontplayers@gmail.com Maybanke, Harris St Jillian 0418 899 441 The Point Hotel Regina 9518 7235 Maybanke Courts Centre 9298 3130 Pyrmont Comm Centre Jacqui 0466 848 267 Pyrmont Comm Centre Jacqui 0466 848 267 Pyrmont Comm Centre Julie 0401 101 171 Maybanke Courts eastsbl.com.au/pages/ballerbees Pyrmont Comm Centre Daniel 0410 799 816 Maybanke Courts Centre 9298 3130 Pyrmont Comm Centre Mandy 0448 266 820 Maybanke Courts Centre 9298 3130 Pyrmont Comm Centre 0439 08 33 33 Maybanke Courts Centre 9298 3130 Maybanke Courts eastsbl.com.au/pages/cubs 3rd Thursday 7pm Thursdays 7.30pm Fri 10.30am-12.30pm Pyrmont Photography - all welcome, share images and ideas Pyrmont Players - new members welcome Stitching circle - sew, knit, chat, make friends Fridays 7pm Drinks and get-together – all welcome Mon 3-6pm Free play - all ages FOR KIDS Mon 5.15-5.55pm Tues 8.30, 9.15am Tues 10-10.40am Tues 10am Tues 10.30am Tues 3-6pm Wed 10-11.30am Wed 3-6pm Thurs 9am-12noon Thurs 3-6pm Sat 10am Jazz Dance - 5 years + Ballet - 2-5 year olds Music and Movement - 2-5 year olds, $10 Ball Skills - 2-5 year olds Karate - 2-5 year olds Basketball - all ages Playgroup - volunteer helpers needed Tennis - all ages Little Kickers - soccer from 18mths to 7yrs Free play + sausage sizzle - all ages Basketball - 5-8 yr olds Send letters, classified ads, ideas for stories & local events to Leone, bobleone@tpg.com.au and Mary, mary.mortimer@bigpond.com Next issue June 2015 - deadline: 20 May
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