Male / Female circle one (Last, First) Name:_____________________________________________ Date of Birth:_________________ Address:_______________________________________________________ Grade of Fall 2015: ________________________ City:_______________________________________________________ State:_____________ Zip:_____________________ Emergency Contact Information - MANDATORY Parent/Guardian:_________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________ Home: ( )________ - __________ Work: ( )________ - __________ Cell: ( )________ - ___________ Second Parent:__________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________ Home: ( )________ - __________ Work: ( )________ - __________ Cell: ( Name ___________________________ General Information please print in ink )________ - ___________ Alt. Emergency Contact:___________________________________ Relationship to student:__________________________ Home: ( )________ - __________ Work: ( )________ - __________ Family Doctor/Clinic:__________________________________________________ Cell: ( )________ - ___________ Phone: ( )________ - __________ (Contact info for medical records in case of emergency) Health History To be completely by Parent/Legal Guardian if Student is Under 18 CIRCLE Yes or No Please explain anything circled yes on the lines below No 14. Ear/Hearing Problems Yes No 27. Eye/Vision Problems Yes No 2. Birth Defects Yes No 15. Ear Infections Yes No 28. Previous Surgeries (When and for what?) Yes No 3. Diabetes Yes No 16. Frequent nosebleeds Yes No No Yes No 17. Constipation Yes No 29. Previous Hospitalizations Including Psychiatric Care (When and for what?) Yes 4. Frequent Headaches 5. Migraine Headaches Yes No 18. Diarrhea Yes No 30. Physical Handicaps Yes No 6. Drug Allergies* Yes No 19. Bladder Control Problems Yes No 31. Asthma* Yes No 7. Hay Fever Yes No 20. Frequent upset stomach Yes No 32. Other Yes No 8. Food Allergies* Yes No 21. Infections of any kind Yes No 9. Allergies to Insect Bites* Yes No 22. Ulcers Yes No 10. Other Allergies* Yes No 23. Heart Problems Yes No 11. Frequent colds and flu Yes No 24. Sleep Disorders Yes No 12. Frequent sore throat/strep Yes No 25. Bone/Joint Problems Yes No 13. Frequent sinus problems Yes No 26. Convulsions/Seizures Yes No *Please fill out detailed information on the Prescription Medication and Allergy Form *Provide any other important health information Grace Church should know about below. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 33. Do you have any activity restrictions?_______ If yes, what? And why? 34. Do you have any special food requirements or food restrictions? _______If yes, what? Is this a _______ medical allergy or _______ health preference? If allergy, what allergic reaction do you have? HEALTH FORM Yes Grace Church Student Ministries Effective June 2015-May 2016 1. Chicken Pox Medical Permission & Insurance PERMISSION Must be initialed and signed in order for student to be allowed to participate We verify that this form has been truthfully completed to the best of our knowledge. We hereby give permission to the physician or dentist selected by Grace Church staff to hospitalize, secure proper treatment and/or order an injection, anesthesia, or surgery, and disclose protected medical information for __________________________________ (name of child) to Grace Church staff and medical volunteers for the purpose of treating the health and well being of the aforementioned person. We realize and appreciate that there is a possibility of complications and unforeseen consequences in any medical treatment, and we accept and assume any such risk for and on behalf of ourselves and said minor. We understand that the information used or disclosed may be subject to re-disclosure by Grace Church staff or medical volunteers receiving it, and would then no longer be protected by federal privacy regulations. We may revoke this authorization by notifying Grace Church in writing of our desire to revoke it. However, we understand that any action already taken in reliance on this authorization cannot be reversed, and our revocation will not affect those actions. We understand that attempts will be made to contact me in the most expeditious manner possible. Permission is also granted to Grace Church staff to provide needed emergency treatment to the student prior to admission to a medical facility. This authorization begins upon departure to camp, retreat, or activity within the effective dates specified on this form and expires upon return from said camp, retreat, or activity. _______ We give permission for the above named student to receive his/her medication according to the prescription or parental (Initial) request for Over the Counter (OTC) drugs, and any specific instructions. I understand the information is confidential and only Grace Church staff and medical volunteers, needing to know, have access to this information. I agree to coordinate and work with Grace Church and the prescriber if questions arise. _______ We give permission for the nurse or designated Grace Church staff to administer any OTC non-prescription drug according (Initial) to the manufacturer’s directions. _______ We give permission for my son/daughter to self-administer medication, if the nurse or designated Grace Church staff deter (Initial) mines it is safe and appropriate. Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / _____ (required if student is under 18 years old) Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / _____ Participant Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / _____ Please complete medical insurance information below. Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / _____ (required if student is under 18 years old) INSURANCE Participant Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / _____ Medical Insurance and Dental Insurance Information Dental Insurance is not required Medical Insurance Company: _______________________________________________________________________ Policy #: _____________________________________________________________ Co-Pay? ____________________ Name of insured: _____________________________________________________ Birth Date: _____ / _____ / _____ Dental Insurance Company: _________________________________________________________________________ Policy #: _____________________________________________________________ Co-Pay? _____________________ program is voluntary and may involve activities, events or programs that require travel and physical exertion. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, outings, athletic games, local excursions, service projects, and meetings. We acknowledge that our child’s participation in any activity involves risks that our child or we may suffer property damage, bodily injury, or even death. Therefore, in consideration of our child’s being allowed to participate in the Grace Church youth program and its activities and for other sufficient good and valuable consideration, we agree to the following: (Last, First) (Initial) ________ Grace Church is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal belongings. (Initial) ________ Misconduct by our child may result in him or her being transported home from an activity at our expense. A child dismissed for disciplinary reason will not receive a refund of any fee paid for the (Initial) activity. Name ___________________________ _______ The undersigned acknowledge and agree that our child’s participation in the Grace Church youth ________ We understand that our child’s image may be photographed or filmed and consent to use of the same in video presentations and printed publications of Grace Church or any of its Ministries; including, without (Initial) limitation, their internet websites. Please note your child’s full name will not be used in these publications. Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________ DOB: _____ / _____ / _____ (please print) Student Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / _____ Parent/Legal Guardian Name: ____________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / _____ (required if student is under 18 years old) Parent/Legal Guardian Name: ____________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / _____ (required if student is under 18 years old) LIABILITY RELEASE FORM ________ We, being the parents or guardians of the below-named child. hereby sign this Waiver and Release from Liability and accept to make the commitments made herein for and on behalf of our child, ourselves, and our respective (Initial) successors and assigns as stated more fully above. Grace Church Student Ministries Effective June 2015-May 2016 ________ We hereby agree and commit to the following for and on behalf of our child, ourselves jointly and severally, and our and our child’s respective executors, personal representatives, administrators, trustees, heirs, guardians, (Initial) conservators, next of kin, successors, and assigns: A) We each waive, release, and discharge from any and all claims, damages, injuries, or liabilities of any type of nature arising from or associated with any property damage, death or personal injury our child or we may sustain all the following persons or entities: Grace Church, any of its affiliated programs or ministries, and its Senior and Associate Pastors, Elders, employees, volunteers, representatives, subcontractors, and agents: B) We agree not to sue any of the persons or entities identified in clause A above for any of the claims, damages, injuries, or liabilities that I have waived, released or discharged herein except in the case of gross negligence on the part of Grace Church, Grace Church Staff or volunteers and: C) We indemnify and hold harmless the persons or entities identified in clause A above from any claims, dam ages, injuries, or liabilities that may be asserted or assessed against any of them arising from or in any way connected with my child’s actions, failures to act, or participation in any activity. We hereby voluntarily assume and accept all of the risks of or that could occur in connection with our child participating in any Grace Church activities. D) We further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the persons and entities identified in clause A above for any claims, damages, or liabilities assessed against any of them as a result of or related to any insufficiency of our legal capacity or authority to act for and on behalf of our child in the execution of the Waiver and Release. The claims, damages, injuries, and liabilities referenced in this document include, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees of the parties I release or indemnify herein.
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